Les Sentiers de la Haine (Western, 1964) Western Spaghetti

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Hello, Hatta. Hello. Hello. Come on, it's okay, now it is OK. Gone to play. It's been good fishing. Yeah. Every year that passes, we are poorer. -You won't say it for this year. I have seen many skins and provisions for the winter. -You are already quite old, Jonathan, and you can remember when the cherokees They owned all these lands. But the gods have fled of the forests and mountains. There is no more up there than a desert of stones. You've seen? You saw him too when I was a man. A boss. It's your damn alcohol the one who has destroyed it in this way. You have more powerful weapons than the same rifles. And the same thing happens to youth. They abandon us. Everyone wants to go to Roxton. -But your son Hatta can now take the old man's place. You can't complain for that reason. -But I know why Hatta doesn't walk away. Do you think that in ancient times a Cherokee would have endured What happened here the other day? The law is dictated by white people. Two moons ago, the Masters have taken away from us the last meadows by the lake. And why have they done it? Do you think they needed it? No. To ruin us. They hate us. -Not all white They are like the Masters. The sheriff of Roxton, For example, Cole Birgham, He is a good man, an honest man. -What can Cole Birgham do? alone against all of them? Furthermore, Hatta does not want to resort to the sheriff against the Masters. He has set his eyes on a woman that is not of his race. Mother, what are you telling him to friend Jonathan? Nothing of importance. Nothing. Are you coming with us? Yes, I'm going right now. Do not forget, you have to give it to the old buffalo five drops in the morning and five drops in the afternoon. And God help you, Minnea. -Thank you. Hello, Tomahawk. Let's go. Still, still... I also want to go. - Move away. What a fool you are, you scared me. My little sister is the only woman that is afraid of me. How odd. Where are you going? Aren't you coming home? It's just that Sam He stayed in the forest today and I'm going to bring you something so that he does not die of hunger. Hurry up and come home. I have many things to tell you. I don't like you hanging around like a maid, with the basket on his arm. If I paid attention of everything you say, I couldn't even look out the window. Tomahawk. Hatta, forgive me, but I must go immediately. But you just arrived. I'm afraid of being followed. I'm afraid for you and me. I have found my brother Nelson who was returning from Nashville. A little more and I would have found on the lake trail. And even though Aunt Peggy helps me... Before it wasn't so difficult. It has been many years. So, we were children. And they change so much things in life... The white man has changed. I remember your brothers, when they went down to the lake to bathe with us unprejudiced. Now they hate us. They just hate us. Hatta please I don't want to hear you talk like that. Sit with me a little. You are pretty, Mabel, very pretty. I only think about seeing you. But it gets more difficult every day. Behind the mountains, In Georgia, there is good land. We'll be going there very soon, Mabel. We will take my mother and, after a year, we can live well. And maybe, one day, your brothers go see us. I would like it so much that was true... But they have already made plans regarding me. Nobody can decide for us, we're free. And you love me, right? Mabel... Now I better go home. I will accompany you to the path. Hey, check this one. And this one too. What are you coming for? Don't you know, you filthy Indian, that we don't like that you go into the water? Our horses need it. No, wait a little, Merlin. First let Sam give him a good beating to that pig. Don't you see, idiots? Come on! Come on, Sam. -Hey, you guys, let go of that man. In the name of Abraham I tell you that the first one who touches I put a bullet in his head. Go away at once, Damned sinners. Get out of here, you old fool. Be very careful, Sam, he's crazy. -Now he's serious. -I know him very well. Is able to read the Bible and also to kill you with that piece of iron. Leave it, it's fine. Let's go. Someday we will meet. Alone. Do what your father tells you, do not be a moron. Otherwise, he'll beat you up. when you go home. Crazy old man... Those cowards... Hatta, lean on me. I will heal you. When you feel like fighting, open your eyes wide and make sure there are no witnesses. Don't worry. Hey, Tom, this wood It's very stacked, spread it out a little. Very good, boss. Hello, Dingo. Dindo, my friend, Moli always has you tied up, huh? You see? Thank goodness I didn't pay attention to your sister, Masters. He told me you wouldn't come back Until the night. What happens now? What's happening? This. It is not enough? There are now five cards that they have written to me those of the railway and I don't know what to answer. What do you want, for me to lose the contract? In Nashville