Uncut: Shayna Hubers talks upcoming trial, marriage request

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that's that I don't shake hands or anything like that then Michael's gonna go and put a microphone on you can feel that humidity that rain outside how are you today I'm alright how are you sir can't complain okay what's your name Craig McKee I wrote you back you may not have received your I don't know can you tell me what the letter says I don't know how the mail I haven't received it yet came through or how long then it comes through what would you say I just acknowledged that that I received your your letter and that I was reaching out to requests and this yeah and here we are so um before before we start I would just like to ask if we could stick to the topic of what I wrote you about and not my case not my court case all right I will I will say that we're gonna talk about what you wrote about okay and obviously as a journalist I have to ask certain certain things you can reply however you want to reply so but there's no way I could go back you know being in this profession by it by doing that the one thing just so I don't forget about it I did come across the there's a Facebook page yeah that sends a lot of support your way yeah and pictures and it sounds like whoever runs it is in regular contact with you to get new pictures and things of that nature do you know who runs this um friend or relative it's a friend it's a friend I can give you a better Facebook page to go to for well I don't know if it's better but it's different and it's more personal it's run by my best friend my older sister I call her my older sister okay it's Shayna Huber's at Shana Michele Huber's okay and my friend Tiffany Egan runs it Egon a GaN yes all right just because this this I was asking for donations and stuff too so I wouldn't sure really whoo whoo that was tight okay okay so here we are thanks again for making time for us so the big question tied to the tie to your letter it appears that you've fallen in love yes how did that happen I can only describe it as like a spiritual encounter that I had with another person that I met here a couple years ago that I grew to know over the years and we just got really close and you know we're both forced into a similar situation and unique and I have a lot in common and we just grow very close over the years so when you first met you need unique I mean it was arrested Richard McBee goes by you know obviously January 10th of 2016 so when did you after I met make be that summer of 2016 when I returned for my new trial okay yeah I left Campbell County Jail and was transferred south of here in January of 2016 right after he arrived so I didn't meet him until I didn't meet unique he/she until that that summer to me I don't see unique as a gender I don't see unique as a man or a woman I see unique as a soul that I love so if I slip up in my wording it's because to me this is a person that I love it's not about this person's gender I think it can be easy to slip although it is and it's difficult for others to understand so when did you I have the affidavit that you sent me that shows May 2nd as your request to get a marriage license was that just what on the paper you sent me or did do you have a different date that you actually requested I believe it was the same date okay believe it was the same date okay so you wrote me shortly after you actually made the request it was in the same timeframe I believe have you heard back from anyone yet we have not and we've both had people calling the Campbell County Clerk's office and in my opinion I feel like we're being spun already and I feel as if I've already been retaliated against so even if it's only been seven days yes I mean do you have confirmation they received your request no I do not I I feel as if I've been retaliated against at the actual institution at the at the jail because the jailer was contacted by Richard McBee unique tailor about our marriage and within hours of his request to the jailer letting the jailer know what was going on and that he didn't want any type of retaliation I I was moved to a different cell and all of my legal documents for my court case were taken from me and they were taken to the administration office on the other side of the jail and they have not been given back to me they were seized and I feel as if our constitutional First Amendment right to marry because unique is biologically a male and I'm a woman are being violated and we're being retaliated against due to my high profile case and you know my name in Cincinnati and unique status as a transgender woman also unique has not been retaliated against because unique just won a federal appeal for retaliation against the jail so unique it's not being retaliated against no one has hurt unique or gone into unique cell and done anything to unique but I was retaliated against and that's how I perceive it okay at least not yet at least no one has done anything too unique yet because you know there is this fear with this open lawsuit that he has against the jail so he's being left alone I'm being retaliated against I already seems unfair and in that your perception obviously without confirmation that they've actually received your request which we are gonna reach out and try to see if they if they have it that's my perception you're correct that's been spoken with any other inmates that have have requested marriage certificates and marriage licenses issued I know I know plenty of inmates in the Kentucky Department of Corrections who have been married in Kentucky do see you know Campbell County - sorry Campbell County Jail is part of Kentucky Department of Corrections okay and so I'm just curious if they said that it do all it typically takes two weeks three weeks or whatever for you to hear anything back I wonder if they clarified anything to you those other inmates no nothing has been clarified to me about a timeframe but I do know that it's something that can be done and has been done and has recently been done in Kentucky do see yeah so again Richard make me his official name kind of explain to