unbox, organize, & decorate with me | JULY+AUGUST UNBOXINGS

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hey everyone it's me again brittany and i'm here today at a different angle to do my fairyloot and owlcrate unboxings i don't know i wanted to switch things up i just wanted to have fun with these unboxings and i came up with like an idea to not solely make it about the unboxings i guess for the videos because editing those i hate doing honestly even though i love unboxing so i figured it could be fun to do a more like fluid style of it where i unbox everything in a box in one go and then talk about the products after i'm done i'm not sure this might this might be terrible it might be great but i thought it could be a little bit more cohesive it could cut down on my cheddar chatter because we all know we chatter a lot and it might just be entertaining i also wanted to mix this video a little bit with like organizing slash putting up like some of my halloween decorations because we are officially in october so this is a mishmash kind of video hopefully it's fun i don't know how i don't know how i'm gonna edit this we'll figure that out after especially considering i have a whole other unboxing video that i have half edited and never posted that would have to go up before this so we have it we have a task to do today but i have here the july and august boxes i believe for owlcrate and fairyloot i am a rep for both of these companies which means basically that i get their boxes every single month just to unbox for myself there's no monetary compensation aligned with it but i unbox them and review them for you guys and we all have a good time and then they also both have given me discount codes that you guys can use on their websites they apply for like different things so definitely check down in my description below i link the websites i link my discount code and i'm not sure what else there is to say i again have the july and august ones i also have my september fairy loot but i don't have the september owlcrate yet so we're gonna hold on that one and then down here i have a special edition box which this one is i believe the from blood and ash box from fairy loot which i bought with my own money so i'm very excited about that okay i guess let's just kind of let's get into it i think that i'm gonna listen to an audiobook while i unbox is that weird i don't know i'm listening to arsenic and adobo and i'm really liking it so far oh yeah my lighting keeps going in and out so that's gonna be fun to deal with because it's a rainy day today in vegas clouds the sun went away again i'm gonna start with i think both of the boxes from july for owlcrate and fairyloot and then we'll talk about them yeah i think that's a good flow this is i got this for my birthday and it's probably my favorite birthday gift i never thought i'd be into a box cutter you know i'm a knife kind of gal this box cutter love her [Music] i love you god [Music] [Music] um [Music] this is really cute [Music] like opening this up oh my god it's bright again [Music] oh dark academia it's exciting [Music] it's unlucky okay [Music] what [Music] i want oh my god i wanted this so bad [Music] so these were some good boxes uh right off the bat let's go for the owlcrate one first so the theme for the month was potions and poisons and this was the little spoiler card it's just this cute little like you know witch reaching for her potions and poisons we don't know and this box was really really good so the book for the box was this poison heart by kalyn baeron and i actually had seen this this is a book that i've been looking forward to it has like just a really saturated version of the cover versus the original version and then it's obviously signed and then we have a beautiful little like rose foil design on the actual hardcover and the most stunning just like cottage core style witchy little room with just tons of plants everywhere so let me read you a summary is it weird that i'm starting with a book i just feel like you already saw me open it you know i don't know so strange magic blooms behind a poison gate brisay has a gift with a single touch she can grow plants from tiny seeds to rich blooms when bersay's aunt dies and wills her a dilapidated estate in rural new york brie and her parents hope that surrounded by plants and flowers she will finally learn to control her gift but their new home is sinister in ways they never expected it comes with a mysterious set of instructions a walled garden filled with the deadliest botanicals in the world and generations of secrets there is more to breeds sudden inheritance than she could have imagined and she is determined to uncover it from the best-selling author of cinderella is dead i don't know like kind of half thriller half fun witchy time seems more thrillery to me after reading the summary but i originally assumed it was gonna be way more just like a cottage core vibe then let's just go over the things in the box so the first thing is the owlcrate tbr jar so that's what they want you to do with this that was designed by lykan and limestone with vintage apothecary aesthetics and it's beautiful it came in this like stunning box which you guys know i keep my boxes and then it's just like a porcelain fake apothecary style jar and i'm obsessed because it's called a bibliophile brew like like brittany the blue file i'm just saying it says curses readers blocks take one with experiencing literary and decisiveness and then it