Uncharted: The Edges of the Known World | Peru, Australia, Kazakhstan | FD Survive

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Peru has had a long list of overlords to chimu people paracos Nazca Mochi and of course the famed Incas those who live here now still practice many of the cultural traditions of these long-lost peoples Peru is a tough place to live back all those centuries ago and it's still a harsh land the high Andes Tower into the desso the altitude alone commands hard living unknown to most of the world there are Whitetail Deer sharing these remote Mountain reaches with these descendants of those Empire Builders from so long ago smaller in body than the North American cousins these white-tailed deer have also learned to live side by side with another creature one of the strangest looking animals on the face of the Earth an animal reputedly introduced to Peru centuries ago by the Spanish conquistadors that animal is the own shape foreign you've got to have the right documentation right licenses and permits and sometimes you can get those ahead of time but in this particular case on this trip we couldn't so we have to wait today's Sunday tomorrow the ministry opens up to try and get our hunting license requirements tomorrow do they have to use a hunting day to stay in the city that's the bad news the good news is we get to check out Lima one of the most interesting cities in South America and in fact the world quiet in here today Lima is a city of nine million people and tourism is one of their big Industries so this place would normally be packed if it wasn't a Sunday and a Father's Day everything's pretty much shut down that's kind of cool these are actually growing in captivity so it's not these weren't taken out of the wild in Peru there's there's gigantic Farms that actually produce bugs and butterflies and it's a major industry over here oh yeah that's the wow other people everybody else eats them these are ants apparently they're very tasty so what I'm thinking about buying is this one two three four but it will make us make a good price the price no Grande price no she understands enough when you're buying these things in countries too you have to be careful because not everything is exportable number one or importable and you don't want to support the killing of animals that are killed just for tourism markets that's good thank you so much gracias muchas scratches foreign but everyone's a little tired apparently we have to cross a kind of a hanging bridge to get it to the ranch house this bridge is a little bit disconcerting they won't let me carry anything across on this first trip they say until I get a feel for the bridge wow that is one wobbly wobbly Bridge holy smokes hahaha how old is it my dad owned it for uh it's 25 years and then the lady that we bought it from was born here she was 80 when she died her family her parents they grew up here we are estimating over 180 for sure 180 years old it just say 200 makes it sound cool this is it the high Andes whitetail deer the NATO Cola Blanca that's what we're hunting that's a big old one actually the deer won't weigh more than 100 pounds if we can find one I think we're in for uh a very very interesting hunt just based on location and accommodations oh man that's too close this is day one and I think we slept for about four hours last night but the very little sleep is the bad news the good news is we're going to head into the mountains here pretty quick and look for venado Cola Blanca the high Andes some species of the white-tailed deer I don't know what's worse Crossing that bridge in the night and you can't see or coming across in daylight and knowing if you trip you're going to smash all the Rocks down below thank you daylight this is a lot rougher country than it looks at night another thing you don't realize is the elevation right now I can feel the my breathing is is deeper satisfaction from taking a deep breath looks like we're climbing thank you gotcha it's a type of a rally so your rabbit with a long tail they only live up here there's some areas a little further south yeah a lower elevation they have them but not not that many it's very rare to see them really cool that's gotcha they've either got to come off just behind this face right on this side of the rocks or they've come out of this face in front of us here that's the only two choices because further down they're not coming out of there because it's all rocks what do you think okay I didn't say the uh Scott or tracks but maybe they're not up this high on the sides from where we were at right now we could have seen movement over there yeah if they're on that pace for sure maybe anything has anything to do with the Moon maybe then they could feed at night they could drink at night because there's lots of light they don't need to come down but uh if it is the moon then we have to be here a lot earlier to catch them earlier we can safely say there's no deer here you would see them if they're here we should head out it was cool can you imagine every day of your life this is a normal walk in anything you've got to go up and down a hill that toughens you up how are you doing nice to meet you it's warm it's crazy did you drink like this yeah that's okay so that's this is his businesses and these are his milk cows hey this is the milkshake so you just poured all all the milk into the sieve I don't know what this is called in English but this is basically it's fermented yes so now he's taken the fermenting milk and he's used the seal to move the juice into the into the milk it's such a beautiful thing it's just like Timeless he does this every day he actually cooked some potatoes for us he's gonna offer us some potatoes oh wow it's incredible okay you put Castle on it nice it's organic as you get Castle crust fresh cheese nope there's nothing no pasteurized and a potato growing in the garden was just boiled there you go no nothing very good really good oh a couple of things here from our side we've had an incredible meal and we've also learned about the whitetail deer this gentleman says they come down over here we saw 10 of them 20 days ago and he says he's got a trail that goes up behind this mountain because if he wasn't so busy he'd take us up there I'm kind of glad you will be doing that because I won't be able to keep up with them thank you so much thank you so much you're getting higher and higher into the antes the scenery is changing more green and flatter areas this were hoping to find that Indian goose I'm gonna try for one with a bow and arrow if possible it's very cute caucus really cool they use alpacas for the hair only well well strictly for wool not for food not for meat yeah different different creatures here this cross sits on the height of land 15 600 plus feet you can breathe in there's a fraction of the oxygen that we have at sea level so Serene and beautiful all of this around foreign only found here and this is where you can hunt them as a lion like I saw you despite a flock of them down below over the edge here so we're gonna sneak up and see if we can get there arrange behind them 45 yards hit him touch a little bit we'll get him yeah he's down he's gonna go down holy huge we got him Angela yeah 40. that was a really good shot 46 yards how far was it 46 yards let me be the first to congratulate you and that's a nice big meal right yeah look at look at that you can tell that's a male the hook on his bill yeah real nice look at the spur on this on his wing oh yeah look at that yeah it's real neat they use this first to climb out like if you could see the angle here it's real steep so they kind of help themselves pull their pull their bodies out of the little lakes and ponds down there the iridescence is amazing it's like a purple and then green this is actually not black it's green so we have dinner that'll be good for for us to eat thank you foreign goose I'm really excited about dinner tonight I'm gonna try a piece of breast right off the bat perfectly done holy smokes Angela that is so good I'm glad you liked it we may not help the animal we came for yet but that is so tasty that's better than any Goose I've ever had let me get a piece of that day two five a.m we're almost up at the hunting area a much earlier start today which hopefully it's on us the locals definitely are seeing number have seen them in the past so we're in the right area it's just a matter of timings right maybe the full moons affecting their behavior maybe they're only there's no way to know until we time it is true they'll see us it's almost 11 o'clock in the morning more than likely all the deer if they're here we'll be vetted now and impossible to see we have to wait till they stand up they will occasionally stand up and change positions but nothing we can do now just could in time wait wait wait wait wait wait wait and Hope day three today so we'll try again this morning we just have to keep trying and trying and trying and trying and trying I have no idea nothing pretty much the same was every other day still keep going he's less wind today maybe that'll make a difference you know so this natural draw right through here this face will be perfect after that there's a taruka smoke we just saw a taruka that's like a white-tailed deer but there's a higher elevation probably above the whitetails right now it's a male two really beautiful deer you can see the spikes with the front brows really an unusual ammo to see they don't have a hunting season for them they would open it up if somebody would do a study and do a census to find out how many so they you know they have a better idea how many they know there's a lot they're airing on the side of caution down here in crew so we don't open up the season but just to see one is incredible foreign we've looked long enough early enough and stayed late enough that if there was a number of whitetail Deering here we would have seen it we saw foxes we saw taruka it's not like we're not spotting what's here so we'll work our way down and maybe we'll see something on the way out but uh it's just a tough hunt it's a very difficult time we're struggling primary objective the banana Cola Blanca we haven't seen a single whitetail deer the entire time to stop the end of the world but it's pretty disheartening when we wait wait wait all day long Dawn Till darkened and don't see a single hair of our whitetail deer the entire time it's tough It's it's tough but we still have time we still have time there's still there's still hope it's kind of a quiet camp we just haven't found the Whitetail yet we'll try this morning and if we don't see any deer then we'd come back out to the truck go higher up to 16 000 where there's an animal called a four-horned sheep and these sheep are feral metal high fences just learning free wow I want to do okay let's try it one more time if it doesn't work this morning then we're we're done we'll be coming back foreign it's about the same feeling about every danger you start out with the hope but just as no nothing there there's no give back to Shore up that hope not one deer sighting the entire time one