Uncomplicating The "Complicated" Palestine/Israel Conflict - SOME MORE NEWS

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Ethnic cleansing


I'm sorry, that was two words.

👍︎︎ 180 👤︎︎ u/DDzwiedziu 📅︎︎ May 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

He framed this really well for me. I never bought into the whole "Israel is just defending itself" narrative but I was more neutral than I should have been before I saw this. When Cody detailed the recent events leading to the rockets, and particularly those comments by authorities towards Palestine, it made so much more sense. I never thought to ask the questions of what prompted it which I guess serves to show the balance fallacy in action.

👍︎︎ 186 👤︎︎ u/SiBea13 📅︎︎ May 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Cody Showdy is on a roll! Can’t wait to tune in - kids need to go to bed now!

👍︎︎ 82 👤︎︎ u/kra73ace 📅︎︎ May 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Oh thanks! Youtube didnt notify me on this 🤔

👍︎︎ 54 👤︎︎ u/thornzar 📅︎︎ May 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

I’m genuinely surprised and thankful non-Arab and non-Muslim media is finally picking up on the facts of this conflict. This isn’t main stream media but at least it’s reaching younger folks out there. There are many ongoing “endless wars”. But this one in particular has a lot to do with the west’s funds and complicity.

Thank you for clarifying the “complications” of this war

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/thebolts 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Fuck Israel

👍︎︎ 69 👤︎︎ u/sohumlily 📅︎︎ May 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Cody says hamas violence isn't justified . but it actually is BY INTERNATIONAL LAW Becasue GAZA and West Bank are occupied and also GAZA is under an illegal brutal inhuman blockade and siege . Is the "violence" of prisoners in a concentration camp fighting against the guards of the camp unjustified?

EDIT: detailed analysis of the legality http://normanfinkelstein.com/2014/07/27/are-hamas-rocket-attacks-illegal/

👍︎︎ 45 👤︎︎ u/vnny 📅︎︎ May 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

I hate the proportionality argument. If people in the Warsaw ghetto somehow shot a rocket that killed 2 people, is Nazi guards murdering 2 random Jews in there justice?

One side's cause is fundamentally unjust, so all their violence, big or small, proportionate or disproportionate, "defensive" or aggressive is entirely unjust too.

It's not a boxing match. The occupied have the right to armed resistance and the occupied have no moral right to use violence at all against them.

There is no situation where an occupier is justified.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Foxodroid 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

I’ve always wondered how anyone actually thinks “We just want our own state!” is some kind of legitimate defense. Like, when one of my far-right Jewish American friends used to say this without a hint of irony I was like, dude, you’re a rich, straight white male saying you deserve even more privilege... because of nepotism? Nah...

