Unity GDC Showcase 2021

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[Music] [Music] all right here we go [Music] [Music] hello everyone welcome i'm kat stratford and i'll be your host today we've really missed this event last year it's amazing to be back even if only virtually this year has been tough for everyone community and collaboration have taken on new meaning and shape gaming played an essential role in 2020 it allowed us to connect with new and old friends socialize and escape for a little while game makers like you made this possible you launched new games new consoles and devices and you expanded our favorite franchises you worked tirelessly and you worked in new ways to meet the needs of the gaming community at unity we worked with renewed grit to support developers we doubled down on product investment extended our platform integrations and partner deeply with you to operate your live games with unity's operate services we supported the launch and scaling of many multiplayer games games like fall guys ultimate knockout due process and among us smoothly accommodating the millions of gamers that came to play we've recommitted ourselves to quality performance and productivity so no matter what happens you can keep creating we're excited about the lineup we have for you today you're going to hear about visual scripting artist tools our data oriented tech stack and netcode we'll share what we're doing to improve quality of life for those working in unity and you'll also hear from creators the games you're about to see are vastly different from one another but unity's rendering technology enables them all nothing speaks more vividly to the power of unity than what creators are able to achieve with it so let's take a look at how the team at amplitude studios brought humankind to life [Music] i'm matias technical art director at amplitude studios today we'd like to talk about humankind our upcoming turn-based historical strategy game in humankind you'll be combining cultures and leading your people from the neolithic to the modern age strategy and forex games have very specific needs in terms of rendering and tools for each game we adapt and make new things to create beautiful landscape dynamic environments cities with tons of buildings and props we use custom tools to make terrain elements arrange city bricks and make something like a living board game for years team has driven many visual elements to work on the gpu side special effects instancing and even small ai behaviors for wildlife animals let's take a look at how we've implemented this in humankind by using unity i'm tim muller lead 3d developer at amplitudio and i'll be presenting a part of our system that we use to add little animals to our world via unity back in early 2019 humankind already had a beautiful world with cool landscape ocean river forest and city but it was static we wanted to have a world full of life so one way was to add animals but considering all landscape scale animals would be very tiny on numerous we couldn't really use triangles to display tiny things like that because it would have produced a lot of aliasing jagged pixels and we have needed a lot of triangles to display our own shape that are needed to show living things instead we needed to use an impostor solution like the one we did for trees but animals are different from trees because they are moving so we are to choose an innovative way and we did it let's show you how we use unity along the way first we decided to represent animals using a group of shapes sphere cylinders on cubes to display them we use retrace algorithm inside the pixel cheddar on a small pair of triangles around the animal shapes not rtx reaches just standard mathematics that compute red to sphere or cube intersection it would need around 20 to 30 shapes to represent animals but how to create these contents we build a custom data import system using unity it takes a standard fbx full of sphere cube and cylinders at a set to a skeleton we just inspect the content by opening the fbx using standard unity function then we animate it and recall all the different animation poses to our custom data a collection of shape with position scale on rotation unity is used offline here after being imported the data is inside an asset a scriptable object to add colors on stripes we build a relatively abstract shape comfortable 3d function that take a 3d point and produce a color using noise this function is used inside or a retros function to add colors next we make a custom inspector on a cool preview of online animals to tune the data this tool is very pleasing and ergonomic thanks to the easy way to program custom tools using unit finally we add intelligent behavior to the animals but that's another story that use compute cheddar and unity this was an example of an alternative way of using unity not for its high level feature but more for its 2chain on low level api we hope you enjoy this special look at world life in humankind [Music] unity 2020 lts is out and the unity 2021 tech stream is coming soon a few years ago we introduced techstream and lts or long term support two different releases so you can choose the solution that fits your needs lts versions ensure greater stability with two years of support and we've made this our default so you know you're installing a version that's fully supported with timely bug fixing improvements meanwhile tech stream versions give you access to the latest features these versions give you greater control of how you create and deploy real-time 3d experiences but our most important role is powering and supporting your work the key focus for us this year is simple increase the stability and robustness of the unity editor as your creative foundation we don't want this to be a side note we want it to be the bedrock everything else stands on so we've changed from three to two annual tech stream releases longer release cycles extend the stabilization phase that gives us more time to validate and improve the