Unintentional ASMR - Dr. Gottesman Activator Chiropractic Adjustment (2 Hour Loop)

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uh what i want you to do is i want you to look over here and as far as you can go and look over here as far as you can go a little bit better range of motion look all the way up and all the way down okay and then without lifting your shoulder bring this ear over here and then bring the zero over here yeah a little bit there so do you feel any tightness stuck you know any discomfort when you do any of that uh the side to side was definitely tight yeah it's definitely tight and so and you feel i'm gonna feel back in here that's tender too yeah that's fair and i'm just gonna check in here definitely some tenderness in this area right in here correct yep more than here yes yeah i'm i'm applying the same amount of pressure correct maybe even a little bit more here yeah but there's definitely tenderness here okay so we're getting and then here too oh yeah i'm feeling that versus here yep less tender here okay good all right so i'd like you to take your shoes off i'm going to put them over here and your glasses too because we're going to be facing down you're going to get on this table on over and stand on the platform facing into the table okay and put your face right here okay and hang on for dear life i wasn't expecting that yeah the table's going down okay and i'm gonna put these little uh excuse me and for those of you who remember the last video i used the activator for great instrument very high tech but this is even more high-tech this is the activator 5 and so we're going to be using this today this is electronic a little bit more accuracy and better control okay there is a light length difference here so we know there's an imbalance so i'm going to straighten that leg out no no you don't straighten it out i'll i'll i'm going to help you but i'm going to give you some direction on what to do in just a moment here okay we did have that straight now okay a lot straighter now i'll check the pedal this and see what's there if anything is tender or sore you let me know okay okay i want you to put your right hand behind your low back there we go and it's on the right side bring the hand back down and most people say that when i do this thrust it feels really good to get that it's almost like an instant release put that right hand behind your back again very good switch hands ah another one and lumbar four put your hand back down and bring it back up again both hands behind your back and bring those arms back down put your hand right hand beside your head and don't touch your head perfect right there and then go ahead and put both hands beside your head both hands yeah and then bring the arms back down turn your head to the right there we go see there's that t6 that we talked about okay okay very good bring your head back to the center just for a moment lift both shoulders off the table and back down yeah i suspected something that said t7 t8 jam so thoracic 7 and 8 jammed together now lift both shoulders off the table again and relax because i just want to see if there's any laterality or tilt nope it's good turn your head to the right again lift that right shoulder off the table and back down shrug your shoulders towards your head and relax shrug your shoulders and roll them back in a full circle and relax squeeze your right arm into your side and relax lift arm into your side and relax put your head back to the center here we go look up and back down tuck your chin in towards your chest and back down okay we do have the atlas lateral to the right good tuck your chin in again and relax press your face into the table and relax now since i suspected that c2 i'm going to have you turn your head to the left and there it is and bring it back turn your head to the left again let me see there's something there no very good put your head back now i suspected something else so i want you to turn your head to the right and we're going to look at that t1 it didn't show up at the first time but i think it's going to be a combination shrug your shoulders and relax there it is so we have a combination t2 t1 t2 jam so right here and right here there we go and shrug your shoulders again and relax i'm gonna see if there's anything there okay and um put your right hand beside your face and then bring it back so it doesn't want to down to see if there's anything there okay now press your right shoulder into the table and relax left shoulder into the table and relax excellent so we have both ribs anterior so we're going to correct for that as well uh put your head back to the center shrug your shoulders and relax and then we have a c6 so there's a lot of activity going on that lower neck cervical area shrug your shoulders again check that out excellent let me have you get onto your back okay terrific uh what i want you to do is i want you to look over here and as far as you can go and look over here as far as you can go a little bit better range of motion look all the way up and all the way down okay and then without lifting your shoulder bring this ear over here and then bring the zero over here yeah a little bit there so do you feel any tightness stuck you know any discomfort when you do any of that uh the side to side was definitely tight yeah it's definitely tight and so when you feel i'm going to feel back in here that's tender too that's fair and i'm just going to check in here definitely some tenderness in this area right in here correct yep more than here yes yeah i'm applying the same amount of pressure correct maybe even a little bit more here yeah but there's definitely tenderness here okay so we're getting and then here too oh yeah i'm feeling that versus here yep less tender here okay good all right so i'd like you to take your shoes off i'm going to put them over here and your glasses too because we're going to be facing down you're going to get on this table okay come on over and stand on the platform facing into the table okay and put your face right here okay and hang on for dear life i wasn't expecting that yeah the table's going down okay and i'm gonna put these little uh excuse me and for those of you who remember the last video i used the activator 4 great instrument very high tech but this is even more high tech this is the activator five and so we're going to be using this today this is electronic a little bit more accuracy and better control okay there is a leg length difference here so we know there's an imbalance so i'm going to straighten that leg out no no you don't straighten it out i'll i'm going to help you do that but i'm going to give you some direction on what to do in just a moment here okay we did have that straight now okay a lot straighter now i'll check the pelvis and see what's there if anything is tender or sore you let me know okay will do okay i want you to put your right hand behind your low back there we go and it's on the right side bring the hand back down and most people say that when i do this thrust it feels really good to get that it's almost like an instant release put that right hand behind your