Customize Mixamo Animations in Unity 2020 (Walkthrough / Stream) - Requires UMotionPro for Unity

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okay let's create this monstrosity uh why because we can't and the point is um while this is a strange uh looking uh chimpanzee or duckman walk what i wanted us to look at is how we take something from mixamo and modify it into something completely unique to our project this is something i've been experimenting with a lot of different uh plugins to try to achieve i've used puppet 3d i've used the animation rigging package from unity themselves and most recently i've come across this which is umotion pro there is a free community version this is the pro it's not expensive at all but uh the community version does not have ik um controls and pro does pro also allows you to import clips you can learn more about emotion from their own documentation but i want to go into how to create a thing so what i want us to do is come to start from a complete scratch so i'm going to close out everything we're going to uh walk through this so here's what we have uh we have a unity project has a soldier inside the default hdrp sample steam and you'll see that all i've added is the soldier and a cube why the cube you might ask if we're working with the soldier you're going to find out really quick so let's uh let's say that we want to have our soldier walking so the first thing i'm going to do is drag the soldier to the [Music] timeline as an animation track and [Music] if i add an animation which i will choose walk he jumps off into the distance where does he jump to well he jumps to coordinates zero zero zero zero wherever that may be uh in relation to here but zero is not here so that's why he's gone so that's why the cube is here the cube i've placed uh i just drag it into the scene and i come to the inspector for the cube and i look at its transform position which is roughly 12 on x 2 on y and 9 on z so 12 to 9. so i come back to the timeline and i select the animation itself and i come to the position and i i type in those coordinates roughly so 12 4 x 2 for y 9 4 z and then i use the clip transform offsets to tweak and get him into the position that i actually want him to be in so now he's in the world where i desire him to be so which means we're done with the cube we can get rid of it or just hide it in case we want to bring other objects into the world space specifically here so if you want to move this guy around once you've placed him you'll notice that it can be a little weird like um [Music] take that yeah so if we move him using his normal transforms and then we come to our timeline you'll notice that he jumps to where we placed him with the timeline uh animation offsets so what you have to do is instead of moving your character around with his transforms up here in the inspector select the animation clip come to clip transform offsets use the position tool or the rotate tool so we're going to position him here i am going to rotate him to move in this direction so this means he now walks in this direction but you'll see that he only walks for a portion of the clip and not the entire clip the way we get around this is one of two ways we can select our walk clip come down to loop and use on which means that it will always that this clip instance will loop and that this will allow you to uh just have this one instance of the walk animation loop while if you were to use um another instance of it so uh add animation clip add the same one walk and put it aside we'll elongate you can see that this one loops this one does not so the other option is you can go into your project select your walk within your imported fbx go to the inspector and then click on animation and scroll down until you see loop time you can check that box and hit apply now if we go to timeline and if we drag in the animation again by adding animation clip add walk and if we extend it out it will be looped so it's using the sources asset and this the uh the source asset so this is the source asset here and the default is that we checked loop so whatever you see use source asset it's going to use the loop or loop check or the un uh checked mark or loop or you can manually set it to on or off for looping all right so here we have our guy and he is walking now he is looping i'm going to put that on the source uh use source asset because it's that so we have a guy walking but we want to customize his walk how do we do that well let's say that we have we know that we want him to this is one walk cycle that's it let's say we know we want him to walk from point a here to point b here so we can extend this until he walks to the point we want him so for just making this super clean i'm going to round this up to the completion of this loop two which is technically loop three because it's loop zero is the first one loop one is the second and loop two is the third okay so now we have three loops great dude's walking all right but we want to make this walk unique to our project maybe he's uh been bitten by a vampire chimpanzee and now he is slowly turning into a man chimpanzee and he needs to walk like once so we're about to create a monster so the way we do that is uh you im you purchase and then you import umotion pro you absolutely need pro for this uh functionality because it allows you to do two things that i'm going to show you now so the first thing you do once you've imported it through package manager there's so many tutorials on how to do all of that i'll leave that to the others then you will click window umotion editor choose clip editor and that will add this window here and then choose you also need to open up emotion editor pose editor which will open up this window all right so mine are already open which is why i didn't clip it so let's start a new umotion project so go to with your clip editor selected go file new project humanoid because we are working with a humanoid character from miximo and when we imported him into unity we we chose rig humanoid so do i need to backtrack and show you that let's let's do that