Unity Tutorial for Beginners - C# Coding

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hello everyone this is Anson from Anson Alex dot-com and in this video I'm going to show you everything that you need to know to get up and running with unity for creating games and for coding object oriented projects using c-sharp if you're brand new to coding and game design in general it's my hope that you'll be able to find yourself around unity and start putting your first project together after watching this video if you're an experienced developer new to unity you should be able to get started coding right away after I help you get oriented to unity as always with my videos it's best to follow along on your own computer pausing and rewinding when necessary I do keep the pace up in order to cover so much information unity is available for Mac Windows Linux and a number of other platforms you can visit the link on my screen if you'd like to see all of the platforms that you can use unity on but for the purpose of this tutorial I'm going to assume that you've already gone to unity 3d comm which is where I am right now on my screen that you've downloaded the program for your operating system and have it installed it's also a good idea to install any recommended libraries that unity suggests during the installation process you'll also need an IDE like monodevelop or Visual Studio I believe unity prompts you to install video studio at some point during the installation process so that's a good idea if you're unsure of which ID you'd like to use okay with that out of the way let's take a look so as you can see I have unity open on my computer and although I could open up one of these pre-existing projects that I've already worked on I'm just going to click on the new button up here at the top to create a brand-new project from scratch in the window that appears I can specify some of the details about my project I'll just call it test project and then over here in the templates section we could choose 3d or 2d it actually doesn't really matter because we can change this preference at any time really really easily as we're working on our project so we'll just choose 3d for now and then you can choose the location on the computer that you'd like to store this project this is where all of the projects files are going to be so make sure it's in a good place you can see I have mine in a folder here on my desktop don't worry about adding any asset packages for now we can always do that later and so when we're ready we can just hit create project so here we are in unity let's take a look around the user interface a bit and as we do so we'll start using unity tools to create a simple project first of all there are many different layouts that you can use when working in unity the one that we see right now is the default layout we're up here at the top left we have three tabs we have the scene tab the game tab in the asset store tab the scene tab is where we are now what we see down here in this box and this is what we'll be placing objects here in unity they're known as game objects we'll be placing them into our project so that we can interact and script them then the next tab over is the game tab this is where we will be debugging and testing our game and then we also have the unity asset store where we can buy all sorts of assets for our projects I'm not going to wait for that to load up right now just go back to scene here now I do want to mention that you can drag these windows around so I could take this game window and I could bring it out here and I could say put it next to my scene window so then I can look at my scene and I can look at my game window and you'll notice that they do look a bit different our perspectives a bit different and everything I could alternatively I could have brought the game window down at the bottom so we've got the top bottom split screen I could even you know put it in a completely different area over here when I do go to debug my game with this button up here at the top I go to test my game if I don't have the game window open it will open it for me automatically so you are safe just looking at the scene view here the ability to move windows around like I just showed you goes for any of these windows here in unity so I could move the hierarchy anywhere I want I could just add the hierarchy as another tab up here at the top so now I've got four tabs you bring it back out of course we're gonna talk about what the hierarchy is but just do want to show you that you can move around everything here in unity I also want to show you that where we were just up here at the top underneath those three tabs we have this 2d option this is how we can quickly switch back from 2d mode to 3d mode see I told you it was easy so the selection that we made for the template when we created the project doesn't really matter this is this is really how we can change whether we're viewing in 2d or 3d now let's move our focus over to the right in this window right here we're looking our hierarchy which will serve as a list view of all of the game objects in our unity project as you can see by default a new project comes with two game objects a main camera and a directional light without these two objects both a light and a camera game view would just appear as pitch-black nothingness and as you can see with our camera preview down here at the bottom it's not we can actually see the the scylla and the horizon that's because we do have a skybox already added here in unity if I click on one of these game objects that's already in our project notice that some information regarding that object appears to the right in the inspector window this is where we can modify the properties of our objects in components here in unity notice that with the main camera game object selected right here in the hierarchy view I can see that this particular object has three components attached to it the transform component the camera component in the audio listener component the transform component is a component that every object in unity has even if it's just a placeholder object the transform component essentially tells us where the object is located in our scene we also have the camera component and as I mentioned make sense it's a camera object and we're not going to talk about the audio listener component in this video notice that you could also click on the add component button down here at the bottom and as you can see there are a number of different options in here and you can kind of scroll through you'll notice that we have some different physics components we could