How to Find the Perfect Will of God! Part 2

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hello hello to my wonderful friends and wonderful partners and i do mean that you are wonderful god's wonderful people and to jesus be all the glory today this beautiful tuesday i'm so glad today i'm going to continue teaching on how to find the perfect will of god for your life how to know when god is speaking to you on a certain matter where you you need guidance and direction well it will be just beautiful and perfect and peaceful and the word of god has a lot to say about this so i started yesterday and i'm going to ask you to share this with your friends just share it with as many as you can because this message is so needful today in in the church in all of our lives and dear lord jesus we come in our with our faith with our hearts calling upon your holy name lord that you will speak to us we're so dependent on your lord to speak clearly that there'll be no question in our minds in our hearts knowing what to do we give you the praise and god's people said amen and amen and to your lord belongs all the glory yesterday i began to show you from the word of god and i said something really important up top i said of all of god's creation and creatures only man has been given the pot of choice and god has a definite plan for your life that is very clear in god's word and in jeremiah 1 4 and 5 the bible says to to jeremiah i have called you from the womb so god has a plan for your life and the only way you and i can find it is when we get saved and the moment we are saved and we are in christ jesus it's easy to find god's will so in first thessalonians 5 18 as you recall we'll go to that just one more time because this is like foundational very crucial and in verse 18 it says in everything give thanks for this is the will of god in christ jesus concerning you meaning the only way we can find god's will is to be in christ not outside of christ and then also that includes his presence that when we are in his presence that's the only time we can really hear him we cannot hear god if we're far from him and i also said in romans 12 verse 2 it says be not conformed to this world be transformed by the renewing of your mind so if the world is in your mind there's no way you can know god's will and god's voice so you have to be free from the world you have to surrender to the lord you have to be free from the world and so on so i've i've shared all of this yesterday and then i also showed you ephesians 5 17 what it says be not unwise but know what the will of the lord is have that understanding so it's it's given clearly that we do and can know the will of god for our lives the problem is is when people are are hasty when they are when when they say to the lord now lord you know here's my plan please bless it well that's not the way god actually will bless it because we don't say lord bless what i'm doing we say lord let me let me do it your blessing and that's when things really come all together in our life so we wait for the lord's will to be done and haste truly is waste and there is such a thing as god's permissive will like with israel in psalm 106 verse 10 through 15 it says god gave them their desire but sent leanness into their souls so they desired something that wasn't god's will for them no different than balaam in numbers 22 verse 12 where god says no don't go with the man don't go and curse israel but then he he was so greedy he just kept asking god for the same thing over and over and over and finally the lord said okay go do it that's his permissive will that's where god sees someone who is determined to have his way and then they say okay go do it now they'll they'll say well god spoke to me well not really god simply gave you permission for something you wanted to do so it wasn't his will it was your will and because of your way and i'm not maybe talking to you but somebody needs to hear this it's because of people's way and stubbornness and rebellion that god says okay go do it but god will not bless it it will bring great great loss and haste is so so deadly do you remember what i told you from isaiah 28 and we'll look at that one more time you know sometimes it's it's good to be reminded it's it's good for me to repeat certain things because not everyone has everything that is said you know therefore verse 16 isaiah 28 therefore thus says the lord god behold i lay in zion for a foundation a stone a tried stone a precious cornerstone a sure foundation he that believes will never make haste he that believes will not make haste so people who are in the faith never rush the only ones who rush are those who wander away and they say well god told me i've heard people say i told they are ready well god told me to marry him well god told me to marry her and then they they end up in divorce and then he said well did god really tell you and and shockingly a lot of them blame god for it by the way because god never told them anything they just decided well this is what i want so god bless it please you know so when people have the bible in them when they know the word of god and they discover it's a process it's a process hebrews 5 verse 12 tells us that we will know god's good will we will know what is good through exercise through knowing the word over and over and over and over so it says in hebrews 5 it's a strong meat verse 14 strong meat belongs to them that are of a full age even to those who by reason of use they've practiced by reason of practice have their senses exorcised or trained to discern good and evil so through practice we