really fast just in case you are like me and you are encountering this stuff early on in your learning process so in your project when you go to miximo and you create or you you download an animation or a character you are going to have an fbx and then when you so in your project file when you select fbx and you go to your inspector you have rig you can choose but it automatically imports as animation type generic you want to click on humanoid and then just click apply i'm sorry uh add create from this model apply that's it then you're done okay so that means that your character is now of the animation type which brings us forward again to clip editor new project type humanoid right so if we have a humanoid character we have um a humanoid project i'm going to call this um monkey walk i don't know if this is a monkey walk or a duck who knows what we're creating so we have a new project but now we need to assign our soldier to be the element that we are animating so with pose editor presence and open you'll see this selected game object to animate i want you to select the character that you're working with we're working with our soldier we're going to drag and drop him into this slot it's going to say new rig detected would you like to configure this rig absolutely so yes now before anything else we go back into our pose editor and we click on config mode and we go ik setup wizard and we hit ok we make sure that target rotation are our ik handles and we select create so you don't need to know what the ik handles are you don't need to go into a lot of detail you just want to make sure that that's what it's selected as and then create you'll notice you get these blue bones so now back in pose mode scroll down to the bottom of your window and choose rig layer which do you want to see we only want to see do you see how uh there's some white bones and some blue bones the blue the white bones are ik fk and the blue bones are f ik backwards here you only want to see the ik because that's all we're going to work with so that first step was we configured our character to move with ik skeleton now we can import our walk animation that we are going to modify we do that by going back to our clip editor choosing file import clip import clip oh actually i should say uh this uh in config mode this uh this ik setup wizard all the stuff that we did with the ik this is why you need uh motion pro this is not present in motion community which is the free or liked version okay so to do this you need pro okay back in clip editor uh i'm sorry pose mode you'll notice this trips me up a lot uh clip editor is grayed out and you cannot do anything whenever you are in config mode so if you ever find that that's grayed out like i just did come back to pose mode and you'll notice everything zips back into line for you so in clip editor choose file import an animation clip this is another feature that is unique to umotion pro that you will not find in umotion community is the ability to import clips animations that you get from miximo etc so i'm going to find my walking animation so it's this one i'm just going to drag it into animation clips and we are going to convert the fk to ik so all the fk mod animations in this animation we are converting to work with our ik so we are turning this on and we are going to import it doesn't take long at all see we have one imported zero warnings zero failed which means we're good to go back in clip editor you can now see that as we scroll along our timeline we have our walking animation okay beautiful let's say that you are working with timeline as i am because i like to work with i i use unity not to build games but to make uh film content you'll notice that as you scrub in your timeline nothing happens that's because your character is locked by emotion and whenever a character is locked in by emotion what that means is that the character has been assigned to the game object within pose editor but umotion is brilliant in that you can sync it with timelock so or animation window or timeline we're going to work with timeline so uh when they are not synced you can scroll and see the animation in umotion but you cannot see the effects within timeline however if we put our playhead at zero and we go to clip editor sync with an or with timeline window and no offset meaning they are perfectly synced now if i move my frame to [Music] let's say the 25th frame go to timeline we'll see that the playhead has moved to that place as well and also we can scroll within timeline all right but remember we said in the beginning that we wanted our character to walk from point a to point b and that's how we came up with loop zero loop one loop two but you'll notice when we imported our clip into umotion the animation itself is only one walk cycle and then it ends so it doesn't get him all the way to where he needs to be so we can see that in timeline at the end of our animation where our green playhead is we have no more keyframes to go we go back to timeline we can see that that corresponds with exactly the first loop cycle and then the next frame the next loop begins but you'll notice that the loop doesn't play that's because when you are watching this umotion the only actual animation that exists is one walk cycle it's one step two step and then nothing else exists timeline is extrapolating and looping that so in order to see the continuation you need to go into clip mode select all of your frames and so i just uh select um uh clip editor um is active and i uh command all because i'm on mac and i'm copying so command c control if you're on windows now you'll probably see that i do some wonky zooming that's because you when you use your scroll wheel to zoom in and out of you you motion it zooms in or out based upon where your cursor is so right now i'm on the playhead of five seconds and if i zoom in it centers on five seconds i forget that sometimes and i want to zoom in on this keyframe here but i forget and my cursor is over here and then i have to zoom back out and zoom back in again all right just a little tip for you if you find it's