My Twilight Shelf Tour

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hi guys and welcome back as you can tell it today you are in a little bit of a different spot we are not on the opposite wall but almost on the opposite wall where I usually film but today I wanted to give you a tour of my Twilight collection one of my most prized collections that I have and like the book wise I think after this would probably be my Shadowhunters and then Harry Potter I don't know but this is one of my most prized ones and when I've been working out for a while so yes I'm going so I'm gonna show you everything here and I'm gonna talk a little bit about Twilight besides this I do have all of the movies and a couple of the like little extra movies I just didn't feel like I forgot or no I didn't forget but I just didn't grab them so but yes so I'm gonna show you here I show you so my extras that I don't have room for on the shelf but I still have so without further ado let's just get into it so before I get into it I'm going to show you what is not on the shelf and that is this necklace which I thought about wearing it because I was like oh it'd be a nice pink neat piece so I might put it back on after I show it off but yes it is a prop replica of Alice's necklace I can't remember from which movie but it is like a big long doozy of a necklace but so I will show you each little piece so first we have the Cullen crust a little little nice piece there and then we have the a crystal ball because Alice can see the future and then we have a key on the bottom of it sorry guys and I don't really know what the Keys supposed to represent but yes that is this is one of my longest pieces of twine merge that I've had for like the longest time I don't think I'm gonna put it back on because I think it's just gonna get away in the way because it's so long but other than that I have hey Twilight Saga 3 game collection I don't play it at all this is strictly for like collectors purposes it's got all the board games all the pieces in there it's got the as you saw from when I held it up it's gotta be - Cullen tokens Kress whatever um right here and then down here on the other side and then the last thing that it's not on my shelf other than I can do movies is the Twilight Saga collectors ten for the journals so I'll show you each of the journals because I think they're really really neat they've just got like little quotes on the front - as well as he didn't kind of see without me getting the glare from my light or my camera um yes we have Twilight New Moon Eclipse and Breaking Dawn and I kind of actually want to show you guys a little bit inside of one if you've never seen one so we open it up like this we have a little note from Stephanie herself and then each each page has like either a little quote that has been said piece of dialogue or it's got like a picture like this and it is in all of them and I love it there's one do you like scary stories Jacob - Bella so yes this is like my fern just end up on my head um I don't really know what happened to the others I have some of the tins but the journals I don't know where they are so let's get on to what I do have here for the little extras so first we'll start with this guy is he's prominent right in the center this is the hot topic exclusive Edward Cullen so hot topic exclusive meaning he kind of sparkles if you can see that there up on his like forehead and it's kind of hard to see in the camera light but yeah I got him at Half Price Books for a couple bucks and I'm trying to get more of the Twilight ones because as you can tell from up here with my Kingdom Hearts and my Skyrim I have a Funko problem but I love it because they're just such a neat little collectible and I love them so can I have these two pieces these are also from a different board game but I like these ones better than the other ones so these ones sit up here they're just the combs crusts in gold and silver or bronze I guess and silver and then I have this so this is another one of the longest pieces of merch I've had it next to the necklace it is the it is just like a little movie poster for New Moon I think it came on the back of a sweet tarts Valentine's Day box or something don't don't quote me on that I really don't remember but I've had this for a very long time and I love it and then I have one journal from the it's a different one obviously from a different tin but one of the journals that I write personal poetry and so like this approach they never let anybody see so that's what this is and then the last piece all of my shed isn't like bookish is these kind of like posters I guess which have like some of the movie quotes and dialogue in the back so this one is for Twilight I like to show you the back so you can see it new moon there's the back of it Eclipse in the back of it again and Breaking Dawn so these I plan to once I have found them I plan to get these framed and hung up on my wall because I just absolutely love them and I just want them hung up but I just haven't I don't want to put like thumbtacks in them or sticky stuff on the back but I also don't want to like because of that I don't want to hang them up I don't know that's I'm gonna have to figure out what to do with those and then let's get started in on the books because that is all of my Twilight merch that I have yes no I had to remember for a sec cuz it's just gotten scattered throughout the years but yes so let's get started on the rest of my Twilight shrine so we'll start over here with the books that aren't in the main series and that is the Twilight companion be an authorised guide to the series by Louis H crush I think um it is just so obviously like it says unauthorised guys so it's just a little guide with like random facts about vampires and werewolves and some random stuff about like actors and stuff it's been a long time since I've read this so I should probably take another skim through with this because I did like it the first time I read it and then we have the Twilight directors notebook by Catherine Hardwicke who obviously directed Twilight sorry I get myself back in the frame um this is just a neat little notebook where it's neat notebook book where it's got like stills and drawings and stuff for the series for for the movie as she was you know directing it and stuff and little quotes and just a bunch of neat little stuff in here the and these two were actually sent to me by a