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uh would you do a [Music] another hundred dollars for the rest of it yeah that doesn't seem like enough though does it foggy flips good morning everybody so i just had to stop and get some gas so i figured i'd do something that i don't normally take the time to do and that's film a little intro so i don't have to put a bunch of words on the screen to try to explain explain what i got going on so uh this morning i'm going about two or three times over uh it's about half hour 45 minutes or so and i'm going to what's described as like uh a community garage sale it's inside a parks department so i'm assuming it's probably gonna be set up like a flea market but something that i've been doing a lot lately is if i'm going kind of a long distance to hit a sale i like to change my search location on facebook marketplace to the zip code of where i'm going and see if there's any like cool deals that i can try to snag while i'm while i'm in that area just in case i can't find anything at the sale that white that y that way it's not a big waste of time making the drive so last night i was doing just that i found someone that had listed like five separate things like 11 hours prior um and honestly all five things look good to me like some vintage comic books and some various things like that so before i went to bed i i uh sent a message and said hey tomorrow morning i'll be in your area from like 8 to 10 a.m i'd be interested in buying all five things i think everything added up came up to like 360. so i offered 250 cash just because without being able to see like conditions and everything i felt like that was pretty fair so i woke up this morning to a message that said hey that sounds great when you're in the area go ahead and text my husband here's his number so that's exactly what we're gonna do we're gonna go check out this little community garage sale hopefully find something there but if not we have a backup plan so uh like always um if we do end up buying some stuff i'll show you everything when we get home all right let's go [Music] if everything is negotiable okay how much you have on your box of figures here oh 45 okay um for some reason my son got him all literally in august right and he's probably like with like two of them so he went through he did keep five okay i think i'll do the box of them oh my god that's gonna be awesome that you're staring at it oh really i'm like oh my gosh no those things are expensive some of them no i'm happy vibe what did i have on it uh it says 45 for the box thank you uh sure if you don't mind that way still walk around a little bit this might be easier okay thank you have a good day all right tube you're 50 cent one's there all right thanks i man our bed's clean but i can't remember a tent right on how much you have on that box of helmets right there [Music] three dollars sure i'll look through it later for that price thank you very much all right so we just left that little community sale uh like i thought kind of looks kind of set up like a flea market i found a few things probably could have could have dug a lot harder with all the booze in there but i'm pretty happy with the few things i found um should should do okay it's just nothing exciting but i just texted the fella about the comics and stuff and he said he was home come on by gave me his address it's only like two miles from here which is pretty awesome but he did mention that he has some other stuff that he hasn't listed yet so of course now i'm very excited so uh we're gonna go pick up this stuff and possibly look through some more stuff and hopefully make a deal we'll see but of course i'm going to take you along with me so let's go no problem come on in i'm sorry didn't turn the lights on there we go cool um yeah this is uh the stuff that you was uh interested in there's uh all the star wars figures and then the the three rings they're they're all if you wanted to open it up and see a little closer because they're talk they're all tom mix yeah that's pretty cool um one's supposed to be a magnet ring i don't think the magnet works anymore but and it's really neat and then then there's a decoder holder thing which is cool yeah that's neat and um i was just throwing these two in with with it oh cool it's an extra it's a i don't know what that's from if it's from a cigar yeah it looks like a cigar doesn't it but this is one of his uh oh nice pocket knives from the radio show that's really cool and then this is from 1974 before the movie and yeah so i think it was a fan right thing right very neat i'm just throwing that in there for the i appreciate that thank you all right appreciate that now this i don't know if it works or not i don't yeah it seems like half the time they do have time they don't you know i i just mainly want it because of the look yeah they're cool enough to take the gamble you know oh and and this doesn't have the thermos but i do have a little miniature version of it very neat you know just stuck it down there yeah but awesome but it's it's in better shape than i know it's got a little around it though the picture looks good yeah and that has a little bit of everything all the wrap way around it definitely on the shelf yeah and oh i got the i think these are the bags and boards that go with these okay i could be wrong but i i took most of them out except this one the these are the ones that are hot i guess right this is the first appearance of the the person that will be the black batman teacher and then this is his the first appearance of the guy's dad lucious father and then john cena is going to be in this tv show yeah and that's the reprint but that's the original right yeah this is uh this is what i used to read when