how to kill spiders easy method (use a gun)

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all right look i have two questions when did jacksepticeye have a butt part and how did i not know about it why did nobody tell me about the killer with fire game look at the trailer spider revolver stop i'm already here for it let's play it yeah let's get into it look it hits it with a band hey how's it going it's me yup by the way today we're playing kill it with fire i don't know anything about it other than that i saw someone shoot a spider with a gun what a spooky sounding game that was just all kinds i had some some attitude wait what am i what the freak am i doing hello 20 x 6 9 30 well i hear him okay spiders i'm coming in oh i can inspect it hold on there might be a spider in here we have to make sure we inspect i hear one how do i oh that's my bed oh there it is oh do they come after okay i thought he was coming after me you better hope we're listening bro you better hope i don't find nothing threatening and i'll use this stupid picture of these stupid cats hold on look at these stupid oh meow here we go pick this oh it's making me take the clipboard first blood kill a spider i got the plant let's make sure he didn't hide in here nah he ain't when do i get the revolver hold on [Applause] now hold on put this down oh my god okay let me take my stupid xbox controller there he is hold on get this get this bro he's on me yeah okay you've been crushed the gamer way with a controller i'm unlocking it slowly i guess this slow it takes this long okay now look out let me have something cool what is this a spider tracker get back get back here get kill it with fire bro it's on me i can't listen oh god i'm slipping wait i hear one they said why are they everywhere hold on is it in is it using the spider tracker okay i guess apparently i told you oh bro where's the i got a stack of books for you i got a stack of books for you homie oh my gosh she's this is bro he's gone yeah it's time to change the channel from alive to death bro for real throw it he's getting away hold on where did it where'd it it's hey i don't think anyone else had this hard time kill it but i don't think anyone else had that hard of a time with this we need the hairspray from the bathroom obviously hold on though because i can now let me get my game pad i'm unlocking this for some reason please believe i'll throw an entire sound bar at you if you come out of here look out oh it's a present wait i hear it yeah just i'm practicing my spider smacking abilities all right what is this a protein oh let's get about to get oh oh i can i could have used the clipboard the whole time hey nice nice plan dude really solid plan bathroom unlocked oh it's our mom with a cat i'm gonna use this picture of my mom to smack a spider's face off here we go let's try it out man i sure hope there aren't any spiders in here in the bath i swear look bro he's coming after me the spider is chasing me instead of the other where'd it go oh he's gone what about in the ah yep you hate to see it get back wait where did it go dude how did they disappear so fast here we need the hairspray obviously oh no i just caught my house on fire i was just trying to test it out yeah yeah okay okay yeah yeah okay okay bud okay there bud why can't i sprint come back he's dead yeah he burnt he burned to a crisp unlocked drawer cool for real dude seriously that's your big plan he burns to death no matter what right yeah you died open the drawer yes this is what i wanted right here okay let me catch any spiders in this home now inspect yup i knew it where's he at come out with all eight hands up get warmed up burn objects sorry mom i have to do this the oh freak okay yep uh i'm flushing the spiders out she's mom's like you're burning the house then i'm like no mom i'm flushing the spiders out hello oh there's plenty of hairspray in here but wait hold on just a sec hold on just uh freeze wait oh my gosh he came at me i i shot him hold up i wish i could sprint hold on take the shot he's fast i'm not gonna lie this is extremely difficult i don't think i can bro if only i had feet i could step on these guys hey oh where'd y'all go i burned my boom box i burned my bathtub somehow with water in it i stand in the water this is a some type of ritual i'm sure surprise douche pretty much i killed all the spiders but also i burned my house down i'm gonna call that a win i don't know about you seriously already get down from there hey get down from there go long idiot yeah you hate to see it there's another one come on hold on get this where you going huh dude the clipboard is overpowered you mean this dog look at this little dog he's so cute here's this picture of my stupid mom again mom get off the shelf i'm sick of it what are you hiding my oh hold on we got any fruit spiders no do we have photography spiders no do we have fashion spiders yes look out the spiders are fashionable throw this through the window whoa yes i am a licensed exterminator this is normal method ah see see this is why you hired me this is why i'm here yes i get it we all want our jars and books in a perfect world you know we'd all get to have these things ma'am but i'm sorry this is not a perfect world this is a world full of spiders and guess what they're in your books watch i'll prove it okay there could have been one who's this guy your husband he looks like an idiot okay they've got a flamingo we got a picture of pewdiepie oh i saw one get the freak off hey i think these guys are dying they're dropping like flies or like spiders am i right so i'm figuring out that the clipboard is definitely more efficient oh here we go oh what you guys you really thought you could keep me out of who's this your nana she's a fighter oh a big daddy spider he's pissed he's pissed get the freak off of there bye oh yeah what you got in here huh spider babies i hear one is it in the plant everybody stand back i'm a licensed professional i know what i'm doing see got him you're welcome we'll check inside the tv also your tv is clean you hate to see it how about the bathroom huh oh toothpaste huh okay yeah sure ah-ha didn't want me to know about the