How To Use FreeCAD The Realthunder Branch For Beginners | Setup & Basics | For 3D Printing | P. 1

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this video is all about learning freecad from the  ground up we're gonna be using in my opinion one   of the most powerful and intuitive versions of  freecad we're gonna cover everything that i wish   i knew when i was learning freecad and we're gonna  primarily focus on 3d print design what's up i'm   jonathan and welcome to maker tales where i'm  sharing my maker journey to help you go further   in yours so don't forget to subscribe and hit that  little bell icon to never miss an opportunity to   keep making this video is sponsored by  this video is all about getting a foundational   understanding of freecad as well as a preliminary  understanding of cad design itself now we're not   going to be using the main branch of freecad  we're going to be using something called   link stage 3 also known as real thunder's version  or branch of freecad you might be wondering why   and i have an entire video explaining that here  or down in the description but in a nutshell   currently freecad has some pretty nasty bugs in it  that really make the learning curve so much harder   to learn so i thought let's go ahead and use the  most powerful and intuitive version of freecad   so we can really just get on with making things  within freecad instead of dealing with the bugs   within it now that does mean that this course  eventually will become outdated so keep a note   of the top pinned comment because i'm going to  go ahead and update that comment once i created   a whole entire course that's going to go with the  new version of freecad now this here is the first   3d printed project that we're going to go and  create within freeCADthis lovely little box with   this lovely little lid now we're going to do this  both through parametric and direct modeling and   if you have no idea what that means don't worry  we're going to cover that in this video but the   key thing here is is i'm going to show you every  single little nut and bolt of free CAD until we   get to that end result which means you're going  to be able to get on with much more complicated   designs much quicker with that all said let's get  on and let's learn freecad as i've just mentioned   we're going to be using real thunder's version of  freecad so you don't really download it over from however this website is still  useful especially for that donation button   because a donated and supported freecad is a  better free CAD overall and our community tab   right here especially their form what we're really  interested in is this here this is the github of   real thunder his release page and the link is down  in the description you're going to scroll down to   this lovely list of downloads right here and what  you're looking for is a stable version for your   system so for me on a windows computer it's this  right here i will click that and let that download   while that's downloading i think it's only fair to  mention that if you're appreciating all the hard   work that real thunder is putting into this  consider supporting him on his patreon page   with that said now it's downloaded let's go ahead  unzip the file that we get which gives us all this   lovely files right here and what we're looking  for is this run freecad of course you can go ahead   right click it create a shortcut put that shortcut  wherever you want but in essence all you have to   do is double click this and this is going to open  the freecad link branch version and here we are   within real thunder's version of freecad it might  look completely different for you depending on   your screen resolution as this is how it's going  to look like on a 4k screen it's just one of the   things of freecad it has some really good things  about the ui and some also some really not great   things i understand it might look completely alien  and completely overwhelming and don't worry for   now i really want you to sort of ignore everything  as we need to do a whole bunch of quality of life   changes within the preferences so let's go ahead  and do all of those right now head over to edit   and then preferences here get this at a nice  comfy space so you can see it all fantastic   and let's start with units for those of you who  want to work in the imperial system here it is   go ahead change it hit apply and then we'll go  back to the general tab here we're going to change   a couple of things we're going to start with a  toolbar i'm going to go with extra large for 4k   screen i'm going to hit apply you'll see we now  have extra large icons i'm also going to change   my tree view icon size to 25 i'm going to change  my tree view font size to 15 and lastly in here   i'm going to also change this thing that says  startup instead of going to this place called   the start i want to go to this place called the  part design workbench don't worry i understand   you have no idea what i'm saying right this minute  it'll all make sense in just a little bit so click   on that hit apply and now we're going to go over  to display so over in display we're gonna go and   change our anti-aliasing that right this minute is  set to none we're gonna set this either to four or   eight it's up to you i'm gonna go for eight but  just be aware a little pop-up will come up now   it's just letting us know that we need  to restart freecad which we will do   once we've done all these little settings  changes so hit ok and now let's go and change   our marker size i'm going to go for 15 as i find  that's what works well on a 4k screen i'm just   going to change my pick radius to 10 as i find  that is the one that's most comfortable for me   from here i'm going to hit apply and i just want  to mention a couple of things here within colors   here is where you change the background  color of freecad so you can change the   gradient color itself or turn it into just  one solid color in case you want to do that   