Undercover Cops Take Down London Gangsters Drug Empire: Michael Emmett

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you know people have done a lot more prison sentences than me but my prison sentence was my own condemnation I was in prison in myself he become a prolific drug Smuggler my old man and they went out to the states and they was introduced to the mafia families out there you know and I think he started to see that maybe I wasn't in the blood in the blood crime was a fix for me when I got involved there you get that buzz right left I'm not conjoining drug smuggling here but we had some fun yeah yeah we had some fun which which drug was your cocaine that cocaine was in using copious amounts are you at it I snorted for England I was crazy and plus I didn't have to pay for it but I became dirty once the cocaine started and the drink started it activated my younger trauma there was me broken and it became my fix I couldn't stop [Music] Michael welcome to the show mate thank you yeah thanks for inviting me don't you yeah lovely lovely office you got here that's nice in it absolutely first class love yeah really looking forward to this one well let's go all the way back to the beginning where did you grow up and how did it all start where did I grow up I mean I was born in the flats in Stockwell um my mother came out of uh South East London there was a big family cost Among Us they were fruit people and you know meat they used to work in the meat market and I don't know why but years ago they seemed to have loads of kids so my grandmother I think there was I was 11 or 9 on one side or 12 or 14 on the other that was all brothers and sisters but all lovely people they were sort of like good traditional londoners you know and then my dad came from bouncy um but that was a different family that was they were pretty sort of my grandfather was a bit unwell in committed suicide and so there was that that's what I was brought up in I was born in clapman at the hospital at Clapham South uh Tube Station and in a very young age could my dad have been numb married a few times I think with his family wanted to get us out of London and he took us down to Surrey when I was about six yeah we went to New Malden at first which was um that was in 1963 yeah and it was different then yeah it was quite a little sort of a villagey little thing yeah and then when I was about 16 we moved down to Epsom lovely in Surrey and then what was what was the route for you there what sort of what did you grow up with um when my dad was a criminal career criminal and so it was a lie we we wouldn't be ostentatious there'd be no sort of um wealth that he couldn't deal with you know we didn't live in a a big house we had a nice house nice car so he was very conscious that he wouldn't be sort of ostentatious and so we just lived in the Suburbia little town opposite the Vic I missed the chart our dog used to try and get out and have sex with ease we run a football team down the road there was a lot of policemen lived there and so we was this family was a little bit like the Clampetts I don't know if you'd lay out it was a program years ago we were a little bit odd my mum had the Buffon hairstyle full size eyelashes so all that was going on my sister and brother they they loved it but there was always something I was at disease with myself at a very very young age there'd been abuse sexual abuse around me my parents never knew it would have broke their heart but it was a very young age you know that gives you a grounding for it to be quite dysfunction you know the fear of that it brings out a frustration you feel different you don't feel right but I've wrote a book called sins of fathers and and I'm not plugging the book at all but I wouldn't mind but so I I do believe in the and it's quite biblical this and I'm not religious but the Bible says about the ancestral sin so what my grandfather was to what my dad was I was and and spiritually and I don't want to start freaking everyone out by their stuff but I knew that the behaviors that were passed handed down was definitely an in a thing in me rather than a thing out me you know we I had the same sort of unctions as my dad as a very young man actually and my grandfather the same imagine he was mad as a march here bless him and what was your old man doing back in the day what was his world well he was he was that's the fraternity he was he was he knew that we we were very friendly with a great Train Robbers um the likes of Freddie Foreman um older West London villains you know there was the Dennis is from from Fulham Johnny binden um there was all sorts of characters over in Chelsea and Fulham uh and my dad was at it you know his early partner was a guy called Art ASAT he he was a bank robber armor and we got bought up with asatis they lived in New Malden in Epsom Sheila had a flourishing clove business in battle see so he was around all that you know I worked in a commercial yard and sold cars with me Dad but so my dad was in he always had a straight business going on but he was at it you know he was always at it and there was always that element of she got to be quiet don't say nothing we weren't like sort of weren't gangsters running about with guns in the house because we had my mother was a beautiful lady hence when I told you about my mother's family and my father's family my mother my mother's disposition in life was of Love Of Peace she had a fantastic laugh she was beautiful to look at and then she married my dad who was a complete opposite to my mother so we're at the both so when you say he was at it what was he at he was a criminal you know he was uh I mean he moved into the 80s I'm jumping a bit I mean early days I mean he had a fruit business in in two in he had a car front in Baton sea there was a there was a fraudulent things a very young man a very young age they was blowing Chase um they weren't bank robbers I was blind so he's violent man my dad he could have a fight and I'm not condoning that but those game was a Bible but he was a very tough man but emotionally he was weak yeah he was so weak emotionally and so he had that dual and I I inherited that and and So eventually he was um he was a boxing promoter with Joe Pyle uh I mean Joe was the big guy in it and the old man had a little show with him up in the dog on Fox in Wimbledon what Wimbledon Village yeah yeah we used to have him right yeah yeah you used to have we used to have the amateur things oh they weren't amateurs they was unlicensed yeah and then um he'd become a prolific drug Smuggler my own van you know he was at it with you know and I don't want to blow it you know say things that aren't true but there was an influence that they went out to the states um there was a guy called Alex Steen um and they went out to the states and they was introduced to the there were mafia families out there you know Joe paganos of the world and my dad and Joe was out there a lot of people had a lot of respect for Joe he was a gentleman Joe Paul yeah and and my dad was a lot of respect for my dad and um and then from there I'm not saying that they created this but I think from introductions there was a cannabis route that emerged from it I'm not going to say any names but they'll send him to the Cannabis root that emerged from it in the in in the early 80s when it weren't really known you know but you thought was a nippy if you had a path yeah that's right it was that sort of thing and it wasn't a soul and I think what happens in crime and I don't want to sort of say things that ain't right but it when criminals activities begin and then it gets replicated the police smash it so if you're robbing banks they give you mad sentences fraud if if it becomes sort of Habitual in the criminal fraternity and the drugs weren't really