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hello friends it's me and today we're gonna be checking out some unique features that people have all right for everyone who's new here i have a chip in my hand and it opens stuff in our house my husband and i made this wait wait wait wait wait hello hamora i don't think i said that right y'all related to elon musk or something why so secretive she has a chip implanted into her hand so she can unlock her house her cabinets her tv is this necessary is this the future because i don't want it i mean it's cool but like couldn't you like keep the chip on like a key chain i had to do this trend with my mom [Music] oh oh oh my back hurt looking at that what she did oh how you do that and it don't crack if she even got a spine it's extra stretchy the way it just like whoa bam throwing it back to the next dimension let me tell you she felt different okay so my brother's asleep and you know rem sleep like rapid eye movement i noticed it was happening so i'm gonna film what it looks like please don't please don't i learned about this at school poor guy is just sleeping and then it goes to just but when they said rapid eye movements they meant it like you in that good deep deep sleep oh what are you forcing his eyelids open for at least she didn't do it with the flash i do this thing where i walked on my toes it's like a normal thing like i've done it since i was a kid walk on your toes he jumped on it his toes don't crack they're not cracking i thought he meant like tippy toes you know they've been forward a little bit but i know he just went like well bam i walk on folded feet i have never seen that before [Music] oh what are those the only thing i want to know is can you taste more flavor with them like you know you got different parts of your tongue that taste different things like sweet and salty and spicy what do they do so these are fimbriated folds on the bottom of your tongue it's basically like a skin tag i would just be messing with those all day like there is something on my tongue pull it off eat it absorb its power nah those would be plucked one by one what's a really weird thing that your body does that you're not sure anybody else's body does so everybody can put their tongue away but i've never met anybody who can oh it closed she closed it i can't do it the way she just sealed that's pretty cool so i would like to know if you have a weird or quirky talent and you're not sure if anyone else can do it okay so i can move my cheeks give us a round of applause oh whoa well she said move them i thought she was gonna be like i could move them too is there something in there a lump of something you ate when you were a child or maybe her face got pockets and she just like moving the contents they got choppers upon chompers why the front row got braces in the back row don't imagine just devouring a thing of laffy taffy with half the amount of chewing like that's a lot of teeth i didn't know this was a thing where you could have like multiple rows of teeth but here we are i can't imagine biting into something like double the biting capabilities y'all bout to make the tooth fairy go bro come to collect your baby teeth like didn't i just collect your two front chompers what there's more so this guy was born without a nose bridge like you just like smoosh and it just goes down so does he like breathe really good because there's like nothing in the way can't relate okay so i just wanted to make this video to expand on my last one about how i achieved this glamorous look i've got a couple comments saying that i don't have a bone in my nose and you're right i don't have a bone in my nose if you do i would get that checked out i have a nasal bone of course it goes to about right there i'm just kind of lacking at that structural cartilage that people do have i do have cartilage in my nose it's just more of an elastic y'all see that thing squishy turns for it she squished it into our face and it just like bounced back like hello you called roll the more punch in the air right now hey yo back abs track uh i see back abs how is that possible how you build muscle there why you flex like that i have so many questions i think y'all gotta like rotate the middle piece it's on backwards it's like a weird genetic mutation that you have oh i got this one bam that's a baby toe a little teeny weeny she got two pinkies too but on her toe we got two piggies who cried wee wee wee i can't find my way home all right so i've been seeing this picture float around the internet which claims that this is the skull x-ray of a toddler you can tell it's pretty terrifying too many teeth it's actually from an unusual case where an 11 year old had something called hyperdontia which just means extra teeth in the mouth and here's what a normal x-ray looks like okay still pretty scary so they got extra teeth but not that many teeth i'm like where do they all go do some teachers like fall out perhaps you squeeze some out like a pimple or maybe some kids lose more teeth than others terrifying but as you can see they still got a whole lot of chompers waiting to grow whoa i've seen a lot of crazy things but two eyes on one eyeball and they'd be looking the other way one eye on your phone on the other eye on your boyfriend the possibilities are endless if you can stick your tongue out and keep it completely still then duet this because not many people can the tongue is made up of eight different muscles running in all different directions within your tongue the tongue is controlled by two different branches of the nervous system one is the voluntary stress pull it and the other thing i moved the two but like she moved it that is one long liquor y'all long tongue folks i don't know why i want to see you place a piece of sushi on the tongue and just like roll it over and then eat it abnormal tongue check [Music] whoa whoa imagine you give her an ice cream cone just done that's a lot of tongue i want to know how it fit in that mouth does she have to like fold it when people say they have big foreheads i am actually president of the company all right megamind you don't have to pack it up bro that's a lot ahead in all directions you could play a bald man if you really wanted to it's a really weird thing that your body does that you're not sure anybody else's body does okay so i'm really excited about this i'm gonna try to talk fast because i have like a lot to say anyways i was born with a condition called ectrodactyly that means i only have four fingers on each of my hands did she say she was a pterodactyl awesome so like if my hand is like straight this finger for some reason um just and then this one too yeah like they don't have any like like they don't connect i don't know it's really weird whoa and i think they're really cool does my hands are claws not me trying to see if my finger can like stretch like hers plot twist no it can't this guy is 16 and 6 11. that's like a small tree i'm really tall yes really tall i mean like really really really tall my pants don't fit i can't wear jackets i can touch the ceiling without trying dunk on you like i'm flying it's actually pretty horrifying i'm really tall your jackets don't fit you got a duck when you go through a doorway but hear me out you could touch the ceiling whoa i don't know if you know this but us short people love jumping and touching things in high places so it must be nice that you don't even have to try so there's a boy with glowing eyes and he can see in the dark whoa so to test this theory out they had some cards they showed them to him in the dark and he was able to see them okay so what are yours hidden talents like does anyone out there have anything like whoo about them that anything about them that they can like do that i was like wait what did she do she just put her elbows together like i could do that but like in in the back kind of but like oh she did it in the front and and not like this she did it the other way i would do that have you ever seen that tic tac or it's like don't ever message me again and then they go like really quick would it be your shoulder joint or this one i don't know this is me talking to myself these nails are all natural three months later okay okay that's the way you get in three months mine would already broke after two weeks and then they grew them out for years to get this you know nails are just dead cells ever since i found that out i'm like there's just something about real long nails that freaks me out maybe the slight tinge of yellow my gums are so tall i hate them i am actually president of the company that's a lot of gum fill up a pack share with the whole class what's like a weird genetic mutation that you have i'm missing my ring finger knuckle so i have two pinkies and it looks like giant baby hands it's actually on both my hands whoa two baby fingers so this dude is missing two of these fingers if y'all have them give it back but that means he has somebody's pinkies who missing a pinky but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know which one of these was the coolest one and let me know if you have anything unique about yourself if you guys enjoyed make sure that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe during the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 8,241,378
Rating: 4.928803 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, features, human, rarest, unique, body features
Id: _taQEudv0ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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