pills did you ma'am what about behind the shirts huh okay i'll just put those back oh yeah the exterminator brought a gun to our i don't i don't i didn't really understand he got rid of all the spiders i'm not gonna lie but it was he was an aggressive guy oh look out that one's red bow we'll never know ah we know i'm sorry it's necessary this is how we have to deal with the situation okay so the red ones have babies do we find a key or do we yeah okay that worked i really didn't think that was gonna work check for skeletons huh there's no skeletons in here i got really quiet too [Music] ma'am we're going to need to commandeer this for extermination reasons oh yeah black cow then we get the we get the other strap yeah this is good for these guys yeah sorry y'all i'm sorry i had to destroy your babies but you're disgusting so you go to where the wi-fi signal is greatest i guess i like this game i didn't know what to expect going into it i actually thought it was a horror game bro is it are you a streamer what the freak who did that who said that i heard a big spider oh oh hold still okay we got a suspect on the run okay i'm just gonna wow i wonder where he went energy drinks it is a streamer what is this cheesy puffs awesome oh what i'm throwing them it's bait it must be bait hey oh yeah that worked the cheesy poops work what's this uh-huh i'm gonna need to go through your text to make sure there's no spiders in there actually this stuff is bad for your brain just oh what kind of phone cases holy crap oh thought you could hide your burner phone huh trash oh my gosh he went right for the cheesy poof he knew he was about to die what about your pc huh got any bugs oh freak hold on wait i really wanted to shoot it's in the floor hold on can i just i'm checking the backyard here we go i can't someone left stakes on the grill no wonder you guys have problems with insects in your home in the trash can maybe ew okay hold up there he is switch back out that'll do it sounds like he's in here under the keyboard he was he was under the keyboard hey give me my clipboard it's the best melee weapon where'd it go this is actually how cops search houses though just so you guys know this is like actually the method one of these books is gonna do something fancy i promise one of the one of the books yup i freaking called it hold up you really thought you could hide all this from me huh there's a bunch of cash what is this dynamite it's a it's a literal bomb try me where are you oh freak it's a mommy wow suspect suspect in in on foot in pursuit suspected pain oh my gosh oh i thought i killed all four of them hold up did we get him i think we got him that one's dead for sure yeah this is all just normal uh exterminator stuff [Music] let's get the upgrades cargo shorts for sure oh what about under the bread no the bread's clear cutting board clear i got an idea i'm gonna put a c4 right there then when a spider runs in front of this which it will [Music] hold up in the pot you're disgusting jumping spider did i kill it come here right there idiot there's one right there hold up i'm getting a clear shot yeah we got him wow hey what i shot him hold up oh freak hold up hold still sir stop resisting sir i'm sorry i had to it had to be done there was really no other choice look in here oh yeah clean the fridge i still don't know what the challenge is hey you're nasty disgusting stay down throw all this pizza out of the way in case remove all items from the fridge oh no problem ah who where freeze idiot they always run why do they always run two jars of mayonnaise disgusting americans how much butter you have you're disgusting who has two cartons of milk at once what were you planning that's all the oh that's all the items out the fridge baby all in a day's work your your fridge is now certified bug free ah i saw one got him he's dead wait it's another one he's dead the frying pan is overpowered once you have the frying pan you win the game oh oh freak he's a weird looking one what is wrong with that guy why does he look like that we may never know because i missed better not jump on me hold up they're so fast how many of them are there you disgust me you're disgusting disgusting you're nasty okay i'm gonna need to search the vehicle what ew what's happening where are they whoa hey that's a double kill that's what we call a double kill okay let me just flush them out this is all normal standard procedure i'm just gonna flush the spiders out this is what we call in the industry a flush hold on you don't think do you there's the glizzies they thought they could hide the glitz freeze i got him [Laughter] okay well there was my first look at kill it with fire a game about killing spiders i kind of thought it was going to be a horror game just going off people's thumbnails it's not at all that's my bad unless you're scared of spiders i guess it could be horrifying if you're scared of spiders i am not unless they're real in which case ice cream anyways i love you guys so very much if you want to see more kill it with fire let me know down in the comments i do read them sometimes not the mean ones i read the mean ones i'm not gonna lie all right guys i love you and i'll see you in the next video patreon supporters thank you so much for the financial support every month it actually helps and means a lot so thank you alright see in the next one keep that chin up work hard and believe in yourselves and as always have a bye five songs i'm like sweating what the freak it's so hot in here
Channel: YuB
Views: 2,013,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kill it with fire gameplay, kill it with fire yub, kill it with fire, yub, kill it with fire ignition, kill it with fire heatwave, kill it with fire game, kill it with fire full game, kill it with fire meme, kill it with fire ending, kill it with fire reaction, kill it with fire shotgun, kill it with fire all guns, scary spider games, funny spider game, weird games, yub weird games, yub spider game, spider horror game, shooting spiders with guns, shooting spiders games
Id: JG0O6zU3dv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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