let's just quickly touch on navigation it's a  little bit of a controversial one because i'm   not going to be teaching you cad navigation now  if you're dead set on learning CAD navigation   i've created a video of that one and it's down  in the description so head over there right now   or what i'm going to show you in this video is  blender navigation now hold tight the reason why   is i find that blender and free cad put together  are the killer combo for 3d print design   with that now done i'm going to hit apply and i  just want to quickly mention one thing here in   the general tab you might have seen a whole bunch  of people with some really cool or strange themes   of freecad when you've been looking online  well this here where it says style sheets   that is how they've gone ahead and done that so  you can go over put on this pro dark hit apply   you'll see everything super dark there's also this  other one called behavior dark that is this sort   of bluish one now personally i don't use these  as i find the colors can go a little bit weird   at times i'm going to go with the no style at all  okay now that we've done that we need a couple of   extra little settings here but we have to go  somewhere else for that so i'm going to hit ok   then up at the top here where it says start just  go into that drop down and go to the part design   little menu here click in there it will make sense  what we're doing in a moment but for now go back   into your edit and back into your preferences and  you'll see we have some more settings here let's   start with part design so within part design some  people like to turn these three on here we will   probably turn this on but a little bit further  on down in the line and i'm going to go over to   shape view i'm going to change this from 28 to 6.  i'm also going to change my shape appearance here   from my line width to 6 and my vertex size to  9. again this is because i'm using a 4k screen   and i just find that i need to make all these  bigger so that we can all see what's going on   i'm going to hit apply on that i'm going to  go to this sketcher tab now i understand you   don't know what sketcher is but trust me you'll  understand everything that's going on really soon   i want to have a grid when i'm in this sketcher  space so i'm going to turn this on i'm going to   hit apply then i'm going to go over to display in  display i want to change my font size to something   pretty big for everyone here so i'm going to  go with 40 you might want to go with 30 or 25   depending on the resolution of your screen and  here on the view scale ratio i'm going to   go with 2 and then i'm going to hit apply on that  just a quick note that here where it says colors   within the sketcher environment which you will  see soon this is where you change all of those   colors in the future i'll be doing an entire  video showing you how i like to change all the   colors here in freecad for my own personal needs  but for now i'm going to leave everything as   default as possible right now that we've done  all those changes let's hit apply hit ok close   free cad and restart it now a quick message from  today's sponsor thanks now hold on before you skip   trust me there's something i want you to check  out here bangs is the fastest growing 3d model   community with close to 3 million free models to  download one of my favorite things of thangs is   their no app needed free augmented reality feature  where you can literally check out 3d models in the   real world with pretty much just one click on your  phone so be sure to give it a go with the example   file linked down in the description to see what  the end result of this free card crash course is   going to look like in front of you and here we are  within that freshly restarted recap and everything   has changed jonathan have you just broken my free  card everything's grayed out what's going on this   is a very strange place you have me in right this  minute don't worry this is exactly where we want   to be this is somewhere called the part design  workbench and it's usually where you want to go   ahead and start all your 3d print designing so  to understand exactly what i mean by a workbench   let's go up here to the top where it says part  design click that drop down once again and you're   going to see there's a whole bunch here let's  just quickly zoom in and understand what this is   freecad works with this idea of workbenches each  one of these is something called a workbench each   workbench has been designed and coded up for a  specific task with tools and features for that   task so we started in the start one and as you  can imagine the start one is for starting in we're going to go and look at a whole bunch of  these but for now let's just go and keep things   simple let's go back to the start one to just  go full circle so you understand what's going on   so we'll click on the start one and you'll see we  are now back at the start however i don't want to   show you this start page that much because we're  not going to really usually start here down here   where it says the start page this is sort of  like the splash screen of the start workbench   usually down here this is the file name of what's  active within freecad so i'm going to close this   i'm going to go back into part design as if  we've just started up freecad once again so   how do we get started from this point well it's  one of the strange things of freeCAD technically   there is no file open right this minute and this  is why everything is grayed out so let's go ahead   and create a document within freecad as you can  imagine up here on the top left this is the create   a new empty document we'll click this and you'll  see all of a sudden everything is active once   again and down here it now says unnamed because we  now have an unnamed document so take a look here   on the left hand side this thing is called  the combo view it's a very important space   and over next to here we've got