they are waiting the samples for a month. He had asked them for some time. Listen to me, Masters, and open your ears wide. I know you, he's an old fox and you're thinking: "I have already received the money." Don't talk nonsense, Lasky. Let me talk. You have collected that money, okay, but if you can't deliver the wood, say it clearly. you know very well Why did I give you that assignment? If you can't make the supply, you give me the money back and we remained as friends as before. Because if I don't fulfill the contract, to me those of the railway They will put me in jail. And you will come with me. What prison are you talking about? And you will come too. Because this is a matter that cannot be resolved with fists. Hey... I repeat. It is not resolved with fists. Wow, Lasky, you have come to scare us, TRUE? Come on, don't worry, Sit down and we'll talk. Peggy. Peggy, get us something to drink. I've already drunk. You hadn't offered anything to our friend? Aunt Peggy knows perfectly well How to treat a gentleman. He has invited me before to an excellent whiskey. It won't hurt you to repeat. Bring more. Where is Mabel? Over there. What happens? Your daughter, every time she sees me, hides. What nonsense are you talking? If he lives only for you. Do you believe? -You've already heard it. Come on, go there and try not to put on a bad face. And if possible, smile. When they need me, They're coming to look for me, huh? And I have to smile at him to that zucchini... You are a savage. Like your mother. -What have they told me? What do we do with this? Coffins... And when I offered the money, and I assure you that I did with all the diplomacy, little was missing so they would kick me out. Then they said that the contract is from Lasky and that they will only deal with him. I warned you, Nelson. You had your hopes, but this time it's over. Or we return the money or we go to jail. Why did you buy those grasses? that they are of no use to us? I had to do it. And what do you think? that I have traveled so many kilometers without thinking about anything? Without racking my brain? Everyone has become honest. Look, they want the wood and they want it good, with the right measure of so many centimeters. Very well, they will have it how they want it. But what are you saying? What wood are you talking about? Haven't you realized either of the magnificent reserve What do you have in front of your nose? The Indian forest? Get rid of that idea, We are at the doors of prison, one more step and it will be upon us the entire region. The Indians have done that a religious question. It hasn't been cut down for centuries. no tree in that forest, They consider it their sacred forest. And for some years now, in this region, there are those who are moved for those redskins. I was talking about compensation for damages. I don't understand you. Imagine a windy day. And it blows here, towards us. Towards our trees. And an Indian comes up with the idea to light a fire. Hello, sheriff. What a surprise. How come you're around here? I was passing by here and I said to myself: "Let's have a piece of cake at the Masters' home." I am very attached to traditions. Very good. Mabel, come here! Wow, Mabel, you look very pretty. Do you know Mortimer Lasky? Who doesn't know him? Hello. -Good afternoon. -Mabel... Do you want some? Thank you. -Do you want to dance with me? Yeah. Knows? They are almost boyfriends. Who is it? Mabel and him. Ah... Excuse me a moment. Clear. Shut up, Dingo, shut up. What are you doing here? You've gone mad? I couldn't resist anymore, I had to see you. Tell me is it true what are you celebrating your wedding party? It's not true, Hatta, I love you, only you. But now you have to go, I beg you. I love you. I love you very much. Lady, if you allow me, I would like to dance with you. 10 days ago... -Now you are drunk? What will you have to say? Leave the girls with young people his age. Go home, you old drunk. -But you weren't at home? with arthritis? -Yes, but I'm already cured. -Honey, let me explain to you. -Where is Mabel? Mabel! Mabel! Dingo, come here. Come back, Dingo. Dingo! Dingo, come here! Dingo! Dingo! Tomahawk. Come on, come here! Tomahawk, Tomahawk. Come here. Tomahawk! Tomahawk, Tomahawk. Filthy Indian, What are you doing in my house? Go away! Get out! Still, still. For the last time, get out! Hold still, Tomahawk! No, Masters, don't do it! Masters, don't kill him! Masters! Masters! No! You will pay me for his life with yours, Damn Masters. You should never have done this, He was the only friend I had. But I swear to you that I will take revenge. Hatta swears to you. You will pay with your life. Killer! Listen to me carefully, Masters. This time you went too far. I will protect whoever, white or indian, To anybody that you intend to overwhelm. Really, Cole? Well, then, remember one thing. In a few days there will be elections And maybe We have another sheriff. You can bet now Why do you lose, Birgham. Your star is falling. This time