The Saga of Ragnar Blackmane - Entire Character History - Voice Acted 40k Lore Ft@ABorderPrince

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we may be few and our enemies many yet so long as there remains one of us still fighting one who still rages in the name of justice and truth then by the all father the galaxy shall yet no hope [Music] looking to support the amber king channel fema's workshop are offering a fantastic deal on their war gaming products looking to elevate the story and detail of your miniatures check out their amazing dirty down effects paint bring the decay and rust of the grim dark future to your miniatures and for those looking to save money frienrus workshop's order of the stormcaller's loyalty program offers a fantastic range of rewards cashback loot bags of different sizes exclusive merch and special products all for buying the equipment you need use my link in the description to begin your journey paints basing materials miniatures and so much more are all available at [Music] thank you so much fenris workshop for sponsoring this video [Music] it matters not how high your walls soar it matters not how many will answer your call it matters not how keen your blade glimmers nor how bright burns your hearthfire the wolf waits the wolf waits in darkness for us all we are the wolf that stalks the cold skies and swells the starfire we are the hidden in the darkness when the light has gone our light is within us we run the ruin of fire in the darkness foes burn in our passing hidden in the darkness when the light has gone with sharp fangs and the fury of the all-father wolf lorne ragnar blackmane of the space wolves chapter battles against the threat that humanity faces the young king the black wolf the youngest wolf lord in the chapter's history is a name whispered as one of the greatest champions of humanity but who is the man ragnar who is the person behind the mythological status his story begins in the 40th millennium in segmentum solar on the world of fenris a young boy with thick dark hair and a hardened frame stared up to look at a creature of nightmare a giant sea serpent lashed out towards the boy and the wooden boat full of his tribe's warriors fear gripped all of their hearts their hands were trembling as the violent sea storm rattled their vessel as the grown men around him hesitated the young boy grabbed a spear and lunged at the creature pacing its enormous eye its hit was true but this only seems to have enraged the sea demon despite being young the boy knew to die here would have been a good death the greatest dream for any amongst the primitive tribes of fenris booming laughter came from the prowl of the ship the sorcerer the giant man with fangs in strange armor who had hired his father's vessel laughed as the rain and thunder rang in the boy's ears the giant man poured a metallic talisman from his side and unleashed his magic exploding the sea demon's head they had survived the seas calmed and they took the sorcerer to his destination the boy began to ask the sorcerer questions his curiosity overcame his superstitions and fear he wondered if the giant was a sky warrior one who fought in the heavens alongside the all-father and the legendary lehmann russ he asked the giant if they would ever meet again and the sorcerer told ragnar he hoped that they never would because that would be a day of doom fenris a world of ice titanic oceans violent volcanoes and mountains that touched the heavens home to gruelling winters and summers choked with lava and ash as the very world itself was a danger to humanity as if the freezing temperatures were not enough creatures and monsters roamed and dwelled amongst the ice and violent seas trolls serpents and wolves so large you would be frozen in fear when their predatory gaze fell upon you it would be on this frozen hellscape that the boyd ragnar of the thunderfist tribe would be born life for a mortal man and woman on fenris is a grueling primitive experience the violent and turbulent geology of the world meant that solid stone structures were impossible it was a nomadic life but the idea of permanence was a luxury it was sacred the young child ragnar lost his mother very young and so it'd be the boy's father he would be the only parent he ever knew ragnar began to train life on fenris was brutal and only the strongest survived hunting and fighting was every day life and at night the tribe would gather around their scold the keeper of the memories the great sagas would be sung the stories of the all-father and his son lehman russ songs about the demon horus and the great warriors of old in a life that was thought with danger and instability being immortalized in the sagas was a dream for everyone and even some could be worthy to join the sky warriors and fight amongst the heavens by russ's side to live forever in the songs and the heart of the people to have achieved a warrior's death was everything who are we without our stories ragnar grew over the years witnessing death and battle at a young age to live long enough to have gray hairs was a rarity in the tribes of fenris ragnar battled hunted and sailed the lands near his home even meeting the strange giant sorcerer named ranek an experience he would never forget to have met one of the legendary sky warriors was a miracle in of itself ragnar grew from that boy who challenged the sea demon into a man a warrior of the thunderfist tribe it was a time for celebration a moment he shared with his friends who he grew up with and the woman he had grown to love but nothing lasts forever not on fenris the grim skulls the thunderfist rival tribe attacked them in the midst of the celebration ragnar had completed the ritual of manhood only days before and he looked to the woman he loved anna and he mourned the life they could have had together and then he headed out for war the slaughter was fierce skulls broke limbs severed and roars swelled in the night's air the people ragnar had shared his life with the people who he had played grown and listened to the sagas with were dying the battle raged under the snow and starlight until the strange light shone from the sky the two sighs dispersed and a giant sorcerer emerged onto the field ragnar recognized him immediately the day of doom had come ragnar the thunderfists and the grim skulls picked up their weapons and launched at each other a glorious death awaited you are back among the living laddie he said it wasn't a question am i are you not one of the choosers of the slain the old man's booming laughter echoed out over the rubble several distant figures turned to look at him as if startled always questions eh you haven't changed much boy i am not a boy again the robe of manhunt days ago and what days they were eh well you distinguished yourself from the field of battle i'll say that for you you're a fighter laddie i haven't seen such carnage since the time of barak and that was well that was a long time ago so you are a chooser then yes laddie that i am but not in the sense you think then in what sense are you on surely you either are or you are not one day one day if you live you will understand the universe is not nearly so simple as you believe you will find this out soon enough if i live ragnar looked down in wonder at where the wounds in his chest should have been surely you have already been dead is that what you were going to say yes you were dead or the next best thing to it your heart had stopped beating and you had lost a lot of blood your body took a lot of damage but not enough our healer got to you before brain death could occur and what ailed you was not beyond the power of our magic to fix ragna was sure he had muttered another word before he said magic but he had never heard the word before and it made no sense but that was only to be expected of wizards they spoke in riddles and nonsense still his words gave right now hope you can bring back the dead then my father your father is beyond our aid laddie ranek said he gestures towards the distant fires why didn't you help him when you helped me you could have done it he had not proved himself worthy of our aid or our interest you have you have been chosen laddie chosen for what you'll find out soon enough if that is your destiny the old man showed his fangs in that disturbing smile now you belong to the wolves body and soul you belong to the wolves ragnar raised himself to his feet unsteady as a newborn kid he tried to put one foot in front of the other to walk but he found himself reeling and staggering almost at once he over balanced and the ground rose to meet him he was slammed into the earth with painful force he did not let it stop him pushing against the ground with both hands he rose to his feet once more this time he managed a few more steps and before he could fall he stopped himself and stood upright swaying he felt nauseous his stomach churned he felt dreadful but at the same time he felt a huge sense of relief he was not dead he was among the living for whatever mysterious reasons they might have ranek and his fellows had chosen to spare him indeed it appeared that in some way they had chosen him that it was not quite like any of the hero tales he had heard still he had been picked out they were mighty mages indeed they had healed his wounds they had brought him back from the dead or had they was this some kind of foul sorcery such as the demons were said to practice had they taken his soul and bound bounded into his corpse using dark wizardry would his body soon begin to rot and decompose he turns to face the wolf priest am i dead he asked it was an insane question he knew but ranek looked at him with what appeared to be understanding perhaps even sympathy as far as those people down there are concerned yes laddie you are among the slain you will depart from this place never to return your destiny lies elsewhere now among the endless ice and perhaps among the stars ragnar thought he saw anna being pushed out onto one of the dragon ships suddenly he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he had to get to her he began to move towards the beach staggering like a drunkard he half expected ranek to try and stop him but the wolf priest let him go ragnar had no idea how long it took him to reach the beach he knew that when he got there he was panting as hard as if he had run 20 miles over sand he saw the grim skull warriors all turn and look at him there was wonder on their faces and horror they had made the sign of russ over their breasts and continued to wade out into the sea and clamber aboard their ships ragnar tried to follow them but the waves beat against him and he fell the water closed over his head began to fill his lungs he rose to his feet and started to splutter he tried to push on out once more but a powerful hand closed on his shoulder he turned around and swiftly lashed out with his fist agony shot up his arm and it felt as if he might have broken his fingers sodomite will not yield to naked flesh laddy ranek said lifting him as easily as if he were a puppy despite his struggles you'll only break your hands if you keep that up out onto the water the drums had begun to beat or splashed into the water the dragon ships began to pull away from the land where are we going they are returning to their homes with their new chattels laddie they will not live here now after the battle they believe this island will be haunted i imagine that your seeming resurrection will only give credence to that viewpoint this will be a sacred site before long of that i have no doubt and then they will forget men always forget the battle was over ragnar's home seated with ash and blood burned the life he knew the life he could have had was gone he awoke his mortal injuries healed by the sorcerer and his entourage ragnar had fought like a man possessed something wrathful and dangerous was buried deep within his soul and the warriors of the grim skull tribe fell in their dozens to his axis as he roared with the fire of his life's fading light twenty men were torn down by his blades until another youth of a similar age caught his eye stir bjorn of the grim skull's eyes met his two hateful predatory eyes waiting for a kill with his axe still wet with the blood of ragnar's father stuybjorn launched himself with a thunderfist each dealing a mortal blow as the dust settled and the grim skulls were victorious ragnar awoke resurrected from the glorious death he had earned you can imagine the despair he must have felt seeing his home destroyed the love of his life taken away in the sight of his fallen father the only parent he had ever known and then the hate when ragnar saw stybjorn also healed by ranek the grim skull scum who had killed his father the wolf waits the wolf waits in the darkness for us all ragnar attempted to end the grim skull there and then but ranek stopped him just as ragnar had been chosen so had steibeon the sky warriors had come they had the potential to join the all-father and russ in the oververse the heavens and fight amongst the stars the two tribal warriors healed of their wounds were taken by ranic soaring high in the sky in a bird made of metal an almost dizzying sight compared to the