Understanding How To Seek The Kingdom Of God - Dr. Myles Munroe

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understanding how to seek the kingdom that's your topic for the day understanding how to seek the kingdom everybody say how it's very difficult to do something that you don't know how to do as a matter of fact is impossible to do it and I don't think that God would leave us wondering how to carry out his command if he gave one God's priority is not something you need to guess [Music] about God's priority is something that you don't need to pray about and what I like about prioritization is you know where to put your time your ener your energy your talent your strength when you know what to do then you know you're not wasting your time I want to begin by reading Matthew Chapter 13 please find this in your Bible I'm not going to put it on the board at the moment because I want you to read this for yourself Jesus only preached one message and that message was introduced by him in Matthew chapter 4 when he began his ministry on Earth verse 17 please don't turn there Matthew 4 Jesus it says I quote and from that time forward Jesus began to preach repent for the Kingdom of Heaven has arrived and from that point forward that was his only message in Matthew 13 he tried to explain the value of the Kingdom and he gave a parable about a farmer who went to sew seed in his farm and he talked about some of the seed falling on good ground and rocky soil and and uh on Stone and some falling among thorns and thistles and he says the kingdom of God is it's like this farmer who goes out and he so see it of course the disciples heard Jesus speak every day about the kingdom and he used many different types of Parables and this one Disturbed them because they couldn't quite understand this one and a matter of fact they were a little bit perturbed by now because he kept on speaking to them in these little stories and and the multitudes and they didn't understand much of what he was saying so disciples asked him a question and they they asked the question in chapter 13 verse 10 they said why do you speak to the people in Parables these little stories and verse 11 is the answer and Jesus replied the knowledge of the What secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven has been given only to you not to them referring to the multitude verse 12 he continues Whoever has will be given [Music] more and he will have an abundance of what you got to refer to verse 10 he who has has what come on Scholars who has what verse 10 read verse 10 he's talking about verse 10 he says it is given to you to know the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven verse 11 he who has more will be given he who has what who he has what come on the secrets of the Kingdom he who has just a little bit he says we'll get what [Music] more he who has the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven will be given more and he will be given an abundance an abundance of What [Music] secrets in other words there's so much to learn learn about the kingdom Secrets it going to take you your whole life and the more you desire to know the more he'll tell you and if you get a little bit he give you a little bit more and you get a little bit more and he gives you much more and it keeps on opening if you pursue it it opens up to you but look at the next statement very important he who does not have does not have what the knowledge of the secrets of the Kingdom that means if you don't want to know it he won't tell you and if you don't want to pursue it he won't show you and if you talk against it he'll hide it from you God does not volunteer information because he's too pure his motives are always pure so God will never show you what you didn't ask to [Music] see he who does not have read the next statement even what he has now he already don't have in other words if you're dumb and ignorant that's one problem but if you think you know even your ignorance will become ignorant what a way to talk he said if you do not have even what you have will be what taken away from you this is why I speaking them in [Music] Parables now if you will please read it's a dangerous verse Verse 18 oh let's go back please verse 16 blessed are you and your eyes because they see and your ears hear verse 16 hear what the secrets of the Kingdom he says you don't know how blessed you are to be in a place where someone's teaching my secrets of what the kingdom he says eyes should be happy to look at the verse and finally understand it is should Rejoice to sit and finally listen and hear the original message of God As a matter of fact the next verse clarifies it look at verse any prophets and righteous men longed longed to see what you see but they did not and they long they waited they desire to hear what you are hearing when anyone hears the message about what the kingdom and does not what understand it Satan himself he ain't sending no demons Satan himself comes to what snatch away even the little you begin to understand stop reading that's a powerful verse he said look the parable is about the S that's the like the the the teacher who SWS the seed he says the seed is the message about the kingdom is that clear are you sure is that there in your Bible read it is it there he said say he said the parable is when anyone hears the message of the Kingdom look at some of you didn't answer too much so let me just read it look at the last line in that verse this is the seed say it again understand now he goes on from verse 20 and he says in every group there are four people types of people I hope only one of them in this room today he says in every crowd that the kingdom is being taught there are four types of people I hope you decide which one of these you are they're Rocky people that mean they sit here and B dive count while I'm teaching and it falls on rock and they walk out and didn't understand anything why the devil making you sleepy he said look Pastor miles going give it and I'm going to make sure they don't hear [Music] it put J to sleep tell tell your neighbor not not not today not today not today M shake that thing off four types of people in every crowd According To Jesus he give you a 25% chance of getting it that means the possibility is that only 25% of