to Ruka without hunting those taught animal to hunt very difficult there's no point in staying back in the canyon looking for the for another cooler Blanca they're I just don't think they're there about where I take the four horn 's last Village to pick up some supplies canned goods Rice dry goods for the villagers at the top of the mountain it's a Goodwill adjustment on our part It's humanitarian the hunters do it all over the world oh my God it's just about to start it's just we're going to start off with a parade and after that they're going to have their fries and animals fantastic this is awesome we have no idea we were heading to hunt for the four horn sheep and we came into this Village I don't even know the name of the village yet we've been invited to the Head table to watch their Fair their parade this is fantastic news thank you what an incredible experience when you see these people they're happy people without knowing who we were they opened their arms welcomed us into their celebration of the farmer's day it was perfect foreign hunting has changed from a day of hunting to a day of Celebration with the people up here in the high Andes now they tell us that we've got to get to the next Village because there's a bullfight it's all part of the celebrations and that's as important as what we just witnessed so we're on our way this is the ballet cinguino dance it's the dance of this Village the traditional dance and they have the mass on so nobody knows who the other person is and they can dance with anybody during the dance even the little boy down here dancing following the steps of the of maybe his father or his grandfather pass these traditions this dance gets passed on generation after generation after generation they're about to Let The Bulls Out of the truck the clowns are right here this is their Blue Shields and we got to be behind the Blue Shields yikes I just want to make sure that I could really get behind it quickly if I have to oh he just won't go over oh the bull went right through the fence these are wild bulls that they catch up in the mountains they're feral Bulls that's too close he's okay he said what an incredible experience people that don't understand hunting think that hunting is killed but that's not what hunting's about this is what happens experiences a journey an incredible Incredible Journey where's the height of land I swear we're gonna be hunting forward cheap apparently the four-horned sheep live somewhere in these open areas there's an obviously no fences that hurt free he says to go in that direction of the the rocks on the tip of that mountain right there from this mountain range to the back side we should be able to see let's go try foreign fifteen thousand feet now let's see all the back side so I have to climb higher even probably over that Peak thank you the only places they can be is tucked underneath these rocks they can be tucked right in Behind these rocks right here foreign before churches are getting close if you're going real slow you can probably get within 40 yards and then it'll see you and start walking off but if you go in fast he'll take off 40 yards and after that they're gonna run yeah so long that's when if we get that close the wide open it's gonna be almost impossible to get on with them all but we might be able to get close enough for the right even though it's gonna be tough we're going around all the way once you're on his level maybe the Topography is such the reason behind some rocks there is there some rocks maybe I can come around behind depending on what the wind's doing and you know slowly one thing for sure we've got to get within the shooting distance one way or another and then figure it out from there was that stuck when you're sleeping there's nobody around them there's no other shape there's nothing nothing nothing so I think we go straight well you'll start at 162 every 10 yards would get closer and closer now we're just now we're just slowly slowly the three of us slide down and I'll try a sitting shot if I have two ambition right because I don't really use that drive okay foreign 60 yards at least 20 yards balls here all right foreign holy smokes holy smokes oh that's a stock that was a stock holy what was that 170 yards on her hands and knees oh you just started a quarter towards me I put her just on the front leg but he went down he didn't like five feet holy smokes oh is he's ancient look how he's wow he's so spectacular it doesn't even look real with the four horns the locals call it yes it means that's quechua and it means sheep with four horns okay catch was a tribe and Detroit is the Inga language okay I was told that the Vikings brought up to something oh well there could have Argentina but they've been here forever they've been here forever yeah you can see the the tools how old this animal was underneath of the actual hoof this one's broken right off I mean that's just got to be nerve ends he's an old old animal he wouldn't live much longer I don't think we're going back down the valley to that old gentleman that gave us the potatoes and the queso Fresca the fresh cheese the other day he gave us food that you you know was a big part of what he owned you know he lived yet he invited us in to share and we all feel that something like that has to be paid forward so we're gonna give the entire four horned sheep that will make his weak actually time regalo he is you're welcome and whenever you guys want you can come back anytime because you must offer us a little bit of wine just a little bit that's good toasted new friends Canada United States and it just gets paid forward and forward and forward let me do something nice someone does a nice black for you and do something nice again it's a better world thank you very much thank you very much thank you few places conjure up images of uninhabited wildlands and exotic creatures like Tasmania separated from Mainland Australia by the last ice age 10 000 years ago isolated Aboriginal people have hunted on this vast Island for several Millennium that is until tasmania's Discovery by European explorers the animals hunted here today are introduced animals released by settlers and early Western explorers looking to provide sustenance of a more familiar variety than the forester's kangaroo and Wombat we'll be hunting fallow deer here in Tasmania the land that was lost to the rest of the world for ten thousand years foreign I never thought I'd be saying that I am standing here in Tasmania Tasmania to go hunting I mean Tasmania what's here I always thought it was Tasmanian devils but there are a few around apparently still and Tasmanian tigers which there aren't any left but apparently apparently there's great deer hunting fallow deer hunting they uh I can't wait we've come just about as far around the planet as you possibly can to get on that opposite side okay okay I never imagined that this is what a Tasmanian hunting campus it's like a tinted tinted camp in uh in Africa it feels like Africa except there's gum trees instead of acacias huh cool look at this this is a good vintage this year I believe it was probably about the same year I was born it could welcome which would be back in the 1800s not quite at all but it's it's been around this is fancy we're living like like kings the beautiful thing about this is you're in nature you're on your own it's you against the elements they're not the arms are harsh but yeah success rates are cheap if I see one tiger snake that makes they all much harsh I don't know that you will see a snake however it is the breeding season for snakes here now so if you see a snake it could be aggressive excellent so that's that's just so it's kind of like our moose front where they come walking along okay yeah great but it is what it is that's the bush that's the experience I never would have imagined because we'd be in a spot like this hunting in Tasmania in a proper Bush camp now we've got probably 15 20 minutes to get organized and uh we're gonna be out hunting thank you followed your move just out last late in the evening and then first late in the morning you might get out there and be in position pretty quick but you traveled all the way around the world and trying to get your gear organized out of suitcases it takes a little longer so I'm just saying that they've done some monitoring of the snake bites from 38 of the people that get bitten by a snake in Tasmania live so I am wearing Gators they're not the greatest unit a snake bite but that they're going to offer more protection than less depending on where they uh strike if I happen to step on one which I'm obviously going to try my best not to do I couldn't get the import permit for for my nozzer gun so we had to borrow a gun this one's got a loophole scope on it which is perfect 300 Win Mag Caliber and shooting nozzle bullets just because we can be hunting in Tasmania Tasmania I just can't get over that we're on on this stand they call it a hide here and apparently the deer and the kangaroos all come out into this opening in front of us there's a young male it just came out from the timber so the wind is going this way he's on the edge of the wind line there's a mob of the Foresters kangaroo at the end of this Meadow and it's probably by himself because the big male with that mob probably kicked her mom so that's why he's on his own over here there's Barrel shaped on Jeep comes right now they say they got wool blind because the wall grows over their eyes and they can't see they don't know they just kind of go by smell that's interesting fellow dear female beautiful rich dark chocolate there's a few minutes well bats but they're also the rednecked wallaby coming out it's pretty neat it's different so totally different than anywhere else in the world it feels like Africa foreign some other kind of bird just announcing that it's time for the day to begin we've been walking a long long ways there's a heavy rain about 48 hours ago in this area so the ground's pretty soft and I've only seen three sets of deer tracks and we've walked Miles and Miles already so I don't think there's a huge population through there we're hunting but that doesn't mean they're still not the odd one down here especially like you're finding all male so much for our stealthy approach it's a tiger snake that's like deadly deadly poisonous foreign that's a tiger snake that's like deadly deadly poisonous pretty nifty well if we'd have been asleep he'd have been crawling right into us that's frightening okay cheeky bags that sort of cheeky boots he's not a big one what it's not a big one that's not a big one oh God check another two feet on top of that and you're on a big one like moving there all day well since 11 this morning 10 this morning and we haven't seen a single thing so it's kind of weird that there's no wallabies or kangaroos it doesn't feel good are you kidding me I waited here for eight hours oh my God this is our last morning for the fellow deer this is it if it works we're very lucky the strangest place we've looked everywhere in these mountains behind us no out in the flats way out in the flats there's