difficult to navigate that's because it's centering on your cursor so what i have here is all of my keyframes selected i'm going to the very last key frame and i'm going to overwrite it by command v for paste and the reason why i'm overriding the last keyframe is because on an animation that is loopable the first keyframe and the last keyframe are exactly the same which means if i were to uh not overwrite this but simply paste the second loop on the immediate frame after that means i would have two frames of one position at the end of the animation and that would look wonky so by overriding it i make sure i do not have a duplicate frame now we want how many times do we want to copy this well if if we go to our animation we know that we have one loop two loops three loops so i'm going to go clip editor we did it once we did it twice so we'll do it one more time and i'm zooming that's that trick i need to get used to again uh zoom in on the last frame and i'm going to overwrite it there we go so now we have three walking animations but we're not quite where we want to be because you can see he walks once he walks twice but he jumps back to the beginning of the cycle and he loops a third time and he jumps back and we see the same thing in timeline because now we're seeing kind of the same thing all right so at the beginning of the second loop he jumps back to the beginning why is that if we go to clip editor the character's position along his path is governed by his hips his hips control his root motion and we can see that umotion is telling us that because four hips for this hip bone umotion gives us a little orange rm which stands for this item has root motion applied to it so the way we get this to stop looping it would be a nightmare if we tried to do it by individual keys so this is where curves comes into play and it makes everything super handy so what i want you to do select just your root motion item which is hips not the root motion of your rotation because we're not worried about the rotation of the hips we're only worried about the position in world space so with only hips position selected we change over from our dope sheet which are our key frames to our curves now we see we see three axes we see one for the x one one for the y and one for the z and we can see that we want our character to smoothly walk from this point to the end and we can see that two of these axes the green which if we look over to our uh uh i don't know what animated properties window you can see that green is the y position and we can see that the red gives us a nice smooth linear path and red corresponds with our x position it's only our z axis that seems to start over at the beginning of each one so this is how uh easy it is to fix this animation and have it uh have him traverse left to right seamlessly so we only want to work with the blue which is the z so i'm going to click on the i to hide the red x axis and i'm going to hide the green y axis let me zoom out a little bit i'm going to select by dragging my cursor over all the keyframes for loops two and three i'm going to zoom in and i'm just going to click anywhere in this selected bounding box i'm going to move upwards i'm just dragging all of the keys together to where i think it looks correct that looks nice deselect zoom back out i'm going to repeat the process but only selecting the third loop zoom in and shift up now if you find that as you're shifting and moving up that you accidentally you know you move up or you kind of overwrite that's okay if you've overwritten you're like oh what have i done just bring them back over and then slowly bring them over to be in on the adjacent frame and so we want something like that so now if we turn our axis back on we can see that all three of our axes give us a very nice smooth linear motion and what does that mean for our walking uh character it means he now just seamlessly moves through each of those animations all right beautiful so now what we've done just super fast summaries we started in timeline to find out how many iterations we wanted this how many iterations of the loop we needed to get him from our desired starting point to our desired ending point we then came into clip editor and [Music] we extended we copy and pasted the animation the singular loop and we matched the number of loops that we needed that we got from our timeline and then we went into our curves and we made sure that all of our axes were linear and that none were stopping abruptly and then starting over again all right that brought us to this point here we are we have a man walking so now we want his walk to look unique so how do we do that all right well i want you to go uh back into your dope sheet which is your keyframes and with your playhead positioned at frame zero i want you to click anywhere in your scene editor and i want you to control or command a to select all of your character's bones and i want you to come over to your pose editor and check ik pinned and then i want you to click generate for under animation you'll have key selected you have auto key which is all you have which means uh you have to manually key enter keyframes for each uh change position or you have update which will every time you make a change it will only uh modify existing keyframes and then you have generate so generate does everything that update does it will update your existing keyframes but anytime that you modify a property that does not have a keyframe it will add one for you generate is powerful and wonderful is our friend so with generate selected we go to key selected and key all it will give us uh dialogues for converting yes yes and yes and yes all right so now we have uh our character and our character is walking and his his uh ik uh bones which are his legs and his arms uh are are pinned what does pinning mean let's find out together so if we do not have our character pinned so let's do that by let's see you know what let me uh i'm going to select everything and hopefully i'm not going to ruin my uh project to uh up to this point by doing this but i'm on frame zero i'm