Uncovering the Best Place to Live in America 2023: You Won't Believe #1!

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what would it take for you to move to another  state can it be a cheaper cost of living what   about affordable housing are you looking for  new job opportunities or just a place to be   comfortable to raise a family or to retire various  factors going to determine the affordability of a   state these factors include prices for food  shelter and transportation in addition to   employment opportunities in this video we  look at some of the best states to move to   in 2023 based on job opportunities lifestyle  affordability and more like subscribe and hit   that notification button for when new videos are  posted so let's get right into it coming in at   number 10 Oklahoma Oklahoma has a long history of  a cowboy culture and its Native American history   and population with its beautiful landscapes  nature and scenery Oklahoma is listed as one   of the most affordable states to live in the  United States Oklahoma's home did a greenhouse   of the Ozarks to The Majestic Red Rocks formations  of the Wichita Mountains traditional foods such as   chicken fried steak which is beef steak breaded  and fried are served with many Southern States   within many southern states with mashed potatoes  and gravy nicknamed The Sooner State this is due   to an increased number of settlers that settled  in the state before it even became an official   state Oklahoma has the third lowest cost of  living making it financially affordable in   addition its unemployment rate is the 10th lowest  in the country so finding a job should not be too   difficult the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics rank  Oklahoma the top one-third of all states for the   lowest unemployment rates there are big companies  such as U.S Department of Defense Walmart and   Chickasaw Nation gay men business company let's  look at housing low-class for property or rent   utilities and transportation make it an ideal  attraction for young families or couples it has an   herbal Urban feel in a mid-sized City without the  hectic traffic and hustle and bustle of a big city   does Oklahoma sound like a place you would want  to move to let's get into number nine Colorado   Colorado is naturally beautiful a great place for  nature lovers but its rivers mountains Canyon and   forests it's not only an ideal place to ski but  it can also be an ideal place to live and raise a   family this is why it's on the best places to live  in the United States let's look at what Colorado   Colorado has to offer if you enjoy being outdoors  participate in skiing hiking walking on trails and   camping in the summer months Colorado may be the  place for you did you know Colorado is said to   be known as the birthplace of the cheeseburger  I would like to say thank you Colorado in fact   in 1935 a man named Louis Ballas at the Humpty  Dumpty drive driving in Denver Colorado invented   the cheeseburger he grilled a piece of cheese on  a hamburger patty until it melted another first   for Colorado it in 1869 the first rodeo was held  it started as a Fourth of July celebration put on   by a few Cowboys it became so popular that it  became a rarely Tradition now it's paid into a   professional sporting event called the Rodeo just  some interesting facts about Colorado if you do   decide to move let's get into the cost of living  and the affordability according to the US best   places to live online data the average cost of  living based on housing groceries Transportation   utilities health care and other miscellaneous  things Colorado is rated at 120.5 out of a hundred   which is the U.S national average this means it  costs more to live in Colorado than other parts   of the US so if you want to live in Colorado  it will cost you more than other states the   employment opportunities are overall positive with  an increase of three percent over the past year   the salary average is at 56 448 and cost of medium  home is 488 600 and the overall unemployment   rate in Colorado is 6.5 that is compared to the  average the U.S average of 6.0 although it's not   the cheapest state to live with all the factors  I I see why it's on the best places to live based   on the quality of your life more so than the  affordability these are things to consider if   you are planning to move to the beautiful state  of Colorado moving on to number eight Tennessee   the attractive state of Tennessee is known for  its famous cities Nashville and Memphis also its   legendary famous country singer Elvis fantasy is  the 10th most affordable state to live in in the   United States Kennedy Tennessee has no state taxes  therefore they are not taxing your personal income   from the state in other words you get to keep more  of your personal income we're all set this benefit   the state instead makes its Revenue with high  sales taxes Tennessee has a second highest sales   tax in the country at 9.55 55 according to the  U.S cost of living Tennessee is rated at 89.9 out   of 100 which is in the U.S national average this  means the cost of living is cheaper in Tennessee   compared to other parts of the US the median home  prices is at 231 600 compared to the average home   prices in the US which is at 291 700. the job  growth is at 1.8 percent over the past year and   the average salary is at forty four thousand  six hundred and twenty one let's move on