How To Be Successful As A Young Person | Pastor David Ogbueli | Dominion City

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because something is gonna come up on you see they have five success factors change that you stay okay let me give you something first a you want to be successful five and then I'll give you another five and our stop number one everybody knows knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge you have deficient said they have bridge the gap bridge the gap do the needful even God has refused to bless ignorance in herself for verse six that my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge but if you now reject knowledge I reject you from being a priest I can use you God does not bless ignorance solve that problem that's what trainings like this and other trainings that are value-added Adam can do for you and then of course reading and a couple of other things number two is character character character integrity integrity integrity knowledge is very important in the social success equation of character this is really important let me just go number three people people relationships networks view your social capital for example 2,000 people here you can because Civitas are sitting here the advantage you have now is that you know them before they get to the house governors are sitting here and for some of you your husband is sitting here and she might not yet know that you had a wife and she you might not yet know that you the man is your husband you are busy talking to God and God knows be nice to everybody I'm just coming to conferences ladies only to gain knowledge from India to gain new social networks coming here to expand your influence okay make sure you make at least five new friends before Olivia okay number four the supernatural advantage churches you know like to stay on that one ignoring the other three that's what is causing the frustration the supernatural advantage even need discipline ature oh you do need it if it's not important why are the people ruling you joining our course if not why are world leaders members of the Illuminati and on different on the world organizations if it's not about why the Hollywood entertainment industry I don't need to tell you now politics is decided by it business is decided by it ministry is decided by every aspect of society is controlled by it so if you don't connect with the ultimate power that made the universe that makes all the other powers bow you are going to have to be forced to connect with smaller powers and become a slave of fallen powers and just away picked out of God's royal service you start fooling rebel soldiers you become an outlaw in the rebel spirit connect to the benevolent one that made you that loves you that made the universe don't just know him casually don't just know him from a distance after all you know your president there's a president for this one you know him from a distance you see him on TV how many contract has not brought you how has that added to your personal network but you have people that know him closely those ones enjoying the dividends the Bible said he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him so those four factors that changes or the equations I wanna I no idea how what did spend a lot of time that knowledge knowledge go for and just generally to specialized knowledge especially professional skills okay when you have the four is one Morton that is extremely important when God made human beings he gave us a responsibility to have dominion over the earth its environment environment environment bring two pieces of cone from one stock put one on this fine rock put the other one in the Sun come back fuels after the one in this soil has unlocked his potential the one here remains the same actually if you can protect it for right because right to it it very soon and other things but if you can protect it for rats come five thousand years after it remains the same not he has change that original one who have given birth to children grandchildren great-grandchildren that one call who have done in five years who have turned two hundred billion pieces of corn the reason is that you know if you understand how this so inner reaping happened I just visited their farm and nasarah was dead before coming here see harvest is no more plant and rip once in a year they're what we learned every six weeks to eight weeks the complete one cycle bring the harvest go and that grow in everything almost everything that ShopRite needs they are growing specific harvest for the market make sure makes its final breath we're gonna partner with us Israeli companies that came to do that but he say Niger and I brought them and now they have set up the place trained Nigerians for them and I run in the place I want with him trees but he has gone ahead to translate what we'll saw him Israel into reality he imagined their gravity they grow grapes all these grapes you are bringing from South Africa Apple everything they have disciplined this soil turning to an environment suitable for those things I said I cannot grow in Nigeria you grow the vegetables that surprised me they grow rice grow me let grow it they found an export market and a GRU incident is for them they found certain things government wanted growing things like rice unquote to meet Darwin and then they went to shop I found what they needed I said stop bringing from South Africa where supply is cheaper for you here don't need to pay import duties fly so that's supplying them everything I went into the weather grim meets their growing chicken that growing eggs that Dre I wanted to just the portrait like this beauty where we honor they were able to get like five beauties out of this four eggs for portrait fight out of this one beauty and then one building twenty five thousand bits multiplied by five you know what shocked me is that 70% of the things we saw growing there were no grain on soil the create your own soul why