i was a kid the if it said modern comics that was the ones i got the toy story yeah yeah cool yeah so yeah that's all okay for you here i'll pay you for that real quick okay let's see yeah that way 40 60 81 20 40 60 82 20 40. and there's 50. i appreciate that thanks a lot thank you i appreciate that and uh there's an another stack here i had separated i yeah i mean i i got them here and here and there yeah i like these old horror comics yeah the the vampire one was a little disappointing but it it's fine i mean i ha i have another copy of the superman comic book that's the only way i'm getting rid of that right on a complete mini series of the iceman oh really um very cool of course this is more comic but these are a little more pricey but i got i got two autograph um wrestlers he's my favorite wrestler of all time like that's my first guy i've seen when i was watching a little tarzan digest and and then the these are uh more more vintage i guess you know like yeah and that this is the bags and boards that go with two of those i think all right timo dracula that's neat yeah very cool yeah i i i get the trade paper back so if i get the trade paper by guy unless there's something that's like from childhood right i'll keep yeah sure then i got oh neat that this this one has i mean it's really good on this side but this side when i got it has a couple little hole marks in it but it's kind of a neat little yeah thing from it's from the 60s when his popularity was bigger i wish it was in the 70s [Laughter] i love the guy and then then i got the highlight i put that in the frame oh wow i was always a big fan you know yeah sure and then like a couple spiderman but but this is just mainly just kind of like i said miscellaneous toys there there's a i don't know there's the the suit superman carts supposedly that's the complete set except it doesn't have the stickers okay it's just that's all the cards yes i'm pretty sure it might be a little mixed up and this one's still got the candy bag in it don't eat the candy it's not really good yeah and then i got the the presto magic this one's not been opened yeah yeah that one has been open this one's been open everything's been used and then this was just an extra thing that you get like three comments sure and then you open it up and just you got back you know extra little cards just very neat and then um he's my favorite this is the looks like the oldest one that's in there and everything else is pretty you know like this is another one it's old yeah that's the oldest ones that's in this box everything else is just kind of miscellaneous okay type stuff and is this all stuff that you want to get rid of then yeah and uh i got two boxes of superheroes figures i kept them separate because like this is the spiderman box okay and then this is just a bunch of um oh well superhero very neat things you know all kinds of big little that this is only reproduction me go that i have in here this is very cool though a friend a friend of mine actually gave me that and i was like i i like it but it wasn't like the original one had a bigger belly he's a little thin he got he lost some weight yeah that that was played with by my sister so i i actually grabbed that from her yeah when she was younger that's funny yeah some some really really good shapes i mean you know you know some really really good shape but uh i love this kind of stuff man but yeah there's a few that's just kind of you know i didn't really count how many is in that box this there's just a bunch of stuff oh i didn't know would you in the coins or i don't know a lot about them okay um well i got like the like copper coins and just you know miscellaneous coins i got a few braided ones i mean i'm not wanting very much form i mean i've had them just because they're pretty sure but they cut the copper coins um 30 some ounces of copper here oh well because some of them are the five of them or this one here where it's the hercules it's five ounces that's that's crazy yeah i got five of those and a bunch of the one ounce ones too this is old bonds i guess or or stocks or whatever you call them i i like artwork so i i really like the artwork on the indian there that's my favorite one and the oil thing is just very obvious yeah yeah that's a very cool thing and i got i got one graded um dollar bill but but uh i have a book of one dollars and there's a few two dollar bills at the bottom there you go 1928 yeah i like it all actually this is the last of the things i'm gonna put on there for a long time okay i think yeah i think so i was thinking um uh would you do a another hundred dollars for the rest of it yeah that doesn't seem like enough though does it oh it's plenty let's do 150 how about that you sure yeah i mean i don't know what this stuff is worth but i was thinking you were going to say 100. so well i just i need the space because i'm too much of a hoarder yeah i've done really good since i've gotten married though yeah it tends to help doesn't it she got me to move a lot of stuff out and i feel stupid because i really did give stuff away you know but i got friends too they're always like hey you want one i'm excited to learn about this stuff all right for 60 80 100 20 40 50. awesome thank you man well thank you and then if you do get any more stuff and that you want to get rid of just uh send me a text or something okay because i'm always buying yeah i just uh like this was kind of the last of the toys and i've been through my action figures 100 times yeah and i and for some reason every time i go through i'm like why am i keeping that one and stuff like that do you do ebay and stuff or just buy on ebay i just buy i i tried to sell 20 years ago and had two bad experiences yeah uh i sell jimmy olsen comic