add so that would be like a rigidbody so that you could actually interact with gravity we could add meshes effects all sorts of things so you can play around with some of these different components if you'd like but if you're brand new to coding I think it's probably best to discover a lot of these components by following tutorials and searching for information on them when needed because you can add some components and you might not actually see how it's affecting your your scene and your game and then you might go ahead and create some more stuff in your game and then all of a sudden you run into an issue later and you say why is this happening well it's because you added this weird component when you were playing around at the beginning so you do want to be a little bit careful which is why I do recommend following some other tutorials that kind of show you how to use the different components there for now let's move our focus to the bottom of our screen I want to talk about these two tabs down here at the bottom the first one is the console tab both of these tabs are very important the console tab is where we will see any errors related to our builds and where we can use mono behaviors built-in debug log method to write debugging information to which I will show you how to do in this video the second tab is the project tab and this is where all of the game files such as scripts prefabs materials textures and animations are stored on our computer and it's located at the file path that we specified when we created the project notice that I have the asset folder selected assets and with that folder selected we already have one folder created in here for us so that's the scenes folder inside of it we have our default scene called sample scene this is the scene that we're looking at here in the scene view up at the top and also if we clicked on the game tab if we click on the game tab this is still the sample scene we're looking at this one scene unity projects often consists of many scenes but they don't have to you can create a fully functional game with just one scene so if you're new I wouldn't worry about creating extras just yet I do however have something that you should be worrying about and that is how to organize all the game files related to your project so let's create a few folders to help us do that I'm going to click back in the assets folder and then I'm just going to right click in this area here and I'll get a list with some different options so you can see there's quite a few different options here but I'm just going to go up to the top to create and then I'm going to choose the first option folder let's name this folder scripts you can name it anything that you'd like but scripts is generally considered the industry standard this will be one of the most important folders in our project it's where we will keep all of our c-sharp scripts also in the assets folder it's a good idea to create a folder called prefabs you'll probably use that at some point later on you can also create one called materials and also create one called textures and then we'll create one called sounds this of course is up to you you're the developer and as you get going on your project you'll probably need to create more folders specific to your situation but this is a good place to start okay great so now that we've taken a look around unity let's add some items to our scene and write a simple script for them to add a new object in the scene I can just go up here to the hierarchy and I can right-click and I can go up here to this bottom part of the drop-down and I can add any of these objects or I could go up to the main menu here to game object and I could add objects up here so I could go to 3d object I'm just going to add a plane to our scene as you can see the plane now appears in my scene view I can modify some of the physical properties of plane using the different selectors up here on the top left so the one that I have currently selected will allow me to move the plane around in the scene go along the y-axis or I could just actually click where I can hold it and I could move it to anywhere that I'd like notice that as you move it around if you look over here to the right its position in the inspector changes negative three point five seven for the x value one point five eight for the x value there the hand selector appear the top simply allows you as the developer to move around the scene so left clicking I can move myself around right clicking I can change my rotation so if we need to move some over here we can just kind of do one of these things and move around so that's all that this hand one is for I just showed you what the moving one is for is is how we can move it along the different axes the third option is for rotating the object the fourth selector is for object scale that's this one right here the fifth selector deals with position and scale and then the sixth selector deals with position and rotation so I could rotate along these axes as well remember you can also use the inspector window to adjust these properties so if I go up here and I change say the exposition to fifty or five even you'll notice it's moving and then 50 it's actually moved off my screen now so I'm actually just going to move this back but I think to do that I want to talk to you something that's important to do when you're developing here in unity is you can often lose an object or even when you create a new object it's good to make sure that it's zeroed out in world space so that it's at its zero zero zero location along the x y&z axis so there's a couple ways to do that one you could just go into the x y&z up here in the inspector window and put zero zero zero so we now have this object is zeroed out but let's move it back over here to 50 the other thing that we can do is we could also right click on the transform component and click on reset and it will bring it back to the zero zero zero world point for that object I do want to just quickly mention make sure that we're on the same page here in unity when we move things to the left and the right we are moving them along the x-axis right when we move things forward and back we're moving along the z-axis ok and then when you move things up and down you're moving along the y-axis so I just want to make sure everybody's on the same page with that because that can be confusing if you get the Z and the Y messed up here in unity so now we have this plane in our scene and if we hit the play button up here at the top you'll notice that it's going to take us into game mode and we see our plane but nothing's really happening