Unexpected Indian Food!! 🇮🇳 Pandi Curry in Coorg!

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just look at the closeup of that it's like unlocking a new flavor of Curry yeah when you think about food in India the meal we're about to eat is probably not what comes to your [Music] mind it's a life changing flavor within the Lush mountains of kurg the food of the kodava people is heavily spiced personally being a Koda have not seen any other culture use it I think that's going to be a little too much for you but yeah you can try it wo and seasoned with a few rare ingredients unique to this region you have no clue what you're missing I could die and go to heaven Mark today we've been invited to a family home where shell and subu are cooking some of the best kodava food hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's marqueen and welcome to kurg this area is known for growing coffee and it's also the home of the kodava people and so today we're going to be learning all about the kodava people we're going to be cooking some of their signature unique foods and dishes Evan yes this is shal's uncle's house planning to have his cooking session somewhere there down nice and you're getting this Aroma of coffee flowers yes this is the time when coffee blooms okay it will take about 10 months for the coffee B to develop okay wow whatever flowers right now we pick it next year by this time wow okay and so we're all hanging out under the palm trees it's beautiful what a property so Lush and green kitchen is set up out here all the spices are laid out the pork has already been marinating today we'll be making authentic Pand Pand Pand means P Curry pork curry pork curry okay but this is one of the signature dishes of the kodava people and I'm going to see the whole process as it's being made chili powder turmeric and salt and this is marinated for 2 hours now and we directly add it to the to on the C so we do not use any oil for pork okay just the direct meat okay cuz all of that fat will render out of the pork itself yeah and let the meat cook fresh Curry leaves from fresh Curry leaves one of the great ingredients from ared this is traditional this is only made in a k house a lot of people try to replicate it but they miss the beat because one is the Masala that is added to this is very unique to the kordas number one number two is we add the vinegar we were talking about towards the end okay that gives it a smokey earthy Umami kind of a flavor Kim pully is what it's called in in our language this is the vinegar that we use that makes this dish absolutely unique just dip your little finger in it and take a dab on your tongue and you'll know what we're talking about so what is what's the significance of this in kodava culture personally being a kodwa I've have not seen any other culture use it uh there are uh substitutes for this like a lot of people use cokum but the taste of this is way unique very Umami very earthy very Smokey I think and it's used in a lot of kodava dishes most of the K most of the kodava dishes wo it's really it almost looks like car like I think that's going to be a little too much for you but yeah you can try it that might be too much it's really sticky really dark in color um and it's it's made from garia right made from garia so it's made from a sour Guma it's called garia Guma we use this one the the fruit we use it for fish curry in Kerala okay but they use it in in a completely different way consistency is crazy really Smokey that will awaken you up oh yeah oh I love it medine as well for burn exactly that so sour and so Smokey it has a lot of different uses that you wouldn't have heard of you know K is very leech infested during the monsoon really yeah so a lot of people what they do is they put a little bit of this on their hands and they rub it down on their legs and the leeches will not get don't to it's just a sour and it has a hint of a sweetness almost like a like an extremely strong balsamic like an extremely strong yeah that would be right it's extreme balsamic is what it is that's a common ingredient in so many of the different dishes and that's so such a beautiful flavor there's two different masalas also that go into the pork yeah we have green chilies coriander leaf um pepper pepper corn black pepper mean and we have jera little bit of me and little bit of mustard seeds Okay this is green Masala look at how chunky that Masala is and so many spices you see the pepper in there the black pepper this has cinnamon clo uh dry coriander jeta all roasted moving back over to the oh the green Masala goes in oh yes Whole Bowl of the green Masala the immediate burst of black pepper and green chilies the pork is already pre-marinated and then the fresh Masala and layering with the dry Masala the spices the the roasted dry spices plus the herbs the curry leaves the Sawtooth coriander you can already like imagine the layering of flavor it's going to have it's going to be incredible you can immediately smell that roast Masala this is roasted flavor roasted coriander yeah oh that's cinnamony Aroma to it and plain coriander goes in now you see the color change oh yeah immediately it turns dark when you see the color you'll know the Masala is sufficient efficient or not oh okay right now it's not it is not it has to turn a little more darker done the p y oh man when you add in the dry spice mixtures the roasted Masala just takes on this total new dimension I mean those are not just dry spices they're already roasted down so already that complexity is it's going to be just layer upon layer upon layer of flavor so it's time it's