back again very good switch hands ah another one lumbar four put your hand back down and bring it back up again both hands behind your back and bring those arms back down put your hand right hand beside your head and don't touch your head perfect right there and then go ahead and put both hands beside your head both hands yeah and then bring the arms back down turn your head to the right there we go see there's that t6 that we talked about okay okay very good bring your head back to the center just for a moment lift both shoulders off the table and back down yeah i suspected something that said t7 t8 jam so thoracic seven and eight jammed together now lift both shoulders off the table again and relax because i just want to see if there's any laterality or tilt nope that's good turn your head to the right again lift that right shoulder off the table and back down shrug your shoulders towards your head and relax shrug your shoulders and roll them back in a full circle and relax squeeze your right arm into your side and relax lift arm into your side and relax put your head back to the center here we go look up and back down tuck your chin in towards your chest and back down okay we do have the atlas lateral to the right good tuck your chin in again and relax press your face into the table and relax now since i suspected that c2 i'm going to have you turn your head to the left and there it is and bring it back turn your head to the left again let me see there's something there no very good put your head back now i suspected something else so i want you to turn your head to the right and we're going to look at that t1 it didn't show up at the first time but i think it's going to be a combination uh shrug your shoulders and relax there it is so we have a combination t2 t1 t2 jam right here and right here there we go and shrug your shoulders again and relax i'm gonna see if there's anything there okay and um put your right hand beside your face and then bring it back down so it doesn't want to check to see if there's anything there okay now press your right shoulder into the table and relax left shoulder into the table and relax excellent so we have both ribs anterior so we're going to correct for that as well uh put your head back to the center shrug your shoulders and relax and then we have a c6 so there's a lot of activity going on that lower neck cervical area shrug your shoulders again excellent let me have you get onto your back okay terrific uh what i want you to do is i want you to look over here and as far as you can go and look over here as far as you can go a little bit better range of motion look all the way up and all the way down okay and then without lifting your shoulder bring this ear over here and then bring the zero over here yeah a little bit there so do you feel any tightness stuck you know any discomfort when you do any of that uh the side to side was definitely tight yeah it's definitely tight and so and you feel i'm gonna feel back in here that's tender too yes and i'm just going to check in here definitely some tenderness in this area right in here correct yep more than here yes yeah i'm i'm applying the same amount of pressure correct maybe even a little bit more here yeah but there's definitely time on this here okay so we're getting and then here too oh yeah i'm feeling that versus here yep less tender here okay good all right so i'd like you to take your shoes off i'm gonna put them over here and your glasses too because we're going to be facing down you're going to get on this table okay come on over and stand on the platform facing into the table okay and put your face right here okay and hang on for dear life i wasn't expecting that yeah the table's going down okay and i'm gonna put these little uh excuse me and for those of you who remember the last video i used the activator 4 great instrument very high tech but this is even more high tech this is the activator 5 and so we're going to be using this today this is electronic a little bit more accuracy and better control there is a leg length difference here so we know there's an imbalance so i'm going to straighten that leg out no no you don't straighten it out i'll i'll i'm but i'm going to give you some direction on what to do in just a moment here okay we did have that straight now okay a lot straighter now i'll check the pelvis and see what's there if anything is tender or sore you let me know okay okay i want you to put your right hand behind your low back there we go and it's on the right side bring the hand back down and most people say that when i do this thrust it feels really good to get that it's almost like an instant release put that right hand behind your back again very good switch hands ah another one lumbar four put your hand back down and bring it back up again both hands behind your back and bring those arms back down put your hand right hand beside your head and don't touch your head perfect right there and then go ahead and put both hands beside your head both hands yeah and then bring the arms back down turn your head to the right there we go see there's that t6 that we talked about okay okay very good bring your head back to the center just for a moment lift both shoulders off the table and back down yeah i suspected something that said t7 t8 jam so the thoracic seven and eight jammed together now lift both shoulders off the table again and relax because i just want to see if there's any laterality or tilt nope it's good turn your head to the right again lift that right shoulder off the table and back down shrug your shoulders towards your head and relax shrug your shoulders and roll them back in a full circle and relax squeeze your right arm into your side and relax lift arm into your side and relax put your head back to the center here we go look up and back down tuck your chin in towards your chest and back down okay we do have the atlas lateral to the right good tuck your chin in again and relax press your face into the table and relax now since i suspected that c2 i'm going to have you turn your head to the left and there it is and bring it back turn your head to the left again let me see there's something there no very good put your head back now i suspected something else so i want you to turn your head to the right and we're going to look at that t1 it didn't show up at the first time but i think it's going to be a combination shrug your shoulders and relax there it is so we have a combination t2 t1 t2 jam right here and right here there we go shrug your shoulders again and relax i'm going to see if there's anything there okay and put your right hand beside your face and then bring it back down so it doesn't want to check to see if there's anything there okay now press your right shoulder into the table and relax left shoulder into the table and relax excellent so we have both ribs anterior so we're going to correct for that as well uh put your head back to the center shrug your shoulders and relax and then we have a c6 so there's a lot of activity going on that lowers neck cervical area shrug your shoulders again excellent let me have you get onto your back