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oh look at that no way this is super beautiful alright we are gonna grab this thing and see what is behind this rod yes here we go join the project by subscribing to the channel and click the bell I come to receive notifications so you'll never miss a lot of video hey guys this is Joseph I and welcome to cave digger fiora guys today we are in a super cool game we are diving deep down into the earth to take away in this cave and oh it looks like I can even smash through the window here guys we got a coolant pickaxe and a brand new update and a whole bunch of secret things hiding in the walls we're gonna have to chop away at it and collect everything that is beautiful and advanced deeper into the earth guys if you're excited to smash away in this beautiful little game live like in the video right here right now and then I'm gonna look at my little timer here I've been talking way too much we need to start digging it here we go oh hey nice alright so we hit it just like this we collect it and then we throw it in the little shoe thing you hear over here I mean we should get like a kind of like a name for that right oh we are already moving on yes this is going really fast this is floor number 3 I think I mean floor it's kind of a wall hello look at ya but that's super cool wait how far can I move over here let me see if I can oh I'm not supposed to do this okay I'm gonna go back back to safety alright let's see we're gonna have to dig away fast here guys cuz we are on the timer good thing I played a whole bunch of Gorn so now I know how to whack away here there we go and it's a whole bunch of hidden stones here hello what are they here oh we got another one of those things whoo very nice come over come over here buddy oh very nice we got a red one over there swell oh man we get so many no way okay gotta be really fast here wait can I just kind of let them sit at the bottom right here we go very big wall here oh yeah Oh boss the game look almost drop my pickaxe and I made a screenshot Oh hoot man things are going very wrong right now alright so we should be moving on any moment now do we keep all of all what I lost all of my stones well that's all hello what do you think where does it spit it out that's my stuff man oh that's like a gauntlet to any candle and also whatever that is let's put my pickax right over let go of it there you go I'm gonna go for a can I move over here and then grab this thing Oh ah yes getting skinning and then hitting hitting right yup can I just fight sure with my pickaxe like this I punch this ah yes there we go guys here we go we're gonna collect some more stuff okay no let's see I yeah I want to scan first okay so I can see that's like a thing over here right so if a chopper waited ah yes very nice right so we're gonna do it this way okay we're gonna oh my goodness I got to stop pausing the game oh okay we're gonna do this way okay we're gonna put all of the things to the bottom here with our first gonna chop away okay and then in the last second we are a green one but then we are gonna put everything down at the shooter okay let's call it the shooter let's see in the center over here ooh a green one very good Oh where did that one go I'm not sure but I know there's stuff in here very nice very nice oh we got a good one thank babe babe babe babe babe come on come on come on come on that success and then we're gonna drop everything what wait go back drop everything and then we're just gonna pick up everything very nice right so I can just aim it it and then drop it down like that oh I got to go real fast here come on pick up the golden one or the green one there we go I'm not a gold one oh and it's gone whoo all right very nice that was a good run guess it was a good run man I am the fastest miner in the world these rocks don't even stand a chance did you get when you come to my arena I mean cave this is not going ah nope come back come back crazy yep oh my god oh no oh oh I already hit my wall I'm not sure what it hit but I think it's okay it's still working guys it whoa getting better stuff guys very nice right well there's a whole bunch of stuff over here let's jump away what do we get what's this alright it's this one oh look at that very nice alright let's see we got oh we got no time we got no time oh no oh no oh no now I have to go super fast alright here we go here we go oh this is going very well we are making a ton of cash here I'm gonna lose stuff No alright alright right that is still fine that is still fine let's see we are thank you Oh what is that look at that okay what I do need to move forward here right where's the thing I thought there was like a special thing over here now we go oh and a black one too I think those are worth a lot of cash we got another opening in the back there alright all cool all cool let's see we get a scan some more how much time do we have oh we got a little life bling going on Oh another green one and the green one oh I can expect to see it I don't need this little device for that but the black one is well very nice those do seem to be kind of hidden in here Oh guys on the next run we are gonna make so much cash but now I'm gonna be clever about it finally it's not I can actually catch it in all of this stuff we're gonna be the richest miner in the entire world how about that I'm the way this block is here the hoop grace crazy black get out of here man