Underground (1941) | Full Movie | Jeffrey Lynn | Philip Dorn | Kaaren Verne | Vincent Sherman

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] excuse me franken may i have a light of course [Music] thanks go back see you tomorrow bowers thank you sir [Music] what's the deutsch master please yes sir [Music] yes sir [Music] it's all right sanic hello willy hello eric right there it's the floor for you are you getting on alex i'm no huffman you know i'm an amateur at this it takes me time you're the troops and the condemned sir can you get it ready for tonight i'll do my best good come on what about the truck it's in the warehouse as soon as alex is finished we start out fine keep working we have to broadcast tonight greater joseph you went out with some literature this afternoon hmm i need some leaflets uh willie how many can you print before nine o'clock i could do a thousand every half hour look ah that's fine that's fine something like this um citizens of germany once again the illegal radio will bring you sensational news about the true conditions in germany listen tonight try your dial voice of freedom [Music] eric is that you yes mother oh i'm so glad you're home tonight have a surprise for you surprise what is it court is coming home tonight what tonight yes he's on his way here now he has a telegram he's coming with a seven o'clock train from hanover isn't that wonderful yes but i don't understand it what why should he send a soldier home at times like this who knows maybe they give him a vacation but you have to hurry if you want to get to the station in time you have only a few minutes excuse me for a front shall i put the sauce on before or after before before oh ella i told you so many times [Music] max's cafe who just a moment still be a telephone [Applause] hello hello sylvia here's eric where oh quiet little place in uh lichtenberg i'm sure i can get away will you call the professor he's coming with us tell him i'll be delayed but let him pick me up at my home about uh say about nine o'clock eric you're still here oh please please hurry don't worry about it mama i have plenty of time but i have a big dinner waiting big dinner what is it and is that stew no it goes a goose no i don't believe it how did you get it never mind i talked to the butcher i said you have to give it to me i don't care what your oration card allows me my son is a soldier you can feed him with a piece of shoe leather you will give it to me or i tell the fury himself hmm and i suppose that frightened him he gave it to me didn't he now hurry please 1902 train from direction hanover arriving on track three trains from directions standout track six 50 minutes late deep sought from bremen two seven turkey not arriving tonight troop transport from norway arriving track 4. no good eric hello kurt it's good to see you again what what's this oh a home shot we call it that's why they've let you come back yeah i'm not much good to them at the front this way i'm sorry cool oh i was lucky at that could have been worse you know it won't be pleasant news to the family i know that's why i didn't write i didn't want them to worry sooner than they had to well you might as well go now family is waiting they're all excited uh-huh but i made a nice dinner for you good well how is everyone oh about the same what are you going to do now did he tell you no but there'll be a party job of some kind i suppose i have to report to headquarters tomorrow there are still many ways i can be useful to the state oh i'm sure they will find something for you he's here albert albert is here the boys are here i'm coming ella court is here i'll be right in ah this time never looks right if i fold it once then that is too small if i hold it twice it's too big i help you mother come here you are oh my god i am so glad to see you good it's nothing mother i was proud to give it father he looks fine doesn't he father yes fine picture of health he's gained at least 10 pounds 12. why didn't you tell us good i didn't want to worry after all it's better i come back this way than not at all isn't it good is right mother there's no time for tears you should be happy he's here i am i am happy so happy as long as my family is together i'll always be happy you see that's better after the stukas comes the artillery then the panzer divisions move in and the way is clear i tell you it would have given you the thrill of your life to see the way we rolled over them denmark norway belgium france one after the other like a steamroller save the coffee grounds ella davira is right we have the greatest military machine ever created i remember another leader who said it once ah sour grapes father you lost your war we'll win ours and we get back our colonies and have good coffee again we need it my boy you are young and full of ideals but believe me no one ever really wins the war the whole world loses no father the nation which is right and strong enough to prove it must win we haven't won yet court no but we will but how long will it take and what secretary for six months wait and see war politics everything but our family mother's right let's stop we don't settle anything this way maybe but remember one thing kurtz to be strong doesn't always mean to be right you see the mother we have oh yes i remember you made me learn it when i was a boy what stronger breastplate than a heart untainted thrice is the arm that has his quarrel just and he bought naked though locked up in steel whose conscience with injustice is corrupted never forget it don't worry i won't i always wanted to ask you who wrote it unfortunately one of our enemies an englishman shakespeare ella i go come now we'll have some music i haven't touched my violin in months i'm afraid i'm out of practice too but should you be out of practice what have you been doing well many things i was quite busy uh-huh tell me mother has eric been a good boy since having a voice oh eric every night is out until 12 1 o'clock no excuse me a doctor it's a miller ask him to come in come in emily good evening doctor good evening gustav come in my friend come in not even again good evening good evening i'm sorry to disturb you but i didn't want to call you out into the night nonsense what can i do for you it's my wife maybe you can give her something to help her sleep of course you remember my son good don't you he just came home tonight how are you hamilah i'm glad to see you oh i'm sorry it's good to have him back isn't it we are very grateful but don't let them take him away again keep him here lock your doors even if the fear himself comes don't let them take him away he's your son no one has a right to take him from you no one no one miller what is it sit down what's the matter