Unboxing: Twilight

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good evening one and all this is Michael for grouchy Omar and it's time for another unboxing and as I said last time we're gonna dive into the world of Twilight it's gonna be a special one for all you Twihards out there is that what you guys are called if that's even still thing from ten years ago or however long it's been all seems like it's been forever but one thing I've always said is no matter what you feel about the Twilight books Twilight movies they always put together really good special editions other movies and instead of just doing one of them and just doing like a two minute video on one of them might as well just knock them all out I've got five different ones here from five different from the first three movies and then part one of the fourth movie or basically the fourth movie so I thought we'd go through these real quick and show you what I mean whenever I'm always saying they do put some good stuff together for the fans of the books and of the movies so let's take a look all right everyone here we go this first one we're gonna take a look at is the Twilight borders special edition and this was released on March of 21st 2009 and apparently the cat wants to get in on the unboxing action so as I said this was the Border's special edition if you look it's uh it's pretty nice cover um I like the contrast between the background and the trees and then the blueish him foil lettering of the Twilight on the back it's got just different character pictures of the different characters we open it up inside will say that we have a quote from Hollywood calm that's as the most epic romance since Titanic I don't know if I believe that but apparently somebody at Hollywood Khan does we have the DVD as well as a special feature so this is the DVD edition that was no blu-ray so these cards pretty nice they do blend in and match with the the rest of the inside decor so we've got just like these are scenes from them from the movie we got Edward and Butler at the prom got the Hale and Cullen kids of course Emmet Rosalie Alice and Jasper and if you notice these uh looks these these have like a matte look so it's not like a glossy finish like a photograph it's kind of neat see another shot of the main couple of course and of course theme this movie's all about the blah blah blah some very interesting stills shots of the movie very interesting in the fact that there is no shots of Jacob in this set it's very interesting and the next thing we have is Twilight Saga at the new moon this is the borders Edition as well March 20th 2010 same design as the previous one open it up we've got the DVD here the next panel has the three cast members and of course they look at the Volturi through that square and when we open up to see what's inside of it again it's got it comes with a gift set has no I've never opened it of course we have a necklace with the Collin crest on it which again has never been open but it doesn't make a lot of sense why they would put why they wouldn't put something from the werewolf clan or the wolf clan like maybe the tattoo maybe the necklace of the tattoo that he has that's their symbol since you know Edward wasn't in the film for the majority of it but that's just next we have Twilight Saga Eclipse this is a target exclusive border stop doing him and move to target this came out on December 4th 2010 and like the borders addition it has the same design so it's all uniform which is nice excuse me as we open it up it's a little bit different this is a DVD blu-ray combo so one side is the DVD and one size of blu-ray and again we have the three main caste and this time it's just a single disk and picture is all of the new blondes coming through the river and inside we have some more character cards just like before which has not even been open yet I guess I'm going to open them for first time for this for you guys again it looks - hey they look to have a kind of a matte finish now here's the first card so if I get this glare off here there we go yeah these are never been open they're still sticking together so there's heat clips the next one we got is Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 1 this is what was called the wedding-dress edition and not a whole lot special about this one it's just got the extended edition of the film which I believe was I don't know seven or eight minutes longer something like that nice slipcover what this came with is something that I've not haven't opened and I'm not gonna open it for you now sorry because it's a 30 inch by 40 inch wedding photo this is actually what it looks like right here but it's made out of fabric and since I never I don't have any intention of displaying this just show you what it looks like but it is it's it's nice material it would be something nice for if you're a big fan of the Twilight to have hanging in your room if you're you know like a 14 year old girl or whatever the final one is the Breaking Dawn Part one target edition this one came out on February 12 2012 again same same setup same design as all the other ones this one has the DVD on this side with the DVD and special features again the three main cast and this time it's had something that was actually really really neat let me see if I can get it pulled out okay this is an acrylic display setup with a nice the same wedding photo that was in that other addition flower here and this is limited edition number eight four five eight two out of one hundred and fifty eight thousand and what this is is a CoA authentic prop flowers from the Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part one the scene of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen's wedding was filmed on location in squeamish outside of Vancouver British Columbia Canada over two days in April of 2011 hundred of wisteria vines were used to create the canopy of flowers in the ceremony and so what this is that you got special with this is one of those kind was it wisteria leaves that was actually in the film so this is a screen-used film prop and so I thought that was a really really neat to do this is um this is actually like the nicest of everything that's that there is and this is actually suitable for displaying just because of the high quality that it is it's just a very very nice piece alright everyone I hope that you enjoyed the look at the Twilight box set special edition gift Editions whatever of the Twilight movies I thank you for joining me again once again this episode and let's take a look at our cards and see what we're gonna look at next week and the winner is they die hard naka Tomi Plaza edition I've had this since I think the end of last year or maybe the beginning of this year and I have not opened it yet I've been waiting for this so we're gonna get to open it together so thanks for watching blessed be be sure to LIKE and subscribe hit the notification bell for when we get new episodes up and if there's anything that you like me to try to find in unbox as far as special editions are concerned just let me know down know down in the comment sections if I don't have it already I will be on the lookout for it and as soon as I'm able to do that I will give you a shout out for the suggestion so thank you for watching and have a lovely evening good night
Channel: BroJMR
Views: 3,877
Rating: 4.9565215 out of 5
Keywords: Unboxing, Twilight, Twilight Saga, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Special Editions, Wedding Dress
Id: ElNCjNGy6G0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 30 2018
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