primitive existence ragnar had known was he dead was this the reward of the glorious dead promised to those on fenris the thought raced through ragnar's mind the fascination and confusion overwhelming his grief arriving on the only stable continent on fenris they landed in the village of roosevic the solid structures seeming like a luxury ragnar stybjorn and dozens of others were assembled in the freezing snow a giant man strove forward just as tall as ranek hakkon was his name and a thunderous voice shook ragnar to his call all assembled had been chosen they had all shown their strength but this meant nothing the worst was yet to come for those who are strong enough they'll be worthy to join hakkon's brotherhood they could join the wolves and fight the enemies of the all-father in the stars ragnar strong enough to kill a dozen men a man who had the spirit to challenge the sea demon would face his greatest challenge their training begun grueling physical workouts dangerous mountain treks survival skills and hand-to-hand combat was drilled into ragnar and the other aspirants their fingers bled their bodies ached their minds were challenged by the constant need of willpower and determination ragnar's excitement began to grow the adventure that lay ahead the chance to join the great warriors of the all father to cement his name in history was a dream pumped into every son of fenris since birth he could be part of the sagas his name sung from millennia but something else gnawed at the back of the young warrior's mind hate stybion allocated into the same group ragnar had begun to make friends with the others such as keel lars nils and sven other aspirants taken from across the world but that cold uncompromising desire to end the grim skull plagued his thoughts perhaps a time would come soon even being forced into life-and-death situations with stybjorn no bond had been created between them each of them burned with the same hatred they saw on the day ragnar's former life had been destroyed this new existence had made it seem that ragnar's previous life his love his father his village it all seemed to fall further and further away from him but perhaps that hate for stigeon kept him tied to it to them and losing that inner fire meant losing them too many aspirants died of the coming weeks even one from ragnar's own group bitten in half by a monstrous troll a sense of guilt washed over him he had been chosen as the leader and it was his responsibility to protect the group a feeling his mental hackon sympathized with it was never easy to lose a brother and if ragnar was to survive this path he would lose many more the thought of losing his friend kiel and the others filled him with dread it was weeks of near-death experiences grueling physical trials but those aspirants who had survived emerged hardened refined the apex of mortal men they were ready their bodies had been tested but what about their heart their soul as hakon congratulated the passing aspirants he told ragnar and the others that everything up to now had been easy now would be the true test the last hurdle before brotherhood and the chance to join ross is chosen ragnar stybion lars nils and sven headed towards the fang the heart and home of the space wolves chapter it was unlike anything ragnar had ever seen even the small wooden stone village of rusvik was incredible to him but a fortress the size of a mountain carved with the intricate designs stones shaped from the time of russ it was more than most on fenris could ever dream of and to the aspirants they sent words of praise to the perhaps they really were in the oververse in heaven but there was little time to appreciate the wonders of the place ranek the giant who ragnar had met as a boy and who had brought him back to the land of the living was waiting for them down the aspirants descended deep into the fortress to the gates of warchief behold the gate of morchy through it lies the path to death or glory beyond this there is no return save as one worthy to belong to the wolves in body and soul ragnar could feel power thrung from the ruse the archway nervous but determined ragnar strode forward each step becoming heavier until all space and time seemed to shift around him four voices laughed around him as he begun to see visions he did not know who or what these creatures were ragnar was shown great battles himself suited in gray armor victorious the twisted seductive whispers offered him anything he desired glory for the barbarian concubines power all gifts the proud thunderfist spurned but then the most tempting of all was offered up to him steibeon vengeance the voices screamed for him to slay the grim skull avenge his people let the hate flow the wolf waits the wolf waits in the darkness for us all but worst of all he wanted it ragnar had been dreaming day and night for weeks about ending the scum his vision blurred the blade now placing his hands trembled his most inner self was being ripped open at the edge of claiming his vengeance he screamed in rage he would not be coerced he would not be manipulated the proud sion of the thunderfist would not fall down this path i am ragnar and i defy you he awoke some of the other aspirants lay near him dead ranek told him that no one had ever come closer to failing than him fragnar was strong capable and honorable but his hate for stybjorn had almost killed him it was a simplistic tribal hate a remnant of mortal rivalry and if ragnar wanted to survive he had to let it go the hardest thing in this world is to let go of hate a struggle that most of us will never conquer ragnar stybion kill lars nils and sven had survived their souls were worthy and now came the final trial the cup of the wolfen it was the mark of rus they were to drink from its contents and to bind the power of rust to themselves they would become faster stronger and sturdier than any mortal man if they lived but if evil lay in their heart they wouldn't join the chosen they would become monsters wolfen creatures of nightmare who haunted the scold songs of ragnar's youth one by one the surviving aspirants now only a handful drank ragnar dreaded it would his hate for stybeon kill him now he drank feeling nothing then hours later it begun the fever the sickness the feral rage his body was screaming ragnar could feel himself turning he was becoming something more than human his muscles grew his canines lengthened his senses were sharpened to a level that would frighten us his mind screamed remember who you are ragnar control yourself something within had been awoken a wolf ready to lash out ready to tear any who stood in front of him after days the aspirants began to adapt some had died ragnar looked over and his friend kiel looked haunted he could see that the others were a mix of barely controlled feral instincts the genetics of rus the canis helix had been bound to them and for those who had survived the last trial began thrown into the freezing wastes outside the fang the aspirants were ordered to journey back they were to battle the cold the monsters and the wolf inside bragnar alone began his great journey trudging through the snow hunting and gathering just like his time at roosevelt even coming face to face with an injured great fenrisian wolf two predators meeting eye to eye with his new found strength ragnar slew with the great beast skinning its black mane to use for warmth there was a certain peace to this existence for a long time ragnar had not been alone he hadn't thought about home the life he had he did not have to return he could live on these slopes forever a free man but something called to him this desire was not for glory but for brotherhood the chance to be a part of something bigger than himself the last thunderfist found his resolve and headed towards his destiny but something was wrong after a few hours ragnar with his new senses noticed he was being watched he was being hunted [Music] i am a forest and a knight of dark trees but he who is not afraid of my darkness will find banks full of roses under my cypresses whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster and if you gaze long enough into an abyss the abyss will gaze back into you piercing yellow eyes peered through the blizzard it was the abyss staring back the feral beast that lurked inside ragnar fighting for control a wolfen whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster this was the final test to bind the ferocity of the koenigs helix and control the inner beast but what stood before ragnar was one who had lost that battle the nightmarish monster of the skull's tails the beast lunged forward moving faster than any immortal man but ragnar was ready with his improved senses and reflexes he plunged his makeshift spear deep into the beast's chest slammed backwards the monster met ragnar's eyes he saw a sadness within that feral gaze and the beast uttered a single word ragnar as the corpse slumped to the ground he looked closer and he howled with rage and grief the monster was kiel his only friend left in the universe to see what had become of someone he cared about and then having to take their life would be a pain that would haunt him forever so much had been sacrificed family friends his body and mind but ragnar had to finish it it was his indomitable will that had brought him this far and it was why he was worthy and he would see it to the end ragnar trudged again through the freezing blizzard all the way to the steps of the fang a muscular silhouette with a black mane of fur on his shoulders he made it ragnar awoke from the cold steel table he had been cut open new organs were placed inside the pain was unbearable jean seed crafted from the genetics of russ were joined to him in a way he was part god the wonder and excitement of being connected to the all father must have been overwhelming fighting through the sensations of pain fresh of the cold surgery table the surviving aspirants ragnar stybeon lars nils and sven had the crown of knowledge placed upon their heads and their lies would change forever information flooded into his brain they were the space wolves the defenders of humanity serving in the imperium of man the emperor of mankind the all-father crippled upon his golden throne on terror ruled over one million worlds he learned of lehman russ the man he learned how to speak imperial gothic how their technology worked he learned the truth about the demon horus and the great heresy the four chaos gods and their vile names the ones who had tempted him at the gate of morkai he learned more about his own transformation how his body and mind had been fundamentally changed his senses were heightened his strength was incredible his thoughts became focused the mortal man the primitive tribal warrior ragnar was dead who he was now was ragnar the space wolf only five had made it unfortunately for ragnar the scum stybjorn had survived the hate was still there the snarling wolf inside his soul desired to rip him apart it would be something ragnar had to learn to control for the battles to come ragnar had trained his body and tested his spirit but now was the time to put it to use deep below the fang the newly designated blood claws began their training the sorcery and ragnar's primitive youth had become cold hard science the bolt gun and grenades were his tool now the blood core pack trained for days on end their new physiology given them astounding endurance environments ragnar had never seen or even dreamt of became grueling exercise grounds with a gene seed of rust within them the new spatial began to exhibit more changes their sense of smell became so keen they could sense each other's emotions a level of unspoken understanding began to spread throughout the group there could be no lies between brothers now all were connected like a pack something ragnar found comfort in that desire for brotherhood that had drawn him to join their ranks perhaps also alleviated the grief he had felt over the past months but their transformation into astartes would not be enjoyed for long fragnar's pack stybion lars nils and sven were sent to investigate a missing pack of blood claws on fenris traveling deep into a dark and damp cave system they were horrified to discover a shrine of chaos it was a trap booming laughter emerged from the dark as maddox a thousand sun sorcerer had new toys to play with he was tainted the smell and taste in the air disgusted ragnar this was the ancient enemy chaos it was a slaughter spacewolf bodies began to fall like flies with only ragnar stybeon sven and two others escaping fighting their way out they were almost overwhelmed ragnar's great journey would end after he had just begun as ragnar saw death approach it would be steibeon who saved him feelings of confusion washed over him as moments later the grim skull suffered a crippling blow he could let him die finally the scum would be gone the thought floated in ragnar's head but honor won out ragnar sent sven and the others ahead he would wait with stybjorn for reinforcements ragnar swallowed his hate and pushed it down brotherhood came first as the two limped to the surface the laughter rose again the smell of taint pierced their souls maddox there'll be