DATING TORIEL | Undertale Dating Simulator "InLove" Gameplay

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with the success of doki-doki literature club and the amount of 11-year olds that you are I thought we'd play an undertale dating simulator I'm not desperate I'm not afraid that my channel is dying I just want to play it let's find one in love an undertale dating sim by mr. Wilson oh this one looks good oh oh this bar is installing and this bar says deleting integrity and morals oh that's weird now I just want to fall in love that's what I've always wanted now sure I may have found love in real life but have I found love in undertale you know when asked that question I have to take a hard look at myself and say no no I haven't without further adue in love and undertale dating simulator oh my god are they in the pain long ago two races ruled over earth the slow text and the humans one day war broke out between the two races racists after a long battle the humans were victorious I've read this so many times in my life I can't even stand a sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell many years later here's a mountain a human fell down to the month that's not the actual dialogue bottle their story however fell short when they realized they needed to date each other whose Wilson we're out of cards what do you mean this is just the demo well it's the it's the the guy who made it he drew it real quick that's cute Wilson you're cute not so many years after that mount a bat 22 X okay so it's a few years later after all out undertale stuff you oh no another human has fallen maybe your story will go a little better okay so it's just like another human fell down I get it you could have started the game with one text box that says another human fell down falling you're falling how did this happen in the distance you hear someone calling your name my dude it is that what they called you yeah right that was it thud thanks oh that's pretty ow scream for help lie down and hope for the best and look around oh let's be honest I'd probably lie down I'm not saying I would lie down and die but I'd lie down for a while you lie down on the flower patch it's sticky but otherwise quite soft what now I'm gonna lie down again this doesn't seem to be solving much I'm gonna lie down again maybe you should get up and try to do something something besides laying down and give I'm gonna lie down again oh they took it away come on I just want to hang out come on now so I guess I'll look around I'm not the type to scream for help you see dark shadows moving along the cave wall your eyes must not have gotten used to the darkness yet the concussion you have pop probably have can't be helping any either look around again you move your hand over the walls they're surprisingly clean and dust I see dust I can see dust in the picture your nail gets stuck in a crevice when you try to pull it out it breaks out geez look around again one side of the cave looks slightly brighter than the others is there a door here oh look at me movement unlocked ok and this is how you move you click the button oh cool so it gives you a little map nothing else to see here ok I'm not gonna scream for help I just don't feel like that's my style let's go West there is one exit but it seems to be covered by a curtain of vines a few pieces of trash Sparkle and the scattered sunshine catching your eye ok there's only four things to choose from heart locket mirror stick or the rose I mean the Rose might come in handy when we need to seduce our goat mom who is my first target for sure I will pick up the rose a pristine red rose what's it doing among all this trash take it yeah you got the rose there are two different kinds of items down here equip and use equip will raise your stats but you can only wear one at a time use will do different things monsters like them too oh you can take more items you don't have enough hands to carry oh I'm carrying one rose try to remove the vines we can search for an alternate way what happens if we try to remove the vines you try to wrestle the vines free from their purchase on the walls but they cling stubbornly resisting your attempts so we'll look for an alternate way you walk along the stone walls for a while looking in the corners and shifting through the piles of trash but you find nothing that can help you so all we can do is go back ok I'll go back the small cave suddenly smells strongly like flowers oh no a large golden flower is sprouted right where you first fell appearing to bask in the light coming from the ceiling it definitely wasn't there earlier down here I will approach the flower should I I'll approach the flower Oh howdy hey did I startle you howdy i'm flowey flowey the flower you're new here aren't you you look a little nervous are you scared of little ol me take a step back hey what's that for I cannot with this flower haven't you ever seen a talking flower before why would I have oh wise guy huh no reason really well at any rate things have changed around here the normal rules don't apply anymore if you know what I mean the music is getting scary so don't worry I'm not gonna kill you I can't instead I have a new game I'd like to play it's a game about true love or tragic heartbreak it'll be fun don't you think although I hope you can come up with a better story than the last you when you fell down here they didn't make it too far guess that means it's up to you to mix things up a bit try not to disappoint me good luck the patch of flowers looked practically untouched at flowey had never been here you're all alone this is getting weird so let's go back this way now there something's gonna happen the vines covered the eggs that have