Understanding FreeCAD Lesson 2 Part Design Master Sketch Parametric multi-body project for Beginners

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hi viewers and welcome to the channel and welcome to the course understanding free cad we are on lesson two and we are still in the part design workbench we're still keeping in there but we're following a master sketch workflow we'll be creating a multi-body project using one sketch as a reference template we'll be creating a very simple multi-body object to learn and understand how to use this workflow each of the bodies is a separate part which we will assemble together we'll only briefly stay in the assembly workbench just to place those parts together it's not the main focus of our workflow but in later lessons we will go deeper into assembly workbenches and how to use those for animations and simulations in this video we're going to look at how to use a master sketch to create a very simple spool holder so this is what i've created i haven't put much detail in here it's just to get an understanding of the process so each of these parts are a separate body and they've all been created from one sketch so this is the sketch they've been created from if you come from a fusion 360 background then this will probably look familiar to you because you'll create a sketch like this and then extrude the parts picking parts from the geometry and either using extrusions or pockets from there where freecad uses a more sketch on face review doesn't that have that ability but we do have this master sketch process so i have this master sketch here which is all the dimensions basically from a profile view of that piece we then use that in our spool body our support body and our base body which means that if anything changes in the sketch say for instance i changed the diameter of the spool hit close it gets reflected throughout the parts themselves so i'm going to come back into that sketch and just change that back to 200 and that's changed something like this height here to 150 and close that and you can see how that's changed and take an effect there so let's have a look how we do this in free cad and learn about the technique if you like these videos please subscribe i also have a co-fire or coffee donation page and a patreon where you can get extra content the links for those pages can be found in the video description any kind donations will be reinvested back into the channel and to span that further in the same subject matter to bring more quality quantity and to fund some future projects that i have in mind that i only can do with your kind donations so in free cad and i'm going to jump over the sketcher to create our master sketch and all this is going to be if i create a new sketch in here and go along the zx plane we're looking at creating a spool to hold some line or some string that we can store it on a shelf somewhere now i don't know the dimensions of the spool so we're going to be roughing this out in the master sketch and this is what our mask sketch is for you create your view from one side of the whole assembly and then you use that and reference it in your sketches so we create a circle for the spool and i'm going to say i want this 200 millimeters so we put the dimensions in here this is important that we add the dimensions to our master sketch so we understand what we're looking at and how this is going to sit together now for the stand i'm going to create two triangular pieces so i'm going to need a circle in here and this will hold the bar that goes through here so a bar will pass it through here that will attach this spool to the stand so i'm going to set the diameter of here now i may know mid bar diameter and i'm going to say it's 50 millimeters so now i get an idea of how this is going to attach so the spool is going to be a circle with a hole in it that's 50 millimeters and the bar is going to go through here so i can create my other part of the stand now and i'm going to put a circle in here and we're going to set the diameter of this circle so click on the circle go to the diameter and we're going to set it to something like 80 millimeters now i'm going to create the lines that come down for the stand so i'll get an idea of when i start attaching these lines how far from the bottom the clearance of the stand should be for 200 millimeter reel click and click and escape that and they are sitting on there at the moment this one is tangent to here which is what i want so i'm just going to delete that and add that one again to that point and this circle can make them tangent and this point and this circle we're going to do the same make that tangent so the tangent constraints on there so they all follow that curvature of that circle i'm going to also click on these two and place a horizontal constraint against those so they line up horizontally so when they move these they move like so i can now position these in the correct place and i'm going to create a line between these two points using the line tool and just connect up these two points like so making sure our auto constraints are on let's put a horizontal constraint in there so now what we have pretty escape if i move this up and down i can position this at the correct point and my constraints are working with me to get this in the position that i want now i may want to put some kind of mechanism in here that will stop this spool from turning when it's not in use so i can add that say by creating a block here and creating some kind of pin to stop this and we'll put some kind of mechanism in there to actually stop this so i want a bit of clearance from there so i would come over to the square tool and actually add that in there like so and i can actually start creating some kind of mechanism in here but i'm not going to go into that i'm just going to keep it simple so i'm just going to control set that and remove that from there we've got this now