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the book of galatians chapter 5 from verse 19 he listed two set of qualities a human being can have he started in the first two verses 19 20 21 to list the qualities of a natural man what is called the human nature it's usually tied to the king james bible the works of the flesh are manifest you see things like envy you see things like lost you see things like you know anger you see all of those things when we read it we think it's only bad people that do those things what the bible is listening there is the human nature in a falling state i'm going to tell you guys something very important then from verse 22 he listed another set of qualities that a human being can have again he listed things like love patience joy you know kindness and all of that so we call it the fruit of the spirit when christ comes into a person he energizes when he recreates when he changes the man it gives him capacity to live this other higher life let me tell you what this simply means we as christians even though we have given our life to christ still have capacity to yield to that lower self and if we do we can exhibit all of those traits that are listed there but our calling is to function in that other higher self the one that reflects the nature and image of god anybody that exhibits those virtues listed there for love to kindness to joy to patience is every woman's dream man and it's every man's dream woman do you know any man that likes a grumpy woman that's why they put a virtue called joy there do you know any man that likes a nagging woman do you know any man that likes an impatient woman do you know any man that likes a wicked mean woman now but turn it the other way do you know any woman that likes all of those bad virtues in a man it's another listing i think they read that for you at the beginning first corinthians 13 virtues of love 14 virtues 14 listed in that chapter why is it that sometimes we switch to the negative parts and we are like that and we do things we say things that we regret after and sometimes we do it to people that we love sometimes we do it and hold people that love us why do we do that because of something called irrationalism or irrationality human beings have capacity to talk and act and not think and then after they sit down and think it through and they are sorry for what they have said there is something about the fallen man the falling human nature that sometimes push us to irrational behavior irrational actions actions that not only hurt people actions that hurt us at the end do you know what leads us to that emotionalism ladies and gentlemen i want all of you to listen we have emotion but we are not designed to be ruled by emotion it becomes even more serious when the emotion is negative emotion from resentment to envy to jealousy to strive to bitterness to anger whenever any of those things you find it rising up you don't talk don't act don't do anything go out wait till sound judgment has come back because what happened is that the moment emotion rises judgment exits the emotional emotion rises wisdom exits proverbs 24 from verse 4 said true wisdom a house is built with understanding is established if you can just keep yourself calm if you can function with rational mind all of the many bad things you have done i'm talking to everybody here you won't do it because it's not profitable look at out of emotion this man has killed his wife meet him one hour after he is so sorry of course you can even meet him five minutes after she is dead he is on top of that woman crying begging her to wake up why did he kill her emotion when emotion is high reason judgment exits emotion distorts reality it just makes you see what you want to see you see when emotion any of them any of those negative emotion is an operation you will just be seeing all the things you want to see because what emotion shows you is what you want to see if you are looking for reason to conclude that this man has been cheating all the signs will start showing up you know you would think that if you get the best man you will not be happy who can be better in exhibiting all of those good qualities than jesus people killed him do you know whenever killing him crucify him not just the pharisees not just the roman soldiers the people he he healed the people that started his crusades they shouted crucify him do you know why they did it under emotion if you let emotion run in your life you will mess up your destiny you will mess up your relationships you will mess up your career if you watch your career party will only be going like this i was watching something uh the end size protest happened and somebody from the entertainment industry made some speech he's gone into politics but he he was you know he made his speech those things he said you bring him five two hours after that he will be sorry but those words have gone out and he was attacking some of his colleagues that's not how he would have brought out those words those words were said under emotional arousal is this something that makes you jump into bed with somebody tomorrow you'll be wondering when emotion is high don't take a decision tell them give me some days if it's a business decision people have lost all the money they end over one excitement when emotion is high don't speak if you can just learn how to control that you guys will be so happy and the emotion is like weather it changes like this today is bright everybody is fine happy by evening is rainy weather it's that cloud some people are depressed some are feeling lonely some for example look at the emotion of loneliness is it really emotional but it can lead you to do some terrible things see some of these vows you took here just that emotion alone can make you mess it up sometimes you see some women do some things it's not because they are bad or i know they are bad people they are letting emotion run their lives rational people that are guided by wisdom and sound judgment also have emotion the difference is that they keep it under control there are times they are angry but instead of talking or whatever some of them will take a break and take a walk i don't know if you've ever experienced this you wake up one morning you're not feeling you're your best you're not feeling you know you're just feeling somehow kind of down just go and exercise and come back you find that you a different there is a body-mind connection sometimes it's chemicals in our body that is messing us up chemicals sometimes it's hormones like when women are menstruating or what sometimes you see them emotionally there the moon is a chemical hormones they're chemicals you just take a walk and get it you find out you are feeling different because another a fee good hormone has been released into your system so but you know that time you were feeling moody another you can just say some nice things to somebody and do act one and sometimes emotion rises it can be an emotion of hopelessness emotion of feeling lost you feel like your life is useless like you have not accomplished anything in life you forget all the good things at the moment you don't remember all the kind things you don't remember all the things that god did you don't remember all the things that other people have done in your life you can just tell them since i married you you are just elaborate my life have been have been useless i'm married