now   two number seven Kansas Kansas is located in the  center of the United States ordering four other   United States Kansas is known for oil wells it's  wheat production and let's not forget the famous   Wizard of Oz it is known as the wheat capital of  the world and the leading supplier of beef cattle   did you know that the first Pizza Hut was opened  in Kansas in 1958 true brother the Carney Carneys   border bored 600 to open the first Pizza Hut fast  forward Pizza Hut is worldwide the first Pizza Hut   in Kansas has now been converted to the Pizza Hut  Museum Kansas sounds like an ideal place to live   so what makes it ideal let's look at the cost of  living the job opportunities and more with the   cost of living 14 below and housing 29 compared  to the national average the utility sits up one   percent who then clothing groceries are about  nine percent lower than the rest of the country   while clothing is at nine percent lower healthcare  service is one percent higher in Kansas compared   to the national average and entertainment  and grooming services are nine percent lower   the unemployment rate is 3.8 percent compared to  the U.S average at six percent there has been an   increase of 0.5 percent over the last year with  job opportunities and the salary is averaged at   51 872 home prices is at 177 400 based on a  statistic it looks like it's a bit cheaper to   live in Kansas compared to the other parts of  the United States let's move on to number six   Illinois Illinois is known for its famous city of  Chicago its contribution to the automotive motive   industry the land of the presidents the birthplace  of McDonald's and let's not forget Route 66 but   did you know why it's known as the land of the  presidents because it's the birthplace or home   to at least eight of the U.S presidents to name a  few Abraham Lincoln Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama   it is listed as number six on our best places to  live and let's see why overall the cost of living   in Illinois is six percent lower compared to the  national average housing is 14 lower utilities   is at four percent Pandora food clothing groceries  are around four percent lower than the rest of the   country and clothing is four percent lower Health  Care Services is one percent Lauren Illinois   entertainment and grooming services are four  percent lower compared to the national average   Illinois it's 57 166 and the medium home prices  is at 33 234 000. so to sum it up it depends   where you decide to move in Illinois if you move  to Chicago expect that you're going to pay more to   live there you move in some of the other parts of  it Illinois the cost of living is more affordable   so let's move on to number five number five is  Texas with a tax Burden rate of 8.19 Texas is   known to many as the Lone Star State famous for  its barbecue Ranch and Cattle and iconic Cowboys   who doesn't love Texas Texans are known for being  friendly and welcoming so it's no wonder it isn't   at number five on our best place to live list  when more and more people move to Texas because   of its cheaper cost of living it is at six percent  below the national average so the average cost to   buy a home in Texas is 241 100. this makes home  ownership more affordable and more achievable keep   in mind however for bigger cities such as Austin  and Frisco you will pay more you can pay upwards   to four hundred thousand dollars and if you do  decide to rent as well the rents are higher in   those cities as well however in smaller towns and  cities it tends to be cheaper so before you make a   decision do your research see where which city  is more affordable so Texas is actually eight   percent below the national average when it comes  to the cost of living for housing it's actually   15 lower and you do pay two percent higher in  utilities food and clothing groceries are four   percent lower and when it comes to retails just  buying clothes it's four percent lower compared   to the rest of the US the healthcare services are  four percent lower in taxes and the entertainment   and grooming costs are at least four percent lower  the unemployment rate in Texas it's at 7.2 percent   that is compared to the national average of 6.0  in the US although there has been an increase in   employment rate by 2.6 percent the average salary  is at 52 576 and the medium home cost in Texas is   243 600. interesting fact did you know that three  of the United States president came from Texas can   you guess who stay tuned to see if you know who  these three president evidence are so there are   no personal income taxes it's even written in  the Texas Constitution so to pay for the their   infrastructure their costs and services the income  is used from sales and any excites keep in mind in   some places sales taxes can be 8.25 and property  taxes is higher than compared to other states   however taxes taxes is still considered pretty low  and so it is its affordability so let's get back   to those three presidents from Texas did you guess  your three presidents as yet let's see if you got   them right so number one is Lyndon Bain Johnson to  George H W bush and three George W bush Okay let's   move on now to number four Michigan often referred  to as the Great Lakes State Michigan is beautiful   it borders four of the Great Lakes Superior euron  Michigan and Lake Erie did you know that these   Lakes contain 21 of the world's