The Kingdom of God Defined | Dr. Myles Munroe

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we're going to talk about the kingdom because nobody explains and really can can minister to us about the kingdom of God like pastor Myles Munroe have you you've written some amazing books actually three of them I think or Morris as the first one here that we wrote rediscovering the kingdom in the kingdom yeah may I ask you before I ask you any any question why did God give you this tremendous tool I mean there was a whole lot of preachers out there that don't preach that I think it's because of where he had me conceived and you know what carob has a lot to do with it yeah he also made sure that I was able to experience both sides of the human drama and that is I was born in a kingdom 19:54 and then we became independent as a nation which means how strong is democracy and that unique experience prepared me to understand scripturally in an experiential way yeah what is the difference between a kingdom and a democracy pastor Benny one of the things is very interesting is that most of our theologians that have produced a lot of our work were never born in a kingdom so they don't have the experience of the biblical concepts of Kingdom so much of our theology was written by people who never experienced Kingdom life and the Bible is about a king you know ever since ever since I've heard field I have had to readjust my mentality about the Bible but now when I read the Bible I'm thinking King Kingdom yes and avoid just puts a new light on we got about thirty thousand letters and emails in a one week when people heard just a little bit about the kingdom and most of those are for pastors they are from people who are Bible teachers and they say you have caused us to go back and re-examine them I could we talked about the concept of the King what do you mean by that any above you know in this book yeah I introduced a book talking about ideas because ideas control everything everything we see around us used to be an idea this shirt that we wear used to be an idea in someone's mind the shoes are not figures to be an idea these cameras to be an idea everything that we see our houses to be an idea ideas not only control the world but the world is run by dead men's ideas Wow all right Aristotle Socrates Plato they created democracy there as an idea by and so they ruled the world from their grave well the concept that a person has determines how they see life the Bible has a different concept would we have been preaching and teaching for example Kingdom concept is opposite to democracy Kant's concept so if your concepts are wrong your conclusions will be wrong if your conclude is around your theology is can I explain that explain the concept of a kingdom yes a kingdom concept is the I to the God invented God was the first king matter of fact the Bible says he's the King of glory Bible calls in the ancient king which means the oldest one that hangs in existence and he produced the idea when he first created the heavens and the earth he is called the King of glory which is an invisible country heaven Wow then he wanted to extend this kingdom beyond heaven so he created a physical universe and he created the heavens of the earth so he could extend his kingdom all kingdoms want to expand and that's why Kingdom concept is so critical God no knee is the first King but he produced children who he trained to be Kings over the earth so he not only became a king through creation of invisible world he became the king of kings who are his kids so we are Kings over the physical realm of Earth he is our king so he's the king of kings soohyuk staff is the first Kingdom and in this book they speak about the concepts of kingdoms find in this book the concepts of 26 constants of a kingdom which we're going to talk about the gender concepts then in this book I talk about the nine principles of a kingdom that makes those concepts work this is why the two books are so important together this one deals with changing a person's mind to think like a kingdom which is what you talked about earlier right when you heard it you have to change your thinking for example all kingdoms have Kings Kings are also automatically lords they are Lord all kingdoms must have a constitution they must have laws they must have what they call symbols every Kingdom must have a code of ethics that people live by every Kingdom must have a body of law that creates keys through which kingdoms work so when Jesus says I will give you the keys of the kingdom yeah he wasn't talking about you know like things we used to open doors even though that's what the principles do he was talking about authority to have access to government power that's the laws of the kingdom that so the concepts of a kingdom are critical and they're 26 of them I talked about in this book I would recommend that maybe you read this book they read it last chapter first it's the only book I say written - you have the first it's because in the last chapter for example I list the 26 concepts one want to understand the Bible you must understand the 26 concepts for example the first concept of a kingdom now you talk about this right right now but the khansamar talk about two of them okay please I like Kingdom concept of Kings a king is never voted into power that's why you can't vote Jesus out of power a king authority is in his birthright you don't make Jesus King that's what he was born in was a king cannot be voted out of power so whether we dislike or like Jesus all the discussions about Jesus on the CNN network and all the other networks they cannot touch him because his authority is not voted in you can't vote him outside a king's worried is law in his kingdom that means the laws in the kingdom not a product of Congress and a supreme Court and Senate it's the mind of the king completely different thirdly a king's personally owned everything in his kingdom that's a law the president in a state doesn't own the country the Prime Minister Michael doesn't own the Bahamas but in a kingdom the concept is the King owns the country and the people and the animals and the ocean he owns everything though can we on the program tomorrow talk about all of these concepts absolutely and on this one I want to ask you some questions first I want to ask about God's priorities what is Josh priority that's probably one of the most important questions because we have been focusing on what I call the minor and we've been missing the major or how true how right priority has to do it what's the most important thing on earth and Jesus stated God's priority lists and precious