nine stakes and one group three on another two in another one of them was a really big one you can tell from probably two miles away that he's definitely a shooter and get closer but it's in the top lots of deer between us we're uh working our way closer to where we lost all that big one from two miles out here he's almost for sure down this River Bottom where creek bottom which makes sense that's what our mule deer would do but I wouldn't think that uh a fellow do do that but that's what they're doing they're standing in the wide open and then ducking down into these deeper beans it's full of Gore's who's just a very thick spiny Shrubbery that was introduced to Tasmania but it's a fantastic cover for any animal you know it's too high for us to see into it so we'll see the idea will be to get somewhere closer probably onto the end of the snob down here and try and spot them right now this is for both patients and looking looking seeing if we can get lucky and see antlers yeah well it's still morning we need them to stand up and move I see them all there yeah oh and they're flat on this side so they're going to feed out this one we could easily work our way down the hill another 100 yards on a nice stag but here's the thing it's just too young the deer is too young so I'd rather come Halfway Around the World literally and not shoot a deer than shoot that deer I think that's hunting yeah you let him go the coast is clear right now so we're going to try and get to that next knob I think the big old one stayed right in that bottom he's too smart to do this migration back to the Big Forest he's standing right in there it's going to be a matter of seeing him he's going to have to make a mistake yeah that's got to be where they went yeah 100 just whether they stayed out now whether they went oh they're down to come very happy now there's a lot but of course Simon found the Stags that missing we have to get in there without being seen we're in the white complete open there's no there's not a stick of tip in there's not a tree there's nothing so we're just gonna have to go super super slow to get a look at them on the wide open four white ones there's one don't want to learn I'm gonna try and get ahead and get into a sitting position so I can be able to shoot foreign problem now there's a dole in front of him foreign their leaders now so they don't know they don't know what to do and what a perfect place to hide look it up yeah for those leading them now fun so where is he right down there oh yeah I could see him rolled up in there yeah he's filming in the season I've got this front country they've only got dry Timber or the course to rub on and of course is very oh okay so and also the dry trees you're rubbing the dry Terrace and that's what rounds all their points off so they don't get the sharp points is beautiful so pretty and this is the clef you were talking about yeah this one's got a cleft that's not good and what the older fellow bucks tend to have you know because you just hump at the top of their shoulders where their body is more developed than the smallest bags these are much older Buck than the other buses that were there gentlemen Tasmania is my new number one choice of destinations for holidays for visiting for hanging out for hunting yeah you're not going to get rid of me now thank you very much Simon Fantastic look at that old stag 23 Stags in one mob I mean that's a testament to your conservation program here in Tasmania it's a model for management of the wildlife everybody around the world could learn from Tasmania is just the start of our journey through the South Pacific next is Marble Island another forgotten place where decades ago several species of big game animals were released into the wild reaches of this Island archipelago the only problem is Cyclone season foreign this is Rockhampton we've got a heavy heavy warning for cyclone coming from the north towards us we're going to have to go fast try and get out to the island today hunt tomorrow and get off the island the next day otherwise we might be there for a while and Island out in the Great Barrier Reef is probably not the best place to be when there's a cyclone it's not when you're tall maybe if you're well this high shaped like that would be better but it's always something it's always something and that's the cool part you can't anticipate you just react and face the challenge meet it and in the end the accomplishment is that much greater right so at the moment of the month so the problem if it came on a land where it is it would be fine but sitting there we don't know which way it's going so we're just waiting to see so it's sitting there getting stronger stronger building more energy and then all of a sudden where it wants to go so that's it we're hoping not to be in the road no you're coming out there too with us yeah cool how's it going yeah it's very well yourself yeah good having fun did James mention there's a cyclone just off the coast here yes we've heard about it excellent yeah it's great it's a good time yeah a good perfect yeah what else isn't it okay yeah we'll see we've been more in that way everybody Cyclone Cyclone cycle and so on it's obviously pretty serious the worst case scenario would be that that for about four days we may not be able to get back up there and they're predicting it's going to hit as a category four category four yeah so that but the good news is that's not as bad as a category five that's right so we're laughing man um last week we had a lot of weather and we had four days in a row where we couldn't even get to a thousand feet in the circuit we had Cloud as low as 400 feet and that's another thing with with this aircraft it um it's because of the island there's no navigation AIDS so to get to the island we have to fly visual which means we have to stay out of the cloud to get there so that's where low Cloud can be making a bit tricky I was actually just showing Andrew to the the forecast rainfall for the next um well it says eight days is over 400 mil which is how many inches 16 yeah you mean you mean 1.6 what do you mean 16 inches of rain coming towards us right now and we're gonna be on the island yeah well I was kind of trying to hoping we'd get out tomorrow if we rushed it you know but um tomorrow I think that the weather we see now that's the best we'll get like is it'll get worse from here on and uh going to be hit back by dark yeah right I'm sorry you've probably got about three hours on the island that's the best case scenario I don't know the island that well so I don't know what the blackback by the nature they live in the open so they're easy enough to find um but they're always they've got a good eyesight too and they're always out in two ways so it's just getting in that close enough we're here so yeah well I mean there you go so we wanted to crack there yeah I say we can go give it a shot this afternoon see what we can do all we get up does that make sense yeah oh you just try it I mean we've come a long way to sit here and be scared off the island before we get there so you might as well go try it yeah that's what we figured we'd just shorten it I didn't realize how much like the Pilot's waiting for us that's pretty short that's pretty short when we when we had five days and now he's gonna wait for us and he's gonna be back by dark tonight and it's already won but really that's that's significantly shortened this is this hasn't happened before it was the first time ever is that really yeah and we've had a cyclone bearing down on the island when we've got a hunt yeah coming up yeah decisions made the trees are starting to weave around quite a bit but we think we can get on the island the Pilot's gonna wait for us we're going to try and hunt are you done we can just land and go hunting okay so that's we're going to try decisions made through the days let's see what happens you'll end it sitting on the far side yep you're not gonna let me fly ing pipes let me take off make right here [ __ ] ER thank you we made it now we're gonna try and make it back hello Wendy this could possibly be one of the fastest or one of the longest hunts we've ever been on I mean nobody knows what what the result of this Hunt's going to be we don't even know if we can get back let alone if we get an animal so 5 30 we've got to be leaving here Jim so we have almost we're now trying to cross the one mountain that's on on the island at this end to get to a flat area where apparently that's where the black Buck are the wildlife species on this island the Russian deer the access The Sandbar the fallow deer and the Blackhawk were released on this island back in the 80s and have adapted perfectly to this habitat it's a big island it's not going to be easy we don't have a lot of time this Cyclones on its way the wind at the airstrip and once we get over the top here is horrendous last time this island was hit with a category 4 Cyclone just about tore the the top of the island off so we don't want to be here for that foreign we don't have to go too too far to find them because they're going to be in the open areas on the island not likely in the heavy Timber they're called Black Box but really it's the males that turn black as they get older and dark dark dark dark dark the females look like Impala females no meal um we spotted a male black milk in these these well I got like yeah it's not very big but we might it's a good chance there's a bigger one between the main mother females and him okay so if we back up we might be able to walk through there and not let me see us we gotta go this way we found some more on a ridge over here but even if even if we can get close I've got to try and shoot in this wind in the uh the Wind Drift will be horrendous yeah so if you want to get into a position you're going to get a position I just don't see it how far is that two oh yeah okay thank you oh he's gorgeous these black bikes are native to Pakistan we've hunted them before and Uncharted here they were introduced and of thrived on this island I mean and the Great Barrier Reef this is where we are right now she's old eh yeah that's the mature that's the one that is a good one hard living in here except they just got rain that's why it's green otherwise it's burnt right off mostly yeah oh it's beautiful he's beautiful we did it now we don't have time to pay a lot of respects unfortunately because we've got a get all the way back over the mountain to the other day it's crazy who I didn't uh I don't remember scheduling in a cyclone on this Marble Island you can see the crop coming in off the ocean we've literally got to get out of here now it's time to go it's time to go thank you Marble Island what a place paradise and we didn't get a chance to spend any time here because Nature's telling us and we can that's the way it is on this trip to this place this is nasty up on the Hills really cool and that's truly not here I think Kyrie 5 is 250. that might be I don't know what it was but yes it's up there anyway stuck somewhere foreign thank you very much that's my pleasure oh well that was easy speed yeah it went well