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say hi it's me your boy yup look man if I could put my little finger maybe this one on one video in my channels history that actually changed things like things were different after that video it would be this video right here don't forget undertale fan-made sequel gameplay 4.3 million views whoa now look I know PewDiePie every time he poops one out he gets that many views at least I do not I remember posting this the video started blowing up and I was freaking out I was watching my subscriber count like it's happening I'm not trying to make this a long drawn-out intro all I'm saying is that I owe a lot to this game in this video so naturally when your boy Ricky G updated it last month sorry I'm late I was like got a plan how do I make the window bigger getting big final fantasy vibes from this menu music oh if that doesn't prepare your butt I don't know what will oh that's the gaster sound hold up he's back hello are you there if so smack like I'm just kidding didn't Delta rune star like this are we connected wait this is this is how Delta inserted right perfect I have been trying to reach you from Russia you have been asleep for a very long time yeah why'd you wake me up man it is likely that you have forgotten who you really are the text is slow allow me to refresh your memory this looks great sand made game by the way this is your soul oh is vaporwave look at that pink soul it is the very culmination of your being each soul requires a physical body to contain itself in the text is kind of slow I'm sorry we call this body a vessel oh it looks so good your mind has been disconnected from your vessel for a while as a result you may suffer from a form of memory loss okay this is caused by a prolonged disconnect from reality gamers know what we're talking about let me test your memory now with one simple question tell me what is your name um Philippe it's me Philippe Philippe no I I'm afraid that it's not your truning how you gonna let me name in and then don't let me name let me get an F and chat for Philippe it seems you have forgotten but I expected this to happen then why you even ask I suppose we can use this new name for now good I'm Philippe look how cool my hair looks you will remember your true identity in due time but time is running short we must act quickly on board the text is so slow I'm sorry my attention span is a real problem your world will not sustain itself for much longer our connection will soon break so listen closely you should have got AT&T bro Philippe you must seek out and wake the others the other souls they have been asleep for a long motherfreakin time begin your journey by entering the house in the northeast inside it is the only way you can free yourself I will provide you with money my instructions provide me with money I cannot maintain this connection I get it I get the connection Philippe but don't air quotes my name but that's my real name it's time to wake up time to freaking drink a Red Bulls what time it is I don't like that it sounded real real voice acting that Smits my job now I have to like imitate that voice I'm not a child I can't do that Jace you really like sleep it in don't you Philippe come on it's such a beautiful day outside birds are singing Oh flowers are blooming a perfect day to spend some time outdoors Ozzie and I have almost finished up our latest charge of Ezreal look we could use some help finishing it you know want to come join us I'm sleeping bro believe Bay come on get up already will you get out of my room I'm playing Minecraft hey is something up oh did you have a bad dream or something well don't worry about it okay it's just a dream anyway we'll both be waiting outside for you see you sleepyhead get the freak out of my room I'm playing Minecraft I'm out of here this is so Delta Rooney I feel like it's Delta rune I don't know let me see what kind of poster you got good to jump in this bed this is Chara Cara Shara's vet Aaron said all three no one can get met there is a poster of her favorite fighting game on the wall above it what game is it Street Fighter 89 this is as rails Ben there are some pictures he drew in a calendar on the wall above it hot back in bed dude hop right back in the bed dang it this is Kara's computer she's always on it buying stuff off the internet I know those fields just a desk there's an old game console sitting on top okay I looked at everything how crazy is it that after all of these years I still get like the little goose-bumpy feeling when I hear the songs and stuff man it's cuz it's just a good game and it's a good experience in your life and you don't forget it I know that's lame let's move on there's a picture of me dad mom Chara Cara sharra and Ezreal we all look happy use the phone call the police it's a phone Cara uses it sometimes to call her friend do you hear how I legitimately have PTSD and I can't say the word without second-guessing myself thanks a lot comments it's a garbage bin nothing in value in here alright rude this is mom and dad's room I'm not allowed in there secrets you headbutt the wall 58 times in the secret passageway open up dang his death oh my gosh özgür looks like he could freaking throw a punch through someone's head also he's reminding me of ol boy from stranger things right now oh good morning Felipe did you sleep