me I mean I know obviously from his writings and from your writings who he identifies as but kind of explain to me who is Richard make me today Richard McGee has a past that I would believe it's not indicative of who he is today who unique tailor is to me today is a wonderfully sensitive charismatic brilliant amazing and highly naturally intelligent and capable as a person he's from a wonderful background in Nashville Tennessee his mother is a doctor and his father was very successful as well he doesn't belong here he's not guilty in his case and he's fought the justice system here for years he's defending himself very adequately explained on how he identifies himself he doesn't identify himself as Richard McGee why he believes that he has the soul of a woman and I accept unique Richard Richie as I as I call unique sometimes as as who she is who he is to me it's not about gender to me it's about a soul that I love and it identifies as a transgender woman who's lesbian that's a transgender lesbian woman but he his his ability to transition has been thwarted by the number of years that he has spent in the justice system in the federal justice system and the state when you first met him though did he or she identify as hi I'm unique or how did that how did that happen did he have to explain the backstory how did that there was some explanation that was involved and you know I feel like you know unique is not to me a name or a a he or she this is a person that I've called by six different names I've you know in the justice system we're often referred to by our last name I've called unique McBee Richard he used to have a nickname he went by - I've called him Richie unique it's not about it's not about a name to me it's about a commissary I mean how does I don't know how you meet each other whenever you're in a facility like this is it you know during lunch and you bumped into each other and then um that's how often you get to see each other or how does that work I originally met maybe two years ago when I was taken to a recreation yard that was next to unique cell and we just began talking and that was how it happened so you're in a rec area is that outdoor area and then an indoor indoor area huh yeah and and I just want to emphasize that how hard she has fought to defend herself in her case against this justice ism here in Northern Kentucky some may say because you've obviously you're going through your retrial and your procedures going through it some may say that this is more by reaching out this is more of either a publicity stunt or something to derail your your second trial what would you what would you say to somebody that says that this is no stunt we actually genuinely love each other I love Ritchie unique Richard davon McPhee I jr. and to me it's know it's nothing but real it's nothing but genuine love that we feel for one another and he would tell you the same so there he has written he's written extensively actually I'm on that very point okay so this isn't tied to any justification I'm trying to move the case out of Campbell County or or any gameplay as it pertains to no although I do feel that it's wrong that my case hasn't been moved out of Campbell County I do feel like I've been treated unfairly by Campbell County justice system and I and that's a separate issue it's it's something I still believe in but it's a separate issue and this is this has nothing to do with that when you when you heard that your conviction was being thrown out and you were given the opportunity of a second trial where you was a relief was there did you smile a little bit did you did you have any reaction like all right I get another chance here what was your reaction I was obviously very happy it was something that was very special to me and for my life do you think you can get a fair trial in the second round I don't believe I can gain up here at trial in Campbell County I don't believe that that's possible here in this county is that because of all the media coverage or why why would you think I feel like there's a biased opinion against me here and that's one reason why we felt like we'd be retaliated against in in this situation it has not this has nothing to publicity stunts this is not BS we genuine we genuinely love each other and have love for one another I feel that Richard is my soul mate the the change of venue is an entirely separate issue that I still feel strongly about if I can go back when you were with Ryan though did you identify as as bisexual as lesbian I guess I guess I'm trying to figure out how you know you fall in love with with I don't mean that I would label myself as straight bisexual lesbian I am someone who has fallen in love with certain people okay I if you would have asked me five six years ago am i straight am i bisexual in my lesbian I would have said I must you know heterosexual woman but things happen in your life and you meet people and you connect with people and I have a connection that is very true and real and what I feel for unique is is real and what unique feels for me is real and I don't have a doubt about that in my mind and that's all we're doing here is exercising our First Amendment right to become married how often do you actually get to see each other like in an average week how many times you actually see each other physically see each other I was could be a certain number of days a week it just depends on the way that it works out yes is that just because I don't know your rec times compared to eating times compared to the times you're allowed in the library I mean I'm not sure you're right it's just it just depends yeah how would this how would this relationship work if you get married obviously there are a number of different avenues you could go down here one you have your retrial and you're found innocent and you're out you have a retrial found guilty convicted 40-year sentence or whatever that sentence ends up being you're in unique goes through her process and is either found guilty or innocent I mean there's several different scenarios that could play out here we're not we're not concerned I mean we are