my son carl [Music] i've got this letter [Music] it is our duty to inform you that your son carl muller died on the battleship bismarck defending his fatherland uh [Music] yes we are at war but can you tell me why of course to restore germany's place in the world we were weak and despised nation before now everyone respects us they're afraid of us i must remember this they are afraid of us i will tell my wife it will comfort her but she won't need any medicine to sleep yes i put a sign over my son's grave they are afraid of us this will make him happy [Music] this will take his place in our hearts camilla please i'm surprised that you're himmerla carl died for a great cause this is a great cause i say it's a great lie i won't listen to your hammer you're a traitor to your son and an enemy of the state god please a mulan i fought side by side in the last war he loves his fatherland as much as you do then let him show it congressman i give you the medicine excuse me please i did not mean to make trouble for you but i have lost my two brothers in the last war and now my son it seems to me one war in a man's life is enough [Music] i've spoiled your evening haven't i mother hamilla's an old friend court i know from franklin excuse me it's a storm trooper for the winter relief fund excuse me [Music] well my left hand was never too good [Music] well i'll go upstairs good night eric you're not going to bed it's early not even nine o'clock i'm afraid i'll have to i have a hardy's work ahead of me this is no way to treat a hero on his first night home i thought we might go out later and make a night of it have some fun no not me you can sleep in the morning casanova but i have an eight o'clock appointment with a couple of test tubes ah let them wait yeah that's easier said than done you don't know how important my work at the moment is that's very interesting but it doesn't do me any good you forget there's a war going on what happens on the home front is just as important as the rest yes but why stay home tonight mother says you're out every night oh mother i know you know her maybe once or twice i was out late so right away i'm an idol well if you're going to stay in perhaps you'd give me a telephone number alyssa court i'm a chemist not a metro memorial agent who said anything about getting married all i want is a telephone number [Music] some silly girl nothing for you giggles all the time oh talks a lot too i suppose yes she never stops sounds like a lot of fun just the kind i like no not this one i'll tell you what you'll do you get yourself settled dressed up for a day or two and then i'll arrange something over the weekend all right make mine a blood blonde no you haven't changed a bit yet no well i might as well go in and unpack yeah why don't you eric it's good to be home it's good to have you back good night [Music] i'm sorry i'm late anything wrong no my brother came home unexpected let's go why did you want me to come along looks better to have a girl with us less suspicious [Music] turn on the radio check the reception tell me if anything goes wrong hello you've been waiting long no we just came here everything all right oh sure we'd have been here ahead of you but we ran into a motorized division and had to cheer for 15 minutes helps you stay here the same old excuse the professor's car broke down all right go ahead [Music] good evening fellow citizens this is the voice of the illegal radio to which you are forbidden to listen under penalty of death tonight we come to you again in spite of the gestapo with the news of the real conditions inside of germany and we take courage in knowing that thousands of you are willing to risk your lives in order to hear the only words of truth spoken in our unhappy and desecrated country today and yet how else can you know the truth you are forbidden to listen to any foreign news broadcasts you are not allowed to read any newspaper or publication except those owned by the government are censored by dr devils himself you cannot even speak safely to your friends on the street without being reported so they call us straight is because we bring you the truth and because we in the underground dare to raise our voices and protest against the party contact our police cars try to locate position of illegal radio hurry cattle when the invasion of holland took place field marshal goring sent 500 of his bumbles over the city of rotterdam completely to their sister i was mentioning every house upside down if necessary search every car yes sir have my car waiting i'll be the radio room 45 000 human beings wiped out in a city which was defenseless and which had no military objectives illegal ranger broadcasting seven and a half meters take bearing fall back well what do you find education's district 41 car 21 reports 43 degrees from their position car 414 degrees wives and mothers were ordered to tell their sorrows to the fuhrer himself and not to write of the hardships to their husbands at the front defy this order proceed now beat my childhood is calling harry we must find them mothers write your sons wives write your husbands get word to them that you and your children are receiving less food each day yes sir we are trying to look at their position now but generally with only synthetic voice retreat is very difficult they are using a microphone to change the quality of the voice that makes it unrecognizable yes sir i'm doing my best we found them they're operating from listen back good tell them to interfere with the frequency that's here foreign [Music] hello hello paul it's time for you to go now i know harry potter just left time and again the fuhrer has proclaimed to the world that the german people sent united behind him but even among our leaders there's no unity recently all of germany was shocked to hear that rudolph has the third ranking leader of the nazi party had flown to england that he gave himself up to our enemies why we of the underground have been trying to tell you for the last eight years that the nazi high command is rotten to the core but you ask why did he go to england he went to england because that is the only place in europe where the gestapo can't stop him from talking and can't keep him from telling the truth we too shall soon know what hunger and starvation means he's in good form tonight isn't he he won't be in such good form when we get full with him [Music] [Music] never would occur paul is here we've got to leave at once [Music] i'm sorry my friends we must leave you now but keep listening faster you'll broadcast from another section of the city [Music] keep on trying [Music] you'd better go on i don't know what's the matter with it don't be a fool leave it here come on both of you wait