did I tell the story about environment about environment about environment you are to dominate your environment one is to find the right environment where your potentials can be harnessed don't say I must die my mother's Church why don't you attend your village school where your mother attended trying a church not not chose your potential attend trainings and schools that will not show your potential work in companies and in fact you can even choose a company that painless one offers you 70,000 and this one offers you 40 but that place where they pay you 40 we expose you to certain things that will grow you and prepare you for your next level and you choose to go there because you actually receiving surelly to attend school after history goes away pay school fees it's not practical school of apprenticeship the doctors do it the lawyers do it they go walking some of us some of these chambers try a while they'll just get up and open a chamber you have studied law but you have not studied people management's and when you open it you buy you have whatever you working for you hired an lawyers but you don't know how to manage them so you want to start a business what you want to work in this B company does who helped you understand how to Bureau can ization of managed one hello now this is how these are some of the wisdom for controlling and disciplining your environment because sometimes environment is environment is hostile it's not what you want it to be the money you need is not in the soil so what do you do you guys are now young people you're adults now if you commit a crime now you are qualified to go to jail so at this age now God will hold you accountable for your life yeah certain decisions now you can now make for yourself all of you here now I only know to become somebody's mother or father or mother one of the ways you deal with environment when is not it dominate environment is by creating an alternative system stop complain about what is not working and start learning how to create alternative systems talk for another day the hospitals are not good either you train and go in and fix it or dude we don't have enough bosses when work closes everywhere human traffic in a way they are waiting for and there are lines waiting for transport opportunity not statue one transport business all the problems you are complaining about opportunities so sometimes environments don't give us what we want that's why we treats the soil add the extra phosphate add man you add those things to make the environment what we wanted to be easy or weather is hot it's also raining in over today particular but I didn't see any rain falling on you now you know why you see how a create a roof here you see how they put a condition here we had now it's a sizing dominion over the environment outside is that what I see displays bright are you able to see and read you know why we are sizing dominion over environment you see this place is a system curved out out of the over environment so if away has certain characteristics some of them are not conducive for your growth have out your own environment design it the way you want to be able to supply you what you need can I hear an amen to that for example choose your friends this is one of the ways to control the environment the relationship you borrow is not by force now choose then carefully find shadrach meshach and abednego people that are going somewhere like you people of value like you meeting your friends and you find out that you can be inside Babylon but Babylonians would affect in you so when they say Fred pastors or their own self that's going on in these last days but I'm living in the last days I'm living a Christian life and fast a Christian not a preacher I wear many hats well my number one is I'm a Christian you're looking for somebody who believes in Jesus who obeys his teaching find me guilty but how I created my environment I am put myself where the corruption in the world and in the system cannot affect me so that can be the shot and meant to be so anytime I show up in the system and adding salt and bringing value I'm bringing value the kind of friends I keep all people of values you can do misbehave in our team you can't because this we hold each other we have covenant of accountability among yourself to hold ourselves to very high standards you can't know I lived in a corrupt age and he made it the rupture if that's true today symbolical he was decided everybody died in the water just because a generation is drowning don't know me you should drown everybody's doing here know everybody's not doing it my friends there are godly men or women in this age Oh meeting them as I go Elijah thought he was the God said no my friend I have seven thousand men to have no kiss bound xeno from their head they told him pick your successor his name is Elijah it's even a former businessman flowing with 12 years go put mantle on him that's one of the people that have not compromised it's going to replace you okay okay okay so in business understanding environment matters because there are lot of things in environments just like you can have the menus you need to grow your business you can also have other factors that are so environmental scan and understanding environment is very important then understand how to dominate the environments or rise above for those of you that god we use in these last days if you're gonna change a city if you really change a generation you must rise above it you must not be caught up in his webs and the corruption that I need you must do what like what Daniel did Daniel proposing is that I think Daniel want it he will not defy himself with all of this mess going on in Babylon and then you create a system around you to support your values to protect those values for example you cannot make a value to be living godly and wholly sexually pure and be moving around with people that I amoral because evil communications corrupt good morrow if you make