EXTREME Street Food in Africa!! SEAFOOD MOUNTAIN on Beach in Dakar, Senegal!!

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hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark wiens i'm on the outskirts of dakar senegal in a fishing village called kaya this is one of the main fishing villages of dakar today we're going to walk a little bit around the fishing village we're going to see some of the fresh catch it's an amazing village then we're gonna go to the pink lake where they harvest salt and then we'll probably be eating lunch but then this evening we'll also be going to the coast indica to eat a seafood meal where they lay out their fresh catch and you can choose your seafood and have it cooked right there on spot so it's going to be an amazing day cultural day in senegal delicious seafood and i'm going to share it all with you coming up right now in this video [Music] one of the main fishing villages of senegal and they're just unloading oh they're unloading a fresh catch these are monkfish captain up there on top of the boat boats here just incredibly beautiful all handmade made from wood and beautiful color pattern paintings on the side of the boats oh what a place right on the coast right on the sand so many boats thank you thank you hello hello how are you very good very good highland hi welcome to kayak thailand oh thank you very much thank you very much thank you very much wow look at that boat going yeah literally fishing boats as far as you can see down the coastline into the mist oh this place is incredible and these boats are spectacular the craftsmanship so do they have boats arriving at all times of the day whole time for all time this time until five o'clock okay arriving and then the fresh catch goes directly [Music] 40 inhabit and live in the village and almost everyone is everyone is fishing fishers okay and women are fish traders yes okay then they're going to go off to the market to be distributed to be sold off but those fish they're called monkfish locally it's not the same kind of monkfish that i'm familiar with it looks almost like a puffer fish but it is a beautiful fish that's like mainly what they're catching today and we're definitely going to eat some of that today amazing what a truly amazing experience here at the kaya village on our way to go eat lunch and then after that we're going to go to the pink lake and then after that we're gonna have some more seafood in the car [Music] we're stopping here at a restaurant which is called che salim which is at a hotel and the significance of this restaurant is that well the dakar rally traditionally finishes right here at the pink lake that's the ending finish line of the dakar rally and then lots of the teams and drivers would come here to this restaurant to have lunch and kind of debrief so we're here to have a quick lunch we ordered up some monkfish kebabs awesome oh there's a sauce very good this kitchen is amazing oh chef is incredible with cooking skills just flopping so these are actually pan-fried kebabs skewers you can get a variety of meats those are the monkfish kebabs you just pan fries them a bit of oil ignites them on fire just shakes them this is the assembling plating plating up all over here tosses in some onions blazes it out [Music] thank you merci bruschette in french oh okay so it's like a stir-fry of fish onions that's the one he made okay and i ended up getting the monk fish the fresh munch which is stir fried with a handful of onions and peppers and tomatoes in a blazing fire like everything else smells really good served with lemon on the side a scoop of rice i love the style of the kitchen fast and furious and everything on fire big chunks of the monk fish that's what we saw this is the fish that we saw at the time yeah that we we saw at the market it's in season right now the catch of the day oh man giant giant nuggets of monkfish looks incredible oh man the soft freshness of that fish [Music] so meaty so soft so moist oh it's really good and then you really taste the flavor of those onions the tomatoes the acidity of the tomatoes the peppers really good squeeze on some of this lime though for that extra squeeze of acidity actually i think it has a bit of vinegar in it already a little bit sour nice got a little bit of chili sauce hot sauce hot sauce chili sauce we'll try this oh yeah is it made from the guana you smell like a little bit of that kind of fruity sourness to it nice you can smell the aroma of that chili sauce that smells really good coming from the guana chili which is one of the ultimate chilies of senegal one of the spiciest and it's just unbelievable flavor that just makes it oh that goes so well together with the mugfish a little bit spicy not as spicy as eating the the peppers fresh but it has amazing flavor fruity acidic and spicy oh man i need to load up on that chili sauce that is wonderful chili sauce is [Music] [Applause] it's nice [Music] lunch was delicious we are now on the banks of the pink lake and amidst just mountains of salt that they harvest here this is one of the most important places to harvest salt in west africa and look at these just mountains of salt the entire road is salt the entire banks of the lake is salt amazing these many spa are senegal salt from here so it's it's also very mineral rich very rich mineral wow very rich in calcium and potassium is used for cooking is used for drying fish okay oh yeah minerals heavy rich in minerals and again they're just like scraping the salt off the bottom of the pink lake which is it's just naturally replenishing it's a sustainable uh harvest of salt and so this salt is so important for distribution to some of the inland countries uh where they don't have salt deposits like this really interesting fascinating it's just like a sea mountains of natural salt and naturally no fish no shrimp no life apart from the algiers that give the pink colors and that gave the colors that's why we call it pink lake but the real