I didn't think we're getting off I thought when I saw that crap coming I said oh we cut it too tight into the cyclone and it's here it's getting pretty dirty at the end yeah that's what I think too well it would have been nice to explore Marble Island more than we did but uh particular case nature decides along with the stage there that was really pushing it I wouldn't want to leave half an hour later soaking wet soaking wet I mean we just came from the start of what's going to be held and we got out we got out we got there we got out that's good I want to do that again foreign Australia is the oldest lowest and flattest land mass on Earth it's been separated from the other land masses for the last 45 million years according to scientists and that the animals that live here have been separated as well but with the arrival of Florence settlers became foreign animals today the Australian government is deciding how best to manage the population of these introduced animals one solution is by managed hunting I'll be traveling to the land now to observe this in practice that's awesome thank you foreign thank you soaking wet soaking wet I mean we just came from the start of what's going to be held and we got out we got out we got there we got out that's good I want to do that again oh yeah that's uh words wisdom to work just like everybody else evacuating heading for the Outback someplace away from this monster that's coming at us get away from Cyclone Debbie we've been trying to outrun it but we're not doing real well today we're actually trying to get out near the town wouldn't bother apparently there's zero tolerance for the dingo which was an introduced animal they think from Asia possibly descendants of the Asian wolf that are here on the continent of Australia and we're going out on a predation control operation with one of the guys that actually does the predation control for the Sheep farmers in the area no wild dogs one town not too far from here got 40 inches of rain in 48 hours since we left Marble Island uh looks like it didn't dump all the rain on that town but what happened to the beautiful sunny beaches and and I was actually thinking about taking up surfing and exactly yeah you can surf the creek exactly the meteorologists say that tonight this will blow through a tomorrow morning we'll be able to hunt it's supposed to be sunny and beautiful tomorrow but we'll see in the meantime this is part of Hunter the camaraderie the stories the Gathering and the patience tomorrow though if the weather changes we'll see it's bright and early the clouds are shifting hard across the sky but above there's blue I think it's going to clear off the rain stop now so we're just getting organized Earl's getting his and it's again what caliber is it 2.3 2243 they say is the best caliber for this job which is predation control and if the predation control isn't done what you end up with is is poisoning so which is the lesser of two evils to anybody who doesn't want the animals killed at all they have to be they have to be controlled well we're going to do it the way it's been done since the beginning and that's uh human Hunters going out to the Predators so how much damage do the dog slash dingos do in Australia salesman 15 16 finished Financial year wild dogs worth of damage that includes I killing animals super friendly poisoning and egg forces European cultural that's for all of Australia wow I have no idea this is the first day we've had with no rain no wind here the Cyclone is ancient history it's a harsh thing for a dog lover but this is their place and I'm an observer so they're doing it their way the way they've done it for generations and you know how many Earls over the generations have been after these these animals so very very interesting to be part of this and to learn about it and even if we don't ever see a dingo at least we have a lot better sense of the damage they do and sort of their their position the whole conservation of the wildlife here in Australia there's a fresh dingo track farmer vacuum lightning a pretty good chance of a good Dodge all right wow you got it that's incredible that's a dingle well dog that's exactly what that's what it is that's that's what you do yeah and if they don't do what you just did here then they poison them yeah I mean that's the other option poisoning is the other option and it's um you know it's unfortunately there is a bycatch you've got to be very carefully around dogs Farm dogs with a lot of money and it's a slow painful death this wasn't a slow painful death it was yep finished he was done you know he he's dead before he hit the ground okay so that's it that's wild it's quite heavy solid yeah they're very thick the average weight of the wild dogs about you know 25 pounds they do through cross breeding get as heavy as 45 pounds it's a big goal for a wild dog because they lean and fit um I've seen them sad as it is pulling unborn calves the other cows cows obviously in enough trouble as each having a car during the birth they're pulling it out of there and yeah when you try not to personify because you realize it's animals it's Animal Kingdom yeah but when they're domestic animals yeah they don't really have much of a chance against wild animals especially ones that are they're sufficient I I really appreciate that you know sharing your your time with us just to educate me I love learning about conservation all around the world and I I had no idea I had no idea that the problems were here with the feral animals and the predation by these wild dogs didn't know what they're Crossing with domestic animals or domestic dogs and I didn't realize that they still use poisons all these things like I say thank you very much for for letting us come and be part of it and uh now I want to know how do I get your job I'll swap you yeah I'll probably keep mine for now here comes Ron it's his uh Catherine cow that got killed by the uh dingoes we got your well we got one of your one of that coffee what are your coffee and the rice covered one too over the years my wife and I haven't lost any we've lost a few just disappeared probably by dingo but the the neighbor in The Paddock were in a while ago they've been quite often there's a lot of rough country in this particular area there's a lot of rough people too I'm noticing this is this is the the class it's not the classic Australian country I think desert no it's not yeah it's like jungle Hawaii or something yeah it's beautiful here you get out further out in the country that's that's real you know when you get out in the where you can drive for days and not see another car that's what we're going for next is to go see what it's all about over there we now have a pretty good idea of this whole dingo situation yeah dingo slash Wild dog but now we're heading out to Alice Springs and then out into the desert for uh to see what's going on with the camel it's wonderful country it really is wonderful country we're happy to help out that's is the expert on I'm I'm just Observer so it's uh it's pretty cool foreign I was 10 years old we've made it to Mala which is a tiny little village it doesn't look very big Maybe 20 30 people is where our headquarters are here in Australia the conservation of these Wildlife species is so complicated to learn about the the dingoes I mean I was shocked and now we've traveled to another part of Australia way to the west and in fact the central part of Australia to learn about another animal that was introduced in the 1830s and now is being killed by the tens of thousands by the government with helicopter gunships we're looking for an animal that I never would have thought there's even hunting for and that's the camel that's that's what we're looking for and what we're going to learn about in this next little segment of our journey through Australia the Outback foreign should travel this is the area that they want to manage for the camels it's hard to say how big it is it's vast faster the Aboriginal ones how many uh cameras being killed by the government helicopters yeah they're shot something like 70 000 camels 70 000 from helicopters yeah killing them yeah and they were the meat they just leave it and what we try and do we try to talk to the landowners we come in we pay the landowners to to hunt on their land right so we try and work in with the landowners that we had on foot and we manage the animals on the ground and most of the people are you know happier with that pretty happy and then they get to meet as well they're always Keen to get some meat off so it's good and then there's a balance so you don't have to kill every single camel off this road it just works in well it's just how how it should be you know everyone working in together perfect we're going to look for bull Castle oh this is a big alkaline flat is what we would call it a salt plant that must have water after rains but it would probably be too brackish to to be able to drink but maybe not I'm seeing chips Like Flint chips from uh the aboriginals must have had a camper on here one time so I almost must come down here for water foreign but they're just not finished they could see in North America oh look here's here's a grinding stone let me flatten out that whole side is concave there should be a round actual grinding Rock too to go with that look at that these could be 30 000 years old pounder oh look at this come here look at this look there's a grinding stone that's the grinding stone that is incredible look at all the chips here they this was absolutely a campsite right here you can shave with that yeah let's just raise the shop yeah so they've been napping for sure around here you could scale kangaroos that easy just a little tiny blade yes and and when it you don't sharpen you just break off another piece yeah I always got for a little look around here scaffolds did that yeah did this brought this thing a few tracks there let's look out of this Ridge um oh look at that that's crazy second from the last is the biggest they're gonna go right back over there yeah let's go I'm going to spotted a caravan of camels coming across the Alkali flat From The Far Side if they come across there may be a water hole on that side though hello that was crazy that was good so that's it that's exactly what you want take one out of the herd no big stress for all the I mean they don't even know what happens Thunderbolt and one lies down this says I can't smell this I can't they know there's something here but they're not sure yeah they're not distracted they're not distressed thank you thank you for uh the education about I mean I wouldn't have thought it in a million years that out in the middle of the desert that they'd be shooting tens of thousands of camels in Australia but they are yeah it's such a waste you know and leaving leaving them yeah well this one is a hunted one so it's a totally different deal so holy Smalls ancient I never knew there was this big that's ridiculous that's for walking across town and deserts forever stuff animals and they just shoot them and leave them that's it yeah just drop them leave them and the people