i'll give them something to light their way [Music] yeah all right [Music] our wonderful radio he'll build another one where did you disappear to i'm sorry but a friend of mine suddenly became ill and i had to leave but i told the head waiter about it all right but please don't go away again no sir there's a young man waiting to see you he's been here quite some time soldier who is it i don't know better see what he wants good evening good evening oh good evening you're sylvia yes well oh would you sit down i'm sorry sir but i've got to play now play the violin oh oh you play the violin here well won't you sit down anyway just for a moment i'd like to talk to you well uh just for a moment [Music] well this is even better than i expected what did you wish to talk to me about oh oh yes i i wanted to ask you where's eric eric i don't know any eric now now you don't have to lie to me you see i'm his brother oh you mean eric franken that's right i'm very happy to know you thank you but tell me really haven't you seen eric tonight no that's strange he slipped out of the house this evening after he told me he was going to bed i was sure he was here but why should you expect to find him here well i i saw your name on a card he was carrying and well i just thought he'd be here no he isn't and after all i'm sure eric has got many friends and i'm not the only girl he knows then there's nothing serious between you two of course not he must be crazy what well i mean i'm glad to hear it it makes things easier well if you excuse me i have plans and i've really got to get to work now all right i can wait it won't do you any [Music] good [Music] oh it's you schleifer let them wait yes sir or i send the order through to post the official notices all over the city good it's in the papers too yes quite an ingenious idea to have a man lying on his back facing the axe do you think so yes whose idea was it i tell you the truth it was actually mine but i told hella about it when he tried to take the cat but he was fooled he told him about it and how himmler's taking picture it by the way did you hear there is a rumor going about that phil marshall gerring and dr goebbels have two million marks each deposited in a foreign bank two million who told you this it's a rumor do you suppose it's true how should i know well i just wanted you to know don't tell anyone i told you this otherwise i'll never tell you anything again sure sure schneider are not here yet yes sir well send them in yes sir what's this where did it come from thousands of them were found floating over the city earlier this morning they were stuffed into a smoke stack in the factory district during the night this morning when the firemen opened the flu they were scattered into the sky excuse me canela yes did you hear that uh field martial german and dr gribbles have five million marks each deposited in a foreign bank that's ridiculous who told you this well it's a rumor do you think it's true of course not 5 million where did you examine the truck yes sir what was left of it but we could not find a single clue the license number was a fake so was the address of the garage are there no other identifier marks on the truck if there were the explosion destroyed them what about the radio equipment what about it sir to broadcast i must have materials no wires tubes transformers batteries yes of course and to get such materials i must buy them someplace no no yes then perhaps if you idiots would find out where it was bought you could also find out who bought it get busy and report back here tonight yes sir and however i've got to find those vermin well maybe if you didn't make it so difficult for them they would try to build another radio and we could try again to catch them oh shut up you're a fool yes sir wait maybe you aren't such a fool i'll fix it for them get me the concentration camp at orlando yes oh hello who hoffman just a moment get me the carton boy to hoffman yes sir oh i see that's a very good idea colonel heller walter hoffman radio technician member of the underground suspected of being connected with the illegal radio sent you from the concentration camp at tahoe april 18 1940 i think he's had enough he's been confined in a dark self for the last three months yes sir we'll have him in berlin in an hour hi hitler bring hoffman yes [Music] by the hoffman [Music] huffman come on get up huffman how would you like to get out of here [Music] get out yes wouldn't you like that get him his clothes take him to the office of colonel hella william yes he wants to talk to you if you'll do as you ask you can be a free man again hurry up [Music] next we hear from eric franklin well friends as you all know we not only lost our truck but also our radio equipment that means of course we have to build another one and that as quickly as possible so each of you will receive orders at various times are telling you exactly the place where to buy the new materials excuse me eric yes floyd but this morning the gestapo issued orders that no one will be allowed to buy any radio equipment without first giving their name address or without an investigation so you must all be very careful well that means that you have to smuggle it into the city or collect it secretly friends we have good news one of our former members walter hoffman has just been released from the concentration camp brendan panko called to tell me that he wants to join us that's really good news with hoffman back we can build a new radio in no time he was one of the most able radio engineers in the country this is a stroke of luck let's bring him here at once hoffman can build a radio out of wire and tools he's the genius there's no doubt this news comes at the most opportune moment are the members in favor of telling hoffman where we are and taking him back with us those in favor raise their heads professor you object i don't object only i think it would be wiser if we talked to huffman before we took him back you don't distrust him do you i don't distrust the huffman who worked in the underground before he was caught but i'm not so sure of the huffman who has been tortured for two years in a concentration camp any man who's been through that experience must be looked upon with doubt i'd spend my life on horthman that's exactly what we may be doing if hoffman was going to betray us he'd have done so long ago eric what do you think yes well the only risk is of course that he might be followed but he used to alter hand to let it happen we must remember this hofmann has endured a living hell for the sake of the same things in which we all believe so it seems to me we owe him something besides distrust then it seems agreed that the members wish to take off my back