disappeared the trash litters around the items are no longer here it said there's a note don't be greedy alright well I can't take any more if I wanted to right okay North now something's gonna happen we are in the ruins now there are piles of leaves gathered in the in the corners of the room in between two staircases but you see no tree or plant that could have come from they look crunchy yeah someone just put the there while looking around you step on a leaf they are crunchy the stairs climb up to a landing that supports a large ivy-covered building its entrance yawns darkly and is flanked by two high wind man somebody wrote the crap out of this oh here's my menu I can equip the rose it's a rose plus for kindness oh quit that heck yeah you feel your stats get a little better you hear a voice on the wind the stats are for later in the game don't worry about them too much it's just a demo okay let's go north oh look around the tunnels of crisp crackles criss-crossing in and out of the various rooms that you pass through are riddled with what appears to be disabled traps and puzzles so it keeps saying there's an event in all these rooms but there's not so let's go to the dummy room oh no oh god hey the small curved room houses a training dummy setup besides the arched doorway leading on to further rooms ago seems to be speaking to the dummy the dummy looks friendly with a smile sewn into its face but the ghost looks almost scared I'll stand very still to not scare nap stably maybe if you stand still they won't notice you the ghosts awkward well there was our one chance at romance right there let's examine the dummy looks like a well-used training dummy well that's rude you spot some stuffing coming out at the seams who could have put there I can practice my kung-fu moves we can flirt with the dummy I'll take a closer look there's some loose stitches near the eyes the red soulless button eyes that stare right into your soul a shiver runs down your spine okay so should we practice the kung-fu moves or flirt with the dummy okay we'll flirt okay did I see you at a toy store because you're simply a doll well that could be offensive hold on you gotta consider that this is actually a dummy I'm gonna say hey there hot stuff how's it going and now you've started talking to a dummy this place must really be getting to you let me flirt again if I could rearrange the alphabet I'd put U and I together or are you a parking ticket because you've got fine written all over you I picked that one oh it worked is it just you or the dummies cheeks redder than before that concussion you probably have must be worse than you thought flirt again is your father a farmer because you must have fallen from the hey Vince are you from Tennessee because you're the only ten I see I'm doing this the dummy seems to be winking at you Oh flirt again you wink at the dummy it winks back this is all we can do is we now I can practice kung-fu moves on it you missed the dummy entirely man you suck at that so there's no more flirting to happen I practice kung-fu again you prepare a more careful move this time and you still miss though not as badly as the previous try how can you miss anyways it's just standing there so the question is do I hit the guy one more time maybe that's what you got to do to unlock the romance kungfu three tries three misses either you're really bad at this or something's going on kung fu no matter how hard you try you can't hit the dummy it's as if some higher power was forcing you to miss okay so you're not allowed to hit anybody huh huh what's that sound oh it seems to be coming from near the wall is that a satchel how did you almost miss this you should really look around more let's take it the satchel Wiggles in glee inventory increase to five okay let's look around nothing here anymore continue onward yah yah yah yah yah yah yah frog it room frog dang it there's someone here oh my god there she is your eyes are genuinely terrifying in this she doesn't seem to notice you although she's literally staring right into your face sneak around I'm gonna hold my ground eventually the monster notices you oh goodness I'm sorry dear I did not notice you there are you alright well I'm better now drop it get some help yeah I'm okay thank you stay back what is this place or you're a goat I'm gonna say I'm okay thank you you like that that is good to hear that face was just awful oh where are my manners my name is torie el and I'm the caretaker of these ruins I come down to the cavern every day to see if anyone has fallen down and here you are your fall is not kind to you you were injured please take this you receive a spider donut if you eat it you are sure to gain some strength back if you like you may accompany me to my house a tea into the ruins well that was easy you can sleep there to rest and heal the remainder of your injuries only my child and I lived there so it'll be a peaceful place for you to stay sure I'll come with you I'm glad our home is humble but I hope you will stay for a while I'm sure you and Frisco will get along just fine so this is like a branching path we can date frisk or we can date toriel easy choice for me follow me then dear it is not far oh girl we went straight back to her house this woman just met us you hear a ringing Sam from toriel's pocket excuse me I'm not saying her the answer this I'm very important hello my Oh oh dear she got a tear in her eye her face it just looks like a dude's face for some reason to me just hold on stay right there okay everything will be all right just remain calm I'll be right there I'm afraid something has come up I'm very sorry but I will have to leave you well you should be fine just make your way over to my house