no more running now a fierce duel broke out ragnar was outmatched barely holding on but with the intervention of the wounded style beyond rammed his chainsaw into the sorceress face plate howling in triumph they had survived and achieved a feat remarkable for a blood claw but the time to rest would not be long the next battle's foundations had been set as the imperial inquisition arrived and how long precisely will that be kara issan glared at him with cat-like green eyes she was almost as tall as he was brown skin with a pert nose and wide lips her hair was lustrous black she was the most exotic woman he had ever seen but right at this moment there was nothing remotely attractive about her i can see why you are an inquisitor right now replied and once again you are avoiding giving me an answer the answer is plain lady i don't know i am not an archivist i am only here to be your guide and to be our watchdog ragnar looked at her startled that she would suggest such a thing in that tone of voice it was close to being an insult those are words i would call out for eve if i were a man ragnar almost smiled that was exactly what he was going to say the woman folk of the islands did not fight and he had no idea how to deal with a woman who behaved as if she were the equal of any warrior instead of speaking he merely grunted ascend i would not let that stop you she said i have been trained to fight all of my calling are i am sure but it would be a most terrible breach of hospitality we do not slay our guests you are very certain you could slay me yes i am a space marine another simple statement of fact he was one of the mightiest warriors humanity could produce enhanced in a hundred different ways taught to kill in every way bloodied in combat against the vile forces of chaos there was no way any mortal could stand in combat against him she smiled at him showing small perfect teeth it was a cold smile with nothing friendly in it she moved her hand ragnar sensed a gathering of energies but was unsure of what was happening then he tried to move and his limbs would not respond a psycho he realized she was a psycho one of those witches gifted with extraordinary mental powers one of which was now quite obviously the ability to paralyze any target she wished ragnar suddenly felt very foolish and very angry he exerted his strength willing his limbs to respond her arrogant smile grew wider and colder as she watched him struggle this just served to make him angrier still somewhere in the dim depths of his mind the beast that had been a part of him since he became a space wolf began to snarl with frustrated rage it did not like being caged even if the cage was his own body perhaps this was a threat he had sensed when the strangers first appeared psyches were notoriously prone to possession by demons of chaos perhaps even one of them had wormed its way into the very heart of the fang space wolf i could kill you now and there is nothing you could do about it she said calmly ragnar could almost smell the woman gloating and he was livid he could not sense any other alteration in her scent she did not appear to be tainted by chaos perhaps after all she was simply doing all this to prove a point beads of sweat stood out on his brow as he forced his numb limbs to move time seemed to slow to a glacial pace as he urged his body to reject her hold on him one of his fingers quivered slightly and a look of utter shock appeared on her face as if she had never seen anyone break her hold before no matter how slightly he smelled her sudden loss of confidence a faint flicker in the power as that affected her control suddenly somehow he could move it was like being encased in molasses but at least his limbs were his own once more he seemed to be moving with incredible slowness but at least he was moving she let down to faint shriek his hand was around her throat almost before he had thought of it with his superhuman strength all he had to do was close his fingers and her windpipe would be crushed and now i could kill you he yes and there is nothing you could do about it he opened his hand and stepped back but that would be neither honorable nor hospitable they stood a moment glaring at each other both of them breathing hard he realized that the use of her powers must have been as drained to her as hours of heavy exercise was to him he himself was exhausted from resisting them as it had not been after 200 miles of forced march you are very strong-willed she said eventually and he was not sure whether it was admiration fear or dislike he smelled perhaps some combination of them all apparently he said and there is something else within you i sensed it as i wove the web is that what you call it i saw something like a wolf large dark fierce it was something woken when i joined the chapter he said not sure whether he should be discussing this with anyone from outside the space wolves a wolf spirit no it's part of your own spirit something that separates you from normal people it was bound to me i suppose that is one way of looking at it albeit a primitive way now you are being insulting again she smiled and this time there was some warmth in the smile something large dark and fierce a snarling wolf within the soul of ragnar but had this been bound to him or simply awakened further by his transformation perhaps the primitive ragnar the thunderfist who had challenged the sea demon which slain a dozen men in his burning home had always had the wolf spirit it had brought him this far and had been his greatest weapon but with the jeans eat of russ its ferocity was elevated to a new height something he had to keep in check with his rational human nature barely a blood claw initiate ragnar stybeon lars nils and sven has seen their first conflict and after barely a few weeks of rest a new trouble had arisen the inquisition that unaccountable secretive organization who leaves only disaster and ruin in their wake arrived on fenris they had come for the space wolves aid in reclaiming the three pieces of the talisman of lycos an ancient eldari amulet in order to save the dying imperial planet arius currently racked by a disgusting plague tasked to assist the pair of inquisitors ivan sternberg and kara isan it was ragna who upon their arrival fought a sickly unnerving feeling he could tell by the sense of his brothers that he was alone in this feeling as paranoia gripped him he did not trust these strangers it'd only been a short time since ragnar had the knowledge forced into his brain about the wider imperium a million different worlds with people who had cultures just as concrete as the one he grew up in on fenris it would be his mentor the wolf priest ranek the one who had chosen him to be elevated who shared ragnar's distrust in these outsiders and assigned the young blood claw the task of watching over them it was during their stay at the fang that the inquisitor kara isan began to interrogate and prod the young space wolf clearly unimpressed with the savage she saw before her the space wolves were known for being a hearty bunch boisterous men who reveled in feasting drinking and fighting but just as ragnar was surprised by the attitude of the outsider before him she in turn was caught off by ragnar's matching wit an understanding of the hidden war within words and the surprising monstrous will he had hidden inside ragnar stybion lars nils and sven prepared themselves the mission to reforge the talisman of lycos was critical to the security of the imperium and for the first time ragnar would journey to the stars under the command of sergeant hackon their mentor from their time at rusvik the young blood courts left their home behind ragnar feeling that melancholy we all feel when we leave the place we grew up but with his pack by his side ragnar his mental and his budding friendship with sven ragnar was not alone despite the presence of the grim skull stephen ragnar's hatred had somewhat softened he would not mourn his passing but he found himself not actively wishing for his death the journey had begun and ragnar's first experience of warp travel was not a pleasant one the way it churned and seemed to be rejected by every fiber of his being arriving on the planet gold in search of a piece of the talisman ragnar and the pack descended onto the world infested by orcs coming face to face with a zenos for the first time it disgusted him he had grown up with the large and dangerous monsters of fenris but something deep and visceral within rejected these disgusting creatures the fighting throughout galt was fierce and their blades were thick with alien blood infiltrating their way into the orc infested capital they found what they were looking for the talisman hung around an orc war boss's neck the energies of the talisman had seeped into the foul xenos soul increasing the orcs power and aura to an unnatural level the spacewolf pack and the inquisitors under hakon's leadership prepared to take their prize using the psychic gifts of kari's son to infiltrate themselves into the war boss's camp upon finally reaching their target the wolves attacked slaughtering the war boss's guards but they were utterly out matched by the talisman-infused warboss ragnar was barely holding his own and was saved from certain death by the desperate intervention of lars but this came at a cost the war boss snapped the young wolf's neck laughing in delight ragnar's inner wolf spirit howled with rage and with the help of cara the talisman was retrieved with hakkon carrying the corpse of lars as the group retreated for extraction the time was ticking away as orcs began to swarm their position and moments away from extraction ragnar uttered the words that no proud fenrissian would have dared say he bartered for their lives something almost completely unheard of to a space wolf but the ploy worked the confusion and contemplation from the orcs bought them just enough time to be extracted back into orbit it was genius and as the survivors cheered for their success ragnar stared down his stomach seeing the gaping wounds he had taken seconds before their rescue and he collapsed to the ground he was at death's door for weeks with the intervention of aid on the inquisitor's ship and the psychic powers of kara isan ragnar was wrenched back to the land of the living their very own space wolf ragnar's tactical delay had saved them all but he felt no joy in the mission's success lars was dead the melancholy of losing your brother who you had lived by shared stories and food with is a feeling shared by many in our world who have been unfortunate enough to experience war lars had saved him but ragnar couldn't save him he even missed his funeral right if only he had been stronger if only he hadn't been so weak ragnar remembered the stories about the old fangs the veterans who were the last surviving members of their original blood claw pack and the thought filled him with dread recovering from his wounds with the help of the inquisitor kara issan with whom ragnar had become close to he was at last reunited with the remainder of his pack with a piece of the eldari talisman collected from the vaults of the fang and the one recovered from the orc war boss on gold only one piece remained using the two pieces in hand as a beacon kara utilize her psychic powers to locate the last piece leading them to a location dreaded and desired throughout the galaxy a space hulk the mass of ancient and modern ship carcasses that drifted between reality and that realm of madness the warp often infested by horrifying xenos and abominations it would be a long and perilous journey for any looking for the prizes held at their center again the pack and the inquisitors set off on their path traveling miles through damp stale steel corridors possibility of danger being around every corner the feelings of failure played ragnar's thoughts he had to control himself lest the others sense his weariness through his scent the expedition delled further and further until they were suddenly ambushed by a horde of malnourished and gaunt gene steelers the doubt ragnar had been experiencing manifested he was distracted and only with the intervention of sven did he survive he admonished himself for this weakness his brothers needed him and he had to let go of his cloud or those counting on him would suffer reaching the nest of the genie dealers again the group was attacked ragnar sven hakon stybeon and nils unleashed themselves upon the horde ragnar found himself renewed and butchered the monsters around him almost like swimming through a tide of broken flesh controlling the inner wolf spirit briefly he took a moment to observe his surroundings locating the talisman that the genius dealers were desperate to protect he'd launched himself upon the commanding node slicing the talisman from the bio flesh breaking the horde's link with each other they were victorious covered in gore and xenos filth ragnar turned and mirrored sven's large grin the wolf spirits inside sated by the grand slaughter returning to the inquisition's flagship the expedition raced towards aries the world was in ruin the plague that had emanated from the mysterious black pyramid of the world had claimed millions