the people sitting here this morning are going to get the message of the kingd there are those who ain't listening that's the rocky people diving conk and all kind of stuff then he says there's other kind where the soil is thin they shallow says the other group are those who here today and they're going to sit here and say Amen to everything I say they spring up quickly and they go out and forget everything they heard it says they are choked by the cares yeah I know Pastor M say but God you know seeky for and all that stuff but boy I got some business I got take care of my business see and the cares choke what you heard I know God told me not to worry about them clothes but I got to worry a little bit child cuz I got children see and you let the cares choke but you heard you agree but you don't obey third group then he says this this last group he says and I hope you are in that group he said there's a group of people like thick soil oh Lord and they come to the meeting with water in the soil already soaked waiting for the sea to fall in anybody want to be in that group he says when the word of Kingdom hits them boom it says the the thing germinates right away and they begin to grow right in the meeting anybody feel a change coming on in this session and he says when they leave they bear fruit by way they become that there there's evidence that they understand the [Music] Kingdom so that the the key and I beg you my friends my family the key key to you getting God's priority right is understanding the kingdom let's read his priority please Matthew 6 Matthew 6:33 you don't need to wonder what is the most important thing to God if you want to know what is God priority you don't need to wonder about it anymore Jesus said do not worry verse 22 what you will eat what you will drink what you will wear where you will live all these things he says don't worry about them and then in verse 33 he says but seek ye first everybody say first everybody say seek seek both words are important but seek ye first what first the king Kingdom and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you Glory Hallelujah everyy Bo say let it be added Lord man this is good news he said look you don't need to seek a lot of stuff just seek one thing seek ye what first first also means there's some other things you could seek and there are some other things competing for your attention and your energy and your talents and your gifts and your passion and your and your strength they are trying to get you he says put them aside and put all your energy and vision and stress and passion on one thing it is the kingdom he didn't just say the first thing is the kingdom he said you got to First seek the kingdom if you put it first you got to do something to make sure it's first you got to seek I did some a little review for you here a little bit of research on the word seek let's start there now remember seek first the kingdom of God is a Divine command there's no choice for you if you are his disciple what is his priority Kingdom first what is his priority Kingdom first say it loud what is his priority let let your heart hear you what is your PRI his priority kingom what is God's priority Kingdom first he said you seek the kingdom first that's my priority so the first word I want to focus on is the word seek because you don't know sometimes what something means how do you do it the word seek first of all means to pursue that means you can't casually stumble upon the secrets of the kingdom of God you can't get it by mistake you have to pursue it number two seek means to study when I saw these words in the definition I was really deeply impressed you can't just come here once a week while I'm teaching and get the secrets my job is to make you hungry to make you want a go and get more my job is to make you thirsty so you can go during the week and open the Well in that book and cast your bucket down you got to study everybody say study number three the word seek means to explore this one is very important when you go seeking for something it means you exploring something he said explore first the kingdom of God take yourself on an adventure study its mountains its valleys its Hills its rivers its Forest it's it's it's it's oceans he saids go ahead and learn everything about the government of God explore Kingdom legislation explore Kingdom's laws explore Kingdom culture explore Kingdom economics explore Kingdom Society explore Kingdom relationships explore Kingdom habits he says don't you stop go just keep going he says the more you go the more I show you what is God's priority Kingdom first number four the word seek means to understand the devil's greatest fear is number four he don't mind if you pursue or study or explore as long as you don't understand you know why write this down nothing is yours until you understand it nothing is yours until you understand it you have to understand number five the word seek means to learn you have to learn the secrets of the Kingdom and number six the word seek means to consider that means to ponder think about meditate on you can't just pick the kingdom up once a week in a church service learn and consider the word seek means to desire to know let me quote the verse for you then but desire to know first the kingdom of God just put these words in the sentence and you'll get a revelation but pursue first the kingdom but study first the kingdom but explore first the kingdom of God but understand first the kingdom of God and these things that you need will come to you but learn first the kingdom of God and everything you need will come to you but consider first the kingdom of God and everything you need will come to you but desire to know first what the kingdom of God God's priority the word seek means to a passion for can I quote the verse but have a passion to know first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things that you need to live and to exist shall be added unto you this one I thought was great the Hebrew word seek also means to be diligent diligently dedicate yourself to something means to seek ladies and gentlemen you should not be able to wait to get here for the teaching he says if you desire enough I'll tell you the secrets diligently dedicate yourself to it that means you know you see my Bible my