name of the lake is regba 380 gram of salt in one liter of water wow and just nearby they have fresh water this is fresh water right here right here how is that possible that's amazing god mystery yes god creation yeah god creation there's no life there's no fish there's no seafood in the lake only the algae which provides this pink color and it can be pinker depending on the time of the year depending on the season the rainy season depending on the sunlight as well [Music] now that you're up close you can see that the water is pink in color almost like a deep red yeah it's the entire water is this red in color that is amazing i couldn't see it from the back there but now that you're up close you really notice the red color surreal how red the water is and again it's some of the saltiest water on earth like the dead sea they're just scooping salt replenishes itself at the bottom of the lake that they can just harvest sustainably and then um the water is just about one and a half meters deep so it's not not deep so the ocean is just behind the trees there oh okay and the ocean is up the lake is 10 meters below the outside so we're below sea the ocean feel the lake underneath ah okay it's natural process [Music] it's like soupy it's so thick oh and it feels like almost slimy on your fingers from that algae slimy and soupy [Music] hello and we are on our way to the dunes of the beach to experience the dakar rally oh my god this is rally driving [Laughter] so poppy this is one of the the last racetracks of the car rally this is the last track of the dakar and then it finishes here and finish here awesome and they go to jakkar for the official ceremony awesome welcome to the dhaka rally wow turned on the dunes oh making fast turns ups and downs [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah oh man the raging waves were on the beach [Laughter] [Music] very good very good that was a thrill experiencing the dakar rally and man what a spectacular beach whoa senegal oh man the cleanness of the beach and the ocean is unbelievable look at this ocean ah that was a thrill we are now heading back to dakar it's going to be about a one hour drive and then from there we're going to go to i believe the tip of the peninsula where they sell seafood every night for dinner [Music] pepe that was about an hour drive back to the streets of dakar and we're stopping here on the ocean to actually eat fish full circle from where we were this morning at the fish market but really quickly a snack before we get there uh this is there's this type of fruit the fruit name is mud it comes from the south senegal it's kind of like a like kind of like squishy and yellow and brown and they make this kind of like pasty like a fruit cup with it and you can get it salty you can get it sweet you can get it with chili so i had to choose the chili option gotta try scooping with that chili you have to mix it oh you have to mix it okay mix mix completely mix well because the chili yeah okay okay i'll leave it extra spicy at the top and then those are seeds inside that you don't eat no you don't need to see it just kind of suck it though yeah first taste of the fruit oh sorry oh wow oh that's incredible that's like a natural fruit jam sweet and sour and straight up like almost has a mango flavor but pulpier and more runny oh and with the chili salt in there oh that's delicious wow almost like the consistency of applesauce but with a like mangoey flavor to it oh it's incredible that's straight up like a natural fruit jam oh wow the sweet and sour flavor incredible and then with that chili very good oh yeah so papi where are we so we're going to meet our friend ali here he's going to introduce us his friends here what we're going to do for the green so this is a popular place to eat a very popular place we call cool in the car seafood grill you come out here on the beach there's fresh fish for sale you can smell the grills going we're right on the beach on the coast it's a choose your own seafood and they cook it right in front of you oh what an awesome place okay uh whole table full of seafood the fresh catch of the day all the fish they have some shrimp they have some shellfish and then over back here they are burning a fire here with a pot full of the the shrimp cooking down oh this mice is incredible oh poppy this place is amazing amazing what a place amazing what a place what a place to come be here oh and enjoy the sunset and for seafood lovers too this is paradise here the mussels are going boiling away so many fish the fresh catch of the day and what an environment in the evening oh this is the place to be in the car in the evening that's what i'm gonna have okay that monkfish we're going for this mugfish [Music] yes [Music] we got some of the shrimp we got some of the snails some of the mussels and two fish perfect wow the skin just comes up oh it's no scales no skills on the monk fish [Music] [Music] so we're moving on over here to the fish preparation station where they scale the fish where they clean and gut them he just peels back that skin revealing the meatiness that's why that monkfish is so incredibly meaty it's just like a solid piece of meat that's incredible it's like a meat torpedo in the water oh the marinade station marinade [Music] [Laughter] okay head fish gets dunked into the kind of this thick sauce not totally sure what that is it gets a full coating in the sauce then directly onto the raging hot flames coming out just wood burning grill and that's gonna get like the char the like incredible smoky flavor just absorb into the fish oh man that smells delicious after a while grilling the monk fish they wrap it in foil because i think it will start to burn because that meat is so thick it has to cook all the way through yeah so then the barbecue with the foil on all the other seafood has gone on the grill the mussels the sea snails the shrimp chef papi yes [Music] [Music] [Music] really the senegalese seafood i mean senegalese