that you've never been to before I'll meet you there shortly she freaking moonwalks off the screen honestly frisk probably fell into the toilet again probably a gust of wind trails from the wide doorway ahead shifting a few leaves across the floor their spikes sticking out of the bridge you could probably jump over them well probably the room before you is long and filled with odd items there's a sign hanging on the wall closest to you three gray rocks sit on top of strange square pass over those are the rocks that you push a short bridge extends across the still water as it exits the bridge okay so we got to push these rocks my health is 1 out of 20 yeah let's use that now if I fall on the spikes at least I won't die you regain all of your health that was a very good donut also it said the donut was crunchy so I mean that's kind of I cannot push the rocks even though I know that's what I have to do so I'm right here it won't let me go north another blue key room what okay oh there's that goes from earlier sorry about just disappearing earlier I didn't mean to ignore you or be awkward I just made this awkward didn't I I wasn't really expecting to meet anyone there I wasn't expecting to run into you here either but so uh you're new here right I'm naps to blook Wow so you're really a ghost that's creepy I'll say it's nice to meet you don't scare him off oh plus three oh you two it's been a while since someone new showed up but the last time a human fell down it wasn't so bad oh they were pretty nice actually I could say what happened to him they're fine they're still here in the ruins I see them every now and again they're really nice I'm sure you two will get along uh I better get back to work now see you later wait wait did we have this candy have I been in this room the brick tall zigzags if this is where toriel was but we followed her somewhere the brick tall zigzag this way around several large piles of red leaves passing walls hung with flourishing ivy plants and leaning to the exit at the far into the room so can we we can go up here to the monster candid room okay flora with the candy take a piece of candy yeah it's a piece of candy Celeste the paper on it so you know it's still good a nice-looking bowl of candy sits on a pillar in the center of the room a small note says take only one well it's not giving me the chance to take more than one so I guess I won't well we got candy beautiful maybe you can feed the candy to the rock yeah that's gotta be it monster candy a very nice candy I can use it but I crap use the monster candy you eat it you were getting one health candy is that very good for you okay so can I go back and get another one no I really thought I could feed it to the rock or something the ball appears to be empty we can go up or we can go right to the spider bakery let's go spider bakery what's the worst that could happen oh my god that's terrifying with me there doesn't seem to be anybody here there's some items sitting on the ground spiders looked down at you from the ceiling I have no gold let's talk I don't think there's anybody here but look the spiders are right here I see them hey guys can I sell spiders look at you condescendingly they're here to make money not buy your trash I can't afford anything you do not have enough gold well okay fine the sign proclaims this is a spider bake sale which is evident by the doughnuts and bottles of cider stuck in the webs around you alright well that was pointless okay so this is where we saw blue key we got to go up from here the black tree room that's right before toriel's house right yes this that's where else house it in it and the long room houses a large and majestic looking black bark tree it's balls are bare but surrounded by large quantities of red leaves the room itself is dusted with drifts of the same leaves that fill the corners and layered the front of the quaint little house at the opposite end of the room the house looks warm and inviting I'm definitely about to go in there north exit toriel's house oh hello dear my face still looks freaking weird I'm glad to see you made it you did not have any trouble finding the house did you nah it was easy that is wonderful to hear I knew you'd be capable on your own yeah I'm a strong I'm a strong man I must apologize for leaving you so suddenly but Frisco fell in the toilet it was a dire situation that I could not ignore are you okay I see I asked about her first and she liked it she looks tired look she looks like she's tired of my crap oh hi I'm fine your concern is sweet it was my child frisk but it is nothing for you to worry about oh wait you got a kid whoa whoa it is nothing for you to worry about all is well now in any case I was just a prepare about to prepare dinner please follow me oh of course it seems I have run out of snails would you mind finding frisk and helping them catch some they will take you to the best hunting patches notice how they're very careful not to say he or she for frisk because saying he or she for frisk is the fastest way to get attacked by the undertale fandom trust me done it through the tunnels take the pass to the east and they should be there yeah but can I talk to you more though we're not worried about the kid the kids actually out of the house right now it's perfect time for you and I to get to know each other the entrance tutorials house splits off in three directions a wide nondescript staircase leads down into some kind of basement where she kills people by their really ins so frisk is all the way down there I guess can I just click on the that would be so much easier we're supposed to go this way oh oh hey bud oh this is weird what are we oh hi I wasn't expecting to see another human