in its wake upon reaching the entrance they were all witness to the horrifying pass and disease-ridden corpses of the unfortunate inhabitants as ragnar the pack and the inquisitors entered the temple an eldari hologram warned them to go no further they meddled with things that they best left undisturbed this path that they were on would only lead to catastrophe the words of xenos were never to be trusted and the expedition did not heed the warning despite ragnar harbouring doubts reaching the last door with the reforged talisman they opened it and peered into the heart of the chamber and just before ragnar could come to terms with a sudden wave of dread and nausea a booming voice echoed from within an enormous disgusting demon covered in rotting flesh and open sores at weeped foul rivulets of purse the jovial toxic voice of botulize a great unclean one of nergal thanked them for freeing him from his prison the horrified group were set upon walking corpses flung themselves upon them the situation was hopeless and in their retreat inquisitor sternberg fell first followed by their fellow blood corps nils drowning in an encased tower of corrupted green puss sergeant hackon led ragnar and the survivors back to the entrance they had been deceived outmashed even showing the signs of infection themselves moments away from being swarmed by the raising corpses of the city around them this did not feel like the warrior's death that every frenrisian desired they prepared for their end but the sickly kara isan spoke of a plan that filled ragnar with dread ragnar stybeon hakon kara and sven returned back to the chamber barreling their way into the walking horde to confront the great unclean one ragnar fought with a fury not seen since the night his home was destroyed the wolves bought time time for kara to unleash the power of the eldari talisman ragnar had grown close to kara to a level he knew that was unfit for a space marine but duty always came first as he howled in rage his knuckles white from gripping his chain axe cara unbound her soul from her body sacrificing her life to seal the demon in sight ragnar's first expedition from fenris left scars two of his friends dead but as is the life of a space wolf there'll be more to come you think you know glory well just because you have survived a single day of battle to feel the thunder of munitions like the fury of the gods as the ground tears apart around you to wet your blade with the blood of kings to be the first man to land upon a planet crawling with alien terrors that is to know true glory mark it well [Music] you bloody daydreaming again sven asked or can't you answer a civil question you'll find out when i ask one ragnar responded his nostrils dilating catching the faintest hint of an acrid inhuman scent on the wind he looked over to sven to see his friend had caught it too sven's marginally less keen nose twitched the long mustache he had been cultivating since the campaign on zekito moved like the whiskers of some great hunting beast you smell that he asked ragnar nodded ice fiend i reckon not too close not too far either perhaps you're not quite so bad at tracking as i thought said ragnar we can't all have the razor keen senses of the blessed of bloody russ said sven maybe i should let you go and check this out on your own after all the cops will give you all the credit for killing the beasts anyway even if i were to kill a whole bloody tribe single-handed while you stood back and applauded my fine bloody technique with a chainsaw they would praise you for it ragnar checked his weapons tracking down the ice fiends was the purpose of this expedition they have been raiding along the coastal glaciers and slaughtering the macedon herds it was time they were taught a lesson i think you're just jealous of my well-deserved reputation he said i would be jealous if it was well deserved unfortunately all you do is honk the credit for my own heroic deeds like i did on micah said ragnar when i pulled you out of that squig pit before they could gnaw you to death you always have to bring that up don't you said sven in a tone of mock gloom i would have fought my way out in a few heartbeats if you had not interrupted your plan was to choke the squeak to death by thrusting yourself down its throat then was it i was lulling it into a false sense of security muttered sven his eyes checking the horizon ragnar could tell he too had spotted the massive white shapes up till now when near invisible among the snows sven made a few practice swings with his deactivated chainsaw just to loosen up i don't remember that being covered in the cortex tacticus i'm a brilliant improviser apparently well what about it i don't cast up all the times i've pulled your fat out the bloody fire what about the time on venom when i saved you from the ceretics before they could chop you down with your own chainsaw you never bloody well hear me mention that do you not more than once or twice a day sven was in full flow now not to be stopped or how about on that space hulk nuclear or corellia so whatever was bloody well called when i saved you from those tyranids never mention that do i you just did or what about that time then yes shut up don't tell me to bloody well shut up ragnar bloody so-called black mane just because you have a head swollen to the size of a small bloody planetoid doesn't mean i can't kick you no can't you hear it hear what that there was a sound of cracking ice ragnar saw a crevasse start to open ten strides away glaciers breaking up he yes beginning to run forward as the crack splitting the ice came nearer i would never have noticed said sven sarcastically quite probably said ragnar racing forward and leaping over the gap sven was a few strides behind him but left fractionally too late it was obvious that he was not going to make it across the widening gap and was going to tumble down russ alone knew how far ragnar leaned out and grabbed his friend's outstretched hand tugging him forward and sending him sprawling into the ice beside him siding with the ice fiends now eh says sven around a mouthful of snow no just saving your life yet again so you say i was doing fine before your sneak attack sent me sprawling going to wedge open the crevasse with your thick skull will you best use for it most likely sven bounded to his feet and cast a casual glance over his shoulder checking on the distance separating them from the ice fiends several hundred strides lay between them still it looked like the ice fiends are waiting to see whether the crevasse took them yours is the only head around here big enough to fill that hole said sven cheerley the ground beneath their feet started to move again as the glacier shook maybe we should get off this frozen river of ice before it swallows us both up said ragnar well looks like the only way out is through them says sven gesturing to the approaching ice fiend and your point is just giving you directions in case you get lost again said sven turn in racing towards the approaching creatures ragnar followed him the snow crunching under his ceramide boots and splashing off his greaves his breath cloud in the air like steam the ice feeds bellowed challenges the two blood claws answered with their whooping wall cries it was glorious to be one of the chosen of ross the brotherhood an adventure was everything ragnar had dreamed it would be his heightened senses made his blood pump with a fury unseen his wolf spirit howled with glory as he slayed the enemies of the all-father to feast and drink in the halls of the fang with his brothers singing the sagas and deeds of the fallen heroes with their heightened abilities and senses ragnar could feel the presence of his brothers around him the reassurance and safety it provided it had been over a decade since his transformation of ragnar thunderfist the primitive to ragnar the space wolf whose deeds and reputation had already earned him the moniker black mane ragnar and his pack had seen numerous war zones and his experience of the imperium and its many frontiers had expanded his horizon it was a journey full of hardship and pain but also a brotherhood his friendship with sven had deepened over the years their banter was legendary ensuring that if ragnar ever dared to feel full of himself he was always one joke away from sven pulling him back down to earth they were close they feasted drank and fought together constantly though at times ragnar felt some distance from his friend sven was a fenrisian and space wolf through and through loud boisterous brave and content he did not ponder much about life but ragnar found himself at times lost in thought reliving the past in his head thinking in ways that were characteristically unfundrisian such as stalling for time with the orc warboss and offering a fake surrender ragnar began to wonder if this is how those in leadership felt the balance between a soldier and the son of fenris on the edge of promotion from blood claw to the rank of grey hunter distressing news arrived at the fang in the great hall the entire chapter assembled the legendary great wolf their chapter master logan grimnar spoke of dire news there'd been an uprising on the world of gum a sacred world to the chapter that had enshrined the legendary spear of russ a relic forged by the all-father that was held in the hands of the primark lehman russ himself the spear had been taken their most holy site had been desecrated by the hands of filth ragnar sven sergeant hakon and stybjorn raced to their stations finding themselves placed within the great company of the legendary lord beric thunderfist the grizzled veteran of the legion was spoken of in awe having fought in countless battles and even dueling with the infamous khan the betrayer the consequence as being a bionic arm that became his heraldry his thunder fist known for his directness and to lead at the front beric was a man who chased glory and had plenty to spare for his brothers arriving within the system the spacewall's fleet came under immediate fire in the somewhat enormous but yet claustrophobic conditions of interstellar warfare ragnar in the pack followed beric into war the thought of dying in the cold vacuous space was unnerving to a proud fenrisian barracks company launched themselves at the enemy boarding a chaos cultist warship the fight through the miles of steel corridor was a blitzkrieg of violence they fought like an unstoppable force ragnar even showing distinction an ingenuity by causing a distraction had alleviated the pinned forces of the legendary beric and his wolf guard though slightly admonished for his forwardness with the wolflord by his mentor sergeant hakon the invading wolves made their way deeper into the ship laying their explosive charges at the heart all covered in gore of the heretical enemies of the all father as the company retreated many space wolves howled their death cries and met their glorious end making it back onto their own vessel an intense silence washed over them ragnar and the company turned to their leader with the exploding enemy ship visible from the windows barrack cheered lording at how they had built a suitable pyre for their fallen brothers the roar from the walls was deafening ragnar unleashed all the anxiety he had accumulated over the battle relishing in the joy of brotherhood the pack hoisted up the centuries-old sergeant hackon on their shoulders but barrack bellowed them to be silent again quiet fell but as beric announced that imperial reinforcements had arrived the second roar was even louder and with beric's final words he ordered to break out the ale and to lift a drink to their fallen brothers the third roar was by far the loudness this is what it meant to be part of the wolves the camaraderie the glory and the bond of brothers the quick thinking and ferocity of ragnam had not gone unnoticed beric and his wolf guard even requested an audience with the young pup to give him gratitude and to seemingly size him up the first stage of the war had been a glorious success but the surface of ghan would be an altogether different beast ragnar was about to face his most grueling and painful journey yet and gone would change him forever [Music] ragnar looked into the medical sarcophagi wondering why hakon had sent for him the old sergeant lays stiff and unmoving gurgling tubes filled with greenish fluid snaked from the walls of the ancient biomagical machine in the sergeant's flesh his characters had been peeled away giving him a strange vulnerable look his skin was pallid like that of a corpse a metal mask covered one half of his head hiding in the great hole in his skull the scars and the remaining side of his face stood out even more strongly only his eyes looked alive they burned with fury the wolf priest nodded to ragnar telling him it was all right to speak and then retired to his duties a few moments later ragnar could hear him mustering medical incantations over some of the other patients how are you ragnar asked hakon's lips quirked into a tight smile but the fury never left his eyes i have been better he said you will be so again hakon gave a near imperceptible shake of the head i do not think so ragna i have heard the healers