stability and quality of our tools between releases and we've changed our package lifecycle to clarify how we label features readiness and stability there are three key areas of focus to our newest releases visual scripting netcode and our rendering pipelines you'll see how our bold solution is being integrated into unity to enable more creators to implement logic into applications without writing a single line of code and how this will benefit programmers as well as artists and designers for networking we will carry on the work on delivering a stable and supported netcode foundation and you'll hear more on this shortly in the new techstream releases graphics packages are being integrated into the core unity engine this shift will simplify your work with new graphics features and ensure that you're always working with the latest verified graphics code the most recent versions of the universal rendering pipeline the high definition rendering pipeline shader graph and vfx graph we will continue to mature our universal rendering pipeline solution for stunning results on the widest variety of platforms we're also continuing to stabilize the high definition rendering pipelines for highest fidelity needs this integration is a significant infrastructural change that will have a huge impact for years to come ensuring that your unity projects of all kinds have a strong stable and performant graphics rendering solution now and in the future one of the best parts of being on the unity team is seeing our tools enable individuals and small teams to make games that are competitive with those produced by large teams seeing the best ideas come to life not just those with the biggest budgets i'd like to introduce you to two individuals who are doing just that they're both solo developers who are leveraging our high definition render pipeline up next you'll meet felix shade who's creating the stunning pc game morbid metal followed by leo salfrank who is hard at work on ferocious a multi-platform fps horror [Music] game hello everyone i am felix from cologne and i am the creator of morbid metal a combat focused dark sci-fi action roguelite made with unity today i want to show you how i utilize htrp's built-in lighting features to light the environment and morbid metal and to create atmospheric scenes that are lit in real time allowing me to rapidly iterate on the look and feel of the environment as metal is a road light that is using semi-procedurally generated levels high quality real-time lighting with the possibility to be altered at runtime is really important for the project firstly i should note that the lighting in hdrp is completely physically based meaning that the light intensities and corresponding exposure values are calculated with real-time formulas here's the scene without any sort of lighting setup i'll start off by adding a directional light acting as the main source of light for the scene as it's supposed to be a bright day the light intensity is around 100 000 lux for artistic purposes i slightly increase the intensity to give the image a bit more contrast and make the highlights pop a bit more this is of course not yet looking all that realistic as there is no ambient light whatsoever to fix that i am using hdrp's volume system and then hdri skybox acting as the source of ambient light i also adjust the exposure in the scene to sit around 12 a value that is roughly representing a real-life exposure value for a bright day while this is much better the real strength of hip's lighting system lies in the voldemetric fog you can see that by simply toggling on and off the global fog for the scene with some slightly adjusted values it already gives the scene a nice atmosphere however i'd like to have a little more control over the atmosphere in certain parts of the level including this area right here above the pit i want this pit to have a colorful light shining up from the bottom of it in this case i'm using a rectangular spotlight but since hjp's lighting is physically based and the scene takes place on a brightly lit day the spotlight is hardly noticeable when using somewhat realistic light intensity values in order to make the spotlight visible and add a nice atmosphere to this area i simply crank up the intensity to a value that i think works well in this case to make the orange light stand out a bit more and enhance its effect on the atmosphere in this area i use a density volume with high border blending zones in order to make it blend in nicely with the rest of the scene i want the lighting to be very contrastful with bright specular highlights and dark shadows however the image is currently still a bit washed out to improve the image quality significantly i use the volume system to create a global post processing volume with some effects like screen space ambulance occlusion tone mapping and various other color adjustments in order to add some more polish to this area i am using simple particle systems made in vfx graph to give the fog a bit more depth and irregularity this helps to greatly increase the realism of the scene lastly i'm using contact and micro shadows to immensely increase the detail in the environment without sacrificing a huge performance hit and this completes the real-time lighting setup i use in morbid metal with some relatively simple steps i can breathe life into the scenes with hgp sliding tools ferocious is a first person horror shooter set on a mysterious tropical island and it takes place in very different environments ranging from rocky lauren coast to the lush lowlands to the dense german i'm using hdrp to ensure the environment is detailed and completely interactive i'm doing this by combining photoscanned assets with the powerful lightning effects of the hdrp and adding my custom shaders and scripts to make it interactive shader grip allows me to easily combine my custom logic with rendering and lightning features provided by the hdrp using a high level visual editor with islands comes water in the form of an ocean