time for the ketchup hoodie again you see a color change mhm it gets dark darker yeah immediately it gets darker and you taste it now in another four 5 minutes because I made him taste it before now when he tastes it he'll know the difference yeah pepper from our Farms here locally Saed and it's okay P mhm now taste it with the k p taste test oh that's unbelievable that that's a totally different flavor from any Curry I've ever tasted oh man again the Layon lay of flavors the masalas oh it's incredible and the finishing with the kcha Puri with that that sour Garcinia oh that's and it's spicy too it burns your lips wow that's flavorful this with this oh yeah show us how to eat the the rice balls with the py curry okay you have no clue what you missing I'm about to find out you said this is your favorite combination meal on Earth I could die and go to heaven Mark and be happy just on [Laughter] this oh thank you Shelly this is privilege to be here to sit down for this totally new meal experience and is there anything else other than rice or is it just compressed just rice that's steamed rice compressed into ball shape going for that pork just look at the closeup of that pork it's so thick and Rich if I had a b oh oh oh man this is super shell Shelly wonderful thank you so much it's unbelievable actually like it's it's a life-changing flavor I'm glad you liked it and that uh katum pully made the trick actually that sourness uh-huh and it's not overpowering no it kind of gives it this Umami mhm of sour acidity that breaks the richness and again the spices that she used for pork curry it is extraordinary it's unbelievable actually and this is a type of Curry like it's like unlocking a new flavor of Curry yeah like we've completed a mission in life it's total total unique flavor like unlike any other Curry I've ever tasted I think just the roasted toasty Smoky flavors of the masalas yeah the green chilies and then yeah the secret kacha Puli and the the garlic that they have added all together it's wonderful and it's spicy too like yeah with a quantity of black pepper with the quantity of green chilies and masalas it is a can't even believe it yeah that's happiness tender jack fruit so it's young jack fruit yeah sauteed down with onions uh with a few chilies [Music] and would we eat this together with the the the G rice or just just taste it as it is all right oh man oh I'm a big fan of jack fruit me too both ripe as well as Ro I mean the in all stages in all stages and it has this the flavor of the turmeric but it's also been marinated in Cameron so it has a m a hint of a sourness to it and I mean one of the great things about jackf fruit is the texture right yeah it almost has a yeah like a pulled ped meat it's like texture to it it's like minced not minced maybe shredded meat just like meat and then next up for the mutton mutton mutton with gar rice what a combination tender pieces of mutton pieces tender mhm MH mutton can really compete with pork yeah it's really nice yeah very good very good and it's a totally different Masala like complet completely different flavor profile this one you taste more of the the sweeter spices yeah like the clish cinnamony flavors in it yeah cinnamon cinnamon and with be it's perfect combination the gearice melts in your mouth yep yeah in fact I got a whole CL a whole pot of cardamom I think in the rice too mhm that rice is not only flavored with ghee but also onions maybe you see some garlic in there maybe you see some hinted with some of the spices as well but what a meal just everything outstanding flavor profiles that I've never experienced before I mean here or in India and I think like what we were saying y this just changes your perception of what you think Indian food is exactly I mean you have this perception of South India being Dosa and Italy or North India being Nan and butter chicken and do yeah but these are just completely different flavor profiles it's always better to visit and experience rather than read or watch yes right for sure for sure mango Curry mango Curry oh so for the mango Curry are they ripe mangoes or it's it green mangoes green mangoes you can see it's like is the whole the whole tender mango Cheers Cheers Ean oh oh another dish we had zagary to this lots of that AAR taste pickle tast the sourness lots of pepper in there too and that's salty sour and sweet all at the same time it's like a achar turned into a curry like a mango pickle Curry yeah okay let's try the the pepper chicken M oh all the flavor of the black pepper it's so evident so strong and powerful roasted coriander powder goes in lot of pepper powder this is fresh freshly ground pepper lots of black pepper goes in freshly ground she added in a small mountain of pepper to the chicken well most recipes I mean you'll call for like a little teaspoon she just piled in the pepper it's just coating every piece of chicken that just immediately bursts with this pepperiness on your tongue what another impressive recipe and then I mean just the aroma coming out uh the roasted coriander in there as well the secret culinary weapon yes it's stunning stunning and a totally different flavor profile from the the pyur from the from the from the pork yeah in the recent history of my my eating I can't think of another meal that can top that this this meal on this py Cur just look at the thickness of that pundy Curry and and I totally agree with you it's a good com it's a it's a Heavenly bite that is one of the great flavors you could put in your mouth how do you go from eating something like this that's the most flavorful like dish on Earth to