we will teach them a lesson to those servants of the Yankees. -Cole Birgham can now take off the sheriff star. -I bet 50 dollars on Pat Keler. -Pat is a very capable man. -Yeah... Hatta... Poor Tomahawk. I have cried a lot. I can't continue living with them! I hate them! I have buried it with a dagger between his teeth. You know what it means? Look. I have done this for you. So that you remember him. I was afraid you wouldn't have come to see me. Jonathan delivered your message to me. I didn't know who to tell. Did I do wrong? You can trust him. Tell me, Hatta, Do you hate me as much as them? You are different. I should have defended you the other day, but I swear it is as if they paralyzed me. Sometimes, they seem good; but then I see them transform and I am very afraid of what they do. I have fear also, but not from them. I fear they are haunted and let them bewitch you. No, no, Hatta, don't say that. They would never get it. You know, I have never hated. I have done everything I could because mine forget old grudges. I know. Your father shouldn't have killed Tomahawk. He was my friend. Let's go, Hatta. Let's go wherever you want. Maybe the death of Tomahawk It was a sign. We no longer have a single friend. It was for me too. Poor Tomahawk. We have to decide it right away. they want that I marry Mortimer Lasky. I have no way out now. I don't know what I'm going to do. They can't do it. Nobody can force you! It's the wind, come. You will not belong to another. Wind... No, it's not just the wind. Come! The forest is burning! Here we go. Fire Fire! Mr. Masters! The forest is burning! Sam, Nelson, hurry! The fire is advancing rapidly. From where? From Red Mountain to our forest. Go! You have to cut it by doing a ditch along the stream. Soon! Go get tools! Let's go guys! Get axes! -Maybe the wind be too strong. With the ditch and the stream we can cut the fire, but it would be better to move away the cattle there. I think so. Slim, my horse! -Right away. -Come on, hurry! This road is also closed. Too late. Over there! Come on. I hoped to go through this path. And it is also cut. And how am I going to get back to my house? Go along the lake path. It is longer, but safer. And send me news with Jonathan. Yeah. Aunt, Aunt Peggy! Miss Mabel... Love, soon! Water water.... What happened? -Mabel! -Miss Peggy... -Mabel, Mabel... Where were you? What happened to you? Water... Water water! But where were you? I fell asleep in the forest. Soon, bring water, Moli. My God... Come, come. Go Go. I ask you please. Can't you see there's fire and are we going to burn? Hey you! Come here. Come on... I'm going to end up roasted because of this big head. Now it has been planted and he doesn't want to take a step. Yes, but the more you hit him, less will walk. Right, precious, that now you are going to be obedient? You already have it. The Indians you are extraordinary. What a little power, huh? Luckily the wind I was going in the opposite direction; If not, Bob Rusky and this stubborn beast They end up well roasted. But come with me, accompany me, I see you understand this. No, I'm going that way. Bye bye! Hey? What's your hurry? You come here! You go... Watch from up there. Nelson, You had a great idea. I think so. Come on, hurry up with that tree, there is still much to do. Yes, Mr. Masters. -Okay, boss. Good wood, pattern. -On these trunks, the railway can run quietly from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Yeah. Cherokee, Cherokee! War on the whites! -We have to end them! What happen? The Masters are felling the sacred forest The Masters... Guns and horses, Cherokees! Hurry! War or death to the whites! War! Go Cherokees! The Indians, the Indians! The Indians are coming! -The Indians are coming! Damn, what do we do? Take up your weapons, but without shooting. We will wait. Take up your weapons! Fast! Grab your weapons and dig in! We already have them here! Ah! -Ah! There you come more. I don't think we can resist. They are much more numerous than us. What do we do, Nelson? Let others know, quickly. Ah! Everyone on horseback! Let's go back to the ranch! -To the ranch, to the ranch. -Sam, are you hurt? It's nothing, come on. Come on, get out, hurry! -On horseback, on horseback! Damn redskins... They will pay me. Come on, hurry. Now I'll put a bandage on you. Yes, thanks. The best solution It would be talking to them. We have very little time. Talk to who? With those beggars and we promise them in return some corn or... some cattle. Foolishness... You know that for them It is a question of religion. You've seen how they react. They will have no choice but to accept or they will end up dying of hunger. They can't choose. You know them, dad. Those people are very proud and they are all crazy. There's nothing to do, we must give them a definitive lesson. Remember the party. In front of everyone and in our own house, He dared to threaten us. That Indian pig... Is right, There is no other alternative. I will adjust it accounts to that