Unity Animation Rigging Package Vs Puppet3D

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let's talk filmmaking with unity specifically rigging characters for animation there are two ways that you can go about this the first is using unity's own internally developed animation rigging package which we are going to look at in this video as well as rigging characters using a third-party asset which you can get from the asset store by the name puppet 3d is the name of this plug-in okay so let's just start with unity's own internal animation rigging package let's go through the workflow and see what is required so we're going to select the character we're going to go to animation rigging i've already installed the package both of these packages i've already installed so that's why they're here so animation ringing bone renderer setup i want to see the bones a little more clearly so i change this to yellow now with the character still selected i give it animation rigging and rig setup now with this uh i have uh the components added to my character it's also added a rig item so underneath this rig item i'm going to create an empty game object i'm going to call this right arm ik and i'm going to assign this game object a to bone ik constraint here it is and filling setting this constraint up is a semi-automated process it's not fully automated so how do we set it up well we go into our skeleton hips spine chest left shoulder neck right shoulder right arm right elbow right wrist so the wrist will be our tip and we can drag that in so uh the wrist the tip uh will be our wrist the mid point will be our forearm or elbow and the root will be our upper arm now we can in we can manually drag elbow into mid and arm into root or once we've set up the tip once we've defined this we can right click on the two bone ik constraint name and go to auto setup from tip transform this is why i say it's a semi-automated process and not fully automated it requires your initial definition for the tip slot before it can search out the the mid in the route now when we click this automated i'm sorry the semi-automated setup it creates two additional game objects underneath our right arm ik it gives us a target and a hint a target is going to be the control by which we move the wrist the arm around and the hint is going to be used as a as instruction to tell the ik constraint which way the elbow should bend so let's set these up so with target selected i'm coming into scene view animation rigging i hit the plus sign and i expand this so locator effector i hit the target and i search for box effector there it is i hit enter and we don't see it because it's somewhere off else in world space it's a zero zero zero our character is not our character's far from that he's at one six seven negative zero negative three all right but animation rating package provides an easy way to align these things you select your uh controller element in this case it's our target and we find our the bone we wish to align it to which in this case is the wrist so i'm on max i'm command clicking so that i have target and a wrist both selected simultaneously i come up to animation rigging and i select align transform you can see that it aligns the transform the target to his wrist perfectly we're going to do the same process for the hint so i'm going to click on the plus sign i'm going to change the color to green to differentiate it from the color of the target i'm going to choose elect locator effector i'm going to select the target and i'm going to give this a ball target here we are and we're going to align it the same way so i am selecting hint and i'm going to command click elbow which is the bone i wish to align it to i go to animation rigging and align transform now right off the bat you can see it's perfectly aligned to his elbow but we want it to be behind his elbow as a constant reminder to the ik chain that the elbow should bend in that direction a common beginner mistake is that before like as soon as you uh chain as soon as you align the transform you might want to push this backwards but you'll notice you still have the elbow selected the physical elbow and that's why you distort the arm so i'm command z and i want to make sure i only have the hint selected which is this ball effector i'm going to push that back in world space so now we're done we've completely rigged this character's right arm with an ik constraint if we want to rig this entire character we need to take the process that we just did and apply a two bone arcade constraint to his other arm to each of his legs we have to use a different style or different type of constraint to provide controls for his hips for his center of gravity possibly for his chest for each of his shoulders for his neck and his head and you need to do all of that effort to simply have a character that you can animate well that's a lot of work especially if you are going to uh rig multiple characters for one scene which brings us to puppet 3d i wish i would have found puppet 3d much earlier so here's what we can do with puppet 3d i'm going to select my character i'm going to look in this hierarchy and i'm i noticed that he's got uh elements that are unnecessary there are things in here that are going to be created for us by puppet 3d so i'm going to right click on the prefab a prefab is any game object that's blue and black a regular game object is just a wireframe so i'm going to select the prefab i'm going to right click come down to the prefab menu and choose unpack completely now i do not need hip control i do not need the goals or the polls so i'm deleting these i'm right clicking and delete that leaves me with a character that only has a skeleton here in the hips and has the meshes which are the 3d sculpt of his his armor his gloves his clothes so i select the parent object of this character i go to window i choose puppet 3d it opens up a floating panel i like to dock this over next to my inspector so here's inspector here is puppet3d with the character selected i also want uh i check this box because i would like to rig his his fingers so i can open and close his hands and i choose create mod rig i click this and i'm done that's it that's the entire ring not just one arm that's his that's both arms that's both feet that's his hips his torso uh i have his shoulders and his neck and his head all complete so much faster you will notice that this base control is very large but that's an easy fix by selecting the character going into inspector scrolling down for handle radius and i'm going to pick something random let's go point three hey that's perfect actually so there we go so look how much quicker that was so if i wanted to rig three or four characters to animate a filmmaking scene i would much rather use puppet 3d than animation rigging package now in animation rigging packages defense it is a relatively young tool it is technically still in preview and i have no doubt that the engineers at unity will [Music] will develop it into a very robust uh wonderful internally built asset but right now it represents a lot of work uh you're gonna have to do a lot of things using multi-referential and multi-parent constraints along with two bone ik constraints you're gonna have to do a lot whereas if you're a filmmaker well if you're an animator you might really want to get into all of that but if you're a filmmaker and you just want the tool to get out of the way so that you can be creative puppet 3d is the thing way to go all right that's it that's comparison between written characters with animation rigging package by unity and rigging a character using puppet 3d which is a third party asset on the unity asset store i believe it's regular price fifty dollars and it is more than usually on sale for 25 um i do not have an affiliate link with them so i don't benefit but if you buy it i just want to give you um an inside track on how to make your life easier if you're looking to do some of the things that i'm trying to do with unity um as a creative all right so if you're if you are into filmmaking for unity then this is the channel for you and let's start with dialogues like and subscribe uh leave comments uh share some of your own workflows your own insights i'd love to hear them and i will continue to share insights of my own so that your life can be made simpler and your frustration can be minimalized all right that's it for this video thank you for watching and i will see you in the next one
Channel: Unity For Filmmaking
Views: 1,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Vsgaaavell4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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