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/TheStreisandEffect 📅︎︎ May 31 2021 🗫︎ replies
(Upbeat trombone music) - [Cody] Oh, Cody hungry, Cody hungry for news. Hello everybody. So Palestine and Israel, we're not going to talk about it because we're told it's too complicated to understand or discuss or do anything about, but counterpoint we will talk about it because is it too complicated to understand could only the Titanic sized intellect of Jared read 25 books Kushner understand the intricacies of the conflict? Well, first let's go over the current situation while media coverage of Israel-Palestine has improved. If you read certain headlines you may be under the impression that Hamas just suddenly decided to fire rockets at Israel sparking a bloody conflict. So first we'll talk about just what happened in the past few weeks, and then we'll go over some more history. As you may've already seen through social media. On May 7th, and again, on May 10th Israeli police stormed the Al Aqsa mosque the third holiest religious site in Islam during Ramadan police fired stun grenades and rubber bullets inside the mosque at worshipers, injuring over 300 Palestinians. The police presence was in response to protests against the looming forced evictions of eight Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah east Jerusalem by Israeli authorities. East Jerusalem is a Palestinian territory that has been illegally occupied by Israel since 1967. Why are Palestinians facing forced evictions? Well, in a word, ethnic cleansing. I'm sorry. That was two words. For more info on the definite ethnic cleansing. See our other happy, fun upbeat video on Palestine, or like, I don't know read what Israeli officials have to say or look at some (beep) maps. But anyway, as it turns out the rocket attacks by Hamas did not come out of nowhere. And in fact were pretty predictable. Given that Hamas is military leader. Mohammad Dave made a statement on May 5th. The Qassam Brigades will not stand idly by in the face of attacks on the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. They will pay a heavy price, if the aggression against our people in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood does not stop immediately. This was on May 5th in response to police violence against protestors. The Israeli police has escalation to storming the Al Aqsa mosque captain days later on May 7th and May 10th. So the rocket attacks aren't exactly random violence. If Hamas is giving a direct threat and explanation of the violence but Cody says PatrioticAnimaeTittylover69. Are you siding with Hamas? Do you stand terrorism? Well, thank you PatrioticAnimeTittylover69 for your service, obviously Hamas sucks, but pointing out that Hamas is actions are not random acts of violence. Isn't the as siting with them, nor is solidarity with Palestinians as Ted Cruz and Ben Shapiro and other liars might want you to believe. To be clear, hurting civilians is never justified even when it's in retaliation. And especially when it's an escalation of violence. When a mass fires at Israel injuring or killing random civilians, not only is it a travesty for Israeli civilians who are harmed, it also undermines public sympathy for innocent Palestinians. Hammas has actions give the Israeli military quote unquote justification to bomb and kill ten fold Gazans and continue to ethnically cleanse Palestinians. I'm sorry, Wait. I, what I meant to say is Hamas's actions gave Israel justification to do surgical airstrikes against Hamas. That ends up killing sickening numbers of children. Top doctors destroying their one coronavirus testing site flattening residencies, and demolishing buildings housing, media organizations including the Associated Press and hitting refugee camps. You know, surgical war crimes. Every time the Israeli military kills a child the doctor destroys media outlets or levels of residential block. They use Hamas as a justification in the name of self-defense, weirdly this right to defend itself is never extended to Palestine but whatever the IDF can bomb anything it wants, if Hamas even farts within 500 miles of the target. The Israeli government claimed Hamas was hiding in the AP media building and we showed the U.S evidence despite the secretary of state Anthony Blinken saying the U.S hasn't seen any of this evidence. Yikes guys, awkward. Maybe work on your story together before you go to the press. (upbeat music) Apparently Hamas is hiding behind every child killed in Gaza. To put it in terms that we in the U.S can understand Hamas is a bit like cocaine. Did police do an unwarranted arrest and a bit of brutality? Oh, well, what do you know? Turns out we put, I mean, found cocaine in their wallet. Oops, did we do a few war crimes. Well we found Hamas in their wallets. We swear. In the IDFs words, they just had to bomb that refugee camp because an apartment nearby was used as terror infrastructure in the area of the Al Shati refugee camp. Was it really? Who knows now? Because it's all been blown to smithereens. Also, apparently the alleged targets were some computers which were moved before the strike. So, whoops. Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu indicted with criminal charges of corruption and bribery, argues that Hamas hide behind civilians. The human shields argument is interesting in that even if it were true, the answer always seems to be so we murdered the (beep) out of the human shield. It's like in Die Hard when Hans Gruber holds Holly Gennaro hostage and goes to get to me you'll have to shoot the hostage or whatever. And then John McClain goes, okay and shoots both of them. And then the movie ends victorious. And this part of the episode is honestly the most levity we're going to get with this topic. So like, we have to do an ad and we're going to, so um here's here's the transition to the that. Okay. Okay. Sorry. (upbeat music) - Hey, it's the ad part for advertising. This year you might be a little more adventurous in going out. You might just keep staying inside. Maybe it's both. Maybe it's neither somehow. When I do any combination of those I can wear Mack Weldon to feel stylish and comfortable. And if you haven't guessed Mack Weldon is sponsoring this video and they are offering you 20% off your first order, when you visit Mackweldon.com/somenews and use code somenews. Mack Weldon has a wide variety of men's essentials socks, shirts, hoodies, underwear, polos, or active shorts. Some might say that those are also women's essentials. You can all get them. It's fine. I don't care. The point is Mack Weldon promises, comfort and a consistent fit. 