one of your values is to up achieve academic excellence you want to be among the best students at your school produce find the best tree in your class join their group after you befriend them there's something that will happen to you after what followed them to read follow them for prayer for them did you understand because they saw sets by association so how many success factors did I give you so you see knowledge knowledge knowledge character character character relationships relationships relationships social capital then I talked about the supernatural advantage is a leverage say leverage where you bring it and then the power of environment and knowing how to navigate it I want to start a business and they are existing laws and regulations creating problems you have to understand that you don't just join and no ok ok ok ok let me give you the other five things I promise and then I'll be out the five levels of career growth or development five levels let me see how much time I have one of what I will be able to show you the five levels level one mean what if I said this I want to say in D especially for those of you from the south is Nigeria if you get these three things right you would do well you will succeed what I was talking about yesterday as a prosperity say Trinity at the personal level the Trinity is defined by Todd George - beloved I wish above all things that you prosper that's finance and be in health that's physical even as your soul prospers so this is the Trinity they drew them Apostle John did that he said the soul is the starting point if you develop yourself also keep your body held because this will produce a healthy body those the other taught an element of the triangle we Nam with what you do and the outcome of that your career vocation to create an even financial prosperity but he said all the other two it depends on how your soul prospers see if you go in would you see your spirit may you see your internet that you see your emotion you also see a wind on the societal level prosperity is also a triangle is individual prosperity corporate organization of prosperity and a public prospect that societal prosperity underneath to balance but just like the one that john proposed society will prosper to the degree the human capital is developed organizations to will prosper to the degree they grow their human resources so if you develop yourself you cannot be an asset to the organization where you work or the one you found it and then you can be an asset to your country community so you come to the human capital development the blueprint god left for us in Genesis 1 to decision you developed the image of God in a way you developed the likeness then you develop Dominion and this is what it means in literacy develop his spiritual moral capital and you can see that is the residence of religion that's where the church does not have competition God no government can shape their heart they can make laws but they cannot register from pepper to the human soul but when God said I write my laws in their heart I write it them I do only institution that they authorized with the ability to do this is the church so you see they can make other laws have security men everywhere but they can't really do the fundamentally require to change the society the teachers can't the hospitals can't the breezes can't as a matter fact when they sin slow criminals to prison they come out my charge criminals because the most senior worldwide was one corrupt that one so every area where human affairs spread the chart was get involved because there is a fundamental somebody said we don't need religion we don't need Jesus we don't need all that what we need is to grow our Simmons mae Jemison channel all the stretches little shut down little focus on growing our economy turn all the churches for maybe schools turn them to farms so that we can grow our economy you are not the first to propound that theory that is the theory on which communism was butan that's kind of master it's just advance economic growth everybody will be fine in the society you are joking what you have forgotten is that the fundamental thing that makes society good or bad is not the bad roads the good roads is the quality of human beings that live there who kidnap people in Nigeria our flyovers the hospitals who robbed people in Nigeria the electric poles who poisoned people who to America who steal our money so you see National Development is primarily two things one is human capital development your death is now infrastructure or development dominating the environment and developing it you know what most people think is if your take care of those things everything will be fine the greatest joke of the century the first thing to take care of in nation building is still mapping and when you get to taking care of the human being they same place where government schools and others can begin they begin with the mind so but none of them can shift the hats the hats of the human problem is the problem of the human heart if is resident in the home a lot that's where God gave the charge and mandates the spiritual and moral formation from the image of God in people make everybody like God make them compassionate make them people of integrity make them kind make them generals make them tolerant make them humble see government cannot legislate from humility they wanted what they calculated this is what some of issue make your lifetime vocation why some are treating the body doctors orders are taking care of cases lawyers orders are treating our cars make engineers you know some of you should be treating human beings okay after all the other ones have done their job and the price principle job is not done we're in a big problem as a nation that's why we are here so the first is the image the image the image the image and if it's done right that's why today's church is losing its mission they don't understand what it is anymore and how to do it many