but also many lakes and rivers creating vital water comes with three challenges rendering of the surface rendering of the underwater volume and physical interaction between the game objects and the water volume for the physical interaction i'm using a box collider flag as a trigger any rigid body entering the trigger is registered to the internal water physics system where a constant upward force is applied either to its center of mass or the specified points rendering the underwater volume was really easy i am simply using the density volume provided by the hdrp this allows the camera to be partly submerged in the water and still render correctly the rendering of a water surface is a bit more tricky but was a lot of fun to do in the hdrp using shader graph and the northeast supplies to add small waves to the swamps and legs of the island i'm simply tidying normal maps along the direction to create believable lighting a water surface mainly needs two effects reflection and refraction transparent screen space reflections provided by the hdrp allow for performance and easy reflections for refraction i'm using a zinc color node three times each for one color channel to create romantic aberration when i'm blending these two effects using the supplied fresnel node i can control the amount of reflectivity of the shader by using a specular output and varying its brightness and the results of the reflection are connected to the mission output a little unity tip for realistic fork i'm using hdrp volumetric focus magazine to give it more texture i added fog cards to the quads placed in the scene which played flip up animation these flip books are when blended depending on the camera angle and distance to the camera as well as for distance for background we're always exploring how we can make the process of producing games more intuitive and accessible next ashley alicea is going to share how unity's new integrated visual scripting will make it easier to create in unity i know that a few people have already talked about the work we've been doing to make the unity editor more approachable to different kinds of creators and i'm about to dive into a huge aspect of this you can already find this as a package on the unity asset store but in the 2021.1 tech stream visual scripting will become available as a core part of the unity editor unity visual scripting lets you create behaviors and interactions for your games using node-based graphs instead of traditional code working with these nodes and graphs enables visual thinkers and non-coder creatives a much easier way to contribute and test game logic and mechanics it also enables more seamless collaboration between programmers artists and designers visual scripting will be offered alongside scripting in c-sharp so you'll be able to use whichever you feel most comfortable with for your projects and discover great benefits when you use both together like creating custom nodes and tools for your teammates the feature is also an excellent prototyping tool that designers can use to test and implement ideas to more easily communicate their vision to programmers since visual scripting is now native to unity all you need to start creating your own visual scripts is to add a script or state machine component to your game object of choice we've optimized the native visual scripting workflow to maximize productivity by consolidating its tools into a single window you can add unity packages or custom scripts you'd like to use as nodes via your project settings and we even automated the generation of visual scripting units when you create a new project in this case we've added the input system so we can use these new input units to trigger custom events in our script graph we also have a state machine for this force field effect where we've added more nodes to animate properties of unity features like visual effect graph and cinemachine you can even drag c-sharp scripts directly into your graphs and reference their methods like we're doing here to create a firing mechanic with just a few simple graphs we're able to create all these interactions and more to get our player battle ready again visual scripting will be a core part of the unity editor for our 2021.1 tech stream release i hope you enjoy using the feature to bring your game ideas to life [Music] we want unity to be a joy to use while helping you be as productive as possible let's take a look at a few of the hundreds of small change improvements in the 2020 lts that will have a big impact on your workflows arrays and lists can now be reordered or you can disable this with the attribute non-reorderable this will make it much easier to manage your array or list elements with a few clicks we've also continued to enhance the prefab workflows with nesting and variants designed for productivity in large scale scenes now that those workflows are refined and robust we've massively improved their performance and nested prefab operations are much much faster in this lts release register scripted importers have also been accelerated significantly this year's first tech stream release integrates search into the core unity editor experience a seemingly simple feature that promises to speed up and simplify workflows previously known as the quick search package this tool helps you find animations assets textures timelines and more quickly with complex search queries we've optimized the mesh static batching process that happens when you enter play mode in our tests this means that for a scene with 30 000 static objects entering play mode is faster by about 2 seconds imagine how that adds up a few times a day across your entire team over the course of a game's development the lod group inspector improvements allow you to view level of detail relative screen size percentages in table formatted views so you can input precise values it also supports multi-select editing and displays triangle accounts for lod levels as well as triangle count changes between them you can use it to expose the