train our hearts we train our minds to discern we have to know the word of god we have to practice the word of god we have to live it and so it's very very important that we understand that now let me let me talk to you about something really important and i said yesterday how god leads always in stillness so it says in in psalm 23 verse 2 and let's look at that one more time because it's so important that we see that when we're in the word and and god begins to guide and lead us he always leads us again one more time psalm 23 and verse 2 everybody knows that psalm of course he maketh me to lie down in green pastures meaning he brings us to where the riches of the world are he leadeth me beside the still water so from the word god leads in stillness because of the word he leads in stillness we hear his word and now we are able to hear his voice in that quietness in that quietness so the question is how does god speak well number one god speaks first of all let's look at acts 22 because this is all in the bible i'm going to give you exactly how god speaks to us but i gave you the foundational information yesterday so if you have not if you hear it please go back and watch yesterday and then put yesterday and today together and get the whole message so in acts 22 acts 22 verse 17 it says it came to pass that when i was coming into jerusalem even while i prayed in the temple i was in a trance or a vision i saw him saying unto me make haste and get thee quickly out of jerusalem for they will not receive thy testimony concerning me so here paul the apostle was guided to leave the city of jerusalem and go to the gentiles he heard god in a vision here's a man who knew the word really really well but the word produces vision too you know this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth you'll meditate that in day and night that you may observe that you may observe observation vision is born out of the word of god so you can't have a vision and sometimes eventually isn't something you see with your eyes physically it's something that becomes more real to you than even if you did see it with your eyes so it's so important you understand god speaks often to us in visions now visions that we see like what we're caught in a trance like paul or peter these are rare but all of us have visions in the last days i'll pour out my spread upon all flesh your old men will dream dreams young men will see visions so visions are the language of the holy spirit and sometimes we have something so real come our way in a vision while we're praying while we're in the world it's more real to us than what is even around us in the in in the natural i mean because it's it's more powerful than the natural so that's that's number one number two well let me just say it as a number one together so number one god speaks in dreams and in visions i just give you the vision now let's look at dreams god often speaks in dreams and matthew 2 verse 12 being warned of god in a dream that they should not return to herod they departed into the wrong country another way these were the wise men or god led them through a dream and they knew there was danger if they went the same way so god also spoke to joseph in a dream the bible says in verse 19 also it says but when herod was dead behold the angel of the lord appeared in a dream to joseph in egypt and said arise take the young child and his mother and go into the land of israel so joseph also saw a dream where god led him at a time of great danger like where would he have taken the christ child to hide him from herod so the angel of the lord had to come and say take him to egypt in a dream bring him back home in a dream and that's how god led not only the uh apostles like paul but also the wise man and joseph they were led dreams and visions so let's also go to something really important and i believe i believe that that's the way often often god leads because dreams are visions as much as they happen it's and they do happen a lot they're still rare they are still rare in comparison to this genesis 24 genesis 24 beginning at verse 12. this is the story of when eliezer went looking for rebecca to be the wife of isaac and he said oh lord god of my master abraham i pray this send me now good speed this day show me kindness show kindness to my master abraham i should say i'm standing here at the well the daughters of the men of the city come out now and draw water let it come to pass that the damsel tomb i shall say let down your picture i pray that i may drink and we will say and she should say drink and i will give you a camel's drink let the same be she that you've appointed for your servant isaac thereby shall i know that you've showed kindness to my master and that's exactly what what what happened she comes gives him water she gives water to the camels and so on now he he's wondering is god already showing me what to do in verse 21 and the man wandering at her hell this peace to see if the lord had made his journey prosperous and so on now so beautiful the bible says god led him wild in the way this is in verse 27 is key blessed be the lord he said blessed be the lord god of my master abraham who hath not left destitute my master of his mercy and his truth i being in the way the lord led me to the house of our masters brethren what does it mean to be in the way well it's like a car you cannot turn it till it's moving so god leads us often through a process through circumstance through things that happen around us a door closes a door opens we we don't push the door that's closed we go through the door that's open that's