grace guy ice we don't have any time left actually oh this is intense guys okay okay we can breathe super cool I can kind of go outside like this right woo oh man that is deep wandered brunch a spy I know if Finn pyre doesn't say Finn pyre it's kind of buggy but I think it says Finn pyre okay let's see we're gonna go for this guy oh I mean I was told that this thing is new in the update so that's why I got it what does it do I have a no clue wow this thing costs us thousands my goodness right can we get this thing as well oh my goodness that is some serious firepower all right so I guess we can go like that with this thing all right let's put it right over there I'm gonna get my yeah what guys what is this cursed or something I don't know what this is let's go for this thing and this thing there we go and wait not quite yet but wench that a beautiful start button it's the play button okay we're gonna go back whoop just like that all right let's see whoa okay we're gonna scan and then it says that I need to cut somewhere all right so right over there I need to chop it let's do that okay let's do that let's see where I was my scanner at here we go now I don't just need to catch up around here all right all right all right there we go oh I think it's overheating jump like this as well I'm not entirely sure if this is working I like the hitting method a little bit more okay this thing it needs to go it needs to go we need to start actually doing something I mean can I trust this as well chop it but anything get anything that's not good oh we get a diamond that's pretty good right oh oh move over here chop away chop away very nice oh these things are tough guys we need a new pickaxe I think this goal and what it's not hard enough anymore oh wait no all my stuff oh that is really bad isn't it very nice over here chop away here as well we got a blue one - very nice I just feel like the cool things that are really hidden inside here are the things that my scanner does not pick up so I do want to keep an eye out on that of course we are almost into the yellow zone of the glove which means we gotta get a move on here we gotta get going right so it is currently yellow we do still have time to chop away probably but I just want to cash in a few of these things before it is too late there we go all right let's see we got oh we got another red one here there we go that's the best one to get another diamond over here but we got no time we got no time here we go we're gonna go fast here alright oh and now I need to cut over there cuz there's like a thing here but if I chop it I don't think yes you see I break it then oh that's not your wedding my chopping thing go man oh it's right over there it's up on the wall ah alrighty then very nice I still got it ok so I should cut right over right over here nice we're gonna get it let's my scanner there we go now let's see what you have to cut right over here oh now it is working yes ah whoa what is this oh my you're this guy's what have we just found oh that is nasty can I put it down okay I'm just gonna put it down okay here we go what the super weird I don't know what that was I'm not sure if it's like worth any money or something but weird it was really cool though all right so this thing is gonna go up again I guess it's long it's it's put over there I'm all good okay I'm all good we're gonna go into the back here or picking shop I mean I don't think we made a whole lot of cash here only 220 put thing is still sitting there getting nasty all right let's put this on my bill guess I'm supposed to put it like ah beautiful all right so we don't have a whole lot of cash actually I have no idea how much we do have oh here 3 2 2 and this thing cost 350 so I am just a little too poor for that one I get some dynamite over there I mean we could blow the whole place up right let's grab a bucket I don't know what you will which you can to a bucket but so cheap and then I guess we can't get some dynamite OOP there we go I mean how does this work do I like light it somehow Oh took my whole thing off the wall here that's not good I'm not sure what to do with these things but probably shouldn't throw it around that's candy dangerous probably we're gonna go down come on punch it there we go oh why did it go so dark I guess I don't have a good feeling about this I don't have a good feeling about this it's really dark here look at that no way this is super beautiful all right we are gonna grab this thing and see what is behind this rock guys here we go this is it okay whoa get like a grenade of some sort I mean it's like a holy water thing maybe read about pickax go where did my pickaxe go people ah it's right over here Oh silly pickaxe right let's see oh this is like a a wet symbol of some sort can we draw diamond time time very nice can we get this as well it looks valuable but apparently it isn't we are down to the yellow now so we got a hustle let's get the gold and stuff here there we go come on very nice now it's time to collect these puppies go on get in there boys oh I put the dynamite in there that'll be bad I mean I can't see that other diamond that I thought I had but it's right it's totally fine we're okay we're okay let's move on to the next one get ready and prepared I mean I got my bucket over there I have no idea what to do with the bucket though whoo a red one and a green one oh nice we're gonna go ham this time maybe I shoot not gotta open this