known in Dodge and they started to be known so early days they that they made a while of sunshine so there was a root of cannabis that used to come in you know I think every other month was that root was that route from Morocco through Spain it was from Holland from Holland but it originated in other places but I think that was the eventually Morocco came into play and all sorts of things came in play but early days it was it was a Dutch thing there was Italians involved there was Europeans duchy involved and my dad and Joe were like two old sort of get older to do it was money to them yeah it was a commodity yeah so they worked out a cracking little route and it was regular and I was on the peripherals of that I was only a kid but so it was copious amounts of readies around and and you just get you get carried away with it and and before you know it you're involved yeah so what sort of age did you get involved in did you want to get involved or did your old man say come on let's get him let's do this together my dad at a very young age he was very proud of my sister Karen and he was very proud of my brother he if God Rest his soul he passed away but they were both grade A students my father was very bright was a kitty run at the White City in the free Asian the 440. so he had all that going on at 400 meters which is a day it was it was an out good amateur boxer he used to do karate and it was he was a sports guy the old man but it was something that lied deep within my father so my father my brother and sister they got involved with school there was a level Shooters I couldn't do it yeah I just could not concentrate yeah I was looking at pretty bird I wanted to smoke the [ __ ] have a pint of beer and if school I was good at sports like him yeah but I just couldn't listen and and I think he got it in the end I mean I started thieving at the age of 11. not because they showed me that I used to go out feeling Woolworths in the High Street in New Malden and then I got into a few little scraps um and I think he started to see that maybe I was in the blood in the blood so I got at it I got arrested when I was about 24. I was felt I was I was handling stolen antique furniture I was a little bit rough I let a couple of fights and all that but then the fear got me I started using heavy drugs and I think once once the fear in your fear without faith is difficult so you can either respond to fear aggressively or cowardly it plays a major major role and it I was impregnated without a very early age from the abuse from having the genetic value of my father and I'm not blaming my dad so crime was a fix for me and I got involved everything so I really liked him yeah do you get that buzz I left him I absolutely loved it I went to live down in Marbella I was wanted by the police what age were you then 24 at 24. what were you wanted for well I was what happened I was involved with a mating I was a lovely kid this guy but he was a Game Boy he died he passed away a few years ago he was a smashing kid gate but he was like strong leg and he was wild and he was wanted for a number of things some drugs and a gun in there a million was in the car we've been chased by the police there was some cocaine of about we had a terrible car chase I went up in a wheelchair he went through the the the the the the the windscreen in the car um it was all they didn't find the drug straight when he found a little bit I was in Brixton on remand and my dad got me judging Chambers so I got out and uh and look I'm not saying it weren't my shout because I've done loads of naughty things but this one really wasn't my my shout I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time involved but um anyway he was badly wanted this kid they got him they give me bow and after a little while I went over to live in Spain because I thought that's what you'd done and went out to Spain I was wanted I suppose if it had gone against me I'd have got about six or seven years and I just kept out away for a little while but you know when I got down there it was all there you know the friend of the faces all of them were there yeah what's his late 80s or 80s times that was 84. yeah okay it was lovely yeah romantic yeah portable Venus was French pretty girls yeah lovely Beach and you know and it I was there and everyone knew me but I I started to sense then that my Brokenness was becoming apparent okay so I would use people places money I mean I've done some things I'm extremely not proud of and because I didn't get the antidote healing because I didn't understand it you know I was a tough boy but I was a broken boy I couldn't let anyone know well so I would use drinks drugs women Affairs you know I'm not happy about it but today I don't do that so something could come out of it so down in my bow I was messing about myself having a little go you know jumping about in Europe getting a few quid um and that was it me dad in a bit you know got a lot of help down there the the Freddie foremans are always a lovely man Freddy he's a special move yeah and um he's a family man for he is and I know he's a bit of an animal but for me I just used to I was at a soft spot for Fred I took out of his knees Tracy and um so he was there I was a bit of a knot head I caused a bit of trouble down there he told me up a couple of times did you listen no no I had a fight with a geezer down there called Eddie ayoff he was a lovely man and he's a business I don't want to mess the man about he's a lovely man but I think he fought I think he thought Bob Foster for The Eliminator for the light heavyweight championship in the world not a man you want to shape up with and I had my little brother there God Rest his soul and his friends and they were Chelsea kids they weren't rough they used to like a little bit of cocaine Little puff but they weren't druggies they used to have a little bit they went to lovely schools they had good jobs and they was visiting me and there was a a confrontation in a in a hotel it was all there Freddie Foreman older famous five Eddie ay off my brother and his friends me there was an altercation anyway I've gone outside and um I've got the naughtiest right hand or I've ever had in my life he knocked me nose across my face and Fred said you can't do this it's not he's knocked the three kids out or steamed into him but he's all right he's not he's not a violent shout this and and as he knocked me on the floor someone shouted out whilst for England so that was it that was we saw we've got out there and and then I realized that trouble was you know and Fred said to me you can't miss a bout down here Michael because we get slung out and uh and then something tragic happened to me my brother died in the um went underneath a lorry on the road there he was only he was down there with me because my grandfather was dying and so it's all trauma wow and he went down a road in the car he never met his son uh his son's 34. how old is Charles today he's 35 of something like beautiful boy Works got a lovely job he's a similar industry that this um he's mum married another man and they had three lovely beautiful children that burns family and um so my brothers never met his son wow so that was tragic then my grandmother died the day after or two days after me mum buried her son sounds like a space real you know I brought me mum buried her dad and her son my a grandson when it were grandson was born you know his father wasn't near so it's all tragic and I was wanted by the police drugs Med and it all went just totally it was I think it was the destruction of the family yeah yeah it was Heavy did that make you want to use even more yeah it did I got angry yeah I blamed God yeah I should go up to the cemetery in Epsom and uh I'd sit up there overnight time early hours in the morning