this is the side piece now i want to create some kind of block here that this will sit on so we can get an idea of that so i'm looking at depending how i want this connected do i want to just see something like this from the side and the block being in here or do i want this sitting on top of the block and the block actually coming down here so for ascetic purposes i'm going to create a line going across here so this is where our block will be that this will sit on so remember this is looking from the side so this is the block that will sit along here and i'm going to set the height of these on here so from here to here i'm going to set the height that's 17 millimeters i'm going to go for 20. so you can see how we're starting to rough this out now i still can adjust the height of this so do i want it just clear so the spool it's just clear off here am i going to add anything else to this spool i don't think so so i'm going to go for that height there so i can set my height now from this point and this center point i'm going to place a height in that's 130 millimeters and we'll push this out to the left and this one to the right and we'll just push this up so we're just separating off these measurements so we know whereabouts they are i'm not worried about trimming these i don't have to trim them it's a master sketch we don't have to worry about fully constraining the model it's best to but in the day it's up to us if we fully constrain this we know that nothing's going to move because we're going to clone this and we don't really want anything to move now we can cheat and click all these like so and just use the block constraint against those and that will block constrain them down because it's just a master sketch we're not worried about the types of constraints that we're using on here so that's the master sketch complete so this is from the side and this is what we'll be creating so we can close that now and our master sketch sits here you can see that and this will be basically the profile from the side of what we're building now we can come over to the part design and start creating a body and we'll create a sketch in here but first of all we created a body go back and we've got this sketch here but we can't reference this sketch from outside of this body so we're going to have to clone it in here let me show you click on the body come into tasks create the sketch in there and we want it along this plane so the same plane as we've done this sketch in here the zx plane if i hit okay i'm in my sketch now it's open if i try to import the geometry create an edge link to external geometry then i'll roll over this you can see the object belongs to another body can't link so we're gonna have to create a clone of this so we actually clone this sketch in we don't use the clone from here create a new clone because what i'll do if i click on the sketch hit clone is cloning the body and we don't want to do that we use a different clone i could move this sketch into this body and reference it that way but i want to keep this sketch outside because i'm going to be creating multiple bodies for individual parts so we create the sketch outside the body and create multiple bodies for all those parts or we can link this to new documents and create the bodies that way still using that sketch outside so the main document this one here will have the mask sketch in and then our other documents will reference this sketch so this is the whole master sketch workflow to create clone of this sketch we need to come over to the draft workbench because the tool resists there so come into the draft and along the toolbar you'll see the clone icon this little sheep here creates a clone of selected objects also up in modification clone you can actually clone that sketch so make sure it's selected and hit clone that's cloned that 2d sketch there we now drag this because it's not inside this body if we close out the body see it's not inside there drag it into the body so it sits inside the body along with your sketch you can now double click sketch and start referencing these objects so if i click on this geometry you can see at the moment it's still saying the object belongs to another body let's come over to the model and what's actually happening is that this sketch here is interfering so click on it press the space bar you may have to hit escape first to get the mouse point back click on the sketch it's better hit the spacebar that makes that sketch invisible now when we come into the sketch and use the geometry create an edge link to stone geometry and we start rolling over this you can see it's been highlighted in yellow and we can click on that and pull that in like so so at the moment i'm creating the flywheel so i've just poured in that wheel so we're in this main body we've created the flywheel and all i'm going to do is create a circle like so connect it to the center bring it out hit escape click on the circle click on the external geometry that i've bought in and make that an equality constraint so that's creating a quality constraint between those so what will happen if i close this that sketch is sitting there let's hide this 2d sketch that sketch is sitting there if i go back to my original sketch and find this circle here which is the 200 millimeter diameter circle if i change that to something like 250 it will move outside of here but when i close that sketch has changed i bring back the clone sketch you can see how that has changed and it's conformed to that clone so this is the beauty of the master sketch we can change our original plan and allow all the other sketches to recompute and update to that clone so go back in that sketch and well first of all let's go back to the original sketch and change that back to 200 i'm back to normal close that and we're back so we've got the sketch open so i'm going to double click sketch and i'm going to bring in some other geometry here so i'm