having to eat something plain with no spice yeah I don't think you can it would be like torturous to have to eat something plainly flavored after something like this it's just oh man you have to like check it if you're tongue is working M MH Nothing Compares the diod final final bite but this is a flavor I just want to I want to keep on my tongue for forever an unbelievable meal and like I mentioned already it's like just totally different from any flavors of Indian Cuisine that I've ever experienced before the food is not over yet we are continuing we're going to be spending a night at a lodge and tonight actually shell is going to cook another meal for dinner tonight uh and cook some different kodava dishes what is the plan for dinner tonight oh quite a lot some traditional dishes from koru I think that'll be restricted to something that's been done here and also we will have some wine special wines from here and these are homemade wines yeah homemade zero alcohol that's something that's a part of the the culture and the culture here because WEA we live in right it's pretty cold during Winters so just to warm yourself you need some beverages B it won't it's got nothing other than turmeric salt and boiled that's it it's pork it's basic basic pork boiled pork right all right so that goes directly into the pan if you realize something there's no oil in it because the reason why we don't use oil in most of our cooking is because of the fat that that the Poke carries which will render into the dish and this is a very very easy dish we call this poke chal in in in our language which basically comes uh there's a history to how this is this came into existence right so we down a pig uh in special occasions like we have our festivals when we down them we call people to clean it so they have a right of meat first so they given a certain amount of meat for them so when cleaning the pork they take that piece first and they cook this right then and there so there's no masalas that are put into it it's bare basic and I think you can't get anything more traditional than this in a k trust me okay great oh that's starting to crackle down yeah fat is rendering down into oil sizzling sizzling oh yeah that already smells so good yeah you can see it reducing now fat is coming out it's caramelizing as well it's actually starting to roast on the bottom of that pan yeah yeah so you're just continually kind of scraping it scraping it off oh man few things better than melted Fork pork fat which is then caramelized and crisp ified all the oil later we add a little bit of just the the excess the excess oil man so all that pork she just caramelizes it down until it turns crispy that stage where the out side exterior is going to be crispy but guaranteed juicy on the inside and the Masala is about to go on it's Bird's ey chili it's got a little bit of garlic okay A little bit of Ginger just for flavoring and salt and lemon okay so this goes into this oh and what a move to keep it fresh not cooking it at all right oh oh I want that oh I want that I need that Masala yeah oh cheers for [Music] Chas oh oh that's Sensational that's just blowing your taste buds again the the pork which is simmered down so it's crispy and fatty fresh Masala is just what absolutely takes it to the next level with that acidity the green chilies the chander it is so good so simp Le and so good and Cheers Cheers Cheers M different in flavor M yeah very smooth and mellow sweet it is sweet and acidic sweet acidic as well as that flavor of jack fruit lightly not too much you do yeah like you would if if you're just tasting it and you didn't know it was jack fruit you need to think about what it was cuz it's not that powerfully jack fruit I think everything would PA well with this yes she said it's a 2-year-old been fermenting for two years oh super much so strong yeah perfect combination is it strong for you yeah that does appear really well though because you have the really like incredibly Savory salty pork with the sweet jack fruit the fermentation that combination is unbelievable this is chicken boil chicken okay boil the chi so this is it's going to be the same recipe just chicken version chicken okay and what's the chicken one called tles [Music] this is also done okay I'll grab one piece you can do it's Blended well mhm I mean it's so good again the acidity yeah the lime juice the green chili actually that uh beaste yes that makes it different the cooked Masala cooked Masala that was raw Masala and this is yeah different slightly different in taste and again I still prefer pork what about you I mean pork is hard to beat yeah yes yeah but the chicken is also just incredibly good the only reason mhm there's no much this yeah yeah it's not as fatty I mean the only reason the park wins is because we had that like it's pork it's pork and it was slightly crispier than this on the Edge the fattiness chicken is also fantastic though the flavor the aroma is so good what type of wine is that this is be Leaf Beetle Leaf wine excellent that's our next wine pairing and how long has this one been fermenting for years two years ago cheers this oh this is far far better than that yeah this one is incredible yeah yeah I agree this one is far better it's much much higher cuz it immediately has this this acidity more of an acidity a sourness to it and and the the pun the the beetle Leaf it's again it's quite subtle it's not overpowering at all but we we feel it that all that is better but it's it's sweet and sour this in kak is called W is dry Yi is meat wow so this is basically smoked smoked dried poke the the mutton palow