Undead Genestealer Cult - New Memphis Minis

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hello if you're a longtime viewer of this channel you're probably expecting a painting video and that is that is um that that is how this started but unfortunately a particular member of the new Memphis team who is unidentified but very very sorry for what he's done accidentally uh may have deleted about 80% of the of the painting footage by mistake um again we don't know who it was but he does feel very very sorry about that but these adelin Jackal that I spent multiple Late Night painting sessions on were still absolutely worth talking about so we're we're cobbling a video together especially because these are the final models that I had for this Army and I'm I'm just really excited for the project to be over and I wanted to come and talk to you guys about it so if you guys are just down to he me talk about the Army talk about the lore behind it talk about where the Miniatures came from and go over three units that I do really like and feel like I have a lot to talk about in that case my name is Richard and the channel is called New Memphis I am so glad that you could be here today I'm not going to talk about every single unit because this this video would be a little too long then but I am going to go over three units that I really really like and that I have a lot to say about I think you guys will find interesting to to to hear about but let's get to the exciting part first and that's going to be the lore of this zombified Jean stealer cult Army oh sorry one sec and there we go far off in the fringes of the Imperium deep in the Blackness of space an Imperium vessel is breached and boarded by a scouting party of tyranids however resistance is strong and the tyranid party is hunted down leaving 10 then eight then seven then three and then only one lonely genan stealer after landing on a remote mining Colony our future patriarch departs from The Vessel ready to go off and build his genan stealer cult but he quickly finds that radiation from the vessel's poorly shielded engine compartments has left him sterile and on a completely unrelated note a lot of those Imperium survivors would later die of cancer left with no natural ability to reproduce our lonely Gene stealer is forced to get creative with the help of a mish mash of Imperium Tech along with whatever else he's able to find orc tow whatever the patriarch finds it can hideously mutate its victims and puppet their corpses long after their flesh has rotted away and with the help of its Newfound dark Sciences this patriarch first takes over this mining Colony preparing this sector of the Galaxy for the day the hive Fleet finally returns oh oh oh that's bright that's lore written after the fact if you want to know the real life lore for why I tried this out essentially I first saw the neoy hybrids they looked a lot like the trauma suits from Fallout New Vegas I bought a pack of skulls I'm just glad it went well I rolled with it and then I later Incorporated it into some of the more complex models the best advice I ever got when starting Warhammer was actually from uh heyo here on YouTube I think he also streams but I don't really watch those if you're going to build an army you have to love the battle line I have to love the regular Rank and file troops don't don't buy an army based on one hero based on one piece of lore you got to love the average Rank and file troop if you're going to finish building an army and I do in this case so I have the passion to keep going with it I love the neoy hybrids they're one of my favorite infantry units in all of Warhammer definitely though behind the humble skink which is my number one favorite oh and I just totally forgot to even open my beer can you believe that ridiculous when I originally bought these units from a um a suspiciously cheap eBay lot the paint job was um it was not great uh but that's okay everybody starts somewhere actually I debated for a long time whether or not I wanted to show pictures because I didn't want to make the original painter feel bad but you know it's like we're adults here and now they get to see what they look like afterward which is pretty cool they also came just absolutely slathered in white primer like just clogging up every possible detail it took a long long time and a lot of effort a lot of elbow grease a lot of alcohol and a toothbrush to finally get it all out because I don't own a Sonic Cleaner but it eventually came back around in my experience most models are able to be saved if you're willing to just get creative with it oo that's good I've been drinking dose Eis all week and that shit's basically water let's go ahead and talk about three units that I really really like if you guys really like this video I may do a part two with all the rest of the units including the neofight hybrids so if you want to see that leave a comment down below or just you know send me a message whatever you want to do YouTube comment sections are not known for being nice places all the time so I I get it but let's talk about my three favorite units uh some personal stuff a little bit of for and um yeah let's start with the models I wanted to talk about this week and the ones I just finished after multiple Marathon painting sessions only to accidentally delete the footage let's talk about the Adeline jackals my nickname I was going to use for these guys was going to be the bloodier knights if you don't already recognize them the goat heads were from Blackstone Fortress you guys will probably remember that we had to Kit bash around the fact that they didn't have heads outside of the pistols I think every single weapon also has some degree of Kit bashing though some more than others and that skull with the rose is from the night hunt specifically The Dread Scythe herodin God night haunt names are awful I wanted the Cycles to look somewhat fleshy in nature but I didn't want to like paint them as literal flesh so I chose a color combination to sort of evoke that skeletal idea and I took a lot of inspiration from our human Necro on from a few weeks ago there were actually three different washes on these vehicles uh across the entire time that it took to paint them black German extra dark green and black red all of which you can see to at least some degree on the Cycles cuz they have a they have a lot of layering the white highlights also do a really good job evoking bone as long as they're