yes but we shall talk to him first before i bring him here so i suggest joseph contact hoffman immediately after the meeting is over and the central committee will seem tonight in maxwell's cafe [Music] just in time for a game of chess may i take your orders gentlemen yes what do you have gentlemen uh for me coffee coffee beer beer how is the coffee tonight very good then i'll have some too thank you did your uh did you fall in harmony no i was waiting for you too joseph is going to call him all right [Music] these are the papers in the clenchment case the planche my case is closed he conveniently killed they just available me the central committee of the underground they are waiting at marshall's bavarian cafe marxist pavilion cafe say it again have you got their names i told you i don't know their names comedy has changed never mind get there as fast as you can walk in and sit down with them that's all you have to do but colonel i would rather not do that now listen to me my friend your preferences don't interest me you obey orders or find yourself back in orange and rock now which do you want good now you're talking like a sensible man do as i tell you and view to the rest it makes the man a little dizzy what is it sir having the central committee of the underground in the palm of my hand [Music] come on [Music] shouldn't he be here already yes he only lives a few blocks away i don't like it he'll give him five more minutes if he isn't here than we had let her go hello maxus cafe i want to speak to professor baumer please i'm sorry i didn't get the name professor who [Music] yes sir he wants complete information not later than tomorrow on both cases what that's it thank you say are you drunk are crazy i'm too busy for jokes goodbye oh good evening major is there anything i can do for you yes i have an appointment with colonel heller is he in no sir he just left are you expecting him back soon not right away well i'm gonna i'll wait yes sir they'll hit there what's the relief [Music] hey what is it my brother could hello oh hello cooks well they have nice music here don't they i didn't notice particularly no oh these are my friends alex shulman professor baum and my brother cool hitler gentlemen hi hello won't you uh sit down and join us thank you you know it's odd how my brother misses so many of the finer things of life such as music isn't it what do you mean what do i mean sylvia yes silvia papers aren't knocked out [Music] papers you four go in sit down and wait for half man rest if you stay here with me go on papers [Music] yes this way please [Music] how many times did i tell you not to come in here get out get out paper stuff take up [Music] hurry up thank you do you think huffman told him who else [Music] trader you better go no i won't not without you please both of you go come i think i'll go home for the evening i'm feeling a little tired too [Music] oh let me go [Music] now [Music] don't move eric i'm so glad you got away are you yes i'm you don't believe me do you we didn't all get away joseph was killed music it's all i wanted wanted to get outside just once see the world outside my friends in a glass of wine see a woman's face you can't understand that can you but you came here to kill me it's not our safety we are thinking of our man our lives don't count but nothing must interfere with our work nothing but me you're my friends you can't even if it were my own brother huffman i would do it no no you can't my man is made of flesh and blood feelings and nerves you don't know what they do to you things and man i've never thought of before the pain is so great you think you'll die the major comes to your rescue my body becomes numb and you don't feel their beatings anymore they offer you bribes promise anything if you will just give the names and the dresses i didn't have to stay in that hell for two years i could have told them what they wanted and gotten out but i kept thinking this can't last my friends are working throughout germany thousands of members of the underground are working and i'm protecting them that's what kept me alive but at last something happens to your mind you lose all power of thought the strength of making a decision leaves you and you are not responsible anymore i haven't betrayed you you must believe me you must tell me others that the huffman they knew was never a traitor you must tell them that i can tell them but you are the only one who can make them believe it you have to do it yourself [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bellevue station a bag gathered within an hour take it to luda's skating rink leave it with a jaclyn girl sylvia hello good what are you doing here waiting for you [Music] robert how did you know i was here i have ways and means meats and ways you're not a member of the gestapo by any chance well in a way i'm my own gestapo and very efficient too anything i can do for you yes you might see if i could be left alone oh i'm not that kind of a gestapo oh you can laugh it isn't possible i can't believe it i must be dreaming oh i can't be as bad as all that you're worse you're self-reliant aloof mysterious mysterious yes do you realize i know nothing about you except you play the violin at maxwell's cafe and live at 17 shiller street well what else would you like to know a great deal who you are where you come from what kind of books you read what kind of candy you like those things are very important so what i mean is here i am falling in love with you and for all i know you might be a dangerous woman me dangerous why do you say that well that's what eric thinks oh i see you want a cat please taxi where do you want to go good where are you going with you oh please court don't be exasperating i'm only going to a station to pick up a bag a very boring island then i'll be an ellen boy and it won't be boring please bellevue station send two men kill her harry it looks like we are going to make some important arrests in connection with the illegal radio really what is it i just found out we are going to pick up some radio equipment that must check at the pelvis station you will see this is the beginning of the end of the underground congratulations i hope this means a promotion for you sure why not [Music] hello hello professor for like gestner [Music] i understand thank you fraulein [Music] there you are uh this isn't my bag 112 112 same number that's your bag all right follow but it isn't can't you see it's obviously a man we go by numbers here that's the bag you must have left but surely the lady knows whether it's hers or not does she about the trouble oh are you in charge here yes you might say so this idiot here keeps insisting on giving me a suitcase that doesn't belong to