putting stuff in there like cannabis and cocaine as if I think so well into into the Grave Just a great all right my drunk on the Ecstasy I was gone screaming I'd fall asleep up there not all the time I've done it a couple of times because I was heartbroken because when I went to get him after he died um you know they're saying all the sub stories there's a lot of good in this as well but he was in such a terrible State he went underneath the lorry and he was in an old little pan to cut it was like nothing yeah it was squashed it was yeah absolutely so they wouldn't open the coffin after that it was tragic your son was born and so I was angry I was angry why if you know why don't you do it to me why Amy because it was such a beautiful soul so that didn't help me and I I turned the drugs you know which which drug was your cocaine that cocaine was it we're using copious amounts oh you're at it I snorted for England I was crazy and plus I didn't have to pay for it yeah but I became dirty and I think what lied beneath the demon in my ankle and this is no excuse it wants to cocaine started and the drink started it activated my younger trauma and so what I've been taught was a very young age with the the abuse of my father I didn't get what my sister and brother got I got my card was different yeah and so it then it it evaporated it not evaporated he exploded into a complete and out of lunatic I got quite aggressive towards women I was a child I was I was aggressive towards my friends I was aggressive towards my family you know I was I wasn't not I wasn't violent um but I was a big man and my bark was worse than my bite and I began to hate myself wow I blame myself my brother dying all my friends and I started having affairs and there was a wonderful lady she was the mother of my children is Tracy she was beautiful she was there she stood by me when did you marry Tracy what year Well funny enough my marital status is a bit bit like my life a bit odd Dodge I met her um so I had three children with Tracy when all his magnets was going on three beautiful girls I got four girls they eat my first three kills Amy Lilly and Beth with Tracy of incredible kids and um you know they went for it so I I had an affair when I came back from Spain out my mind died I got nipped again I went to prison I got a three or four not guilties only got 18 months which I was pleased about they'll come out of prison in 80 87 or 80 what did you get nicked for back then when you landed back in England a possession of cocaine yeah okay but only a little bit it was but I had a bit of fall for it but I was fortunate yeah but I got four not guilties in the trial um or three got guilty on the on the last one but I've done six months or eight months on my mind should have gone home well I'm getting 18 months um come out of prison for that's it I mean it weren't hard to prison sentence it weren't odd there was a lot of wild kids in the prisons at the time and I came out I had an affair sadly with a girl I call it an affair but I love this girl her name was Jane but he was dishonest dysfunctional so I'm repeating that old behavior and it ain't an excuse filled with drugs filled with a debt with my brother um an an excuse for my reality but you know I made choices was was a nice hurt people and I was a likable chap so I just I I just Brian Emmett my dad going on and my mum going on and it was a combustion of Madness in the end how I kept my sanity dog was unbelievable so I had an affair I had a breakdown so when you were there when you had that affair did your Mrs Tracy stick by you while you're inside right so when I went away the first time Tracy was there when I came out idea fair then and excuse me and I had an affair it was a it was a friend of hers so I'm not proud of that but I'm very honest about it and um I I couldn't live with myself and I had to break I didn't have a mental breakdown but I had an emotional breakdown I was gone and I went back to Tracy she medicated me helped me get through it I never went to the doctors sounds like a coronation it's like EastEnders I was all the characters yeah and um so yeah she helped me and then I thought we were like friends I loved her but I I didn't know how to communicate my my heart was hardened she gave me these three beautiful children my head was playing tricks with me um and what I do believe is our brain is for practical purposes and our heart is to speak with but I didn't know lovely I felt it I didn't know love language so I found it very hard to communicate with my children and I adore them and eventually I went to live back out in Spain Tracy stuck by me but we've become like friends um and and so I went to live in Spain again in about 89 and then what did you do were you were you earning a pound out in Spain at the time yeah yeah I was back at it where are you what are you doing I was smuggling cannabis yeah so kind of hard so there was good connections that we had you know my father my father had just been arrested with Joe Paul in 88 and they got out of a trial quite rightly so and all um I think it was arrested rate under a Kia puff 800 KF pass yeah something like that wow and then back then a key would have been seven eight hundred quick that was about two grand left is it two grand back then about about 14 15 then in the early in 1990s 91 it was a couple of grand a key wow it was a lucrative business so it just kept increasing increasing as years went on yeah it did I think yeah from that sort of period yeah and the old man and Joe got arrested they went they was on remand they was on the book in catty prisoners they got released quite rightly so did they get nicked out in Spain no in the UK the UK okay in the UK apparently in the Irish Seas it was something got bought over it weren't true though it was true but it weren't them and um they got out of that it was they was wanted you know my dad and Joe whether they've done the business extremely well I found a thing on you know you can find so much on the on these internet things yeah and even Joe was um I think they was on The Hit List of the of the top movers in the UK at the time it was obviously very clever and then they went their own ways Joe got arrested sadly and got 14 years and the old man said to me listen I've on this affair I was in trouble and and the glamor had been broken you know you reap what you sow in life yeah but you've got to understand it if you don't understand it you're in trouble that's where the meant the world comes from The Melody of the spirit the addictions that wanting to be liked and please like me I've got money I've Got Drugs I've got and there's a broken kid in here it's not only me and him to a lot of people but mine was mine was pretty extreme yeah pretty extreme so we went out the spine and and the old man said look go out there went out in Morocco I'm a rest I got arrested for it otherwise I wouldn't be talking about crime on these public um yeah I got arrested I was charged with uh for two and a half ten and four and a half ton of cannabis wow what does that equate to in a pound note these days I don't know right now then but it was worth about I said it was worth about 10 mil 10 million quit so we had to go bit of food in North Devon is that right come into the boat so how did how did how did it work then you're getting it from Morocco putting it on boats and then bring it into the ports no no we there's all ways of getting in but the one I got arrested for the one I got arrested for arrived on a I mean they they do all sorts of things but for me I can only tell you what I got arrested for yeah so I um this come on a boat yeah um it it come from this come from Capa Verde which is beyond Morocco in the um going down towards uh Capital Verde it's quite a nice place I think but it's beyond