unchecking pin so i'm going to unpin and i'm going to convert convert convert convert ah i knew that would happen so i'm going to show you what uh unpinned looks like at the end of this video because going back and forth can be a mess so uh so we're back to where we left off which is everything is ik pinned and converted so we don't want to change the walk in here on this animation that would be a bit of a nightmare but what we can do is create our own changes on a clean animation layer that sits on top of this and we can do that let's see if i can scroll over here there we go so here in this bottom corner of clip editor we see layers the base layer is our imported walking animation we can add new layers by clicking this new layer button and we have two layer types we have additive and override i'll show you both but we're going to use additive and the reason why is i'm going to name this hip position what an additive layer does is allows us to make a change so i'm what i'm doing is i am going to just kind of move around the character i'm going to grab his hips and i'm going to lower to the ground and already we can see remember i'm going to explain unpinned and pinned uh in a little more detail down the line but if our character were unpinned and we moved his hips downward toward the ground do you see how his hands and his feet are staying in position where they are even though i'm moving his body his arms and legs are pinned right now and they're staying if if they were unpinned and i drug i dragged his hips downward his feet would go through the floor his arms would stay in relation to his body okay and that would be very difficult because we if we wanted him to walk along the floor which is what we want to do so that's why we pin we pin so that his feet will stay on the floor where they are but we can move him into a crouching position so now when we scroll on our timeline our clip editor we can see that he is now walking uh in a crouched position that's what override i'm sorry i'm not uh additive allowed us to do so this is an additive position or hip position so what happens uh with um with an override override completely takes the animation out of a modified element we will see this by let's right now we see that his feet are walking correct if i add so this is an additive layer if i change the position of his leg by dragging it outward in a weird way we're not going to use this but i want you to see how it's really far out from the bottom on an additive layer that means we've changed the position of his foot but it still has the walking animation applied so let's get rid of that and let us create a new uh override layer and uh we'll call this uh foot change we're going to delete this uh but i want you to see um what the difference is and here in your layers you can tell which layers are additive and which are override simply by the a and the o so now you saw what happened when we changed the foot position by dragging it outward on an additive layer he still he walked with his foot out in this way but on an override if we move forward you see how the position is overridden it will never move it will it's locked here in this spot so that's the difference between override and and now it just looks like his leg is uh it's tied to something and it's tracked and it's not it's not moving with the animation so that's the difference between override and [Music] additive so we're going to delete this unwanted override track because we're only working with our additive layer so here on our additive layer we're going to zoom in we're going to make a few more changes let's go with his uh his wrist we're going to move his arm and i'm going to come up here and change this the pivot from right now it's local i'm going to change that to global you're probably very accustomed to changing that here from local to global but this does not this control does not work when you're in umotion i still find myself occasionally coming up here it's not going to do you any good you have to use emote emotions version which is here so we are going to lift his arm up and i'm going to rotate the wrist and rotate a little like this and let's grab his uh the pull target of his um his arm and move that forward his arms behind his head so we can bring this down already he's looking really bizarre fantastic all right so do the same thing with the other side raise the arm bring the wrist up i want to get in close and look because sometimes i you know you don't want the wrist to rotate beyond 360 on an axis because then it just flips around and looks really wonky so that's fine all right so now same thing we see that his uh elbow is bending behind his body so we're going to move his pole target which tells his elbow which way to bend i'm gonna bring that out in front of him a little bit and we're going to give him duck knees so we want his knees to uh bend outward so again we're going to select the pull target i'm going to shift this out i'm going to i'm going to bring it make sure it's well in front of his body i'm going to do the same thing yeah bring that out and let's see if this yeah i figured that was going to be switching into orthographic was going to be a little bit of a problem and it happens occasionally if you've got walls that are too close to you so there's our guy i'm just going to zoom in we'll change our view shift it around manually here and there we go so knees there [Music] there all right and i think this this wrist can be a little monkey-like all right so now we've made all these modifications on our uh additive layer so what we have is a normal walk if i mute this uh you know what this is no longer just a hip position this is uh i'm going to edit this by clicking on the pencil i'm going to call this uh monkey mod call it monkey that's necco uh monkey modification and okay so this is what it looks like we have some soldier who's been bitten by a vampire monkey and now he walks like a chimp uh forever through all eternity that that's the story we're sticking with it so this is uh what umotion has allowed us to do now if we mute with this m