well your brother and sister have already gone out why not join them oh but before you go your mother left some Biola stone take it with you if you'd like have a great day son dad what are you doing is dad's mom dad's staring at the fridge again I take the slice of pie just one slice okay look there's a freaking knife on the wall you'd think they'd know better with these these kids running around it's our TV nothing good is on okay well you didn't even really give it a fair shot but okay hey don't forget gonna get it hey this hit on a tape back at it again don't forget to win the game that you play okay our mailbox has dreamer written on it you get lost in the forest and eaten by a bear game over why does my brain work that oh it's I fetch flowers I really like this song you steal a car and go to jail whose house is this this mailbox is covered in spiders it's a lot so that's miss me some Oh feets house hello this mailbox has doji family written on it let me go in - I want to go in the doghouse with the Freak this mailbox simply has ten written on I see Tim in the house I feel like I'm being watched guys let me in there get down from the roof you're gonna get hurt so everything's locked and I'm pissed off what did what am I seeing in here there appears to be a bunch of vegetables splattered all over the or a frickin crime scene whoever lives here must really like cooking Undine the hyundai anime sticker Oh alphys I don't know maybe they live together napstablook Oh good morning it's a nice day today isn't it I mean it's a bit cloudy kind of gloomy actually sorry I didn't mean to make you feel down or anything oh I've done it again oh geez sorry just forget I said anything he writes the dialogue for these characters perfectly in character Ricky gee great job oh they're so cute what's up guys oh good morning we've been waiting for you are you feeling okay you don't need to push yourself don't worry as he believed Bay's fine just a bad dream is all you've been having them a lot lately huh well don't worry just like Cera's that's even a new one Tara Tara says it's only a dream exactly so go away eventually oh you want to go in that old house to the Northeast that place is falling apart it's not a good idea to go near it makes you want to go there office of my bad dream Tommy yeah I see your dream told you well maybe if you do what it says you'll stop having bad dreams that's the other that's gonna work you're old enough now to go off on your own so it's worth a shot you remember how to get there right just keep hitting right until you reach the end of the road then I'm tired then just head up and you'll find the house be careful it skipped that what was it what did that say Cara and I are gonna stay here and work on this drawing when you're done come back and join us okay see you later can I just stay and draw I don't really need to go get you know adventure delight shimmers on the surface of the water I feel the light shimmering within my soul - I must persevere Felipe the adventurer Felipe is there a secret though before I go oh it's frog it's house hello buddy give me a baby good morning human another beautiful day here in hometown is it not ribbit frog dang it you won't let me go in this house wimzie let's guess can't go in their house look guys I don't really feel like I want to explore all this because we're not gonna get to go into these houses get real it's good thing monster bodies I made a magic or else I'd be melting haha so everything's all great we're on the surface everybody likes everybody no one's fighting everything's locked apparently you see my little cinnamon just the cutest bun buns are so adorable to eat but doesn't everyone use child leashes nowadays that's it I will step on your freaking cat or whatever the Freak that is what's up boy that lady across the street something about her disturbs me yup she's creepy here's the school oh this is Delta rune it said northeast so skip this school I'm going to the Northeast it's this way bah bah bah bah bah bah Oh Katie and Brad eh what up hey kid got a minute yeah can you hear it that for a sec we've been trying to start up like our own shop right but I don't have anything we could sell we've been trying to think of stuff to sell but we've got nothing we can't bake or so or even afford stuff that we can sell the only thing I can think is straight-up selling junk you know actually yeah why not why don't we ask the kid to collect trash from around town oh my gosh yeah can you do that for us there's like five garbage cans around town take the junk out of them and come back to us yep we'd like really appreciate it we don't have much but we'll give you some G in return ooh look guys there's one right here I mean come on I'm the trash man hello Felipe how he doing just waiting here for the my friends to show up we promised to meet outside the school but it's been half an hour too never really liked studying so they're probably hiding do you think you can look for them I know you're busy but it would help me out that a purple mouse over the red skateboard thank you for your help I don't know where you're from or where why I decided that it would be where you're from but that's where you're from this is like open world undertale like I can do everything instead of just oh you need to go to the house walk to the house wait can you go this way I