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Anyway, back to Hamas and the IDF. It's unfair to compare Hamas to the IDF says PatrioticAnimaTittyLover69 the horniest strong man I've ever made up for the sake of an argument. Hamas is evil while the IDF is the most moral army in the world. According to a tweet from Netanyahu sharing a PragerU video. They have vegan boots for God's sake. Sure, both Hamas and the IDF bomb civilians but the IDF does it veganlly. It is actually unfair to compare the IDF to Hamas because the IDF has one of the most well-equipped heavily U.S funded armies in the middle east. Where as Hamas does not. Israel ranks 14th globally in terms of military funding with over $21 billion in spending, or almost 6% of its GDP $3.8 billion came from the U.S and military aid to Israel in 2020 and annual commitment. And the U.S sells hundreds of millions of dollars worth of advanced military equipment to Israel every year. Israel has compulsory military service of 30 months for men and 24 months for women, sexist! The draft starting 18 years and older. they had over 170,000 active duty military personnel as of 2018. And they have a secret nuclear arsenal. That's not a joke. They literally have an estimated 80 secret nuclear warheads. Meanwhile, Hamas's militant numbers are estimated in the tens of thousands. Their main weapons are unguided rockets as opposed to Israel's precision missiles. Israel and Egypt have deployed a military land air and sea blockade around Gaza since 2007. And while the blockades good at preventing things like clean water medicine, humanitarian aid from entering the country. It's been unable to prevent rocket materials from being smuggled into Gaza. Rockets can even be made out of plumbing pipes, repurpose dud, Israeli bombs, burning sugar, and fertilizer. Through a patchwork of domestic production and smuggling. Hamas had an estimated supply of 7,000 rockets before the current conflict. While it's not nothing, it's next to nothing compared to Israel's $21 billion price tag military and Israel's highly advanced U.S designed and supported iron dome intercepts. 90% of Hamas's rockets. What this means is a vast difference in the numbers of casualties. That's always weird to compare the numbers of lives loss because obviously to the families of those killed total body count, isn't comforting but it needs to be mentioned when one side of the conflict bears the brunt of the most casualties especially when it comes to civilians. In this most recent skirmish or clash or dust-up or whatever you want to call it attacks by Hamas killed 12 people of the 9 million people in Israel, including two children. The IDF killed at least 227 of the 2 million people in Gaza, including 64 children. Gaza is completely surrounded by superior fire power which is important to keep in mind when Israel's military and police force as well as it legal settler colonies in the west bank continually instigate acts of violence or land grabs in Palestine. Israel knows they can steal land from Palestine, and even if Hamas retaliates the IDF can utterly devastate Gaza in a hail of missiles. This military dominance is probably why Israeli authorities and settlers are so bold and trying to force Palestinians out of their family homes they've had for over 70 years. These really government might try to argue that kicking grandmothers out of their childhood home is justified because before the 1948 Arab Israeli war those homes had belonged to Jewish residents. But strangely enough, this justification isn't used by Israel to allow Arab families to return to their homes they lost after the 1948 Palestinian Exodus or Nakba. When about half of Palestinian Arabs were expelled. NPR Daniel Estrin explains the situation of a Palestinian man facing eviction from his family's home. - One half of his home was claimed by a settler group years ago. Now he's facing eviction from the other half. And here's the thing. Israeli law allows Jews to reclaim these grounds lost in the 1948 war. It does not allow Palestinians to reclaim property they lost in that war. - As the man facing eviction puts it. This is a racist, racist, racist law. Indeed Israel has a lot of racist laws. Apartheid's generally do. The motivations for the illegal Israeli settlements and evictions of Palestinian families in east Jerusalem are made abundantly clear by the people in favor of illegal settlements. - But its really rightfully ours, if you look at the history and like the wars and we didn't even start a lot of the wars we conquered these places rightfully like it's ours. - I don't think there's any answer to it. - Really? - There's only one way to like I would carpet bomb them. - You would carpet bomb them? - It's the only, it's the only way you could deal with it. - We take house after house all this area will be Jewish neighborhood. We are not finished the job we are going to the next neighborhood and after that, we'll go more. Our dream that all East Jerusalem will be like West Jerusalem. Jewish Capitol of Israel. - You are stealing my house. - And if I don't steal it, someone else is gonna steal it. - No! No... No one is allowed to steal it. - No, I'm from New York, from long island. - From New York. What right do you have to live here? - The right I have is that the owner of the house wants me to live here and he wants there to be Jews living in this house and he wants to, and I got chosen for whatever reason it ended up being me. - So why do you live here? - Because I lived here because it's important to them because not too many people want to live here. And it's important to, to strengthen this neighborhood to make sure that this neighborhood is not