friend who is so dear to me and shares my toilet obsession and then I can't really get these out right now I'll show you these at the end but these are the illustrated movie companions but I'll show you those after I've gotten all these down so let's jump right in with the rest of the books so I'm gonna leave that one at O last actually and let's get started on this boy which is the 10th anniversary edition of Twilight with the life and death Twilight rematches which is the gingerbread version and I'm gonna say these anyways even though you know it's there you are all by Stephenie Meyer um so yes I actually really enjoyed the gender-bender I want to reread it because I forgot some things about it but I really enjoyed it just like I really enjoyed Twilight itself but this was I found this at Goodwill for I think a dollar - I don't know but it was a neat fine for me because it was in great condition it's a little beat up now but that's just cuz I beat it up a little bit I have the box set in hardback I'm not gonna take them out just because I mean they're easy to get out but you don't need to see them you saw the covers with the posters and everything and I guess I can show you this which kind of gives you the covers once again but yes I found this at goodwill as well for like 6 bucks so a lot of these I don't think I've gotten brand-new I think these are like finds I've found finds I found wow great job sorry I stopped part of you but these are just finds that I've managed to get when I've seen them at like secondhand stores and stuff like that then along with my hardback version I have the second Shore Life of Bree Tanner again in obviously hardback I don't remember where I got this one at all because this one I've had for a while and then I just recently got this it is the Twilight is Twilight in the movie companion or the movie cover which my fiance is not gonna be happy about this because I haven't told her but I want to collect the whole series in the movie covers I don't know if they make them in like this size though like I know they make them in like the tiny mass-market paperbacks but I want them in like this size so if I can find them like this I'm going to get them like as I find them hopefully like secondhand because if they're not like if they're like too expensive like more than five bucks I'm not getting them because like that's not top notch in my priority right now but anyways um but yes I recently got this I got this one I got this not thinking I was gonna complete the series but with the covers but now I want to but I got this because this was the not this copy but this version was what I read it in was this paper back with the movie cover so this ow means this edition means a lot to me it is nostalgic for me and I just I just can't begin to describe how much it means to me to finally actually have this copy again so after those two I have the graphic novels parts 1 and see which one you put them together create like a scene which is really really neat and I'm so happy to have these I haven't actually read them yet but the artwork is so good so good um art an adaption by Yong Kim so that is who did the art in here so I just I loved it and I loved having both of these I need to read them soon so I can like get them with the pictures I love it I just love Twilight and then as any Twilight fan should have the Twilight Saga the official illustrated guide companion for it which is just it's so neat it's just got so many different facts about like the vampire is like I don't even remember this person Ilias are eleazar um I oh he's part of the ah Denali coven yeah see it's got like little information about the coven's so I'll show you one of my favorite pictures in here too because it's got like pictures of the character not all the characters but like that's supposed to be one knows me and I just love that art concept of her but as you can tell like down here like it's got information on her so these are real this is really neat I have a red sedan I don't remember if I read through it completely but I've read through a lot of it and I go back every now and then just so I kind of refresh my mind on some of the stories and it gives you like everybody's backstory in here so you get Carlisle's Esme's Emmett's Jasper's Rosalie's Alice's and you get the batteries you get a lot out of this so if you were Twilight and I highly suggest picking this stuff I don't know where my dust jacket went and that really annoys me because I want it and then we have reached my heart this is the newest edition along with the movie cover to my Twilight collection and I am just so so so so so happy to have it I can't even oh and that is the Twilight Saga in the white collection it is just I don't know why I just I've been wanting it for so long it is so so beautiful these since they are different I will take them out and show you them in their covers but so yes we have Twilight that and then we have the side and then Eclipse house picture I don't know why they just did those two hmm but anyways so I'm gonna trim steps it down take them out to show you I want to do it very carefully I'm gonna set them right here cuz again I want to do this very carefully because he's made a lot to me so I have Twilight here which these editions are just so gorgeous I don't I don't even really know why I'm so in love with them I just really really am they're just so beautiful oh I just and again it's like a Twilight collector I had to have these eclipse and you can like notice like little spots scratched off on here it is because as just like the way they were put in I don't know they stuck together and stuff but that is perfectly fine by me because these will like other than like when I'm showing them off like this these will never be taken out of the box I'm never going to read these I'm never going to crack the spine because they're just in perfect condition and these ones I want to say perfect condition Breaking Dawn and then there is also in here second short life of Bree Tanner so it's really Clips novella so this is really neat I don't know why I love this so much but this is really cute so I'm gonna put these back because I don't want these left ah I just I don't know I'm really sentimental I'm not sentimental I'm just really wanting to be careful with these because I don't know I really don't know and I've said that a lot right now but they're just so beautiful and I just want to be super