Most Valuable Blu-rays and Dvds in My Collection : Rare and Out Of Print

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hey Shawn see folks here on that brand-new out-of-print DVD and blu-ray collection video it's been about two years or so since I've done an out-of-print DVD or blu-ray video so pretty much just gonna go through where I went and pulled out a bunch of the ones that I know they're out of print of course I know there are a lot of ones that I have missed but these are some of the ones that I know are you know talked about in the past there's some new ones mixed in here as well if you guys don't know what out-of-print DVDs and blu-rays are they're pretty much the movies that you know are either not produced any more or like Rare Editions or certain ones that have certain slipcovers that are no longer produced and you know and it's basically for you know this video is for you guys so you guys know if you're in like use video stores or thrift stores and stuff like that these are some of the ones that are like the hard-to-find ones that I would definitely recommend you know picking up for sure but like I said though of course I know I missed and not a lot of ones in this video as well but let the Atta print video begin so we're starting now over here in the heart and some of these ones in the past I've gone through but I've kind of picked through some of like my favorite ones that stood out is out of print I know though in here there's probably a whole lot of other ones that I've missed but these are like you know kind of the ones that I would say like if you guys come across these would be ones I'd recommend picking up you know for a decent price these ones um all of these Amityville sequels have gone out of print a medieval dollhouse Amityville next generation luckily to find found that with the two dollars and then Amityville it's about time this one though I think I ended up paying like $30 for because one of those ones I was always trying to find this one here on Alice sweet Alice the blu-ray of this was out of print in the US but they just I mean the DVD of this one was out of print in the US but 88 films just released a blu-ray so this one is a region-free blu-ray so that one isn't as valuable anymore if you have the DVD because there's a blu-ray this is one I can't believe still hasn't come out to blu-ray hopefully someone like Shah factor you know screen factory releases this one alone in the dark it's a very very creepy movie I know there is a HD transfer of it out there because I saw it I think I'm like um the movie channel or something like that was airing it this edition there's a lot of the Aral video releases that have gone out of print the big deluxe editions the Brydon reanimated this specific one has gone out of print and also a lot of the slipcovers on screen factory releases of going out of print like the black Christmas one here and that not the actual blu-rays you can still find the blu-rays but to actually find the ones with the slipcovers themselves is actually pretty rare so if you find those for a decent price definitely worth picking up this is also out of print you don't see this very much as the Canadian release of the black Christmas remake I don't know for sure though if this edition was the uncut one because I remember they released I believe like an uncut DVD of it I believe now this one is just an obscure one that I feel like a lot of people don't know just came out the movie store starring Corey Haim backlot murders this was all filmed on the back lap but this isn't out of print but it was rare to see the actual DVD but um this company called like dark force entertainment released this one these are some Twilight time releases ones that are out of print the one for body double which is probably one of my top like in my top 10 top 20 movies of all time like that movie it's basically about a guy who was you know stays in this apartment he starts spying out the window of this woman mean witness her getting murdered and he becomes kind of obsessed with the whole thing it's such a great movie The Blob this is the Twilight time one that's going out of print there's also an umbrella entertainment release of that one this is another one the slipcovers you don't come across for the John Carpenter anthology film body bags this is actually one of my favorite John Carper movies to ever to watch I don't know I just love this segments in this movie and the music and everything just a really really fun movie another screen factory one slipcover that's not a print is the burning another slip cover from scream factory as well is cat people and also guys in the comments below you know let me know and like put other out of print ones that you guys know about just to let everyone else know some other out of print ones you guys know about because like I said it's it takes I was going through here for like over an hour trying to figure out some of the ones that I knew were out of print a lot of these are out of print and really rare now the releases from echo bridge the echo bridge blu-rays surprisingly these were you know a lot of these were sold really cheap at Walmart and places like that but the companies like changed now and it's like more it's not the same anymore so they don't have a lot of these titles anymore so a lot of these things these budget ones they release like shorter the corn three the children the corn series here have all gone out of print I think like Jersey girl like the Kevin Smith movie that's a really rare one this one I found in this video store you know it's really really like messed up video store but Karen black movie