Indian. As for the forest, they have set it on fire and they have to pay. Naturally... All your abuses They become laws. Mabel, go to sleep immediately. Who do you think you are? People already know you. You live abusing, overwhelming everyone. How dare you talk like that? You always have me for your businesses. Now you are going to launch like crows over the Indian reservation. You sign some contracts that you will never be able to fulfill. You don't back down from anything, even series capable of killing to people who have done nothing to you. Are you trying to defend the Indians? Yes, I defend them. And I warn you that if you are against them, you are against me! Because I have already put myself on your side. If you put them in the reserve, You will throw me with them. Because I'll go far away from here, very far. Precisely with that Who do you hate the most? Be quiet! You hadn't foreseen this, huh? It's not what you had thought. Listen, if you do, I'll kill you. Remember well, I will kill you! Kill me, kill me if you want! What are you waiting for? Shoot now! Because I will marry him because I love him! Boys, Have you gone crazy? Who do you Love? With whom do you want to marry? It seems that I have explained myself poorly, eh? I will marry that Indian. Hatta! Mabel, have you gone crazy? Go to your room, come on. Who was going to tell us, eh? The little sheep of the family Marries an Indian! No Please... Remove! No... It can not be true! Tell me that is not true! It's the truth, I love him. But don't stay like that. You have to do something. It's your sister. -Sit down. The moment has come that she knows it. It was while I was in the war. Two years away from home. And when I came back... the disgrace, the malicious glances of those around me. Then I found out the truth. She betrayed me with one of those redskins, a Cherokee Indian. And I forgave her because I loved her. I should have kicked her out of the house, but he loved her too much. And from that day she hated me and I hate all of you. We were his chain, his sentence. You can't kill me with pain now. I have raised you in his position. Dad... I know. It's awful. It has been terrible for everyone. I wouldn't have wanted never tell you, but it's destiny. Now reflect and think what you are going to do. Dad... What a town of idiots that is this. Remove a worthy man as Cole Birgham to name that guy. -I voted for him and I know I voted well. A strong hand is needed in this region. Pay. -Firm hand... Do not say foolishness, Robbie is right. Nothing heavy-handed. That one has too light a hand. Do you know why Did you have to leave Kansas? I will tell you. They fired him for corruption. -It has also been the money by Lasky, Masters and company the one who made him Win the election. -With this there are already seven sheriffs that I have seen change since I live in this town. -Clear. For guys like you, it's enough half a dollar to change ideas. And how much do you need to change ideas? We are in a free democracy and we think how we want. I am not talking to you. You get out of the way, louse. Oh, excuse me, Roxton's master. There is something you haven't learned yet: to keep your mouth closed. Hey guys, come on everyone. We are going to have fun. Sam and Robbie are fighting. Look. Hey, Sam, cut it out. Enough already. Let's have a drink. Let's see if so Your ideas become clearer, idiot. And he shouts: "Long live Pat Keler." Sam, your hat. Sam! -Long live the sheriff! -Live! -Hey, Bob. -That? Do you have boot cream? -Of course I have it, the best. -I have heard that that animal gives you a lot of war. Why not buy another one? -To buy you need money. -Money is needed for everything. So the other day... you were in the forest. -Yes, I was scared to death. -Thank goodness you found the Indian. -Yes, at least. -Do you know where Hatta lives? Come on. Is this Hatta's cabin? Who are you? -And who are you, that you come into my house like that? -Is it Hatta's house or not? -What do you want from my son? Mother. Mother. What are you doing here, what do you want? Are you Hatta? Yes, I am Hatta, and this is my home. You will come with us to Roxton. To Roxton? So that? The sheriff will tell you. I will say goodbye to my father. Put down your weapons, and don't delay. Father, give me your blessing. Ride a horse. Mr. Lasky, I... I have come to ask you a very big favor. You will say. must resign to my father's supplies. Do they send it? No, you don't know them well, nor They don't even know I came here. I'm sure you can find the wood you need, without having to turn to my father. What does it mean? Do you know that I have already disbursed half of the money? I have trusted them. But only you can prevent let them continue what they are doing, They have had the Indian Hatta arrested, They accuse him of arson our forest, but it is false, It is a pretext to compensate cutting down the trees of the Indian forest, just to fulfill the contract. However, if you wanted... To me, why are you telling me all