Africa just beyond Africa I think it goes you know we're Tenerife is and all that I think he's a bit further down yeah Kappa Verde so it came from near alleged sure I don't get myself in trouble and it arrived in a place called bilafood in the in the uh little fishing Village in that [ __ ] yeah but there was an operation where it got moved and changed and it was quite a large amount of cannabis I can't say how much it was but we was part of the entries into the UK yeah so I mean we don't we tried it they said we tried it twice the first time we were just helping the second time we was involved so the first time they dredged up I think it was in the February of 92 I mean they dredged up two and a half ton of cannabis which they said was a bolted off this boat it was being watched by the customs um it got bolted they they they they they towed the boat in couldn't do a lot to him because they had no they didn't have the gear I'm not sure what went on there but like an idiot I went on the boat this guy shouldn't have done it my father told me not to so we had this intense operation on us for about 18 months wow we was attached to we wasn't involved but we believed that the there was cartels involved with the the the the the the the shipings that we'd used there was and it come out in a paper if there was a bank account opened in the Cayman Islands so it was quite intense there was copious amount of money and drugs and and you know there was a it was over a hundred people arrested around the world wow and so it was big the Americans was involved it's all in the newspapers so um that's why I can speak about it so we was attached to that but we wasn't part of that we was an operation to win that but it was organized crime because my dad and Joe they was organized crime European so it all fitted this sort of superficial gangster World they think existed because it don't yeah we're all we're all we're all broken kids trying to get a few questions yeah and every now and again someone might lose their life which ain't nice don't get me wrong I'm not I'm not saying it's clever but there's Wars all around the world we were just at War I suppose that was our internal Wars and um and you get you get re you get respect because you get trusted that you keep your mouth shut and people are safe with you know they give you money to spend and invest into your product you know there's that there's that camaraderie there's that trust and we we was all trusted people you know and it was a fraternity I know I'm not conjoining drug smuggling here but we had some fun yeah we are so fun boats and lorries and whatever we've done within the high life right we've had some fun we used to live up in the mountains and either way yeah it's like being a real sort of don't know it was like what you'd see on a TV yeah and there's a lot more to it than that but um there was me broken and it became my fix I couldn't stop yeah I thought I'd get a lot yeah my dad said slow down so yeah what are you doing but I was in it to win it so after the two and a half time there was any they wasn't following us from the aborted attempt they was on us from abroad right and and they continue to be honest they didn't the people didn't come and ask us to do it again which we gladly said yes and we began to do the operation again and and on November the 93 on the 7th of November after some sort of crazy organization it's quite funny people involved and um I was [ __ ] I was arrested with a gun to my head but I was telling the story the other day this will give this will explain who I am in what prior to me getting arrested I was out in Morocco and I love Morocco I should love it in 10 years not because of the smuggling I was introduced to a family of people out there who was wealthy retired artists through a dear friend of my dad he was married to a lady out there who lived there you know you've seen the pictures of Ronnie cray and all that they was all out there in 10 years and there was a nice side to town it was lovely sight at Angie's and funny enough I was in the bank this morning and I ain't seen this kid for 20 30 years I took him on a trip with me I'm standing in a banking battery he went right or turned around he was there I haven't seen it for 30 years and he was one of the kids who I took there with me so um it's quite coincidental actually anyway so I'm in Morocco's so I I didn't want to be around all the all the magnets I wanted to be around the madness but not that Madness so it was lovely I got into juice too three Posh people very wealthy people and then you said backgammon tournaments played chess and they were and I'm not against any uh form of class distinction or sexuality but it was a number of gay guys there and I used to hang out and play backgammon with them um and they all lived up in the rift valleys and then on the uh that was a Mediterranean side won the Atlantic side they used to have somewhere else is there and they'd all have lovely things mango trees and all that I loved it all right so they're all all the gangsters around about I used to slip down now I was just a bit of puff and then up here and do what I actually do but we was very well looked after then and um and then when we came back from Morocco and places like that and we got arrested um it was relief for me it was here it was a relief well because you've been on a mad one for years and it just someone needed to stop this whole thing like launch the boil yeah so on the floor sitting there where were you I'll tell you what I was going to tell you sorry in Morocco I was it this will explain who I am I was in this place with two geezers who thought they were tough they didn't bother me to be honest with you not that I was a the best fighter in the world but I weren't impressed with things like that my dad's pal Bobby he's a great man Bobby he was friends with all the stars Richard Harris and all that and he he was the introduction for me down there blessed him and there's a there's there's some stuff going on you're not meant to try the gear I want to try because I'm an addict and I'll get stoned in a room I shouldn't have got stoned they took me business he's around a gun and I've got right guess that I'm smoking him out of a pipe and they're looking I mean to be respectable anyway I put my feet up on this sort of uh windowsill and a mouse ran across me foot and I was petrified so I've jumped I was like there's a and I said what he's a he's a tough kid from London he's a drunk smuggly frighten a mice so I'm stung he freaked me out three or four months later I'm arrested in Biddeford and this is the yin and yang of Michael it's the opposite of men it's the it's the it's the uh sort of uh abused child and and the man who don't give a monkeys and and this time I'm Liz I think there was 16 or so many officers there there were 60 officers the number of amount you know rifles night sights handguns and I'm being arrested by these geysers and they seem to have a I'm shouting out my name on a megaphone I had a number in my pocket which I wanted to get rid of it wasn't a criminal guy but I didn't want him having the number and they shout out on a megaphone he's got a concealed weapon yeah you want him thinking that wallet you're gone yeah and without this chase this magnets the geez will collapsed in the car the other one was getting pistol whipped it was a proper scene and I'm standing there with and the lights were like these it was like a film set and I got quite a strong voice I went all up yeah shut up and for a moment they stopped and it was like time Stood Still from a second I want to get the number out of my pocket which I didn't hit it and as they'd come running towards me I weren't frightened and it's not because I wasn't fighting at guns but that Michael it didn't give