how did you get here you don't talk first doesn't talk um I could ask you the same thing oh well you know I guess I was hiking and I just sort of oh I'm sorry I forgot my manners I'm frisked it's nice to meet you I'm a human too but I guess you could probably see that are there more humans down here oh not that I know of you're actually the first human I've seen since I fell down here I've been living here with mom I mean you probably know her as toriel yeah your mom's hot dude she's taking care of me since I was a kid you're actually human nuts that monster I recently met toriel she seems nice or how's life in the woods I'm gonna say I met toriel she seems nice wait I wasn't flirting with you I'm flirting with your mom yeah out of all the people that could have found me I'm glad it was her are you saying the other monsters are bad or I can relate I'm gonna say yeah I can relate she helped me too that's great she can handle anything hmm well most things what does that what did that mean oh hey is that a crack on your phone it looks pretty banged up here you could take my old phone my friend made me a new one so I don't mind you got this the cell has been unlocked in the menu you can use a cell to view your relationship with the various citizens of the underground it could call them they can give you some info about the room you're in they can also let you know where they are and I've already transferred all my old junk off of it so it's just like new well that's creepy why would you have that just ready to go oh don't mind if you ever need to get in touch with me I'll just be a phone call away frisks number obtained I want toriel's number so oh wait I almost forgot he gets scared of lunch they get scared a lot I'm actually supposed to be doing something important I need your help and won't take long I promise just follow me we're supposed to get some snails right sorry for the hike check this out frisk move some of the vines out of the way behind the bowl of candy there's a door there you discover the snail hunting room stuff like this is all over the place there might even be some stuff I haven't found whoa okay here we are alone I know this is gonna sound a bit weird but I need to catch snails mom makes food with them and she needs a lot you're right that is weird completely right oh yeah toriel already told me why is this it's cheering him up so much I'm not trying to flirt with you my guy my person mom has a lot of different snail dishes you wouldn't believe what you can do with them anyways here's what I need you to do first take this net you get the butterfly oh this is for butterflies dude sorry basically just try to catch as many snails as you can it's tricky though cuz you can only try to catch them for a certain amount of time per day after that they'll get suspicious and won't come out their hiding places ready here we go the snails will come out of the flower patches on the left click and hold on them to capture them in your net missed three snails and it's game over catch 10 to win good luck under snail click to begin okay I'm about to be the best at this game there's ever been let's go click and hold on caught caught caught oh wow there's some of them have more than one oh my god holy heck this is like not that oh good I win okay that was ten already good job you found some snails six out of the inventory you know I'm actually feeling a bit better right now mom will be happy too she really likes snails she always did like snails so very much if you give her some she'll appreciate it maybe even pay you back somehow oh and if you want to do this again sometimes just tell me this was fun or you could do it on your own whatever works helping any form is appreciated I should get going now mom's probably wondering why I'm out so late our house isn't too far from here do you want to come back with me mom and I would love it if you stayed for a while I'm gonna say I'll be there soon but I'm gonna look around the ruins for a little bit that's still plus three that's fine I'll see you there later bye be sure not to stay out too late if you don't get enough sleep you could get sick I'm starting to sound like mom now see ya okay so first thing I want to do is look at the menu and the cell it said it would show me my my relationship with everybody it's lying I'm not calling Friske he's getting carried away what we need to do is get out of here and get back to the house I just didn't wanna go back with frisk I don't want him getting carried away this is way longer than I'd like this game is very fleshed out for a demo I'm sure it's just the ruins but it's like I didn't expect it to be so put together oh I think they're here I'll be right back hi you're a bit late the food's a little cold but I'm sure it's fine hold on let me tell mom you're here this is the person I told you we have super met already but I told I literally told you that welcome back I'm glad you and frisk managed to find each other anyway let's see yes please join us you follow toriel infested living room so they're all mad that the food's cold I just didn't want to go back with him I'm sure you'll love it breeding mom what are we have it again we are having snail casserole ooh that sounds good honestly oh good is there something wrong of course not hey snail catch and friend why don't you try some you take a bite it tastes interesting so how is it please do tell it's great I love it really frisk is like really this thing's awful I mean of course you like it I know you would frisk is there a problem with my cooking never snails are great please don't kick me out I have nowhere to go Oh naturally either way I'm glad our guest seems to be enjoying them you ungrateful little brat so um