concerned with with the future obviously but we know that whatever happens we will be in each other's lives and that's what this is about to us it's remaining in contact for the rest of our lives no matter what happens this isn't about anything of a physical nature this is about a spiritual mental and emotional connection that we have this isn't about something physical this is about a deep connection that we feel you know here it's not about anything of a carnal nature so it's not about that to us because obviously there would be there would be some hurdles to adjust to you know if they approve everything and I'm trying to find out obviously if there are any policies in place on how these are handled if they can reject these requests if it is approved and and say a week from now you get the approval and you guys are allowed to to get married then do you still think there's going to be retaliation or do you think okay it's ran its course you guys raised the red flag here by by getting us involved and and everything was handled um I believe there will still be retaliation on some level or that there could be and I'm still concerned about that yes if I can going back is we did talk about whether or not you could have a fair trial your attorney actually said the news coverage had painted negative image of you and had destroyed the presumption of innocence I do believe that and I do believe that there's been an incredibly negative media coverage about me in Cincinnati and in the United States and internationally but I mean the media coverage is tied to what was said in court and the evidence presented on both sides correct but I still feel like the media coverage has been has been biased against me and I feel like it's gonna be very hard for me to receive a fair trial in this area do you think it's difficult for and we've seen a lot of changes obviously in the past year so with the me2 movement and more recognition of women who are in potentially abusive relationships and more belief and what they've dealt with one now that the me2 movement has happened since your first trial and there's more awareness for the potential jurors on your background story and what you what you say happened obviously that night and what you were dealing with do you think that could play a role and that when you're talking about potential abuse that you dealt with and how this all came together and came to it came to a head so to speak that that would help your case I think that the me2 movement I think it could go either way I think it could help I think it could also hinder because some people can see it as crying wolf that there's all these girls that feel the same way about men and so I think that in that way it could be negative you know but then I think it could also be positive because it's raising awareness that this happens all the time and it often happens in situations where no one would expect it to happen in so many cases and I know it's not this easy because I've I've interviewed several people that have been in those types of situations is there ever a point that you have thought since 2012 and you say if I could turn back the clock I would just walk out of the condominium and I believe I don't want to talk about my case with you I'm not here to talk about the nature of my case or what happened on October 12 I'm here to I was here for a different reason today and that was to address my marriage to mr. McBee have you ever had any moments of remorse or the sense of apology just to Ryan Posen's family not want you to talk about any of that I'm here to talk about another issue at hand is this the first time since you've been in that you've filed for a marriage license yes it's been six years have you been romantically involved with anybody else while you've been in or is this the first kind of love at first sight type this has been the most serious your date has been pushed now to August you got are you expected to stay here in this building and as far as I know as far as you know I know unique had sent me a number of a number of pages some of this actually just arrived today so he sent one one day and then sent one another sorry she it's okay it's I do the same thing it's okay why did you write in here and you and unique both put in here that you were only reaching out to nine on your side why was that we feel that night on your side has the courage to report our story fairly and we appreciate that so have your attorneys talked about at all another filing to try to move this trial know you have so many concerns about getting a fair trial no they have not so the one the one decision and that's basically it so what are you hoping against from from this story and talking about alright you've fallen in love not that I know if they have not in us telling this story are you hoping that either jurors or officials in this county think differently about you I mean what's the what's the take away I'm not hoping that anyone thinks any differently of me I'm just hoping that this ensures my right my First Amendment right to marry under the US Constitution that's that's all that's all I'm here for I'm just here to preempt any retaliation and ensure that my right is respected and not forwarded and that I'm allowed to marry unique have you gone through any special counseling since you've been in tied to I mean it's a broad range anything from AAA to anger-management to family I've not been allowed any type of counseling here this is a county jail it's not a prison facility since you've been incarcerated for every two years since I've been incarcerated I've not been I've not been offered any type of counseling no okay so there's no certificates out there that are tight in your file or anything that shows that you've gone through any any specific aggression no no because that's that's not available at the detention center level that's that's not available in county jails that's available at the state prison level which I've never made I never made it that far I've never made it to a state prison because the prisons were so overcrowded back in 2015 that when I was convicted even then I