okay terrific uh what i want you to do is i want you to look over here and as far as you can go and look over here as far as you can go a little bit better range of motion look all the way up and all the way down okay and then without lifting your shoulder bring this ear over here and then bring the zero over here yeah a little bit there so do you feel any tightness stuck you know any discomfort when you do any of that uh the side to side was definitely tight yeah it's definitely tight and so and you feel i'm gonna feel back in here that's tender too yes and i'm just gonna check in here definitely some tenderness in this area right in here correct yep more than here yes yeah i'm i'm applying the same amount of pressure correct maybe even a little bit more here yeah but there's definitely tenderness here okay so we're getting and then here too oh yeah i'm feeling that versus here yep less tender here okay good all right so i'd like you to take your shoes off i'm gonna put them over here and your glasses too because we're going to be facing down you're going to get on this table okay come on over and stand on the platform facing into the table okay and put your face right here okay and hang on for dear life i wasn't expecting that yeah the table's going down okay and i'm gonna put these little uh excuse me and for those of you who remember the last video i used the activator 4 great instrument very high tech but this is even more high-tech this is the activator 5. and so we're going to be using this today this is electronic a little bit more accuracy and better control okay there is a light length difference here so we know there's an imbalance so i'm going to straighten that leg out no no you don't straighten it out i'll i'll i'm going to help you but i'm going to give you some direction on what to do in just a moment here okay we did have that straight now okay a lot straighter now i'll check the pelvis and see what's there if anything is tender or sore you let me know okay okay i want you to put your right hand behind your low back there we go and it's on the right side bring the hand back down and most people say that when i do this thrust it feels really good to get that it's almost like an instant release put that right hand behind your back again very good switch hands ah another one at lumbar four put your hand back down and bring it back up again both hands behind your back and bring those arms back down put your hand right hand beside your head and don't touch your head perfect right there and then go ahead and put both hands beside your head both hands yeah and then bring the arms back down turn your head to the right there we go see there's that t6 that we talked about okay okay very good bring your head back to the center just for a moment lift both shoulders off the table and back down yeah i suspected something that said t78 jam so thoracic seven and eight jammed together now lift both shoulders off the table again and relax because i just want to see if there's any laterality or tilt nope it's good turn your head to the right again lift that right shoulder off the table and back down shrug your shoulders towards your head and relax shrug your shoulders and roll them back in a full circle and relax squeeze your right arm into your side and relax lift arm into your side and relax put your head back to the center here we go look up and back down tuck your chin in towards your chest and back down okay we do have the atlas lateral to the right good tuck your chin in again and relax press your face into the table and relax now since i suspected that c2 i'm going to have you turn your head to the left and there it is and bring it back turn your head to the left again let me see there's something there no very good put your head back now i suspected something else so i want you to turn your head to the right and we're going to look at that t1 it didn't show up at the first time but i think it's going to be a combination shrug your shoulders and relax there it is so we have a combination t2 t1 t2 jam right here and right here there we go and shred your shoulders again and relax i'm going to see if there's anything there okay and put your right hand beside your face and then bring it back down so it doesn't want to check to see if there's anything there okay now press your right shoulder into the table and relax left shoulder into the table and relax excellent so we have both ribs anterior so we're going to correct for that as well put your head back to the center shrug your shoulders and relax and then we have a c6 so there's a lot of activity going on that lower neck cervical area shrug your shoulders again excellent let me have you get onto your back okay terrific what i want you to do is i want you to look over here and as far as you can go and look over here as far as you can go a little bit better range of motion look all the way up and all the way down okay and then without lifting your shoulder bring this ear over here and then bring the zero over here yeah a little bit there so do you feel any tightness stuck you know any discomfort when you do any of that uh the side to side was definitely tight yeah it's definitely tight and so and you feel i'm going to feel back in here that's tender too yes and i'm just going to check in here definitely some tenderness in this area right in here correct yep more than here yes yeah i'm i'm applying the same amount of pressure correct maybe even a little bit more here yeah but there's definitely tenderness here okay so we're getting and then here too oh yeah i'm feeling that versus here yep less tender here okay good all right so i'd like you to take your shoes off i'm going to put them over here and your glasses too because we're going to be facing down you're going to get on this table okay come on over and stand on the platform facing into the table okay and put your face right here okay and hang on for dear life i wasn't expecting that yeah the table's going down okay and i'm gonna put these little uh excuse me and for those of you who remember the last video i used the activator 4 great instrument very high tech but this is even more high tech this is the activator five and so we're going to be using this today this is electronic a little bit more accuracy and better control okay there is a leg length difference here so we know there's an imbalance so i'm going to straighten that leg out no no you don't straighten it out i'll i'm going to help you but i'm going to give you some direction on what to do in just a moment here okay we did have that straight now okay a lot straighter now i'll check the pelvis and see what's there if anything is tender or sore you let me know okay will do okay i want you to put your right hand behind your low back there we go and it's on the right side bring that hand back down and most people say that when i do this thrust it feels really good to get that it's almost like an instant release put that right hand behind your back again very good switch hands ah another one and lumbar four put your hand back down and bring it back up again both hands behind your back and bring those