here called children of the night it's actually pretty cool when I'm ever watching that one's a kid get always getting creeped out by it this other one of course you know clown house this was one of those ones I was lucky to get because it um it was like a circle it's Saturday matinee which is long gone but they used to always put movies out early and this movie got pulled from the shelves like before it got released because there's all kind of bats over this director and everything and what happened on this movie so you know MGM ended up pulling this release but I ended up getting it you know just for whatever it costs when it was brand new so like I don't know what it was like twenty dollars or whatever when it first came out but that's when you sometimes come across that one I came across a loose disc of that as well this is another one I've talked about a lot really really great TV movie here and this was released by wild I releasing it was an early one I think probably the first or second release that they put out this was a TV movie hopefully somebody like scream factory releases this down the line because this is an amazing TV movie it's very sits in the same director something happened so he did it like uncredited but the same director who did bad Ronald which is one of my top favorite movies ever which is actually gonna be coming to blu-ray finally from the Warner Archive this is one now this is out of print but there's gonna be a 4k of this coming out but this edition still will be out of print the Twilight Times Christine this is a TV series that John Waters hosted I think this was on like truTV or something like that and this was all about like um murders and everything it was kind of like reenactments and he was the host of this this is a really rare one to come across the director of um Jeff Lieberman just before dawn he was like the producer on this one and there's been a lot of other additions of Darla did I have so many different ones like I have up here the zombie edition here which has the 4k one and then this one the film with Tiny Tim blood harvest that's out of print as well that's from 88 films that end up getting like pooled because like the director didn't like this title so the guys come across that one as well it's not an amazing movie but Tiny Tim is so cool in that movie like like the way he's singing sings these crazy songs and he's just so over the top and he's not really an actor and he just has this really creepiness but you guys ever come across that one definitely get that there's also the dawn of the dead one there I guess and there's stuff all over the place in this room that's how to print the old DVD but like I said these old Anchor Bay ones out of print I'm hoping though shout factory you know scream factory one of them releases this you know Ultimate Edition down the line I think this one might be out of print the actual release I don't know for sure I know the slipcover is Day of the Dead that's probably my most watched of the Romero wolf films I don't know why I just something about that one and I know that you know they made the remake of it the Day of the Dead remake was okay like you know the bloodline one I haven't you know anything the remake lives with these I have like same a--the day there too contagion which is terrible but I still I don't know anything with that series I always liked this one though I know is out of print and I just a lot of different things about prices of this one deadly eyes this is one of the really early scream factory releases like one of their some of their one of the first ones this killer Donnell movie dolly dearest I know this one is I'm pretty certain is out of print like I said I may be going across a number of other ones that are out of print like I this like don't deliver us from evil might be out of print death game I think that might be it's so so hard to know there's so many different ones here and so hard to go through all of them of course Dead Alive and I still actually have this one C order this one was ones I bought at Walmart they had like a stand in the front of like new releases and this one um I got it for like $8 just something really really cheap this one the price of this is all over the place even the DVD of this is out of print as well of course Friday 13th this edition here and I have the tin somewhere as well I on the Shelf but this is out of print because like they rerelease a lot of these but there's been so many like rights issues with these and the later sequels we've not been re-released again but this has all of them together so our really really great set so want some of those movies I really want to go and re-watch them the games I haven't seen some of them in years another one of the out of print ones from echo bridge is these Hellraiser sequels like I said all all these um echo bridge ones have been very rare now like there's if you come across them always check the prices of these of course like I said with me I don't resell these things I've talked about that in the past I just keep these for myself but I always I don't like to pay out of print prices I like to come across them for you know you know low prices and like you stores or thrift stores and that kind of stuff that's to me is always cool this edition of the howling is out of print with it with this particular slipcover and this is one of those movies to that you never hear about and it's become like totally forgotten grandmother's house and I remember this is from a weird company called a mega entertainment like they've been been gone and they always had like sort of a cheapness to the way that's looked on the