that live here you know they they have to you know they depend on this meat it's a long way to do any butcher shops yeah and it's you that'll kill your own you gotta kill your own yeah just a different flavor but it's getting utilized if you're just killing them then you put a zero value on it yeah I get it I understand I think the aboriginals always do is they always brush the animal off it's a sign of respect to the animal yeah they don't just start cutting it up they they admire the animals same as we do yeah it looks so much of a pairing of respects it yeah this is the reason that Gwen's setting up these hunts and needs Hunters to come in and help give the camels value a Rialto this camel will be used it'll be used by these people that live here and the other camels are going to survive and there's a good balance it's a necessary balance because if you don't have that balance then you know someone in some Ivory Tower will say you know dust to them all and that's what they'll do they'll kill every one of these candles and there's no reason to do that even though they're not native here why kill them all their Wildlife any hunter knows culling is not the answer that's not the answer there's hunting is you know managed hunting is but then these animals have to have value they've got to be worth more than than nothing which is what they're worth when they're cold and left to rot and the start is to make them have value you know the value of meat that's a start the meat is a start and it's a hope it's a hope hope for the camels we've been battling Cyclones and horrible weather for most of this trip has been chasing it chasing us and now looks like it's found us here I have incredible Journeys and we've learned a lot about Australia about conservation here about the hunting here but it's time to go tomorrow Australia's next door neighbor New Zealand has its own foreign animal species I'll be headed there next to search for an elusive animal that hunters from North America will definitely recognize the whitetail deer we're here in New Zealand and we've driven to a tiny little Valley called The Reef Dolly where nine whitetail deer were released back in 1905. since that time over 100 years these deer have multiplied to to now be a viable hunting population Marcus my guide is telling me there's some big ones but the future holds machine is our Castle ahead of us it's a little Tin Roof shock basically but it's right up in Whitetail country they say that the Whitetail are above us and they can be all around us no one's hunted here ever come you must be chilling yeah that's right I'm doing good nice drive up in the valley yeah it's spectacular it's beautiful so pretty I mean I didn't know what to expect I've heard that there's white tails but no idea that this is what the country looked like you know you want your good mountain boats here it's like handing an Alpine Animal Jewel cards for me okay I like that terrain you know I like flat you see how we got beat a little bit but can it be flat like that yeah okay yeah flat at a 45 degree angle it's awesome I'm so excited we're shooting at 300 Winchester short mag and a Nosler M48 rifle and it's got a silencer on it which reduces recoil and also there's no big bang let's do it thank you that's that's Whitetail they're right here and this jungle I'll try to give you a little bit of life hey you know what that's cool that's proof no it's just hunting foreign down there we're not going to shoot one here up here we still have a chance the wind has changed but no no buck yet I'm trying to figure this out no one's hunting these deers they don't really know how they're going to act or react I think the way you hunt these is you got to go around coming from the top I don't know tough to see them we can't shoot we can't do anything it's time to go we're leaving down that nasty face that we climbed up we'll see tomorrow it's a good day all the way around here no one's ever hunted it so we're coming in cold turkey on this deal and trying to figure it out so tonight we're eating whatever we can we'll make it through until we get our deer day two we're going down the valley to be able to Glass up this phase we know there's deer here we saw them last night white-tailed deer in New Zealand who would have thought thank you foreign a lot of deer which means it's a matter of time before we spot a buck we decided maybe we'll just go up and be waiting for them in the evening when he comes backward to feed because you'd think he would doesn't mean you will but you think if he goes in on a spot he's probably gonna come out of that spot he's not running so they're habitable it's just like North America except when you you take those rules and go like this to them because that's what these years are living in is a world turned on edge this is the the site where they release the whitetail deer in this Valley right here on this spot right here 90th let go here from New Hampshire that's I mean that's incredible just stand right here I might like to say thanks to those guys foreign but now the clouds have all burnt off it's cooking hot I think they'll stay in late as well maybe that they don't come out tonight until 6 30 7. it'll be I think a last Light Affair if they do come out we have to be up where they could come out we've already climbed halfway up the mountain but we're gonna have to go the whole way up and be in a position for that last 15 minutes of light hopefully I'm wrong hopefully they come out in the next 15 minutes right here we'll see foreign hello wait till wait till Dawn just caught our wind we spooked her out of the bottom but she didn't know where we were so she actually ran a little bit towards us a nice spice now I'm just gonna find the buck foreign still up I'm just gonna start shifting down which will be bad so gotta get over there quickly thank you [ __ ] Ed as always that's anniversary it's not exactly looking at using all we can do is just keep climbing in the sun if he spoke he smokes I don't know what else you can do the closer I am the better the odds are the 300 yards that's a long way further foreign foreign ERS in size and where it sits in a record book it's about the journey yeah great way to end up for sure like that one way or another it might take a long time and it might not be till tomorrow morning but I will be eating New Zealand whitetail deer backstraps make sure those team little ones are tender with a shot like that holy smoke look at that wow he's beautiful beautiful like a Black Ridge on his back too oh man that's a cool hockey look at their capes eh yes when we were watching them it was just in the sun yeah it was shining so honored that hunt in your country in this place it's magnificent I think it's beautiful thank you big guy yeah thanks buddy yep thank you again Jim congratulations foreign look at that that absolutely perfect it's going to be a bit of our breakfast mate foreign on also getting buttered candies I mean it's incredible it looks like meat salad for breakfast oh my goodness awesome I sprinkled a little bit of salt but that's it although other than that there's no nothing you didn't add anything just marinated that beautiful scenery out the window they met that's all marinated with the scenery I'm going to peel that was so steel though I mean Wild game is always marinated with the scenery marinated with nature and and what seasoning it is we're going to be leaving now for the next part of our our adventure our journey here in New Zealand the south island where I'm gonna try and find whether it's true that there's free-ranging herds of arapawa sheep there's still some of the descendants of the original herds of era power sheep living in the mountains in New Zealand and also on an island off the coast of New Zealand at least one of these herds does exist the era power sheep which is going to take us a long way from the beautiful Reef Valley this place where where God Seasons the Wild game with the scenery but onward the definition of remote is to be to be far from the main centers of population using this criteria the why macaruri gorge on the south island of New Zealand is about as remote As It Gets to get there I'll be flying halfway around the world driving to where the road ends and then Jet boating up a river into Uncharted Territory all to search for an animal rumored to have been introduced here 150 years ago the Pharaoh sheep from there the plan is to take it one step further and travel to a forgotten place in the middle of the Pacific Ocean the Chatham Island archipelago to Pit Island more specifically to look for the era power sheep thank you foreign northward in New Zealand on the South Island from Queenstown towards Christchurch scenery is incredible beautiful lakes along the way the snow-covered Peaks could be the Rocky Mountains it's really really a pretty part of the world I can see why so many people come here from around the world just to experience travel in New Zealand course we're not headed for the tourist destinations we're headed to a tiny part of New Zealand a very remote Park the only access is by jet boat on rivers to look for an animal called a feral sheep who are hoping to prove that they exist I haven't seen one who are you yeah not for a while though so it's going to be definitely Uncharted not a place that everybody comes from North America wants to go see it's going to be an eventual though yeah that's exactly right there's one other jet bikes that's our motor transport ation yeah like Tyrone With No E no wrong okay run yeah that's it cool yeah this is your shop right it is me I want to look around yeah I do you kidding this was like Christmas foreign this is Tyrone's taxidermy shop we just stopped in to pick him up he's going to be our guide up the Milo takaraki River why why makariri River that's uh that's a place I've never been sounds really exotic and uh it's pretty neat right yeah a lot of white water and the river's really low at the moment so we're going to be doing some negotiating perfect perfect just don't let me drive it otherwise we'll be negotiating all right negotiating how much I owe you for wrecking your boat and hopefully it's a little heavier coming out too yeah by one sheep that's a feral sheep that's we're going after up the Y makariri River Tyrone is going to be driving us in there this is our spot we're supposed to be living in areas on the Rock Bluffs and whatnot that we can see from the river but I mean I know nothing this is not a hunt that as far as I know anybody has done that isn't a resident of New Zealand and even the residents of New Zealand there's very few people that know about these animals and we've put together a major Expedition yeah and there was a fan you got a guy Dan what's different about these two pictures here like the New Zealand hunting clothing style and the Canadian hunting clothing style North America I've got some hunting kit though okay so come right later on otherwise it feels like we're going to the darn Beach or something like it yeah so imagine if your big fuzzy sheep you'll be hiding away in the shadows that'll be like coming out tonight