model and task  let's go over to model this here is something   called the tree view also known as the hierarchy  or the timeline it has many many different ways of   calling it but for now we're just going to call it  the hierarchy or the tree view you can see we have   unnamed here because within our application we  have the document unnamed open let's go and make   a change here by saving this document to see that  change so let's go file save as or you can go with   control s i'm going to go ahead and save my file  as getting started with that now saved you can see   we have a file here called getting started open  within freecad so let's talk a little bit about   the ui right this minute so when we're up here on  the combo view you see there's this little hand   that's because all these windows are movable  you can go ahead and move them to either side   have them snap you can go up down wherever you  want you can even close this now be careful   you've just gone ahead and deleted one of the most  important things within freecad how do you get   this back go over to view and here where it says  panels you'll find the combo view so click that   on and you'll see that you'll be able to just move  this back into its place now let's quickly touch   on the toolbars all these toolbars here are sort  of sectioned out into these collections of tools   and every single collection of tool has this sort  of dotted line right here this dotted line is the   grab area to be able to move these tools wherever  you want within your toolbar and as you can see   you can just go ahead and move this wherever  you want you can have it something like that   or put that back to where it was or whatever you  want one really interesting thing is that you can   grab these and move them off into the side as  well it's one of the great things about freecad   ui is that it really is personalized for your own  workflows as much as you want so i'm just going to   go and move this last one here and i'm happy with  that so let's go ahead and start making something   right yes absolutely but first we need to really  understand how we should start making something   in many many videos lots of people just jump into  straight into this thing called creating a body   in reality this is going to trip you up in the  long term what you really want to do is you have a   file here this file can do anything within freecad  so let's go ahead and let freecad know what we're   wanting to make we're wanting to obviously  make a part of some type and that's exactly it   this here is create a part so we'll create a  part within freecad then within our part we   can have many things inside of a part but what  i want in this part is i want a body i want a   3d thing so i'm going to create a body within my  part this means that i can have multiple bodies   inside of one part it has a lot to do with this  whole idea of an origin and the origin is the   3d space that's sort of assigned to each thing in  here it's quite complicated and you'll get used to   it with time but for now just remember that okay  now i'm not really seeing much on my screen right   this minute that's quite boring so let's go ahead  and see something within this body you'll see that   there's this little i and the origin 001 let's go  ahead and click that i next to it and you can see   we can now see the origin of the body so the 3d  space so as you see there's planes and there's   axes associated to that body now another way of  hiding and showing things is click it and then   you can press the space bar to hide it and space  bar again to show it so let's move around within   this environment again i'm going to be showing  you blender movement if you want the CAD movement   it's down in the description so to rotate around  we're going to hold down the middle mouse button   and that'll let you rotate around it's a little  bit strange because depending where your mouse is   that is sort of the rotation point now to zoom in  you can scroll in and scroll out or you can hold   down control hold down the middle mouse button and  move your mouse in and out lastly to pan around   hold down shift hold down control and then you can  pan around but in reality i don't really use that   much movement what i really like to use are these  buttons here these are quick movements so this is   the front view top view right view back view  bottom and side view now on top of that all of   these have a lovely little shortcut as you can see  this is number one there's number two number three   four five six and this one is zero so let's  go through those one two three four five six   zero what i usually do is i hit zero and then  just rotate out a little bit to see my model   now that we've really got to grips with sort  of how this is looking like let's talk about   CAD design itself but just before we jump  into there if you get yourself completely   lost and you have no idea where you are to get  yourself back to fitting everything on the screen   up here this lovely little button is fit whole  content on screen i like to also think of it as vf   which is view full which is the shortcut for it so  let's get lost once again and hit vf and now we're   viewing full lastly there is one other way to move  around which is with this little cube here this   gizmo here can be quite useful but i find that  more than anything it just sort of shows where   you are as you can see you've got the top front  side if you want you can click on one of these and   it'll snap to that rotation you can do incremental  movements to either side as well as incremental   rotations to either side and there's a whole  bunch of different ways of viewing so orthographic   perspective and isometric with those covered now  let's talk about the fundamentals of what exactly   is cad design so now take a seat back and let's  have a little chat when you first think of cad   style design you probably think of technical  drawings and that's for a good reason because   everything