object's local space size setting as well these are just a few of the hundreds of ways that we're making it better to create in unity we talk a lot about 3d but 2d games are pretty awesome perhaps that's why over 75 percent of the most successful mobile games are 2d we all know that performance can make or break a game so we are working to ensure your 2d games can shine no matter the platform up next we'll dive into how unity is enabling the next generation of 2d games [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so now a bit about what we're doing to help you raise the bar with graphics fidelity and performance improvements for 2d in recent releases we made 2d animation and sprite shape burst enabled so that we could get big cpu performance gains today we're focused on our graphics tech the 2d renderer in our universal render pipeline and increasing gpu performance we've revamped all the internal code of the 2d renderer to make it more efficient in the text stream release we've introduced a new camera sorting layer texture which grabs all the pixel data up to a front most sorting layer and can be used to create refractive water and heat haze effects under the hood we are saving memory bandwidth on mobile devices by pre-rendering light textures our partnership with arm the world's leading semiconductor ip company explores how you can get more out of the underlying hardware when you create for 2d in unity arms go right north is going to share a bit more about this collaboration and the possibilities it creates for you thanks russ arms cpus and gpus are deployed in billions of mobile devices worldwide so that's why we've teamed up with unity to bring the hardware and the software closer together and this year we've been working on 2d engine optimizations with a focus on lighting shaders and memory so the engine now conforms to our mali gpu's best programming practices and we've revamped the lighting engine to reduce unnecessary memory transactions which reduces memory bandwidth by 15 we've also reduced the number of render passes whilst retaining the same functionality this further reduces memory traffic and frame time by 13 what this means is smoother more energy efficient experiences without any additional effort on the part of the developer finally we wanted to share our new dragon crashers 2d demo which we made to show you unity's 2d tools in action in a hands-on sample project you'll see 2d foundations with the sprite editor sprite atlas sprite swapping workflows and the 2d psd importer world building with tile maps supporting square or isometric views and sprite shape for organic shapes and terrain skeletal animation with the 2d animation tool including inverse kinematics graphics to enable light shadows and visual shader and post-processing authoring and 2d physics to bring interactable worlds to life you can download dragon crashers for free in the unity asset store hi i'm steve collins cto here at king and i'd like to tell you a little bit about our latest game crash bandicoot on the run our vision at king is to make the world more playful we make games of mass appeal played by over 240 million people around the world every month whenever we update our games which is frequently or when we create new ones we want to provide the best possible experience to each and every one of our players people all over the world love crash bandicoot but not all are using the latest generation of mobile device so for example the most popular iphone in use today is the iphone 7. so it was fundamental to us that we deliver the best possible quality and a consistent game experience on all devices using unity and the new dot framework enabled us to do just that at king we're constantly pushing innovation in crash bandicoot on the run we're using the very latest tools and technology to bring console quality graphics to mobile and we're making that high quality 3d experience available to the broadest possible worldwide audience a big part of our work at unity is future proofing our tools so you can continue to create and compete within an ever-changing landscape up next we'll hear once again from ralph as he brings us up to speed on where our data-oriented tech stack is headed our data-oriented tech stack or dots paves the way to create highly performant games by reintroducing a programming paradigm in a way that makes sure that you're ready for the future and giving you a choice of how you want to build your vision dots gives you the opportunity to write your game code through a data oriented design approach and this separates what makes your game unique it's information from the systems you need to process it now first i want to reiterate our commitment to making certain that you are ready for what comes next with the options you need to make the best design decisions and i know we will bring you the best implementation of data orient design for games when it's ready our commitment to quality tooling has only grown over time where once we might have released early versions of cool features when it comes to something as important and revolutionary as dots we need to stick to the highest standards for quality and stability that way we know it will meet your needs dots is made up of many features but at its course it's the burst compiler the c-sharp job system and entities while burst compiler and c-sharp job system are already being used to optimize projects with entities we heard that we need to ensure that it's as accessible as possible not just functional this means we're designing new ux and workflows as well as making changes to existing workflows such as prefabs and scenes to be able to offer you a seamless experience burst compiler and the c-sharp job system are available in 2020 lts and 2021.1 tech stream they're proven and offer outstanding efficiencies even in monobehaviour-based games check in on the reorganized dodge forums to keep up to date with the latest on dots as well as share your feedback on what we're building we all actively follow the