never went to prison I was bounced around from County Jail to County Jail so I've never received any type of counseling have Ryan postman's family have they ever written to you not that I'm aware of you've never physically received anything no have you ever written to them no no you have to understand I kind of I do have to ask and you don't have to answer yeah obviously I know you recently had a birthday yes April 8th yes so happy belated birthday well thank you how did you celebrate my 27th birthday I received a lot of cards and letters and I was able to talk on the phone and visit with family and friends so you do have I mean between this website I know they put on this Facebook page and you mentioned the other one I don't know one here yet you know are supporting you and your campaign do you get a lot of mail from perfect strangers just supporting you and sure that it is that a daily thing weekly do you write back to them often times I do yes I got a fair amount of mail depending on you know media coverage and what's out there and if something recent has happened have you received any other recent requests from any other media stations locally um yes years ago and I can't I can't recall exactly who it was this was around the time of my first trial was over three years ago yeah okay the money that's being raised off the Facebook page what is that for is that for legal costs to aid in my defense yes okay notice solely for that do you know the email address little Tay 58 at hotmail.com that's what's tied to the donate part of PayPal that's why I'm I'm wondering little to Li TT le ta y 58 at hotmail.com oh I'm assuming that's my mother's email address because that would make sense that that's her yeah okay little Tay that's her nickname that her sister gave her so hope she had to make a new email address while I was in here and she was born in 1958 that was good I just put that together okay so she handles she handles that Facebook page then or no no she doesn't handle the caves of donuts she handles the donations again all right and your parents you speak to them on a regular basis yes and they're still championing you obviously yes very much so I have great parents they still live in Lexington oh yes and they still won okay is there anything we haven't spoken about that you want to go on record with and talk about here yeah I mean we have spoken about this but it's just a point that I would like to make and that this is not this is not for any other reason but to ensure that we are given a fair right you know under the US Constitution First Amendment that we're given the opportunity to exercise our rights and marry and that this won't be an authority ported or disrespected by anyone who dislikes us due to my status as a high profile inmate due to unique status as a transgender woman we are both pretrial detainees awaiting trial we're not convicted in this county and that's one reason that we are doing this now before we are you know sent to trial and possibly convicted of anything then possibly split up correct correct so if that happens if you if you do lose your next trial and you are sentenced and you go your separate ways have you had that discussion on we'll stay in touch will write will well continue this yes we've had that discussion and that's what we've come to is that you know we will continue our relationship no matter the obstacles long-distance relationships can be tough they can be okay well you did you did have a quote you said I don't know if anyone will ever want to marry me if they know that I killed a boyfriend in self-defense they here you are filing a marriage license which means you found someone that's true and unique accepts me for who I am as much as I accept her for who she is and unique is very understanding of my past and not judgmental and loves me for who I am and loves me for anything I've been through or done in my life and I feel the same way about her and I believe with all my heart that that unique is my soulmate as unique ask specific questions about what you went through because obviously as partners you know in that heart you know you obviously have to connect in that way and I mean we've spoken about a number of things in our lives and we have a very similar we have a very similar past and we've been through some of the same things in our lives so do you have concerns about being recorded without your knowledge or your phone calls and all the hours of phone calls that your attorneys now going through you have any concerns about any any of that going towards your second trial so there are hundreds and hundreds of hours of recorded phone calls none of them have been recorded without my knowledge I don't believe right yeah those are the jails just the jailhouse phone calls right yeah yeah you don't have any concerns of any other recordings outside of that no okay cuz I know you have concerns and I know unique has concerns about documents being taken and when you're when you're out of the cell and and there's a lot of allegations like that so I just wasn't sure if you were concerned about anything else um no okay I am concerned about the documents that have been removed from my cell I do feel like that is I'm worried about that right now and I feel like that's unfair and I feel like that is that was a form of retaliation in my mind is there anything you regret with 2012 I'm not here to talk about 2012 I'm here to talk about today but if people see this and they're watching this what do you want them to know about your self-defense claim from 2012 I'm not here to talk about 2012 and I told you that before I came in here I know but I'm also a journalist and I'm gonna be fair and I'm gonna ask the questions across the board okay that that we're going to ask I guess we'll see you August if that still holds true I know it's been delayed a few times by the way a few times a kid I mean I'm I'm assuming it will go to trial in August but I don't know I know there are a number of things your attorneys got away I know there are number of things your attorneys trying to to get tossed out and they're going through all that normal