food touch all those chopped onions onions are of extreme importance which i'm sure is mixed with black pepper with mustard salt and that goes on as a garnish for that fish that is a massive platter of seafood senegalese style that's beautiful okay thank you man thompson we are moving out beach side for the feast oh and sally is joining us for dinner yes oh papi you got to join us in here too oh man we got a table here on the rocks literally steps from the beach oh these are the the mussels the gambas which are the shrimp we've got the those are the sea snails sea snails the monk fish is right there in the center i think it's a sea bream i think it's a sibrim okay now we're going to go in for the the mussel first with some of the onions and mussel oh that's incredible all that whoa that mustard sauce the flavor of the dijon mustard the flavor of the pepper the strength of the onions oh that's so good that's truly the senegalese touch is that pepper onion mustard mixture the monk fish not okay let's try that just look at how meaty it is it's literally like a chicken breast just big chunks and again you give it the the onion treatment [Music] every bite must include onions that monkfish is absolutely incredible that's coming full circle again from the fish market this morning to our table from boat to plate in senegal that is it's so meaty almost like a chicken breast so much meat and then the flavor of the fire the way they cook it you've got the heat of the mustard the heat of the pepper the juicy crispness of the onions which is just holding together okay the next fish this is the sea bream and again once you start eating these onions you can't stop there's no going back the onions are the highlight have you tried this one yeah the monkfish is incredible oh the sea bream is incredible also can this one not yet okay i will thank you these are the seashells sea snails it's so sweet they're so sweet the texture of squid smoky oh delicious you can poke up some of those onions also with your skewer do not miss that onion sauce what an incredible seafood stall on the side of the ocean right here in dakar and his brother is tamsiya aloo ali oh his brother is the one who is cooking also okay okay so it's a family business yes how many years have they been chilling here [Music] four years okay no place i'd rather be right now sitting right here on the coast in the car eating this giant seafood tray right out of the sea with amazing friends the hospitality the friendliness the delicious food the fresh seafood is just incredible here in hospitality we say senegal the country of karanga the country of hospitality okay so pull the head and eat the head first yes okay it's so good so good so sweet and then peel that body these are huge meaty atlantic gambas and then you have to give it the onion treatment massage it in the onions oh that's a pro move there poppy oh in that mustard oh massage in the mustard sauce mustard onion pepper full rotation scoop up those onions [Music] oh wow the meatiness the the muscularity the sweetness and that mustard pepper is just amazing this is a incredible seafood feast [Music] thank you to sally and family ashley and so would people typically come here just to relax after a day of work okay [Music] that's a seafood tray you'll never forget oh yes tamsir who cooked most of the food he's come now to join us your brother brothers from the family so comes here has joined us now for dinner an amazing family incredible seafood in senegal i especially love that monkfish look at how just meaty it is it's just like straight up nuggets more meaty than a chicken breast [Music] and there's kind of like the lime juice oh nice with the lime juice squeezed nice and there's kind of like no light out here right so once the sun goes down you're kind of on your own i have a small light just a little light but once the sun goes down that's it you're just eating in the dark but that's totally fine as well and papi was mentioning that this place is open people come here until about midnight feasting on seafood we've got a whole nother side here and this side is even better because it's been soaking up in that mustard sauce [Music] the mustard has just started to absorb into that fish saturated with dijon with onion juice with black pepper this is pure seafood happiness in the car i'm utilizing literally the last rays of sunshine of the day we finished with that seafood meal what a thrilling way to end this incredible day in dakar senegal when you are in the car if you love seafood this is a place you have to come and definitely check out the same stall it's family run they're so friendly hospitable they have a massive selection of seafood and that onion mustard pepper sauce will just ignite your taste buds and make you happy and i have to say a huge thank you to my friend papi from visit senegal he does tours he's the greatest guide in senegal he arranged this entire experience an amazing guy thank you poppy and i want to say a big thank you to you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed make sure you subscribe now for lots more food and travel videos and also we're traveling around senegal eating some of the best food from around senegal we've met incredible people and the food has been outstanding so make sure you watch more videos from the senegal series goodbye from dakar i'll see you on the next video thanks again for watching
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 3,529,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Senegal, seafood, street food, Dakar, Dakar food, Dakar street food, Senegalese street food, Mark Wiens, Mark Wiens food, seafood street food, fish, grilled fish, grilled seafood, Africa, African food, African best food, West African food, Senegalese food, things to do in Senegal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 51sec (1911 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2022
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