platforms have gone off but that assignment is the greatest assignment the greatest vocation in every social setting to join God in the making of human beings then right after that is to make them in our likeness this is now will first one is spiritual formation moral formation prove this good people trustworthy people reliable people the second one now the lightness is to produce intelligent skilled and capable people that's where education comes in its intellectual emotional and professional development that's part of why you will notice that here we don't just come here to tell you only of spiritual things and all moral things but that's also why we bring in some sessions to take care of that so you can create people that are competent who can get the job done who can solve problems who can deliver results yesterday in the rally I asked the question which one is more important to have a very good man but he cannot do the job you see literate is incompetence oh he's good you don't see you money he's very honest he's very kind when he can't do the job ah to get a very competent person very intelligent well-trained well-educated but extremely corrupt and evil the second one is the description of Lucifer cedam it's not a food is a very intelligent person I said it was even wiser than other creatures that God made but he was he is evil today it wasn't even when he was made but he became corrupt and now he is the greatest problem because we have a shrewd criminal we have an intelligent criminal we have a skilful criminal loose in the society and being a spirit mean police can't arrest him FBI can track him SAS can catch him guns don't kill him and he's wreaking havoc everywhere and recruiting young people everywhere and because he's very intelligent he knows what people want he uses it sex women power money and this is Noren millions of young people destroying them which one is better God said I don't want this or that you have to have boots if you're going to create some sense if you're gonna create Dominion I want him to be godly I wanted to be good I want you to be ethical I want you to be moral and sound I want you to be an honest person I want you to be trustworthy what I wanted to be competent I wanted to be to get it I wanted to be intelligent I wanted to be knowledgeable I wanted to be compass a skill give him the job he would deliver that's the kind of and I trust short this is the work you have to do or yourself maybe you got a child tell you slipping church everyday that is not enough to get you out of the hook really good for heaven are useless for heads he said over 90% of Nigerian graduates and unemployable is time to stop that mess if you a check of God you cannot be competent you a disgrace in your Redemption Jesus didn't just come around preaching he practiced a profession he was a carpenter Archer maybe the word carpenter is what is Mike even knew the guy was into interior deco furnitures and do you know that sometimes finishing a building costs as much as construct image and sometimes more somebody said it was a bi vocational preacher but things grew to a point where he finally left the lower one to focus on Moody human beings serving human with grooming human beings that's my profession human-beings are my business that's the profession the Almighty God does let us make man while others are - beautifly of what view road I want to view the quality of human beings that we live in our society so here in the southeast and I'm advocates I'm advocates in this thing going on in a number Inaba little children primers could they jump into the market it needs to be banned and it happened the issue arrests the parents issue keep them too much panic about just small penalties to encourage you to let them get education maybe at least secondary school minimum graduate that you can go the truth is that is it should be please even if it's one level in tertiary education even if is odd or indie or whatever that's why the frustration you are not going to have dominion that way you don't fly as a legal with one wing you need the image you need character but you need competence in it amid knowledge you need scale you need wisdom in it with that you can balance if you give the South is people this balanced development they will move to level three which is Dominion if you give the Niger you this balance Department they will move the laboratory it will become so sex and even if you are moving abroad the countries will be glad to have you you don't a spot liability to other people morally bankrupt Utes or incompetent youths we don't a spot ignorant unless you are traveling to go and brush off yourself get for the education so see what I was coming in for you maura competence our stamina number one as foundation of course plus the fact that should be salvation death number two knowledge of wisdom professional competence is what I'm coming for you as number two and number three is where creation capacity number three see is leadership and where creation abilities either you go through entrepreneurship roots or you go to professionalism don't just walk walk in it out that leads me that leads me to five levels of growth in whatever vocation if you're a preacher if you're professional if you're a carrier person if your business where there are five levels level one on skilled level and millions of people millions of our young people are trapped there and that's why I'm recommending that an obvious stage Anambra State need to stop this child lapatin we're doing the name of sending them into markets and orders little children go through school and then they can't go on for sure whatever business I want to do I'm not against business on skilled level what is creating that lack of human capital development is human resource the greatest resource on that but he remains raw material when is not developed on skill level and a filler touches on skill level they feel the markets on scalable have you ever gone to