Understanding chord progression theory using the number system - (part 1)

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in this video I'm going to teach you how the chord progression Theory and how the number system all kind of work together and so before uh you watch this you'll definitely want to see the lesson on the major scale and the number system and how that relate because it's basically built off of that so let me put up the musical alphabet here okay there it is is the 12 notes so not only do the numbers in the number system 1 through 7 represent notes but when you're talking about in the context of chords there's a few things you have to memorize and understand so let me go over these with you so the first thing is this okay in the number system there is chords ranging from 1 through 7 okay chords 1 4 and five are by default major Chords chords two 3 and six are by default minor chords so since these are the defaults when you see 145 as a a chord those are going to be major chords 2 3 six are going to be minor chords there's no need to put a little M after three or six or two because you just have to learn that two three sixes are minor and that's kind of the difference between like the nasville number system versus kind of the number system we use here since these are by default that way we don't even indicate it with a little M number seven which is hardly ever used in a chord um they're used as a bass note but is what's called a diminished diminished chord um so this is kind of how it works once you understand how to convert a chord chart into numbers by using the the major scale so let's say we're in the key of A we're in the key is a this would be the root root chord which is also the number one chord then you create the you know the whole whole half whole whole half which will give you one here B will be two which will be B minor three would be CP or d flat which would be either C minor or d d flat minor four would be D if you're wondering how I'm getting these you got to watch the the lesson on the major scale in the number system five is e six IS F sharp or g flat s is G Shar or a flat and back to half would take you right back to the root which is number one so through this here are the chords using chord progression theory in the number system so um 1 = a major 2 = B minor remember because 2 3 and sixes are Minor by default 3 equals either C sharp or d flat you can call it either one technically you know um musical theor you know Majors might get all over you but who who cares really all you care all you really care about is the location of that note three would be C sharp minor four would be D major five would be e now for this lesson we're just going to call it E major because we're only talking about three note chords six would be F sharp or g flat once again you can call it either one we're going to call this one F sharp minor 7 would be uh G Shar or a flat we'll call it G sharp diminished okay now what you need to know is this represents chords it doesn't represent if you had a slash chord let's say slash chord that said 1 sl3 would be an a over 3 which would be a csharp or d flat but because the Slash um represents only a note not a chord it wouldn't be a c sh minor or d flat minor because the chord is only on the left side of this slash or the top and the right side is just a base note so it would be C sharp and if you want to know more about that watch the lesson on slash chords and it'll show you but that's basically how the chord progression Works using the number system
Channel: worshipwoodshed
Views: 536,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chord, progression, theory, number, system
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2012
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