Unforgettable Meal - ASHANTI FOOD in Kumasi, Ghana | Ultimate West African Food Tour!

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this is some of the best orange juice ever it's so sour it's almost like lemon juice okay combination of orange juice and coffee now we can begin the day good morning I hope you're having an amazing day at smart Queens I'm in Cape Coast Ghana in West Africa woke up this morning to the sound of the crashing Atlantic waves on the sand is a beautiful place but today we're actually driving to Kumasi which is in the Ashanti region of Ghana and we're gonna be focusing on a shanty region Ashanti culture food so it's you're gonna meet up with a host mom we're gonna put you down at chop bar we're gonna explore who knows what else will happen but I'm gonna share it all with you in this video right now get ready we're gonna eat some amazing Ashanti food today [Music] having a quick breakfast before we head out we're on our way to Kumasi it's gonna be about a four-hour drive to get there [Music] Oh yeah I never get old it's so good the coconuts are quite small so I'm having a second [Music] welcome to Kumasi that was about a four-hour drive we had a little bit of traffic getting in here but now we're stopping in Kumasi first to eat at a chop bar which is a to local restaurant kind of walk off the main road into uh kind of like a courtyard here yeah there's mango trees oh yes this is the spot oh I can smell the aroma palm nut oil oh and I'm hungry Road when you sit in a car for four hours it definitely makes you hungry the whole restaurant in this is in kind of a wooden a wooden structure with trees surrounding it's a nice location but first gonna get it just take a peek back in the kitchen see what's going on see the dishes that they're preparing oh yeah wow that's a lot of chillies going into there very important food in this region of West Africa and there Brecon is a combination of cassava and plantain but they're making a lot of fufu and that just takes like ultimate force and it takes so much so much energy I it's really a really respectful for making it okay but she does not move it'll be my first time ever Wow okay this weighs about 20 kilos yeah it's heavy oh wow yeah this takes some serious force I can already feel it I can already feel it like in my abs and my arm just that was I think I did five pounds and how long do you have to pound it as much as it gets softer like about an hour not really about Jenny minutes and not to mention it's extremely hot in here - thank you man yeah what that is that's tough work that's a lot of work yeah just smashes it down you can hear that squishing of it a lot of people up there waiting for food but there's no line so you kind of just gotta fight your way in it's a very popular place everyone's here to eat the fugu and you can get a variety of the different soups that they have all in different pots and then you order they dish it all up and oh one of the things that's cool here is that you choose your own Bowl so the size if you want to eat with others if you want to eat by yourself you choose your own Bowl before they serve you I got that fufu with a mix of meat there's fish in there there's it looks like a piece of pork leg and then also some assorted Bush meats which may be do we know what the bush meat is what type of bush meat is this oh it's grass cutter okay let me first dip into that that fufu and you can scissor cut it I'm kind of sitting on the back of a hill so balancing but you kind of scissor cut a piece of fufu and then you can dip it into that debt soup and I got a soup the combination oh it's a combination of that greens right yeah she added in some of the green soup in here then she added in mr. palm super saw an accommodationist and a combination of the palm nut soup as well hmm the fufu has a bit of a different texture than other versions of fufu that I've had it's it's really smooth it's not quite as sticky as some other versions that I've had but like gummies more gummy but now moving on to the assorted meats some of this fish it's been cooked choy it sort of absorbs all of that soup okay next up for some of the pork it looks like some part of the leg mmm yeah that's a little wobbly um well very salty as well almost like a salted preserved almost kind of kind of pig taste we don't know exactly what type of that meat this is but possibly grass cutter possibly grass the crafts cutter and grass cutter by the way is a grater cane rat it looks like a giant hairy rodent hmm no that might be a red middle that's like a salted red me mmm no - Luda I'm getting down to the bottom still working on the the fufu button yeah their superiors is excellent and the meats are also really good the pork is a little there's a little blueberry but I really like the other meats yeah that red meat actually that like dried smoked meat that was the best meat in that meat was amazing [Music] [Applause] great bowl of fufu and I'm yeah that fills you up nicely that I kind of that almost feels exactly like it looks once it's in your stomach like a ball but man that was good the soup was really good and yeah that mix of meat was great this is another this actually was you know so this guy's coming with us okay it's just she's gonna take care of everything about dinner tonight [Music] so we're a Desilu market and then it's called hot Savile market right and we're gonna buy a few things some ingredients before we go back and cook for dinner tonight [Music] [Applause] is there palm nuts there are dried fish there are some vegetables there's plantains oh I'm seeing pea eggplants there's avocados there's mangoes so ladies at the market they were all talking pretty loud but not sure exactly what was going on but actually they're really friendly they're just joking inviting me to take photos of them and take photos of the food okay next she's buying some salted fish so we're here at the fish salted preserved smoked fish stall yeah that aroma of fish it's really good have everything you need here fruits and vegetables and meats and fish but something I really like about this market is that everything is on like high shelves so it's perfect for like walking through and just looking it's on it's on chest level how are you amazing she has to be the friendliest man at the market have a great day for 30 miles we taught you a lot have a great day bunch of different types of oil in water bottles dried fish all right and yeah but in Terrell I think maybe cocoa um is the same as Tara next up we are buying one of the main ingredients for dinner tonight which they said it's the cocoa yam we use but I think it's Tara I