Unity Dev first Time looking at: Godot - Episode 4: Final Thoughts on Godot

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let's finish up with Godot welcome to the last episode right here in the well I run into a wall with godoll basically series and overall I must say I think that adapting from Unity to Godot is definitely possible there's a couple of caveats that I do think are worth mentioning number one I really really think that for my Unity folks do not underestimate Godot script I really think that it makes a lot of sense to try and familiarize yourself with that because really it seems very straightforward and to be honest if you know programming then you know jumping to a new language really shouldn't be that big of a deal most of these things are I mean fairly straightforward let's be honest I still haven't fully understood the node structure I will admit that I still have to sort of get into the idea that this is like a Note 3 like a hierarchy thing and that it works just the tiniest bit different from Unity the fact that it's so similar yet there is just this twist that it's a little bit different I think that that messes with me right now for just a little bit but the thing I find absolutely freaking fantastic is the signals and how easy it is to just put in any type of signal right here and just easily connect it like literally just being like hey just add this to the character bam I got this I can then say print me out hello saving it going in here all of a sudden I get a Hello every time the mouse like hovers over the player that's pretty freaking cool I'm not gonna lie that is a very very cool thing that it works like incredibly quickly the signal system absolutely freaking I mean amazing I I absolutely love this so overall for any Unity death I really think that going into you though is not actually as bad as one might think in the whole scope of things these were like my first two to three hours or so just playing around goofing around basically running into a wall so from a meta perspective of this series right the unity of tries or looks at the first time I would really like if there are any people interested in the ongoing series for more engines and stuff like that please feel free to leave me any type of Christmas some feedback in the comments below I am more than happy to take a look at that the way that I'm thinking about setting this up in the future is basically the first video of an engine is always going to be the absolute First Impressions like I haven't looked at anything I'm just running into a wall trying anything out and seeing if that you know if that gets me anywhere the second video would then be me looking up a few things basic maybe in between the episodes you know going through a little bit of documentation and making sure that I have something to basically show being like okay this is a little bit how this works and in the third video reading and incorporating some comments from the first two videos so I would expect probably a few people from the entrance looking at the first two videos and then basically leaving me hopefully constructive criticism and their Impressions which I can then incorporate into the third video and then if needed any additional considerations and final thoughts for a fourth video that would be sort of the way that I would like to lay this out for the time being and basically then look at one engine each week I'm highly attuned to the comments down below I'm trying to you know get to all of them but I try to read all of the comments that you leave me also be making sure I mean the next engine that I'm going to delineate this clearly that this is not a tutorial Series in the traditional sense this is really a I don't even know I first look at series it's definitely a little bit of an experimental type of content as long as you think it's entertaining interesting and educational to watch then I will be continuing with them and going through all of the other engines it's it's gonna be a while right of our sea world will end up I don't want to give a rating for Godot but I'll just put a count drill seal of approval on Godot over here for the time being I think after going through one or two tutorials by someone who has who knows the engine who knows their stuff I think that you're gonna be up and running in no time that would be my final thoughts and we're going to continue next time with this engine I don't know quite which one it is already should pop up a new video right here hope to see you there so yeah
Channel: Game Dev By Kaupenjoe
Views: 6,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kaupenjoe, Godot, Godot Look At, Unity Dev Looks At, Unity Dev, Game Engines, Game Engine Godot, Godot Games, Godot Tutorial, Godot Unity Comparison, 2D Game Godot, Testing Godot, First Time look at Godot
Id: HX1O84YJ94w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 52sec (232 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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