people this is Bob it's found in Matthew chapter 6 he began first of all by telling us what is not a priority which we've made our priority our priority as humans is food clothes water house land security and self-actualization which is what Maslow talks about every human being watching the program right now they go to a job or they go to the farm ever they watching this to get food water clothes covering protection security and self-actualization Jesus began his statement by condemning on it that he says why do you worry why do you make priority of food and clothes and land and concurrent house he says the father knows you need those things they are not a priority then he says only pagans prioritize those things then he says this he says but seek ye first in other words first means priority seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all of these other things he says will be added to your life so God's priority is only two things spend rest of your life seeking his kingdom that means studying it exploring it pursuing it trying to understand it getting to know how it works he says you do that with your life and then he says seek righteousness rice is not a religious worry pastor Benny it's from the courts of law to be righteous means to be rightly positioned with an authority of government so if you stop at a red light you are being righteous because you are literally obeying the law to stay in line with the government if you run a red light that's an unrighteous act because you've broken relationship with the government's right so he says seek the government of God first and then seek to stay in line with the government do those toothache don't sin don't break the law don't violate the covenants stay in line with the government stay positioned properly and everything you need to be added to your life that's the most powerful message of Jesus Christ that's why his first announcement was change your thinking the Kingdom of Heaven has returned - so how do people seek the kingdom exactly what I said number one they gotta get to the king absolutely and said because the center of a kingdom is a person not an organization if here that this is the key right here a king is the source of a kingdom it comes out of his very own birthright so you can first seek the king that's why Christ says if you come unto me that's right then you'll know the kingdom of God one time he told disciples he says the kingdom of God is with you I mean he was with them he said but it shall be in you later I'm going to take the spirit of the governor of the kingdom and put him in you later on the day of Pentecost he breathed on them they literally received the kingdom because the kingdom is a person first then it is lived out in administration I would like you to define the kingdom to someone who may have never heard and understood it and by the way let's just be hoping it's lovely here it's raining little bits where we're getting splashed and I just hope it doesn't mess my hair that they are accurate no involved what is a canvas yes the wall define a kingdom first let me tell you what it is not please a kingdom is not a democracy it is not a religion and it's not a a republic a kingdom is a governing influence of a king over his territory impacting it with his will his purpose and his intent producing a citizenry of people who express his culture and reflect his nature wherein quickly one book that this is too heavy this is powerful and wealthy one more time listen carefully this is an awesome release first a kingdom is not a religion I got to say that because we have reduced the Bible to a religion exactly a kingdom is not a religion secondly it's not a democracy so if you born in the Western world when you pick up the Bible the Bible is in danger because you are going to superimpose your cultural experiences on the book and the book is not a democracy secondly it is not a republic that means there's no president in the kingdom if you don't vote a present in the power a kingdom and I was born in one hey King de Miz the governing influence of a king over his territory impacting it with his will his purpose and his intention listen producing in Russia and purpose and intention in other words a kingdom is affected by the mind of the king not legislation of a group of people that's why Jesus said thy will be done thy kingdom come thy will be done a kingdom is impacted by the priests little will of the king but the King decides with the king manifests the kingdom manifests it produces a citizenry that means people who reflect the culture of the King and manifests the nature of the king now I want to talk to you about that very important nature yes are you telling me that God Almighty wants his nature in each one of us manifesting the word nature is the word cowboy and evil same where does glory Hey I didn't know that I did not know that miles recess this little flower here yeah it's interesting flower uh if you get another one of these you might find a bud somewhere I never see like the fine alright what takes a pot if you if this flower was a bud it would be a green hard ball right but this flower would be inside that ball don't you agree yeah so the real glory of that that bulb the the bud would be the flower open so this is the glory means the full expression of a thing it means the weight the full weight of something cowboy so God wants to fill the earth with his full nature the glory of God was what an atom image means nature Adam lost that nature when he disobeyed God so the glory has been smothered by our rebellion that's why all of the planet is waiting for the glory of the manifestation of the sons of God the plant knew would Adam used to look like this the animals are weeping they're saying why can't we see the true nature of God because the nature of God was covered up by the sin of man that's why Jesus said I came to reveal the glory of God and then he says may the earth be filled with the glory the nature or go home people need to look at us and see what heaven is like just by our lifestyle our attitudes our cultural response our disposition our culture you said culture that even the culture of God talked about that this is amazing you know big and probably let me get the line this other boy because that's what it's all about please also handle this religion produces a system a kingdom produces a culture see then again a religion but you say system that people try to follow a list of rules that's the problem right now the kingdom produces the culture that means a lifestyle that is natural that's why God really hates the laws written on tablet he says I don't