me i left an overnight bag here open the bag carl let's have a look at the ladies overnight things yes sir they are very pretty things too we have seen them already well but what has all this got to do with me yes what is this who are you i'll talk to you later look there i suppose you never saw that stuff before of course not what is it radio shipment well what's so horrible about that you still claim it isn't yours of course i do since it isn't why are you asking me all these questions i don't know who this belongs to but i do know that i have a bag of my own here and i want it i'll see the station master wait you come with me keep your hands up where did you say you met this girl in a cafe what cafe i told you marxos barbarian cafe what were you doing there having a cup of coffee how did you happen to meet her she placed the violin there what else do you know about her nothing you're lying i'm not lying why should i lie to you did you know there was a meeting of the underground at maxis no but i found out about it afterwards doesn't seem strange to you that she would work in the very same place the underground meets no what about that bag of rage equipment she said it wasn't hers didn't she why are you trying to protect her i'm not trying to protect her i don't think she's guilty that's all she said the bag wasn't hers the moment she laid ice on it how many times have you been to this cafe twice did she ever mention a man named hoffman no tell me the truth frank and i'll make you wish you died at the front you have no right to speak to me this way colonel heller i'm a loyal member of the party and a soldier never mind a franken i'll soon find out about you yes the head director of the chemical institute is here send him in yes sir will you come in please i'll hitler i'll excuse me colonel helmet but the importance of my work doesn't allow me to stay away too long i'm sorry her director but we never intended to involve you in this i understand of course now this is eric franken he's one of the best man in my department if he vouches for his brother you can be sure i'm afraid the case is more serious than you think this boy was arrested in the company of a girl who was unquestionably a member of the underground but i tell you she's not why don't you keep quiet until your superiors are talking not only is she a member of the underground but we have reason to believe that she is definitely connected with the illegal radio this is a serious charge and if he's withholding any information that's ridiculous if i knew anything i'd tell you how can you think that i'd ever help a group of rotten lying traitors i'd stop them myself if i knew he's telling the truth i'm sure it is i know the frankens they are the salt of the earth yes what did you find out thank you you're fortunate your record is good the war department assures me that you're completely reliable but i suggest that in the future you'll be a little more careful about picking up young women in cafes oh boys will be boys thank you very much canal heller hi hitler i have to hurry back you may go send the girl in well what are you waiting for may i ask what you intend to do with her i'm afraid you'll have to let us worry about that yes sir just a moment a froggen keep yourself available i may want to ask you some more questions later on yes sir that's all of course [Music] what you think they'll do with her what they usually do in a case like this they wouldn't hurt her not a girl would they why not oh by the way did you mention my name at all in connection with her no of course not why should i drag you into it i'm glad you didn't might complicate matters you better go home now i'll try to talk to one of the clerks here's an old friend of mine i'll find out something good i'm sorry to have caused you this trouble eric it was nothing if i were you i wouldn't mention this all to a father or mother might worry them i won't see you later [Music] now look here fella it isn't very pleasant to have to beat a pretty girl like yourself but i have a duty to perform raise your head please [Music] did you hear me [Music] now fallen why don't you save yourself and all of us a lot of trouble for telling us the truth i i have told you the truth you'll see now once again who gave you the claim check for the bag no one who left it in the station for you i told you i checked it there myself but not the bag they gave me where are you going i wasn't going anywhere i had been the country for a weekend and it was convenient for me to leave it there it's also a very convenient story now tell me who is the leader of the underground i don't know who killed hoffman i don't know any hoffman did you know he was to meet the underground committee maxwell's cafe no who planted these leaflets i don't know you play the violin for a living don't you yes sir how would you like to have your fingers broken one by one you can do what you like i have nothing to tell you you are lying trying to save your friends don't you realize they wouldn't take this punishment for you don't you know they wouldn't extend themselves one inch to protect you tell me who they are i want names and addresses now speak up for then or i promise you you won't leave this place alive well [Music] well perhaps you're right foreign it's quite possible you made a mistake you may be telling me the truth anyway i'm going to release you i can go yes [Music] what is it you have been treated fairly here haven't you yes sir has anyone hurt you no sir and sign it [Music] all right take her home [Music] why are you letting her go why not she's no good to me as a course not yet i have a better idea [Music] sylvia sylvia what have they done to you what is it it's hold on helmut help me please no i don't want it here please keep her away the police were here all day they asked me all kinds of questions i don't want to hear what's the matter with you can't you see she's hurt oh oh i'm sorry i i'll help you come on upstairs [Music] good [Music] where have you been i just saw sylvia you let her go i thought i asked you to stay home or you persisted following her i'm sorry eric i had to see what happened to her did they uh beat her was horrible if you remember i warned you against having anything to do with her i was suspicious of her you don't think she's guilty do you do you no i don't sylvia traitor it's impossible but suppose it is true [Music] i hope not you are really concerned about her i'm afraid so eric you've only known her for for a short time did you ever know that to make a difference when you really care for someone of course you mustn't see her again you might get in trouble it's for your own sake think it over hello yes it's for you good just a moment please yes now