we're just looking at our plane that's it while we're here in game view you can actually set the resolution that you are looking at up here in the top drop down so I definitely want to choose the resolution that I am primarily developing for and that way I can actually see specifically what my game is going to look like for that resolution and that will also change how it looks when you go back to the scene view so make sure that you choose is the resolution that you'd like and you can scale your game in and out but know that it's going to look more like the 1x scale in terms of like the pixelation of graphics and that sort of thing but all we're doing is looking at our plane which is kind of boring so I'm just going to stop this test and it'll take us back into the main unity window in order to show a UI element in this video and to show you some scripting we are going to give this plane a material and a color and then we're going to create a button and write a script that will enable and disable the renderer on our plane meaning that we can change its color or display and hide its color simply by clicking the button so that's where we're going here just to kind of give you an idea but we need to do a couple things to achieve that so first of all we need to add a color to our plane to add a color to our plane we need to create a new material so that actually shouldn't be too difficult for us because we've already created a materials folder in our assets folder so let's go into our materials folder double-click and we will create a new material because by default the only material in unity is this white material so we need to create a new one to get a different color so I'm going to right click in the materials folder I'm going to go to create and I'm going to choose material I'll just call this material blue we'll do the lower case there blue material and hit enter and it's not blue yet it's white so with this material selected I see all of its information over here in the inspector window I can go up to this just main area where you see this little white box and I can click on it and you don't see it up on my other monitor but I'll move it over here we go this color panel opens up and I can select a blue color okay so you can see that the blue material down here changes will close this color box that pops up and we'll click on our blue material and we'll drag it on to our plane and look at that our plane is now blue if we click on the plane we can see that over here in the inspector in the shader section we can see that the blue material is now attached as the shader of this object the component the shader is actually part of the mesh renderer component which we'll be referencing in our c-sharp script so that's this component right here says mesh renderer material the shaders just just sits on top of that mesh renderer okay great we're almost ready to create a script for this project but we first need some UI elements so that we can interact with our script so what we're going to do is we're going to go back over here into the hierarchy and Oh while I'm doing this I want to mention it's always a good idea to be saving all the time and unity guys remember that command s control s depending on your system file save save your project you want to lose it okay so we're gonna create a button so we moved over here we're in the hierarchy window and I'm just going to right click and I'm going to go down here to UI and you can see we have all these different user interface elements that we can add here in unity when creating a user interface it's almost always a good idea to create everything under a user interface canvas first so I'm just going to choose canvas so you'll notice that now in my hierarchy view I have this canvas object in my project and if I double click on canvas it takes me to this just kind of white outline floating in space it doesn't really matter where this UI canvas is located in our scene because if I have it selected they look over here to the right you'll notice that the render mode is set to screen space overlay so regardless of where we see the canvas the user is going to see the canvas overlaid over their screen so we don't really have to worry about where it's located in our scene view or anything like that it's going to be essentially invisible when you're actually in the game world except it's going to be overlaid over the screen right so we'll see that in a minute here but in order to interact with our canvas and our user interface we need to create another UI object so we are actually going to create a button so what I'm going to do is I'm going to now have canvas selected in my hierarchy and I'm going to right click on canvas and I'm going to go to UI and I'm going to go to button now I want you to notice that in my hierarchy button was now created as a child of canvas which means it's zero position its world point zero zero zero is now relative to canvas so it isn't going to go to my zero zero zero world point where all my objects right now are being created in my world it's going to go to zero zero zero of this canvas you notice if I move it you know out of the canvas and then I go up here and I just I'll just do it right click on our reset boom it moves to the back middle of the canvas so I do understand how you know child objects work in that sense so great we've got this button on our user interface and I could click on this button I could click on the drop down I could change the text and I could you know say click here if I'd like again always looking in the inspector for the object properties I also want to mention I'm not doing it right now but it is a really good idea to be naming your objects as you create them so you know I could call UPS the canvas is fine I could call the plane I could call it you know blue plane so I know that that's the one I'm talking about I could go to this button and I could call this you know color button so you know you definitely want to be naming your objects as you create him I just haven't been because I'm just trying to show you all this information but definitely remember to do that now okay so we've got our user interface we have a button on our user interface so now if we click the play button up here at the top you'll notice that we see our plane and we see our button and we click it but nothing happens even though it's telling us to click nothing's happening ok so we made some progress but we're still not doing anything yet I'm going to close out of this for now so it's finally time to create our script so let's move down here to our project view and click on assets and