about yeah pretty late there's a lot what's the name of our boat so this is T's toy did you ever see sheep along here yeah uh okay here's the jet boat they take off what do they do yeah they'll normally just stand absolutely stationary and just not know they're quite hard to see um it's like quite gray color Okay um but they're going to be out a lot more once that heat of the day goes yeah yeah it's come out on those Rocky edges yeah where these sheep areas steep steep nasty Rock Bluff Country and if you shoot them you got to be able to recover them so no point in shooting if you can't get them morning go in go in flooded around thank you you see it see where there's a tree with sun on it go above that there's a big green tree in the shade and he's just above that what the hell did you guys want that how far is that 180 yards gotta get solid which one is it bigger okay gotta get them solid okay is that him standing there is going down oh he's dead he's dead are you kidding me you guys are the greatest you got to be confirmative I didn't even see it so you didn't even get dressed in hunting clothes yet what kind of what kind of a Hunting Expedition is this I can't believe it right up in the rocks how did you spot those just got impossible it's incredible the other one's still there right yeah that was so cool yeah they shaped the thing up in this country in the waimakariri for over 150 years that were some of the first liberations 100 so they purposely let them go just to take over and be big game animals or for food if they needed food that's great yeah see what else we can find up The River Why makuriri River you can call it the white Mac the way Mark okay look at that how the hell did he see that all right incredible we'll go further Up Now set up a camp for the night it's too late to go all the way back down river and uh you'll be hitting like kings first we have to recover our ramp and then we'll do a little eel fishing if we're super super lucky tonight we might be having surf and turf first we have to get this Ram down off that steam face this will be a fun shoot to call up the ground just gives way underneath how the heck do those sheep move around in this stuff thank you holy that's crazy look at that oh smoke his [ __ ] girl found him one tree holding him from coming right down to the water like I'm barely perched here that's a 100 percent free-ranging and feral sheep they've been here 150 years at least maybe longer since the first settlers came through the area and let them go just for for me beautiful he's never been short and his wool is covered in Burrs and spikes and hey what a place to live in why makariri Gorge Marcus thank you thank you for setting up Tyrone unbelievable and Zim what the heck I was looking right up here I never saw a thing we're gonna be eating like kings tonight we can celebrate and share this place with this magnificent animal thank you this is our home for the night we'll drag all the gear back up closer to the trees and set up camp look at this we have a ram so we're going to be in the Kings no matter what that's a little bit spoily to also expect to get an eel but we're gonna try who would have thought we're so far from the tourists look at it wild remote rugged and spectacular thank you foreign we got we're doing an edge of the water because that scent will go Downstream for Miles the long thin eels will smell that like a Chum line for for sharks in this case the awful that would be used to feed dogs and cats is being used to feed eels in the ecosystem it's a balance that Hunters understand and it's been a balance that's worked since the beginning of humankind you just put a big fish hook on it and they catch it yeah that's it that'll work we're using Manuka wood with 150 pound test line and a chunk of sheep liver on a single hook so pretty high tech well look at that look at that Holy oh look at that look at that are you kidding me that's an eel holy no way no way ah I got him I got him that is unbelievable okay hard I got a freak look at that sit look at that we caught it a long finial holy smokes that is one that is one slimy thing I mean there is some sacrifices you have to make to eat like kings and one of them is uh is eel slime apparently holy if I've been good by this thing you wow it's no different than any kind of a fillet on any fish right this Curry's right down the backbone brought flesh on them that's fantastic flashlight a little fish than we normally do so you normally hang it for a week or something or what yeah we normally hang it overnight so it's stiff enough and you can do this straighter just looks so good that's a lot of meat on one of these yeah they're good yes sheesh you guys are spoiled you look at this meat you know that Avalon works pretty good for a filling occasionally yes right that's it that's long fin eel here in New Zealand Absolutely Fresh and it's going to taste fantastic the awful from the Sheep we use to attract the eels and now we'll cut the back straps out which are the sirloins that's what we're going to be eating tonight we'll fry it up with the eel and we're going to have surf and turf oh look at that unbelievable it was worth getting slimed for what's wrong with that it's good thank you holy schmuck pretty spoiled pretty spoiled yellow I mean it just doesn't get better I don't care the fanciest restaurant in the world right now today won't be serving this eel and mutton combination both of them are walking around or swimming around a few hours ago I mean there's just no way it's impossible it's so nice to be eating something that's pretty from night to United stuff we accept responsibility for and understand that we have to kill things to do this and and we're not living in this Utopia that there's no no nothing dies everything lives forever it's not the way the world works it never has never will I'm we accept responsibility for our actions which most people don't including a ship a ram that we hunted we're eating eel that we caught because of the realm that we Hunted we're going to be sleeping tonight underneath the stars with this warm breeze doesn't get any better than that I don't know where you are around the world and every Hunter every Hunter understands it on to the next adventure but the weather was so perfect yesterday coming down the gorge and now kind of a wet wet camp this morning we'll have our coffee make a breakfast real quick we'll break down camp and load up the boats and start the journey onwards to the next destination Pit Island way way off the coast of New Zealand foreign Gorge of New Zealand it's a long journey by chartered aircraft to a forgotten Island located way out in the Pacific Ocean here rumor has it that it's possible to find and possible to hunt rearranging era power sheep nicely done beautiful I'll make my graceful exit holy smokes are we a long way from anything it was goodbye to civilization Pit Island ER yeah we made it you did look you were used to Flying a lot of paint yeah but it doesn't mean I like it doesn't mean I like it and this is also home to a thriving self-propagating population of a feral era power sheep they live here somewhere on this island and they're totally free-ranging that's why we've come all this way just to hunt that particular animal foreign rifle that's suppressed which reduces recoil and also makes a lot less noise there's no big bang the caliber is a 300 Winchester short mag and a loophole Vari X2 scope 6 to 18 power so we're we're ready to go we're going out to do a little wrecky is what it's called just to check out the area see what the animals are doing where they are hopefully they're not hiding down the cliffs I can't imagine why they'd be hiding in 80 mile an hour winds that's Olympic it's like a live oyster I don't know that looks very good to eat look at that I don't know if you're supposed to clean it or let's try the whole thing and see what happens I don't think you're supposed to eat the whole thing it's a little bit um I think you have to clean that green stuff out so the chatter model goes to catch is down here in front of us there's another one of the endangered species the estimated population for these is only about 300 birds in the world in the world and we're seeing two of them got two of them look at that we're very lucky there's quite good numbers on Pitt Island and the white birds the white ones in the background are the white fronted turns they're only here over the summer for breeding pretty soon they'll start eating away I think they go off to South America for the winter these ones anyway six thousand miles and not a lot of stop-offs on the way here pet Island shades pet Island shakes there's a Chatham Island shag and there's a Pit Island check okay so the pet buns are obviously gray and black the potato ones are very white on the front I guarantee there's a burger going oh I always wanted to see one of those and there's half a dozen right in front of us exactly Pit Island Shacks and this island right in front of us that's Southeast Island where they released the original sheep in 1840 that were put there to feed Shipwrecked Mariners if they washed up on that island and then Frederick hunt brought sheep from that Island to this island Pit Island to feed the Whalers and obviously we can't go there we can we can look at it yes no Landings permitted any dock staff and scientists in buffens well you're out what's a bathroom bad people yeah people are very very keen on endangered birds I'm keen on endangered birds now yeah call me a buffer working our way around the point to get where the Sheep are will hopefully find them at some point today but the other discoveries we're making are I mean I'd be happy to be in CSU for a month incredible the Natural History here the bird life this is one of the meaning moiroy campsites around the island you can see there's evidence up in here Jim okay so this is all Ash bird bone how long were they here well they believe they arrived around seven or eight hundred years ago what have you got a bit of obsidian where do they get obsidian from that is amazing this is not from the Chatham Islands this is brought from New Zealand so there was even trade or a connection with the morary of the Chatham islands and the Maori of New Zealand and that that's what I just found you found a piece of obsidian volcanic glass that is amazing the moriaries were Polynesian just just like the maoris were originally came across New Zealand but the more you already settled here it's for a society that lived on Pitt and Chatham Islands oh this is weird they can't see one wait for that sale I think okay she gives a good view down into the Basin on the other side I mean they've survived 170 years here being hunted the whole time for food that's a very smart animal really smart well the dumb ones are all London yeah they've all been lamb chopped up there's at least three nice three days they're just average yeah um three Rams but they're not really old without you foreign it's a place that humbles you we'll go out again tomorrow and see if we can find this the shape that you know they left him here 170 years ago for