speaking there is too much damage to my body for me to heal parts of my brain were blown away my spine is damaged i will never fight again or walk for that matter there was no self-pity in hackon's manner only truth ragnar did not know what to say confronted by the magnitude of the sergeant's loss he suddenly felt very young and inexperienced i heard you were field promoted said hakkon that is why i has to see you that would have come anyway no matter i think you will do well ragna if you live and learn to control that fury of yours it's a great thing in a warrior to be a berserker it is not such a good thing in a leader a leader needs to be able to see clearly at all times it's one thing to throw your own life away in combat even if it's not a very clever thing it's another thing to throw away the life of your pack i do not think i am ready for this no one ever does no matter what age they are do not think that way i can see you have it in you to be a great leader one day ragna you're a thinker perhaps too much of one and the chapter has need of men who can think as well as fight ragdoll did not know what to say so he kept quiet i would have recommended you for grey hunter soon you and your packmates zven and strebion are about ready for it it seems beric thunderfist has already seen that what do you mean the sergeant's voice was soft and rasping and ragnar realized there was a certain underlying sadness in it hakon was speaking like a man who knows he is going to die soon he realized i had some doubts but i do not think lord barrack has any i think you are just about ready for gray hunter but i'm not totally sure because of your fiori it can be a terrible weakness in a man barrack seems to think differently but then he always lacked a certain prudent caution fragnar opened his mouth to say something feeling that he should defend the wolf lord but hackon interrupted don't misunderstand me the wolf lord is hungry for greatness but he has other virtues that make up for it he is a great leader whatever flaws he may have and you can learn from him if you watch him you'll learn from his flaws too if you're as smart as i think you are why are you telling me this because i am an old man ragnar and i do not have much more time in the flesh i can see something in you ragnar ranik could as well i'm not sure that it is something good but good or no i believe you will have a great impact on the chapter if you survive i'm trying to make sure that you do more good than harm i always do my best die and that might be your undoing ragna for you are headstrong and have very distinctive views of what the best is it's a failing that most wolves have until we get some gray hair and a little sense ragnar wondered whether the healing potions were making hackon's mind wonder they sometimes did that even to men with constitutions as strong as a space marines under the strain of injury even their body's ability to metabolize poison and drugs somewhat behave strangely is that all you have to say ragnar asked no despite what i just said i wanted to tell you that i was proud of you you were the best batch of aspirants i ever trained at rusfiq maybe the best i ever saw see that you live up to that pride filled ragnar at the old man's words hackon had always been a rough tongued man and never spared a word of praise for anybody apparently he had hidden his true feelings at this moment two iron priests entered something about their attitude told ragnar they had come to take hakkon away they gestured for him to leave hakkon saw this and nodded that's all go now and may russ watch over you ragnar nodded and made the sign of the wolf he could see hack on flint as he tried to do the same but his body would not respond ragnar halted for a moment and then turns to go as he left the medical bunker he knew for certain that he would never see the old man again and that left him greatly saddened falling like the thunder of the all father ragnar steibeon sergeant hackon and sven drop potted down to the surface of garm taking some slight damage the group fell off course landing in the midst of a chaos cultist position the inner wolf howled for slaughter and ragnar cut down the corrupted shrine desecrators they had racked a bloody tally but more kept coming they're beginning to be overwhelmed stabbed beaten shot and moments away from death once again it was a brother who saved him sergeant hackon roared into combat saving his life but in the process he was mortally wounded leaving lord beric to promote ragnar to temporary command of his pack at the edge of death hakkon gave his last minutes of life to speak his final words to him ragnar you are a thinker perhaps too much of one being an overthinker ragnar often felt disconnected from moments when he felt he should lose himself in sometimes we know that feeling of being an observer rather than a participator you have to learn to control your anger his inner wolf spirit that has saved his life many times that reserve of fury but even in our own lives we know anger blinds and poisons reason be careful of the youthful righteousness you feel for it has not been tempted by the wisdom of experience we are never as smart or as wise as we think we are surety should come from experience not blind self-belief but why say any of this at all it was because like ranek like his brothers hackon believed in ragnar even lord barrett could see the potential it was a passing of a torch the will of those would pass it to hakkon long ago and ragnar accepted it as his mental pass from this world returning to his pack ragnar and the others prepared themselves for the upcoming battle rescuing some loyalist survivors outside of the hive cities of ghan the wolves discovered the source of the uprising to be a corrupted member of the imperial ecclesiarchy the accursed sergius who had sealed himself deep within his own bastion his temple to chaos directing the information directly to the legendary great wolf logan grimner and his wolf lords the wolves set off to cleanse the world and reclaim the spear of russ trusting through miles of murky and cold underground tunnels as the imperial forces engaged the heretical army above ragnar and lord barracks company found their way through reaching the temple gates the wolves charged howling their cries at the all father and rus blood claws gray hunters the long fangs and wolfgard crashed upon the hordes of disgustingly mutated cultists ragnar with sven stybjorn and his pack behind him leaped into combat cleaving their enemy apart smoking fire all around them like men possessed the wolves tore their way into the temple and ragnar finally caught sight of him sergius wielding the spear of rus surrounded by dark twisting energies and a circle of dark priests chanting in the black tongue of chaos the sight horrified and angered ragnar to his call but before he could interrupt the ritual a familiar form seemed to sprout from the inside out of one of the cultists before him that sickly ancient ornate armor he had seen before maddox the thousand sun sorcerer was alive taunting the young wolf the chaos sorcerer unsheathed his poisonous chaos blade and jeweled with ragnar once again ragnar was outmatched barely holding on even with the help of sven it was not enough maddox rammed his sword through sven's chest dropping the bleeding wolf to the ground ragnar again had seen a brother put his life before his and the wolf spirit within him was unleashed all around him thousand sun marines exploded out of the foolish cultist victims sergius was channeling a chaotic ritual through the spear maddox continued to taunt ragnar during their jewel the walls would die here gone will become a new prospero and the demon primark magnus will enter the material universe once again their weapons clashed at blinding speed the jewel was brutal and was only broken apart by the swarming mass of thousand suns and spacewolf bodies clashing up on them with a brief respite ragnar and lord beric reunited and fought back to back they had to make a break for sergius and the spear and stop the ritual from summoning more of a thousand sons and close the gaping warp portal emerging in front of them buying time with his wolf guard beric allowed ragnar to charge at the corrupted ecclesial priests ragnar covered in wounds and on his last reserves of rage drawn from witnessing his friend sven being mostly wounded he tore the heretic apart but in the wake of his victory a looming figure appeared a large one-eyed face projected itself from the warp portal a shimmering dark silhouette with one baleful eye magnus as if on instinct the battered wounded ragnar reached down and seized the spear of russ with the last of his strength he threw it directly into the projected eye of the demon closing the portal and leaving the hateful screams of a god echoing across the battlefield ragnar awoke inside the cold deep cell below the fang on fenris the wolves had won the thousand suns had been banished and the one-eyed demon magnus had been defeated but the spear of rus had been lost casted into the wart portal by ragnar sealing it inside ragnar had saved them but at the cost of the chapter's most priceless relic the peace that was said to be claimed by russ when he would walk again amongst men but now that prophecy was in jeopardy the mix of emotions ragnar was going through was exhausting surety in his actions shame and having lost the spear nervousness and his fate within the chapter fear are the accusations of chaotic corruption comfort from the council of sven and his old mentor ranic brought before the great wolf logan grimnar and the wolf lords they decided the fate of this young pup ragnar was divisive half supported his actions whereas the others decried them many voices insisted that the foolish brother be punished for his sacrilege some even called for his death ragnar was a problem a split amongst the chapter that they could not afford to have he felt awful to be at the center of all this attention supposition no one would envy the great wolf grimnar debated with his counsel and presented the young ragnar with his fate ragnar would be sent to terror the heart and capital of the imperium he was now ragnar blackmane the wolfblade he would join the detachment sent to guard the ancient allies of the wombs the navigator house belisarius ragnar knew what this task meant exile gathering his personal belongings he paid farewell to his friend sven a lump caught in his throat as he realized that they may never see each other again and he loved his brother even if he couldn't get the words out as he strolled to the ship his mental ranic told him not to lose hope that this was not the punishment he believed it to be holy terror was just as dangerous as any battlefield the birthplace of the imperium held the highest level of wealth and political maneuvering within the galaxy it would be unlike any war zone ragnar had ever seen and every action reaction and expression would be judged and measured again ragnar caught a lump in his throat ranik had supported counseled and believed in ragnar for years the thought of never seeing him again was heartbreaking alone ragnar ascended the ship a wolf without a pack a man without his friends and the looming feelings of shame and failure aboard the ship ragnar met his charge the navigator get the navigator gabriella belisarius her sharp angular features unnerving him but not as much as the hidden truth concealed on her forehead the navigator's third eye for humanity to sail that sea of madness the warp required those born with the eye that could withstand looking into the warped tides the very existence of the imperium was hinged upon its logistics and for those who controlled it wielded enormous political power almost untouchable even to the unaccountable inquisition the dynasty houses of the navigators were obscenely wealthy and wherever wealth lies corruption politics and murder follow for over ten thousand years the wars of fenris and house belisarius have been allies one navigating the vast navies of the wolves and the other offered protection and a personal guard of wolf blades they were to pledge themselves to the ruling cellar stark of house belisarius just as if they were the great wolves themselves ragnar was about to enter a pit of vipers the news had come during ragnar's trial the previous celeste stark and a veteran wolf blade had been murdered not even a day into their journey to terror ragnar and gabriela were attacked an assassination attempt from within their own ship the level of dedication shocked ragnar life on fenris had always been direct but now his enemies could be anywhere and anyone it was weeks of constant vigil with ragnar staying close by gabriella's side the woman was witty and clearly was dangerous herself but there was no space for lapses even if something about the navigator made him unnerved finally the two reached their destination holy terror the capital of the imperium the birthplace of humanity the resting place of the crippled all-father on his golden throne you can imagine the mix of excitement and fervor flowing from ragnar's veins as he looked upon the planet side city it's a very silhouette screaming of power and