Animate a character using PROCEDURAL Animations ONLY! - Tutorial Unity3D - Procedural animation #1

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hi everyone and welcome back for another video today we're checking out procedural animation it's a really recent concept that became really popular the main use case is to spice up baked or traditional animations by doing head aiming or object grabbing look much more realistic but in theory it offers all the tools to animate anything from scratch but it's easier on some creatures than others for example this geeko or the spider are 100 procedurally animated it looks amazing it adapts according to the relief to the speed and the feet always stick to the ground so i wondered how visible is it to animate and humanoid avatar only using procedural animation this is what this series video will be about i can already tell you that we'll have a lot of fun and some great accomplishments on the way in this video we will set up the environment as well as make a first script to control our fit position if you don't have any 3d character to work with i highly suggest you to pick up a free character on mix ammo they're pretty well rigged and they look good i personally picked up this one he's called leonard leonard he's called brian and i'm pretty sure he will do great job at learning how to walk with us once i imported the character into unity for some reason i lost the materials on the way well that's not a problem i'm just going to pimp it myself okay that's way better then i added a few staples on the way the purpose of this challenge is to cross them all with a really natural behavior to be honest that won't be easy and i'm expecting brian to twist his ankle a few times [Music] then we need the most basic controller ever like many controllers it will be based on a capsule with a rigid body attached to it then we just create a script but don't worry it's going to be a really simple one toldja as you can see it's really simple but it's doing the job and we'll improve it later if needed [Music] as i said all we need is the collider and the rigid body so we're just going to remove the mesh finder and the mesh filter because they're not needed anymore and instead let's just put brian at the center of the capsule now we just want to make sure that brian is actually moving with the capsule [Music] if you want to do an ice skating game the tutorial is over for all the others just stick with me because this is where the fun part begins the final step of the setup is to install the animation rigging package there are plenty of videos explaining how this works but in the main line you need to go in window package manager make sure that you can download preview packages and just download the package [Music] after you waited forever you should have a new tab on the top it should contain rig setup so you just select brian and click on rig setup it will create a new empty game object with a rig component onto it rig can contain one or more constraints for this example let's say that we want to move the right arm so that you understand better how it works to do this we're going to use a two bone ik constraint we just need to make a new game object into the riggs r key attach to bone ike constraint to it [Music] as you can see we need to set up targets that we are going to pick up directly from brian's skeleton make sure to pick up the right bones otherwise you will end up with pretty funny results in my case i had to put the hand at the tip the forearm at the mid and the arm at the root if you are working with a humanoid 2 it should be the same now you can clearly see inverse kinematic constraint in action just by setting a target for the hand it actually bends brian's elbow now we need to extend this idea for the legs which was more difficult than i thought by default my knees were bending sideways somehow i could get this pretty decent result by adding an aiming constraint to the leg when i was happy with my left leg i just repeated the same process but symmetric for the right leg then i made sure that both legs were behaving exactly the same as you can see we can already take some nice poses [Music] let's go a bit further instead of moving targets by hand in the scene view we're going to move them via scripting obviously we need to expose target's transforms we will also keep in memory a few vectors that will be useful in the future as a first script i thought it would be nice to make sticky feet even if the body is moving we don't want the fit to move to do this we just need to set back the previous position for each target the result is really simple but it proves that procedural animation has a great potential now that all the setup is done it's just a matter of finding the right algorithm remove the transforms [Music] in the next episode we will try to do our first steps to do so we will have to deal with balancing and core routines if you enjoyed this video please make sure to subscribe not to miss the next one see you next time cheers
Channel: Léo Chaumartin
Views: 52,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Procedural Animation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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