than normal stuff from text messages and statements made prior to your rights being read at least that's what they're claiming so I guess it's possible this trial might look a little different than than the first one I'm not sure are you taking will you take the stand in this you'll be called I would assume I mean you took you took the stand last time I didn't take the stand at the last trial could have sworn you did no I'm I think in the record I may be thinking of the record of the videos then I didn't take the witness scene at my first trial I'm thinking there's video that I'm thinking of those you up on the stand I took the stand at a sentencing hearing that was later that's what I'm thinking yeah okay okay I apologize so you don't know if that there any plans to change any of that at this point plan to change the you're taking the stand then during this trial I'll leave that up to um I'll make that a surprise we'll put that into surprise surprise yeah very well so what what were you doing prior to prior to 2012 cuz I've looked through some of the pictures on the Facebook posts what was your life what was your life like what kind of personally I was a college student I had just graduated the University Kentucky with my bachelor's degree and the spring of 2012 I walked at graduation in May I received my diploma that summer I had just turned 21 that April and I would say that I was a very fun college kid that's what I was doing and I had just begun my graduate school training when this happened I just started my master's degree there's some pictures in there like they look like modeling pictures on it did you do that for a little while too during college or was that just fun pictures that you were taking I did some modeling when I was in college yes okay yeah then you did graduate program you were in you were started did you finish you didn't finish I hadn't completed my master's degree when this happened Oh Michael's just getting some cutaway shots for at any purposes it helps us okay that had stuff together so you grew up in like elementary school and high school and all that was that all in Lexington and then you I grew up in Lexington Kentucky that's where I went to elementary school middle school high school I graduated pas Laurence Dunbar in 2009 I graduated the University Kentucky with my Bachelors of Science in 2012 so I spent 21 22 years in Lexington yeah yeah I'm not from here you didn't get a chance to see the Kentucky Derby though did you I've been at the Kentucky Derby twice yeah yeah did you see the recently I didn't get this you know access to TVs in here well I I'm not in a sour they or there's a television I've yeah I watched it last year yeah they're bringing home any like home feelings whenever you get a taste of the big hats and the mint juleps you know and all that yeah I I loved the Derby it was a good time it was always a fun time I never understand the big hats really yeah thank goodness I wouldn't be the one have nowhere okay Shana I certainly appreciate your time I know what you had asked and asked us not to stay away and I think your answers were fine to say I'm not here to talk about that and that's and that's fine I just want to let you know as a journalist though I have to ask those questions okay so and stay in touch I will let you know I'll write you again I don't know how many days I wrote you back on Monday they probably went out Tuesday in the mail so it probably takes at least two days probably get here soon today or tomorrow you're gonna get the letter I wrote saying I'll be in touch soon basically okay before I go I just want to emphasize how much I love Richard and how real that is to me and how much he loves me I don't know if you've gotten a chance to speak with him or if you're going to just through the writing of the letters so far well when you stick with him if you do he's a wonderful person and he's been through a lot he's had a really hard life he's had a lot of obstacles to overcome and I trust I trust him with all my heart and he trusts me and I have a deeper connection with him that I've ever had with anyone in my life of the opposite sex or same-sex that doesn't matter to me and this is no kind of joke we genuinely love each other and I was just grateful to have to have met unique during my time here in Campbell County it was a blessing do you think people can change yeah I do but I don't I think some people are misunderstood I think some people are not bad and then they change I think some people are doing things in their lives that are misunderstood and they grow up you know six years have passed I'm a littler than I was he's a lot older than he was when you know his journey and the justices and he first began and I'm very proud of him I don't care what anyone says I think I think he's compassionate kind caring loving I know it would never hurt me I know it would never hurt anyone that I love and I trust him with all my heart would you ever hurt him no no I would never because he would never hurt me first he would never hurt me first I would never he would never hurt me first and I would never hurt him because we don't hurt each other that's not what we do our relationships aren't about hurting each other it's about loving each other so how have you changed you read you reference that you're much older now and then you've changed so how have you changed no different than October 2012 I think I've grown up a lot and I think I've been through a lot and I think I was a young girl then and I think I'm a woman now and I think that you think you would handle situations differently now then yeah I think I would handle things differently now as a 27 year old than I did as a 20 21 year old and also I believe that unique has regard for another person's feelings and is would never hurt me would never hurt me first to begin with but that's a big statement that you say there and I know again you don't want to talk about your case but that for people at home to hear whenever I ask you how you've changed and what that change is when you talk about being older and wiser and and how you would handle things differently