says let owlcrate apothecary decide your fictional fate i actually think this is really cute and i've been thinking about starting a bit of a tbr jar besides the fact that this is going to look amazing as halloween decoration on my shelves and in general i actually might use it for what they want us to use it for following the apothecary theme we actually have a bubble elixir from fiction bath co and it's watermelon and clementine and it's just a really pretty like apothecary style bottle that i'm assuming it's just bubbles yeah bubble bath i tried to sniff it because i'm starting to smell a lot more but like i smell like one in ten things i swear i can smell like the watermelon and soap i have no other way to describe it like the things that i do smell are so strange so it probably doesn't smell like that but i'm into it either way because i love bubble baths i like baths in general i wasn't sure what this was at all but it's called fenburne's fatal frozen delicacies and it's apparently like a popsicle maker and holder so it's a popsicle mold and then you it was designed by paper back bones so you create popsicles in this and then you can like eat it straight out of it almost like an otter pop which i think is pretty cool because i love otter pops so i'll i mean i feel like all you'd really have to do is freeze some juice right i have orange juice i can try this out later it may be october and vegas but trust me i'm dying of heat still so then we have this really cute little hand sanitizer holder and it comes with the bottle already inside the one that would fit this little holder so i'm assuming you just unscrew it and fill it with whatever hand sanitizer you use so i thought that was really cool i actually have been like anchoring these to every purse that i use regularly just because i don't know i just i like to stay clean i guess oh yeah so they just said that in general it's a bottle keychain and it was created by blissfully bookish co and that if you want to stick with medicinal vibes so just filling it with hand sanitizer that's honestly what i assumed it was made for but i guess i just saw the shape you could put lotion in it too i guess ah that actually would be really helpful then this is so cute we got a little enamel bookmark that was designed by herber real and it is like one of those chain bookmarks and it has like a drink me drink and an eat me cookie from alice in wonderland how do you guys feel about like chain like bookmarks because i feel mixed about the whole thing i don't i don't know why i just feel like i never this was never my favorite form of a bookmark but the more i think about it the more i think this is actually so easy and i don't know why i had so much against it i don't know let me know this one's really cute though so i think maybe i don't like them because i don't know how to store them you know like when they're not in a book how do you store them you can't put them up in a mug like i do with most of mine not sure and then we have this lovely little tapestry cloth tapestry that has poison garden los lagos with tons of pretty just flowers and plants and like their i guess scientific apothecary style names but it's created with amy mac illustration and it is considered a tea towel inspired by labyrinth lost i never use these as actual tea towels i just think that they're cuter as tapestries if you guys never knew what you wanted to use it for either if you didn't like tea towels i suggest tapestries i'm going to use the sesame tapestry in my halloween decorations in this room i just feel like it it fits the vibe i'm going for an apothecary vibe so this was a very appropriate box for that we just have the little enamel pin that goes along with the book and it's really cool it looks like an elixir with like an anatomical heart inside and keys crisscrossing through it and it was made in collaboration with icy designs as for the extras that there was in here there is a little pamphlet for defy the night by bridget kimmer i haven't heard of that but i'm out of the loop and then we have obviously the pamphlet which has as usual like the interview with the author the original cover versus the one that they gave us an interview with a vendor some more book recommendations and the spotify playlist which is within the poison garden so if you want to scan that here is that for you the theme for next month is going to be dark academia which i'm so excited about because like i said that's kind of like the whole vibe that i want for my halloween decorations because most of mine are still in storage that's what we're gonna be going for i don't know if i'm in focus let's move on over to the fairy loot box oh i feel like it's pretty obvious but my favorite item in owlcrate was this jar it's so high quality and it's really pretty i like it a lot it's it's handy too so now for fairy loot the theme is tales we're told and it has this just stunning like asian inspired artwork she's just beautiful it looks ethereal the book inside of this one very in line with this spoiler card which by the way bookmark is six crimson cranes by elizabeth lim this was actually on my most anticipated books for the year originally i'm not sure if it was in the video but this is one that i've been anticipating all year and look at these sprayed edges like what the heck right and then it's the special edition cover and i do like the original cover quite a bit just thought i'd throw that out there i think it's really stunning but this is also