a [ __ ] yeah excuse my terminology and and when I think about the mice and the gun analogy that's me I was petrified of a mice excuse me and so when I was in my addictions I would use things to make me feel better so the old was gaping I filled it with dishonest sex with copious amounts of money drugs a crazy father who I could see was tough but weak and all these things were going on it was pretty weird so it was quite easy for me to fall into spirituality and there's nothing back there talking about Mental Health on I thought back in the day was that it well you said you was mental people yeah it's called playground I think it probably mental wouldn't it absolutely it was like homes for that yeah or medication yeah I had one Uncle who was a schizophrenic who was in a mental home for 40 years like my uncle Johnny but it was a beautiful soul nice to visit him as a kid so I knew what those institutions were like I knew I wasn't like that here because he's a schizophrenic so mine was a confusion so I I do recovery yeah and I do the church and I'm not religious but um I had an encounter which changed my life and it ain't been easy so the hold it was in me and The Melody of the spirit from the dysfunctional fault pattern it's mental health issues but you're not mentally ill but there's a way out of it to be clean to be to be abstinent from dark life I suppose but I love being a criminal I loved it do you know I mean I love the money I love what I've done I love what went with it and then when I say I loved it it's what I knew yeah yeah and I I don't condone crime I'm not against any criminals I love criminals they're my own um and and you know we go to prison we do our time and I notice I'm not promoting crime trust me I'm not um you know there's a lot of lovely people in the criminal fraternities I knew um but you know it's like as if I'm bumping up crime I'm not just happen to be a great criminal so when I went into the Nick broken when he had the gun to my head he went to me a penny be all falls all I could think about was my three kids and I had a tear in me I I was thinking what about that at the markets not this thing you'd be thinking about you'd be trying to escape or think what's going on but the Arts started to speak my darling kids Amy Lilly and Beth and um and that was a start on a change for me and I was re I was over the moon I weren't over the moon I was Nick but the relief yeah it was like something I thought God thank God that's over yeah and in reality so certainly what age were you when you got an XM 34 34 how long did you get I got 12 and a half years oh mate when you stand in front of the judge what was that feeling like when he goes you got 12 and a half not good not good not good but if you can't do the time don't do the crime yeah yeah and there was a fine involved which we got out of there could have been another six years put on that we could have been doing 18 years but um you know it was funny in the call and if she's not to embarrassed I'm not against judges or anything like that but this judge wanted it because it was organized crime he wanted it to be a Class A drug so he could increase there should be a class uh a drug this Drug's a killer and the Barrister jumped up and he said you're honor the only way this could kill anybody if it fell on top of him because it was five times so I laughed yeah I just thought it was a funny remark but I can start to see these judge wanting this yeah we weren't going to get any leniency um we went to the mercy of the cult with a with a plea deal and uh when he said he sent us my dad first organized he's got sentenced with your old man yeah dude I was Nick with my dad oh my God he was in the dock next to me oh my God he blamed me he was going to me whenever in win the trial because we stopped a six-month trial excuse my terminology I don't like to swear but my old man kept saying out in the corner of his mouth this is all we all fault you greedy bastard is that what he was saying yeah that's it there he said I told you to slow down and he was probably right yeah you know you go under the radar yeah but I went guns are blazing if you were using that much cocaine alcohol sex Puff the whole lot how are you self-aware what's going on around you well I stopped using when I work I used to keep away okay so that that was a pinnacle part when Tracy started to self-medicate me right I got well for a year I didn't touch anything yeah I didn't go near I was having a path yeah I didn't do any crime yeah I couldn't yeah and I got well and I went to live out in Spain again and when I was out in Spain I like that's where I met the lady I first married Daniella so Tracy had my children I met daniello's family Italian family from Naples they were restaurateurs and she was a very sweet girl she was a nice girl it wasn't driven by dysfunction and drugs it was like as if she'd been sent to me to help me along my way and she was a very kind girl I got well I got a lot stronger and better and in the end I was ready to rumble I went straight back at it I wasn't a liability I was a strong boy yeah and and when I worked I never used drugs I never used to take drugs um funny enough the night before we got nicked I was in an environment down in Biddeford and there was a little bit of coconut on a couple of lines two nights before we got nicked but that was unusual I mean you know I was aware I was I was I as a criminal you you have to know you you're a rugby star you know your enemy on the pitch you size him up you Center wherever you scrum off the people know you're a rugby star Dodge no they do now sorry so no fair is a rugby style I did all right no he's all right anyway but I'm just saying so in next in that in that um he was a rugby player or whatever you whatever is there's always someone you've got to size up for me it was the police yeah that was who I was one step Ed yeah yeah so you think you're clever the operation was was run by some sort of military people but once they're on you they're on you you know you ain't getting away with it and a lot of people a lot of crimes go on because they go on but when they've targeted you and they know there's a lump a cannabis there in the regions of what it's worth because this was only a bit of it what I was arrested for it was a worldwide it's never been told the story it was massive yeah so the intensity of armed officers people surveillance was on surveillance for 18 months and you get them you know I've got them a few times but you think oh they're looking and then we had that someone mark my card and said listen it's bang on you they started gaining the restaurants I was using um they was putting they put bugs in our cars um it was an optic nerve they put in my tactics um they was on all our places everywhere we was living and and and they was they was but we'd got them but the greed get you yeah and then you think you know what we stopped for a number of months but this one they wanted they weren't letting this one go so you go back to the greed there did you find that you were constantly wanting to earn the next pound note next shipment or did you get to a point and go well if I hit 10 mil I've got 10 million cleared up but I'm out the game or is it addiction of wanting more you think that yeah but you don't do that it's the drive yeah and it ain't an easy game you don't you don't win all the time but you're always you know there's a saying yeah and it says um one is too many a thousand not enough so the first one is too much for an add-ins and if you have a thousand it still don't work out for you yeah so I believe the criminal the crimes it's a buzz you know he's frightening up and all that and you're doing it and when you get your success look I was crazy I used to pray God get this one home I won't do it again