didn't even try huh welcome to hometown cool looks like somebody painted that oh we can't get out of here this is the entrance to the town but the gate hasn't been opened in quite a while why y'all got a road when did you all drive your cars in here and then lock the gate I have questions [Music] how do I get to oh your boy I found the surface costume wait how do I stop I want the surface costume excuse me a game huh this makes me so happy surface costume dressing up for some time in the Sun fine I changed my clothes hey what's up buddy what is your name wash you I forgot your name this town is so filthy weeds everywhere trash laying around it's gross for a place called hometown it's not very homey I'd file a complaint but there's no mayor who even runs its placement somebody should run it I don't even remember this guy who the Freak is you this town is pissing me off I'm the original star Walker alright bye oh look at this what the Freak is a ghost house M Joo is this like a what a weird name is this a gaster house or is this like amalgamations this one old bike leaning against the wall I wonder who it used to Blanco in here as I approached the house I hear some shuffling coming from inside I put my ear against the door and hereof ain't a faint voice whisper to me please I need a drink oh my gosh okay don't enable the alcoholics guys don't do that I used to live in a place with beautiful lakes it was so pretty but after I was diagnosed with a gobble I had to move away what's gobble gobble he's nuts dang yeah listen I'm telling the stupid jokes around here don't freaking do that again hello have you seen that call TV show with the really attractive robot what's the name again oh yeah star Borg I love that guy what happened to Matt a ton did you think I meant someone else yeah Matt that's hon I just I just said it oh yeah marathon these nuts uh-huh doctor Gotham I have a bunch of homework I should be doing am I gonna do any of it ya know I'm a rebel hey no one happened to know the answer the question took no I told you I don't go to school how many times do I have to tell you I don't go to school Thunder plain hello what are you doing are you trying to confess to me outside my house wait you're not huh I knew that it's not like I want to be confessed to or anything Macha freaking stop I'm not anime enough to say that word I'll never say it again oh there's another trash I'm the trash man hello I'd like to stop by the library but before I had to work seems like it's closed right now so I'll just wait around however long it takes but this is a library or is that the library it seems like it's closed right now though okay flower king Oh buddy who are you I've been banned from the flower shop since I keep burning all the flowers but what's life without a little flair you know you really have to stop burning stuff down this is dad's flower shop is not open right now well Frick my Frick am i right oh hey bud don't forget to eat your greens that's terrifying I will have nightmares about you tonight all right we can't get out the gate this place is supposed to be all nice and it is nice but like why are we locked in why can I not leave when I walk like this it's like I'm having a seizure I'm not gonna try out all the doors to all these houses because it really doesn't seem like we're gonna be able to go in any this is a lot of area to cover guys I don't think y'all realized how big this trash project was gonna be when you ask me to do it heyyo you see my son it's always running off his mother she's getting real tired of doing everything for it he better not be off practicing that stupid comedy is your son's gonna be a comedian and I Got News for you the more you tell him not to do it the more he's gonna want to do parents am i right mmm you can't be a youtuber oh you have to move out mm-hmm you have to wear pants in the kitchen Oh freak I didn't get all the trash but here we are this is busted all freakin Pennywise look in this is not good guys is there a secret lab I made a lap of the perimeter everything seems fine I'm going in the door's locked maybe there's another way to get inside yeah how about the winter there's a window right hinder we can't get in the window right hinder I'm just gonna start clicking stuff back here oh it seems there's another door back here and it's even unlocked should I go in yup oh wait this is that lab was that did that look like Sansa papyruses house although it does I didn't even catch it at first and there's a machine oh this is kind of like to start yeah I don't know if y'all watch the other one but we found a machine and bad things happen what's this machine it's strange I've never seen this thing before even in the last game and yet it feels so familiar I'm activating it i press the start button on the keyboard and nothing's happening huh maybe it doesn't work last time it took us to the void if I remember right it was like two or three years ago I played that game and I think we went to the void and then we were tracking down gaster I hear skin it sounds hopefully I'm not dead oh man I'm up so last time the void was all purple and black this time it looks like it's monochrome just black and white and gray this is pretty creepy man where did I end up at there's doors everywhere it's locked oh my gosh they should just call this the locked doors undertale experience