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guys I what what did I do what is this rink a big oven is some sort of like blocky old game style join the project by subscribing to the channel and click the bill I come to receive notifications so you'll never miss another video hey guys this is for intensify and welcome back to gave digger VR guys today we have one very important objective ok today I want to find every single one of the 4 keys and open up the door ok I have to know what is behind that secret door that we just cannot seem to get into guys if you're excited to dive back into the mindset open that mysterious door I'll leave a like in the video right here right now and then we are gonna chop away ok because in the last episode we actually cleared the entire dick let's see what does it say I am we've got teleport of course we actually destroyed the whole cave and everything it was absolutely beautiful the whole earth was kind of melting and stuff go check that out if you haven't seen it already but today I still don't know what is behind door number 1 per se we are throwing back down Can I grab one more Oh two more yep there we go we got him very nice three more look amigo I did get a tip a very important tip from one of you guys thank you so much for that if we want repla anyway if we see hey yeah what do you call it if we see a mushroom we have to eat it and apparently we can get a key from that we also have to buy a key of course for a thousand money's right we know that we know that and we also have to get into where what what was it called oh you know it was a skull in there I broke it anyway we should be able to find all of the keys and I am just so excited yo this is a good cave right now we're making a good start okay last time we didn't have the best start again I was a little bit of a noob but now I'm feeling it ok I'm feeling it I'm going completely ham on these rocks then even steady chance okay look at this miner James is on the case we got a blue one out nice or guys I think this is the last one okay after this we are probably back where you can buy all of the items and we should be able to actually find a key right over there somewhere I'm not sure what this guy meant by hitting the thing next to the oil machine but apparently that is where one of the keys is located it come in look gold nugget get it get into my little life what do we call it again the shooter or something that's like you got to get into the shooter there we go all right let's see we should be going back why are you guys head right over it right over there I think yeah okay let's see ah very nice now there should be something here next to the oil machine where you can buy the items and if you break it apparently you get something but I have no idea what this guy's talking about time to get the scanner let's put that right on to my hay right on to my belt there we go how's it gonna get this thing can I put that on my belt yes I can why not and then we don't have a whole lot of money left but that's alright let's Hey all right let's go free oh yeah I kind of choked there but it's okay I'm still alive I'm still alive I still got my corn pickaxe here okay we should be a-okay now let's see ah wait we cut the mushroom with this on there we're gonna eat this and now there should be like keep floating around somewhere so if you guys see it keep an eye appeal there okay oh yeah I don't see it wow this is freaky where's the key I don't see it oh my goodness I'm not feeling too well here oh wait is that it where is my Kido are you kidding me oh and I'm not sure what this is but it looks nice let's take that with us what what what just happened why am I so tiny what is this guy's hello what what what in the world and the Sabine can hear you can see this can i I can't grab it come on I've been can't we just eat another one oh no no see if the same thing happens okay I'm gonna hold onto this one but is that the key it should be floating oh we are in spit I see it instead where is it I saw it whereas the key let's see it is that it what where is it I saw a shadow of it should be floating around somewhere what where is it are you kidding me I saw like a shadow of it but I couldn't grab it oh no oh you know what I'm gonna try again you can try it we are just gonna try again oh look at all these mushrooms here too let's see what happens this time okay all right all right it's picking up can we maybe mind something while we're at it all right oh my goodness boy this is super bad oh no guys here we go this is so weird looks like good okay I'm still alive what was that this is awesome give me another one this which you can only eat one for like level is that it all right we should mind stuff probably that's what we came for right oh my goodness that was very strange no really strange when I can pick this up it I can't I can't eat this thing anymore weird wait I need this give me that oh I think I did eat it uh-oh what's gonna happen this time we're gonna fall again nope no I'm just gonna be dancing again oh my okay do we get extra time from that or something I'm not sure what this is let's just see if we can mine it I can barely see anything everything is floating I rainbow colors whoa oh wait there we go there we go oh no we're going back up but I couldn't quite grab it oh right we got a very pathetic 250 bucks from this I can buy a new pickax I will take it it's got like a what's that like a Kiwi or something I'll take it Oh guys this is incredible there's so much stuff hiding in the walls that's not even any normal stuff there's no or anything it's literally nothing but these secret things that is so cool oh this is special Keith look at all the stuff forgetting me what's behind here let me see it like it's like a shoe it's an old shoe hey I don't want that I can't really seem to mind this one though I'm not sure why exactly