arms back down put your hand right hand beside your head and don't touch your head perfect right there and then go ahead and put both hands beside your head both hands yeah and then bring the arms back down turn your head to the right there we go see there's that t6 that we talked about okay okay very good bring your head back to the center just for a moment lift both shoulders off the table and back down yeah i suspected something that said t7 t8 jam so thoracic seven and eight jammed together now lift both shoulders off the table again and relax because i just want to see if there's any laterality or tilt nope it's good turn your head to the right again lift that right shoulder off the table and back down shrug your shoulders towards your head and relax shrug your shoulders and roll them back in a full circle and relax squeeze your right arm into your side and relax lift arm into your side and relax put your head back to the center here we go look up and back down tuck your chin in towards your chest and back down okay we do have the atlas lateral to the right good tuck your chin in again and relax press your face into the table and relax now since i suspected that c2 i'm going to have you turn your head to the left and there it is and bring it back [Music] turn your head to the left again let me see there's something there no very good put your head back now i suspected something else so i want you to turn your head to the right and we're going to look at that t1 it didn't show up at the first time but i think it's going to be a combination uh shrug your shoulders and relax there it is so we have a combination t2 t1 t2 jam right here and right here there we go and shut your shoulders again and relax i'm gonna see if there's anything there okay and um put your right hand beside your face and then bring it back down so it doesn't want to check to see if there's anything there okay now press your right shoulder into the table and relax left shoulder into the table and relax excellent so we have both ribs anterior so we're going to correct for that as well uh put your head back to the center shrug your shoulders and relax and then we have a c6 so there's a lot of activity going on that lowers neck cervical area shrug your shoulders again okay excellent let me have you get onto your back okay terrific uh what i want you to do is i want you to look over here and as far as you can go and look over here as far as you can go a little bit better range of motion look all the way up and all the way down okay and then without lifting your shoulder bring this ear over here and then bring the zero over here yeah a little bit there so do you feel any tightness stuck you know any discomfort when you do any of that uh the side to side was definitely tight yeah it's definitely tight and so and you feel i'm gonna feel back in here that's tender too yes and i'm just gonna check in here definitely some tenderness in this area right in here correct yep more than here yes yeah i'm applying the same amount of pressure correct maybe even a little bit more here yeah but there's definitely tenderness here okay so we're getting and then here too oh yeah i'm feeling that versus here yep less tender here okay good all right so i'd like you to take your shoes off i'm going to put them over here and your glasses too because we're going to be facing down you're going to get on this table okay come on over and stand on the platform facing into the table okay and put your face right here okay and hang on for dear life i wasn't expecting that yeah the table's going down okay and i'm gonna put these little uh excuse me and for those of you who remember the last video i used the activator 4 great instrument very high tech but this is even more high-tech this is the activator 5 and so we're going to be using this today this is electronic a little bit more accuracy and better control okay there is a leg length difference here so we know there's an imbalance so i'm going to straighten that leg out no no you don't straighten it out i'll i'll i'm going to help you do that but i'm going to give you some direction on what to do in just a moment here okay we did have that straight now okay a lot straighter check now pelvis and see what's there anything is tender or sore you let me know okay will do okay i want you to put your right hand behind your low back there we go and it's on the right side bring the hand back down and most people say that when i do this thrust it feels really good to get that it's almost like an instant release put that right hand behind your back again very good switch hands ah another one and lumbar four put your hand back down and bring it back up again both hands behind your back and bring those arms back down put your hand right hand beside your head and don't touch your head perfect right there and then go ahead and put both hands beside your head both hands yeah and then bring the arms back down turn your head to the right here we go see it was that t6 that we talked about okay okay very good bring your head back to the center just for a moment lift both shoulders off the table and back down yeah i suspected something that said t78 jam so thoracic seven and eight jam together now lift both shoulders off the table again and relax because i just want to see if there's any laterality or tilt nope it's good turn your head to the right again lift that right shoulder off the table and back down shrug your shoulders towards your head and relax shrug your shoulders and roll them back in a full circle and relax squeeze your right arm into your side and relax lift arm into your side and relax put your head back to the center here we go look up and back down tuck your chin in towards your chest and back down okay we do have the atlas lateral to the right good tuck your chin in again and relax press your face into the table and relax now since i suspected that c2 i'm going to have you turn your head to the left and there it is and bring it back turn your head to the left again let me see if there's something there no very good put your head back now i suspected something else so i want you to turn your head to the right and we're going to look at that t1 it didn't show up at the first time but i think it's going to be a combination shrug your shoulders and relax there it is so we have a combination t2 t1 t2 jam right here and right here there we go and try your shoulders again and relax i'm gonna see if there's anything there okay and put your right hand beside your face and then bring it back down so it doesn't want to check to see if there's anything there okay now press your right shoulder into the table and relax left shoulder into the table and relax excellent so we have both ribs anterior so we're going to correct for that as well uh put your head back to the center shrug your shoulders and relax and then we have a c6 so there's a lot of activity going on that lower neck cervical area shrug your shoulders again excellent let me have you get onto your back okay terrific what i want you to do is i want you to look over here and as far as you can go and look over here as far as you