the meats were just for snack now we're sitting down for the full meal some unique dishes okay so we get the Roy this is actually one of the things I'm most looking forward to trying is the black Nightshade leaves something I don't think I've tried before to be eaten with the hot what type of Roti is itti it's a rice Roti oh it's a rice Roti okay okay can't wait to try it it's slightly bit yeah little lightly bitter it basically clears your system youze it in the morning as to how it clears the system oh clears it will realize it in the morning I think I know what that means it clears your system but you won't realize it till the morning oh I love the flavor though it has a flavor like jot leaves yes bitter and medicinal a little bit this is medicine it tastes medicinal definitely you can tell that you can tell that it has like yeah like powerful effects oh I love the flavor though and it has a nuttiness too and that that goes well with this Ro because it's rice flavor though it is slightly bitter the rice flavor gives a different level M simple but so tasty the flavor coming out of those leaves it's only the leaves oyster mushrooms so L of lime you yeah okay does have a a sourness to it the actual mushrooms themselves are just nice and silky this goes uh a little goes a long way it's about time for another beverage pairing this is birdeye chili wine oh che che cheers long life good birdy chili I was expecting more spicy but it's not that spicy it has again a sweet and sour taste but oh but as it goes in you have that yeah we have that burning feeling that is a we probably have the the green chili already in our throats from the from the green Masala reason yeah yes okay now we should move on to that the smoked pork dish right smk this is something that's totally unique and it you can smell the aroma too you can smell the smoke yeah you can smell the smoke gosh that's incredible oh I love it it's such a deep smoke to the point where where it dehydrates and dries out the meat just condensing the flavor so Smoky with a sourness we marinate the meat before we smoke it oh to tenderize it is that how taste what do you add salt chili powder and turmeric no smokers which are built and all of there just traditional rooms with bamboo trays so you put the meat on top of it and then you have another place outside where you put the fire and you Bellow the smoke into the room so the entire couple of days that so it's kind of a is it a cold smoke it's a c it's a cold smoke so it's not it's not a hot smoke this is basically done to store the meat okay over time reason being during monsoon people in cou can hardly go out the rain is so bad that they prefer to store Food For That season and then what's the sourness coming from kach pul I spoke to you okay so that's smoke with vinegar oh that's so much flavor wow that's extraordinarily tasty okay so the the mutton the mutton pull out tender pieces of mutton in there just really nice looking rice with the ra all right it's just dish after dish and that's just so comforting especially after all the other like spicy salty um acidic dishes the pul out just taste so comforting this is mint the flavor of mint we can feel directly yes I do taste the mint and you just keep the right apart and try the pav alone with M okay so pillowy soft yeah it tastes all the broth and the oils of the mutton just absorbed into every grain of that Rice mutton flavor is there in the rice grains that's because mutton is cooked together with rice so the rice absorbs all the flavor of mutton whatever the meat we use M it's just taking on that taking on that flavor of the mutton none of the none of the steam or Oils or juices have gone to waste they've all been absorbed into the rice oh oh man what a sensational meal one of the big misconceptions you know like that people outside of India foreigners outside of India have is that you know India's like everything is doll Roy and butter chicken you know I mean just to be the most stereotypical but you would never you would never think that this is Indian food when you travel around India you just are able to experience the diversity that exist in this incredible country and thank you so much for cooking this incredible meal we are honored to be here and all the food is just it's mind-blowing oh we ended up just sitting around hanging out incredible company delicious food and just again flavors totally different than I would ever expect to eat in India just Sensational and today has just been such an incredible learning experience I want to say huge thank you to Shelly and SIU for arranging everything uh to my great friend eban uh from food and travel he's just an incredible friend from carola well and I want to say a big thank you to you for watching this video to see this entire India food tour we're we're traveling around the state of Karnataka eating some of the best food you're not going to want to miss any of it the diversity the incredible flavors but I want to say a big thank you for watching please remember to give this video a thumbs up leave a comment below I'd 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Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 1,135,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Coorg, Pandi Curry, Mark Wiens, Indian food, Kodava people, Kodava food, food tour, Kodavas, best Indian food, South India, South Indian food, street food, India food tour, Indian food tour, things to do in India, Mark Wiens food, Mark Wiens food tour
Id: 11etedD1TNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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