right next to the black red wash It's a combination that just works really well the skulls across the entire Army are white with washes of um very very thin washes of cork Brown and then black red but the black red is just across the bottom half you know concentrated around the mouth where you would kind of expect that color to be and it really helps to bring out the teeth and make those details pop as well all in all it's a great unit wish I could have made a painting video on it but here we are I am going to do some big photo shoots with these guys throughout this week so you can head to my Instagram if you want to see that or if you want to see any of the photos I've been posting in the YouTube Community I know a lot of people really like those if you want to see the entire backlog it's on my Instagram or if you want much bigger versions you can actually download and have for yourself you can find those on patreon they're up for free anyway uh let's go ahead and move on to the most important feature of this Army our main character himself to show how the tech was integrated into his body I chopped up the worst Blackstone Fortress model uh well three out of the four of them and that was the necr volt cultist which we also had the kit bash when we were painting the Blackstone Fortress box and those turned out great that was what resulted in our human necron where we got to experiment with some of these colors that we then brought into this project so you know I guess the world is cyclical the claws I believe were flat red uh but it's those pops of yellow that that individual painstaking drawing of the yellow on each part of the claw that really makes them pop the Torso is a little bit flat it's uh lacking in a lot of detail in the center but that's okay I may go back and add some extra gold highlights later on but I would be very very sparse about it because what really makes this model work is the fact that you have this torso this center with very little detail leading out into the outsides where the nails Talons whatever you want to call them are extremely vibrant and it makes the model look very very big I actually think it would look way better if it was just a regular God I forget what the actual tyranid like version of this is called brood brood Master something that blue Tong is one of my favorite details though it is so incredibly gross and then the green on those extra little things I don't know I call them bug zappers but there it's probably a technical term for whatever the hell is mounted on the necr volt cultists I also took one of them and painted it in the same way and strapped it onto the um the staff of our Magus Magis Magis Necromancer I don't know I call him skeleton John I wish I could have brought in more of the lore like I I definitely got the text stuff stuff but making him the sterile patriarch is something that's kind of hard to come across lorewise he just looks like a part machine patriarch which is fine and that's still cool and interesting maybe I just wish I could have put a little more lore stuff in there I'm not even sure how I would but the model did turn out well and I'm happy with it so let's talk about one more unit before we wrap things up and I don't think you guys will be disappointed this is one of my most requested models to talk about this was the unit that made me go okay this Army is something special I used a lot of really really thin paints on these guys glazes of yellow and green and you can still see the original xenial highlight underneath which helps a lot with adding that sort of modeled texture to their skin you're probably wondering about the kit bashes though and they are way simpler than you might think in the lore I like to think that you know a patriarch wouldn't just be grabbing humans one issue I have with Undead across Warhammer in both 40K and fantasy and age of Sigmar is that there are only ever Undead humans I feel like the undead should cover everything anyway I used nurgle skulls from the skulls for the skull frone pack on the actual mutated nurglings I figured the patriarch could have grabbed one of those during a demon Invasion I also have a corn flavored version as well but those aren't as cool looking I also have some Tow and uh some orc skulls mixed into the neoy hybrids for the same reason I just feel like a patriarch wouldn't just be grabbing humans I feel like would just grab whatever he could and boom let's add it to the Army there we go so that's that's kind of a lore for these guys their leader or as I call him the big brain only has two Kit bashed pieces one is that skull that came from the skulls the skull Throne pack that is basically just slotted right over the original head the brain itself is the original head I just hacked into it with a box cutter and then painted it and it looks great the the original head was also like like everything else clogged with primer it was actually one of of the worst models for that it was just absolutely unrecognizable unsalvageable so you know I I made it work the best way that I could like I said every model is worth saving or pretty much as long as you're willing to get creative those two malls that they're carrying around came from the lizard men I have so much Lizardman so many Lizardman bits they're they to the point that they kind of pop up in anything that I get bat my favorite thing about them though is easily the bronze on those weapons which is made with only two colors Vallejo bronze and Vallejo Emerald fantastic combination that worked out incredibly well it's always nice when something is both simple and looks incredibly good it's just cool when it works out like that I don't know anyway that is uh that is all I have for you guys I really am sorry about losing the footage that was unfortunate and unexpected and I didn't realize it until a few hours before I'm filming this but I also really wanted to talk about these models and these um wait one second these Jackal are the final unit in in this Army and I couldn't not put a video out about them because they're so good and they're so cool and I'm just excited I get to share them with you guys so thank you for being here and I will see you in the next [Music] one
Channel: New Memphis
Views: 2,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Army Showcase, Genestealer Cult, Undead, Warhammer, 40K
Id: UpbMuuR7cEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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