have you been like in the ruins so far I think I like it better here than the surface Darryl I do you really mean that actually no I just want to be rude I'll say yeah that's great oh well I'm glad you're enjoying your stay well whatever you think you're always welcome here of course it would be impolite to kick a guest out especially if they have nowhere else to go however I must could I see you contribute to gathering food specifically snails every day now please have some more food it is good for you even though some people frisk may not find it to their taste what are you looking at me for Mom I love all your cooking oh it is alright much out I know snails are not your favorite dish that's why I make it every freaking day how long have you known my mother can always tell what her child is really thinking but I do appreciate the sentiment actually it is okay if I turn in early I feel it yeah go to bed mean your mom has some things to talk about but you have hardly eaten anything oh all right after all it's important that you get your rest thanks mom as for you you didn't list at least one more bite before you go no problem I'll even eat two bites that's the spirit you take another bite and another you feel a bit weird oh is that a cell can I see it for a second she bout to put her number in there there you got toriel's number do not hesitate to call me if you need me have a good night I'm not to call you right now standing in your house okay look at this look at this accepted your bedroom if you were a fruit oh so all we've done this tells you all the events you have to do there's events pretty much everywhere let's go to the living room oh hello again did you want to talk about something what can I do oh good question hmm there's not really any work to be done for the rest of the day at least not that I can think of at the moment it appears you're off the hook personally I would use this chance to rest after all you must be very tired by now I know I would be the ruins are not usually this lively I'll see you again in the morning sleep well so we're not allowed to do anything let's go down the corridor go to our freaking bedroom I guess you notice there are three doors here check the unmarked group what happens if we check toriel's room Torrio's room strikes you the type to be clean orderly and cozy going inside to be a huge invasion of privacy you should know better I don't think we have enough points with her yet to be kicking down her doorway so I will not go in yet you are above that so let's check the unmarked room here at Oriel calling from the kitchen I forgot to mention there's a room you can use it too far in the hall good night sleep well yeah let's go it's going this is a very cozy room when it dries get so heavy you plopped out on the bed well there's slippers and everything for me just waiting the sound of cooking calmly wakes you up hey wake up breakfast should be ready soon oh shut up dude we don't want the food to get cold again oh yeah this is happening it innit you notice a little piece of paper on your end table it is barely legible due to being soaking wet with drool take this popa help don't tell the boss I guess he thought that was code there's a small pile of gold under the note oh thanks Wilson you notice something new on the front of your cellphone the top-left corner you see morning and a c0 of 10 you get a gut feeling this is a current time and action count of course everyone knows that your action count goes up as you do things everybody also knows that if it goes over 10 your time will move up there's morning day afternoon evening night you remember all the never action credits never work at night you only sleep only sleep with move you forward through time so if I if I get my action credits all the way to 10 it skips to midday I guess oh good you're up let's go eat you follow for some literary materials laid out nice breakfast morning good morning my dear I'm glad you decided to join us for breakfast this is the most important meal of the day after all I would hate for you to miss it it is nearly as important as getting enough rest you are such a mom speaking of which how did you sleep great I am glad I wish I could get you guys separated because I keep accidentally cheering up frisk still I do hope you take my advice dear it's important to watch the time it can really get away from you as you do things yeah be careful if it gets delayed you come back on her back I'm really happy you're staying with us it's been so long since I met anyone new let alone another human oh my child we do not know if it is their wish to stay with us permanently we have not asked what their plans were we should try not to assume Oh mom what are you planning on doing I want to stay here with you guys well that is wonderful dear of course we would love for you to stay here with us I only asked you help gather snails yeah you told me I'd love to help Oh plus four to her only well frisk could really use the help he's such an idiot I must also warn you should you ever change your mind I decide to leave the rest of the underground may not be as friendly as we are in the ruins so it's a branching path you can leave and go flirt with other people if you plan on staying then you need to worry about that so what do you want to do now let's talk for a little while longer oh crap I'm not trying to flirt with you dude what should we talk about bye what didn't really talk about anything though I don't freakin give a crap dude get out of my face we can go to the kitchen find our mom freshly cooked pilot counter appears someone's already taste tested it there are no knives in any of the drawers but then how did they cut the pie probably frisk it's got