is driven by numbers when it comes to  computer aided design so let's take a look at one   of these technical drawings so we have one here  now what exactly do these technical drawings do   what they're basically doing is defining the  relationships of different features within a 3d   object in a 2d space okay with that knowledge  placed then what exactly do the numbers do   well they're constraining where said features are  so constraining means we're very much telling it   where it is and what it is and how it should be so  for instance this hole here we know needs to be 16   what not there and it needs to be 37 what  knots over here but there's nothing defining   the diameter of it unless you realize that these  are all the same one and there you have a diameter   of six what not all right now we understand  the idea of the sort of the technical drawing   and what the numbers do now i just want to quickly  talk about the way that you can do cad modeling   now cad modeling can be done in two ways  one is you go ahead and do something called   direct modeling so direct modeling is where you go  ahead you use this technical drawing you say okay   well this has a base length of 45 and you type in  a dimension of 45 there and this its width is 32   that is 32 fantastic and i see then you go ahead  and create some other thing and you realize that   this is where's the thickness here of this thing  oh it's not fully defined but then you realize the   the thickness of something and go from there  that is called direct modeling where every single   number is put in individually and then if you ever  wanted to change that number you have to go back   to that number and change that but for instance  maybe you wanted to change the diameter of this   one here you change this one but now you also have  to change the other ones that is direct modeling   the next one is called parametric modeling and  this is the real powerhouse tool when it comes   to computer-aided design basically it you still  use numbers except you link them together so you   create something called a variable so we're going  to say that this 6 is a variable and we're going   to call it small holes so these small holes are  set to six and we're going to use the variable   small holes to say hey you when we say what  diameter you are you are a small hole diameter   you are a small hole diameter and you are a small  hole diameter that means that if we ever go ahead   and change the idea of what the variable of that  small hole is from 6 to 3 all of these will change   at the same time that there is parametric modeling  and of course you go ahead and link this up with   this other hole up here as well as with the  thickness and that fundamentally is parametric   modeling where you link up features together  so that one dimension controls many different   features on a model now that we understand  the cad design and we know the importance of   technical drawing let's go ahead and create our  own technical drawing to do this what you do is   you create a sketch a drawing within freecad so  right here next to our body we have the sketch   now be sure that you're on the correct body  so here you can see that this body is active   because it's bold if you double click it it will  be inactive and you'll see that it's no longer   bold so i'm going to double click it make sure  it's bold and then from here i'm going to also   hide the origin because usually you don't actually  have the origin visible when you're doing this   so let's click that create sketch button and it's  going to ask you okay where do you want to create   the sketch what flat surface what plane are you  wanting to reference well i'm wanting to reference   the x y plane so top down so i'm going to left  click on there and you can see there's a whole   bunch more options here don't worry about any of  those for now we're keeping things super simple   with that now selected hit ok and you're going  to see everything changes where on earth are we   now this looks very overwhelming don't worry this  is a place that you're going to learn to love this   is called the sketcher workbench and it's honestly  where you're going to be spending the majority of   your time just very quickly the first thing  that you're going to notice is you have these   lines here and this red dot this is the center of  the origin and these are your axes on that plane   you can move around in here just like every other  3d space and this is a 3d space so be careful you   can rotate in it very easily and get yourself  completely lost and then you have no idea which   way is up and which way is down apart from seeing  that cube how do we get ourselves back to the   right orientation or you're going to look for this  button right here this will center up your sketch   once again to the right orientation now before we  continue let's go ahead and sort out our toolbars   just so we have this in a place that sort of works  well for us i'm going to move this one over there   i'm going to move this one down here i'm just  going to move this one down over here i'm actually   going to just move this last little tiny thing  over here because that's going to let us see   all the tools all at one go and that's what i'm  very much wondering so we're not going to go   too deep into this we're just going to do very  top-level understanding of what's going on here   because the next coming videos we're going to go  really really deep into the sketch of workbench as   honestly it's probably the most important space  for 3d print design and in CAD design in general   so we're going to take a look and we're going  to create a simple little cube so we're going   to click this button right here just create a  rectangle you click this and then you can just   go ahead and left click and then do another left  click and that will create this drawing i'm going   to right click to cancel the tool now let's take  a look at exactly what's going on let's just zoom   in quickly