the sailors the Shipwrecked Mariners if they washed up on one of these islands there'd be meat there for them living meat but we wouldn't have done very good if we were Shipwrecked Sailors today tomorrow we'll try again that is so pretty so we've got uh mangere Island here which is the dock Nature Reserve okay and then the flat top one at the end is a little mangere okay and then the following rock is Castle Rock and then sale Rock any hunter would love it here this is so beautiful I mean how many other people around there's nobody oh look at this place holy smokes this this is it this is I think it's Paradise hey what's this over here listen I tip it in Albatross that's incredible foreign make the stock a little bit closer though try and find an old enough for him just so we can judge them it's too hard to judge them from here they all intrigue they're all going over there I think drawing down yeah they're all going over that another playground Jay this is mostly used in land one around there we got a group come along the face or a mob they call it but there's still some right down the loss but I can't tell what they are yet there's females for sure but there's some there's some Rams so if we go all the way back and around and come all the way back from that side down on me I think that's what we need to do so we've got to keep this wind in our face yeah we can chase them on this Freedom see if we could get everyone yeah close is good foreign there's a whole bunch oh look at that one right as they always sucker he's bigger yeah he's really big what do you think yep bottom one of the four yeah yeah he's a beauty he's old foreign who's going down that's good well done wow that's awesome a Pit Island shoot around and you see me come right around there are so many Rams and the thing is then you had all kinds to choose from you see comparing one with another and you think you're jumping again but not until you saw him when he came up then you saw that he was and then I started looking at the lighter colored one yeah and he was he was wider but not as heavy nice heavy but he's still a nice animal he's going to see what the seller looks like isn't that a giant look at this oh got some good weight no damage it's good the tips are good yeah there's nothing wrong with that it'd be good to keep the tape measure on them that's uh look at the fuzzy obviously they never get shorter in their entire life I've never been shown again smokes look at his Roman nose too that's right the clean thing is that we want to save this breed put on sheep part of our culture and Heritage and you know we're trying to create a value around them and also just share this experience you know as you you're finding out yourself um it's different so um yeah we're keen to preserve the breed by creating some value well we're about to tell Millions if I was you I'd put a limit on how many people could come here oh we've only got a certain number of these good boys that's that's what determines how many hunters for me to come all the way here from activities the antipody which is the other side of the world literally to come here you know to me that's the hut thank you very much thank you for it's a privilege to be out here for sure awesome look look where you live trip to Pitt island is uh almost officially over stuff to get off the island little drizzly little crappy weather right now but the plane made it Charlotte's back to get us incredible place now now it's time for us to move on before before that comes to get us we got some flying to do a series thank you it's rumored that the progenitors the ancestors of all elk and North America still exist today somewhere in the dark recesses of the altai mountains and the Tian Shad mountains of Kazakhstan I'll be traveling there to meet with translator and philosopher Oleg stupar the plan is for me to travel on Horseback into the mountains alone with nothing with the local Russian speaking guides and my cameraman mountains O'Neill with the hope of finding the grandfather of all North American elk the Wapiti foreign foreign so I am we're in the Kazakhstan city of first coming to gorsk which means Northern Stone Mountain he looks fairly Soviet here but also more Cosmopolitan than what I was expecting Northwest is Russia to the east of us is Mongolia to the southwest of China and we're in this little tip of Kazakhstan we're going to be hunting an animal called the altai Wapiti the grandfather of all the elk this is where elk and red stag all started right here oh driving about four hours so far and it's Rolling Hills and lots of Farmland into the lower parts of the valleys and the Upper Hills are almost avoid of all trees you can see white Genghis Khan all over this part of the world with his wonderful words so easily a horseback they're telling us we're just getting to a base camp tonight that we can drive to it and then taking courses to the spike camps foreign which is fermented Mare's milk I've had it in Mongolia it's a taste sensation what's the floating stuff that's a fact let's see if it's really good oh fantastic that's good thank you bye thank you these are of course from Kurds of Thailand yes okay assaulted still good and there's no any bad aftertaste it's good there's definitely a lot about it it's not bad it's like a it was like dried this not good we're getting rougher and rougher and actually disappearing on us just just talking which probably got to get closer 12 hours over here that was the longest five hour drive I've ever been on from here it'll be horses we start tomorrow morning on the next Lake which will get us out to our Spike camp and then from there is where we'll actually be hunting looks like we're getting ready to head out of here the horses left this morning and we're going to take the vehicle and get up to them come there it's horseback it's a Russian vehicle that over North America we call a quad but there's five of us packed into it apparently we have about 10 miles to drive down this little Trail that's where the horses are waiting for us from there we're actually on the horses and climbing up to the spike Camp it's been four days to travel so far still no hunting but tomorrow if we get up to spike this is where it all started right here this is it this is our Rendezvous we'll load the horses up with our gear and then straight up this draw I would say foreign all right we'll probably come up at least a thousand vertical feet and no Trail just bushwhacking the whole way through the odd spot we'll pick up the old trail from 15 years ago the last time anybody came up in here that it's pretty overgrown foreign putting miles on it makes you think of what must have been like opening up the West in North America no Trails just endless miles of wilderness Beauty fresh air you know interspersed with some pretty rough going must have been just what exactly the same not tomorrow moral stag in all this way to see it it's absolutely beautiful here dead quiet and uh looks like this is where we're gonna be Spike camping and they say we're going to go hunting tonight I'm really excited now because we are in marlsteg country after traveling more than halfway around the world to try and find these Wapiti or in their backyard what an awesome wild Uncharted place I think we're just having a quick snack break and then we'll go out hunting I think I'm not sure if we can't speak their language and they can't speak ours I speak a little bit of French Swahili and Spanish but these gentlemen speak Russian and Kazakh speak English I mean we're totally relying on sign language but that's about the extent of our ability to communicate so we'll just go with the flow from here on in and enjoy every second of this incredible place cap set up we have a nice warm comfortable place to come back to tonight and we're going hunting for the first time sometimes it can be first night sometimes it's last night about to receive foreign we're slowly working our way to the back end of this Valley and we haven't heard a single bugle nothing zero we have seen some tracks that were made after the snow which is probably three or four days old so there was at least one bull came through this Valley it'll happen just be patient and keep looking keep trying never give up oh my gosh done for the day we did one tour this evening up into the back end of that drainage and just nothing nothing we did see that little four corn bowl that came right up to us not too far from here so that was a good day but we're gonna be a little hungry unless we actually get one time to set up get ready for the night now it's gonna be an early start tomorrow morning 5 A.M it's it's raining out all darn it it's one thing to not find animals good weather but it's a whole other thing to not find animals and be soaking wet doing it this tent it's a knock off of our backpack intense grab in North America but they've come down on one little detail that's the waterproofing part of it sleeping bag is wet pillow is wet but it won't matter because we're going to be soaking wet here as soon as we get outside no one ever said that hunting should only happen on a nice beautiful sunny days the rain's died off maybe we'll be lucky and we're walking right from camp today there's something we're all staying on the hill there's a frost egg on the hill walking across the face I'm pretty sure it's a small one Blinky but I think it's a bowl but the light's so low it's hard to tell I think he's maybe three or four on each side bigger than what we saw yesterday until we find some cows We're not gonna find a big bowl because these young bulls that are traveling between the herds you know their satellite pools looking for their own cow the big bulls will have the cows together in a group and fighting off the young ones the middle of the day doldrums they say nothing moves between 10 and 4 pm 10 in the morning 4 P.M in the afternoon but you never know though I mean it's the Rock the bull can come walking by here and if something tries to cause more we'll see if nothing's moving all day that we've been sitting here watching there's some more towels here and tell this time I have cow milk that's crazy I didn't even realize there was once here this is it is cold so it means it's going to be a clear morning at least until the sun comes out they should stay out of the open beautiful day almost a new motor it's dead quiet they don't want us to use a red lamps because they think that the alcohol we've been glassing here it's not great light yet they're not in the wide open other guys now want to take the horses and come up this Valley see if we can spot them foreign and he is not happy I didn't study up on my snakes in this area but I know there's some really deadly vipers up here and it's sure aggressive enough that it could be oh he's just staring right at me right now I don't know what kind of a snake it is but we'll let it go to its own thing there he goes he said there was vipers up here and I didn't think we'd see any because it's been so cold but just this hot sun on the rocks and this one came up an elk won't answer to a bugle they're very very difficult to