because every frickin door I find as I walk crooked I walk with the limp your mom said I am a pimp hello Am I Oh what's good you look like a Dragonball Z character greetings I have been awaiting your arrival Billie babe now that we are able to meet in person oh my gosh I can't stand how slow it is I must ask oh he's turning around do you recognize me it's definitely gaster it seems like you are struggling to remember that is fine you do not need to force yourself he's gonna jump scare me bro he turned back around okay good now that you were here we can begin properly we are currently in a place I call the inner void other than your mom's inner void last night this was once where a shard of my soul was kept however it has deteriorated over time and now oh he's evil or this world has grown very very unstable I understand that none of this will make sense to you for now I will just explain what you must do as I said before you must leave this world behind oh my tummy just growled to understand why I must reveal a dark truth to you I never wanted you to have to learn this but tell me tell us Felipe what's the matter Felipe I'll be blunt he's gonna turn around dude he's gonna be scary this world is not real your mother father brother sister they are not real is it like all just a dream or a simulation and things aren't actually great like they seem but you are you're real and it's time to return home when you activated the machine it began a backup protocol there are now wormholes in the overworld you must find them within each wormhole is a piece of my soul however the wormholes are locked by default the game of locked doors this was a security measure I had implemented long ago I'm sorry it's it's so slow and I can't read it good because it's too slow to gain clearance you will need to collect artifacts I call these artifacts puzzle pieces we're gonna do puzzles yay each wormhole requires a certain amount of puzzle pieces once they're unlocked you are able to enter find the soul piece inside each of them once you have found all 10 soul pieces returned here you will then have to leave once you leave this world you can never return do you understand uh-huh I got it I'm counting on you Felipe you're not gonna turn around chill you see you soon okay so kick me out kick me out and I'll go and I'll go find we got to find the trash we got to get the guy a drink we need to find ten puzzle pieces there's a wormhole right there it's right here it looks like a sewer drain hello level one you have zero of three needed not even allowed to go oh there you go now I can go in there dang it's like Super Mario undertale adventure avoid the glitches and find the soul peas wait what it's like a mini game oh I can't shoot or anything but I just have to avoid the glitches someone watch this I'm naughty okay hold on the whole thing is like one undertale fight you understand it's like we're inside the bullet box and we're doing all this oh man I don't want to go on the way back hopefully it sends me back to right here and not all the way back you know I'm saying I'm saying man I don't want to do this again I can't even talk right now cuz I'm gonna f it up oh gosh my brain is so dumb sometimes I just do dumb stuff got a soul peace you know have one soul peace okay how about a piece of pizza can I earn one of those please and I'm leavin I'm back on the track I'm gonna give that a slap gonna pick up the slack a pick up the pieces eat some Reese's it's gonna be so good with my niece's do I have nieces I don't know I'm just trying to make a flow undertale is my favorite game I don't want to play it again but I'm playing a different one I already have 9 was it 9 out of 25 or 9 out of 75 which one did it say I wasn't gonna edit this video but I think I will have to trim some stuff out because it's sure looking like it's gonna be a long experience I did say 75 oh no I don't want to I'm too lazy oh here's grow bees I didn't even see this the first time if you're looking for a place to relax grow bees is great say music on the jukebox is expelled kay bye but if you oh crap going through the woods is the only way to reach the mountain from town there's a breathtaking view oh I want to go do that I'm sure we have to hey you guys getting drunk in here what's going down life is too much for me there's too much to do it's so stressful no drinks hot guys who have time for that stuff human food and wants to food are pretty different but I like both of them I don't eat human food too often though since it takes days to absorb and then you take a massive poop shop here wait what I don't have any gold oh you can buy stuff but no pizza oh man Grylls is able to speak mostly on his own now just ask if you want to buy some food it seems very focused yeah they're having an intense game right now intense game of dog poker we left our pups at home by themselves to come play cards here huh what's with that expression like they're gonna wreck the house with in keep up we saw paw prints all over their windows by the way I guess even dummies need a drink now and then what's up bud not now I'm trying to concentrate hey buddy is this dog playing against itself it's playing solitaire relax it's solid it's not a weight I didn't check the jukebox like I'm supposed to use the jukebox yeah select a track ooh epic epic mine diamonds cover hold on [Music] [Music] I'm