Unity Developer Creates a First Person Shooter in Unreal

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I have decided to switch game engines and create a first person shooter in unreal so you've probably heard Unity decided to put out a terrible new pricing model that makes absolutely no sense and could potentially bankrupt developers now a couple days ago they actually have reverted these changes but I think it's still a good time to land a new game engine now after I downloaded unveil I opened an empty project and I was about to start creating a player then creating the movement and creating a jump and creating a test environment but then I realized this is burtonville is different from Unity you don't have to create everything from scratch the systems have already been built so instead of Reinventing the wheel I created a new project with the first person template I started by importing some models for my current project to see what they would look like with unreal's lighting and post-processing then I got the first person idle animation working and I apparented the scar to the ham bone after this I was still quite lost in the engine so I did the first hour in a real video by epic games and I watched a couple other videos showing the basics of the Unreal Engine and I also found this page outlining the differences between unity and veal which was very useful like a game object as an actor and a blueprint is a prefab now on the first person startup project you start with a gun that is kind of like a cannon that shoots some sort of bouncy ball and I like this idea so I decided to carry on with this theme and I created a grenade launcher so I opened up blender and created a toony light grenade launcher using the subdivision modifier [Music] and we have nanite right so we don't need to worry about that Fantasy Cow all right honestly I don't know let me know in the comments below now I am using FBS animations for my other project so I don't have to recreate all the animations again so I imported them into a meal and after this I got the grenade launch interview and I noticed that the animations don't really fit the gun and to fix this in unity I created a warm bone ik constraint so I could position the left hand to more grip the gun but after some research I found out unreal already has a two burn ik constraint that you can just plug into the animator State machine next to actually fire the projectile first I went into blender and I created a grenade shell then I followed some tutorials on shooting projectiles which was very basic all I had to do was create a new blueprint attach the grenade shell mesh added a projectile class and then I just spawned it from a point in front of the gun then I found this free asset pack with particle effects found the muzzle flash I liked and edited it to make a bit quicker and removed some of the effects that didn't match and then just played the muzzle flash or Mouse click and an explosion effect when the projectile hit something now one of the easiest ways to improve game feel is camera shakes and unveil has a great and easy system of implementing this in my opinion way better than unity's cinemachine camera shakes so I created a small shake for on fire which is mainly just rotation on the x-axis and a large shake for the explosion which is rotation on all axes wait please subscribe guys me and my brother just separated our channels and 20 subscribers is looking pretty sad after this I set up a one-dimensional blend space to blend the animations between Idol and walk then I created an animation State machine to control the animations for walking and jumping which is the same as an animator in unity I also created an animation Montage for the gunfire which is like setting a trigger in unity now we need something to actually shoot so unoriginally I created a zombie in blender not only is a zombie easy to create because the bottle can be ugly and it doesn't matter but it's logically easy to implement all he does is follow the player if he's a mange and they attack when he's close enough and unveil has a great AI system to implement this so after watching a couple tutorials again I added Nev mesh boundary to the scene which outlined all the places the zombie could walk and Chase the player I created a new blueprint I added the zombie mesh I attached the AI class and I created some basic logic using blueprints to make the AI follow and attack the player when in range oh and yes for the zombie animations I was lazy and I used miximo for the idol one on and attack animations then I added some logic so when the zombie is hit it goes on fire for a couple of seconds then turns to a rag doll because who doesn't love Mac dolls every year damage I actually had a tough time trying to create the blueprint logic because it would hit the player first when it was initially shot so I added some logic to check if the actor it was colliding with was the player and this worked it would only explode if it hit the zombie but then it wouldn't explode when it hit the ground of a static object and since my blueprint knowledge is very limited I just added a timer for it to explode after two seconds if it hadn't collided with a zombie first and after playing around with it I think it turned out alright additionally I added radial Force so on explosion any object simulating physics gets pushed back and with this feature I unintentionally created rocket jumping which is very cool lastly I added some audio for the launch of fire the grenade hitting the ground and the explosion now for the environment for this game I just wanted to create an island with a couple trees and rocks and after watching a couple tutorials I was able to do just that I started by creating a Terrain and shaping it to my liking I then added a reels ocean body so it looked like you're on an island then using an asset pack I was able to place some trees and walks throughout the map I did start with these cartoon low poly style trees but then I changed it to something more realistic now looking at this you can really see how Superior unveils lighting and post-processing is to unities now the last thing I did was scatter the zombie AI throughout the map now initially they wouldn't chase the player but after going through some forms I found a box in the project settings that I just needed to tick so after a week of creating a game in unreal there was still so much I have to learn like I haven't even touched C plus plus yet but I really do like the game engine and how pretty your game looks straight out of the box and it's crazy but it even feels faster than Unity especially with unity's reload time but hey if you want to see part 2 let me know in the comments below thanks for watching guys peace
Channel: Lewis Evans
Views: 137,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamedev, gamedevelopment, indiegame, unity3d, unreal, unity
Id: jFf0ZwAh3aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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