Did we just PROVE what the best Warhammer model ever made is? - Olden Demon 2024 Winners

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recently I made a video on the best Warhammer models in existence and it turns out I made a pretty big mistake I listed a load of great old Warhammer models and the people in the comments gave me loads of great suggestions but we all forgot the greatest model ever made a model so popular it was entered into the olden demon painting competition a whopping five times this year what is this model I'm going to tell you but first in some regions the phrase are you interested in vintage lead is code to gain access to underground fighting clubs in others it's an invitation to a public toilet that gets low foot traffic but for viewers of this channel vintage lead means it's time to discuss the winners of the olden demon painting competition 2024 to catch everyone up the idea is simple people take old Games Workshop Miniatures from before the turn of the Millennium lavish them with the advanced painting techniques of modern day competition painting but keep a retro feel by adding a green base if possible although as you will see the green bass Ru much like my moral compass is highly flexible this painting competition has become so successful that Games Workshop have been copying it for their own golden demon competition in the UK for the last 36 or so years hello yes it's not happening in the UK this year thank you well looks like I'm the only game left in town this year I'd like to thank Artis Opus for kindly sponsoring the competition the winners of each category are going to be walking home with one of their lovely paint sets that consist of four brushes and some brush soap and the second and third place entrance will be receiving a size three paintbrush I've supported Artis Opus since their first Kickstarter and use a lot of their brushes myself so I'm very happy to be giving out the most luxurious paint brushes on the market as part of this competition if you want to surprise the loved one in your life why not buy yourself a set of artist Opus brushes wrap them up and then pretend to be surprised when you discover them on the table one morning it's the only way they'll learn Link in the description below the top three in each category will also receive a classic Olden demon winners card these cards never photograph correctly but they are designed to resemble the classic golden demon commended winners cards however as Games Workshop have upgraded their cards to have acrylic holders this year I'm more than a little bit jealous if you have any idea how I can make something like that without paying Wicked brick a huge amount of money let me know in the comments so I can upgrade mine accordingly also if you're a company that wants to sponsor next year's competition or if you want to help me make one of those then drop me an email in the comments and we can sort something out one final point before before we start the show this year there's been a slight change to the competition Instagram is terrible I could leave that sentence there but I should probably elaborate on the last day in 2023 it decided to Shadow ban posts using the olden demon hashtag presumably the 300 or so people who entered caused some kind of emergency at meta HQ therefore I had to sort through people's stories to make sure everyone was entered correctly however this year I have a brand new form made by the finest techical mind in the wargaming sector a true Paragon of the space has been working silently to ensure a brighter future for everyone that man is Matt Avis his ten rals are everywhere like an all wise and Powerful coding octopus of the hobby I borrowed a meme to commemorate him I hope he likes it and it's shown to him on the next Cult of paint podcast and that everyone in the live chat tells him how great he is and he blushes and acts all Co if you want to support his work and you should sign up for the golden demon compendium's patreon Link in the description below and secure the internet's Archive of miniature painting but with no further Ado let's start the show this year we have an amazing 291 entrance pretty much evenly split between sci-fi and fantasy and the quality is absolutely outstanding the amount of people who are now attempting techniques that were rare last year is incredible we have things like skin texture and secondary lighting and that has made my job as judge a complete pain so to try and help I took all the Miniatures and separated them into a pool of models that needed a second look after ID finished this early first pass I picked out over 40 models this would be everyone who was at least commended then I went through that pool and separated out the models that would be finalists then I went through the finalist entries with a fine tooth comb and my most pedantic nitpicking face on to pick out the top three and then on the following day I changed my mind so I did it all again these are the commended entries in Golden demon they would receive a commended card but sadly I do not have the knowledge Talent OR budget so instead I'll just show off everyone who got commended instead and leave it at that these are presented in no particular order first up for Fantasy we have Steve kind with grow of the Squig Hound Matthew black with an or bigon standard Bearer vulka Hearns with anir the sword of Twilight Lee Heth with Bertrand ligand Jose Garcia with Tas Danny langd with a brettonian footnight Raphael bden with the white dwarf Bogdan own with the green terror Oscar Hager with odit the goblin Shaman Anvil of Doom with a troll Slayer Frederick lbeck with a Marauder giant next up for sci-fi we have Matt Avis with a blood Angel Space Marine Alexandra Gil with a valhallen ice Warrior Maxim pasturel with a plastic dark Elder Mike latter with the Primark Leman Ross old grumpy wolf with a space Wolf Terminator Maxim Corel with dredge Mech Blitz card David beichi with a jean stealer cult Magus Joel Pete with a space Wolf bloodclaw Simon bomes with a fire dragon exarc Ted ringal with NZ grab wag Timo saucer with an elder Harlequin and finally James bowler with a cad and shock trooper left tenant there were some great entries in that patch and if you think those were really call then get ready to have the socks completely blown off of your feet because here come the finalists in Golden demon these are the models that would receive an awesome little pin badge but I can go one better in Olden demon thanks to the style of this format I can give everyone a slightly longer look at your miniature with your name at the bottom as this video is uploaded to YouTube in 4k quality because I don't really understand all the buttons on my video rendering software you can take a screenshot of that image take it to a company that offers gcy print and have several pictures made up with different paper finishes then you could take them to work and replace the professional shots your place of work had done for the whole team to make the company look professional they paid that photographer a day rate of at least £500 to do that work but who cares it's not your money right insist that your boss bends to your will tell them that you'll resign if they don't then after that you could find some household images of your partner or maybe a deceased family pet and replace them with your images in fact let's clear some space now get let tat off the fridge the kids will have to learn there's limited space for art in this world and in this game it's survival of the fittest what are you doing or whatever you like ultimately it's up to you here are the