back like even when this was first came out I thought I had a kind of a cheap kind of quality to their releases but a really really crazy movie always like this we watch this one so many times hopefully it's one of those ones I feel like maybe vinegar syndrome would release I don't know I really cool if they did this is one of the other early early scream factory releases for the funhouse another one that I've watched so many times such a great movie Fright Night the 30th anniversary Twilight time edition this one here is out of print probably you know one of one of them really really not not my all-time favorite vampire movie my favorite vampire movies probably tied with Lost Boys in near dark like those ones it's really hard to say I saw something about this being out of print killer mermaid I don't know for sure I know this edition here of Jack Rost is out of print with the the the slipcover here changing like this this is a really really fun movie another one that I watched you know you know as a kid all the time and then in here too there's a couple other random ones like these are not out of print but sometimes think that prices of these can be kind of crazy if you're not getting them from the actual cold-read website to get them from the Colegrove website they're much cheaper like just before dawn and a lot of their releases so make sure you get them from them directly because they're much cheaper this one that's really pricey really one of the super pricey slipcovers life-force there there's a new steelbook of that that came out but that actual slipcover though is real sought-after another one I can't believe is an out on blu-ray link there's a movie that um at this crazy killer monkey movie sorry Elizabeth sue another one I always really liked this is a great ice-cream man movie mr. ice cream man it's like shot on video and it's super super cheesy but I love it it's like it's one of those so bad it's good kind of movies murder rock which i believe is gonna be coming out I might have heard like scorpion releasing or something is gonna be putting this one out but this was a really cool one Lucio Fulci moon with really good music as well another one you don't hear about much is something weird release so I have a feeling this would probably get a blurry release because some of the something weird titles have been coming out lately but this crazy guy who's like killing people and then you know serving up them in his restaurant I mean this is another salt after one of my Bloody Valentine the original film and some of these ones aren't opened you know what I mean like if I come across one that is you know opened for cheap like nothing I'll you know finally be able to watch it again but at some point I am gonna open it up Motel hell this slipcover version another one this is movie that I've watched so many times absolutely love that movie just an amazing film a night of the comet this slipcover edition is out of print like I said you can still find the actual blu-rays but not the slipcovers and the slipcovers themself versions are this is another one I cannot believe is still not on blu-ray the director recently came back and did family called fender bender and he's been doing movies again like he's does some really great stuff this is a night flyer sorry Miguel fewer who passed away about two years ago but it was always a huge fan of him he was an amazing character actor and this is about this guy who's going and killing people in this little plane this really creepy character but it's a really really scary movie some of the other ones here I'm gonna show this cover here but porno Holocaust that's a rare one to come across this one polish or actually just posted about this one on Instagram phantom of a mall and this was filming that now torn down Sherman Oaks Galleria because they this was redone but the original mall they felt like shopping mall in there and a number of other movies this is about a killer in a mall and another one I always like this crew guy who got burned in a fire and then what Knutson was like killing people off in this mall that was getting ready to open pin another one that I always liked as well return Living Dead this is one of the early scream factory ones as well this particular slipcover is rare this vinegar center one I'm so happy to have it's like an horrific movie this is a vinegar syndrome release but there was like a rights issue with the movie savage water so that one you know isn't available anymore but it's like such a horrible horrible movie but like amazing like one of those like amazing horrible films Stepford Wives which I feel like this is gonna have to get a blu-ray release very soon it's it seems like that would definitely one that would be ticks this is an ala film's release this one was one of the few our films ones that went out of print and is really really expensive and this is like you know with what's in this tournament was in here it was I'm totally blanking out on who was in this I don't know why I'm blanking out on it cuz I was gonna show mr. ice cream man no it's Clint Howard you know Clint Howard stars in this and he is so over the top and this and it's like I'm infested and it was great but he's like Giant Killer tix with this keep these kids on this camping trip this is actually coming to blu-ray I'm gonna preorder this soon but it's still overpriced on there it's like 30 bucks but he knows releasing this on blu-ray trilogy of terror another really really good Karen black TV movie Twilight Zone the movie this one some of the parent movie this one wasn't paramount but I think we release it I don't know for sure but the