going to bring in this inner circle so using the creatine edge link to external geometry also available on sketch sketch geometry external geometry there and i'm going to pull in this circle here this is going to be the hole so again i'm going to create a circle in here click on the circle click on the outlet sketch and do an equality against those so i've created now the spool or the start of the spool if i wanted to i could do this as a revolve i could bring in this geometry and start cutting the geometry but we're just going to keep it simple and just create a simple extrude with this so if i hit close now and hide this sketch here we've got this here we're still in the draft workbench what i'm going to do is come over and just take that grid away hide that grid and i'm going to come over to the part design and i'm just going to strew that sketch so i'm going to click on sketch and so click on the pad and decide how far i want to pad this so i'm going to go around about 50 millimeters i'm going to keep it symmetrical to plane it's up to you what you want to select from here that's we're going to select for that one so we've got start of our spool obviously i need to section out this section in here with a groove or some kind of pocket in here but this is just to get an idea of the master sketch workflow so let's bring back the sketch let's see what we've got so we've got those at the moment we can see how i sit in there matter of fact i'm going to bring back that pad and take the symmetry to plane off and just put it reverse at the moment so it's sitting behind there and okay that now i'm going to work on these parts here so for that i need a new body so query new body so body001 and we can do the same we can create a sketch inside this body because at the moment it's outside and i'm just going to clone this again into that body so come over to the draft and click on that sketch and again come over and create the clone drop that clone into that body and we can start working on that might be worth renaming the bodies as well rename and call this one spool and this one is going to be support so right click rename and change this one to support come back into the part design and we've got that body sitting at the moment it's active it's bold if it's not just right click toggle active body or we can double click and they will become active that way let's see that one's active click on that body you can either come over to tasks or use the create a new sketch from there and we'll create a new sketch and we're looking along this plane here so we want to be using this as a sketch element to ball in so click on the zx plane again and hit okay now this time you may want to come into the model cut to the original body and press spacebar to hide that make sure if you go inside the body you want to hide this sketch as well otherwise it's going to start interfering so click on it press the spacebar that will hide that sketch we're now going to work with this sketch here to just collapse your spool body and we can start working with this sketch now i want to import some geometry again so use the create an edge link to a stone geometry and start importing this edge this edge and the bottom edge and we're going to take the top as well and work with those just for the time being now i can use that to try virtually trace again so i'm going to place a line that connects up here and we're going to do the same with this one and the same with this one and now i need a curve it's showing it's over constrained at the moment so let's come into task you see it's over constrained please remove at least one of the constraints so let's click on this one here and just delete that so this one hit delete that's better sometimes it will constrain to parts of geometry just find them and just delete that now we need a free point arc and that's this tool here normally when you come in it's on this arc just drop this down and use the endpoint and run point and we'll just click click and just create that so it's tangent to that arc there you can see it's fully constrained there and i'm going to bring into geometry again and i'm going to select this circle here and again use the circle inside here like so and then to click on the circle and that outer circle and create an equality constraint against there fully constrained nice and clean all of the sizes and dimensions are hidden over in our other sketch our master sketch and we've got a nice clean sketch to deal with hit close and we'll pad that now we may want to do it in the reverse direction so i'm going to come over to the model bring back the support body just gives you an idea of where this is placed so that's fine so if we take that pad we've just done over in tasks increase this to something like 20 millimeters you can see that's been padded forward in that direction if it hasn't then you hit reverse it comes forward but it's up to you these are going to be put together separately anyway we can cut these out or print them on our 3d printer it will be up to you how you want to actually output this so we've got supporting body we've got the spool now we can move on to the base so again come in hide this create a new body sits there click on the sketch come over to the draft and create a clone move that clone into the body so we've cloned the sketch hide these two making sure that if you come into the sporting body that sketch is hidden as well otherwise we'll try to reference the sketch and we'll get nowhere because it's in another body i'll show you that now if i bring back that sketch pressing the space bar so it's not hidden click on this body come up to tasks let's go back to the part design workbench a good idea there we go tasks create sketch there because i've clicked on the body create sketch here i'll come over to task create sketch and we want this plane here which is the xz plane okay if i try to reference this now it may complain you can