can go a little bit better range of motion look all the way up and all the way down okay and then without lifting your shoulder bring this ear over here and then bring the zero over here yeah a little bit there so do you feel any tightness stuck you know any discomfort when you do any of that uh the side to side was definitely tight yeah it's definitely tight and so and you feel i'm gonna feel back in here that's tender too yes and i'm just going to check in here definitely some tenderness in this area right in here correct yep more than here yes yeah i'm i'm applying the same amount of pressure correct maybe even a little bit more here yeah but there's definitely tenderness here okay so we're getting and then here too oh yeah i'm feeling that versus here yep less tender here okay good all right so i'd like you to take your shoes off i'm gonna put them over here and your glasses too because we're going to be facing down you're going to get on this table okay come on over and stand on the platform facing into the table okay and put your face right here okay and hang on for dear life i wasn't expecting that yeah the table's going down okay and i'm gonna put these little uh excuse me and for those of you who remember the last video i used the activator 4 great instrument very high tech but this is even more high-tech this is the activator 5. and so we're going to be using this today this is electronic a little bit more accuracy and better control okay there is a leg length difference here so we know there's an imbalance so i'm going to straighten that leg out no no you don't straighten it i'll i'll i'm going to help you but i'm going to give you some direction on what to do in just a moment here okay we did have that straight now okay a lot straighter now i'll check the pelvis and see what's there if anything is tender or sore you let me know okay will okay i want you to put your right hand behind your low back there we go and it's on the right side bring that hand back down and most people say that when i do this thrust it feels really good to get that it's almost like an instant release put that right hand behind your back again very good switch hands ah that's another one and lumbar four put your hand back down and bring it back up again both hands behind your back and bring those arms back down put your hand right hand beside your head and don't touch your head perfect right there and then go ahead and put both hands beside your head both hands yeah and then bring the arms back down turn your head to the right there we go see there's that t6 that we talked about okay okay very good bring your head back to the center just for a moment lift both shoulders off the table and back down yeah i suspected something that said t7 t8 jam so the thoracic seven and eight jam together now lift both shoulders off the table again and relax because i just wanna see if there's any laterality or tilt nope it's good turn your head to the right again lift that right shoulder off the table and back down shrug your shoulders towards your head and relax shrug your shoulders and roll them back in a full circle and relax squeeze your right arm into your side and relax lift arm into your side and relax put your head back to the center here we go look up and back down tuck your chin in towards your chest and back down okay we do have the atlas lateral to the right good tuck your chin in again and relax press your face into the table and relax now since i suspected that c2 i'm going to have you turn your head to the left and there it is and bring it back turn your head to the left again let me see if there's something there no very good put your head back now i suspected something else so i want you to turn your head to the right and we're going to look at that t1 it didn't show up at the first time but i think it's going to be a combination shrug your shoulders and relax there it is so we have a combination t2 t1 t2 jam right here and right here there we go and shrug your shoulders again analyze i'm going to see if there's anything there okay and put your right hand beside your face and then bring it back down so it doesn't want to check to see if there's anything there okay now press your right shoulder into the table and relax left shoulder into the table and relax excellent so we have both ribs anterior so we're going to correct for that as well uh put your head back to the center shrug your shoulders and relax and then we have a c6 so there's a lot of activity going on that lower neck cervical area shrug your shoulders again excellent let me have you get onto your back okay terrific uh what i want you to do is i want you to look over here and as far as you can go and look over here as far as you can go a little bit better range of motion look all the way up and all the way down okay and then without lifting your shoulder bring this ear over here and then bring the zero over here yeah a little bit there so do you feel any tightness stuck you know any discomfort when you do any of that uh the side to side was definitely tight yeah it's definitely tight and so and you feel i'm gonna feel back in here that's tender too yes and i'm just gonna check in here definitely some tenderness in this area right in here correct yep more than here yes yeah i'm applying the same amount of pressure correct maybe even a little bit more here yeah but there's definitely tenderness here okay so we're getting and then here too oh yeah i'm feeling that versus here yep less tender here okay good all right so i'd like you to take your shoes off i'm going to put them over here and your glasses too because we're going to be facing down you're going to get on this table okay come on over and stand on the platform facing into the table okay and put your face right here okay and hang on for dear life i wasn't expecting that yeah the table's going down okay and i'm gonna put these little uh excuse me and for those of you who remember the last video i used the activator 4 great instrument very high tech but this is even more high-tech this is the activator 5 and so we're going to be using this today this is electronic a little bit more accuracy and better control okay there is a leg length difference here so we know there's an imbalance so i'm going to straighten that leg out no no no you don't straighten it out i'll i'll i'm going to help you but i'm going to give you some direction on what to do in just a moment here okay we did have that straight now okay a lot straighter now i'll check the pelvis and see what's there if anything is tender or sore you let me know okay will do okay i want you to put your right hand behind your low back there we go and it's on the right side bring that hand back down and most people say that when i do this thrust it feels really good to get that it's almost like an instant release put that right hand behind your back again very good switch hands ah another one at lumbar four put your hand back down and bring it back up again both hands behind your back and bring those arms back down put your hand right hand beside your head and don't touch your head perfect right there and then go ahead