Obama no joints we can get anybody cleaner your side mechanics if you bring some of these modern cars high-tech wind even handling it your car would develop or the problem that was not there before quack doctors quack lawyers fake passports they are known to increase when you stand in the presence of a real man of God is a difference so I saw them I saw your mother side three I saw this holy CC when are you going to be tired of that nonsense and get yourself in a place where you control on skill level 90% of our graduates are unemployed so even now we have what what takes and that is the home of profit especially extreme poverty is the place these are resources that are not developed when human resource is passed to development capacity building education they exit that place and become human capital so this is the home of poverty this is the problem of Africa and what is the bridge out of the place education combined with redemption there are two types of Education indicating the human spirit an education is intellect and emotion and developing the determined but here is the point here is the issue now we have millions of young people again they have gone through school graduated and that's the part of our skill level give them a letter to write if you see the English and the glamour give them a job to do it's graduate of computer science give us something to type in the computer give us just one small assignment why because what is going on now people are sleeping your way through to graduation people are paying their way through to graduation those that join campus courtesan I use an intimidation gone and whatever the intimidate lecturers to give them whatever they have found different ways of using coercive power to achieve the end but at the end of the day don't really get to the ends but on power money power so at the end of the day you have white doctor but you're answering doctor and be worth dying in your hospital you know quack and you can only go so far so well and it's gonna catch up you will walk faster didn't go through any development God called me so what it was important professional does God God God called me you rush into it in some line of manipulating people within them of God so God called me to be adopted I can just go and open up a rosary God called me to be a pilot so I can enter cockpit on such flying aircraft and what is sad how people go and sit in such aircraft unless somebody crush your destiny that's the home of poverty and frustration the way out of that place it's going to develop your resource and Tony to a copy that Tony to a bankable asset 32s supportable asset Tony to a and employ a blasted Tony to value become a living breathing and walking Valley education education education I don't just mean formal oh maybe some of you already graduate you have to now look for institution that can give you what you want you have to go to Fred Foundation and get intrapreneurship to and if I have to go like this place I just I was talking about now they are providing Israel specific kind of agricultural training you go there you come and you can cram it in anywhere can imagine training harvest in a very hot place like Nashua state very hot the condition create green and I grew in it in every minimum is four times in a year he said rises in the desert it rises even when they are raised the most so you see whichever field have to go and get okay level two is professional skills some people use the word vocational skills now you move to this level you can get a job you have acquired professional skills knowledge that is needed in the marketplace you get a job a good job so as a doctor somebody we employ lawyer a champ I will hire you you groom yourself well some good judges would like to have you as a pastor a man who gets professional skills will surely get a job and he will get a good day and that will exit him out of poverty and he move into a room of just enough the committee's needs they can pay his bills like America raises children and as she upgrade your skills you also advance yourself in that area to the levels of growth even within that space there are high-level ennis there are people that are just another button like it's all depends on the level of value you bring to the table the quality of problems you can solve and so on and I'm sure prof. talk to you about Futurity skills the days are here now they are just it's no more hiring you for how many books you cram row to an exam collected to one is now about what problems you can solve what value you are bringing on the table ok so we have a group of young people that have gotten jobs are doing well and they're all at this level if you want to grow beyond that because God wants you to have dominion you have started the journey if you move to this but that's nowhere Dominion is found there is a third level is to grow to manage develop managerial skills not just job skills what happens now is that you learn how to run the whole organization you learn how to lead others you learn how to manage other resources human resources like you you learn how to manage other resources beyond human beings and so what happens is that the owners of the organization the owners of the institutions will now entrust through their whole organization and so they move you to a place where your coolies are not and they pay you and sometimes three times what it cleans up actually we will sit where you are help sitting helping to decide the fate of others I think I need to explain certainty to doctors get a job at the teaching hospital and I have good doctors do you know pressure on doing whatever it is because medicine when you graduate all you have is a technical skill a job skill you're not different from a mechanic the difference that you had walking over mom but if somebody is walking on a car you're not even different from a professional carpenter you might think because it's messy no no no you can be a doctor in anything maybe a doctor