the layer monkey modification we can see we have the normal wall so we didn't have to create with the beauty of umotion we did not have to create a monkey walk from scratch we were able to take this very mundane everyday miximo animation of a character walking bring it into umotion use it uh the ik configuration and setup and the additive layer function of umotion and modify the walking animation to create uh our monkey man so how do we get this animation out of emotion and into our timeline now he you might think it's in timeline because you can see it but what we're really looking at is a clip editor controlling timeline and you can tell that that's what's happening because emotion is locked and also you have this little uh warning icon what we need to do is export this clip uh this monkey walk and replace this normal walk with our new monkey walk so let's do that but first why let me show you uh the beauty of why uh we chose to sync things with timeline we know that we started with timeline because we stated we wanted him to go from position a to position b but what if we built out our entire world and we knew that at exactly this point in time not only did we want his walk to be uh the way it is now we knew that exactly at this point in time we wanted uh him to do something with his arms well this allows us to see the character in the world that we've created so that all of our animations and modifications can be um timed uh properly within our world within unity so right here justice just as he gets past the uh golden ball that is in the background let's uh let's go into clip editor and we can see that this is um well it's frame 44 and it happens at uh one second and uh 14 frames because what this is telling me so let's say that uh just a little let's say that we want the characters uh i'm going to go a little before this and i'm going to make sure i'm on my additive layer i'm going to zoom in i'm going to come look at the front of our guide let's say that we want um i'm going to set a keyframe just by kind of shifting the arm just a tiny little bit so it's barely no any move at all and then we know that right here we want the character to do something with his arm so let's just bring it down so i'm going to that looks awkward i'm going out beside him all right and [Music] let's bring this up place it there and i'm going to zoom in because i want to rotate his wrist remember we don't want to go uh in a a manner that is going to go beyond 360 degrees in an axis so let me see enough seeing that what i'm doing there will break it so you know what i [Music] got a little weird here all right let me kill him we are we're making a guy walk like a chimpanzee this is weird from the beginning ah i know okay so undo this you know what i'm going to undo these this arm modification simply because we're going to do it again from scratch because i want to understand what is going on with his wrist so let's go right i'm i'm gonna cheat a little bit because i'm gonna straighten his wrist out here so that when i bring the arm down i have a clear understanding of exactly where his wrists were stop the orthographic all right so now this is correct we're not breaking his uh his wrist so now it's uh down beside his body so now what we have nope come out is his arms up and then right about here his arm comes down so we know that if we come up to our timeline and we come back out here right around that spot uh obviously our perspective is going to be different so he may not be perfectly lined up with that ball because we're freely rotating our camera around but we do know that right around this midpoint is when he's going to animate his arm all right so now we have a strange walk and we have a precise uh timing of an arm animation okay not too bad so now we're done we've created a monster we love it uh we think it's charming and we want to commit it to our project so we are still in clip editor we want to go to i'm sorry we were in timeline just a second here so we want to come over to clip editor and we want to click file export current clip it's going to ask us where we want to save that clip but it asks us in a very strange way it tells us that no uh export settings have been selected and would you like to open the settings hit yes you can name your exported clip by coming over to clip and we want the animation underscore wall is the name of our original so we want to call this um let's call it let's call it monkey monstrosity monkey monster ah come on i don't think that's how you spell that [Music] yeah my ocd will not let me misspell things so hold on oh i was right it just looks weird to me i don't know why it looked weird maybe because of what we've been looking at for the last however long so we've named our clip monkey monstrosity and we want to go back to our project and choose a destination folder so i'm going to click the three icon it's going to ask where do you want to save it and i'm going to save it in animations i have an animation folder so assets um animations and choose and then you can close now file export current clip and it will run through the job for you and it will tell you uh how it how it finished so you have one clip exported nothing failed we have no warnings that we need to look at so we hit ok we can now go clip editor close out uh umotion when we close our project it will unlock our soldier so let's go uh clip editor file close project go to our timeline and we see that we have our normal walk but we want our guy to do a monkey walk so we're going to do you let's see do you remember when at the beginning when we had to use the cl the cube as an anchor to bring our guy into a position if i delete this walk and i bring in the monkey walk we're going to have to do that again the other option is you can leave this in place come to any further spot on the timeline and right click add animation find animation monkey monstrosity bring that onto the timeline it's still going to be jumped uh you know it still jumps off into the distance which is way way in the distance back here but with this selected we can right click