this? Tell your father, your brothers, and leave the contract alone, you understand? And you said you loved me. And I love her, but I don't like to mix the business with feelings. Come home, Mabel, These kinds of commissions are not for you. Why do you worry both of the Indians? I wonder what could expect from you. Come here calmly, trusting in your love, but I see that I was wrong. Well listen to me, Lasky, I'm going to tell you something, one thing they don't know neither my father, nor my brothers: You will never get that wood, I will testify in favor of the Indian. Remember the forest fire? Well, I was with Hatta, and it's one of the days most beautiful of my entire life. What are you saying? It's the pure truth, even if it bothers you. Let me go. What's going on in your head? I'll tell you something, Mabel, for your sake, and for your entire family, ask God for your father to win the cause against the Cherokee Indians, and can fulfill the contract. Otherwise, I will put him in jail For life, I will ruin it, I will take away the lands, the house, everything. Remember well What I told you, and now... All up to you. -The interrogation begins of the witness. Your name? -Bob Rusky. -Do you swear to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth? Answer "I swear." -I swear. -You claim that that day I was at the scene of the fire, and that you saw an Indian, is it true? -Yes, sir, he was an Indian. -From the Cherokee tribe. -From the Cherokee. -And that Indian who says having seen in the forest, Do you recognize him in the accused? -Yes, of course it was him. I remember he said: "What a little fire," and I was happy, very happy, as if there were done some mischief. -Do you still intend to continue affirming that you didn't set fire to the forest? I said what I had to say, and I have sworn it. But you Indians, You don't believe in the Bible. I believe in the Bible that is not written that an Indian is different of a white man. My oath is worth as much as the yours, I have sworn by my gods. Judge, this Indian, when they arrested him, said to Sheriff Pat Keler who had a witness, that could prove his innocence regarding the fire. -It is customary for witnesses have a first and last name. -But this one Indian has been threatened. -The accused withdrew it all spontaneously, the alibi was false, He was lying. -Witness Bob Rusky you can leave. -Thank you, Mr. Judge. -Let Slim McClear appear now, Is he in the room? -Here I am. -Thank goodness your father hasn't come, it has been lucky who is sick in bed. -Do you swear to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth? -I swear. -Sit down. -Thank you, Mr. Judge. -And now, let's talk from that day of the party, when this Indian incited his dog against Nath Masters. Is it true that he swore revenge? -At least 10 people heard it, He said, "You will pay me, Nath Masters," and I seem to remember that also He said he would set the forest on fire. It was he who laid the ambush to Nath Masters and his children, when they went up to Red River to appreciate the severity of the damage, and he was the first to shoot. -Mr. Judge, you cannot take into consideration the threats made by the accused the night of the party: Hatta was furious, Nath Masters the dog had killed him. -Do you want to come back? to testify, Cole Birgham? You are no longer sheriff of Roxton, or am I wrong? -So yes it was, me personally I disarmed Nath Masters. -Okay, that's already established. In the summary, let's continue. You claim that the Indian Hatta, to avenge the death of his dog, caught fire to the Masters forest. -Yes sir that is correct. -Silence silence. Continue please. -He said that he is the only one to blame, He was the one who set the forest on fire. -Therefore, This court declares that Hatta, of the Cherokee stock, is guilty of the crime of arson, and sentenced him to one year in prison, that will have to be fulfilled in federal prison. Very good, Slim. Come have a drink. I already said it, It's a story that what's wrong in prison: in your entire life you had had a bed as comfortable as this, you will feel it the day that you have to leave, if it weren't for the fact that there are bars here. Please, Jonathan, you always laugh at everything. I'll be back home soon, I want so much to see my mother, my people. No no no no. You know the truth? Ella, your Mabel. Yes, you have it stuck here, and you can't forget it. But don't think about it anymore, listen to me. Don't think more? You cant do it here do something else, think, torment oneself day and night. And the more you think, everything seems more incredible. Well, don't take it that way. Tonight I'm going to see your mother, and I want to tell you that your son is fine. Tell Minnea that I love her very much, When I'm with her, I don't know how to explain it to you, I can't find words. Hey beggar, time's up! -I'm coming. Hatta, don't lose heart, In a few days you will be free, I will tell your mother, Don't worry. -Everyone will come to see your