move into the scripts folder to create a script we're going to right click in the scripts folder we're going to go to create and we're going to choose c-sharp script now naming is really important for your scripts so you definitely want to give this a descriptive name it needs to start with a capital you should be doing a capital letter for each word you know in your script name so I'm gonna call this my color script so I'm gonna call it my with a capital M color script noticing that I capitalized color and capitalized script you you you need to have that first capital that is needed sometimes to compile depending on which libraries you're using and stuff but you also it's very good practice to capitalize the first letter of each word so I just hit enter which is going to save that script there and now what we're going to do is we're actually going to move this color script and we're gonna drag it we can't this script isn't going to activate it's not going to do anything unless it's attached to something in our scene right and quite honestly with this script and the way that I'm going to use it I could attach it to anything I could attach it to the main camera if I wanted to because of how I'm going to code it but to make things just make a little more sense I'm actually going to drag this I'm going to attach it to the planes I'm gonna drag it until I see the little blue highlights and I'm gonna drop it on the plane I click on blue plane and we go over here and we take a look at the right you'll notice that we have my color script right here now we don't see anything related to the script but it is attached to our object so essentially when we run this this script will try to run okay again there's nothing in the script so nothing's happening yet but it is trying to call the start method and it's update method ok so now that we have created our script we've attached it to an object let's go ahead and open it up so what we're going to do is we're just going to go down here we're going to double click on the script and it should open up in the eye de that you have installed on your computer mine is going to be Visual Studio so you can see opening up Visual Studio and great ok we now have our script open first of all I want to mention that this void start method is a method that is built-in to monobehaviour and you'll notice that we are automatically creating a public class that's the name of our script my color script and it's going to inherit from monobehaviour so we're going to be able to use any of the methods that are already in the monobehaviour class which is generally you want to leave that for now I do want to mention if you're new to coding and indoor unity once you name your script don't change the name of it unless you know what you're doing you actually have to change the name of the script of the document itself and you have to change the name in your class as well they have to be the same so if you're having issues you know with your scripts not compiling correctly and you can't figure it out and you've changed the name of them that's probably the issue sometimes for new coders it's easier if you just create a script and you mess it up just to delete it maybe copy and paste certain important things but delete it and then create a new one and it will kind of reset for you ok so inside of our script in this void start you'll notice that we have a little comment here this is going to be called in the very first frame update ok and then the void update this is going to be called once per frame so we could obviously use these if we wanted to but we're actually not going to be using these in this video so I'm just going to leave that out and by the way I am going to put a copy of this code on my website and I will put a link to where that is in the description of this video here on YouTube so if you do want to take a look at this code it's gonna be pretty simple but you can go ahead and access that so we do need a couple of variables first of all we need access to our plain object because that's what we're going to change the color of and then we're going to need access to the actual renderer component on that plane so I'm going to declare both of these variables up here at the top so we're going to have a public game object and making this game object public I will actually be able to see it here in unity in my inspector when I click on the object that it's attached to so we're going to be declaring our game object and then we're also going to declare a private mesh renderer because as I mentioned earlier that is actually the component that we need to access to change the color of our plane so we have a private mesh renderer and we're just gonna call it my renderer okay so we have these two variables that we're going that we're declaring and I'm just going to save my code for now I could hit the debug if I want to I needs to build the first time so just wanna make sure that it's building so great so now if we go into our scene and we hit play you'll notice clicking the button nothing still nothing happening right we've just declared variables I just want to make sure that this script is compiled and added to our project but now if we go over and we click on the plane you'll notice that where we have the script listed in our inspector we now have a place that's looking for plane and it says that there's nothing here now I could obviously there's different things I could use in the code I don't actually have to declare this plane because we've attached the script to it I could just say you know the game object that this script is attached to but I did want to show you how we use inspector to add items so in order to tell this script what the plane is that we're talking about when we declare it we actually need to go over here into our hierarchy we need to find the plane that we're talking about and drag it into this plane field so now when we go over to our script here in Visual Studio when we say we have this public game object plane our script knows what we're talking about we're talking about this blue plane that we just dragged over from our scene ok now because the mesh renderer is private we don't see that in the inspector and we can't change it in the inspector you can only change public variables in the inspector I could go in here into my code and I could make this a serialized field which I believe then once it kind of re piles here click on blue plane we will see that field in our script but I don't believe we can change it because it's private but it is a serialized field ok we can't change it from there okay and definitely no