never going back in there arcade what you'll Felipe what's up hey have you been inside the new arcade yeah it's so much fun I mean it's kind of hard to play games without arms but then stop me huh I got the highest score and every game in there if you manage to beat my scores on all of the games I'll give you a reward good luck huh okay so there's a bunch of whoa thunder snail nice Rick Starcraft mine diamonds four points what oh I don't have any I don't have any coins I can't play anything well that's cool dude man there's a lot to do in this game what the Freak I didn't expect all this he's been putting in some work up a kid got a minute I live in this pot so it's hard to get around if I had a pair of wheels I could turn them with my roots and move faster could you help me out by finding a pair of wheels I'll pay you for them fifty smack routes I'll be waiting now like I could move much further any time soon you're lazy quit just drag yourself dude the shed is locked maybe there's a way to get a key dude this is open-world undertale there's so much to do it's kind of difficult to adjust to the warmer months I prefer the cold but I'll admit that the extra warmth is nice sometimes this town should still invest in getting some AC units though okay what's up my bear is just don't seem to get me I want to be a comedian so I run off and practice telling jokes but my dad he tells me that comedians are a dime a dozen well I'll show him I'll forget my chores and focus on my comedy but seriously my parents need to chill out I get it I'll work on it hey I helped you with the little boy you bully oh oh hello there have you seen any snails wandering around five of my snow friends oh my gosh everyone has a quest this is like a real RPG ooh I'm in the grass boy I bet you find something in here oh you fight in the tall grass it's Pokemon vegetto hey man I got a I need to spare you plants can't talk dummy okay so there's battles I don't know why the monsters are going out to the field and fighting each other but can I just leave contains vitamin I didn't I didn't run I'm for some reason not running I'm not allowed to run okay let us ignore advice you talk to vegetate they offer you some advice on your diet fresh morning taste I love vegetables dude I would not okay there was really no I goofed right there there was no good way for me to get out of that I can't spare them follow you follow the advice you feel healthier already okay that was what I'm supposed to do is ask for advice and then follow it cool I'm gonna stay down here you missed me with them carrots if you don't mind spirit you won okay you can get gold this way I understand that's probably what the point of it is or you could probably do some type of genocidal action hate to say it apparently there's way more to this little game than I thought I thought it was gonna be like I've just played a lot of undertale fan games and it's always like walk through the ruins talk to some people maybe find an easter egg if you do genocide and it's like 15 minutes long and then you're done this is a lot right now be careful when you're in the tall grass it might be other pedestrians walking in it so statement okay is there something over here for me to get though oh I'm not fighting you dance you bounce up and down he joins you lalla just be yourself okay you don't have to frickin throw things at me though like what the heck I'm gonna die I need stuff and all I have is the pipe bro this game is hard I'm almost dead stop hurting me careful if as long as I literally don't stop moving ever I don't think he can get me there you go buddy I'm already at half health dude but I am earning some Bank out here oh hey guys y'all still dating I like your shirts he seems happy nothing like appreciating nature with my bro now you guys are kissing aren't you they're kissing each other oh here we go oh when we're going to the mountain this is just like the start i remember the start of don't forget even though it's been years we came down the mountain i remember do here's a safe point good also I haven't really seen any more of these wormholes I must reach the top for some reason it frightens me he said that's a scary oh I'm sorry not he it could be either one we could be there don't assume there's no gym in this little town so I come up here to Train nothing like getting a good pump up in the street mountain sweet Mountain hair I can't read your arms you look a little thin there bro when I join me okay I'm leaving immediately slowly back out of the room okay there is another wormhole up there that's going here oh you look like a Diglett or a Goomba are you okay hey yo give me it for a second I'm one of the miners trying to dig deeper to this old mountain normally I'd be quite happy mining away and all but guess what there's a rock in the way of the mine who would have thought right I suggested we smash it but apparently it's a living thing so now I'm standing around here unable to do anything till that rock goes away I refuse to move anywhere until I could get into the mine so if you want to use this here ladder get rid of that rock otherwise get out you just gotta talk to the rock but who'd give me one of these I want a little I'm gonna mine away hey buddy am I in the way well too bad I ain't gonna move at least not until someone answers my question first if you answer