trousseau, few girls have worn a trousseau like yours. -This, where do I put it? -Leave it right here. Yesterday I wrote to Roxton, about your wedding dress. Mabel, what's wrong with you? But, daughter, I don't understand you, It seems as if the thing was not with you. It's just that there are many things. What did you expect? In the city It's not like here, at the ranch. You will have parties, many guests... Don't you know that Mortimer Lasky Is he a rich man, really rich? He is quite a character. But don't make that face, woman. Maybe Lasky is, I don't know, a little... But we all have defects. On the other hand, he is patient, affectionate... Another would not have been able to bear your slights, your long face continues, and always postponing, postponing. Well, let's wait Let it really go this time. What do you have, tell me, what's wrong with you? Okay, don't answer. -Where do I put this? -Where do you put it? Come on, put it there. And hey, do me a favor, go to the kitchen, because I handle myself better. -Yes, love. -Low. Hurry. I didn't want to go in in the town with the wives, I already told you that it is the regulation. -One year in jail has not been enough for you. to be obedient, huh? My advice is that from now on From now on you behave well, you Indians... you have too much fumes. They sentenced you to one year because you had no criminal record, but now you have them, and at the first false step you take, I'll put you in jail forever. Understood? May I leave now? Yes, go. Indian. Haven't they taught you to say goodbye when you leave? Good afternoon, sheriff. Mother! Mother! Son! The chief is no longer there, the town He has honored him in your name. Here is his crown of feathers, and your knife. This is the only thing we have left: little money, and instead very hard work. The whites have cut down the forest sacred, they have cut down everything! Hey, those logs, bring them here. The selected wood We have to send it to Nashville. -That? Yes sir. -And let them saw the other trunks. -OK. Nelson, this wood is for Roxton, make sure they take her. Good. Slim, come here. Take it away. You have to prepare an expedition. Yes sir. How hot. -What's up? Nothing. So funny you're wearing that little hat. Ah, how hot. It's terribly hot. Why would they have us ruined the weekend bringing us to the sawmill? My daughter, you are never happy, You don't even want to be at home, you don't want to to be out. What do you want? I already know what I'm going to do, I'm going to have a bath. What are you saying? You just ate, it may make you feel bad. Furthermore, a young lady in lesser clothes... But no one sees me at the lake. Good, but no you're too far away, huh? Thank you Aunt. Go load those logs In the car, hurry up. -Why don't we increase the price? The wood is great, we won't have best opportunity to do it. But this girl, where could he have gone? Let me! Leave me, Indian! You were spying, huh? Now you're going to listen to me. Why not did you declare in the process? They threatened you, right? Why didn't you want to see me? You knew he was back. I don't know anything, let me. I'm telling you to leave me! How they have changed you, now You are just like them, a Masters. Yes, I am a Masters, and soon Lasky will be my husband. What are you saying? I'll marry him, and go far away. You will never see me, ever. Let me! Please do it for me. Leave me, I hate you because you are Indian! I hate your race, leave me! Hello. Hello Sam. -Wow, Bob, you look very elegant. -I have liquidated all my businesses. -And what do you do now? -TO... -I may have bought railroad shares. -What more would I like? -What a job they have done to us. Of good ink, I have been told that the railway It will pass 20 miles from here. -As usual. They promised it when the elections, but now... Here you have Mr. Lasky, He can talk to you about that. Come on, Lasky, tell him. -Not yet approved the definitive project. This district needs a good deputy, but here no one has given You realize that, right, Sam? Before, they will have I have to change a lot of things here. Out! -Get out! -Leave me alone. Have you seen these Indians? How heavy. -Hey. Since when do you allow that these people come here? -Try chasing the flies, you find them everywhere. Also, today is market day, and you have to endure them. -We are enduring too many things. -Cam Shem and Japheth, They are all children of God. -Ragged, if you want to buy something, get out there, and leave this table free. And you guys, take that crap away. -Wait. Leave this crap here. -I said go! And if things change like I say, You won't be out there either. It was about time for that. Inflated balloon. These Indians are selling me, and it turns out that this morning I really want to shop. Really? Yeah. I will buy 4 of these. One. Two. Three... And four. Here's your money. -You collect your money and go! And you, get out, get out of here! I can't stand your smell. -Lasky is right. -At least in here, let us be in peace. -Yeah. -Wait