and put both hands beside your head both hands yeah and then bring the arms back down turn your head to the right there we go see there's that t6 that we talked about okay okay very good bring your head back to the center just for a moment lift both shoulders off the table and back down yeah i suspected something that said t7 t8 jam so thoracic seven and eight jammed together now lift both shoulders off the table again and relax because i just want to see if there's any laterality or tilt nope it's good turn your head to the right again lift that right shoulder off the table and back down shrug your shoulders towards your head and relax shrug your shoulders and roll them back in a full circle and relax squeeze your right arm into your side and relax lift arm into your side and relax put your head back to the center here we go look up and back down tuck your chin in towards your chest and back down okay we do have the atlas lateral to the right good tuck your chin in again and relax press your face into the table and relax now since i suspected that c2 i'm going to have you turn your head to the left and there it is and bring it back turn your head to the left again let me see if there's something there no very good put your head back now i suspected something else so i want you to turn your head to the right and we're going to look at that t1 it didn't show up at the first time but i think it's going to be a combination uh shrug your shoulders and relax there it is so we have a combination t2 t1 t2 jam right here and right here there we go and try your shoulders again and relax i'm gonna see if there's anything there okay and um put your right hand beside your face and then bring it back down so it doesn't want to check to see if there's anything there okay now press your right shoulder into the table and relax left shoulder into the table and relax excellent so we have both ribs anterior so we're going to correct for that as well uh put your head back to the center shrug your shoulders and relax and then we have a c6 so there's a lot of activity going on that lowers neck cervical area shrug your shoulders again and just check that out okay excellent let me have you get onto your back okay terrific what i want you to do is i want you to look over here and as far as you can go and look over here as far as you can go a little bit better range of motion look all the way up and all the way down okay and then without lifting your shoulder bring this ear over here and then bring the zero over here yeah a little bit there so do you feel any tightness stuck you know any discomfort when you do any of that uh the side to side was definitely tight yeah it's definitely tight and so and you feel i'm going to feel back in here that's tender too yes and i'm just going to check in here definitely some tenderness in this area right in here correct yep more than here yes yeah i'm i'm applying the same amount of pressure correct maybe even a little bit more here yeah but there's definitely tenderness here okay so we're getting and then here too oh yeah i'm feeling that versus here yep less tender here okay good all right so i'd like you to take your shoes off i'm going to put them over here and your glasses too because we're going to be facing down you're going to get on this table okay come on over and stand on the platform facing into the table okay and put your face right here okay and hang on for dear life i wasn't expecting that yeah the table's going down okay and i'm gonna put these little uh excuse me and for those of you who remember the last video i used the activator 4 great instrument very high tech but this is even more high tech this is the activator five and so we're going to be using this today this is electronic a little bit more accuracy and better control okay there is a leg length difference here so we know there's an imbalance so i'm going to straighten that leg out no no you don't straighten it out i'll i'm going to help you do that but i'm going to give you some direction on what to do in just a moment here okay we did have that straight now okay a lot straighter now i'll check the pelvis and see what's there if anything is tender or sore you let me know okay will do okay i want you to put your right hand behind your low back there we go and it's on the right side bring that hand back down and most people say that when i do this thrust it feels really good to get that it's almost like an instant release put that right hand behind your back again very good switch hands ah another one and lumbar four put your hand back down and bring it back up again both hands behind your back and bring those arms back down put your hand right hand beside your head and don't touch your head perfect right there and then go ahead and put both hands beside your head both hands yeah and then bring the arms back down turn your head to the right there we go see is that t6 that we talked about okay okay very good bring your head back to the center just for a moment lift both shoulders off the table and back down yeah i suspected something that said t7 t8 jam so the thoracic seven and eight jammed together now lift both shoulders off the table again and relax because i just want to see if there's any laterality or tilt nope it's good turn your head to the right again lift that right shoulder off the table and back down shrug your shoulders towards your head and relax shrug your shoulders and roll them back in a full circle and relax squeeze your right arm into your side and relax lift arm into your side and relax put your head back to the center here we go look up and back down tuck your chin in towards your chest and back down okay we do have the atlas lateral to the right good tuck your chin in again and relax press your face into the table and relax now since i suspected that c2 i'm going to have you turn your head to the left and there it is and bring it back turn your head to the left again let me see if there's something there no very good put your head back now i suspected something else so i want you to turn your head to the right and we're going to look at that t1 it didn't show up at the first time but i think it's going to be a combination uh shrug your shoulders and relax there it is so we have a combination t2 t1 t2 jam right here and right here there we go and shut your shoulders again and relax i'm gonna see if there's anything there okay and um put your right hand beside your face and then bring it back down so it doesn't let me check to see if there's anything there okay now press your right shoulder into the table and relax left shoulder into the tail and relax excellent so we have both ribs anterior so we're going to correct for that as well uh put your head back to the center shrug your shoulders and relax and then we have a c6 so there's a lot of activity going on that lowers uh neck cervical area shrink your shoulders again check that out okay excellent let me have you get onto your back okay terrific uh what i want you to do is i want you to look over here and as far as you can go and look over here as far as you can go a little bit better range of motion