it right maybe I'll move somewhere else but only maybe are you up for it alrighty then here it goes which of the following is not something that can be found in this town Town Hall lucky guess alright fine I'll go ahead and skedaddle just like I promised I'll properly stuff you next time though just do you wait smell you later okay bye goodbye buddy he already moved thanks for getting rid of that rock you're free to pass now hold on one second because I want to see what was in this little area that this rock was but you got a puzzle pieces 28 out of 75 dude this game there's it's elaborate there's a lot of things to do we might have to do a part two when we get all the secret stuff you know I mean let me find this view rope oh you can't see the view even though there's all these cones move just move the cones it's not that hard just move a cone okay let's go to this 128 out of 45 I need 45 I walked all the way up bro [Music] brah okay we can go this way though we were going this way I want to see the view oh hey buddy that is a good view what's that city over there at night I like to stand here and look up at the twinkling stars they make me feel a little less lonely okay bye here we go 31 Oh free what where flowey are you here charlie Oh bro puzzle pieces all over this place maybe I'll have 45 by the time we leave out this place I only need 10 more make that seven more oh it's dark and scary we're in the ruins man like I'm actually in the actual actually ruins and oh wow this is where we fought sands this place is ruined why does it let me go all through this this is kind of freaky right in it what is this what does it strange light as I approach it my mind is suddenly flooded with familiar voices do I know this place I think I'm starting to remember something don't jump-scare me I'm not I'm not mentally equipped somebody walking hello your highness what Oh greetings dr. gaster what brings you here so urgently I came here to discuss what I've been hearing on the news lately with the king our current situation is woven in I see well I understand you might have some concerns but there is nothing to worry about just toriel and gaster we are still in the process of forming a compromise with the humans but you and I both know what they're like they view this all as a game they want a war we don't know that yet doctor we are doing our best to come to a deal with them regarding the split of resources it just needs time I promise that things will turn out fine well perhaps it is too early to worry I apologized coming so suddenly with this I just fear the worse there are much more powerful than us we wouldn't be able to fight back we know which is why we are working hard on finalizing the agreement but you are stressing yourself too much you need to relax a little my husband will be back soon why not stay for some tea so that was like a memory that we recaptured what was that why do I remember it what's the situation were they even talking about not only that but that lady sounded a lot like my mom this doesn't really make any sense to me what's going on dude okay hold on though but like how how long is this game is this a one is this a one day game or is this a two day game I mean I've been playing for 45 minutes and everybody's videos for this or about a hour long so I guess I'll just keep going I mean I typically cut out a lot more stuff than most people anyways oh my gosh I never have enough how is it only gonna be an hour maybe everybody else cut a lot of stuff out too cuz it's gonna be a lot like I have to get all 10 pieces of this guy's soul it's gonna take a little while to deactivate spikes locate and step on a nearby button is it gonna be here somewhere or is it gonna be around maybe it's down here yeah there's gonna be a button in this freaking piece of junk oh here goes I see it it's mr. frog I don't remember what you do to him I think you just apologize apologize for bumping into them they seem to forgive you yeah they forgive you but they're still trying to hit me with these bugs y'all nasty stinky you're lucky I don't freakin genocide you guys you better calm down you don't know what I'm capable of okay okay but now we got to do this thing I can do this shoot the targets before the time runs out try me I'm incredible how do I press Z into okay oh wait I have no bullets no one told me there was a limit okay crap dude oh this sucks oh no two bullets like it's impossible I'm s I goofed so you have to be freaking perfect to do it okay oh boy I'm crispy oh come on three bullets I got I can miss one uh-oh pay the man you got a selfie I only have two though two out of ten right I might split this video up I might have to it's not my favorite idea but I don't like long videos in the game puts me in a conflicting mood I think it's great that there's a fan game that's actually long enough that I have to split it in half what since when is this a possibility oh there's the skateboard kid hey you need to go home buddy hey you what's up my friends waiting for me in school I guess no matter what I do I have to sit down and study eventually huh thanks for letting me know I'll head there in a bit okay you're welcome I helped oh there's a snail I'm supposed to find this guy's snails right gosh there's just snails everywhere I'm supposed to bring that other guy a drink - where was grill B's right here