and you can see that we have these red  dots these red lines and these white lines and a   whole bunch of things happened here on the left  hand side we can all agree that there are four   lines here correct and that's why there are four  lines here now what on earth are these constraints   and what's this target thing and that line thing  well we've got them up here that little target   thing this is called a coincident constraint you  can also think of this as sort of like joining but   don't really think about joining because you don't  really join things within freecad what you do is   you constrain things together and then we also  have this here which is our vertical constraint   and this here which is our horizontal constraint  let's explore this a little bit more so over here   we have our constraints if you click on one  of them it's going to show you where it is   as you can see that little dot turned green we can  go ahead and right click it and go deactivate now   with this deactivated we can actually pull these  apart however if we reactivate this constraint   you will see it will bring it together that's  because the coincident constraint is keeping   those two lines together something else if  we go ahead and deactivate that once again   and we'll find the constraint that's doing  the top line which is constraint number five   as you can see it's gone green i'm also  going to go ahead and deactivate this one   so what do you think is going to happen now  well now we can go ahead and make this line   not horizontal because the horizontal constraint  has been deactivated right take a look at what's   going on here though because right this minute  saying we are unconstrained the sketch has seven   degrees of freedom what on earth are degrees  of freedom and what is this constrained thing   what exactly is happening here what freecad is  asking you is i don't know what's going on here   i need to know exactly what this sketch is where  it is and how it should relate within the 3d space   and that's what all these constraints are so if  we were to go ahead and activate that constraint   and then activate this one as well you can see  now we only have four degrees of freedom so we've   got this one up and down left and right okay makes  sense so what's really happening here well freecad   has no idea where this is and what size it is  that's what's happening so let's go ahead and tell   freecad hey your center origin point of this plane  for this object should be coincident with the   bottom left-hand side of my cube so we select both  of those and then we'll click this little target   thing which is the coincident constraint and it  will make that point coincident as you can see we   are now only have two degrees of freedom so we've  got this one here and this one right here so let's   go ahead and constrain those now to constrain  these the way that i'm going to go ahead and do   it is through doing dimensions so we're going  to dimension here so i'm going to select this   line here and then you put a dimension here let's  take a look at our all of our constraints so here   we have geometric constraints and here we have  dimensional constraints so this one here looks   like what i'm looking for a horizontal dimensional  constraint so i'm going to click on this and now   we have a horizontal constraint i'm going to set  this to 50 because we're going to do some direct   modeling right this minute we'll hit ok and there  we have it that's now being constrained there as   you can see we now only have one degree of freedom  left now let's just say we had a whole bunch of   stuff here we wanted to find out where this one  degree of freedom is left where you can click on   this one degree and it will select what exactly  is still not constrained and what it's telling   you is hey this line here can still go up and  down what exactly do you want me to do with this   so as you can imagine we're going to go ahead and  do another dimensional constraint the way we'll   do it is we're going to select this point down  here this point up here and instead of clicking   the button let's start doing some shortcuts so  this is vertical constraint which would be a   shift v and there we go a vertical dimensional  constraint i'm going to set this one to 50.   now did you realize what's just happened our  sketch just went green so let's redo that   i'm going to click this delete it we don't have  a fully green sketch right this minute it is   slightly green but not really we'll go  here shift v it's now completely green   this means that we have a fully defined or fully  constrained sketch which means that freecad now   knows what size it is and where it belongs within  the 3d space absolutely now that we've done that   we can go ahead and click close and this will  take us back to the part design workbench now that   we're in the part design workbench you can see we  have this lovely sketch here if we left click off   it will unselect if you left click one of the  edges it will select one edge and if you select   it again on that selected edge it will select all  of it with it all selected and the sketch skill   selected over here let's go ahead and do something  with this sketch let's go and turn this into some   3d geometry the way you do this is by extruding  it or another way of calling it is padding it   making it thick the button you're looking for  here is right there so we'll click on this here   and you'll see that we get a whole bunch of  options and everything's changed don't worry about   it we're keeping things really simple this here  that says length we're just going to go with 50.   