Master Stephen Co Healing Back Pain .mov

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anybody got lower back pain this moment okay hold on hold on now let's clarify there are many kinds of back pain interview with back pain if you stood like this is okay but the second you start moving it will hurt kindly thank you it has to be very exact give or take okay now the way you heal back pain I'm just basically going to Baptizer I'm joking okay okay could you get out of the issues all right could you kindly stand over here all right they've all got a bit decent angle all right okay Danette okay here's what I want you to do I want you to gently move lean forward right as soon as you feel any pain you stop that's it okay all right let's not make it worse could you face this way for me now I want you to rub your hands press the center of your palms we'll teach you a simple technique called distance scanning what is it in order to feel the energy of a person even though they're not in front of you here's the key number one you have to know her name Raquel Welch now I'm kidding all right you said the net okay you visualize the net right in front of you okay say her name in your mind three times say the net okay save the net may we please feel the flow of energy in your back okay could you move your hair aside okay you stand there you'd have to do anything so do what I do which is just from the top gently move your hands down her back all the way to the tailbone the question is does it feel even and smooth or do you feel some level of irregularity is it even if you were to close your eyes and move your hand down this it feels smooth like like a straight line what do you feel that's different like what he lumpy huh wavy chunky okay in other words not even right please put your hand down okay basically she has a big bulge over here the big bulge over here the lower back is almost empty if I were to draw a picture for you it'd look like this like this like that so this what you call congestion here congestion here here's the question if there's so much energy here would I put more in why wouldn't I it makes sense right but you know a lot of people when they heal is how you have a problem let me lay hands put energy so unfortunately because of this they don't do it on purpose when they do that they subconsciously push the Durkee energy deeper how many ever had the healing and then actually get towards temporarily for two T days that's because the body is trying to clean itself out diarrhea sweating flu-like symptoms yeah how many ever heard of this they do such a good job helping the person I'm sorry I talk too much they do such a good job no more pain no anything then the healer goes something goes oh yeah you know why they're so loving they really want help so bad they go like subconsciously what is it sucking up their arm subconsciously so this is what we do in panic healing yeah you move it this way okay this is salt water first of all then it you want to keep the pain you want to get rid of it you hear now you're wondering why with us such a dumb question believe it or not there are people who intentionally keep their element because they gain more by calving it true not true okay you're not one of those thank you so let's just do an experiment please keep your tongue your palate since we're not working the physical body directly do I need to touch her could you guys crush arms close your eyes just let go she is a chord here to someone it's a strong emotional coordinate and it's preventing the flow of energy now I'm not claiming to be psychic whatever but it's definitely some angry resentment so can I pull it out you want to keep it for a souvenir the reason I help you cross your arms so you can observe without being affected okay let me move in this angle so I'm not like now some of you could see something could you if you can could you yell out what you're seeing that I'm pulling color gray it's old old stuff then I think what Predaking I do not need to know what's going on I'm just the psychic janitor we just pull it out okay then it just like okay just let go she isn't that one on the neck you wonder what this is this is a magic potion now it's just basically an astringent with lavender oil it helps to break it up so I don't absorb it have you ever heard of healers when they heal they throw it into a candle flame you heard for yeah it's effective the question is which ones bigger that or flame the other one you go this one you go get miss it no I'm serious so you know there are a lot of ways to do it we do it the most practical way anybody can get a hold of salt water anybody can use a bowl clear sea panicking is not supposed to be so hard for the elite it's for the everyday person to return the power back to them to let them realize what they have and be able to help everybody they love almost done strange very strange now in scanning you'll be taught how to use your hand or your finger so when I go like this by time I get to this area where lower back there's indentation in several parts okay I apologize kids so I go like this so I'm going to use my finger just go in and you move the block out of that in between those two vertebra in my imagination moving okay do you notice I'm closing my eyes why do you come closing my eyes no to look more impressive almost done much done people like you are it's been a big one here just let go I'm curious how do you actually feel nauseated when I'm doing this that's why I had you cross your arms there you go let it go I thought this was back pain oh you okay the throat we like know a little bit about the throat in her case the throat is very congested so if you're in a relationship where you are not expressing yourself you're holding it back it builds up on the throat so you start driving like that and the throat chakra feeds the energy to your neck so that's why when people are stressed out the next rest they get neck pain so in a case let's see if we clean this one air I guess okay if I'm not taking too much every time one I know she's not complaining do you know why I hadn't moved her hair to the side how many ever heard why are monks bald because there's no barbershop in the monastery now okay if you study Chinese in the Chinese tradition they say three thousand something worries per strand of hair all right don't take it don't take it literally you know we Chinese people we like to make everything flowery essentially what it is is when you have negative thoughts or emotions how'd we get impregnated in the hair okay so one reason is that they're about not the only reason one of the reasons they're bound so that that's one less thing for them to worry about when I was cleaning her back I have no idea what's on their hair so I would the one in the way so when you take a saltwater shower or bath it's a good idea to just run some salt water to your hair do this indicate that negative thoughts negative emotion huh one more interesting you know what instead of me doing this which I like this I look at my head like this okay ready repeat after me any cords connected to the net spleen okay bring it out now slowly go in before your two hands inter second you feel something who make you who can feel like a thickness all right again down now that's a man's crystal in it okay all right now the purpose of the crystal is to focus energy and amplify it since this code is so thick I'm going to use this as an energetic knife somebody should be draining you cut the backspin same thing cut okay sorry take so long almost then how much energy did you see me give her none open your eyes okay how we go okay single question why is it that I did not have her give give her energy for her to improve the body heals itself the reason it could not heal itself because the blockages in the back are preventing the flow of energy now what is okay you said I notice you're slow when you're bending your guard it is there still any pain in your back point to the area okay could you stand over here face this way I'm not trying to told you okay okay point to it okay give me an idea one inch to inch how deep approx ok teachers all right could you guys look at the screen for me so if let's say after the cleansing the body needs energy to repair itself faster we draw energy from the universe and we pour it to the area that's needed number one you never use your own energy there's so much energy around why would you use your own but a lot of people subconsciously then they complain of being drained okay watch he said this would you point to it for me again but two inches okay yeah have a few more minutes of it I almost landed you want let us go you what hold on to it you sure okay now if you look at my hand it's going counterclockwise to do what to draw it up if you remember Claddagh kid wax on wax off this is wax off okay now will energize it after we clean it more now that the energy is flowing so we see some light aim it at the area breathe allow the body to draw tremendous amount of product from the universe ignite at the area okay hold on any idea you'd like this that's going to awkward okay you just let go almost done just let go allow your body to do whatever it wants now if I want to to make the energy go deeper I gently go clockwise I think she's full I did okay bend as far as you can we're not done yet you see could you raise your hands for me do you remember what it felt like before she got up here check it again you just relax well do you owe me notice is not as bumpy so the key is all of you can do this if you can smooth it out remove the block allow the energy to go in the body knows how to heal itself the question you're asking how long would this last the answers it depends depends on what how deep the damage is right now she's improving because the energy is going in and doing the repair right huh okay will you tell them what did you feel oh I can feel the energy flowing into my body right now it's it's amazing oh okay so you're feeling it okay it's amazing all right thank you anything else you want to say thank you thank you thank you everybody okay thanks then don't shower for the next two weeks no no um but seriously she should not you should not wash the area for anywhere from 12 to 24 hours to allow the energy to go in okay I should have told you that ahead of time okay now
Channel: Master Co
Views: 2,560,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Healing, Pranic Healing, Master Stephen Co, Chakras, Auras, Energy Medicine.
Id: rlPMENCh8Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2012
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