you know so I had that in me and all and and it was organized it was it was powerful my dad and Joe had an organization which was powerful correct well they were well thought they weren't just let's have a go we want to spin of a coin it was well thought of it was good connections and I got involved and I took it I'll be honest with you I took it to another level yeah stupid really but that was the addict yeah it was never enough it was never enough and then I took my focus off not the police or getting arrested because I I never got anyone arrested they would bang on us and I don't get anyone arrested and I was pretty Lively at crime I was pretty good I was game but it was the addict it was a crazy addict so it was never going to be enough so the answer to your question I don't know I don't think I'd have ever sure I said no I didn't know anything else yeah yeah you know what was that feeling like when that first time you said right I've got a 12 and a half I'm going to end with Nick what's that feeling like being in prison well because I've been in prison a few times and when we got arrested on November the 7th it was 16 year November sorry 1993. yeah so when I took us to exit of prison we was meant to be cat a prisoners there was four of us 17 of us all together they let free go but they were subordinates they were lovely people and it was a it was a fishmonger a fisherman and they were good strong but they were lovely people yeah but they had a go they didn't have their arms swishing up their back yeah so we'd we'd put it all in the we've been catching Cod for a number of months and we're in the Cod five times yeah yeah they called my dad the Cod farmer quality he did like that so so when you get arrested I I suppose there's a bright there's a lot of Macho thing but where I had this sort of addict in me I was all right at first they weighed me farther off we're all in the jury box 14 of us they started with me they'd give him 12 and a half years give me 12 and a half years my mother got my mother was quite a cool lady but I think with my brother dying or dead dying her husband getting 12 and a half years Megan over a period of four or five years did you let out a scream and I've never heard my mum was pretty cool and she let out a scream so I was mindful of him my dad got up tried to grab hold of the Frenchman who was in the dock with us he was 60 40 old man he tried to grab the Frenchman who was in the dock with us so there was Carnage shouting screaming he went down I went back in and I was all right at first so the operational mind started holding a minute what am I going to do yeah I can't contemplate the escaping yeah um and in one day after about a month or what I don't know how long it was they put a piece of paper under your door of how many days you're doing and I'll be honest with you freak me out I was overwhelmed to help it was yeah so that were good that was good but then I started on a different path yeah did you go down the old like one two three four rub it out and they can't do it you've got to forget it you just got to do it by you do it by Seasons yeah you do it by oh Winter's gone Spring's gone okay and as you get older you know what time's like but the first 18 months he's um you know people have done a lot more prison sentences than me yeah but my prison sentence was my own condemnation I was imprisoning myself okay which has been a lot harder than sitting behind a prison door I think so for me so but yeah you do it it's a bizarre Christmas Comes birthday comes and in the first 18 months is the artist but after then we was doing all charity stuff and yeah it was it come all you know I I got a numb yeah you get used to it you know we're creatures of Abbott and we tell me tell me a day in prison are you looked up for 23 hours no it's not how does it work well some of them are I'm not sure now but back in the day we were old eggs a little bit like porridge until you get up to the London Knicks yeah and then you can hear tough prisons up there but you know in the 90s they would encourage you to do education there was a I mean in swell side it must have been two or three I don't know a couple of acres of land it was football pitches rugby pictures all right Athletics not all like that but you don't you know you do bird you're behind his door but once you get out of the remand system and then they put you in the bigger Nicks yeah you know they want you out they don't want you they want you working so there's all textile jobs there's loads of things you do but I I've never I'm just people say they are but I've never been behind the door for 23 hours a day I was always out and about did you find you had respect as soon as you got in Nick were you in Nick did you go in the same cell with your old man two years is that right yeah two years did you argue with each other quite a couple of five did you yeah what him blaming you and you're gonna hold them and I've taken the Empire to another level uh it was there yeah it would never be said but it was family issues as well it was seeing another woman bless him so I had a resentment towards him and um but then I started to realize you know he was as broke and as I was the old boy and um but he was at times only small he was Irish descent he could have a fight oh dear you can have a fight so we'd have our murders but I don't know things begin to change and I I you know the addict in me started wanting something so I was my my then wife Daniella was friends with Samantha Fox the old page three something yeah yeah so she everyone had everyone had a picture of Sam Fox in the in a room back in the night isn't they I think so yeah I think so yeah or Linda lucid so sad was a um it's a funny story with that Sam was um a friend of Daniella's and she went to a church in in London called Holy Trinity Brompton which was the home of alpha it's a it's a course and um Alpha does what Alpha is in prisons and it's it's a cause for Christians it's a cause for people who want to know about the faith okay and it's non-threatening it's not religious and it it's it's not it's not I mean it's biblical base yeah but you're not it's cool it's cool so Sam went near she met the people there obviously they love a celebrity them people so Sam was in the church my then wife Daniella was her friend Daniella wanted me out of prison crazy Italian girl hey we have to help him we have to help him so she took her to the church you know what him Catholics I pray mother Mary and all that stuff yeah now that's very religious to me huh water from Lordships yeah but but I'll say that criminals like that religion yeah it's quite funny because he's a religion of constantly repentance I'm so so sorry yeah don't do it again won't do it again yeah yeah so that was going on so Daniela went to the church and he's a lovely man who runs the church this is a church in the prison notices in Knightsbridge this is only Trinity Brompton where Sam went yeah so um she went there and there was a guy called Nikki Gumbel then he runs the alpha Course and there was another extremely beautiful uh Church who run the church a man called Sandy Miller and he was he was a godly man he's a lovely man so Nikki met Sam and Daniella starting to pray for us and she used to say to me holy prop say then I'm all right yeah you know but it wasn't something inside of me that wanted fixing yeah and I do I've been involved with a 12-step um covering yeah of recovery excuse me could you do could you do that inside now you can not then okay not then because I think that would have been a out of choice I'd have had a choice at the two and maybe I might have chose the 12 steps of recovery because I couldn't stand the word born again Christian yeah I hated it I still struggle it but I have the faith today yeah so um but