very very pretty uh it has artwork on the reverse of the dust jacket and foiling on the actual hard cover is so so beautiful so it's just stunning and then obviously signed by the author as well right here and let me just read you the summary it says shioriyanma the only princess of kiara has a secret forbidden magic runs in her veins and on the morning of her betrothal ceremony she already loses control at first her mistake seems like a stroke of luck for stalling the wedding she never wanted but it also catches the attention of raykama her stepmother a sorceress in her own right raykama banishes the young princess turning her brothers into cranes and warning shiori that she must speak of it to no one for with every word that escapes her lips one of her brothers will die penny lists voiceless and alone she already searches for her brothers and uncovers a dark conspiracy to seize the throne only shiori can set the kingdom to rights but to do so she must place her trust in a paper bird a mercurial dragon and the very boy she fought so hard not to marry and she must embrace the magic she's been taught all her life to contain no matter what it costs it just it sounds so cool i remember when i first heard the summary for this i didn't know the plot line of her brothers being turned into cranes and every word she speaks killing one of them so that is really it's really cool i'm very excited about this and then we do have just like a little character print with the letter from the author on the back let's just talk uh about the other stuff in the box as well first and foremost i want to talk about the book sleeve this is so cool fairy loot tends to make really nice book sleeves and i think it's actually really cool because it definitely protects the book more but it's so stunning it's actually just artwork from what's it called i'm blanking from what's it called you know what's it called from oh yeah from the spin the dawn series and it was actually made in collaboration with rosie thorns88 which i saw i love rosie thorne's artwork it's like papercraft i i want one of her pieces one day i am very excited to have it printed on a book sleeve for now and then we do have a little character print with like some foiling on it and this is from the star touch queen series by roshini shakshi i didn't catch that right away i don't know why i imagined her with like straight black hair that's on me you know you know when you get like an idea of what a character looks like in your head and then you just like are very persistent to believe that that's exactly how they're supposed to look like she's stunning she's beautiful i love her i don't know where i got the straight black hair from but that's that's just how i imagined her this is still really pretty i don't want you to think that i don't like it i do i'm just having a time coming to terms with my beliefs being incorrect and that's okay that's okay as long as i can accept it then we also have an umbrella in here which i debated opening but uh ultimately i'm too superstitious i can't bring that bad luck on myself and it's just like a cool like deck of cards style umbrella i'm sure that it's based off of oh what's it called it's red and black is it behind me what's it called you know it actually might be right here yep heartless so based off of the heartless of heartless the book which is based off of alice in wonderland it's like the origin story of the red queen or the queen of hearts we also have some cinderella is dead socks i still haven't read that and it's actually interesting now that i know that this poison heart is written by the same author but i do like fairy loot socks they're really thick and nice this is good for like sleep in my opinion or like a really big pair of boots but they're a little bit too big for me to wear with boots they'll like rub around i have smaller feet i guess now the most exciting part for me from this box is definitely this tin it's it's a sarah j mass inspired tin i'm assuming uh like a court of thorns and roses inspired yep and it was designed with chatty nora and it's so so stunning it just it's like a beautiful soft blue it has like a moon on the top and the quote that they chose for the back is be glad of your human heart pity those who don't feel anything at all which is a great quote and then if you open it there's the little bat wings i just i love these tins i still haven't really found a great use for them keep rings in them i just want to find like a crafty kind of way to like to use this like the craft thing that i have in my book room normally that would go well in these but i haven't found it yet i don't know maybe i should put those string bookmarks in there who knows still i love it you guys know i'm a huge fan of record thorns and roses so then we have the two tarot cards for the month which are king of wands and queen of wands and they are inspired by caraval and that's honestly you look at them and they look like carabao characters but when i first was reading the spoiler card i read that these were inspired by cinderella is dead and i was like that's that can't be right but i'd been i'd been reading the above line that had to do with the socks so that's on me oh my god it's getting like hot hot in here i might have to turn on the fan before we go into the next set of boxes let's talk about the fairy scoop real quick it just has feels thicker than usual the interview with the author the exclusive details of the book that we got and then the theme