lost in any future peace deal. - So your position here is a political position to keep Palestinians out of it. - Not to keep Palestinians out of it, to keep Jews in it. - Yup. That's a guy from long island stealing a Palestinians house just shrugging his shoulders and going well it's not ethnic cleansing. We're just, you know, kicking everyone out of a certain ethnicity. Now to be clear, this is not fully representative of everyone in Israel. I mean, obviously this guy's from (beep) long island and while many Israeli support illegal settlements and annexation, this is obviously not true of everyone in Israel. Btselem the Israeli information center for human rights in the Occupied Territories is an activist organization shining a light on the abuses of the occupation. Breaking the silence is a group of former IDF soldiers who served in the Israeli military since the start of the Second Intifada and have taken it upon themselves to expose the Israeli public to the reality of everyday life in the occupied territories, and the cases of abuse toward Palestinians, looting, and destruction of property that they have been witnesses to. It's also important to note that Israel is very much not necessarily representative of Jewish people worldwide. American Jews, particularly those who are young and more secular often question Israel's colonization of Palestinian territory. In 2019, 25% of American Jews were in favor of completely dismantling all the illegal Israeli settlements. Oh, and by the way, I keep calling them illegal settlements because the international community has agreed that they're (beep) illegal. In contrast, only 6% of Israelis were in favor of such a move. A majority of American Jews think Netanyahu is not doing a good job. And only one in three think Israel is making a sincere effort towards achieving peace with Palestinians. There are Jewish groups in America dedicated to fighting for the rights of Palestine like the activist group, Jewish voice for peace. - We are here gathering to remind ourselves remind our community and let the world know that uprooting people and displacing communities is not a Jewish value. It's not a human value. These kinds of acts is immoral and unethical. - The reason that there are plenty of Jewish groups who support Palestinian human rights is that you can't equate Judaism to Israel's policies. It's not antisemitic to criticize Israel or Israeli policies because Jews in general and a specific country's government are not the same. Much Like if you show support for Palestinians you're not in bed with Hamas terrorists or whatever lying little worm Ted Cruz might say. On the other hand it is actually antisemitic to say that all Jews should or do support Israel's actions. Alan Dershowitz calling Bernie Sanders, a self-hating Jew for criticizing Israel it's just as antisemitic as holding all Jewish people responsible for the Israeli government's actions. It's being reported by the ADL that there has been a rise in antisemitism following the recent violence in Gaza on their list of examples. There are some horrific things. They also listed as examples of antisemitism people holding protest signs critical of zionism. These are not the same. And it's also interesting that pro Palestine protests are all described as anti-Israel protests, but to be clear. Support for Palestine or criticism of Israel, doesn't equate to antisemitism and shouldn't be used as motivation for and actually nothing should be used as motivation for antisemitism because antisemitism is dumb as (beep). Also the claim that it is antisemitic to criticize Israel or support Palestine is not true. And shouldn't be used as an excuse to ignore the key issue. Now, this is not to say that religion never plays a role in support for Israeli colonial policy. Support for Israel is weirdly high among Evangelicals who, you know think it's important for the end times prophecy where everyone, but them including Jews will be sent to hell very cool and very normal religious fundamentalist to have 35% of here in the U.S. In fact, Israel's colonization is so popular among U.S Evangelicals as compared to U.S Jews. Former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S Ron Dermer said. - People have to understand the backbone of Israel support in the United States is the Evangelical Christians. That's the backbone. And it's true because of numbers. And also because of their passionate and unequivocal support for Israel. Look at numbers. - I mean, sure. Evangelicals are only supporting Israel because they think it's prophesized to set in motion the end time during which unrepentant Jews will go to hell. But hey, got to make friends where you can find them. Speaking of religion, another argument for the relentless abuse and killing of people in Gaza is it Hamas are religious fundamentalists and anti-gay you know, like what we have in America but bad because they're not Christian. Also while Israel does recognize gay marriages performed in other countries, you can't actually get gay married while there, but anyway, yes, of course, of course, sure. Religious fundamentalists suck and have a bad track record on human rights. I'm not sure that means you should do collective punishment a war crime or skirmish crime if you prefer by stealing people's homes and bombing people. Because if that's the case, we're uh, we're in a bit of trouble here in America, but yeah it's too bad that Gaza is dominated by Hamas and doesn't have a less theocratic government like they had back before the 1970s when the Israeli government helps fund the rise of Hamas. Oh, oh. Kind of like the oopsy the CIA did when they helped create Osama Binladin by funding Mujahideen groups to fight against the Soviets during the cold war, sad trombone noise. (upbeat trombone music) - No like, do the sound. (upbeat trombone music) - Nevermind. As reported by the intercept former (sad trombone music) - Former Israeli military official general Yitzhak Segev admitted as such. Segev was the acting governor of Gaza in the 1980s during Israel's takeover. Until the New York times reporter that he had provided funds to Islamist as a counterweight to