Twilight Zone movie that one's out of print same with all the slipcovers of the sleepaway camp films all three of these movies and other films that I've watched so many times as well - this is one of my favorite arrow releases ever just love the look of this this particular edition is out of print for the Film Society up here though this is one of the really rare out of print things I have this is the Edition here sorry it's fall now this is the Edition here of 30 I think it was 47 meters down but this originally released and then it got pulled from the shelves and then we started Mandy Moore and there's gonna be a seeker that's coming out but it was originally called into the deep and this is the original DVD of this and I never actually watched the DVD of this so I always wondered if like anything was different with the Edit of this movie I don't know for sure some of the other things I hear this is go really weird Mac on the middle edition I had that was like a screen or something for TV I found at a thrift store but up here though there's some other kind of more obscure things like a lot of people don't know this is released this is the peanut butter solution this is the Canadian edition and it's actually on blu-ray but it's kind of like I think you can get it easier now but it was like released in Walmart's in Canada and I know it's like one of my all-time favorite movies this has like the DVD and the blu-ray but it's a Canadian release of that one and some of these other things like the toads King I'm pretty sure some of these arrow ones are you know limited edition ones and I think they're out of print on necromantic - I think might I don't know for sure if some of these are like the American horror project the Hellraiser 3 movie set you know George Romero set like I said I think some of these might be I'm not a hundred percent certain on that so I'm not gonna say for sure I know though the Donnie Darko collection here from arrow video I know that one is out of print and I think this 4k of Texas Chainsaw Massacre might be out of print I know the house set is I don't have the house formally said I have all four of the movies these are the UK releases those are though region free ones I have a whole lot of different arrow video ones kind of mixed in here and a lot of like I said a lot of those sets have gone out of print you know since they first came out the limited edition versions of them but you can still get the standard editions a lot of these ones but the limited ones are the ones that usually go out of print pretty quick but up here though this is one of the ones the arrow ones I know is out of print this is the re-animator set really cool set here and then a couple other random things up here I don't know for sure I believe this killer Klowns Edition here is out of print but there's a whole lot of mix things in here like some of vinegar syndrome stuff like sex world is that a print I believe the Videodrome set there is out of print and then up here is like a whole bunch of mishmash of like some of the new stuff that I've gotten recently but like I said it's hard to know for sure every single thing that is but like I like randomly like um I do know though some of those ones like that are out of print like I said let me know below some the other ones that you guys know some other really good out of print once you guys ever come across these ones for a good price sometimes you find these ones though not in the actual tins East they're like this you're come across them and I've seen them this way but these 10 things originally when these came out I believe the reason why - they're so rare was these were only in originally in the Disney stores I remember having to buy them in the Disney stores and they were really expensive I think they were like 50 bucks or something when they came out something like that these came out I don't know exactly what year it was it was like I can't I cannot say for sure exactly when they came out but I have like there are really good like archival footage they had some for Zorro and other ones as well but I'm always been a fan of Disney and like Disney World Disneyland and this was all like on Tomorrowland Disneyland secrets stories and magic this was Disneyland that has like some footage from the opening day a lot of times when you see those like people when they have clips of Disneyland or on the features on the blu-rays and stuff showing like early Disney footage they came from these sets is where they have these things and this one is like behind the scenes of Walt Disney Studios these are really cool kind of dust on them but really really cool ones if you ever come across these ones cheap they're definitely ones I would recommend picking up but they're usually like places charged for the fur a lot of these like 50 to 100 bucks and like the Zorro one is 120 so they're all kind of all over the place and these ones though you never you don't see a much you really don't much anymore like I said if you do you usually don't see the tins and over here though of course all of the are you for the darks these Canadian releases here these were all the Canadian editions I remember like when these are first coming out there I had like there was some of the first times I ordered anything from The Canadian Amazon and like I was always like up on like every couple months when these were releasing they're out as well in the US but on these burn on demand releases which I don't really like those editions but if you guys ever come across these ones these are really really cool ones the only ones that it's in print is like the freaky favorites edition which