fresh surface  water that is more than all the combined rivers   in the world Michigan has a great history it's  known as the Motor City for its Auto industry and   it's the main home to GM Chrysler Ford think for  instance Detroit is the biggest city in Michigan   it was once the world's lead-in manufacturer of  automobiles the Henry Ford Museum is in Dearborn   and Automotive Hall of Fame is located in Detroit  did you know that Michigan was the first to have   a tunnel connecting two countries the Detroit  Windsor Tunnel built under the Detroit River from   1929 to 1930 and opened on October 1st 1930. it  runs 552 meters that is 1811 feet long let's look   at some of the benefits living in Michigan and why  it would be a place for you to consider moving to   so the cost of living is 10 lower and housing is  23 percent lower compared to the national average   utilities is at least one percent higher food  clothing and grocery is four percent lower Health   Care is at three percent lower than Michigan and  entertainment and any service recruitment Services   is our four percent lower this is compared to the  national average the unemployment rate is at 5.2   percent compared to the US so with average rate  of 6.0 jobs has increased by 0.7 percent over the   past year and the average salary is of forty nine  thousand eighty seven the medium home prices in   Michigan is 207 800 so it looks like the cost of  living in Michigan is more affordable let's move   on to number three which is Minnesota Minnesota  is on the list and let's see why lettuce Minnesota   is known for its natural beauty with its natural  landscapes and breathtaking views Minnesota is a   midwest state that borders Wisconsin and Iowa it  is Nick name the states of 10 000 Lakes Minnesota   is home to over 11 000 natural lakes it accounts  for five percent of the freshwater lakes in the   U.S Minnesota is also home or the headquarter to  Target Pillsbury and Best Buy not to mention the   Twin Cities Saint Paul and Minneapolis the two  cities are densely populated it's 60 828 and the   cost of a home is at three hundred thousand one  hundred but let's move on now to number two which   is North Dakota how much do you do we know about  North Dakota I must admit I did not know much at   the onset of my research interestingly North  Dakota is on the border of Manitoba Canada it   is nicknamed the peace State this is due to the  International Peace Garden that bordered North   Dakota and Canada and it is a symbol of peace  between the two countries beautiful scenery   Landscapes are found all through through North  Dakota this is this includes Lakes river valleys   rugged Badlands and Woodlands North Dakota is  quite the fresh air for those designed to relocate   to this beautiful state North Dakota has so much  to offer so let's look at the cost of living cost   of living in North Dakota is actually two percent  lower compared to the rest of the US the housing   is six percent lower utilities is five percent  lower food clothing groceries are around three   percent lower compared to the rest of the country  however the healthcare service is 12 percent   higher in North Dakota compared to the rest of the  country and if you're looking at entertainment and   grooming it is three percent lower the cost of a  home in North Dakota the average cost is 240 200. I'm in it at number one the state of Washington it  is known as the Evergreen State and that is due to   it its less force and beautiful scenery it was  officially named after George Washington in 1889   home to the Seattle Seahawks in the famous city  Seattle Washington as I said is number one on our   best places to live did you know that Washington  is the birthplace to the famous iconic Starbucks   in 1971 71. it opens at the first store in the  Pike Place Market Washington has a higher cost of   living 13 however there is no state taxes so that  means you get to keep more of your income when it   comes to housing it is 22 percent higher than a  national average 10 percent lower when it comes   to utilities 12 percent higher when it comes  to groceries clothing and food so when it also   comes to Healthcare it is 22 percent higher and  entertainment grooming is 12 higher so it looks   like the cost of living is higher in Washington  but I guess the reason why it is number one on   this list is because Washington is beautiful it  has no state tax it's a desirable place to live   um and therefore I could see why they  may have chosen this to be the number   one place to live but let me know what you  think do you agree with this list do you   live in one of these states or are you  planning to move to one of these states   let me know what your thoughts are in the  comments and let me know what other videos
Channel: Rebecca Singh
Views: 20,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best states to live in, Quality of life, Cost of living, Job opportunities, America, Moving to the US, US states, Best cities to live in, Best states for families, Best states for students, Best states for job seekers, Best states for business owners., states everyone is moving to, best states, where to live 2023, where to live in America, Top 10, Top Ten List, Ranked, Relocate 2023, Travel, best states in america, best states to live in usa, where to live in america
Id: Kax2Nzm3JvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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