Dr. James Kelly: Cranial Nerve Test with Pat LaFontaine & Dr. James Kelly

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now what we're going to do today is just a cranial nerve examination and I'll start up at the top and move down in terms of reflexes and strength and coordination so the first thing I want you to do first of all is just square yourself off from these back on the edge of the table back front of your legs are Bank nice and square all the way so that you're looking straight at my nose what I want you to do is just point with your hands to the fingers that you see wiggle but keep staring at my nose the whole time now watch my finger wherever it goes holding your head still the whole time okay I'm gonna touch your forehead in your face you tell me if you can feel it the same on both sides it's about the same yeah equally even in here where that injury was before there's it a little numb there well remember the second one you had that cut right that's right can you feel there oh so that's all back to that's good no that's good - close your eyes real tight real tight like you got soap in them don't let me open them up a fight fight fight fight fight okay good wrinkled up your forehead like that good show me your teeth like this okay good open real wide say huh okay stick out your tongue okay good clench your teeth again okay that's good I'm gonna make soft noises next to your ears close your eyes and tell me the left or right right well okay that's good shrug your shoulders okay turn your head as far as it'll go to the left and hold it there okay now to the right forward and back okay no problems that way with that at all okay good with your hands hold them out in front of you like this stretch all the way out like you have a board I'll close your eyes and hold them nice and steady I'm gonna tap your hands don't let the move keep your eyes closed and touch your nose with this finger okay now with this one just relax and open your eyes with your right hand do this like I'm doing it real fast right on that knuckle very good left hand Mary came out to this here on this knee do this touch my finger with yours and then touch your nose go back and forth work right move my finger very good now left hand okay that's great hold your arms up like this and don't let me push them down for you are okay make muscles like this and don't let me pull them out we'll fight okay same idea fight okay same position this time a push out okay okay good now stiff wrists back like this and don't let me bend them okay good grip my hands very good fingers spread apart and don't let me squeeze them together now with one knee at a time I'm gonna have you lift it up and now let me push it down so just pick this and wake up okay I push your knees power against my hands pulling in okay okay and I'll pull back don't let me pull it in now feet up in the air like this and don't let me push it down now we did that right the doctor and the patient are supposed to get red in the face but I suspect only I got really nice this time scoot back just let me see your shoes I'll just grab my sand lips now stare at the edge of that picture and don't blink as I tap your forehead just with my finger keep staring there okay now you feel this first better now it's a little bit it's not sure but it's rough right I'm gonna stroke your palm like that look at that don't pay any attention to what I'm doing the same thing here same thing here now I'm gonna tap my finger just let your jaw hang just like that cool metal yes cool mm-hmm same mm-hmm here I'm saying both said here about the same degree here and here about the same yeah okay now I'm gonna do down here is I'm gonna put this on your ankle and you can tell me what do you feel now vibration okay tell me when it's completely gone look away god this one same way I feel it yeah God okay the rest of what we would do in terms of pinprick and all that I'm not going to go through today because you know that's all been normal all along and I wouldn't anticipate that to be a problem I do want to look in your eyes you still have just a little bit of a lid lag on your left since that floatier well those anyways Isis on me about the right side of my eye I think I know it's always there but I mean right in her face was my right side of it yeah it was but it was down it was here yeah and then what we did is that you gave me that videotape I can pre-injury that it was always just the way your face has been all your life the way it is so what I want you to do now is just stare again at that spot blink anytime you need to keep staring at one spot I apologize for my sandwich breath here any problems with her hearing I sure it didn't detective problems were the wax buildup of anything I should look in there but what I'm speaking of really has to do with the opening of this eye compared to this one this one still is down a little bit because of all that injury right here yeah from your last concussion that's where I had all the redness for sure yeah timed half closed your eye for a long time it's time and so now I think that the control of that lid is still impeded a little bit really by the soft tissues that are coming down on it okay and it's just it's just minimal I don't think it's a neurological issue at all it's just a cosmetic thing yeah well and probably isn't noticeable to anybody other than those of us who examined you and yeah these sorts of things cuz I don't even notice it looks fine everything else looks just like it was before it just perfectly fine no problems
Channel: BrainLine
Views: 37,982,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BL_YouTube, Head Injury, MTBI, asmr, caption, closed head injury, concussion, memory loss, mental health, mild brain injury, mood changes, rehabilitation, severe brain injury, tbi, traumatic brain injury
Id: xrKbOF3vHo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2011
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