secular leftists of the Palestinian liberation organization and fought to party. In addition to funding religious fundamentalists in Gaza, the Israeli military also selectively targeted the secular PLO and fought the party while allowing Hamas to grow. According to a wall street journal article published in 2009 In Gaza Israel hunted down members of Fatah and other secular PLO factions but it dropped harsh restrictions impose on Islamic activists by the territories previous Egyptian rulers. Israeli historian Avner Cohen said Hamas to my great regret is Israel's creation and was an enormous stupid mistake. Or as we like to say on this show and oopsie goofer of colossal proportions. Now, while some historians view Israel's early fostering of religious extremists in Gaza is a bit of a mistake bombing (beep) out of Gaza in the name of getting Hamas sure is benefiting one guy that's right. Prime minister of Israel and indicted of bribery and corruption, man himself, Benjamin Netanyahu. You see Netanyahu was on the cusp of losing power. As his political opponents were nearing the completion of a coalition agreement between the Palestinian and Israeli minority in parliament and right wing defectors who no longer supported Netanyahu. But as opposition leader Yair Lapid stated, the fire always breaks out just when it's most convenient for the prime minister. The attacks on the mosque and subsequent retaliation by Hamas leading to the bombing of Gaza causing the opposition coalition to fall apart due to tensions among its members. While Netanyahu himself didn't send out a memo saying please escalate tensions in Gaza. According to the LA Times, around the time that the coalition forming mandate was passed to Lapid, simmering tensions in Jerusalem boiled over exacerbated by what turned out to be fateful moves by allies of the prime minister. Those included Israeli authorities blocking a central gathering point for Palestinians just outside the Old City during the opening days of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, police raids on the Aqsa Mosque compound on a plateau sacred to both Jews and Muslims, and the perspective eviction of several Palestinian families in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah. A leader of a country and his allies wanting to use war and bloodshed for political gain. Shocking, unheard of. I will not look to my right, your left. Well, at least there's a ceasefire, even though the first cease fire Hamas proposed was rejected by Israel and the U.S block the UN resolution calling for a cease fire because it was mildly critical of all the murders the Israeli military was doing. But after bombing a few more doctors in the associated press building Israel finally agreed to the cease fire. And immediately after that Israeli police and settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa area arresting Palestinian worshipers. And in Sheik Jarrah Israeli authorities are still bent on evicting Palestinian residents. Oh, and Israelis are doing mass arrests of Palestinian citizens of Israel for protesting the bombings of Gaza with citizen You know, the oppressive ethnic cleansing stuff we talked about in the beginning of the episode except now it's the end of the episode because time is a nightmare and nothing is ever learned. (upbeat trombone music) But maybe some things are learned because support for Palestinians is growing in the U.S with a definite shift in the discourse including progressive lawmakers being increasingly straightforward about apartheid in Israel-Palestine and there have been pro-Palestinian protests cropping up in major cities all over the U.S and the world. In fact, maybe it's because people finally recognize the extreme badness of all the war crimes against Gazans. That Israel finally agreed to a ceasefire. This conflict skirmish war crimearama only lasted for 11 days. Whereas the 2014 Gaza war lasted for seven weeks and killed over 2000 Gazans, 67 Israeli soldiers and 5 Israeli citizens. War crimes are still bad but fewer war crimes is definitely better. They're still silencing journalists who recognize the Palestinians deserve human rights such as the firing of former AP journalists, Emily Wilder after being canceled cultured by conservatives. But people seem to actually be pissed off by it. And other AP journalists are rallying behind Wilder. It's weird. It's like, it's like AP journalists. Maybe think it's not good to silence a pro-Palestinian rights reporter after their offices were obliterated by Israel in the name of killing Palestinian. So things are still bad. But people are starting to see how bad things are and seeing that something is bad is the first step in making it less bad and possibly at some point in the future may be good. And that is $20 for old Cody. You see katy bet me that I couldn't end this episode on a positive note, but ha ha ha I did. And now, old Cody's going to buy himself 20 of some joke thing that costs a dollar or probably just donate it to one of the charities in the description. Honestly, pleases just roll the credits. (upbeat music) - Do the trombone again. Do the trombone again! (bluesy trombone music) - Thank you. Hey, thanks for watching. And I'm sorry, I threw that at you. Make sure to like the video and subscribe to the channel and leave a comment or not. And we've got a patreion.com/somemorenews. We've got a podcast called Even More News We've got merch if you like it, we've got other videos. We've got pizzazz! All right, bye.
Channel: Some More News
Views: 317,189
Rating: 4.8960891 out of 5
Keywords: Israel, Palestine, Israel Palestine, benjamin netanyahu, netanyahu, idf, hamas, anti-semitism, Israel Palestine, israel palestine conflict, israel palestine conflict explained, israel palestine conflict history, israel palestine crash course, israel palestine history, israel palestine explained, some more news, more news, news, ap building, ap building destroyed, gaza, palestine evictions, evictions, ted cruz, ben shapiro, cody johnston, sheikh jarrah, israel news
Id: INCXqWzH5vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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