I think I have over here behind these things let me see if I can get it out here this is the one that is freaky favorites one which was actually released in Walmart's in the US as well for some reason this was like the only one they came out in America this freaky favorites which heads like episodes I think they were all from the later season but the last seasons of the show but these are some of my favorite ones that I have like and this is also my favorite shows ever like I know goosebumps and stuff I liked as well but that was course like my favorite though afraid of the dark and they're actually gonna be bringing that back in some form on Nickelodeon eerie Indiana this is another one you know it's not super pricey but you don't come across this anymore but an amazing show like favorite like childhood shows of course though all these unsolved mysteries are really rare to come across I know they're up on Amazon now you can watch them I don't know if they sometimes they like chains around the openings and stuff like that but these ones I know were the original ones I think the reason why these are so hard to get is I believe they are like only in Walmart when they first came out or that was one of the main places I remember seeing them and like it's weird though like it drives me crazy because one of them called the bizarre murders one I know I bought it I remember buy it when I first came out and I have not seen it in probably 10 11 12 years so I don't no idea what happened to it the UFO one that's a pretty common one though this is a really good one if you come across it the best of month solve mysteries because this has like some of the best of episodes in this one and it's like the best pride collection if you can climb that one for cheap some of the other ones in here and I know one here though there's a whole lot of other ones but I'm trying to just like mention the ones that are coming to mind you know here's another one though treehouse hostages I know this jim Varney one is out of print here which is um a really obscure jim Varney film you know who played Ernest and the Ernest films but actually a fun like one of his later films before he passed away but this is a fun ridiculous movie of course camp ghoul manga is one of my favorite out of print ones I even when I even talked about this one and my happy deathday parody if you guys never saw that I love this movie it's another TV film and it was made and it has a whole lot of the kids from the ABC you know TGIF shows at the time so it's kind of cool to get them all together in them in camp and you know Jaleel White is in here like doing this amazing rap song another one of my favorite movies that people really don't like that much but I love this movie watch this movie so many times dr. Jekyll and mrs. Hyde and that's one of the one of the companies to the HBO video some of them can be really really pricey and out of print and then some of the HBO releases can be super common so not all of the HBO ones are rare clifford is also out of print as well it's not a super pricey one I'm hoping this comes to blu-ray though I feel I feel like um Akeno or something might release this and some of those movies - I feel like when it first came out people gave it a lot of crap and I feel like in the recent years more people have embraced this and really understood like how amazing this is like the weird comedy and the fact Martin Short who's like 40 playing like an eight-year-old kid I think he's supposed to be eight or ten something like that is the weirdest thing in the world because they wanted like Macaulay Culkin and all these other people and they all passed on this so there's how Martin Short do it but just an amazing movie I've probably one of my most watched movies of all time little monsters which I think I heard that shout factors lacing this I'm not hundred percent certain though but um and this is out of print the us DVD but don't bother with that one anymore honestly if you come across it because you can get the UK blu-ray pretty cheap and it's a region-free release so there's no region locking on it and it's got deleted scenes and all kinds of stuff so that one you come across that you know if it's really cheap you can get it but it's in full screen the DVD of that and this is amazing transfer on its widescreen and everything Ewok adventures these are other favorite ones I'd watch growing up as a kid I know they're not amazing or perfect or anything but I think I like them a lot more because I watch them as a kid and this is one of my other favorite ones here a comedy one this is you never hear about this movie starring Keanu Reeves called the Prince of Pennsylvania knife and this one for only one dollar it's one of the image entertainment ones a lot of those ones to have gone out of print but not all of them so always check the price of these but this is like a really weird movie I think he did this because you know Bill and Ted took a while to come out I think he did this around the same time like right before or right after but a really amazing movie you never hear about in a super super rare one so this one here under wraps is another one I found for $1 was really happy to find this this one has like a different cover as well this is one of the early Disney Channel original movies but there's an alternate cover for this one as well I like this one on it though but another one that's really rare like I said another this is also an echo bridge release but one you never come across but lucky enough that was when I found for a dollar as well the same time I found prints of Pennsylvanians and these are some other really