obedience the mass of ships and people swarming the space around holy terror was unlike anything ragnar had ever seen making landfall within house balasarese's quarters the smell of pollution and incense almost overwhelmed the razor-sharp senses of ragnar a thick haze had draped itself over everything blending with the billions of lights blurring the lines between night and day it was not what ragnar had expected and the claustrophobic field must have been shocking greeted by an honor guard lady gabriella and ragnar finally set foot on terror and immediately ragnar caught a familiar ascent turning to see his wolfblade brother approach tauren the wayfarer a wolf whose appearance matched the refined and trimmed decorum of the terran guards a man who seemed to be more at home in this pit of vipers mighty hagar the mountain an enormous astarte whose unexpected mutation of his gene he'd meant he grew larger than any of his brothers what he lacked for in the intellect he made up for it in appetite and brute strength valkov an elderly scholar whose very preoccupation was hated and ridiculed amongst those born of fenris seen as weak and heretical and then ragnar the cunning fury driven youth who had lost the spear of russ they were all in a way outcasts the ones who didn't quite fit in with their chapter it was comforting to have brothers so far from home but immediately ragnar was gripped by a sense of hollowness settling into his cramped quarters that looks like someone who had tried to recreate the conditions of the fang through a description he settled into his new home his new battleground even on his first day danger found him as ragnar tauren and hagar were ambushed whilst drinking within a local tavern the ferocity of the walls was clearly surprising to those foolish enough to attack an astarte ragnar even surprised his new brothers thinking on the words ranik left with him ragnar began to think in a new way to see the bigger picture that cunning he had shown with the long dead inquisitor kara issan had evolved the hidden meaning within words the subtlety of body language and sense even the veteran wolfblade tauren was surprised at how quickly ragnar had caught on immediately ragnar was plunged into a situation that would change the entire political structure of the imperium the murder of the previous celeste stark lady gabriella's father would be the most dangerous path he had ever walked covert missions investigations and dissecting schemes became the young wolf's constant day-to-day life the investigation into the previous seller stark's death had put ragnar tauren and hagar in the presence of extremely dangerous grouped armed militias zealous militant purists that resided deep in the slums of terror decrying the existence of their mutant navigator overlords and even the presence of the other navigator houses accompanying lady gabriella and tauren into the luxurious quarters of house veracity ragnar saw perhaps the most dangerous man in the imperium cesare ferracci his palace was a fortress of security hidden and overt the navigator's ambition and cunning dripped from him even designing the place of their meeting to throw off the keen senses of the wombs not that the navigator's alien scent could be read to be before someone truly untouchable is a nerve-wracking experience even if ragnar couldn't feel fear his every move was watched to his wolfblade brothers ragnar had picked up quickly on how to play the game he knew to let them see him as a barbarian his skill was noted only ones who played politics at the highest level could see and the cunning of this emerging wolf blade frightened house ferrari continuing their investigation ragnar tauren and hagar traveled deep into the layers of civilization that were the stacked cities upon cities on terror but danger found them and they were ambushed by a horde of militant purists ragnar and his fellow wolf blades tore them apart perhaps life on terror wouldn't be so different from fenris almost overwhelmed the wolf blades retreated delving further into the lightless depths of terror's underworld wounded and with his friend hagar on the edge of death ragnar lamented his position reflecting on his shameful legacy a fenrisian whose legacy would be losing the spear and this exile but hagar told him he was wrong ragnar was special he had touched the spear of russ its power had aided him with magnus he had been sent here because the great wolf trusted him even tauren and hagar could see his potential words ragnar did not believe but needed to hear surviving within the rotten depths of terror ragnar and his fellow wolf blaze survived and made it back towards natural light the thought burning in their mind that someone had betrayed them reunited with lady gabriella in the belisarius's palace the two shared what they had learnt and spoke about life on terror bonding over missing the simplicities and directness they had known on fenris but this was the quiet before the storm the lights inside the facility died and darkness fell upon them the wolf spirit inside ragnar began to rile itself up it could sense the uneasiness they were under attack keeping lady gabriella by his side and his brothers with the ruling seller stark ragnar evacuated down into the innermost sanctums of house belisarius's vaults but the sights inside horrified him monsters twisted abominations lie within if you gaze long enough into the abyss the abyss will gaze back the cost of peering into the warp with their third eye twisted the navigators into creatures of nightmare the visuals the aliens sent it horrified ragnar his friend lady gabriella could sense it but what right did he have to judge did his chapter not also hide monsters their wolfen the palace was under siege a force of militant purists clearly with a benefactor had been set loose and were wrecking havoc but it was all too messy for ragnar it had to be a diversion and his instincts were proven true as fighting within a last stand cleaving the zealots apart he saw it a figure that moved the speed and grace that was beyond human beyond even an astarte an imperial assassin digging into the deepest parts of his soul ragnar fought with everything he had barely holding on as his wounds mounted the assassin had leaped through their lines his friend hagar had been poisoned the house guard was swarmed by militants and the celeste stark and gabriella were moments away from death with his chain blade broken his body beginning to fail ragnar made one last gambit using his bare hands he grabbed the squirming embodiment of death the wolf spirit took over and ragnar used his bare fangs gorging on the victim until nothing moved over a decade passed for ragnar recovering from his wounds with his friends tauren the mighty hagar and lady gabriella by his side he was rewarded for his astounding efforts and a victory over the assassination plot orchestrated by cesare ferracci a gleaming sharp relic weapon was gifted to ragnar frost fang a deadly chain blade whose value and craftsmanship were irreplaceable but most importantly was ragnar's inner victory his loneliness had gone his sense of being exiled had vanished under the brotherhood of the wolf blades and in performing his duty on a level that rippled throughout the imperium the time within the brotherhood on terror began to pass for the young wolf a duty rife with the dedication and mindset that ruthless politics demanded ragnar and his fellow wolf blades even found themselves embroiled in a dark angel's plot to capture and kill one of the elusive fallen though the dark angels were the wolves greatest rivals ragnar had kept his word and promised to hold their secrets it was a conflict that pointed to a name that haunted ragnar maddox it seems the chaos sorcerer was too stubborn to die with the discovery of his dark rival's involvement the wolf blades were summoned back to fenris ragnar returning for the first time in decades the time for ragnar to enjoy the sensation of home would be short as immediately the horrifying news came to him lord beric was on the edge of death and their enemy had the spear of russ in the great hall in the fang all of them sensed it immediately smelling ragnar's apocalyptic fury with the great wolf commanding him to control himself ragnar was angry angry at the sacrilege but also at himself his actions really did have the consequences that he feared fragnar swore an oath before all and he would return the spear or die trying it was his mistake to fix it was his shame to erase it was his honor to reclaim joining the room priest sigurd and his blood claws ragnar tauren and hagar cut an isolated figure amongst their brothers stared at like they had been on terror outsiders but the cutting remarks and the young rune priest ziggered surprise ragnar as did his unseemingly unmeasured aggressive responses something was happening to him his rage seemed uncontrollable with tauren hagar sigurd and lady gabriella by his side the strikeforce made their way to the world of charis a frozen hell escape that seems to give them all an unsettling feeling making planetfall and engaging all kinds of abominations and cultists ragnar found their accursed enemy once more the thousand suns the group were wounded fighting with everything they had as a group of chaos raptors descended upon them but their sickly roars were matched by a distant howl men in baroque gray armor with manes of fur dripped over them unleash themselves from the shadows slaughtering the corrupted filth piercing yellow eyes stared at ragnar he knew them well he had seen that look on kiel during his initiation into the chapter a wolfen the 13th great company space wars lost during the time of the horus heresy men who had walked beside russ and the all-father wolves were succumbed to the curse but had fought in the realm between realms from millennia ragnar couldn't believe it accompanying the legends to their camp the wolves of the 40th millennium crumbled to their knees that bestial instinct that ragnar had fought down long ago re-emerged his heart began to race his fury was overwhelming his desire to kill roared through his mind his brothers around him tauren hagar and sigurd were fighting this inner demon too but for the other accompanying blood sharp fangs razor claws and fur sprouted all were horrified at what was happening the accursed maddox was using the spear of russ as a conduit for a ritual awakening the wolf and curse within them ragnar's eyes changed the piercing yellow shone out to his friends each of them reflecting it back only four had kept their sanity and form but it was a losing battle reunited with their brothers ten thousand years from the past ragnar spoke to the thirteenth lost company they spoke of lehman russ the man they spoke of his rough manner an imperative heart of his wild oaths and petty rivalries of his melancholic nature and his merciless rage and in turn ragnar spoke of the imperium and the legion but what captured the thirteenth company's hearts was fenris he spoke of the azahaim peaks the great seas the fang seeing in their faces hope and melancholy he spoke of home connecting with his brothers kept the rising beast down and as long as ragnar lived he would never forget this moment even when the prideful hagar shared his treasured ale with them letting themselves be a distraction for their ancient enemies the 13th company bid their brothers farewell ragnar tauren hagar lady gabriella sigurd and the barely sane wolf and blood claws set out for maddox ragnar would end this he would avenge lord barack he would overcome the wolf and curse rising within he would abolish the shame he had carried for decades and he would kill maddox you look awful he said breathlessly ragnar tried to grin so i am told he said he rested his hand on hagar's breastplate amazed at the burly wolf hadn't already sunk into the red dream save your strength he said looking down to where sigurd knelt with tauren besides gabriella's prone form i'll get the wolf priest are you are you saying that the mighty hagar is lacking in strength the wolf blade smiled weakly i should thrash you for that the young spaceball fought a terrible ache in his chest that had nothing to do with his wounds get up and try then tauren will take bets i'm sure hagar's grin faded some other time perhaps he said softly is gabriela safe ragnar glanced down at the navigator and tried to sound dismissive corin's with her he said she's resting i think that's good the wolf blade said his voice growing faint tell her i'm sorry i didn't want to leave her she knows higa ragnar said his heart heavy with grief she knows the wolf blade's eyes grew unfocused he blinked once more and smiled don't take too long getting to the halls of ross he said almost too faintly to hear or i'll have drunk all the good ale before you get there he tried to laugh but the breath escaped in a gentle sigh and the mighty warrior grew still ragnar reached down and clasped his friend's broad hand in farewell as he did he saw the black gleam of hagar's ailhorn lying on the steps beside him maddox's hellblade had severed his carrying strap but the vessel itself looked unharmed the young spacewolf picked it up and tied it to his belt