hit ok and you'll see that we now have this lovely  little cube right what we were expecting great so   let's take a look at really what's going on  here because all of a sudden your sketch has   disappeared we have this cube and you might be  a little bit lost on what's going on well what   we have is our document that has a part in it this  part has a bit of 3d geometry on it that's called   a body now this body has a pad so we're making  something thick we're extruding something but   this pad with this drop down is being driven by  this sketch which means we can double click onto   this sketch we can change the numbers in here so  i'll double click on here change this to 30 i will   double click on this one here and i'll change that  to 30. again this is direct modeling there's no   sort of magic number controlling this we can hit  close or we can hit escape and this will take us   back now be aware when you hit escape it's going  to take you to the task not to model i like to   keep the model up and you can see it's gone ahead  and changed our cube now i want to change the pad   to go with 30 as well so i'm going to click on the  pad double click the pad and now here i can change   that number back to 30. as you can see that's  how you can really have a lot of power here with   direct modeling now parametric is a completely  different ball game but we're going to get to   that further on down the line at this point i  want to create a hole up on this top surface   to do that we're going to create another sketch  now instead of going sketch and selecting a plane   and all the rest i'm going to select the face that  we want the sketch to be on so i'm selecting this   which means we are doing a direct reference on a  face and now when we hit sketch it's going to head   and said okay you had that face selected which  lets me know that you're wanting to create   a sketch on that face so now that we're here  let's go ahead and create a little circle here   as you can imagine right here this is a nice  little circle drawing tool we're just going   to click once pull out click again right click  to cancel the tool now we have three degrees of   freedom what are they well we've got this moving  up down left and right and we also have our   diameter of this circle so let's go ahead  and just do some very quick constraining here   i'm going to go from the origin point to the  center of my circle remember the shortcut here   shift h for horizontal dimensioning i'm going to  set this to 15. nothing magical right this minute   we'll just stick that with just 15. we'll go again  from here to there shift v for vertical we'll go   15 and hit okay now we're still not quite there  we still have one degree of freedom as we can tell   and this needs to have its diameter set  because we're working with a circle here   let's take a look at our dimensional constraints  i'm not really seeing one well there is a radius   here and there's also a little drop down here is  our diameter constraint so let's click on this one   click on our circle and we'll set this to 10.  hit ok and now i'm going to go ahead and close   out of the sketch all right so you can see we have  that lovely little sketch on the top of our cube   here now let's go ahead and make a hole with it  let's take a look at the tools all right there's   this one with the hole in it not quite this is  a different type of hole and we'll get to there   eventually what we're actually wanting to create  is something called a pocket which is right next   to it so with your sketch selected that has that  circle let's go ahead and do a pocket operation   if we click on this you will see it goes red now  this red is sort of silhouetting what exactly is   about to happen so it's going to go in by five  millimeters i don't want it to go in by five   millimeters i want it to go all the way through  so i want to go all through now this means it   would cut any geometry that is passed here as  well maybe that's not quite what i'm looking for   i want it to go all the way through to a face that  i select so i'm going to go up to face instead   now it's flashing at me here saying no face  selected so we've got to let it know what   face exactly we're talking about i'm going to  say this face right there and as you see it's   gone ahead and done that i'm going to hit ok and  there we have it we've gone ahead and we've done a   lovely hole through our cube right there and this  here is a perfect place to stop as you now have a   foundational understanding of freecad and exactly  what is going on in the next coming videos we're   gonna really understand the sketcher workbench  as this truly is like the key place to really   get a grips with freecad first and then from there  we're going to go ahead and look at more and more   complicated tools and workflows so you're  able to master 3d print design within freecad   and there you have it you now have a foundational  understanding of freeCAD along with all the whole   bunch of preference changes and you understand  sort of what freecad is starting to expect from   you this is also very much the backbone of CAD design itself a huge thank you to my patrons you   guys are absolutely awesome and it means the world  to me to have your support it really does make   maker tales possible and if you're enjoying  what i'm making here you think i'm worthy   of your support i would love to see you there too  don't forget that we also have a discord and that   is linked down in the description thank you for  watching keep making and let the quest continue
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Views: 31,146
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Keywords: freecad, freecad tutorials for beginners, freecad tutorial, freecad 0.19 tutorial, freecad part design tutorial, freecad sketcher tutorial, freecad 3d printing, free cad software, free cad software for 3d printing, free cad, free cad 0.19, fusion 360 to freecad, fusion 360 alternatives, cad beginner course, cad beginner tutorial, cad beginners guide, beginner cad software, cad beginner, 3d printing, 3d modeling, 3d modeling for beginners, realthunder, how to use freecad
Id: p_ZEry2wTfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 11sec (2111 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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