and choose match offsets to the previous clip which is this clip so now the monkey walk begins wherever the character exists at the end of this walking animation see and if we right now he's just snapping and he's going from normal walk and he snaps into the monkey walk if we wanted him to start morphing into the monkey walk then you can have the uh walk and then blend it a little bit and he will slowly just blend down into right and then you would adjust the length of the blend to provide a natural see that's a little weird right so whenever you change the blend you actually need to rematch the offsets to the previous clip because you probably saw that weird like he moved forward rather quickly now he doesn't now he just kind of ducks down into the walk and that's because uh the clip is matched to this position where he the character is it is here but if we moved our and uh we moved our animation forward even though we matched the uh clip offset it was matched to somewhere about here and we've now moved it which means the character slides so every time you make a move you're going to need to re-match the offsets of the previous clip and you'll be okay so we've done that so remember uh what i was saying a second ago we'd have to use the clue cube you can still use the cube or you can just drag it the character so that the start of the monkey animation is at frame one of the walk animation and oops maybe not frame one but really close let's uh let's say like frame two and now match offsets previous clip so now with that done we can delete our animation and now what we have is a character who is back at our starting point and who uh walks very strangely and probably doesn't have many friends maybe he does you know who are we to judge this guy actually might be very popular with the ladies it's a very strange thing but there we go so there we have um a modified character walk and we saw how to do it what tool we want to use to do it which is umotion pro trust me i have tried the animation rigging package from unity and i've tried puppet 3d and they have uh they're they're powerful but they are not the tools for this job i have struggled with them greatly and this i found to be very simple so and we saw how to blend uh [Music] a couple of animations that was a bonus we saw how to bring a character into a spot so i'm going to delete this guy so here you have uh we know that we have a character i'm going to drag this character out of the world so now nothing's here and i'm going to delete this cube so why am i doing this why did i delete everything we just did because i want to show you how it all comes together so in your project you are going to have a character and we'll have all my characters are here in this character folder i'm going to grab my soldier and i'm going to drag him into this world i want him to position here and i know that i'm going to use timeline to create a film scene so uh of my soldier so i know that i want to drag my soldier to the timeline as an animation track and i know that i want him to walk like a chimpanzee so i'm going to right click add from animation clip and choose monkey monstrosity which is what we created and we know that he jumps away and that's such a pain now so that's why i find it's best to add an object but when you create an object using this method you'll see that it jumps way off in the distance too right because everything is created in space zero so i'm going to just drag this forward and that's why i whenever i start a film scene i think that i'm probably going to begin with um with this very process of studying it using any kind of object in my scene as an anchor point and now i'm going to select the anchor object and just look at its position in world space which is let's say 11 1 and eight which means i can select my monkey monstrosity and i can go to position under animation clip and i can go 11 i've already forgotten i'm gonna say two and i'll go with eight okay that's really close so once you've got him close and in scene now you can fine tune it with the clip transform offsets to bring him into a precise space where you want him to be and then you can also use the rotation to say well i don't want him to walk um you know let's say that he was this way i don't want him to walk this way i want him to walk across the screen laterally well we can just set this so now that's precisely what he does and he's gone right and we can loop this as much as we want and he will loop off into the sunset to find other chimpanzees all right so that's everything that is it i just wanted to go over that not only to provide uh hopefully helpful insight for you if you're looking on uh how to how do you do this with unity but also as like a document of record for myself because i've struggled with all types of tools and workflows and when i stumbled upon this i not only wanted to write it down for myself but i also wanted to talk it out with with fine folks like you so that um i'll help cement it into my brain but also uh i wanted to be able to uh help others uh i want to hear from others if you have uh insight and uh ideas on how to do things uh differently or more efficiently or better i want to hear about them uh so let's help each other so that was the point of this uh documentation and really drilling it down into my brain by talking it out and demonstrating it uh and repeating it so that's how this is done i hope you found this helpful and productive and i hope that you are able to put it to use in your own projects thanks to peter who makes you motion uh he does not know me um i don't have any affiliate link with him uh i just know that this uh umotion uh plugin has made my life so much easier so uh to the developer of emotion i believe his name is peter i say thank you all right good luck everyone i hope you create some cool things and thanks for watching
Channel: Unity Virtual Production & Filmmaking (HDRP + URP)
Views: 1,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 41sec (3281 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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