let me buy a drink for this bro and a hint slide it under the door right know what I'm doing here and I also need I have 18 left buy me a fries yeah if it comes down to fries or a salad I'm sorry I'm buying fries let me see if I can slide this soda under this door right here I placed a can of soda in front the door knock gently a cloud of darkness seeps out from beneath the door and absorbs a soda when the cloud fades away I hear the door unlock from inside maybe I should go ooh oh heck yeah dude and I can do it avoid the glitches and find the Soltis oh it says it's this one again it's Frogger it's what we call this it's Frogger it's a game a little game called Frogger bro why don't you give me a rip I'm just kidding I was trying to be cool but I think we need to what we need to do is follow this one across watch this okay that's not at all that you go like this this is the way dude I've got it I've got it I've got it a please oh hey the man also there's like a secret up there though what the heck yes I need to say oh that's the fifth trash though now we got to take the trash I've got two out of five snails dude there's so many activities hello buddy my name is heats flames Minh I want everyone to know my name one day okay well however many people right here they know your name there they go hey I emptied all the freaking trash hey again did you like get all the junk for us oh you did nice thanks for your help it isn't much but here's your reward yep here's 14 go that's it sorry that's all I've got hang on I think I've got something I found an old key and the junk you gave us oh maybe that goes to our old woodshed in your grill B's I think it does your kid have the key we don't need any of the stuff in that shed anymore so go nuts okay hold on I keep wanting to end the video but then like stuff keeps happening how was a man supposed to quit with all of this happening in front of his face it's been 53 minutes ah the sheds right here right found it into the shed yes what you got oh boy look there's a Nintendo switch controller into the trash pile yes trash land this is amazing they really do be saving up a lot of junk bratty and caddy I'm just walking around in this oh look who it is and I can do it okay level seven avoid the glitches and fight it's more Frogger they're all up except three and four so up up down down up okay okay I guess why does this why is it telling me up I don't understand basically you get stuck if you go the wrong way you get stuck down there there's like one that guards the door [Music] don't goof and they're going they're going very fast I don't like how fast they're going who told you you could go this oh I made it uh-huh I got four sold pieces of pizza I wish they were pizza there's a secret up there look you can see some stuff there's definitely a secret up here you go through this thing look I I'm so smart dude give me the costume plumber it's gonna be like the soup tomorrow you see it plummet oh it is amazing I love it super undertale Bros this is amazing it's super undertale Bros a it's me so put on the tail bros thank you for giving me this title and thumbnail I appreciate it here's a save point oh and pieces that put me over all the way to 50 that's great hey what are you gonna give me since I did that thing for you is it much but please accept this gift 50 G I found this neat pencil but super smashing fighters on it here you can have it I know you and your sister are really into that game have a sharp pencil that seems like it's a weapon sharp pencil weapon weapon attack three okay I'm not gonna equip it cuz I'm not I'm not evil yet okay hey there you go that was part one of the don't forget 2019 update fan games still put on the data brawls I'm trying to make a really good thumbnail is this a good thumbnail or should we do it like this like this which one looks the most super undertale bros okay I can't play any more right now I didn't expect this to be like a full freaking game like wow if you want to see part two of this very easy like goal 10,000 likes we do Park to I'll do it right away I don't want to keep you waiting on it thank you so much for checking this out the link to this game is in the description highly recommend checking it out since there's so much stuff to do like what the Freak there you go my undertale people i got you i know you're here come on out of your holes let's watch some videos okay i love you guys thank you for hanging out and watching this video thinking of my patreon supporters you guys are so amazing I'll see you in the next video keep the chin up work hard I believe in yourself and as always have a by 5
Channel: YuB
Views: 548,700
Rating: 4.9588947 out of 5
Keywords: yub, yub undertale fan games, yub undertale pacifist, yub undertale true genocide, yub undertale corruption, yub undertale genocide, dont forget undertale, dont forget undertale fan game, dont forget undertale fan game multiplayer, dont forget undertale fan game full, dont forget undertale full game, don't forget undertale 2019, dont forget 2019, dont forget undertale 2019, undertale fangames, undertale fangames 2019, best undertale fan games, best undertale fan bosses, undertale
Id: 85ZqE55g7S4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 37sec (2497 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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