my too far or something out I'm not sure why I can't mind this one though but that's about it for this mine crazy oh man I got a bank all of this stuff real quick before the time runs out of course I've never had so many relics in like one level oh no come in Boop that was a close one get in there all right very nice now where's my pickaxe head all right it looks like we are back there we go this should be a good like a good amount of catch right whoo look at it go for high score here and that is 965 whoo that is nice that does give me enough to buy the key but I'm not too worried about the key okay it's gotta be all right let's see do I need this thing no idea what you can do with it but yeah whatever I'll I'll put them ahead can I do that oh no I cannot oh wait I can't ah and now I can see a little better very nice Oh guys look at this we got another one but this time it like the volcano theme we've got so many things hidden in the walls it's absolutely incredible look at that oh and we have a last one right over here beautiful and how did we do we got another 9:05 hey that's not too bad right that's not too bad let's upgrade some stuff oh wait we're back with the mushroom we're back with the mushroom all right let's eat it come on give me some kind of superpower okay just we still need to find that key all right what's gonna happen on this one huh what's gonna happen oh yeah we're gonna fall eggs do weirdest by far goodness look at this one I saw mushrooms what another one another one give me another one 10 grab it this is blood no I got it I got it I'm kind of like me see these I got it oh here we go again what are we gonna get this time give me the space one okay we need to head into space oh I'm tiny yeah no let's see if I get oh I got super tiny hands oh my do this hey hey I'm pretty tiny that's what it's like to be tiny because I don't like it give me the mushroom please I need the mushroom man yeah there we go there we go thank you game it's now we're gonna pick this no they just vanished in front of my eyes are you kidding me wait we have more well some uh mushroom said man I I don't know where all my stuff went but wait am i stuff go I have nothing all my stuff is gone oh my goodness alright at least we yeah nothing what is this it's not up on the walls it's not on my belt how do I work in the mines without stuff people put this it this is it there should be a key here ah yes I got it we finally have the space key or guys awesome that is really cool all right I'm gonna hold on to this okay I mean I don't even care about mining anymore I just want to get these keys you know oh wait a minute oh oh what oh look at it it's really nice but I do have a pretty serious problem I seriously lost my stuff like how do I mine oh oh and it kind of floats as well would you look at that cool you know what we can actually go for the second key know if I can actually get it there we go ah very nice because this one yeah this one doesn't float this one does float got a hold on to that guy so there we go know what I can get this thing just dump these things out of there right or just let him sit whatever can I put the keys in there they're gonna work so here we are in front of the door we can now put in both these keys where this is going the top one and this one goes in the third one but I can't mind I actually I cannot mind anything here all right so we are back I don't know where all my stuff went but I got it back okay it's all cool guys now let's see we got no money's left we still have the two keys left and this thing appeared so this is where you can like buy stuff I can only imagine that oh I can hit it no why so this is what the guy was talking about I think oh it worked no why it's the third key Oh guys super nice so let's go ahead and put these three keys in there before I lose any more stuff oh my goodness why did I already lose a key it just goes in the bottom just goes in the top where's that other key yet all right and the third key I did find it again it's going back in we need only one more and my pickaxe is gone again wow it's just the last key or what is going on here I don't think this is the last key did I just did I just buy that even though I'm inside of the cave are you kidding me that was weird cuz if I use this key I mean that's not gonna fit see that's just the one from the store ah what guys I what what did I do what is this rink a big urban is some sort of like blocky old game style what oh boy ask just looking for a key this is so super weird look at this what is happening right now I mean I kind of really like it I was looking for the key I lost all of my stuff I lost all of my upgrades and now we are inside of some sort of a weird level I want to mine as much as I can though who knows what we will find here right who knows we'll find it so far it's only these weird kind of blocky gems oh is it getting blurry or is that just me guys hello why is it so blurry okay this is weird Oh what what is this are you kidding me no take me back I need to oh no I need to open the door I've been here for two hours wait are you kidding me right now what so for the second time in a row I don't know how to open this door okay next time we will open the door this time we found a secret alternative to the ending of the game anyway guys thanks for watching please do like subscribe I'll see you guys on the next pretty smart video [Music]
Channel: ProjectJamesify
Views: 217,238
Rating: 4.8795314 out of 5
Keywords: projectjamesify, jamesify, cave digger vr, cave digger virtual reality, cave digger game, cave digger video game, cave digger simulator, cave exploration vr, cave digger gauntlet, cave digger vault, cave digger door, cave digger key, cave digger ending, cave digger secret ending
Id: MvuDip0VA5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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