hunt and these elk are just quiet every once in a while we'll get a return call but not very often and if you don't get them to go back then you don't know where they are and kazakhstan's a big country I'm trying to locate them we sat here the entire time and we have to start making our way back down we've got a long way to go to the camp to vote for us today I had so many people's lives of being improved if they had to sit by an open fire on a cold still night and feel to love listen to The Silence people they're so immersed in that lifestyle go go go go go I don't even realize what they're missing don't take the time but when you do you realize that's how important it is to sit still and sometimes just turn off that's it yep morale in this area so beautiful here the country is made for El cooperity there should be a lot more in here but I think what's happened and it's classic they stopped hunting in 2001. there's a military base just down this Valley like literally a mile and a half from us as soon as you stop hunting there's nobody to oversee the military and and this becomes their grocery store now that hunting started it'll slowly but surely allow the moral Stags to to rebuild in population it's counterintuitive hunting helps the Wildlife hunting protects the wildlife without it this is what happens so we have to move we'll get further away from the military further down the valley and then cut back up the fingers crossed we're at the home I believe of junco just been invited inside for some chai It's like a sweet milky tea how you doing there hello that's okay even my toes are a walking Cabela's commercial hello thank you you speak English yeah thank you for the chai we're really eating like kings now totally different than what we've had up on the mountain look at this wild strawberry jam and eggs and macaroni very very good boy and a girl Hi how are you doing well this is my my wife that's our son branlin and his wife her mother Marsha and her father chat and this your grandmother made this is a quilted Kazakh rug but felt first from a sheep and they pounded into these designs diet and then sew it up incredible thank you so much this is all part of hunting people think it's just about killing animals it's not at all this is the cultural side of it every Hunter is an explorer at heart an adventurer and the hunting is part of it that's what brings you to these kind of places you would never come here otherwise and that appreciation for these cultures the making of new friends an incredible part of the world and here we are here we are new friends this is what hunting's all about this is hunting last day of the hunt it's been a it's been a struggle but we came to find the moral stag and we have to keep that in mind that we did find the moral stay we just didn't necessarily get one and that's a huge success Plus Beautiful country here in Kazakhstan all those are positives and you know what we still have today still there's a chance I can't wait to actually see what today brings well we're here this will be our last kick at the can really there's Stars up above it's a new moon the rain is abated and it's the rot there should be the old mature Bowl in that area well hopefully there's your fingers crossed climbing into the night can't use headlamps because it ruins the night vision of horses ah it's beautiful Stars the sound of the push was gross the clopping on the rocks in the creek rushing down below somewhere in the blackness clearing the timber now we're an open grassy slope Skies starting to gray up Dawn it's just around the corner and sunrise after that I haven't heard any open but we're getting closer by this step it's cold and crisp morning a little bit of wind it's a hunter's day foreign ripping apart one of the larger tamarack trees literally just take all the branches off I could see a couple of long times but we left the spotting scope so I can't really make up what he is and I'll take some work but we have to move around the mountain up over the top and you get above them and then come down on them I think we've got a plan I'd say it's two miles away up the hill we're going to go around that mountain to get close to open Zone it's going to take a while try and get above him right now the wind is absolutely the worst it could be it's right this way we're gonna be on this side of them well it has to go right for us to even to see foreign foreign I lost him as soon as I shot almost there I followed the tracks all the way down I was dead on nothing complete mess I don't know how every snow in the ground if I hit him I'd see blood oh darn it our Hunt's over we tried right to The Bitter End we have to hunt here several seasons to really know what the problem is or why we didn't get one besides by shooting we had an amazing hunt that we've seen some spectacular country this part of the world just never gets visited by westerners tomorrow morning we'll start the journey to the south of Kazakhstan to look for the Tian Chan model the close cousin of these Alzheimer morals and hopefully hopefully the Tian Chan models are a little bit more Cooperative on the not too excited to start the journey tomorrow to the south of Kazakhstan thank you we're in Belmont we made it all the luggage made it for another step closer towards the 10 sham mountains the tin Chan Walker's home hopefully unless I'm going to find the elk a little more Cooperative than they were up in the altai mountains in the north and east even though it's been 24 hours since we were in the other area I'm really excited about this next hunt I think this one will have success in terms of getting me out we just stopped in the village of Pacey Kazakhstan it's the last Village before we hit the qian Chan Mountain so this is it this is in the civilization and after this it's Uncharted so we're picking up a few vegetables a little bit of fruit this is fantastic this is where you interface with people the local culture there's no tourists this is where you're most exposed to what these people do and how they live is in their Market s what about the melons I like water not sure yeah the exactly or they're looking this about us thank you for five hours decidedly rougher still paved though looking forward to seeing what it's like once we get up into the actual mountains closer to where the tan chat big double fence pretty decided it's important between China and Kazakhstan or it's it's the beer board about six and a half miles away there's another double fence that's the border with China it's in between there's Nomads of that it doesn't belong to China it doesn't belong to Kazakhstan I'm sure they watch very very carefully perfect made it all the way in took about eight hours went right along the border with China most of the way now we're into the mountains and this is our base camp we're going to spend the night here and then tomorrow we'll gear up and head up on horses to our Spike Camp they say that's two three hours on Horseback and from there we're hunting the teenage moppity 5 a.m versus a ready and we're going to head up the mountain fingers crossed we're on top of the world it's a beautiful country wow steep yeah just heard an elk bugle as well someone way down the slope but it's a little bit foggy and we have the whole day in front of us the whole hunt in front of us now it's just what are we gonna see foreign foreign probably six times already people in the background this Ridge they have to be working their way this way a thick Timber that means it could come down the laws moved ahead several drainages so if they are coming into this thick Timber then hopefully they'll cross here the sun's pretty high in the sky now but the elk are still bugling we've heard at least six different balls beautiful now they're all around us but they're not coming out in the open close to us yet one thing for absolute sure there's a lot more elk here than there was around way up north in the altai area now we just have to put our time in there's no six out down below us within 300 yards three spike balls one Gap and two cows the last cow just came out of the foot under 70 yards we've got a pretty good chance of getting an elk if we can get one of those big balls to come in the open I have to wait there's still time tonight Oliver belt went back in but there's a pool like crazy right now but he's not coming out and we're running out of time the sun is going down we don't have a cockle or a bugle here nothing to talk oh first time the way of getting this part of the temper quicker no he's starting to work his way downhill we don't have time to go after him so that's the bad news the good news is he's still alive but he'll be here to form somewhere it's a long Naughty Boys it looks like an old pool so tomorrow morning as early as it possible we're coming right here creeping and screaming can't wait for it tomorrow there's not any words in our language nowadays we just tried what it was like to come back into still night with the stars and moon rising fresh crisp air and the sounds of that bull out bugling all around us serenading us to sleep we got up yesterday in time to do some hunting we saw a lot of elk hurt a lot of elf today is our first official morning cold cold water balls full solid during the night but it's going to be a beautiful day stars or brilliant starting to fade now the sun's graying up the dot Oracle for the day foreign except Hunters today we left this one last night just that dark and we're back now at first light we've already heard a bugle twice hopefully it'll come in the open right here oh God horrible you say I get a good I couldn't tell I'm gonna go down and see I wasn't perfect going to hold it was a little rushed and I uh the gun surprised me it's got a good trigger pull but it'll be able to appeal if I know now you can see the grass is all flattened out so he's tumbling here it's such a steep hill you're really should be right here oh he's right here oh he's right here I was looking further thank you thank you so much this is tumbling whole way this is the one that was Googling so much yesterday because I was a beautiful 6x6 oboe boy he's got scars everyone from fighting Jesus said he's a six by six as you can tell by the sound and he's a six by six who's all he's rubbed him right down to the Ivory it's almost impossible to comprehend that this elk is in Kazakhstan it's an elk a Wapiti the felt were the progenitors they were the grandfathers and grandmothers of all the elk in the world you got him Chan property what a hunt here here in Kazakhstan fantastic
Channel: FD Adventure
Views: 811,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Survival, survival show, survival documentary, full documentary, jim shockey, jim shockey uncharted, jim shockey's uncharted, survival series, jim shockey peru, jim shockey australia, jim shockey kazakhstan, hunting, jim shockey hunting, jim shockeys uncharted season 5, australia survival, peru survial
Id: 0bsv4HojYok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 11sec (12731 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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