other classes we'll be able to to access this variable so if you want other classes other scripts to be able to access a variable and definitely speak public right we don't need that in our inspector view though so I'm not going to keep it as a serialized field so we have our objects declared now we need to create a method so what do we want to do right well we want to click a button and we click the button we want the mesh renderer to change the color of our plane so let's go down here so we want this to be will create a private say private void which means we're returning nothing right we're not returning anything back and we need to give it a name right so we need to call this why we just goes on on click color right so we're gonna change the color on click change color even to be more descriptive and then we need to open some brackets down here at the bottom and now we're ready to code so we want to call this method when we click on our button and what this method is is it's going to change the color of the mesh renderer so first of all we need to tell unity where our renderer is right so our renderer is on our plane we already have declared our render it's called my renderer so let's start with that we're gonna say my renderer right we say what does my renderer equal to well it's equal to the plane that we've declared up here and that we've already shown unity where our plane is when we drag it in in our inspector right so my renderer is equal to the plane we need to get a component of that plane right so it's plane get component and the component that we want to get is the mesh renderer right so there's our mesh renderer and then we just need to finish this off with our method close it so now we have gotten a connection to the mesh renderer but we need to change the color right I'm not really I'm just going to basically I'm going to do is I'm going to enable and disable I'm going to make our plane disappear when I click this button and then when I click it again it's going to turn back to blue so in order to do that I need to say that when I click this button I'm going to change the enabled state of my renderer so I'm gonna find my renderer and I'm gonna say dot enabled right is it active in my in my hierarchy so what that means is let's just take a step back here for a second of the code because I do want to show you what's happening when we go to our plane I've got our blue plane over here in the inspector where it says blue plane at the top if I click on this checkbox this is making it active not active active not active so my script is going to do exactly that right so we'll go back over here to visual studio bring up our script so my renderer when I click this button I want my renderer enabled well I basically want it to be the opposite right but that's it yeah I just want to be the officer that's pretty easy my renderer not enabled equals the opposite of my renderer dot enabled great so this is actually our code and pretty sure that this is correct but I do want to show you a couple things so first of all let's go I saved it I've already saved it let's go to unity and I want to show you things how I would kind of look at things step by step so let's hit play so we hit play clicking our button still nothing happens why does anything happen oh oh you know we haven't connected our script to this button yet I happen to know that that's the reason but the next thing that I would do is I would say man you know why isn't that why isn't that working let's go back individual studio and let's say well I want to make sure that this script is actually running is there something wrong with a script so I'm gonna actually go back in here I'm gonna recreate that start method so I'm gonna say private you know start should finish it for me there you go private voice start and I want to say on start I just want to know if it's if it's getting to the script or not so we're gonna write to our console so I'm going to say debug log and as I mentioned earlier in the course this is a built in a unity method into monobehaviour and this guy's you've got to use this all the time you have to use debug log or you have to be doing it you have to be debugging and sending yourself messages some way you can send yourself pop-up messages if you want but like debug logs here so you've got to use this so if you're gonna get anything out of this video if you're new to unity new to coding learn debug log it's gonna be the most important thing you're gonna learn so debug without log basically is a method that takes a string and it can take other parameters as well but for the purpose of this is we're just going to say we made it here so notice that I put my string in the parentheses I have it closed off and this is going to be called on the start frame so the very first frame that this object is active that the object that this script is attached to is active so I'm going to hit command s save my script go back over here into unity hit play takes a second to compile sometimes and you'll notice that down here at the very bottom left I have this little message saying we made it here if I click to open it up here's my console and here's my debug log ok we made it here great so my script is working right but we're just not we haven't attached it to the button yet okay so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go over to this button and I'm just going to double click on them but I don't have to double click on I don't have to see the button I want to see the inspector so I've clicked on my button and now I just need to make it so that when I click on this button the script that I created is activated so what we're going to do is we're going to scroll down in the inspector and you'll notice that in this button component that's automatically added to all we have this on click function method right here so I'm going to click on the plus icon right here and now I need to say when it's clicked I want it to perform a function well where is that function so I need to tell it where that function is so it needs an object it needs an object that has the script that has my function on it well my script is attached to the blue plane so if I drag blue plane into this object field you'll notice that this list is now selectable so I can click on the drop down list and now I need to find my method so I can go down to my color script which is the name of my script and then I can find my method that I want to call but we're not seeing it and I happen to have an idea why I forgot that we were going to be calling this from a different object when I created this method I made it a private