books and right you know i i sold them i think i it was a bid item and so the guy got him super cheap right and he still complained and gave me a low rating i was like i'm never doing this again i'm done like what the heck is that you know we could look at the pictures and see if they was you know right mid to low grade like i don't know what he's expecting yeah the in-person stuff is definitely a lot easier because there's no coming back on you it's just yeah yeah and there's bags oh it's okay i think i have some at home even okay i'll just make a couple trips here so i can oh that's fine i wasn't expecting to buy this unless i got to rearrange a little bit thank you so much man thank you i appreciate that all right i had it sitting up there like and i was like that's fine let me get rid of that yeah i do thanks so much buddy take care hey thank you all right everyone so we finally made it back to the garage and that went way better than i could have even imagined that was a really neat collection to be able to pick up and i'm so glad that i kind of seized that opportunity and was able to walk away with it it's definitely not an easy money deal but it's but it's a fun money deal and i think that there's plenty of profit to be had not to mention lots of knowledge to gain for the future so normally i try to put comps up for almost everything i buy it's not going to be entirely possible this time just because there's there's so much i've not even been through everything yet there's so many factors involved like condition but i'll try to pop up some comps here and there just to kind of give you an idea uh but like i said very excited about this so uh real quick let me just try to go through some of the stuff i picked up so at that first community sale thing honestly not too much i'm excited about i picked up all these uh halo figures just because i've done well with halo figures in the past um some of these smaller ones i've sold similar ones in like in the package for between like 70 and 100 bucks a piece and there were quite a few of them in here so i figured even loose there was probably some money to be made paid 45 bucks for all of them and whereas that might seem kind of steep i i think it'll be okay not not the greatest deal ever picked up a few pokemon cards because they were so cheap and honestly i kind of regretted not buying all of them until i got them home and realized that the card i was excited about this uh charizard ex um pretty sure it's fake along with this other charizard the colors are just way off on these things i think i could be wrong i'm not an expert but i've been buying a lot of pokemon cards lately and they just seem a bit off to me and then i paid three bucks for this box of helmets and football figures um sometimes these little miniature helmets do well depending on the age and the brand and stuff so for three bucks i took a shot and i have no idea what they'll be worth and that brings us to the bigger deal this is the stuff right here that i actually went there to buy this is the stuff that was listed on facebook that i offered 250 bucks for and honestly that could have been a little rich um not being able to see the condition but i figured that the stuff was cool enough that i would i would enjoy looking through it before i sold it off so i was willing to take that gamble but now looking through all of it i really feel like 250 was completely fair there's this box of star wars toys we're not talking like 70 star wars toys most of these are from like the mid 90s through the early 2000s so not huge value probably in most of these but there are quite a few i think there's probably like 30 or 35 little figures in there plus a couple of the vehicles so that's pretty cool and then we got this super friends lunch box no thanks but the graphics are very cool on it not the best condition in the world but i've definitely seen worse realistically i think this could probably be valued somewhere around 40 to 50 bucks and that's without the thermos and then we have this talking batman and robin alarm clock here uh these are just really cool not sure if this one works yet i i've not tried to put batteries in it for parts these still sell for 20 bucks or so working they can go from like 50 to 100 um usually more with the box doesn't have a box obviously but if nothing else it makes a really cool display piece very nostalgic and then we have these tom mix prizes uh tom nix i think was a radio personality probably back in the 1940s i would guess i'm not i'm not entirely sure here is like a decoder pin that you would put your ring on to try to decode the messages that i guess he would give over the radio show kind of reminds me of the a christmas story little orphan annie decoder uh where you're supposed to drink your oval team but then there's also a few rings here and that's like a whistle ring so just really cool prizes that you would have gotten back in the day like in like a cereal box or something i'm not sure and then he threw in a few things too which are actually really cool like this flash gordon pinned back button here i saw these on worth point and they tend to sell for about 20 bucks a piece so very cool on that and then also this uh tom mix ralston straight shooters pocket knife this particular knife looks like it sells for between like 50 and 80 bucks so definitely very cool this one's in very nice shape with just a little bit of wear on its blade right there but no cracks or anything like that so that was a that was a really nice gift right there and then there were some very cool comics um again this is where condition comes in so it's hard to really put up comps but i'll try to throw some up so you can kind of compare but these are in decent condition i wouldn't