think it's the same as Carol so we're on our way back to our hosts home and that's where we're gonna start cooking for dinner tonight [Music] we were a little too heavy in the car after eating all the food food so we had to jump out of the car to make it up the hill okay we're almost back to the house now we're on a hill kind of overlooking Kumasi some beautiful mango trees in the front [Music] they're getting started on dinner tonight the main dish that we're gonna eat the main staple is called I'm Betsy which is I'm busy yeah I'm busy a combination is gonna be a combination of boiled yam the cocoa yam and plantain so first she is boiling that up and then she's also she's also appealing some of the key eggplants compliment them to Maurice do and that's common in this traditional version of it awesome the main dish that they're gonna be making is a condom mr. canto modesta which is made from the taro leaves and so in order to prepare the taro leaves she first kind of sliced off the stocky part and then she's rinsing them in salt water to prepare them you know they're gonna make it the traditional way this is a common dish in the the Ashanti region of Ghana first though they boil the the pit bay with the Chili Peppers and the pea eggplants in some water and then they're gonna add in the Carolis okay okay now to make sure that most of the salts are out on the wild it is very very salty so to the purpose [Applause] [Music] and the Reaper doesn't spoil in it so you don't release them to vote too much so the moment goes well today I have to tell you too that the back to the way it smells yeah thanks so it's a very strong it's almost like they tend to like like almost like fermented fish yes the coco yam leaves the chilies and the pea eggplants they're done boiling so he's getting ready hit and grind them I can make this dude [Music] this is a very complicated dish to make with so many ingredients but she is taking that that salt and fermented fish and just roasting it over the fire in the meantime the other thing is starting to get ground up first the the chilies the the pea eggplants then some fresh onions and then those pieces of fish are gonna go in there ground up with although when we use it's gonna be an incredible stewed just tossed in the toasted grilled roasted fermented salted fish immediately as she smashed that you can really yeah you can really smell it kind of kind of cheesy but yeah this is this is really gonna be a special treat for dinner tonight because they're making everything from scratch by hand even grinding it by hand oh you're gonna just cook the palm on just heat it okay is that gonna go into here [Music] well so that hot oil kind of cooks it she heated up a bunch of palm nut oil until it was fully boiling I and then poured it into that green taro leaf mash and you could hear that just sizzle as it is the hot oil hit those that mash and just started to cook oh that smells that smells incredible and now they put the fish on top that's salted tilapia and then the eggs will go on top if you take a starch oil so you kind of dip it scoop up yeah [Applause] [Music] this is really a homemade it's really good we are sitting down with the family to eat the fruit is in the center we have a big that all the starches and then the stew the phone come to me it's right in the center there a traditional way to eat it into in Ghana's just to share it all together [Music] hmm oh that's delicious well we've got that banana it's a green bin it's a green plantain so it's starchy but kind of gummy at the same time then dipped into that that canto Mira is amazing you've got like the the taro leaves are very soft and like spinach II you've got the aroma of that palm oil the salted preserved fermented fish that comes in extremely nicely yeah that flavors the whole dish look actually I've been doing it wrong supposed to break the the plantain so that it's more of a scoop you can scoop up more of the dish can you show us one more time okay you grab you're gonna grab a piece of avocado this is the next level next level skills of eating next level skills of eating clone tomato so we forget a Oh get some of that good on there the combination followed by the creamy avocado [Music] okay next I'll try some of the salted fish which is that that salted tilapia on the top of their Oconee cool Kobe yeah hmm oh yeah really nice and salty a jolt of flavor yeah very very soft and preserved fishes what a dish and I'm using to share it with the whole family loving all of the different starches as well the yams the cocoa yams the taro the the plantain you have the occasion with the avocado that completes the flight that just awesome combination we have come to another end of a day again this was a spectacular day oh and and I mean the whole day was good we sat in the car for a long drive but the whole day was great lunch was delicious but this ending meal sitting down with the family to eat a traditional Ashanti region meal in Ghana and that was a dish unlike anything I've ever tried so far being in Ghana so far what an incredible dish I absolutely love that dish that well I like the starches that went with it I liked the stew with the the leaves that that it almost had a spinachy-- taste to it but when I'm flavored with that fish the family also a huge thank you to the family for inviting us to their home they were so friendly and nice and it was so special to sit down and just all share a bowl of food together what a beautiful evening in Kumasi and i want to see a huge thank you to you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe now and also click that little bell icon that way you'll get notified of the next video that I publish thanks again for watching good night from Kumasi see you on the next video oh and by the way one last thing I picked up this shirt in Accra and it's it's I mean you you you sweat a lot in Ghana no matter what but I like the airflow how many in this shirt and the print what do you think what do you think about my shirt it's pretty comfortable okay good night see you in the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 5,138,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kumasi, Ghana, Ghanaian food, Africa, African food, Ghana food, kontomire stew, Mark Wiens, food blog, food videos, street food videos, fufu, West Africa, African dishes, best African food, Cape Coast, travel, Africa travel, Ghana travel guide, Ghanaian cuisine, Ghanaian dishes, cuisine, food travel, food travel documentary, Ghana documentary
Id: SV27UZbTtZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 24 2018
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