obscure things that I have that I don't feel like anyone has these the TV show The Surreal Life is I used to love this show especially this season that you know this has season one and season two especially the one with Tammy Faye Bakker at Vanilla Ice and ron jeremy that was like my favorite of that series I think it went for like four or five seasons something like this but you never come across these and they were in like really weird cases so I had to take them and put them like into their own actual things see they're really poorly put together the way I did it but they were in this set that was like a really odd box I think you had to order these because they don't even have a UPC code on them I'm pretty sure I remember ordering these from like they had like a website or something you guys could get these from but like I said you never and these are not bootlegs these were real actual releases that they sold these are some of those things I feel like I've never seen anyone show in their collections are like super obscure ones I don't know what they're worth but I never ever see them and that's definitely a pretty obscure one if you guys somehow came across those ones highly would recommend those ones for sure I'm pretty sure swampthing the series is another one you don't see too much and over here with the actual blu-rays which is kind of a mix of like comedies dramas all together I don't know if too many out of print ones like I said in the comments below let me know some ones that you guys know about so that I can like um you know some people know in the comments that you guys have this particular one is out of print this Beetlejuice one it has a CD sampler and this really cool than ticular combo cover here I think this was like I feel like it was like a Best Buy exclusive or something but I always really loved that one you never come across that this one dog my is out of print here and the blu-ray isn't I mean the DVD of this one I think there's like a deluxe edition which is kind of obscure to come across papillion this one here is out of print as well because it's like the the digibook here it's the remake of this is coming out with Remy Malick which I'm interested in seeing I looked at the trailer though it just sort of seems like the same thing again I don't know I really loved that the original movie though this one's surprising is that a print Mean Girls some of the Paramount ones check the prices of these ones guys cuz some of these ones have gone out of print but some of them though the early early ones I've had like odd playback issues like I met for like the first ever release ones I don't know why for like um I don't know event horizon I think I had one with but it was really sporadic though I know wow did Hart hear this Twilight I'm one is out of print this one the new edition this is coming out soon though the shout factory shout select one but this particular one is out of print and what probably one of my favorite David Lynch ones you don't hear about too often of course will oh this one is out of print if you guys ever come across this one and I'm lucky enough to have the one of this one with it with the slipcover I think this went out of print because it's one of the you know movies that George Lucas produced and it I think it did when they like changed over or something like that with Disney buying the films and I don't know if they bought this one something like that and I also do forget to mention though about these are out of print both the Ace Ventura films the one thing though that's a shame though even though it says it on here includes the additional scene it's not on this it's like that additional CMAs like one of my favorite scenes ever of Ace Ventura when he goes in the tank and each starts doing that really weird voice like okay like you have to but that was cut from this and it really is a shame hopefully down the line this comes out again on blu-ray or maybe 4k and they put that scene in it cuz I love that scene that was like one of my favorite things so that was the only way I ever saw I don't I don't think I saw this movie in theaters the first one I know I saw the second one but I don't think I saw the first one in theaters so hopefully one day they released that one I still have the DVD though of the movie so at least I can see it that way so here though guys that's all for my out of print DVD blu-ray video like I said pretty much just went through found a lot of the ones that I know that are out of print I know for sure that I missed some so let me know in the comments below though any out of print DVDs blu-rays I don't think there's any out of print for Ches though but any out of print DVDs blu-rays box sets or anything like that you know that you guys know about let me know below some of those ones as well but anyway though guys thanks so much for watching subscribing and I'll see you guys later
Channel: coolduder
Views: 65,257
Rating: 4.7878313 out of 5
Keywords: Out of Print Dvds, Out of print Blu-ray, Out of Print, Out of Print Blu rays, Scream Factory, Shout Factory, Arrow Video, 88 Films, Slipcovers, Limited Edition, Unboxing, Unboxing Video, Steelbooks, Horror, Horror Movies, Zombies, Remakes, Review, Reviews, Movie Reviews, Coolduder, Vhs Collection, Dvd Collection, Blu-ray Collection, Collector, Steelbook collection, Rare, Valuable, Blu-ray Reviews, Dvd Reviews, Disney Tins, Disney Dvds, Star Wars, 4K Ultra HD, Rare Blu-rays, oop
Id: 5Sx22MIcloI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 0sec (1860 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 19 2018
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