want you to be falling on this the laws I want to write them on your mind and in your heart so they become a natural lifestyle see he supposed to love one another because it's our culture not because he told us it was a forgiver enemy not because we are under guilt but because it's our culture in other words in our kingdom it's our culture to love our enemies it's just what we do it's our culture to give if we gotta force people to give to this ministry they are still religious but if they are in the culture of heaven and they are part of the kingdom of God citizenship and they see that you as a gana bass adorn represent their country heaven taking the good news of the kingdom around the world then giving to you becomes a cultural act not a force that's why giving us such a pressure such a depression in local church because this religion giving a supposedly match so you're saying the religion is bondage absol listen the number one opposition of Jesus Christ on earth was never sinners that's right there was religious people I rest my case yeah he never hold or rebuke or dam did any sinner but he rolled and damned religious people why didn't we scripture for you he said in Matthew chapter 20 he says you Pharisees and scribes you lock the kingdom up in men's faces you would not enter neither would you allow the also would enter to enter let me pull that again he was talking to religious leaders he said you Pharisees and teachers of the law you lock the kingdom up in men's faces that mean you didn't want to talk about it he said then you don't want to enter it then he says you are also preventing the also water headed to enter how by giving them religion religion is the greatest opposition to the kingdom it's the greatest threat to the kingdom because religion attempts to substitute itself for the kingdom of God therefore religion is not of God religion God was never religious Jesus Christ not a religious man so it's satanic you're saying but you know you got to conclude that just by what you're thinking you see anything that keeps you out of the kingdom of God is anti God Jesus never joined a religious group he never became a part of Sanhedrin Council and when they even arrested him and put him before Sanhedrin Council he never answered a worried why that was a religious trial he's not religious man he didn't speak and tell you them before Highlands but now he's talking to a kingdom where we would say that the game went bowling for palette but but not before right then they arrested him the religious leaders we met arrested Jesus yeah they put him on trial that night correct he didn't answer them one after a brown courtroom he's a king he's not a priest but the urge is amended though he went before the the kingdom and then he can now talk Oh Milo been spotted ask him I don't know King brother I gotta stand up for giving him praise Hitman so Hazel easy person Benny he says are you okay she's a tiger top now he says whoa whoa he says he said not only am i Akane for this reason was I born he says and he says my kingdom didn't come from the earth it came to the earth but it's not from the it's interesting that the high priest Caiaphas had to adjourn by God speak and only then did he answer absolutely while the whole time he was quiet it was the wrong co-pilot talks to you let me tell you something that may may share it with him in it Jesus said he couldn't find great fate nowhere in Israel did away found it with a king of Man ascend theory let's repeat yes who's the Lord to speak the word it was why he was thinking kingdom see in a religion you got to appease your gods by giving them gifts man in a kingdom you demand thing because you are a citizen members only members work on emotions citizens work on rights Laveau said it again members they get things done through emotional feet that's what we cry the prior to God oh please God and they never get answers a citizen doesn't cry before a court or before a judge they make demands based on a constitution so when you consider we're not soldiers folk to Jesus he was even dealing with constitutional power so G says I've never seen anyone who understood the kingdom like this man not even Israel could they keep long prayers begging much speaking he said this man just simply said look if you were king your word is law if you speak it becomes wrong my son will be healed I said this is Kingdom thinking I cannot contain myself I'm sorry I'm trying to make it even more useless I don't know no psych and we gotta get this right past they said there's no such thing as being a member of a nation you're right you can only be a member of a religion that's so true you can be a citizen of a country see you can dismember someone but you can't DC this is a nice now right that's why the Bible says our citizenship is in heaven exactly a king doesn't have members of his country he has citizens country we're gonna talk more about this tomorrow and the concepts of the kingdom we're almost out of time oh oh Jesus we get laid can you believe what you just heard here and you're saying basically church membership doesn't exist in the Bible it doesn't exist when Paul refers Jesus never used the word member never marry when Paul was using an allegory he said we are a part of a community just like the body is a part of the boss always when when someone says well how many members do you have a view ensure another serious question yeah exactly it's an illegal question you never say to anyone how many citizens do you have in your organization because citizens don't belong to a pastor if they belong to a government listen we're stirring people up I'm sure already and cause you made it's a question but this is powerful in it's in the Bible I mean I've still never got members absolutely and this is why but those who are watching us today the reason why their prayers are not being answered even getting in is because they believe they get emotional enough God will feel sorry for you but they don't get healed because God feels sorry for you you get healed because that woman who went before you guys know about this tomorrow because about members get emotional I love it I've never heard that before now all right listen please tell me about all these incredible books yes the first one everybody should get is called we discovered the skull King great this one teaches you about the 26 concepts of a kingdom everyone should read this book to read to reconnect to a kingdom mindset you
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 420,345
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2017
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