say that any like any of these would grade nines or tens but overall they're pretty clean i'm probably going to invest in a scanner because i have lots of cards to sell too and i i think a scanner would work better on something like this as far as taking photos so but these are like the hot comics right here where uh there's movies coming out pretty soon so like the values are spiking on these particular issues like this peacemaker this is a reprint if this was the original this would this would sell for quite a bit of money this is the first issue of the peacemaker like i said that that's a reprint but this is the second issue and that's actually the original right there so that one's pretty cool not the best of shape but that 12 cents means it's old and then we have these batman comics um again characters that are going to appear in the next batman movie i believe like tim fox and uh lucious fox so we have issue number 307 and issue number 313 i believe it's 313 that has probably the most value right now so i'll try to throw some comps up for that graded high i know it's gone for quite a bit of money recently looks pretty good not bad at all and then i'll throw some concept for 307 as well and then the last part of that original buy were all these uh batman and detective comics and teen titan comics um all different types of years but most of them are pretty old some of these obviously have more value than others but it's going to be hard to really really talk about each one right now just because there's so many and then this last deal it kind of spans from here all the way to here down inside here there's some more there and then these boxes here and i honestly didn't know what he was going to price the stuff at but a hundred kind of shocked me so i paid a little bit more for it so total were into this whole deal like 400 bucks i think plus plus 10 for the trunk i've spent some time researching some of this currency because this is something i've never really gotten into personally and man this stuff is pretty fascinating these uh grated coins are really cool and they're actually easy to comp out because they have the grade on them so you can kind of compare it to others of that same grade but just kind of quickly looking through some of these uh i think most of these comp out around 15 or 20 bucks a piece but this one right here this uh susan b anthony dollar graded 70. this one seems to have some really good comps like over a hundred dollars so that's that's pretty crazy to me right there uh jim uncirculated 66 dollar bill it's been kind of fun looking through these bills to try to figure out why they were put aside so we have some older red seal two dollar bills there's our first asu two dollar bill uh some more red seals there's a star note two dollar bill from 1953 there's a 1928 red seal two dollar bill there's a 2013 star note with the b apparently these were duplicate serial numbers so these have a little bit of escalated value some more than others but that was pretty interesting to learn about and then there's some more star notes from 2013 and some silver certificates there's a star note silver certificate right there some more older star notes where the condition's not as good yeah very cool no clue what any of this stuff is going to sell for but it's definitely going to sell for more than face value and it's it's been a lot of fun to learn about there's a bunch of copper coins there's like five of these hercules five ounce coins here a bunch of these zombucs uh the currency of the apocalypse those are all one ounce coins pretty neat a bunch of indian head pennies from the later 1800s to the early 1900s some mercury dimes from the mid-1900s some buffalo nickels from all different years and then some other various random things there's a bunch more comic books like a large run of these hulk comics some are 15 cents some are 20 cents but there's a lot that go in order too so if nothing else if the condition is not that great on them i can sell them like in runs but there's tons of older incredible hawks in here then we got some more stuff up here like the whole run of iceman there's some dracula stuff um there's some swamp thing in here all pretty early more than i could ever go through right now a bunch more modern stuff in here that i'll get to last random collectibles like the adam west and burt ward picture right there sealed presto magic stuff from 1980 some of these do surprisingly well some old transferred bonds i thought those were pretty cool myself and then just tons more toys as well uh just different action figures from all different years some of them are more modern some of them are older lots of uh marvel and superhero stuff haven't really comped much of this stuff out but there's but there's just so much of it it's it's pretty crazy alright guys that's all i got for you this time as always i want to thank you so much for watching the video but until next time stay safe stay healthy love ya bye when they hear that cha-ching and they all look at me i guess they'll know i'm buying this crap
Channel: Froggy Flips
Views: 248,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BUYING 150 YEARS OF HISTORY AT ONE TIME, yard sale, garage sale, yard sales, garage sales, yard sale finds, garage sale finds, yard sale haul, garage sale haul, yard sale ride along, garage sale ride along, yard sale gopro, garage sale gopro, yard sale pov, garage sale pov, american pickers, froggy flips, froggyflips, modern day treasure hunting, treasure hunting, treasure hunting pov, vintage comic books, vintage action figures, coin collecting, pop culture collecting
Id: wFMxr_bZd2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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