for the month of august which is love struck i won't read you the details of what's in lovestruck because obviously we're about to open it and then like i said we're gonna be organizing all this at the end and i find that satisfying so i hope you do too because otherwise this video might be very boring for you sorry i'm gonna get water now for this pile over here i kind of like to listen to my audiobook while it went so i'm gonna do that again [Music] oh it's an arc wait this work is so cute [Music] oh this is cute i like this better than the other one i'm gonna change [Music] [Music] okay he looks just like reese i don't care what you're saying and he looks like roman i'm just saying i'm a treat oh my god i love this [Music] that's true i think this is earrings [Music] cute [Music] i love that [Music] you want my hands on it i wanted this oh my god you're flipping it i started with the fairy loot box this time around for no particular reason i just felt like it it is missing one thing my box anyways i'm not sure if all of them are and maybe it's corrected in like their following box like they have done in the past the theme for the month is love struck and it's just a really cute couple then the things that are in here that i did get are really cool we got an arc in this one and it's after love by tonya byrne i know barely anything about this except for the tagline right here that says not even death will tear them apart and the stunning colors i love this like dark dark navy blue and like violet indigo kind of no no violet definitely violet color with like this dark pink it just looks so good together so let's read the back it says car headlights the last thing ash hears is the snap of breaking glass as the windscreen hits her and shatters into a million pieces like stars but she made it she's still here or is she this new year's eve ash gets an invitation from the afterlife she can't decline to join a clan of fierce girl reapers to take the souls of the city's dead to await their fate but ash can't forget her first love poppy and she will do anything to see her again even if it means they only get a few more days together dead or alive which sounds really good sounds like great read for october just saying like romantic but also spooky love it that was the first thing then there's a little pencil case that says the world is wild with untamed things by amanda joy i like the shape of this one it just feels a little bit more belled out but that could be my imagination it just is really pretty really high quality the zipper is awesome i think that fairyloot just always has very high quality items in their boxes quote is from a river of royal blood we have a little pin in one of these cute little bags which you know i keep and it's a stamp pin by filfeira moon designs which i love i love her pin company i have a few pins from her that i've bought um so it's really cool to see her or teamed up with fairyloot and it's a caraval pin i love these stamp style pins ever since what was it that was doing this blissfully bookish maybe they had like a whole year of like stamp pins destination pins is what they call them and i've been obsessed with that style ever since but it was only four like subscribers at the time so they don't have them still for sale i never got any the tarot cards as well are carabao so they're uh scarlet and angel not angel was that the other guy i'm not sure i need a refresh on this but it's the ace of pentacles and the two of pentacles and i actually really like how glowy these ones look there's a pin flag in this one and i love the coloring on this i honestly thought it was going to be inspired by uh what's that city brass but like the uk editions but it's actually not it's inspired by violet delights so these violet delights by chloe gong and it's just stunning i feel like i want to switch out one of my pin flags now that i have up there just for this one because i think that this is just much more my aesthetic so i'm a big user of the pin flags i actually i enjoy them i've recently put all my pins onto flags and it just looks so cool to look at nevermind that's a different topic and it's created by blanca design now let's just talk about the things that came in the bag so obviously we have the bookmark that matches up with the spoiler card very cute we have a character print from the character in the book and the letter from the author and we have the book itself which stunning book like the orange with like the little suns that remind me of tangled on the sprayed edges i'm into this whole like autumn feel it gives me a sorcery of not sorcery of thorns what was the other book that she wrote by margaret rodgerson an enchantment of ravens it just give me those vibes because that has to do with like a fae autumn prince okay so when you open it up obviously it is signed by the author which is really cool and then it's stunning on the inside like the way that they did the stenciling with that just dark orange i feel like i'm gonna end up leaving this book naked it's just so so pretty and then the artwork on the verse of the dust jacket and it probably has more to do with the artists themselves but you're gonna tell me that those two boys those two those two like elvish fish boys do not remind you of rowan and resand because they remind me of them they remind me of them that could just be i don't know my bias so let's read the summary so it says go to the sealy court find the queen's secret portal to enter the most