falcon this is colonel heller's aide he wants to see you in his office tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock without fail yes sir that worth it colonel heller's office he wants to see me tomorrow morning [Music] well let's get some sleep free yourselves from the slavery of the war party last night thousands of these were paced all over the city against buildings and store windows in the parks look at this booklet slipped into a package of tea citizens of germany rise up against the bandits of the third rush see another one slipped into some advertising matter they even found a way to manufacture phonograph records musical classics and sold them for next to nothing in the streets a few bars of music and then suddenly a speech against the fuhrer and his policies you have no idea to what lengths you go to undermine the party and worse the voice is illegal radio it's like a disease we stamp it out in one spot and appears in another what is it you want me to do give her some clue to this whole business there must be something that girl said some words she dropped inadvertently that would lead us to the underground conveyor i'm sure she has no part in it i'm sure you're mistaken you are quite certain of her aren't you yes i am would you be willing to put your belief in her to a test i of course and if you found you were mistaken that she is a member of the underground what then boy i denounced her naturally what else could i do good we could do nothing with that girl absolutely nothing and yet we are positive that she is guilty but you are the only one who can help us prove it how do you mean i want you to see this girl talk to her take her out and become friendly with her if necessary even make love to her but to win her confidence and find out everything you can about her i'd rather not do a thing like that it hardly seems fair my dear franken if i concern myself with problems of ethics i'll soon be out of a job now look here you serve the state well in the past i'm asking you now to serve again colonel heller it's your duty air franken and there is another consideration if the girl is innocent she will not only be helping us but you'll be doing her a favor i see perhaps you're right good now you'll report to me every day no matter how insignificant but she must not suspect that she's under observation yes sir oh excuse me that's all right come in we are finished well i expect to hear from you yes sir the paper's on the shoulder case sir thank you you know for angesner i sometimes wonder if the party appreciates all my efforts in this job i'm sure that whatever you do sir is appreciated i wonder did you hear that field michelle guring and dr gerbis have 10 million marks each deposited in a foreign bank 10 million marks who told you this sir it's a rumor but from a very reliable source now don't mention this to anyone else or i won't be able to tell you anything again no sir so i started into study chemistry along with eric but in my first experiment i nearly blew up the laboratory so you decided to give it up no my teacher decided for me it's a beautiful night isn't it yes it's a lovely night for an airline oh how can you say such things well i suppose that's what the world has to you even the moon the stars take on a different meaning in times like these i was thinking those same stars are shining down until this time ever been there yes once a long time ago when i was about 10 we'll go there sometime would you like that i'd love it well thanks for bringing me home does that mean you're saying good night i'm afraid sir sylvia there's been something i've been wanting to talk to you about do you mind if i come in for a few minutes i'd rather you didn't quote you've been very sweet to me these past few weeks but i don't think we should see each other too often why what are you afraid of i'm not afraid of anything caused you so much trouble already please between you're trying to keep me away and eric advising me not to see you i don't have much chance good look the gestapo that's what i wanted to talk to you about let me come in for a little while it's important [Music] this isn't the first time you've been followed it's been going on for weeks ever since the day you were arrested they've been watching it and so have i you could yes i've been reporting to hella every day i know it seems like a terrible thing to do but i thought it might help clear up matters i knew you weren't guilty did you tell hello that yes a dozen times but he refuses to believe me he still thinks you're a member of the underground and as long as he does believe me your life here won't be worth living i'm afraid there's much i can do about it could yes there is you've got to get away get away but where one can't run away from the gestapo you know that could but here they'll able to arrest you again throw you into a concentration camp sylvia let me take you away i know i'm a pretty ordinary fellow but if i had you well i know a place in westphalia where i can get a little farm please cook you mustn't talk to me like this [Music] why shouldn't i i love you very much you know that don't you but court it could never work out why not [Music] is there someone else [Music] let's discuss it some other day please all right come on i'll make some coffee [Music] what's that old saying try my coffee and you'll never try any other i'll take a chance after all my grandfather was the first man in saxony whoever dared eat a tomato he must have been a man after bismarck's own heart he was he was one of his generals oh excuse me i see who it is are you doing here don't ask any questions put this away what is it possible you shouldn't have come here it's dangerous never mind no one saw me the police are watching the cellar there's another place to leave it give it to alex they'll pick up later [Music] good good wait let me explain [Music] good [Music] eric i'm so glad you're here and you're so cool at leaving the house what's the matter eric he knows what yes he was here and ernst cain eric what are you going to do whatever i have to do you stay here [Music] hello hello son it's uh it's good home yes he's in his room eric what's the matter with him i don't know why he looked so worried i tried to talk to him but i couldn't why don't you go in and see him i will mother uh where are you going to see from miller the gestapo came today they took hermil away what i'm afraid they will take him to the concentration camp someone told them he was talking against the government [Music] he says no go in and talk to him don't worry good night good night [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so court i just talked to his mother she told me the gestapo took her miller away do you