look all the way up and all the way down okay and then without lifting your shoulder bring this ear over here and then bring the zero over here yeah a little bit there so do you feel any tightness stuck you know any discomfort when you do any of that uh the side to side was definitely tight yeah it's definitely tight and so and you feel i'm going to feel back in here that's tender too that's fair and i'm just going to check in here definitely some tenderness in this area right in here correct yep more than here yes yeah i'm applying the same amount of pressure correct maybe even a little bit more here yeah but there's definitely tenderness here okay so we're getting and then here too oh yeah i'm feeling that versus here yep less tender here okay good all right so i'd like you to take your shoes off i'm going to put them over here and your glasses too because we're going to be facing down you're going to get on this table okay come on over and stand on the platform facing into the table okay and put your face right here okay and hang on for dear life i wasn't expecting that yeah the table's going down okay and i'm gonna put these little uh excuse me and for those of you who remember the last video i used the activator for great instrument very high tech but this is even more high-tech this is the activator 5 and so we're going to be using this today this is electronic a little bit more accuracy and better control okay there is a leg length difference here so we know there's an imbalance so i'm going to straighten that leg out no no you don't straighten it out i'll i'll i'm going to help you do that but i'm going to give you some direction on what to do in just a moment here okay we did have that straight now okay a lot straighter check now pelvis and see what's there anything is tender or sore you let me know okay will do okay i want you to put your right hand behind your low back there we go and it's on the right side bring that hand back down and most people say that when i do this thrust it feels really good to get that it's almost like an instant release put that right hand behind your back again very good switch hands ah another one and lumbar four put your hand back down and bring it back up again both hands behind your back and bring those arms back down put your hand right hand beside your head and don't touch your head perfect right there and then go ahead and put both hands beside your head both hands yeah and then bring the arms back down turn your head to the right there we go see is that t6 that we talked about okay okay very good bring your head back to the center just for a moment lift both shoulders off the table and back down yeah i suspected something that said t78 jam so thoracic seven and eight jammed together now lift both shoulders off the table again and relax because i just want to see if there's any laterality or tilt nope it's good turn your head to the right again lift that right shoulder off the table and back down shrug your shoulders towards your head and relax shrug your shoulders and roll them back in a full circle and relax squeeze your right arm into your side and relax lift arm into your side and relax put your head back to the center here we go look up and back down tuck your chin in towards your chest and back down okay we do have the atlas lateral to the right good tuck your chin in again and relax press your face into the table and relax now since i suspected that c2 i'm going to have you turn your head to the left and there it is and bring it back turn your head to the left again let me see if there's something there no very good put your head back now i suspected something else so i want you to turn your head to the right and we're going to look at that t1 it didn't show up at the first time but i think it's going to be a combination shrug your shoulders and relax there it is so we have a combination t2 t1 t2 jam right here and right here there we go and triggers always again and relax i'm going to see if there's anything there okay and put your right hand beside your face and then bring it back down so it doesn't want to check to see if there's anything there okay now press your right shoulder into the table and relax left shoulder into the table and relax excellent so we have both ribs anterior so we're going to correct for that as well uh put your head back to the center shrug your shoulders and relax and then we have a c6 so there's a lot of activity going on that lower neck cervical area shrug your shoulders again excellent let me have you get onto your back okay terrific uh what i want you to do is i want you to look over here and as far as you can go and look over here as far as you can go a little bit better range of motion look all the way up and all the way down okay and then without lifting your shoulder bring this ear over here and then bring this zero over here yeah a little bit there so do you feel any tightness stuck you know any discomfort when you do any of that uh the side to side was definitely tight yeah it's definitely tight and so and you feel i'm gonna feel back in here that's tender too yes and i'm just going to check in here definitely some tenderness in this area right here correct yep more than here yes yeah i'm i'm applying the same amount of pressure correct maybe even a little bit more here yeah but there's definitely tenderness here okay so we're getting and then here too oh yeah i'm feeling that versus here yep less tender here okay good all right so i'd like you to take your shoes off i'm gonna put them over here so and your glasses too because we're going to be facing down you're going to get on this table okay come on over and stand on the platform facing into the table okay and put your face right here okay and hang on for dear life i wasn't expecting that yeah the table's going down okay and i'm gonna put these little uh excuse me and for those of you who remember the last video i used the activator 4 great instrument very high tech but this is even more high tech this is the activator 5 and so we're going to be using this today this is electronic a little bit more accuracy and better control okay there is a leg length difference here so we know there's an imbalance so i'm going to straighten that leg out no no you don't straighten it out i'll i'm going to help you do that but i'm gonna give you some direction on what to do in just a moment here okay we did have that straight now okay a lot straighter now i'll check the pelvis and see what's there if anything is tender or sore you let me know okay will do okay i want you to put your right hand behind your low back there we go and it's on the right side bring that hand back down and most people say that when i do this thrust it feels really good to get that it's almost like an instant release put that right hand behind your back again very good switch hands ah another one and lumbar four put your hand back down and bring it back up again both hands behind your back and bring those arms back down put your hand right hand beside your head and don't touch your head perfect right there and then go ahead and put both hands beside your head both