that's it that's a big statement you may not realize it that's that's a big statement for people to hear that if that same situation played out today it wouldn't play out that way that's a big statement on your your part do you think I guess it is but I do believe that I've been through a lot in my life since then and I'm I'm a lot more mature I have more experience with people I've had to live around people and closed in a closed confined space for many years and but to say that you've changed so much that if that same scenario played out now it wouldn't be handled the same way that it would be handled in a more mature way that's quite a statement on your from your hat sure sure it is I I also believe that this person and I are right for each other and maybe years ago that wasn't the right person and so things weren't we didn't understand each other as well and unique and I understand each other a lot better we're very honest with one another you know there's something to be said about soul mates yeah I appreciate your time and as soon as I get word back from the clerks and everyone on the license and what's going to happen or whatever you may find out even before I do but I'll write you and let you know what I find out is we progress through this okay you know and I also just want to emphasize that we're we're only contacting you all to make sure that those rights are respected and that this process is not thwart 'add because of who we are that's what we were afraid of going into it is that it would be throated because of who we are and because of the things that we've done in our lives that people are judgmental about obviously and you know it can be misunderstood it can be misunderstood yes sure and that people wouldn't be we truly believe that some powerful people wouldn't be happy for us and would want to prevent this from happening so your desire is that by august if that's the trial date by august you would be mrs. Shana Michele McGee because obviously he can't file an official change of name and go by unique at this point I assume he could go to the process but the expenses and he could yeah but that's the name that I believe we we will use it's a family name yeah where would you settle down you get out if you're free I haven't thought that far into it there's it's a big world out there you feel like the world is a little smaller now that you've gone through yes I do I feel very hated by a lot of people and I feel scared to live in certain areas as does he so right and you know we're just we appreciate your all time and help and facilitating anything to ensure that our rights are not disrespected you know well we will we will tell the story of your request on what you're going through and we'll have to wait and see what the timeline is for the requests to be accepted we have to confirm that they've actually received your request since it's been seven days and not counting the weekends because they're not going to do anything on the weekends obviously being a government agency no offense government agencies but so once we get confirmation that they've received it and we'll try to find out what the game plan is moving forward okay alright I appreciate your time appreciate it can we take the mic off man sure what's that Oh so we'll in your in your cell how BIG's yourself okay do you do you get like reading materials you're gonna keep in there law materials kind of you go to the library and sure right I wasn't sure if that was when you go to the the library and you you print out things and you write and then you can bring it back in there do you check out books are you able to check out okay Amazon can people's like ship Amazon books to you that's cool alright how's your food situation which place have you been at so far as you moved around and had the better better food truck to be compared to Cracker Barrel we typically don't supply transcripts of full interviews the story itself once it's done will be online I think you have online access don't you yeah so it'll be it'll be published and put out online so you'll have access for it there the website should actually be on my business card which is in the letter that you should receive air either today or tomorrow so I wasn't sure how fast this was going going to happen because sometimes we put in these requests in different counties and it doesn't happen so and if you want to talk further you know after it airs and after you know if there's an actual ceremony I mean when if that day comes and and we're allowed to be here for it then why not if you'll allow us so it's obviously a sure decision we have the the information I have to put in that's a whole separate request so this was this was all happening this morning so kind of dealing with one request at a time so but I certainly have I mean his his admiration is and I have another letter still yet at the office so this is four pages here talking about you specifically and his his love for you I thought it was funny in here that he goes the reason because I had that's why I seen you why we chose channel nine and he put in his letter that we chose not on your site because you guys seem to have no fear and pissing people off something she and I do without even trying so I was like alright I guess that's what we're that's what we're known as alright but so anyway I have lots of documentation from him and I'll just have to see how the request goes and take it from there like I said you can also use that Facebook that Facebook page [Music] this one Larry Rowland okay and how what is his relation he's just a friend okay how do you access the pictures to send him your own Facebook page okay I know he says he blocks and bans a lot of people look comment on their - yeah okay
Channel: WCPO 9
Views: 1,081,199
Rating: 4.2775464 out of 5
Keywords: shayna hubers, craig mckee, ryan poston, campbell county detention center, poston murder, highland heights kentucky, unique taylor
Id: 9Wsd7oW93hQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 50sec (2930 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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