know anything about it no eric i don't what's the matter anything wrong everything something to do with with sylvia she's a member of the underground eric i found out tonight are you sure of it yes i begged you not to see her again why did you do it i couldn't help myself eric what do you mean you couldn't help yourself don't ask me to explain i care perhaps i can explain it to you eleven to you to spy on her didn't he yes he did i didn't want to do it but he forced me to that's what i thought now that you know you're going to tell him i don't know what to do you realize of course what will happen to her if you do yes well eric i can't do it i can't report i just can't why not you're a member of the party aren't you you don't understand don't kill her you can't do that to someone you love still there might be circumstances when it is justified if you believe in something strong enough oh i know you're right i know the underground is stirring up the whole country against the party that fills the air with lies about us but it must be stopped i know i should report her but i can't i suppose that makes me a traitor traitor to my leader my party and my country that's what you're thinking isn't it no [Music] i don't think that at all i think you're just a human being the way most of us are that's all it could you must see her again but eric i've got to get her out of it no i'm afraid for you you have the most dangerous kind of information if the underground found out you knew about sylvia and he thought you would tell it would kill you could you've got to promise me never to see her again not even to think of her it's not so easy eric i know but sometimes you have to do the hard things in life as well as the easy things when time comes i know that better than you do come on try to get some sleep forget all about it good night good night [Music] i don't have to tell you but you've always been more than just a brother to me i understand good night good night yeah who oh just a moment please accord yes telephone for you who is it the police [Music] all right hello afranka colonel hello wishes to speak to you [Music] good evening afranken have you any news for me no sir i haven't but you saw her tonight didn't you yes sir but i i'm sorry i have nothing to report that's too bad we picked up a message a few hours ago that lead us to believe that they're going to broadcast tonight so we must do something immediately yes sir of course come in to see me tomorrow i may have some news for you [Music] yes [Music] follow that car hurry [Music] you stay here if anyone asks questions you know what to say does any trouble blow the horn twice [Music] [Music] [Music] colonel hiller please it's very important yes just a moment kill hella your phone who is it a yes what good good right away it's underground we've got them all out the cars quickly get me captain ronan god quiet god what are you doing said be quiet have you lost your mind you can't do this take me back no you're through with those people you'll never see them again you don't know what you're doing i know exactly what i'm doing i'm not going to let you go on working with those traitors take me back and now do anything you want me to do you only take me back have you arrested with the others arrested yes i phoned hella and told him where they're broadcasting from these men are on the way to the waterfront right now good what have you done you know whom the gestapo is going to find on that boat your own father eric [Music] eric yes it's ellie who's doing the broadcasting you're lying no i'm not lying you've got to believe me [Music] eric isn't there i left him at home but he is there he's there with the others you've got to believe me list listen closely the fuhrer has told us that this isn't just for a war for defense let us not be deceived into believing that he is concerned with bringing about justice or peace in europe in the past from all over the world people of all professions came to study with our masters we were a spiritual light on a dark planet that's voice at least [Music] what's the matter why didn't he tell me if i'd only known [Music] they'll get the whole cloud now they can see i heard one of them was wounded his own brother can't beat hello can you a magnificent job this will put a finish to the underground where's colonel heller i must see him at once i'm caught franken fernando is busy at the moment examining your brother what about my father where's he what have they done with him he too is being examined but he's innocent they have no right to arrest him he's done nothing you can explain that to conan heller you may come into his office i'm sure he'll want to see you ella they've arrested you too oh no i'm a witness a witness yes she's here to testify against your father but it isn't possible what do you have against father what did he ever do to make you think he's a traitor don't you remember her court the night you came home the fight you had with him your father took his side against you but ella that was nothing it was only an argument well i oh please i could you don't realize what they do to you nowadays they make you so afraid you don't know what's right and what's wrong to get you so mixed up good evening herbal good work colonel hell we'll see you in a few minutes wait please come along we are ready for you now please i don't want to oh don't be afraid she's been with us for 15 years she was like a mother to us stranger things than that have happened in our country here franken for instance what you've just done colonel hello will want to congratulate you a man who art of loyalty to the party turned in his own brother to his death please oh but you deserve a grade of praise i too would like to congratulate you i didn't know what i was doing wasn't it you who called canal heller about your brother yes but all i meant to do was i had no idea that eric you mean you mean you didn't know who it was when you phoned you didn't know your brother was a member of the underground of course not i would have given my life first if i'd only known [Music] it's just possible there are many more things you don't know her franken come with me [Music] please well the doctor have you had enough perhaps you'll tell us now who are the other members of the underground how can i tell you if i don't know you must think we are fools dr franklin your own maid has testified that you had to make this loyal statements that your youngest son weeks ago was at the point of denouncing one of your close friends and yet you asked me to believe you had no knowledge of eric franken's activities my rather of honor as a former soldier through a word of honor nothing could possibly interest me less [Music] eric [Music] well