as he stood and made his way down the steps a tremor shook the chaos temple shifting the stones beneath the young space wolves feet he slipped on something slick and realized numbly that there was blood on his boots before the terrible ache in his heart he could feel nothing from his waist to his neck using the spear as a walking stick he made his way to gabriella's side sugared was bent over the injured navigator pressing her bandage to the wound in her abdomen torrent looked up as the young space wolf approached his eyes were dark again and his expression was bleak as he clutched the navigator's hand in his own as terrible as hagar's death had been the sight of the wounded navigator was more terrible still he touched cigarette on the arm how is she the young wolf priest shook his head my engines and salves are made for space wolves not people he said he caught sight of the wound in ragnar's chest and his eyes widened your wound is bleeding he said his voice taunt with concern sit down and let me see to it it's nothing the young space wolf replied save your energy for lady gabriel sigurd started to protest but saw the look in ragnar's eyes and thought better of it he nodded his head in the direction of the steps what the vehicle ragnar shook his head tears stung at the corner of his eyes and he couldn't bring himself to speak sigurd nodded gravely and rose to his feet he had one last duty to perform for the burly wolf blade though he had fallen in battle his jean seat would need to be returned to the fang for implementation in a new initiate drawing a short curved dagger from his belt the priest made his way to the fallen warrior tauren looked up at ragnar what now he asked it sounds like the whole world is coming apart it is the young space wolf said bleakly gazing down at gabriella's form her eyes were closed as though she was sleeping the bandage over her chest was already staining red gently he reached down and touched her cheek forgive me my lady was all he could manage to say both i must know a way off the planet tauren said they got here somehow after all no doubt ragdoll agreed barrack surveyed the ruins chamber one last time let's go he told his men there's nothing left to see here but as the wolf lord turned away sven's eyes widened and he pointed back at the dice you may want to take another look my lord the wolf lord glanced back a white haze was taking shape where the governor's throne had once stood it thickened like mist and he could see vague figures moving within there was a clatter of bolters and a hum of power converters as the long fangs rushed forward weapons at the ready beric held out his hand hold your fire he said his nose caught a faint familiar scent the figures grew more distinct as though they were approaching from a great distance ragnar sven shouted the young spacewolf appeared first the spear of russ held upright in his hand torrent the wayfarer followed with the lymph body of a navigator in his arms bringing up the rear was a young space wolf priest with eyes far older than his meager years a vague towering figure stood beyond the limping battered wolves beric sturridge the silhouette and despite the golf that lay between them he knew he was looking at one of his kin the warrior raised a mighty axe in salute and then vanished in the haze in moments the strange fog was gone ragnar approached the astonished wolflord his face pale as alabaster blood dripped onto the stones with every step he took he sank slowly to his knees before beric and with both hands he offered up russ's spear we have won back our honor my lord the young space wolf said the spear of ross is ours once more my sight is a gift i cherish it allows me to read the wisdom of the wise but should i lose my sight i will still be able to hear compositions of great masters and the voice of the wise if i should lose my hearing i will still be able to tune into universal intelligence to understand the source of the wisdom of the wise when the day comes that i lose my heart that will be my greatest gift of all for then i will be back home in the arms of the spirit i have embraced all my life the spear of russ had been returned ragnar had redeemed himself the cost of his journey had been high in the gambit to reclaim the spear i stopped the vile sorcery of maddox ragnar again had almost died his friend lady gabriella has sustained injuries that would be with her forever and his friend the boisterous and proud mighty hagar had been slain by maddox another brother who had sacrificed himself to buy time allowing ragnar to ram the spear into his most hated rival maddox ragnar returns to his chapter bidding farewell to tauren and gabriella placing the spear of russ back at the temple on garm he placed hagar's drinking horn upon the shrine gazing at the surrounding muriel depicting sergeant hakkon as a mere great hunter to tune into universal intelligence to understand the source of the wisdom of the wise wisdom is earned through the collection of experience whether we try or not a universal truth with ragnar reinstated and lord beric recovered from his wounds the young wolf joined his company once more ascending the ranks at frightening speed shortly after he single-handedly slew the orc warlord borzak khan in close combat ragnar ascended to the rank of veteran wolfgard but his meteoric rise was not faultless in a joint campaign with the dark angels ragnar made a mistake in the sacred tradition that hearkened back to the great crusade the wolves and the angels would field champions wherever they met recreating the jewel of lehman russ and lionel johnson ragnar and the dark angels champion began to doom it was the first blood but the young wolf lost control the cut across his cheek riled his inner wolf spirit and he retaliated cleaving frostfang at his fellow astarte cutting the champion's head off immediately he knew he had heard the two chapters drew their blades on the edge of open wall but one figure stepped forward sorry l sorry l of the dark angels knowing that it meant his death he challenged ragnar to duly him to law to the death it was a matter of honor and redemption sorial knew that open warfare would cost them both and that by challenging ragnar he could sacrifice himself to end the matter once and for all to settle the dishonor back aboard their flagship the wolves were divided the young black laws and greyhounders cheering at the victory of their lord but the older wiser wolves chastising him where was the honorable ragnar who had fought on dozens of worlds putting his life in danger for others where was the measured ragnar whose cunning had helped him excel as a wolf blade the spacewolf nalfia razor tongue was particularly vicious dressing down this upstart youth who had clearly been promoted beyond his talent though the young wolf accepted the jew the wolves were attacked ragnar voxing over their situation and his apologies to sorrielle promising he would honor his word one day the dishonor clung to ragnar he couldn't believe he made such a careless mistake so many like ranek hakkon beric and hagar had believed in him because he used his head he was a thinker and in his rage he had acted like an uncontrolled initiate still wrestling with the wolf spirit reuniting with lord beric ragnar joined his lord's counsel after being scolded a situation had arisen the wreckage of an astarte ship had been found by the wolves discovering the heraldry of the chapter the wolves snarled in disgust the flesh terrorists a long history of hostility and hatred existed between the two they were bloodthirsty dishonorable murderers astartes who attacked the innocent unredeemable the two servants of the emperor hated each other both responsible for slides and betrayals of each other both dishonoring each other's dead the council debated what to do with the floating wreckage some like now fear razor tongue decried that they should take it add it to the arsenal of the wolves some wanted to abandon it but ragnar with naffy a razor tongue glaring daggers at him suggested they return it the thought let alone the vocalization of it was unthinkable it was suicide and what reason did they have to aid such vile warriors but ragnar did not back down he defined the confines of his fenrisian culture there was a bigger picture to think about these blood feuds were nothing in the fate of the mounting enemies of the imperium they had to be better and put the past behind them prepare for the wars to come something he knew in his heart he fell far from achieving but experience grants us all wisdom lord beric agreed the wall would return the flesh terror ship and it would be ragnar and alfie a razor tongue who would do it the two hated each other but now their fate would be tied together cretaceous a world teeming with violent cold-blooded reptiles poisonous flora and fauna lifeless desert and treacherous swamps home to the most brutal bloodthirsty chapter in the imperium the flesh terrorists ragnar and nalphia awoke in chains they had been interrogated for weeks no spacewars would come here not least to return a flesh terror's vessel or speak of healing the old wombs and feuds the dark angels were in many ways the opposite of the wolves boisterous where measured inflexible where free spirited but the flesh terrors were like a mirror both concealing a darkness within the blood ragnar always having to keep in check the wolf and curse and his flesh terror counterpart vorain keeping in check the black rage of sanguineus many had called the wolves of fenerous brutes just as the flesh terrors had been called savages ragnar since his shameful jewel had begun to evaluate to use his experience he had to think more like a leader just how sergeant hackon had told him long ago to recognize the fault in himself his anger and to recognize the fault in those he looked up to to lord beric a great man brave and a true fenrissian but one who represented the old ways of thinking always seeking a glorious death perhaps there was a new way there had to be the future could not be this endless cycle met with contempt and hatred ragnar and nelfea were given their sentence exile they were cast out to the wilds this poisonous world would claim them eventually it would be with sergeant vorrain that ragnar's word struck true mulling over the space wolf's words for weeks he found the common ground decrying to his brothers tradition is nothing but the wisdom of the past a valuable guide but it is not law we shouldn't live by its every twist and turns the past is rife with error and ignominy it takes strength to put your hatred aside to forgive people who have caused you so much pain do you have that strength sergeant faring defied his brothers and set out to rescue his fellow astartes for weeks ragnar and nalphia ray's tongue survived the horrifying conditions of cretaceous all manners of nightmare creatures attempted to rip them apart and swallow them whole but coming from an equally deadly world the two had survived longer than any thought possible after weeks of tracking sergeant ferrain found them their armor was rent their skin was pale now fear supported an enormous bite mark on his leg a wound so poisonous that even an astartes enhanced biology couldn't keep up they had been found but it became clear to them that nalfia's wound was fatal the hallucinating and sickly now fear confessed to ragnar that his vitriol was not of his own desire lord beric had tasked him to do it the revelation shocked ragnar why it was because ragnar needed to be pushed baited over his prize and ambitions and most importantly his anger ragnar carried the weight of the will of those who had died for him brothers and friends had given their lives to protect him because ragnar had the potential to surpass them all barrack did this because he believed in him he could be their greatest champion if he was nurtured tested distilled instantly ragnar's perception of the brother who he had hated changed ragnar let his dying brother go as a massive draconic beast approached their position for rain chased after the wounded wolf but ragnar stopped him not one to deny a fenrissian the chance at a good death ragnar returned to fenris now fears coughing in tone a life led worthy of the sagas and a new cemented mindset stepping out from ragnar's shadow sergeant for rain breathed the cold air of fenris walking into the den of wolves ready for peace the feud was over decades passed for the young wolf the combination of the ferocious combatant mixed with the knowledge of politics and the wisdom gained from overcoming his mistakes ragnar was perhaps the brightest star rising through the walls of fenris fighting side by side with lord beric as his wolf guard war zone after war zone he was there the space wolf who knew when to be the soldier the politician and the fenrisian as a leader he began to craft his own way of war favoring the use of drop potter's souls hitting hard and fast then retreating back to allied lines ragnar allowed his warriors the good death they craved but never put them in situations where it was pointless it was decades of brutal conflict and wars within the imperium when the terrible news came to him lord beric had been slain rage