Unity to Unreal Engine 5: Was it Worth It?

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ever wondered what it's like to switch from Unity to Unreal Engine well let me tell you it's a bit like trying to make toast without electricity without the bread and without the toaster but Hey where's the fun and game development without a few challenges along the way [Music] right today I'm diving head first into my journey of making that very transition and trust me it's been one heck of a ride so pick this a season developer with years of coding experience suddenly finds themselves thrown into the world of unreal engines blueprints but why would you even make that switch well as you can see the game engine I was using set the industry on fire so instead of running straight into the fire I just went the other way and chose a different engine I chose unreal because I've heard a lot about the good community and the graphical Fidelity of unreal I'm sure you have seen the videos of the Matrix demo now don't get me wrong the transition wasn't all smooth sailing adapting to unrealed workflow took some time and optimization well let's just say it's a whole new ball game but with the perspective and healthy dose of trial and error I've managed to overcome these challenges and create something truly remarkable for the time it took to make let's get started at the beginning in the binging so I did it like any developer would and I created a project and jumped straight into the engine without without any prior experience I created a chaos vehicle car and played around with the values which was pretty fun but this got boring after a while so I did the thing that any reasonable developer would do and do the first thing anyone does in another game engine that is to create a multiplayer game let me tell you this might sound stupid for any reason reasonable developer or Unity developer but jumping into unreal engines multiplayer system was so much easier thanks to the blueprints and thanks to the Steam support the only real problem I had is setting up that steam will recognize the game when starting it but after I finished that everything was working fine until I did something what I've realized is that you shouldn't use the in engine default car physics at all because they're just not suitable for my game that I want to create so after thinking about it for 5 minutes I thought the best course of action was to buy an asset for €170 now this in return was a really great idea even though it could have ended stupidly with me losing a lot of money the developer was really nice and responded to my emails within a couple hours so I got along really well with the game development process and after after adjusting the physics and tweaking the multiplayer to synchronize between players multiplayer was done and then I decided let's add a quick chat system which was really easy to implement again thanks to Unreal engines multiplayer support but the problem was I needed to learn about UI in unreal but to my surprise this wasn't difficult at all was similar to Unity but in a way better since you can just drag and drop stuff in there and would work automatically without me changing anything and it also worked really well with the blueprint system so they worked hand in hand which made the experience so much better so I created the chat system and right after that I created a procedural RPM gauge which in comparison was really complicated in unity which I talked about in another video in unity the RPM gauge was really glitchy and you couldn't do anything with it at all but in unreal it just worked right away it looked way better and you had more adjustable parameters and that's a wrap on my journey from Unity to Unreal Engine so next time if you think about switching to Unreal give it a shot maybe you don't need to fully switch right away but you can at least try it and spend a month or two in the engine and see if you like it oh and before I forget it why not join our Discord you can connect with fellow game developers share your project and dive deeper into the world of game development and don't miss out on any new project I'm creating
Channel: Overload
Views: 18,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: free for the month assets, games design, indie game development, how to design games, unreal, ue5, unreal engine, game dev, unity, devlog, game devlog, indie game devlog, game developer, coding, indie dev, indie game, gamedev youtube, ue5 free for the month assets, unreal engine free marketplace download, indie dev advice, unity vs unreal, unreal engine 4 tutorial, unreal free assets, unreal engine 5 open world, unreal engine 5 racing game, ue5 racing game, racing game
Id: A2wOK1x4rGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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