stuff because it takes so long and this is about a little money is that I think I'm not entirely sure though I don't think I'm the best miner in the world just yet but I will be at some point all right I think I think that's pretty much it we got one with golden over here okay very nice we got a whole bunch of gray stuff and a bunch of diamonds oh that's what I need the diamonds very nice all right so let's go ahead drop everything down the chute and maybe I have enough time to go ahead and collect the other ones as well slash my hair was my dig arete it's right over here it's now we need to go over here got this open there we go Otto stressed another one yeah I don't need that wait wait we got two more over here okay pick it up huh all right there we go oh that's a good run guys that was a good run skip this up gonna skip this gotta go down again I mean we almost cleared the entire place right we almost did quit should I still grab this thing oh wow oh boy Oh deep down do it yo my goodness here we go we're just gonna chop this as well I'm not sure that's any good do it here a foot oh man I need to cut this stuff open Wes Metheny come here I hear like a phone it's so weird it's like a like a nuclear or something right that's one come on why can I not chop this one it's kinda weird you're gonna go for this one then this one is completely gone kids see it ah there we go all right very nice it's another one I'm not a skeleton kill me right now another face yeah there we go get another one this is going pretty well you know we're at a time where you're almost out of time old Atari thing you can see that phone can pick this up right I do want to try one of these things though no I'm not sure how to do it I don't have the time or the patience to actually figure it out either so let's see okay we got one more right is that it we are going down deep here oh wait we're actually not going down we're going up okay how much was that oh nice keep it up ah 580 it's new high school for me but I am not anywhere near cuvee on cuvee on at 2400 my goodness groovy oh you are a monster we got like a mushroom over here hey come it give me a crazy mushroom gonna pick that up look at that guys we got a mushroom oh my and a whole bunch of rocks as well we're gonna we're gonna kind of power format here Oh Oh what is this oh the gauntlet oh it has a Gemelli do not write oh that is super nice to know he can farm a whole bunch faster and actually go ahead and just suck up all the gems of one go this is awesome look at this easy so I didn't block out my game a little bit since my play space is a little bit different now I am not exactly in front of it anymore but oh man oh man there's a lot of stuff here Casey look at that okay so now we can really do the strategy okay we're gonna bone farm everything and then get out again and just collect everything okay we're gonna suck up all the gems with our new storm and I can see the thing over there very cool indeed but let's go ahead and actually get these shrooms as well okay if I can do that okay let's see here we just suck up everything very nice get that room as well oh it's kind of stuck there here we go all much better guys look at dead beautiful alright so now next up we need this thing so I need to go over here got out this stuff real fast now we go beautiful nice vase and also another skeleton guy who we are on fire right now get another guy over here how much time do you have oh that one just bounced right in perfect wait oh wait I'm a scanner guilt-ridden my scanner go so I did kind of lose my scanner here but it's not gonna stop us from power farming this stuff okay so let's see if I can grab all of this very nice there we go I mean this is just how it's gonna go okay we're just gonna go completely berserk right now desai need to power farm wow what do you know I did find my scanner again but I have to be so super fast or this is so nice here we go Oh beautiful all right it's this gonna be the next level or all we're done okay we should make a ton of money now okay this is probably the best one we've had so far more than five on the right show me some good numbers oh nice more than 500 more than 600 Wow look at this 635 now we can actually get this key which is the most expensive item that's on the table yet I have no idea what it does oh man oh I think we have found something guys where's the key keys right over here well come here what is this okay what do we do here we activate it it doesn't seem to work I think I need to put the key in there right come on oh we did it can we open it now oh I think that's just one out of four keys no way it's like a big fold or something then it's so cool so we got one out of four keys I guess for the next time we gotta find the other three and see what's behind this door but for now guys that's it for some games dig if you are stay tuned for more because I am not done with this awesome game guys thanks watch watching please do a like subscribe I'll see you guys on the next British video [Music]
Channel: ProjectJamesify
Views: 1,091,309
Rating: 4.8792243 out of 5
Keywords: projectjamesify, jamesify, cave digger vr, cave digger virtual reality, cave digger game, cave digger video game, cave digger simulator, cave exploration vr, cave digger gauntlet, cave digger vault, cave digger door, cave digger key
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 31 2018
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