hands yeah and then bring the arms back down turn your head to the right there we go see there's that t6 that we talked about okay okay very good bring your head back to the center just for a moment lift both shoulders off the table and back down yeah i suspected something that said t78 jam so the thoracic seven and eight jammed together now lift both shoulders off the table again and relax because i just wanna see if there's any laterality or tilt nope it's good turn your head to the right again lift that right shoulder off the table and back down shrug your shoulders towards your head and relax shrug your shoulders and roll them back in a full circle and relax squeeze your right arm into your side and relax lift arm into your side and relax put your head back to the center here we go look up and back down tuck your chin in towards your chest and back down okay we do have the atlas lateral to the right good tuck your chin in again and relax press your face into the table and relax now since i suspected that c2 i'm going to have you turn your head to the left and there it is and bring it back turn your head to the left again let me see there's something there no very good put your head back now i suspected something else so i want you to turn your head to the right and we're going to look at that t1 it didn't show up at the first time but i think it's going to be a combination uh shrug your shoulders and relax there it is so we have a combination t2 t1 t2 jam right here and right here there we go and your shoulders again and relax i'm going to see if there's anything there okay and put your right hand beside your face and then bring it back down so it doesn't want to check to see if there's anything there okay now press your right shoulder into the table and relax left shoulder into the table and relax excellent so we have both ribs anterior so we're going to correct for that as well uh put your head back to the center shrug your shoulders and relax and then we have a c6 so there's a lot of activity going on that lowers neck cervical area shrug your shoulders again excellent let me have you get onto your back okay terrific uh what i want you to do is i want you to look over here and as far as you can go and look over here as far as you can go a little bit better range of motion look all the way up and all the way down okay and then without lifting your shoulder bring this ear over here and then bring this ear over here yeah a little bit there so do you feel any tightness stuck you know any discomfort when you do any of that uh the side to side was definitely tight yeah it's definitely tight and so and you feel i'm gonna feel back in here that's tender too yes and i'm just gonna check in here definitely some tenderness in this area right in here correct yep more than here yes yeah i'm i'm applying the same amount of pressure correct maybe even a little bit more here yeah but there's definitely tenderness here okay so we're getting and then here too oh yeah i'm feeling that versus here yep less tender here okay good all right so i'd like you to take your shoes off i'm going to put them over here and your glasses too because we're going to be facing down you're going to get on this table okay come on over and stand on the platform facing into the table okay and put your face right here okay and hang on for dear life i wasn't expecting that yeah the table's going down okay and i'm gonna put these little uh excuse me and for those of you who remember the last video i used the activator 4 great instrument very high tech but this is even more high-tech this is the activator 5. and so we're going to be using this today this is electronic a little bit more accuracy and better control okay there is a leg length difference here so we know there's an imbalance so i'm going to straighten that leg out no no you don't straighten it out i'll i'll i'm going to help you do that but i'm going to give you some direction on what to do in just a moment here okay we did have that straight now okay a lot straighter now i'll check the pelvis and see what's there if anything is tender or sore you let me know okay okay i want you to put your right hand behind your low back there we go and it's on the right side bring the hand back down and most people say that when i do this thrust it feels really good to get that it's almost like an instant release put that right hand behind your back again very good switch hands ah another one and lumbar four put your hand back down and bring it back up again both hands behind your back and bring those arms back down put your hand right hand beside your head and don't touch your head perfect right there and then go ahead and put both hands beside your head both hands yeah and then bring the arms back down turn your head to the right there we go see there's that t6 that we talked about okay okay very good bring your head back to the center just for a moment lift both shoulders off the table and back down yeah i suspected something that said t78 jam so the thoracic 7 and 8 jammed together now lift both shoulders off the table again and relax because i just want to see if there's any laterality or tilt nope it's good turn your head to the right again lift that right shoulder off the table and back down shrug your shoulders towards your head and relax shrug your shoulders and roll them back in a full circle and relax squeeze your right arm into your side and relax lift arm into your side and relax put your head back to the center here we go look up and back down tuck your chin in towards your chest and back down okay we do have the atlas lateral to the right tuck your chin in again and relax press your face into the table and relax now since i suspected that c2 i'm going to have you turn your head to the left and there it is and bring it back turn your head to the left again let me see if there's something there no very good put your head back now i suspected something else so i want you to turn your head to the right and we're going to look at that t1 it didn't show up at the first time but i think it's going to be a combination shrug your shoulders and relax there it is so we have a combination t2 t1 t2 jam right here and right here there we go and show your shoulders again and relax gonna see if there's anything there okay and um put your right hand beside your face and then bring it back down so just let me check to see if there's anything there okay now press your right shoulder into the table and relax left shoulder into the table and relax excellent so we have both ribs anterior so we're going to correct for that as well put your head back to the center shrug your shoulders and relax and then we have a c6 so there's a lot of activity going on that lowers neck cervical area turn your shoulders again check that out okay excellent let me have you get onto your back okay terrific
Channel: Princess Eev 🍍 [ASMR]
Views: 322,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CIpIfl2jYJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 53sec (7013 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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