method right so I actually need to go back in here I need to make this a public method and I need to save it and now this is great I love when I you know have something come up like this when we're doing a video because we can actually debug around so now I've got so have my I don't know if I have my button selected I go down on click blue planes already selected click on the drop-down go to my color script and then we had now have this method on click change color so we had to make that eight public method but there it is now I'm pretty good to go guys so if I click on the play button we've got our blue plane click on the button o plane no longer visible visible no longer we've scripted our first object in unity pretty simple right guys just changing the color of an object so that's you know that's kind of the basics of how we can get objects into unity how we can create scripts for them and then how we can actually go and code them and use our inspector to add the scripts to our objects and then make it so those scripts are functional I do just want to leave you with a couple more places for you to take a look at as you use unity so I want to mention that up here if you click on the unity drop down menu you have your preferences section where you can manage a lot of your different unity preferences so that's not too much in here if you have a certain external tool that you use your eye you can change it here but you obviously want to look through here and if you're all very looking for something in particular this is a good place to start but there are a few different setting windows here so I'm also going to go up to file and I want to go to build settings I want talk about build settings and build and run these really important things for unity because we've got this project we're creating okay great we can click the play button to run it in unity but how do we actually run our project on a computer outside of unity well we have to build it right we have to compile it so I click on build settings talk to my other screen let me bring it over okay so here's our building so you can see we can choose which platform that we'd like to build for and you can change these as you'd like that's one of the beautiful things about unity it's one of the greatest things about unity so I could build for Android and click on Android and then I would click switch platform down here at the bottom would take maybe anywhere from 10 to 10 seconds to 40 seconds it would switch over my code so that it was connected to Android and then I could build and run this project to show up on my Android device in order to build a project we need to tell unity what scenes that we'd like to build into that project if I look up here at the top I currently I don't have any scenes in my build so right now I'm not building anything I would build anything so I'm just going to click on this add open scenes button and then you'll notice that my one scene called sample scene which we're not looking at but it's there it's now been added to this project so now once I switch this platform I would be able to build and run what am I I'm on the the PC Mac Linux standalone so I could click build and run actually why don't we just do this and since this shouldn't take this shouldn't take long at all we'll just call this test this should take like a second ok so we've built it now we get to choose how we want to test it so I'll test it in windowed mode just to make a little bit easier and we'll click play and you'll notice a made with unity we've got this whole application it's a standalone application right it's right here this test application click boom so now we're running this in unity and on our Mac computer if I wanted to run it on you know if I was on a Windows computer when I built this it would build it for Windows if I wanted to just embed in a website I can build WebGL and then you can see all your different options so you definitely need to remember to add scenes though to your build when you add new scenes to your project you can also click on player settings which this is essentially this I believe as going up here to edit and then clicking on project settings oh no it's not the same sorry about that I was at I wanted to show you project settings next so now I've got them both pulled up so the project settings where you can look at things like physics in your project you could look at this is what I thought they were the same because you can go to graphics here in your project settings and you can change the settings for each type of build that you build to you can also change that over here in the player settings so there's not too much more in the in the projects things I want to show you right now so I'm gonna close that do know that that is there for you let's go back to the build settings click on player settings one more time because I do want to show you that you can change your resolution here so right here you've got this drunkness a supported aspect ratios so we can see that the aspect ratios that we're trying to build for I want to move to the WebGL there it is because that's C for the WebGL we can actually choose specifically our canvas width and height so I just wanted to let you know that that is where you can access all of those settings if you need it this is also where you can name your project put the version number company name so I hope you all found this video helpful you should be able to find your way around unity now start doing some coding start creating a project coding is all about learning right we're always always learning all of us are so definitely search for some more tutorials if you guys would like to hear something specific from me let me know in the comment section below and I'll try and get that up for you but hopefully you should be able to handle yourself in unity now and follow along with those tutorials know where things are when people are saying go to the hierarchy view go to your project if you take a look in console so if you found the video helpful I would really appreciate a thumbs up here on YouTube and if you want to see more technology tips and tutorials don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel that's all I have for you for today this is Anson from Anson Alex calm
Channel: Anson Alexander
Views: 268,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unity, coding, c#, developing, tutorial, how to, object oriented, visual studio, game design
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 43sec (2263 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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