see it's saying the object belongs to another body down the bottom left hand side and that's because we've got this sketch available here so just click on it and press the space bar you won't be able to click on it at the moment because we've got our tool selected so hit escape escape click and hit escape there we go and get the mouse pointer back and click on that sketch press the space bar and now we can come in and click on the geometry also making sure that we've got the other sketch hidden as well this one here that's better now we can select that should be able to there we go you can see them highlighted in yellow now this is the base so i want this line and this line brought in and we can create lines against those so i'm going to use the create a polyline in the sketch and click on that point connect up and you can see the going green connect up like so all done hit escape to get your mouse pointer back we'll click and hit escape and come over to tasks we can see go down we can see the geometry that we've bought in so we've brought in the two lines they're in purple so i'll bring this down external you see the two lines are in purple purple dots at the end and the normal geometry is the four lines we placed in all you can see them all there so we're all constrained up ready to go hit close and we can hide this sketch this clone sketch press the spacebar and we're going to pad this so i'm going to bring back the support body and the spool body we can see our sketch is sitting there and we can pad that first of all we need to click the sketch and pad that so i'm going to the reverse direction and i can see that i can send this this way around about 100 millimeters a bit too much 80 millimeters let's try 60 there we go and we can then clone this over the other side but what we've got once we finish that we've got three separate bodies for the individual parts that we can use in an assembly we can place this in assembly so for instance we can come over to our a2 plus and pull these in here so i'm just going to rename this to support well it's actually the base isn't it base body so we've got all those there we want the individual parts because we will either want to print them individually or we want to cut them individually on a cnc machine obviously we need some more detail in here but now we've got the base in here we can do that this one's going to be duplicated up to place on this side so we've got all those there what can do is come in and create a new file and save this file save as and we'll call this one spool assembly and we need to save this one as well so this one here file save as with spool parts and then depending on what workbench we're using so i've got this a2 plus workbench and the assembler 4 installed so for instance i use the a2 plus quite a bit this is available on tools add-on manager and you can actually install it from there and if we in the spool assembly so we're in this one we can actually start bringing in the bodies so add shapes from external flyer spool parts open and we can pick our shapes in here individual shapes import them like so and let's place them like so and we can use these to assemble gates so my base is going to be fixed position or true which is at the moment these should be fixed position of force and we can start clicking on parts of this so for instance click on that edge and this edge and place them on axis set that and we can move this one into position like so just slide it into position just to get an idea of what this would look like we can pull another one of these in by just using the import and spore parts open and which one do we want we want the sport the support and support body import and we'll bring this around this side let's just dump this down here and we will click this one and the inside edge of here circle circle accept and also this edge and this edge axis set and we'll just move that one down into position and we can use this one and this one and create an axis on that one to make sure they're lined up and the same on this side as well set that so you can see straight away we can put something like this together and if i have a look we can see we've got some some problems here we've got a bit of gapping in here so depending on how far i want this away i should put a rod through here as well now i can alter this create offsets etc add rods in here add bearings etc but that shows you the workflow of that master sketch if i go back to it so file recent files and small parts you can see we've got everything there we can transform these if we do desire so we can cut these individually create a technical drawing or place this on a cnc machine ready to go so i hope that's helped with understanding the master sketch workflow and how you would use it for assemblies and roughing out your models and then take that further with creating that parts assembling them or even just creating those individual parts ready for cnc ready for 3d print or just create a technical drawing i hope you enjoyed the video and i'll see you again soon if you like what you're seeing please subscribe to the site i also have a co-fire or coffee site that you can donate to if you so desire and that's at ko hyphen fi.com for slash ming0 also run a patreon where you can subscribe and get extra content and that's at www.patreon.com for slash mango jelly solutions any money that's kindly donated will be used to expand the channel thanks a lot for watching and subscribing and i'll see you again soon
Channel: MangoJelly Solutions
Views: 2,947
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Keywords: CAD, three, 3D, CNC, Printing, solidworks, autoCAD, freecad 0.19, freecad 19, freecad basics, basic course, fundamentals, learn freecad, freecad beginners
Id: glrEEtu2cao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 55sec (1855 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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