of education can be a doctor and there's nobody that has doctorates in knowledge you only have doctor of an area of knowledge there is even nothing like doctor of medicine you may have your doctorate in gynecology and aspect of medicine why another person has its own doctorate in dentistry so don't let that get into your head you are just a technician or you have this vocational skill like every other person you're a good person you can preach or you have this vocation ask don't let her get it in your head you are just a preaching technician that's what a pilot has is the same skill in his home field as making fly aircraft so when Paulo come to your church he sees de you fly him through the service when you get to his church you sit at the back he flies you through your journey but what is going to separate those two doctors is that if this one develops additional skill beyond his professional skill that's I mean beyond the technical the job skill that he has to treat people and gross management skill WAPA now he moves to a new level where he is the one I'm helping to employ maybe manage or the doctors at that time or that doctors now and say himself he may cut off his details by having power too high on fire but of his details might be the one that gives you query you are an eye doctor if you said but I came to this hospital before we talking about where you came we're talking about what you can do these organizational skills then there are people skills that's what makes a manager there are leadership skills beyond professional skills there are visionary skills their communication skills beyond just being able to do the job okay three major skills makes a manager number one number one technical skill and that is really needed or highly needed at the entry level of management supervisor cell leaders you know Department I had a Dan level technical skill is still important because the people the team you lead and the department you live also need to see that our leader can also do this so you inspire your people but then after that is people skills as you grow in management you get to a level where technical skill is not important they are our doctors they don't do oppression they don't treats they don't do anything the only run the hospital or the doctor's not do it so at the beginning stage you need to be able to do that to grow into that's why when you get a job and you're working me please don't just stop that's being able to count money in the in the in the counter in a bank make friends with a child make friends with other department that I decided that I run in that organization that I pay you are the end on one they'll give you quick make friends friends with management tell me no you know I'm so grateful that I met you in this Bank I'm your protégée I want to be under you too for mentorship and you really inspire me please sir Caillou has set me as your protégée and take me through there are meetings that I held you are not invited because you are stuff but I am management they attempt boardroom meeting where your fate is decided they will tell you this swatches should you put this one put this together CCC management is worried about you they need to grow you out of staff level to management level you need to grow yourself out of staff level to management level if your game is at your house you work in a place where they I have such opportunities they send you for training abroad a setting to differ take it don't play with it because you will stand there walking mble just enough you need to move to modern enough level of income will you have excess after meeting needs so you can drive the division if you end the kingdom the kingdom stop complaining do something about the level of problem you polish your problem you solve and the level of value you bring to the table hello you know I'm trying to challenge you I'm not angry at you when I'm chilling I mean it a very powerful coach you will bring you to the field to train you for what championship it's not smile in time I want you to become Maradona better than him because you're going to play with AC Barcelona you're going to play with chess so when I prepare you to play with Nick a club that's what we are grooming you guys to become global leaders because the world has changed you're not just competing - when I gather some boys now I'm going to be plain on the world stage with all these Chinese boys and Jewish boys and all these in general guides and high tech gurus those are the kind of people we are going to be competent for meager resources of the earth that's why every time they talk about downsizing the world population the first place they think about is Africa now we only know how to make babies what to train them and give them education we don't know how to that era has ended when the world seemed to think about liability on and they think about you only eating food that era has ended we are going to be sitting in those tables when the discussion population control we put our own we need to reduce the population of white these guys are becoming drug addicts because I did the project in New York this year people in the streets drug addicts and you see them I see a girl that's sitting in the street over 10,000 I was shocked I thought majority of allow me to a black majority where whites let's see let's go back to this karate since my time is up let me see if I can give you one more so there are three skills are making a manager first at the beginning stages professional job skills you know all of that technical skills because you're going to lead people you need to also show that you can do it so that when you start leading nobody can confuse you you need to grow to the line second is people skills ability to manage people the ability to manage conflicts relationship skills the ability to inspire people they bleed to motivate people they are ready to unlock other people's potentials their ability to identify talents and that