dangerous place in ferry find my sister and rescue her from her power hungry king child's play bree would do anything before making a deal with the fae death is preferable to the vicious schemes but when her sister is taken by the sadistic king of the unseelie court there is nothing brie wouldn't do to get her back including making a deal with the king himself to steal three magical relics from the rival sealy court gaining unfettered access to the sealy court is easier said than done bree's only choice is to pose as a potential bride for prince ronan i didn't know that that was going to be a thing but reminds me of someone else the sealy prince who's not quite as wicked as she once thought unwilling to let her heart distract her she accepts help from a band of unsealing misfits with their own secret agenda but as brie spends time with her mysterious leader finn she finds him she finds herself struggling to resist his seductive charm caught between two dangerous courts brie must decide who to trust with her loyalty and with her heart i'm sure it's all a coincidence you know but it's just a funny coincidence and i'm just biased so it does sound good though it sounds like something that when i'm in a fantasy mood again it's gonna be one of the first things i pick up and then we have the interview with lexi ryan which is the author and then the details of our exclusive book and then the theme for the month of september which is going to be uprising looks really good i like the cover art for that so my favorite thing in this box was definitely the pin flag sorry hands down so the thing that i am missing in this one which i'm not sure if like everyone is but it's the literary tray which is fine because i i wouldn't use it right now anyways probably but it is done by stella bookishart and has a quote from cemetery boys which i feel like it would be really cute but now on to owlcrate and the theme again was dark academia this spoiler card is everything like i love like the school aesthetic i love this the skeletons and bones i don't know i think it's really cool i'm just gonna go in the order that it's on here in we have a book sleeve inspired by the raven boys designed by dre gomez it's a very stunning book sleeve very stunning artwork on it again i'm not the biggest fan of the raven boys i just never finished it for personal reasons not because i didn't like it i can still appreciate that this is really stunning artwork it's like your classic book sleeve just like cloth and floppy and open on the top then we have the collectible book tin that forensic and flowers was collaborated with in this is stunning this is i did not expect this to be in this box it's so beautiful it's the third edition which is white london which means that i think is it black london that's left is that what it's called i'm excited to see what they do with that one but this is so beautiful it's just white like how white london is supposed to be inspired with and then the book is the sunday king magic restored and then the red that they used bounces so perfectly off of the white and the inside quote is my favorite part because it says and then at last the world breathed in and i just this is this is everything like this is beautiful and then on the back it says on this ock which i don't remember that one was for either way i love this this is hands down my favorite book tin yet they keep one upping themselves so i'm really excited to see how the black one looks i feel like this might be my favorite though i just love how the white and the red look it reminds me of that planet in star wars you know the white planet with the cute little like arctic foxes and when you run up the dust it turns red i don't know it's really cool this had a lot of stuff in it uh we have an ellingham academy brew blended by riddles tea shop and it is a decaf brew that's gluten-free nut-free and dairy-free and it has like chamomile rose hips hibiscus apple pieces natural strawberry flavor natural vanilla strawberries and raspberry leaves reminds me of summer in all honesty so i'm excited to try it out i've been telling myself i want to drink more decaf things because i don't really use the things for caffeine anyways so i don't like the idea of decaf but it's just the idea of it not like the actual i love caffeine but it doesn't give me the caffeine feels if that makes sense a reading kit that was inspired by if we were villains and done in collaboration with paperback bones this is so cool it's like a little book and it says prospero at astra uh de leckard classical conservatory and then the back says we were always surrounded by books and words and poetry all the fierce passions of the world bound in leather and vellum it's very pretty i haven't read that book i feel like i'd really like it though and on the inside we have just little leaf papers a pen post-its and really cool like galaxy gray and white themed tabbies i think this is such a cool idea i wish that there was like a way to know that you could have refills of all of this stuff once you use it up i go through tabs pretty quickly but this idea is so cool just like have it all in one place and i just i like this a lot this is a really cool thing this is really cool this is cool we got a stamp and this was done in collaboration with little inkling designs i've always wanted a stamp that says like so it says from the library of and then you'll write in your own name but i do have ink and now i just kind of like want to stamp all of my