the same person is emotion so you see a man that is emotion he is a messed up person god has emotion but he's not controlled by it and that's why he asks us to live like that we're not supposed to be walking by feelings we're supposed to walk by faith we're supposed to walk by judgment by we're supposed to be guided by wisdom by sound knowledge we're also supposed to be guided by the holy spirit now as i leave this subject that's one of the reason you need prayer whenever that thing gets out of go before god when you start communion with him there's something the presence of the holy spirit does it he raises it corrects your perspective and i'll start bringing back all the good times oh how nice william has and all of that and when you now realize you see how stupid you've been that's why we also need to hear his words we need that programming it renews our mind it flushes the negative thoughts the wrong talks out and it focuses your thinking that's why we need good music sometimes that's why we need you guys and entertainment in us because laughter sometimes helps to balance this thing that's why the ministry you've been given is not a joke it's not a joke it's so powerful that means that it can heal people laughter do it good like medicine and in a five minutes of negative emotion some somebody has taken his life people have committed suicide one of the key to managing it and controlling it is to study and understand yourself understand what the triggers are if there are certain people anytime they are around you you go off in the negative you need to start giving them a little gap if you notice that a certain people every time you finish being around you get home you are just lashing out at everybody your wife and all that you bring a negative energy back but it's not that you can't run away from the world you can't run away you always meet negative people but you need to give them space creating no space so you can breathe don't let such big ones in your inner and choking life out of you they will mess your life up because you see these negative emotions affects your perception of life see some people are so bitter they don't believe in love anymore watch what the triggers are and understand it because sometimes what happens is that we are punishing the wrong person for what another person did somebody broke my heart when i was in secondary school but now the beautiful handsome williams has come he's paying for what happened seven years ago you suspect his every move because of how that guy treated you understand what the triggers are somebody they used to talk down on you maybe he should tell you you will not amount to anything so now a small argument comes up in home maybe he says something you know he means well guess what that information will go and trigger all of those things that your subconscious has recorded and you become aggressive understand what the triggers are once you can note what they are you can begin to gain control because when they turn that switch on you turn it off and i hope you know that sometimes these triggers are human beings in our world in our space people bring their drama into your life and want to always keep you one more thing this is your field of calling you guys work a lot with the media instrument industry and all that and i see you guys love the paparazzi and social media and all that our advice you can take this one you can leave it i didn't i'm not quitting this from the bible this is just from experience that after your wedding please make your marriage and your family life a private affair take make your career a public affair you drink water it's on social media you do this it's on facebook you know there are sometimes people are strategic there are one or two things they do that helps the career if it's that type of strategic move yes but once you do it don't put your wife and your husband and your whatever on what is going what will start happening is that it will not be two people marrying it might be five thousand people running this marriage with you and sometimes what they finish contributing you come home you start suspecting the other you start when you finish you generally you go to market some things will show up somebody probably came out and just to give they will turn into another thing you will find people that you are dating that you have never met and all of this will be happening pressing on his emotion trying to trigger something there will be so many girls in his life that he has not even met some he doesn't know their name they can just even see oh just and that is it and today of course you don't even need to be close to snap you can snap in legos and i snap in america you bring the two together okay let's leave it because the day is first spent i said i will say one thing to the rest of us your industry leaders of your industry social media influencers comedians like ay like you know like banky w and many others did our country proud by championing a cost to save the life of our young people and to save nigeria it actually went down because i've had people coming from other places that that might be till today the most organized protests in the whole world i don't know of any other i'm sure there are a lot of other good ones people are supposed to be called to get awards for the way things happen there but that's not what is going on but it's not over i know that what the fought for will still be realized i'm very sure of that but after a trigger occurred another set of protests happened that led to destruction not only here but all over the country if you call some of those people now who killed people i said why did you kill this man they won't be able to explain was trigger emotion went high like people who took ebola people that would not normally steal saw more people running into people's shops looting and they joined them some people that were responsible you know that if their daughter or son were to come back i'm talking about parents you say i brought this home they we will rebook or even flock that child some such parents went because irrationality is a form of madness nobody is thinking reacting to that shooting a lot of other things happened i am the convener of the national youth uh project for nigeria we've done this for close to who knows 12 years i guess or something we've not yet seen the dream we had for nigeria when we started that project but we have tried our best but what happened in lagos taught me another lesson enough became obvious that there are two classes of the nigerian youths pharaoh had a dream and joseph got interpretation for that dream and when he got there to the palace this is what he told the government he said you saw seven fat cows well nourished he said the meaning is there will be seven years of plenty and prosperity in the land of egypt he said but right after that you saw seven very lean cows very emotionated cows he said what it means is that there will be seven years of farming following the seven years of plaintiff then joseph said when those seven years of famine show up it will wipe out the effect of the seven years of plaintiff that's exactly what happened in lagos the good job that was done by the end size protester the good work when disorder lean cows began to manifest another set of youths they destroyed the effect and all the good things that was achieved so we have two sets of nigerian youth the