super careful with them and break them or scratch them or all that good stuff why aren't you going in thank you New Moon thank you for cooperating Twilight is going to be the hardest one to get in because it's at the end but okay so while I'm doing this let's talk a little bit about Twilight so I don't remember when my love of Twilight started it gosh I remember when I first came out everybody's freaking out but there were still some people saying it was so stupid I rode that hate train before I read it and discovered what it was and my cousin was like reading it and she's so I think she might be her and my mom might be the ones who got me into Twilight when my cousin was reading it I was being really really rude to her and like cuz I didn't like it I thought it was stupid even though I hadn't read it but everybody else was saying it was stupid so it had to be stupid right and I just remember that and then I picked it up and I read it and I was just like I'm so sorry I can't believe is it that Baba oh because like I regret it now and for so many years in my high school life I obviously denied my love of Twilight because I was already picked on enough for being plus-size and a lot of people decided to pick on me because of my ginger nests which is like it looks more Brown but yeah that so that was a fun thing in high school but I don't know so I had that and it denied it for a while and then I don't know there's a little bit before I graduated I sprung forth with my love of Twilight I was just like I'm a dawn hiding it I love Twilight and I'm going to show to the world which is what I'm doing now showing it to the world so I got those all back in so let's move on to the movie conveniens which so I have a Twilight New Moon Eclipse and Breaking Dawn Part 1 and the reason I don't have a part two is because they never made a part two they never made a movie companion for part two which makes me really really sad because it's just like so I can play but it also works perfectly with just having before to have the most like the bottom base so that's awesome so that is it for my Twilight collection here like I said I should do everything but the movies but you should know the cover of the movies look like you know they're just anyways so that is all that I have for you here today so I wanted to also do like a little chitchat with as I'm putting this stuff back so let's do that so I also last year watched one of Poland bananas books I think it's Poland banana Christine I watched her video one of her videos and she had done an interview with Stephenie Meyer um and Stephanie I guess is going to be writing hopefully at least I pretty sure if I remember correctly this is what she said she's going to be writing more books in the Twilight series they will not be about Edward and Bella supposedly they will be about like Jacob and Renesmee and I think other side characters stuff like that I'm so happy to go back to this world that one and if she does come back out with them because I just saw this this is like Forks is my home yeah and I want to go to the Twilight in Forks thing that they have in Forks like every year I would love to go to that some here like so hopefully what I'm able to go they'll still have it going on because that's just one of my dreams this video is 20 minutes long and I think that's too long so let's wrap this up so thank you guys for watching I hope you enjoyed this please don't leave any hate comments or anything about how Twilight sucks well uh you are entitled to your own opinion and I will respect that I will respect for you disliking Twilight as long as you respect for me liking Twilight because like I said everybody has their own opinions there's no need to be nasty or rude or anything about that especially in this community come on guys we all love books we all hate some books and again everybody has their own opinions about them so thank you guys so much for watching I just I really enjoy kind of like chit-chatting with you and showing off my Twilight collection um yeah like I said the series means a lot to me and it really got me back into reading um just like the house tonight house and I got me back into reading but so did Twilight so again as I said for the third time now thank you guys so much for watching please leave a thumbs up if you liked it comment down below um you know if you like Twilight do you like a toilet collection or do you just have like the one saga or do you have more than I do um so yeah like comment subscribe for more bookish content I have a whatever recently um coming up because I'm not going to be doing TBR's anymore because or wrap-ups in a month because sometimes I don't read that much in a month and I'm Way more of a mood reader so I just typically don't make tdrs so that's coming soon I also have my February haul coming soon which will feature these and my movie cover for Twilight so keep an eye out for my haul because it's ridiculous and I got so many books I also have a video coming soon where I think I'm going to show off the books I've painted and if you guys are interested to know more about that like let me know if you would like to see the video and if you would like to see maybe a video of me painting the books I might be doing an Instagram live for that soon as well so this video is getting really long so as I said like comment subscribe please thank you once I hit 100 subscribers I plan to do a giveaway and I will make a separate video all for that to show you everything that all that'll be included in the giveaway so make sure you subscribe if you would like to be included in the giveaway because that will definitely be one of the mandatory things to be entered into it if you would like to follow me on any of my social medias that will be linked down below I have Twitter books do gram Instagram and Goodreads so if you'd like to friend me on there friend of me on there so thank you guys for watching again I can't say that enough goodness you guys seriously though thank you for watching it means so much when you guys watch this I need to stop rambling we're at 24 minutes again thank you guys I'm done I'm not saying it again not again alright bye guys I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Belle of the Books
Views: 6,138
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Id: X5kXfuBXpZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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