finalists in no particular order for the fantasy category we have Axel Olsen with a Squig Hopper Darren laam with a Marauder dwarf Spearman Sten froden with a high elf Mage Paul mcab with a Marauder giant Fabio with gut from Lair of the orc Lord James Southern with a black orc and for sci-fi our finalists are Steve kind with a screamer killer carif effect Matt sturban with a blood Angel Sergeant William Elliot with a space wolf grey Hunter henden with an elder Harlequin and John Murphy with a Space Marine Captain these were all fantastic and I really did have to go into little details and start splitting hairs to whittle out the final three also if you're still wondering what that best ever miniature is you're about to see it or at least two of it so this is it the big reveal of our winners before we bring this home you're all winners but some people are more winners than others and those special winners are the great folks who have signed up for my Kofi account to support the channel and therefore the future of miniature wargaming painting and the entire Hobby in general if golden demon isn't happening in the UK this year I'm all you've got forever apart from the miniature painting open and salute and the Ben model show and SMC and Monty and some others anyway let's look at the podium in third place for Fantasy we have Maxim Corbet with a white dwarf I know it's technically a model from 2003 but I have a raw where if you ask me about something and I accept then you're allowed that's just how it works I'm afraid so congratulations to Maxi also look at his little face his tiny little angry face the miniature face that is not maxi Maxim looks pretty happy I think in second place we have an orc Warrior from SEO meoi this is truly an amazing job on a monopose plastic miniature one of my favorite parts of this competition over the years is when a painter you have never heard of before turns up and blows you away with an incredible miniature it's the second year in a row someone has turned up out of the blue with an exceptionally painted miniature from Warhammer Quest why has this game resulted in so many highly placed old and Demon Miniatures who nose the skin on this was fantastic doing a hyper realistic paint job on such an old sculpt is an amazing achievement if I could have seen the back of it and if that base had been cleaned up this could have taken first but talk of the devil drum roll please in first place we have Nicholas rubben mortson with a chaos champion this is a model that flew under my radar until I looked in detail and I could pick out all the little details it's just been done so well you have so many parts that reveal themselves as you look look over the model the non-metallic metallic steel reflects its surroundings there is a burst where the shield is reflecting the sun there are multiple Parts over the model where the metal is reflecting a golden trim my favorite part is the blade of the axe it's painted to a different finish to the withered armor because it's a sharpened Edge rather than beaten metal and it has the reflection of the gold part against it this is what an axe should look like incidentally that gold part is the cheek of an axe I didn't know that until I looked it up this model made me learn something new you don't get that every day and of course it has a classic realm of chaos 1998 fantasy Basse if you like this style of painting then Nicholas has a patreon under the name nrm paint as well as several shots of his process on his Instagram which I highly recommend checking out again links in the description below well that was amazing but it's not all because we still have the Sci-Fi category to go through and again these three models could have been separated with a piece of paper in third place we have Sao Mii with an Elder warlock he's only gone and done it again a top three placement in both categories in his first year it's certainly going to save me a bit of postage on the prizes this really stood out because of the subtle shading on the cloak from top to bottom the gem in the center with the white light dot looks truly amazing and of course that Ultra shiny non-metallic effect mirrored finish of the Witchblade is incredible best sword blade in the competition for my money in second place brace yourself it's Darren laam with his version of a Terminator captain I know it has no green base and in fact it's a fairly modern design base but if I'm going to bend my own rules it's for this especially as he's gone into the archives for his inspiration the color scheme is based on multiple pieces of art Wayne England's Terminator which was on the cover of white dwarf 122 and also on the Deathwing expansion for spacehulk a couple of sketches from that rule book both were I believe only published in that expansion Kev Walker from the death R expansion for spacehulk and jez Goodwin's artwork how come this never got used again unless it's in one of his sketchbooks in which case I'm sure someone will tell me in the comments but back to the model it is an exceptional piece before you realize that this is a model from the 80s 1989 to be precise 34 years ago I'm not sure how this model looks as smooth as it does the shading here is as clean as my browsing history but finally in the first place for the Sci-Fi category we have Sten froden it was really tight to separate one miniature from the pack and any one of these three Miniatures could have taken it but I've given it to sten's Elder warlock it's a combination of a high degree of difficulty combined with a high level of finish some points of interest are double shoulder ying-yang the reflection of the purple cloak onto the white room the gems on the Witchblade the slight glow in the black on the left hand side of the helmet which is mirrored with the highlighting around the light blue part above and the most pedantic of all features that I noticed and was impressed with the non-metallic metallic effect on the band around the left foot and the spots of reflected sunlight painted on it it's incredible this is exact sculp by jez Goodwin was entered five separate times into the competition this year and as of right now can still be picked up for a pretty cheap price on eBay so get in now before the supply vanishes you might spot the lack of a traditional base however he claimed that he has used goblin Green to highlight the grass toughs but let's face it I've accepted worse I'll be handing him a yellow card and he better promise to add more green to his bases next year Sten is truly the master of painting models with the sword P resting on the ground and there we have 2024's competition is officially over if you're interested I'll be discussing all of this in the crown of command podcast soon if you'd like to listen to me desperately trying to justify what I've just done Link in the description below if this has inspired you to paint a miniature for next year then don't wait there were plenty of people who didn't finish their miniature this year but they'll have another chance in 2025 and if you like this competition sign up for my Kofi in the description below and secure the future of old Warhammer forever or at least until my doctor's warnings about my C come to their inevitable conclusion if you're looking for inspiration as to what miniature to paint for next year try this video and I'll see you next time
Channel: Olden Demon
Views: 20,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #oldendemon, #gamesworkshop, #goldendemon, #warhammer
Id: osTZGWn83hI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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