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hey what's up everybody on YouTube this is Pat's BoSox 8:1 here coming back to you with another unboxing video I just picked this up online and just came in the mail today it's the twilight forever the Complete Saga on blu-ray this is the the 10 disc blu-ray set with the ultraviolet digital copies inside so you can see this one is much better than the one Best Buy put out I picked up that one you can watch my unboxing on that however I got rid of it and I upgraded to this one this is the this is the one you should get if you are a Twilight fan this is the again the Twilight forever Complete Saga ten disc blu-ray set with the ultraviolet digital copies um do an unboxing video as you can see the nice cover much better than the other cover Best Buy had with a cinnamon now digital copies was terrible let's bring this down you get the double-sided box commander commemorative photo album and 10 blu-rays disks with over two hours of number foreseen content also includes 10 hours of all the features that were ever created so that's very cool check that up all I did was this was just take the plastic off so I cannot unpackage this for you guys easier so I haven't opened this up I even watched anything so alright let's uh as you can see these come with this is the little like slip jacket right here as you can tell let me here we go is the box set this is nice and sturdy I'm going to move the box over here you get that little paper sleeve right here that goes over the box and here's the back of the main features the video is 1080p High Definition 2.0 40.1 in the audio Singlish DTS HD master audio 5.1 that's for Twilight New Moon in Eclipse then DTS mess audio at some point one for Breaking Dawn Part one extended in part - alright subtitles in English in Spanish as you can see is some of the pitches of the movie covers right here these are the ones it's got that cast and everything in down below it's got the ratings and the ratings and how long the movies are alright so let's take this little slipcover out of your wet out of the way I just picture of on the back this is a really heavy duty very heavy duty I'm going to take that off that's that little sticky thing as you can see toilet for a nice box set right here really sturdy pretty thick I just want to show you guys all around it let me put this back up here see how I open this think ah there we go it pops out down below it slides down below is the box again the empty box right here put that pull it to the side put that over here it's a nice like photo album as the front was saying it's a commander photo album and that nest holds your disks what it looks like this looks really nice it's got a nice photo album spine in there the disks inside alright so you can see this is really nice let me take this off I'm going to slide this out a camera for a second so I can get my ultraviolet codes and I did alright there they are on the other side of these the if you pick this up you get your ultraviolet codes for all the Twilight movies that are in the saga so these are always good to have if you like those alright yeah let's open this up and check it out it's a really nice heavy duty photo photo album holder right here pages are nice and thick kind of cardboard pages right here you can see it's really nice you can see how thick the pages are the cod wood so they're not gee plastic and this is the first this is the first movie Twilight right here you get the desk right in there is what the first one looks like which is I think this is really nice and here are the special features so you get the blu-ray right here of the movie the first one Twilight here is Twilight the special veatch's it's really cool there's the disc right here alright next one is New Moon see there's five what is this what what this is going to be this five movies to the Twilight Saga so it's going to be ten discs so everyone's going to contain the movie itself in the next disc after is going to be the bonus and that will give you ten so here's New Moon and there's the disc right there sure you guys all the pitches and everything is the New Moon special feature disc it's really nice very heavy-duty there's no cheap paper or anyway everything is pretty hard cardboard and everything which is nice is the eclipse movie in the special features and then Breaking Dawn Part 1 this is the extended edition so that's really cool there's some new pitches and plot one the special features me as a Breaking Dawn Part 2 which is the final movie in the series and then part 2 the special features and the discs are all up top here see all the discs through all up top it's Twilight foreva special teachers alright and I think that's going to do it as you can see very nice this is a great collection I'm going to watch these movies on blu-ray soon hopefully so yeah these are really thick look how thick these pay these it's like cardboard pages which are really nice so you can see this wraps up the cover right here alright and that's the back of the set and it folds over just like that you guys so this is definitely nice heavy-duty strong worth the money this is these are all indented so this bubbles out at you but uh anyways I'm gonna try to wrap up this video I hope you enjoyed this unboxing I just got this in the mail this is the toilet forever the Complete Saga tenda set on blu-ray so uh you know you Twilight fans you know I enjoy these movies me and my wife watch them all the time we seen mathema be theta so I kind of got hooked they're good you know I enjoy them she'll enjoy these two we'll watch these together leave comments down below you guys what you think of this edition do you have this do you have the best buy one I didn't like the best buy one so I'm glad I got rid of that and for the money I got today I just upgraded to this for the pretty much exact same price so I got this $45 the Best Buy edition was 45 I managed to get my money back for that and upgraded to this so definitely I'm sorry guys for rambling leave comments down below what you think of this edition if you think I did a good job on unpackaging unboxing this Twilight set give me a thumbs up definitely like this video you know please give me a thumbs up thank you for watching and you know I think start subscribing and I will see you guys next time
Channel: PatsBoSox81
Views: 22,843
Rating: 4.8005538 out of 5
Keywords: coolduder, wetmovie1, unboxing, unbubbling, unpackaging, blu ray, dvd, box set, twilight, 10 discs, disc, digital copy, codes, ultraviolet, forever, new moon, eclipse, breaking dawn, part, extended, edition, bonus, edward, bella, cullen, vampires, love story, romeo juliet, lovers, kiss, blood, gore, dracula, jacob, team, trailer, uncut, Vampires (Film), hammer, interview, unrated, rated, books, book, harry potter, divergent, series, epic, sex, scene, fighting, wolfs, werewolfs, wolves, walking dead, horror, halloween
Id: _Dfe67oVxPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 27 2014
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