never get anything out of him will you see you can't beat him anymore he is one that can't lose he will kill him that will come later have no fear now once and for all doctor are you going to tell us what you know or would you rather see your son beaten before your eyes speak up i want the truth [Music] very well you've asked me for the truth i'll tell you i knew nothing about my son's work in the underground movement neither i know my wife absolutely nothing but if he did work to free our country from men as vile as you and your kind then i'm glad of it and i thank god that i haven't the strength and the courage to fight you myself at least i have a son who has a dirty swine quiet [Music] if you make one gesture if you say one word you'll end up in a concentration camp yourself i don't care let them hear me i'm sick of them their lies and their beatings you don't care not about arranging your brother your mother your father you don't care about avenging your own dignity as a man you don't care about any of those things after what you've learned tonight of course of course but what can i do help us help the underground help us show to the people the truth you yes eric and i have wept in the underground sincere came into power now that we've lost him we need someone to replace him don't you see you're in a position to help us to do more for us than anybody else what you mean how may keller believe convince him if necessary that you knew it was eric when you found here tonight what think of what you could do for us then for you'll be above suspicion if you let them think that you are with them but how will that help eric there is nothing we can do to help eric he'll die under the axe oh i know it's hard to face but they'll kill him anyway and the only one who can give some meaning and purpose to his death is yourself for if you will let them think that you knew it was eric then you can continue his work you're asking me to let eric die thinking i meant to betray him yes you've got to no i won't he's got to know the truth i won't do it i'm only asking you to do whether he himself would insist upon if he knew the circumstances court this is your hour as a man will you take it or not all right oh you are eric's brother come it won't be easy but you've got to do it please wait here good evening a phantom however i expected you to show up here tonight yes i thought you would want to see me yes of course i'm glad you can't cigarette no thank you go on take one thank you i suppose you know we had to arrest your father too yes i know just a formality of course nothing would happen to him if he's innocent we simply want to ask him a few questions yes sir by the way when did you first learn that your brother is guilty tonight i phoned you as soon as i realized it of course you knew it was your brother yes sir of course of course bring the prisoner eric franken in what is it these papers her himmler's office wants to sign them wait yes sir you know frankly it seems rather strange that you should live in the same house with your brother and you'd never have suspected that he was a member of the underground how do you explain that well i've only been home a short while i wasn't sure until tonight uh-huh i see you weren't sure no sir and the girl you still haven't found out anything about her no sir [Music] free [Music] good they say it was you who told them yes it was but you didn't know i was with the others well i i [Music] knew they were lying i knew you couldn't have done it you're wrong eric i told you the truth i didn't know you were there when i phoned i don't believe it you could i'm sorry for you eric but you knew what you were doing you're only getting what you deserved [Music] good look at me give me your hand no i made my choice you made yours there's nothing more to say [Music] well franken i was wrong about you i thought you were lying before you're upset naturally it was a very difficult thing to do turn in your own brother i wanted to ask you some more questions but we'll wait until tomorrow maybe you want to go home now thank you good night [Music] and so at last the government can announce that the illegal radio which spreads seditious lies against the state has been silenced forever and that the chief criminal eric franken and his companions shall pay with their lives for our crimes and so shall all enemies of the state perish [Music] it's cold this morning sun will soon be up [Music] well that will be the end of the underground [Music] eric franken alexander schumann hugo for the crime of conspiring against this state the people's court has sentenced you to die therefore in accordance with my duties as official prosecutor i hereby surrender you through the execution of eric franken [Music] citizens of germany this is the voice of the illegal radio the voice of free germany today three of our truly great comrades are dying which isn't someone's a yacht dying for the crime of fighting ignorance oppression and brutality they are killing them in the belief that death will steal their voices but they speak even now through me why don't you do something finding your fools no sword has yet been forged that is strong enough to kill the human soul and what must now be whispered in the dark by a few of us will be shouted from the housetops in the future freedom will prevail and peace on earth will reign when this era of medieval darkness will be only a memory the hope of a new day will survive let us show the world that the monstrous policy of our leader is not the policy of the people let us cry out you shall not crucify 70 million germans [Music] and if my voice would never stop there's another one find it you may be assured there will be someone to take my place [Music] and to eric franken we say what stronger breastplate than a heart untainted thrice is the arm that has his quarrel just and he but naked though locked up in steel whose conscience with injustice is corrupted good this is our fight to bring light where there is darkness [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Classic Hollywood Movies
Views: 254,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Film, Entertainment, Classic Hollywood Movies, Hollywood Movies, Jeffrey Lynn, Philip Dorn, Kaaren Verne, war film, world war 2, hitler, nazis, third reich, Underground Movie, Underground Full Movie, Underground Feature Film, Underground, feature film, full movie, western movie, western, cowboy, Charles Grayson, Edwin Justus Mayer, Vincent Sherman, Hollywood propaganda film, Hollywood propaganda
Id: pqC3oXj8378
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 52sec (5692 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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