it first who's holding the knife hostage we need to go to the ruins and get snails get that out of the way oh it's the dummy ready to have a light-hearted conversation bye see you dude quickly realize it's standing around attempted conversation I'm not I'm not trying to mess with any of these other people I'm not we need to go get snails ah don't look at me like that it's rude especially with two eyes do I do that to you huh hey this is the same dialogue well man I will see you later oh my god what are you supposed to do all these monsters lalala hey you should teach me nothing like having some time alone well with you it isn't really alone but that's okay you can't even this must be because it's a demo you can't really do anything with these people let's uh get the Frick out of here by E ah that's nightmare fuel vegetto says nothing plants don't talk silly here we go here we go here we go here we go here under snail let's do it I love it didn't get harder every time that's what she said oh my god holding holy heck oh no no I swear I'm clicking on these it's freaking getting over it controls oh you thought oh you thought oh you thought oh you thought you guys suck oh crap okay good okay we already got the snails an absolute get out of my freakin face let's look at our cell phone Tori oh let's call her up ring ring hello chat about the snail hunting room hello toriel here are you in the mood to catch some snails did you catch any feel free to bring them back home cool I did that I'm gonna do that where are you I'm at the dummy room you should come say hello ooh ahh multiple bad seems like that slime looking monster just greeted you but you can't talk to them I'm sure in the actual game you'll be able to do all this stuff hey hello dear can I help you I brought you some snails thank you so much dear toriel takes the 10 snails from your inventory here please take this as a thank you better be a smooch on the cheek 10 gold oh I'm not I don't work for you can I help you flirt do you have a compass because I keep getting lost in your eyes oh my oh look at them cheeks you caught me off guard with that I honestly do know what to say perhaps I could map out a way for you ha ha ha she flirted back a little bit alright can I help you let's flirt again I love the way your fur looks in the ruins light uh well thank you thank you very much this is the cringy estate I've ever done with my entire life dude and I've done some really cringey things and this beats it all oh uh thank you thank you very much dear that was very very kind of you to say you're looking nice yourself man I hope our character is like her age cuz this is getting weird quick before a kid flirt it again butterscotch pie has got nothing on you in sweetness oh my I I am quite at a loss for words that thank you dear that was very well sweet of you ha see she likes puns too because she flirts with sand so much are you using fire magic right now because you're warming my heart babe oh dear you're you're making me so flustered thank thank you and I'm so glad I could make you feel happy so are we done with the flirting yet like how many flirts are there with this uh yep that's all of them let's chat how are you doing I'm doing well thank you for asking how are you doing dear better now that I'm talking to you oh I'm glad I could brighten your day so is that it let's look at the cell right now for toriel we still it doesn't say that we've done all the flirts right so what else can I do with this woman what's cracking I don't believe anything is cracking did you hear something breaking oh dear is it that rock again chat it up sup sup is that a surface word I'm not from it oh my god you're so lame it means what's up sorry it stands for what is up which is a commonly used greeting on the surface I see thanks for explaining that so well I suppose I shall also ask you stop the fact that somebody sat and wrote all this is mind boggling it's mind boggling to me what have you been doing lately not much as usual watching over frisked baking the occasional snail hunting although I have also been having a wonderful time with you yeah I know I know you have asked oh my god the dialogue it's never ending dialogue I'm just trying to smooch this goat on the lips what do you do for fun usually I like to read bake hunt for bugs I know I've done some of you have a job not at the moment unless you count taking care of frisked not in a bad way no I you clearly are very sick of frisked she throws shade a frisk every chance she gets how long have you lived in the ruins a while oh okay what's wrong I'll say what's wrong it is nothing dear but thank you for your concern ooh because if she split up with asgore it's your favorite thing to bake I do very much enjoy making butterscotch pie however if I manage to find enough snails snail pie something I love to as well frisk seems to like butterscotch more than snail however so I try not to make snail pie too often I've also been known to make the occasional cake I see that you make cakes girl house frisk treating you his arrival has been a true blessing they're a very conscious conscientious child they help me with cooking do chores without complaining and they're kind of the other people in the ruins nothing to complain about they're the most wonderful try to get every hated him them what do you think in apps the blue I think they are well I could not have a real opinion then because they never talked to me particularly shy so I try not to bother them but I hope one day I can join them in a real conversation made me to invite him over okay so now it's gonna go time is gonna change now cuz we're all picked up on our credits let's go so it's evening now Oh God who are you oh hello