a little. -I said go! A thief dictates the laws, thief and drunk. Before, guys like you They put them in jail! Let go! -Shut up. Collect your money, or I do that you pick it up with your tongue. -Try it! -Out! -Hey, here they run stormy air. I'm leaving. Do you remember when you collected Indian manure during the war? Was it to sell it to him? to the confederates or to eat it yourself? What you like are the little Indian girls, dirty old man. Do you want make you a great boss? Wait. You already have the duster. -The Indian chief is coming. -There he is, look at him. This man is a friend of mine. You have the right to buy like we have right to sell. And you leave him alone, Sam Masters. Get out of here, you filthy Indian, get out of here immediately if you do not want May it fill your belly with lead. I'll go out with my friend. And it won't be your gun the one that prevents me. Still, still, Damn Indian, or I'll shoot! Stay still, don't move! Let's go, Jonathan, quickly! Be careful, he has a gun! Hurry! They must not escape, We have to finish them off. Give me your gun! Let's go! Get out, get out, don't come here! -Tom, go behind him! Sam, come with me. -You, that window. Assassins... Ah! Jonathan! Jonathan. It was his will, God wanted it that way. Tom, through the back door. Now I will give you what you deserve. Hey thief! Thief, thief! Everyone on horseback! They have killed our companions, now the Masters are chasing Hatta to kill him too. -Where is? -In the mountains, goes towards the white rocks. -My cloak! And my horse? -What will become of us? if they also kill Hatta? Get this corpse out of here. You, take care of it. High! He has gone there, follow him, I'll go warn the others. And you already know what happened. So Lasky is dead. Do you know what that means? Our ruin. The ruin of us all. What's going on, Sam? Prepare the horses, quickly! The Indian is in the white rocks, intends to go to Oklahoma. The men of the town They are following him. I know the white rocks well, I know how to overtake him, come on. It's my business, I'll gather my men. There is no time, He will escape across the border. This is a private matter, The law should not get involved in this. You cannot act on your own. He's a murderer! Give us a half hour head start, It will be enough for you to arrive a little late, just that, half an hour. Then you will see how I show you my gratitude. Stay here until we're gone and then come to the white rocks but taking a good detour, understood? A long detour. This is legitimate defense. Sam, gather all the men. Nelson! Where is Nelson? Out there. Call him. On going! -Nat! You need to intervene, Cole Birgham. Only U.S, How can we do justice? -But I'm not the sheriff anymore. -You are always a man of law and a brave man. Or should we believe that we have been abandoned by everyone? We trust you. We Indians We think that not all of Roxton They are evil, like the Masters. -Well, we must avoid more bloodshed. I'm going to look for help. You return to the town, I don't want to see Roxton not a single Indian, understand? I trust that you will keep your word. -You have my word, Cole Birgham. Here it comes, it's ours! They have him surrounded! I was trying to cross the border, but We have forced him to take refuge there. He has no salvation. They are attacking you from the other side and on his back he has the cliffs of Red River. Nelson, you go to Sam along the path to the right. I'll go for the one on the left and we will block the way. Alright. And shoot when you see him, understood? There it is, pull! Jack, take it! Hurry up. Nelson, Sam, surround him! Come on! Alright! It can't be far away, you stay here! They have him surrounded up there, He won't be able to resist much anymore. Nelson! Nelson, Nelson, Nelson! Take them. Mabel! Mabel! Mabel, my love, I did not know it was you. Why did you come? As I was to suppose you were here? No, it's nothing, don't worry. I have come just to ask you Take me with you to Oklahoma. We will go together. Darling, I love you. I have always loved you, Hatta. Damn Indian... Still, still, Masters! Isn't the blood enough for you? What has been poured? Your revenge took you to all this. Do you also want to kill your daughter? Let them go.
Channel: Cinéma Cinémas
Views: 464,022
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Keywords: documentaire, reportage, film gratuit, film gratuit complet, film hd entier, film hd complet gratuit, film entier vf, film gratuit vf, film hd gratuit, film vf entier, HD, cinéma, acteur, divertissement, long métrage, script, Far West, film western gratuit, film western gratuit complet hd, film western vf gratuit, film western vf complet, film action entier gratuit, film western hd, film western complet, film far west entier, film far west complet vf, yt:cc=on
Id: UIcT9q4vIEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 29sec (5069 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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