fat cows and the lynn cows the fat cows our big brothers here leading entertainment industry our dvds our air whites our bankies our williams and the rest of them our own towns and peace squares the fat cow are the young professionals leading different industries the fat cows are nigerian youths in diaspora in texas alone well i think we have over 25 000 doctors in u.s alone we have them in different fields all over the world the fat cows are some of our young people that are even active in the fat cows are the prosperous young nigerian youths amazingly they are just about 25 percent of the population but now we have the ling cows many of them did not go to school so my area boys and these boys are following no matter what they are told they are full of because there is nothing to do with their life you can't see the ones who have responsible like following that listening to that you go to south south you see them in militants and all kinds of things you go to the north you see the imagine you see them being recruited by boko haram and all that you come here the area boys they're everywhere that time bomb has been here ticking that thing that happened just created the opportunities like now you just ignited matches and threw into full you know some people wanted to give it ethnic and tribal correlation that is just telling ourselves a big fat lie there has been a problem that has been before us here is the conclusion why i'm here giving you this parable joseph a young guy jewish boy that was in prison who has suffered and god gave him the understanding of what this thing means and here he's in the palace trying to consult for the government to give the government the solution the way forward to save egypt because if they don't do the right and when this seventh lean cows start which are seven years of plenty the economy of egypt will be destroyed this is what he told pharaoh he said the solution for the lean cows are the fat cows pharaoh says said how he said during the seven years of plenty save one-fifth of all the produce all the prosperity and then use it to invest on during to save to save lives to invest during the seven years of famine let me tell you what it means all of that 25 percent young nigerians that are doing where they've gotten education and all of you that have gone to university you are part of the fat cow our educational system is like a funnel at primary school everybody can enter secondary school it reduces you get to universities like the eye of a needle that section so the few that got that you are part of the people that will now go and solve problems for the multitudes that never got the opportunity don't come out of university and tell me that there is no job create it get some other people to work for you so what did they recommend five percent that is double of ties so let me recommend as a modern day joseph ten percent save ten percent of all your incomes use it don't eat everything you earn use it to invest in other young people that out there if all of us can do this all over the country it becomes a national movement let's leave government out let's leave all these people out in a few years who have wiped out unemployment who have created a job i see some people that have done it i see you and why when you do you have created a number of airways i see people like where is our brother one of the hottest comedians i see some of these guys that have come out from you and air white create 12 a y's a p square 12 piece squares bank two of course you've done i see whiskey now what 12 bankies williams 12 williams pastor david 12 pastor davis let nobody live eat and die alone let us start doing something all over the place all of these bank executives corporate award executives stop riding around because you see that time bomb that is cooking it's not over here to resolve that problem you see what happened to the abbas palace they thought they were saudi people they wouldn't sell his people the woman that is the mother of lagos came out on tv to speak he said let's not blame anybody that the problem he said there are three year olds in front of that palace that lagos island he said these kids are all over the place they are not going to school three years old they said they give back to them they are there they start practicing area boys street kids they grow up he said every time for the past 10 years she has been trying to communicate this is a legation this is the i think she's the number one person in terms of women leadership i'm trying to remember the name they call she gave the interview this one is you can go on google it it's on youtube he said the problem has been there he said sometimes she will get some food get some money and go and share she knew that there was trouble he said you look on the other side of that island you have equity with all the world you look on the other side you have leki you come here people are living in abject poverty and swallow in all these rich estates that are coming up but you forget that there are places like a quarter here equal that is a jiggly in lake one time there was rainfall and i wore jeans took a group of guys to go in there to see for myself people's houses rain beds mattress everything is floating we did the little fat cows include all these pastors all over nigeria fat cows including all these christians that are hiding in church ten percent and you can every year you put that together if you know what you can do some of us have capacity to change your whole street someone force a whole neighborhood some of us just the life of two people three people remove them from poverty and madam one of the reasons i brought this up is that your husband has been modeling this kind of like please if you love africa if you love nigeria and if you love yourself don't stop people women are very powerful there is another part of the advice that was for pharaoh seventy percent of this problem will be solved by the fat cows just about 25 to 30 percent is for government i know that we are protesting thinking that government will solve all the problems is a joke but there are things that needs to be corrected in our politics in the laws of the la and a lot of other things electoral system and so on and so forth but when we start grooming these linked cows then we can remove them from the hand of these politicians that armed them against the responsible young people and then we can re-educate them and get them to join us to elect the right people in future if we don't empower them and start touching their lives when election comes they will join this other ones oppressors to keep sustaining the system because that 25 percent will not be able to win the election that means you
Channel: Dominion City
Views: 9,140
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Keywords: dominion city, pastor david ogbueli, david ogbueli, david ogbueli messages, david ogbueli 2020, breaking altars and covenants, evil altars, spiritual warfare, demonic altars, emeka nwankpa, david ogbueli prayer, rev david ogbueli, rev david ogbueli messages, ncf, pastor david ogbueli preachings, prophecy, prophetic, prophetic ministry, new covenant family, priesthood, golden heart foundation, david ogbueli messages 2020, pastor david ogbueli 2020, pcj, pastor nobs, rev dubus
Id: e2sBMd0XOs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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