trapped them they are blessed to groom other people to mentor to coach to empower and train out of it when you lend a skill that makes human beings now your business you graduate where you don't have to do the job you now manage the people that do the job so management is now getting the job done to people you are no more hideki cables to Teixeira I will interpret that dog I'm controlling my Pentecostal excesses because I'm speaking to the nation and good a Muslim you think you're the only ones I'm talking to speaking to Nigeria hello how are you so you move from being a player to a coach I know some of you like playing the boss so much are you can graduate then to move you to the highest level of management they need to develop conceptual skills I wish DC pastors I hear so they can hear me say this pastor knobs that's the difference why I can be at home and I'm not a national youth or in any program are you guys are there but I'm the one running the program from behind they finish and even and I give them direction what happens the next day the reason is there is a skill one of the conceptual skills is vision one of the conceptual scheme is strategy not just that we have seen where we are going because if you stop seeing the future you will stop the people for moving all you'll be doing is maintaining the status quo one of the conceptual scheme is strategy now we've said we are going there how do we go from here so will you go to the boardroom the highest level of management or leadership for example abroad and then you get to work the sea only to the top management or the endometrium these are some of the issues that have bothering them so you assume that you driving the truck you money in the bank and these guys go home with millions that you know me was what doing the work monkey they were baboon the job no smash walk is far superior than hard walk walking with your head walking with your mind what is far advanced are walking with your hands the war who walks with his upstairs rule over the ones who works in his hands who walk where it is he'll get the job but one who works at his mind will be his boss do you see how to go to Dominion back of conceptual scheme is problem-solving skills part of it is analytical skills analytical thinking and even strategic thinking see this doc doc define this program ends all of you go so nice nationally he will give me a week to rest next he comes that's how he operates say repeat this one this one we didn't get it this one if because it has the skill to assess measure performance measure that's what I'm talking about those things move you to the next level because sometimes I see that I see that I wonder why is it our pastors come to him distance why is it that they can't see this and what I call them and talking didn't even see that there's any problem because sometimes the guy is busy enjoying his technical skill as a preacher I will come from my place and showing we need to buy this land why is that is in the city is not see when the city is moving the church needs to move we need to buy the land ahead like the Catholic Church then the city comes to meet them you put it whatever I had why is it there nothing why is it there maintenance you can be a leader that way why is it that the force Pro site is missing foresight is why we are doing this project we are doing for you we see where the world is going we see how Africa is lagging behind and we see the boredom population of Africa youths and we've seen the problem that is waiting for our countries which something does not happen and we can see that government can no see we've seen the disabilities who have to be put in the same plant to compete with this kids miss kids from around the world with Miss the first Industrial Revolution miss the second means we want to miss God forbid the world is moving towards a fourth major industrial revolution at least let us play a major role in this one a big among the leaders many of you are getting you to hear this early that's why greeted you know in my eyes look so young I'm pretty but it might be deception or you know sometimes Luke can be deceptive but you look it look it first lady on the making [Applause] oh there's one level beyond that he'll get a job you work for somebody when you get a man become a manager you walk with somebody you can be trusted to be brought to the decision table and become novices to one of the most powerful in an organization information and be involved in decision-making and actually what I think it was in the monetization where the talk about sovereign leadership in cyber leadership you seek input from stakeholders and make sure that woven decision-making that smooches your leadership and make things easier for you but many organizations don't do that they don't consult you but now you you can sit at the dining table and you're an empower Jones skyrockets but then you have understood how to run organization how to run systems how to deploy systems there is one more level it is where you step out to own your own organization create another institution that can now help create jobs beside some of you jump to that place to hell that's the problem graduate from school you jump you have started wanting because it just came out of Law School is that a lot chambers who is going to come to hire you all that people who don't have much to do people like me I don't have time for you cuz a bad lawyer will miss a good kiss me a good lawyer can win a bad kiss at this level two things you do one is to start your own organization you have learned the Rope you climb the ladder launch your business launch una o in a negotiator we're working with your existing organization where you now walk with the organization not for your organization become a partner remember some of those guys at work we began at the beginning of my croissant of them have shares in Microsoft C is better to be the leg of an elephant than to be the head of an ant it's better to