Bible on Mark this a brand new Bible I mean I've been reading this stuff every single day I read you know I read secret I reading secret got mark up I mark up all my I keep marking up new things cuz the more you want to [Music] know seek means to diligently dedicate yourself to something my dedication is to know what the devil don't want me to know now the devil know the kingdom you know I got proof he know the kingdom because he don't want you to know I'm going to say it again you missed it thank you brother P one person got it see the devil know the kingdom he used to live in heaven you know he got all the blueprint he was there when God was designing the whole thing he got fired later so he knows this thing and he says what if they ever get this I'm in trouble so you need to know whatever the devil don't want you to know you could always tell what's important to you what the devil don't want you to know and this is his number one goal he don't send no demons to prevent you from getting this he comes himself now some of you are going through a little hell right now because of the Revelation you're getting but I promise you by the power invested in me by the king who I serve that your breakthrough is going to come on you and you you have no more bad days cuz when this thing break through on you he said you will have houses and land and mothers and fathers and Farms he says and you will be able to handle the blessing when the kingdom turns on you the blessings will overtake you anybody ready for an overtaking blessing see the harassment first is the devil trying to discourage you from [Music] pursuing whenever the devil attacks it means you are getting close so be encouraged by his increase attacks see he shows his hand by his pressure I'm talking to somebody and and the more pressure he brings on you that's a sign she getting close so if it seem like you're coming to the end of your rope that means God's about to show you throw you a Lifeline a brand new tube full of air the devil does he doesn't want you to go any further he wants you to stop right now the greatest Revelation about the devil is that he's a liar that means that if the devil ever tells you this week you can't do something that is a lie that's proof that you could do it cuz he cannot speak the [Music] truth you can always tell what the truth is by what the devil tells you you can't do Jesus said he is a liar the father of Lies watch this he says and there's no truth in the spirit that means if he tells you you ain't going to get healed that means your healing is on the way whatever he tells you is a lie can I hear an amen he tells you that your mortgage payment ain't going to be paid off and he's about to tell you that lie tell him listen that's a sign is going to be paid [Music] off the devil tell you you ain't going back to school now you know you're going back to school so you might as well prepare yourself why cuz he cannot tell the truth and sometime he speaks through family members it's impossible for you to fail the devil is a liar write this down to seek means to preoccupy yourself with something all I can think about is the kingdom the kingdom the kingdom the kingdom the kingdom the kingdom how am I work I'm thinking how does the kingdom think about this when I'm taking a shower how's the kingdom take showers when I'm eating how's the kingdom eatting when you're dressed how the kingdom dress you got boyfriend one of is a kingdom boyfriend you know everything is Kingdom why it means I am preoccupied with the kingdom oh Hallelujah preoccupation with what the kingdom that's what it means to seek what does the kingdom think about everything that's how you keep your life in order Kingdom first I tell you friends if you do what Jesus says he'll do what he promised he said if you seek then he will add you seek he adds you seek he adds you what seek he adds well let me just close on this list if you can pick a here next time write this list down please first means priority first means what Priority First means the principal thing he said pursue the principal thing first pursue the first thing first first means that which is before all others seek first first means most important first means highest value placed on something seek first seek the most important value to your life which is the kingdom of God the word first means above everything seek above everything else the kingdom and his [Music] righteousness first means established as primary he says establish as your primary interest the kingdom of God you seek he adds you make it first first he makes you first you make him priority he make you priority God is going to blow your minds this year listen your days of guessing about blessing is over once you're doing what he tell you to do he going to do what he told you he going to do I'm getting ready to close now he said look you seek I add he's going to [Music] add hey boy say add to me he's going to [Music] add add means he wasn't looking it just come aside come aside the stick on you know all this stuff you think God hold it go cuz now hold it I going to drown you in this blessing anybody ready for a blessing that drowns you I don't want to I don't want to surface from it I want to be attitude to the point where he stuff it all on top of me I see it in the spirit God I'm going to I'm going to stick on stuff on every stick stick stick stick it shall be I said it shall be so your days of guessing about blessing is [Music] over you will not anymore have to wonder whether you going to victoriously come out or whether you're going to have championship belts in life he says this is a guarantee this going to be the most stressfree year of your life you're going to have low blood pressure and perfect body mind and health why you are going to have blessing that you can [Music] expect you ain't got a guest to be blessed no more you seek he [Music] h
Channel: Heavenly Hope and Peace
Views: 163,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Christ, Godisgood, love of God, hope, peace, heavenly hope, motivation, light of Christ, daily bread, encouragement, short, viral videos, prophetic message, Bible, Holy Bible, prayer, Myles Munroe
Id: VIz2sfV1JeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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