favorite books this would be really good for uh journaling as well if you don't like putting things in your books i have officially gone over that hump but only if i really love the book now this thing this next thing i'm pretty sure it's what they talk about next really confused me until i completely pulled it out but it is a bookmark and it's like a very delicate metal bookmark done in collaboration with paperback bones and the quote is from the secret history i love this quote this is so accurate so it says it is better to know one book intimately than 100 superficially and i feel like that's such a good thing to hear being in like the bookish world so booktalk i'm assuming uh booktube like bookstagram it's all about like how much you're reading and have you read everything that is currently out yet and we like i don't know we don't stop to smell the roses or i don't anymore and i feel like that's where i'm trying to go back to in my roots and i just really liked seeing that quote because it's true it's such a different feeling to know one book backwards and forwards than to read a hundred that i barely remember the characters names of you know we're going on a journey we're going on a journey of a reading journey the actual bookmark itself is really pretty it gives me like greekish vibes just like with the artwork and stuff and then it has the same quote along the side and then the tassel i thought it was an ornament for a minute well okay when i first saw it the way that the metal ends made it look like earrings it's not earrings still don't know how to store this kind of bookmark either but that's fine that's for another time and now let's talk about the stuff that has to do with the book because i'm so excited about the book that came in this box that was all the things right yep and that's a lesson in vengeance by victoria lee this is the letter from the author and then we have book they changed the cover from like the dark purple to this beautiful white with like periwinkle flowers and this stunning like foily silver sprayed edges i am obsessed with it and i'm obsessed with it even more when you open it up because it's all black with like the silver and you know author page signature then when you see it naked it has like the ouija board thimble thing and the coolest part is i noticed that when you look at the reverse artwork on the dust jacket it's like another dust jacket so you could just flip it around if you wanted more of a dark aesthetic with this and i think that i will flip it around because as much as i love the beautiful white i love this this is such a cool idea i never want to take my dust jackets off completely from books so to have her like artwork on the reverse is really cool i just never want to hang it anywhere because then my book would be naked i feel like it would be neat to see it turn more into this where it's like just an alternate dust jacket that you can flip around as you please i think that could be something cool but i'm not sure you know i like that they did it oh let's let's read you the inside uh i've been looking forward to this book all year so i'm i'm hyped so it says felicity morrow is back at the dalaway school perched in the catskill mountains the centuries-old ivy covered campus was home until the tragic death of her girlfriend now after a year away she's returned to finish high school she even has her old room in godwin house the exclusive dormitory rumored to be haunted by the spirits of five dalloway students girls some say we're witches the dalloway five all died mysteriously one after another right on godwin grounds witchcraft is woven into dalloway's past the school doesn't talk about it but the students do in secret rooms and shadowy corners girls convene and before her girlfriend died felipe felicity felicity was drawn to the dark she's determined to leave that behind now but it's hard when dalloway's occult history is everywhere and when the new girl won't let her forget it's ellis haley's first year at delaway and she has already amassed a loyal following a prodigy novelist at 17 ellis is a so-called method writer she's eccentric and brilliant and felicity can't shake the poll she feels to her so when ellis asks felicity to help her research the dalaway 5 for her second book felicity can't say no given her history with the arcane felicity is the perfect resource and when history begins to repeat itself felicity will have to face the darkness in dalloway and in herself i expected this to be way more of like a school of witchcraft i didn't realize it was going to be a normal school that has like an occult kind of past that's really cool then the pin that goes along with it is this stunning like typewriter pin that says ex sciencia ultio and done with icy designs i just i love it so much it's the same quote that i think was on the ouija board thimble thing it's not a symbol but that's what i'm calling it and then we have the pamphlet which has the letter from the author the original book cover versus theirs uh the book recommendations an interview with a vendor and the spotify playlist which is the sunday king so and the theme for september is haunted hearts i'm so excited about that so that's it uh now normally that's kind of where we end it oh obviously this was my favorite thing this was my favorite thing in that box and in general i think but this owl could actually i'm sorry for you luke like i love them equally in different ways but how crate showed up this time i think that