conversation there and i i know i do next you'll see how the team at big box vr use the burst compiler and the c-sharp job system to achieve a high and steady frame rate on oculus quest redefining the multiplayer vr experience in population one population 1 is a vr multiplayer first person shooter designed from the ground up for vertical combat 18 players on a one kilometer map running at 72 frames per second on the oculus quest and pcvr headsets population 1 is already a big project for pcvr but without dots addressables and the scriptable render pipeline population 1 simply wouldn't have been possible on the quest we used the dots framework heavily to achieve multi-core utilization to achieve a steady 72 frames per second in oculus quest and with our custom physics and led engine built with burst and the c-sharp job system we achieved this system that's up to 20 times faster than the original implementation this is amazing we achieve speed ups with dots that you typically only see in super computing the vertical combat system in population one allows players to go anywhere in the world so we needed a rendering pipeline they could keep up the scriptable render pipeline allows us to draw what we want when we want and the end result was so phenomenal that play testers on the quest one thought they were playing on a desktop vr headset truly amazing and on a mobile device controlling memory is just crucial to high performance and stability and the addressable system allowed us to tightly control our memory usage while allowing players with hundreds of skins to choose from addressable as easily save the six to nine months it would take to build a similar system ourselves and population one is really a testament to the amazing technology within unity and our studio's ability to deliver them to help build the future of vr multiplayer thank you hello i'm happy to be sharing our journey toward a first party fully supported netcode solution we've been investing in two key areas first the stability and support of the unity transport package which is becoming the basis for all netcode inside of unity dots or game objects and second evolving mlapi to become the core netcode package for all game object networking this represents the common utilities needed across many kinds of games and today we're thrilled to share that the first experimental unity package with this core netcode will be available to you on github at the same time as the new techstream release this is an early version of the small scale cooperative multiplayer sample called boss room in this scenario players have to collaborate to achieve a series of goals killing imps solving a puzzle facing a boss we created different classes of characters like warrior rogue mage archer and every single one of these characters has abilities that will show you some element of how to network this kind of game for instance the way that you network a magic missile as a fast-moving projectile is often quite different from a slow moving projectile like an arrow which happens to be a physics object each of the different abilities that we're including will be paired with tutorials that show you how to network different parts of the game so not only is it adorable it's also educational so you can learn how to network character movement latency simulation and network switch or even more advanced features like the boss's area of effect this sample will be publicly available on github so we can continue to grow it with the community we invite you to save the date to download an early access version of the boss room sample on april 7th hey everyone i'm nathan i'm the senior backend engineer on due process due process is a 5v5 online multiplayer tactical first person shooter we started developing the game about seven years ago and entered early access november last year being a really small team part of how we survived is because of the existence of so many services and systems that could be easily integrated into our project saving our scarce man hours for the harder problems we had lofty design goals that required us to roll many of our own backend services so there were plenty of harder problems to solve finding services that could meet our needs out of the box was vital to getting our backend up and running in time for our aggressive deadlines using unity's multiplayer services like multiplay and vivox enabled our small team to leverage proven technology for game server hosting and player communications we trusted multiplay could reliably handle our use case of spinning up game servers on demand per match as our use case was similar to another client of theirs titanfall of wrangling our own bare metal servers or worse running purely on cloud servers they provisioned servers for us they also provided insight and guidance that would have been hard to come by otherwise their experience in solving scalability issues and security issues like heading off ddos attacks targeting game servers was also a comfort additionally their api was easy to work with from our back end and integrating their image creation and distribution api with our build automation made publishing server builds as simple as a button click vivox was another battle tested solution that cut out having to hack together or build from scratch our own voip solution having a fleshed-out service that we knew would easily handle our highest predicted capacities was a weight off our chest the fact that it plugged in easily and the initial integration took less than a week was great too all in all unity engine's propensity for rapid prototyping its many partners and quality plugins and the many reliable services by unity are what made due process possible [Music] no matter what comes next we want you to be ready whether it's this year's must-have console or a new platform that shows up five years down the line we want your game there on day one game consoles and platforms are constantly evolving and players migrate towards what's new getting and keeping your game in players