actually I'm not religious so um so what happened was Sam went to the church I'm all right yeah Sam went to the church they prayed for me and there was a thing that happened out in the um there's a lady called Eddie Mumford and she was her son's out of Mumford they had a group I don't want to name drop me out I'm not sure what mumfords and Sons yeah okay so the mother was involved with a church and a lovely lady Ellie Mumford and she had something happen to her and and I could go into it deep but I won't there was things said about a prison with a with a uh I don't want to be weird with a yachting no sorry a moating I was in that prison someone they they call him prophecies so they had a prophecy about his prison I'm in now and um and for me it's real you know what was said came true and so it's a long story but Ellie come back from Canada where they it's a thing called Revival so she was full of the spirit that we call it the Holy Spirit she went and see Nikki Gumbel only Trinity Brompton where Sam went with Daniela I'm in the I'm sitting in the neck opening the mail on Sunday and there's a picture of the knit of the church when I'm reading an out now on Sunday and I think oh he's an angry because that's how I used to think it's a thing on my feet yeah so I run down to the chaplain I said oh Danielle is going to that church he said oh that's the home of alpha we'd like to do the alpha course in the prison so I got on the phone got him down and next call started it's now in 900 prisons around the world and I met a guy from Uganda who was on death run he was a political prisoner he'd done 26 years he'd done this course they released him he now works for the Uganda Minister minister so that's the fruit of what we started we started the course in 193. it's amazing that is amazing yeah wow it is a massive respect for that yeah amazing so when you were when you were in Nick was there was there was it Ronnie cray or Reggie cray you were with right so when I started the course in Exeter yeah so now my calemics become a Christian it went round the prison system how was that feeling well was it hard uncomfortable yeah it's uncomfortable really uncomfortable but something happened to me and you know I look at the wonders of the world and and we see this incredible thing that we we live in yeah so for me there's something yeah and this tick the box he touched that old I've been I've got clean overnight yeah it touched me in an incredible way it made me cry so in that so we got Samantha Fox got involved then I got Ray Reardon and Jimmy white they've done a Jimmy never come they done a snorkel tournament in the nick for me raising money yeah so you've got Ray Reardon Samantha Fox and the Christian stuff yeah so that's me back there's a big bag yeah so when I come up to the London Knicks people going what are you doing I couldn't stop going my mates are going are you sure but it was my it was my lifeline yeah it started saved you it did say yeah amen it did save me and it started to heal that pain my mind started to get a bit better yeah so it was something for me and that's my journey yeah Reggie Craig so when I arrived in Maidstone I've now been aware about three three years and I liked him old rage plus he's up and uh he was a lovely old boy they were what they said okay I was going to ask that yeah no no okay it was a lot worse for people in prison I mean his brother Ronnie they say he was he was a schizophrenic so a schizophrenia wrapped with a Criminal Mind is probably really dangerous very dangerous but rage bless him um he took to me I think because he knew me dad um and and I've said it before I weren't impressed with Reggie it was already together there was some great people in that Nick yeah who I know and and I know and me and red sort of we're gone I used to go in each cell it was like he used to it was like a Cherokee thing he had this thing about red Indians he used to keep on the floor I had some rich we introduced him he was going to get an album cover for the sex pistols they went and done a they've revamped their they went on tour again in 1966 reg was going to do the front cover that's another funny story uh we get we used to play get football games with him and there's some great stories um so I used to get on well with him and I liked him and I prayed with him and Daniella who I was with she she met another guy and he come into Michelle and took me over to church and when we got a forgiven Michael and you wouldn't believe he was who he said he was he should speak with lisp he was no mug but when I met him he'd done like 30 years it's a long time so I had some fun with Bridge he's a big man small man they was fit yeah he was only small they're only smaller twins but he was um he was uh he was well well you could see that he trained and um he was a fit man but he shrunk so if sometimes he looked quite well another time 30 years in the nick don't show on your shoes and uh so it was it was you know it was cool you know it was it was a bit better yeah he used to knock the bag about a bit but he had so many people on you know so many the letters he used to get daily there was a fellow who won the lottery give him 200 Grand did he yeah give him 200 grand for what if he's inside just give it to him I'll guarantee Ridge give it away yeah I don't know but he used to give money away to people and I mean I used to there was a friend of mine who was his girlfriend she used to work for uh so I have a Pink Floyd or Led Zeppelin one of them he's gone out in the head excuse me anyway one of a man is Shrine the Ronnie and Reggie in their toilet and their PR girl knew of a relation of mine she told him I was with with Reggie so they sent a sign to sign drums in they loved him excuse me they loved Reg so he had that I think it was Pink Floyd and he went through a Survivor awesome to do a concert for me and Ronnie at the uh blind beggar I said nothing to do that bridge but they it was well they knew him you know and the Sex Pistols wanted him to do a cover for their album yeah which he was gonna do and then he he changed his mind but if you know he was just a lovely old boy and when when he was at the funeral and he buried Charlie he called me over were you at the funeral of Charlie Charlie yeah yeah not of Ronnie because Ron was when I was away yeah but Charlie was a nice man he's his older brother he's older brother Charlie was as good as gold and he and I knew that when I went over to him and he said I mean you know what Michael is to speak of a lisp but you know what Michael he was the happiest six months I spent in prison with you I said what and I could see he was emotional and and he meant it I didn't want anything from him and we had a laugh and I I I yeah I recommend Reggie Craig quality mate you know that's quality and what did you do then when you come out what was your mindset like when you come out he said well I'm going clean I'm doing this or were you thinking I need to get back at it to earn a pound note well I've sort of was all right financially I don't because I started this course in prison and it was hard you know my mates are going to me what you're doing this calls Christian calls for oh you want to get out of jail early the jail I wanted to get out was was it was inwardly yeah but I made a mistake I come out of prison I relapsed which I was saying about I'm not on cocaine yeah then I had another affair another relationship with a woman a terrible thing as far alone is my business partner's wife and there's no justification they weren't getting on I think there was a divorce or what they still weren't right well right how did he find out she told him in the end we had a massive business together it was heartbreaking really for both of you I'd imagine yeah yeah and he says you know he loved me and