be the leg of a relevance than to be the hole of a rabbit's so it's not just about started my own whatever has a point you're part of a winning team a winning organization okay now and this is the reason why in the ministry we chose not to pay we don't to keep people we want them as they gain knowledge to be able to also grow into higher level that percentage thing we did is that we develop a store here a shareholding in the system and so you can be anything you want if you want to stop building University free if you want to be doing night of glory in all the countries on earth free if you want to build second in school free what is it that geo is enjoy you cannot you are allowed to do all of them [Applause] so now you can have National Youth in image that I will show not you will be missing it just you know that presence of a father that a ferocity in the house coach is looking at ya guys more dangerous the media [Applause] so the Lord has taught me a secret sit down at my right hand where I make your enemies your footstool you don't have to be in the battle anymore but you fought so that your men have learned how to keep your heads now they can kill Goliath so that's what I'm recommending to you don't do that no quieren if you better organization build an ocean where everybody can grow to be a size a shark as well don't build an organization that serves only one man's interest build organizations that serve the common good and corporate interests leaders that do that must learn how to die at the point the pioneer spirit must give way so that professionalism and support does you got that yeah you've got it do you see what we're doing some of these are small small boy I have not finished college we are pushing in to start shops they're pushing little kids primers cookies to gun start families my baby is carrying a baby and he's robbed of his child because he hasn't grown and developed as one more skill when you succeed you let business skills intrapreneurial skills organizational development and even how to run organization leadership I you can build any world-class organization I'm not just talking about pioneering things you know is there are five steps in developing that but that's a different talk anyway that's one more level in growth it is to cultivate transformational skills at this level it's no more about being succeeded it's not more about me making money it's about how what I can do to go and impact my society and my world truly truly truly this is the state way you can go into public service like politics you don't go to politics to make money you finish making money you must have succeeded in one institution running one organized one institution live in Sutton and then we now come to help us manage our common good I manage a Commonwealth this is also that stage where people that have built organizations don't well if there are business profit-making organization and also create another organization for the purpose of giving back and solving problems for the world they bet a foundation that yesterday I was talking about rockefeller the rich man in the Bible died where he got so rich and toward our assets that's ultimate sucks that no money is not ultimate success success see your business not ultimate success is what that business or what you and a business do for your society that your world day you know that you are fulfilled God's ideal for mankind someone like Jimmy cotta after being president what else it joins the foundation Ward habit and that going around poor communities in Africa different place building houses for poor people that's what a former president is doing see him in jeans which t-shirt row but that's ministry you acquired transformational skills and learn how to impact your world here is the secrets now you don't wait to you succeeding career to acquire that rightful day one now you know what it would take you to get to the height of Dominion it's tough on they want to move in that direction you don't just go study law get an MBA get some management skills attached to that take multiple skills when you go into your profession they may be paying you for this for a start oh you are just there to gain exposure gain experience but you have more things you can bring to the team and you are gonna make your journey much faster than others god bless you and course is favored to rest upon you cause you to reach the peak of what he has planned for you cost that you are not going to stop halfway or get grounded halfway you will go all the way to the top because that's the covenant that he has made over your head that you're going to be the head and not the tail now you're going to be a boat only Dominion is your destination where you stand out in your field I release that blessing upon you every one of you none of you will be ordinary every one of you would distinguish yourselves like Daniel like Joseph in your different fields the hand of the one that made you the creator himself and the hand of the one that saved you that died for you on the cross and the power of the Holy Spirit combined to rest on your life to help you in the making and the shaping of your future do you become all that God has planned for you but bless [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Dominion City
Views: 28,942
Rating: 4.9001665 out of 5
Keywords: dominion city, pastor david ogbueli, david ogbueli, david ogbueli messages, david ogbueli 2019, david ogbueli prayer, rev david ogbueli, rev david ogbueli messages, ncf, pastor david ogbueli preachings, new covenant family, golden heart foundation, david ogbueli messages 2019, pastor david ogbueli 2019, pcj, pastor nobs, rev dubus, personal transformation, success, success factor, national youth summit, national youth summit 2019, youth summit, nys2019
Id: qCl-IftCN5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 13sec (4633 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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