just the way god leads so what door is open right now in your life now again none of this is going to happen unless we obey what i said yesterday from the word you have to be in christ jesus first thessalonians 5. you got to be in his presence okay you've got to make sure your mind is not on the world romans 12 you have to surrender your body to the lord and so on so and don't behave stay in all that i said to you already but it's important to understand how how how does god speak well rare visions and dreams often circumstances just circumstances jeff pittman who worked with me for years and years and he still does work with me in some way he used to work with oral roberts he went from there to larry lee he came to us in the 80s and he didn't know whether he wanted to do it or not and finally i said jeff what door is open right now is the ministry with oral open no because oral is no longer doing what he did he said is the door still open with larry he said no i said is the door open with me said yes i said come in it because through that door another will open one day for you another will open for you so come through this door that's open now and one day the lord will open another door for you so that you will not lack in your future he came he was with me for 20 something years or more today he's working for love world that he met through me he met pastor chris through me the door opened through a door already opened and i'm still working with them because i you know i do work with them so in many ways jeff and i used to work together but amazing how he took that door that led to another door so always look for an open door there was an open door for eliezer he said lord now if this is you can can you show me by letting her say this and do that and she did she said and she did god let him but the the key is i being in the way the lord led me meaning i was moving i was progressing i wasn't standing still nobody will ever be led if they're standing still i'm giving you something that is so profound no one will be led by doing nothing you'll never know god's will by doing zero nothing you only know god's will by trying to see is this god is this god austin wilkerson told me years ago am i the man of god from houston he said the priests had to step into the river jordan before the waters split their feet had to get wet before the water split that is so profound catherine goodman was talking about moses and she said moses did not see the retzi divide till he stepped in it he stretched the rod and he said let's go we're going in and that seat came apart so it's very important we understand we understand god doesn't move till we move let's get our feet wet let's get our feet wet okay now the bible says number three number three that god also uses the gifts of the holy spirit and i know this is you know today questionable about the prophetic but god still has prophets out there i tell you acts 21 verse 10 talks about talks about agabus it says how agabus came from judea and when he was come to us he took paul's girdle and bound his own hands and feet and said thus says the holy ghost so shall the jews add jerusalem by the man that owns this girdle and will deliver him to the hands of the gentiles so god uses the gifts of the spirit but we have to be careful that they line up with the word of god never accept a word if it doesn't contain edification exaltation and comfort because first corinthians tells us clearly prophecy has bondur has boundaries exhortation edification and comfort if it doesn't exhort you don't touch it edify you don't touch it comfort you don't touch it so if it builds you fine encourages you fine comforts you fine but if it scares you if it confuses you don't move so the gifts of the spirit now god also often speaks quite clearly a clear voice and that's you know when i say often you know it's still rare of course but god does in numbers 12 in numbers 12 because god has spoken in my life i mean i've heard this voice clearly a number of times it doesn't happen every day you know or every week or every month but if i look at my life for the last 50 years i can tell you god has spoken to me very very clearly audibly at amazing times in my life numbers 12 verse 6 talks about how how god speaks awesome uh our faith clearly here now my words verse six if there be a prophet among you i the lord will make myself known not to be in the vision will speak in a dream like i told you already but my servant moses is not so who is faithful in all my house with him will i speak mouth to mouth so audibly and there are times god speaks audibly to us now there are times also and this is something that i really like you to look at from hosea the book of jose this is to me this is a remarkable portion in hosea 12 and verse 10 and it says this i have spoken by the prophets i have multiplied visions and i used similitudes or symbols by the minister of the prophets similitudes the hebrew is means a picture means an image or a likeness a manifestation god gives us an image what we know this is god we know this is god so number five god speaks through an image sometimes number one dreams and visions number two circumstances number three gifts of the holy spirit number four a clear voice number five to muna an image a manifestation a likeness something becomes so real to you you see it clearly clearly like wham like this like like a flash so number number six god speaks this is again the way i think this is the the way mostly mostly this is like number one way frankly in my opinion that god speaks and that is what through his word so let's look at