try to watch what you walk some of my friends are very tiny it's easy not to see them wait are they actually is this the first time those people forget about it feels nice I'm glad we don't have to fight hmm oh yeah monsters used to fight humans but that's in the past we mostly just talk now I don't want to talk to you anymore where's my girlfriend yellow talk tutorial hi oh I've exhausted all the dialog with her for one day already so what am I supposed to do Oh God you find Tori on fresque Rd at the table they must been waiting for you welcome home hey you're just in time take a seat neat up how was your date or yell or frisk excuse me I'm done I'm gonna say toriel toriel is like I wish these menus were not right in front of my freaking face it was rather uneventful but thank you for asking I baked a batch of cookies for us all to enjoy but I suspect frisk may have scarfed them down already I didn't know they're for everyone mom does alright my child you freakin fat butt sweets tend to disappear remarkably fast in this house but regardless you do look like you're done eating since I have no dessert to offer you perhaps you should head off to bed have a good night perhaps night has fallen you should go to bed perhaps we should try to go in this woman's room now I mean we've made our intentions clear we have done flirted with her the door's locked so I missed my chance check the flower fire pot some - a yellow flower water it it perks up immediately okay let's go to my room sleep it you feel refreshed sound a cooking calmly way so I think there's only three days in the game so where we're gonna speedrun past that's pretty brillig get out of here we got if we got to water the flower because that's on Torrio's list check the flower water it yeah we got to do that three times can I go into Orioles room oh oops looks like a pretty normal bedroom except for that there's no color at all a bucket of snails in the corner you feel like it could definitely use a little more color though so I can't do anything with this stuff okay I didn't I didn't come in here that wasn't me bye sorry you share a delicious breakfast with friskin toriel so what are your plans for the day I'm gonna catch snails find absolute explore the ruins I'm leaving today probably hang out around the house I don't know I'm gonna say I'm gonna catch some snails that sounds like a good plan I wish you luck Steve time for me to catch no dude I actually hate you where are you I'm at the cave room should come say hello I don't know if I know the cave room cave room oh my god you come upon a group of looks and mix up bullying a whims in I could take woman's arm and run away they look like the deserve it I'm just cuz hey stop hurting them they stop bullying the women but now they're looking at you one of them says oh yeah what are you gonna do about it I will stare at them disapprovingly just like toriel would do they look unnerved one of the brave ones says yeah just gonna stand there continue to stare it then disapprovingly they begin fidgeting you seem to be making them feel bad channel the mother keep staring you successfully communicated your disappointment just leave just help limbs at home no I'm leaving you here sorry you've done your job so you walk away yeah I'm not trying to get all romantic girl click on your face hi can I help you flirt do you have a compass cuz okay she's gonna say the same stuff hahahaha okay so it's the same same dialogue but we still have to do it every day I guess how are you doing these are all the same literally it's all the same dialogue I guess it's a demo there was two stacked on top of each other not cool man boy boy what hey living room are y'all in here cozy no I missed it well I'm annoyed can we go kick this woman's door down right quick I got a water the flower check the flower looks refresh for now can only do it once a day Torrio's room it's freakin locked there's only three days in the demo water it perks up immediately okay I've done it three times so did I get the achievement look stunted flower it says it right there events tons of flower find toriel well yeah I'm at the toriel's room you should come [Music] can I help you I brought you some snails thank you so much take this as a thank you six gold what happens if I mean we're got to do it this demo is broken I can't get a girlfriend we found we found everything we found everything there is to find that's I mean this has been literally an hour and 21 minutes of playing this demo so I feel as if I've played it enough if you'd like to see more of this game let me know or better yet and I know this is a long shot download it for yourself and play it and maybe you tell me if it's possible to make this goat mom my girlfriend because I would really like to it's time to stop I love you guys please said all the little YouTube buttons down there at the bottom if you wanna see more from me and hey as always Pepa by five [Music] when something's cool everyone loves it everyone loves it and then it reaches a point where it swings back and everyone starts to hate it
Channel: YuB
Views: 1,310,501
Rating: 4.8628201 out of 5
Keywords: undertale, undertale dating, undertale dating simulator, yub, yub undertale, undertale fangames, undertale fangame 2018, undertale dating fangame, dating toriel, dating sans, dating papyrus, undertale romance, undertale romance game, yub dating simulator, yub dating game, yub dating sim, undertale dating sim, undertale 2, undertale best fangame, undertale fan made game, undertale fanmade game
Id: 9SZTaOt5W5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 46sec (2386 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2018
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