hands is crucial to your success our network of deep industry partnerships ensures that you can stay ahead of the curve in a fast changing industry and take your game to the latest platforms even on day one year we helped you be there on launch day for xbox series x and s playstation 5 and oculus quest 2. and we had tools on hand to help you get the most out of the latest features like apple silicon and lidar on iphone 12 and ipad pro devices from the moment they hit the market help your game reach every player on every platform today and tomorrow let's see how unknown world entertainment used unity to extend the life and player base of subnautica below zero [Music] subnautica below zero is the sequel to the original subnautica that we released in 2018. it's an open world action adventure game that challenges players to survive the icy biomes of planet 4546b and unravel the next chapter in the subnautica story over the past 15 months we've been working to bring both subnautica and below zero to nintendo switch something we originally didn't even think was possible because work on subnautica started back in 2013 the idea of bringing the game to switch never even crossed our minds however as switch became more popular it was one of our most frequent requests from our fans we of course wanted to make our games available on as many platforms as possible but we knew that this was not going to be an easy task both games have underwater environments that are extremely ambitious and we knew we'd have serious performance challenges across the board above all we simply did not want to compromise the game experience for our players we decided to just give it a try our attitudes quickly change from this is a really unlikely thing we can pull off to something that we really need to do we spoke with a few different studios that had switch experience but we thought if anyone can help us figure this out it's going to be unity's professional services team so we started working together on the project the fact that we were able to do it at all speaks volumes to unity's versatility as an engine and we're very proud of the experience that both games now deliver every year the amazing games that you release set even higher expectations for graphics and performance today you've heard about our investments in r d to build a more nimble foundation for tomorrow's games coming up you'll learn how unity's art engine can help you up res and elevate your art assets [Music] hi there for those of you who don't know it art engine is an assistive creation tool it uses ai to remove the time consuming and repetitive material creation tasks so your graphics team can focus on creating new work operas 2.0 available as of today sets a new bar for remastering tools it helps you take old outdated assets and elevate them to the standards of today and even of tomorrow to extend their life this lets you future proof your work so that it will look amazing on the next generation of consoles and platforms it plays well with other engines and our sdk lets you plug it into anywhere in your existing pipeline today nathaniel bell of insomniac games is going to share how they're using art engine to develop a new scan based workflow that might just redefine the future of material creation [Music] hi i'm nathaniel bell i'm a principal technical artist at insomniac games over the last year i've been developing our photogrammetry and scanned asset pipeline for our proprietary engine luna insomniac's mission is to have a positive and lasting influence on people's lives this can be through games or other actions insomniac is creating a scam based pipeline because setting industry standards is part of our dna we are adding a pipeline and hardware for scan based assets as a way to give our artists an even larger palette of tools that they can use to create some of the best art in the industry after my first demo with unity art engine it was apparent to me that this tool was taking the right approach to editing scan data and the quality of the ai assisted creation provided the exact results that i was wanting while still giving me control my thoughts on art engine is that it fills two areas of needs for us first it's a powerful dcc application that any artist can pick up and learn quickly second with the command line interface and the python integrations art engine has become a library of powerful tools that our tech artists can pick up and use just like a module for any of the image-based tools that they're trying to create the features we're using the most right now are the content aware fill seam remove on the mutations insomniac was the first studio to try out art engine's upres 2.0 and it's launching today after using it we see it as the best remastering tool on the market if a studio is going to be remastering an old title i highly recommend taking a look at art engine's up res 2.0 since art engine is engine agnostic it allows us to leverage art engine in multiple ways and at various points throughout our pipeline moving into the next generation of consoles i see using scan data as becoming the norm i can't quite say exactly how much time margin of savings but it's saving us a ton my rough estimate would be somewhere between 50 to 75 depending on the case early on we did some tests to try to replicate the results we were getting in art engine and other applications and we were not able to reproduce the results anywhere close assisted creation to insomniac means a helping hand it's a way for us to create more with less thank you for your time we're very excited about the future of content creation and the future of our engine okay let's see how fast and intuitive it is to elevate your assets using operas first add an asset to your project then drag it into your graph space select the upresnode in the library and connect it to your input then execute let's expand this window so we can actually see the result now your upscaled image is ready to export operas 2.0 is available in art engine today try art