Understanding chord progression theory using the number system (part 2)

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hey guys in this second video on chord progression Theory I wanted to show you what happens when music doesn't follow the default uh Theory and what it should be um what I mean by that is this when chords 1 4 and five which are normally by default major are not major chords 2 three six which are supposed to be minor by default are not minor and where chord seven by default supposed to be diminished is not diminished because one of the beautiful things about music is it's both a science and an art and so there are these rules and defaults of what it should be but music is so much like you know bigger than just following you know that little kind of formula that it can actually go outside of it and it totally works and then sometimes it works even better so what I wanted to do in this video is show you some Demon examples of what those would be and how they would be indicated and how to understand it okay so for example let me just draw a line here so there are times when you would run into let's say a four chord that is not major but is minor or you'd run into a two chord which by default is minor but it's not minor it's major and this seven chord which is by default supposed to be a diminished chord sometimes it's not a diminished sometimes it's a minor chord and what would happen so the way you would indicate that in using the number system and reading charts s would be easy if anything is out of default you would H have to write something after the number so for example if a four is minor rather than the default major you would just write a four and a little M after so that would tell you that that four is a minor chord rather than a major a two which by default is minor if it's a major us your chord you would write a Big M after which will tell you that that two is not the default chord it's a major chord and this seven here which is by default a diminished if it's a minor you would just write a little M and that would tell you that um instead of diminished chords which is the default you would played as a minor chord now so one of the things is when you analyze a chord chart with this kind of number system on it I'm just going to write some examples of chords here let's say the chords went like 1 6 5 4 uh 1 5 4 4 minor let's say that's the progression so when you look at this whenever you just see a number you know it follows the default but whenever you see something behind the number like in this example this 4M that tells you it's not your typical uh defaulted chord it's for minor now let me show you how you would find that it would be exactly the same as in the last video you would pick a key so let's say we're going to pick the key of a uh okay I'm going to go here now you should know this by now you remember the formula is root whole whole half whole whole whole half and uh so the key a is one because the root is always one and from there you would count up two steps which is a whole step B would be two three would be a whole step away which would be C Shar or d flat four is a half so that's a d five is a whole step which would be an e six is a whole step which would be an F sharp or g flat remember we're not going to be talking about uh the correct one there because they're both the same note just two different names seven would be a whole step away which would be a G sharp or a flat and then there would be a half note to complete this uh this scale which would take you back to one so 1 through 7 so in the key of A for example if you were to run into a 4 M all you would have to do is see what four lands on which is a d and instead of being a D major which four chords are by default the major it would be a D minor so four minor is D Minor now this is only in the key of A two major in the key of A would be this two B by default which is a minor chord it would now be a B major just like that seven minor s typically by default would be G sharp diminished but because this is out of the default it would be G sharp minor so that's how that works um any of these numbers can be major minor diminished or seventh or augmented I mean it could just be anything and that's kind of the whole complexity of music but the good thing is there is a a standard default way that you know especially worship music the modern stuff uh they they pretty much follow this rule maybe once in a while you'll get a chord that's out and uh but whenever they are you will see the numbers indicated by something else which will give you an immediate haha that something is a little fishy and all you have to do is follow this kind of rule to find this out to figure out what chords that are that that it is um in the next video we're going to actually talk about one more component of this uh chord progression Theory which is talking about the five notes that are not represented here
Channel: worshipwoodshed
Views: 154,951
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Keywords: chord, progression, theory, number, system
Id: AKwQq5um4hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 22 2012
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