gripped ragnar but not the hot blooded sensation he had been a slave to before it was cold tempered anger that had the hallmarks of wisdom of past mistakes gathering the remnants of lord barrack's company ragnar led the host directly to the corrupted chaos champion and in a mind-numbingly brutal duel he slayed the traitor avenging his mentor the great company was leedless and when the time came there was only one clear choice even the veterans centuries old acquiesce to the man who they had seen prove himself a hundred times over as the youngest ever in the history of the chapter ragnar ascended wolf lord ragnar blackmane renaming the great company to the black mains the young king would lead his wolves across the various war zones in the imperium the xenos the mutant and the heretic all fell to the black mains and his frost fang even at the end of the 41st millennium ragnar led his company in the besieged world of cadia as abaddon's 13th black crusade roared out from the eye of terror it would be on this beleaguered world that ragnar would meet a face he had not seen in a long time and put to an end a dishonor he carried in his heart it's over sorial it is far from over this is a matter of due elem dolor y'all black mane yield or die those are the laws that bind us here it can only be over when one yields and offers his life to the other's blade or one dies in the duel itself then yield no yield in a spare your life never ragnar pressed the blade against his rival's throat leaning closer his breath steamed in the icy wind don't make me kill you not after four decades have passed since my sin you lost sorial it's finished surreal used his remaining hand to disengage the helmet seals and pull the helm free sweating as much as ragnar he stood bare-headed and stern in the cold mountain air then kill me for i do not yield to you lord of wolves ragnar could scarce believe what he was hearing sorial was meeting the wolves eyes now dark to pale a stare of stark nobility meeting a gaze of all too feral fury he kept his halfed arm held against his tabard the wound had already sealed by his enhanced physiology it was the old anger that ragnar felt now creeping over his skin like a rash settling into his skull like an infection he felt the staring eyes of his men upon him as well as the dark angels eyes and the witnessing gazes of hundreds of canadian soldiers watching the imperium's finest warriors on the verge of murdering each other instead of saving this vital world all of the fight had been bled from him leeching all of his strength with it adrenaline alone kept him on his feet there had to be a way out of this razor tongue would know the thought came unbidden true or not the bitter and long dead bard would also have mocked him mercilessly for getting into this position in the first place fragnar smiled a crooked and sly barred smile no he said and hurled the priceless frostfrang aside letting it sleep into the snow near sorel's powerless blade the dark angel's eyes flickered to the fallen weapons then rested on ragnar's once more no no ragnar repeated we stand at the edge of the imperium's end brothers at each other's throats russia's blood if a flesh terror played a part in saving my life after all the bloodshed between our chapters i'll willingly fight at your side without hatred can you truly not do the same now of all times when it matters most look at the sky sorial look at this world of flame we stand together now or we fall apart sorry l swallowed and said nothing for 40 years i've carried the guilt and shame of leaving this duel unfinished said ragnar we've finished it now at long last i've won it zario i choose how it ends and it ends with both of our blades in the snow not bathed in each other's blood yield you proud bastard tend to your wounds then fight by my side i have warriors to trap in the city help me find them cousin sorry i'll scanned the ranks of his dark armored brethren and then watched the growling snarling walls for the span of exactly nine heartbeats thinking dwelling deciding i yield he said at last there was a pause and we will stand with you to retake casabella the reaction was immediate the dark angel ranks drew their blades from the earth cleaning the snow from the steel and sheeting them at once their solemn presence melted away road warriors returning to their duties in ruthless order preparing for the next battle my brethren said sorial are not celebratory souls my brothers ah said ragnar a moment before the survivors of his great company howled the night sky long and loud when the shouting ceased sorial cleared his throat i must see if my apothecary can graft an augmented replacement to my arm before the next battle we will speak again before we leave wait ragnar offered his hand his left hand sorry l took it gripping it wrist to wrist as for rain had done upon greeting the wolf lord upon arrival earlier that day my thanks dark angel for your aid in the city duty sorry i'll replied with a brief smile it was the first sign of amusement ragnar had witnessed from the dark angel with that the captain walked away ragnar watched soriel's retreating back their composure never ceases to amaze me they're from cooler calmer blood than you and i admitted the flesh terror forty years ragnar murmured four decades of guilt washed clean in an instant he shook his head overwhelmed by the dark anger stoic madness yet shamelessly grateful for their part and his company's salvation you were lucky blackmane ragnar turned to varane for giving him the use of the tribal name you believe sir even an axeman can judge a fight between swordmaster's wolf you were lucky to weave beneath that sword that would have severed your head from your shoulders you won a jewel you should have lost you beat a foe who was only seconds from killing you i had him ragnar said perfectly sincere for rain laughed the sound rich and guttural your secret is safe with me blackmane he gestured to the mountain fortress to the grounded gunships to the tank crews with their vehicles to the rattle walking sentinels marching here and there to the dozens of flesh terrors space wolves and dark angels in hesitant alliance cautiously mixing ranks well safe with me and every soul who saw the only reason you dodged the killing blow was because you slipped on the ice ah you lie flesh terror you lie like a fireside storyteller at the speed you were fighting can anyone be sure what they saw i know what it looked like to me let's speak no more of it cousin sons of fenris now is the hour of blood now is the time to fight by the end of this day every warrior among you will have a new verse to add to your sagas in the name of russ and the all father kill them all wolf lord ragnar blackmane at just under a century of life the boy from the thunderfist tribe had changed so much in our own lives we evolve and learn to think about how different you were a decade ago but for ragnar that evolution had continued for nearly 100 years just as how he had looked at astartes such as ranek sergeant hakon and lord beric the young bloke laws look to the legend that leads their black main company the wolf lord walks across many battlefields flanked by his tooth and rising walls that he found injured in the frozen wastes on fenris shortly after his ascension to wolf lord not long after his promotion ragnar and the space wars found themselves confronted by a situation that would change the chapter forever the return of the 13th great company remnants had been found of these ancient brothers and they were of rush to the fang to await judgment their piercing yellow eyes fell over the warriors who had learned to fear the inner beast they were sane loyal sons of rus but they were also wolfen not like the feral creatures but still changed logan grimnar and his wolf lords debated over what to do but it would be ragnar who broke the deadlock decrying to his brothers that the members of the thirteenth spread across the stars should be recovered he sat beside the fire with them spoke of lehman russ the man with them he had seen their humanity the great companies were loosed upon the stars ragnar and his brothers were set out to save their brethren it was decades of an uneasy balance of fighting the enemies of the imperium and looking for their ancient brothers it was then the dire news came of abaddon's 13th black crusade it was a brutal conflict many of the wars under ragnar's command made their glorious end but again he did not waste their lives never giving up hope that they would fight their way to safety and the hundreds of wars that followed him inspired by his bravery reassured by his cunning jests and witty banter but all of the wolves and defenders of cadia's sacrifice had not been enough as the planet was cracked open destroyed by chaos an enormous warp rift tour across the galaxy spitting the imperium in two ragnar and his depleted company managed to evacuate off the planet piece of it cracking off as it was consumed in fire the wolves and the imperium were facing the most dangerous moment since the horus heresy but ragnar did not waver in a move that would never have been done by his mentor bearing he began to spread his company wide he understood that to the various worlds under assault it was important to see them the walls were a symbol of defiance a point in which humanity could rally behind ragnar and the black main company were stuck in a constant day-to-day struggle to keep the imperium from falling there was no rest for the young king as frostfang became slick with corrupted and alien blood after a near endless cycle of battle ragnar discovered a massive awkward that was rampaging across the sector gathering the black main great company together ragnar headed towards the foul xenos gaz called mag uruk thracker an enormous orc warboss had been cutting a path of slaughter leaving millions of dead in his wake descending to the world of krochna the wolves attacked both sides suffering heavy casualties as the battle raged on ragnar became separated from his pack finding himself trapped inside a cathedral an enormous silhouette emerged from the shadows gazco the first zenos ragnar had ever slain was an orc and if it was to be his last then so be it the duel began the ferocious barbarian versus the brutal xenos ragnar fought with everything he had a century of warfare behind each swing the two were wounded but evenly matched until gaskell grabbed ragnar with his enormous hydraulic claw and began to squeeze feeling his organs begin to compress his armor splitting ragnar with the last of his strength drew back frost fang and severed the beast's head stumbling out of the cathedral the young king raised the xenos severed head and howled in glory and then he collapsed to the ground ragnar just like hakon before him entered the red dream dying slowly the primitive boy who had learned so much who could have been so much more was about to have his name added to the glorious dead ready for the sagas to be sung holding their lord's broken body the black mane's found aid the indomita's crusade primarch robote gilleman son of the all father had returned with them came a new form of space marine the primaris tech priests under the toothless of the legendary belisarius corps offered to attempt to save ragnar his survival lay on crossing the rubicon primaris the battered body of ragnar again lay on that cold steel table he was cut open new organs were placed inside ragnar had carried the torch of many ranek kjell lars nils cara hakon sven hagar gabriella tauren nalphi eric and his black manes he was not ready to join the halls of russ because as long as he remained the galaxy would yet know hope ragnar blackmane emerged he had survived stronger faster and tougher than his brother wolves the young king has risen reinvigorated ready to challenge the enemies of the all father the soldier the politician the fenrisian and the wolf lord ragnar long live the black wolf of russ it matters not how high your walls soar it matters not how many will answer your call it matters not how keen your blade glimmers nor how bright burns your hearthfire the wolf waits the wolf waits in darkness for us all we are the wolf that stops the cold skies and swallows the starfire we are the hidden in the darkness when the light has gone our light is within us we run the ruin of fire in the darkness foes burn in our passing [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so uh [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Amber King
Views: 239,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, 40k, 40k Lore, Lore, Satire, The Amber King, Amber King, Amberking, horus heresy, Horus heresy, Chaos, 40k daemons, warhammer 40000, total war warhammer, Primarch, The emperor, siege of terra, 30k, Siege of terra, audiobook, Horror, Games Workshop, roboute guilliman, sleep, calm, amazon, weshammer, the infinite and the divine, cadia, collaboration, leman russ, space wolves, ragnar blackmane, squats, space marine 2, arch, darktide, wulfen, elden ring, tts, Thousand sons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 58sec (8578 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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