engine for free and see how you can elevate your assets for the next generation of games [Music] all it takes is one game breaking bug or one set of unbalanced fun destroying game parameters to blow the hundreds or even thousands of hours your team spent designing beautiful worlds cool characters and exciting game mechanics automatic play testing lets you increase the number frequency and scope of your game balance tests that's why we created game simulation an automated game balancing solution that lets you simulate thousands of playthroughs of your actual game code in the cloud and it's available to try right now regardless of the size of your studio these tools can help you scale play testing to test more often more thoroughly and more cost effectively producing huge volumes of reliable quantitative data quickly and leaving human playtesters to focus on the experience while developing top-down shooter death carnival the team at firion was looking for an automated solution to help balance their different parameter combinations in their suite of weapons using unity game simulation they were able to balance their entire weapon system in just three days condensing the equivalent of 165 million playthroughs into 10 efficient simulations and saving 600 hours of testing and 80 thousand dollars in testing budget canadian studio ologica also turned to unity game simulation to balance different card and power-up combinations for their endless runner game road racers elogica balanced their game by condensing 1125 hours or the equivalent of 46 days of unbroken playtesting into just four hours of automated play tests making sure that none of their players get left in the dust annapunk 4 updates a beloved classic match 3 game that's long been a fan favorite in cellphone staple in south korea they release 20 to 30 new levels every two to three weeks and using game simulation a sunday task creator can test each level over 1 000 times to check for difficulty and balance freeing up an entire day of development time per week to let their team work on creating new content and play testing to ensure the fun factor but really we're just at the tip of the iceberg in terms of what you can learn with cloud-based testing we're hard at work developing tools to help you automate large portions of your qa test plan across multiple devices in the cloud and once they're ready you'll be able to integrate these tools into ci pipelines so play tests are executed instantly with every update to automate huge portions of your qa and balance play testing right now the first 500 game simulation hours are free imagine what you might learn about your game [Music] crafting an odd world experience begins with an emotional and timeless story our goal is to build visuals that match the scope of the narrative and display a theatrical level of quality to achieve this the team created a one-button cinematic workflow on top of unity's timeline generating 50 plus minutes of compelling aaa cinematics balancing environmental scale performance and high fidelity visuals is always a challenge the result of our n-engine optimization efforts achieved a 72 improvement in performance allowing us to push the ps5 visuals as far as we could while also achieving comparable quality on the ps4 this made simultaneous release on the ps5 and ps4 a reality join me today at 11 50 to hear about the challenges and triumphs of building a truly next-gen experience creators around the globe are using unity to tell stories that power real world change stories that help us to better understand one another and our shared world in 2018 we founded the unity for humanity grant program to celebrate and support these creators their projects and the social issues they're tackling the program provides technical marketing and monetary support to creators who address themes like education economic opportunity sustainability health and well-being and inclusive storytelling in their projects today we're proud to announce our official unity for humanity grant recipients from the last call for submissions each of these projects wins twenty five thousand dollars along with five thousand dollars worth of unity professional services support and mentorship from unity employees ahika rangers a mobile game that transforms a generation that's lost its connection to the world into cheerleaders and activists for the planet dot's home a game that follows a young black woman as she travels through time to relive key moments in her family's history future aleppo where children rebuild homes and cities that have been ravaged by war in an interactive vr experience our america a vr experience based on a true story that promotes empathy by inviting viewers to experience racism microaggression and police brutality and samudra an emotional game that follows a child's journey across a polluted deep sea these real-time 3d games and storytelling experiences help us to see the world a bit differently creators are change makers and creativity can and should come from anyone anywhere change happens when all voices are heard if you have a spark of inspiration that will foster a more sustainable and inclusive world i encourage you to tell your story our next unity for humanity call for submissions opens april 22nd and i hope you'll submit your project your creativity can change the world at unity we believe the world is a better place with more creators in it we support creativity in whatever shape that takes this means ensuring you have powerful tools and a strong foundation for any game you want to make we're so glad you joined us today we look forward to a great year with you thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Unity
Views: 125,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unity3d, Unity, Unity Technologies, Games, Game Development, Game Dev, Game Engine
Id: na7EMenl2lY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 8sec (3008 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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