the book of daniel together daniel chapter 9 chapter 9 and we're gonna look at verse one two and three those others god that god you know speaks here and there often but if you really want to be safe you know the word the word of god yeah circumstances of course just make sure the word of god lines up or your circumstance lines up with the word it's in anything outside the bible just don't do it even if it is a door open okay so the word the word the word daniel 9 in the first year verse one in the first year of darius the son of a series of the seed of the medes which was made king over the realm of the quran in the first year of israel i daniel understood how by books he was reading jeremiah he understood by the book of jeremiah the number of the years which were 70 whereof the word of the lord came to jeremiah the prophet that he would accomplish 70 years in the desolations of jerusalem so he received he knew god's will he said okay jeremiah said 70 years we're there now let's pray it happens so it's important to understand the word of god is the foundation of everything i should have probably given you this first but to be honest with you you know i just want to get the message to you because i want you to remember it the word of god is the main way god speaks i think even if you have a dream and a vision whatever circumstance or this or that if it doesn't line up with the bible i won't even go i won't even do it and finally you know through the peace of god that's number seven so but still it all goes back to the word it all goes back to the word colossians 3 verse 15 it says let the peace of god rule in your hearts to the which also you are called in one hope and be thankful so that beautiful peace if there's no peace don't move but i've said and i'll say it again the word is the foundation and everything must line up with the word even the peace you feel if it's not in the bible don't go there just don't do it now he leadeth me besides the still waters wow that's what he restores that's what he blesses you that's what everything is beautiful and right in your life god always guides in stillness in stillness whether it's dreams and visions whether its circumstance the gifts of the spirit his voice his likeness that image the word peace stillness god always leads in stillness when i read the word i don't rush if you're right you'll never hear god's voice okay haste don't do it wait for god's timing father in jesus name i've i have given them your word yesterday and today now lord use what i have given them from your word lord to guide them to lead them that they'll know what decisions to make what steps to take i give you praise i give you honor and glory no more confusion no more questions guide them lord in jesus name let them do your perfect will know it and do it in jesus name we agree on amen all right so from now on remember what it says stillness don't rush i know someone needs this word it's time now to give to the lord's work it's time that we be faithful to his work a faithful man will abound with blessings that's god's word in proverbs a faithful man someone who gives all the time someone who's a giver will abound overflow with blessings and we give because we love jesus we give because we love his word we're not giving for selfish reasons we're not giving looking for the harvest we're giving looking for the lord that his work be done and accomplished that he'd be pleased with us and the harvest will really come then i think sometimes when people focus on the harvest and not on jesus the harvest doesn't come but if they are in love with jesus if if if the wonder of jesus has captured their hearts and they love him with all their hearts and they love his word and not neglect his world when these people give they're going to be blessed no matter what comes no matter what happens but when we give to get the harvest when we always are looking for the harvest not for the not for the lord i think we miss it i think we miss it so now give and say lord with my gift i'm telling you i love you with my offering i'm saying jesus take my offering i love you lord i thank you lord for the privilege i thank you lord for the honor to give to your work i thank you lord for your word where would i be without your word and watch what god will do with you and watch what god will do with your offering he will bless it multiply it give it back to you multiply it many many many times you'll never ever lack when we give like that hallelujah free from greed full of the love of jesus amen thank you lord okay now you can give show show your love as you give you can do it right now on the platform you're watching me on you can go to our website or you can text bhm45777 i'm also asking many of you to be to become partners with our ministry monthly where you can give 30 or 50 a month only for those who can or if you can't do that let god lead you on the amount but god will really bless you as you become a regular giver help me continue coming to you every day like this because i want to continue i really love this more than you know i love coming to you i love teaching the word and being a blessing so much love to you i'll see you tomorrow another great teaching i'm done with the with this teaching i have a brand new one for you tomorrow shalom you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
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Id: QYPp5m1wugw
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Length: 31min 43sec (1903 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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