they just fit my aesthetic currently because i'm looking for apothecary style dark academia style things for decorations so it's not really fairyloot's fault um but yeah now we're gonna organize we're gonna organize all the stuff away there's tons of stuff in front of me and maybe put some things into my shelves i'm not sure if i want to do the full halloween decoration part i think that might be boring but who knows it might still happen so stay tuned i need more water though uh we're going to be organizing everything first into piles like paper craft stuff and things that go into like those drawers and things that go in the kitchen and the books themselves and then i'll bring out the binders that i use to organize everything into so that's what we shall start at and i'm gonna listen to my audiobook while it goes [Music] everything's organized into little piles but i always organize the books things that i like have set places for so like specifically this book 10 merch that i'm not really sure where it goes normally goes in drawers towards the end and then i always put the paper stuff into like the right sizing orders because i have different sleeves for different paper stuff so now let's just maybe get the pin step well now okay we'll do the the binder stuff with all the paper things at first so let me grab those this is one of the secret books from fairyloot that i keep all of the bookmarks in so we can just kind of toss those right in there get those out of the way and then we have like a million other binders we have my big boy binder we have my tarot card binder and we have my tall boys binder i guess that's i've never named them like this before but that's what they'll be called so yeah this one has i think four by six slots so i'll organize i'm running out of space in it honestly so i'll find some space and then put these ones away [Music] i used to try to be more organized about this but as i started to run out of space i kind of had to be a little bit more scattered and if you see like these these are actually ones that i made to fit this size so they always kind of like hang a little loose so i had to put it between everything honestly i'm gonna redo this one day so i guess for right now let me just put them away [Music] [Applause] [Music] i like keeping them like this because i know that whenever i do have like a more permanent place that i'm living i want to make like cool art walls in my book rooms and this will be very very helpful at that point so that's that she's bulging and the tarot card one is the easiest because it's always in the right order [Music] [Music] [Music] this is my owlcrate pin flag 2.0 uh i had another one but i filled it up completely so these are always the owlcrate monthly pins i just thought it was nice to keep them all together i don't know why makes sense in my head i guess [Music] [Music] perfect so that's all good until the next month's pin comes along oh my gosh i forgot about the fairyloot unboxing okay we'll do that in a moment i just want to get all this out of the way out of the way first and i do kind of want to use this pin flag for some of the pins especially like this one um i brought over some of mine that don't really have a home so we'll put that away and then i can hang it up [Music] this is kind of whatever i'm missing a lot of backings because i'm using them for disney pins because i misplaced all my disney pin backings and those got hung up recently this is as good as it's gonna get i think it's pretty cute though to kind of keep with like a gold theme and now because i've been kind of collecting paper craft things these get thrown into like any of the i'm gonna just sort away all of like the tiny bookish things into drawers and beer back so most everything is cleared away these are gonna be put on the shelf these i still don't know where to put and these i need to organize into the shelves really quick though i wanted to open this up these got shipped out pretty late because they were having i think supplier issues this is worth it oh my god these are so pretty the newest book the crown of gilded bones and they're supposed to be really stunning naked that's why i got them honestly i didn't even think they'd have dust jackets i thought this is what was gonna be on it but that's me maybe being dumb oh my goodness the edges from blood and ash oh my goodness whoa whoa whoa whoa a kingdom of flesh and fire why do they do this one differently and the other two the exact same well it goes like this i guess still odd right still beautiful like very very pretty i'm still very happy i got them i love how they look on the sides let's just move over to decorating the shelves [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] reaching [Music]
Channel: Brittany the Bibliophile
Views: 22,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: book, read, series, fiction, fantasy, young adult, manga, sci fi, contemporary, graphic novel, urban fantasy, recommend, review, audiobook, audible, libby, scribd, brittany the bibliophile, bibliophile, bookish, pretty, funny, fun, best, popular, summary, booktube, fairyloot, owlcrate, huge, unboxing, july, august, subscription box, decorate, halloween, cleaning, organizing, how to, chill, double, book room, library, merch, special edition, exclusive edition, collector edition
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 36sec (2496 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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