he still does I believe so we understand the Perils of addiction and that's no justification so that's why or stay of drinking drugs 20 odd years um you're 20 or 20 years clean a year 22 years sober right yes mate 22 years sober I expect 22 years so I feel good I feel a lot better but it was a journey it was a journey of I call it a Deliverance and so you know I lost everything I had I had businesses I had loads of businesses and I think they would uh I used to hide behind them I've had some fun yeah don't get me and I can see that because I can see yeah on a music I had a record station I had flower business and I was always the bell of the board of party but you know but I even that was a mask you know and then I had a good art but I had a screwed up bed and a dysfunctional spirit in me that don't exist today it's been hard work changing I had to lose everything I I told you earlier I couldn't I went with a Range Rover to an oyster card and um you had years of that didn't you know the top of the range cars top of the range houses yep places all of these five star everywhere everywhere yeah and then lost a lot yeah got myself in debt with friends of mine family and friends what buy a business yeah will they help me out when I I lost a big lump of money legitimate business yeah legitimate yeah how'd that feel going legit uh different yeah there's a part of me that wanting a role with it yeah but you know what I found in the straight world there's more Crooks in the straight world than it was in my world yeah and uh you couldn't she couldn't like some of them couldn't lie straight in bed and it was our work because you're naive yeah I didn't understand banking yeah I thought you robbed them yeah I don't know I was a bank robber but so yeah it's been a it's been a change for me but the blessing yeah is um you know we had a supermarket business we had a flower business none of that sufficed I was I was eating it I was still caught in the headlights because I relapsed I had another affair um I had another child she's crazy this is a mental life tell me about it yeah mate it don't happen today yeah amazing so that's why I wrote the book yeah um things ain't totally right I'm still in debt out there for really good friends of mine as well and I'll pay it back is that debt because of you set up legitimate businesses and those legitimate business didn't work and you bought the money off them what happened was I opened up these businesses and then I I got involved with another guy and I took my friend's money I said to my friends I've got a business deal here it was it was two or eight straight yeah um but we lost about 1.3 million pound and and where I was naive to it we people are saying that ain't true it is true I don't care what anyone says that's true so where I was naive it was 14 years ago but where are we and then the crash came yeah so I lost everything in the crash as well 2007 2008. I was exposed to the banks yeah a property in Spain I was just exposed and and I went down but I believe yeah and then when I lost the 1.3 it was Investments that I guaranteed to family and friends okay and instead of this fella stole it we restore it or not where he made great mistakes but he'd done nothing to put it right I made a silly mistake I wouldn't borrowed money I interest to pay the people back who lost their money so the debt became mine but in there in that I found that the all the mask because I was a man of Minnie Mouse okay and I'm sitting here at a real Michael today yeah so whatever the purpose of good is this story I'm sure it will come to pass and um and so the mask got broken and I learned I went to live on a farm with my dad I was mucking out pigs talk about the Prodigal Son yeah yeah and um selling pigs to get a living to earn a keep my dad lost his way dementia and and so all of that in there he died my mother died the debt was still there so just slowly yeah but surely I'm coming out of it I'll clear my name that's why I wrote the book yeah um it's a it's a book of repentance it's a book of sorry and I ain't giving myself a g and I'm not saying everyone would agree with that but I was like Marmite you loved or hating me and and today ain't like that today I've gone back to the goodness of my soul I think it's been cleaned um I work a program I help people in recovery uh I'll go to prisons I do it through the compassion the books enabled us to open up but hopefully we'll open up a charity we will where we can work with the maintenance wealth issues addicts prisoners we've got things going on there's there's some other writing we're going to do we want to do a documentary um this is and I'm enjoying it's exciting isn't it yeah without the ego yeah I'd like to be out of debt which I will do and I I want to do this and I just hope it's for the purpose of good if there's any more Michaels out there who think they're mad insane there's a way out yeah and if I can give them that way out or not me give them that way out or or direct people to that way out yeah to a sense of Freedom then I'm up for that yeah and I'm at the Autumn of my life I've been blessed with seven beautiful grandchildren amazing I know I love them I love them unconditionally so my drive is to get home to them yeah so I want to be finish my work free from debt and uh I want to be with my grandchildren yeah that's half of this amazing yeah and how would you just before we finish up here how would you know if you're an addict or not for anyone listening to this how would you know you're well it's it's a compulsion it's it's the wanting and the getting it could be that not what what yeah but some in mind already yeah so that that that that sort of how would you know you're an addict if you drink one drink and it ain't enough yeah and you drink or take drugs to change the way you feel now you might ever drink the change the way you feel because you want to get happy and merry but we have a drink to change the way we feel or put sniff up their nose or sleep with a girl or or whatever we do because we are we have this self-loathing about ourselves we don't think we're good enough um we people please we we we try to be everyone's friend and and the Darkness that's in there it can be changed it can be healed but as you know with you're an addict if you use stuff to change the way you feel because you don't feel good about yourself yeah not because you used to have a drink because you want a bit of fun and there's help out there's lots of help out there there's lots of good churches there's the recovery course and and people like myself I'm nothing special but if it works for me and I'm real today yeah I'm really real today you know I'm okay I still want to kick the cat and have a go at the parking attendance for being a brat yeah so but but I'm at the Autumn of my life I think I was born with this year for this age yeah and I I'll get I'm getting happier how old are you today I'm 62. mate you're looking good at 62. thank you thank you I'm 62. very good bless you Michael this has been an absolute Blinder of an episode mate and I thoroughly enjoyed it thank you for inviting me mate you're a gentleman thank you dodge I've really enjoyed myself pleasure good man Michael thank you take care mate all the best Cheers [Music] thank you
Channel: Dodge Woodall
Views: 64,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drugs n shit, Micheal Emmett, drugs, cocaine, smuggle, Hufflepuff, podcast, dodge Woodall, eventful entrepreneur, international, ep 41, chat, crime, true crime, gangster, real crime, not fake, police, beast, Micheal kray, drug trafficker, jail, prison
Id: gHU11Cbe1X8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 0sec (4200 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
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