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we can agree this guy what is this this very stage oh holy moly it's a big rocket hell yeah that is what I'm talking about hey guys this is Jason fire yeah welcome to vector rave guys today we are doing something super cool we are going to play a tower defense game but we're taking it into the future because we are playing it as you can see in virtual reality that's right we're jumping into the metaphors guys over there it's where the enemies are gonna come from okay and they're gonna go all the way around just like that all the way around until they're all dizzy and stuff until they reach the base here we have 20 lives we have to protect this beautiful little whatever you want to call it where everything that we've got guys if you wanna play this game check the link in the description below you can play it on the HTC 5 you can also play it on the oculus rift so let's go ahead and start by putting down a few of the towers of course now let's start by getting a laser tower right and we can select one it just drop it like that bang slam it down get a fall now I kind of also want an explosive Tower looks pretty good to me slam it down bang there we go but there should be enemies coming any moment now oh wait we got 15 seconds okay I got no more money for any turrets we can buy a lot of stuff swarm speed buff grenades but I want to focus on the tourists okay so this is the guys you can also upgrade them if you can see that way we can go like down like this right I mean it can flip like a bird like this I can all the way up which is nice oh wait areare they can also go all the way down let's take a peek at the enemies okay look at this this is so cool about virtual reality you can actually be super close do these guys and give them like high-five or something come here give these guys high-five bang high-five bang bang that's right or the firing away it's very nice that's what I want to see oh this is gone pretty well this is going very well there we go beautiful there was the first wave now of course guys as we go along it's gonna get more and more difficult let's go ahead grab another turret I can win a places so that it hits most of the map right so kind of like kind of like right over there very nice right let's see we got no money left follow me 70 think we can get anything with it no we cannot so let's take a peek okay here they come again oh it's a llama gas so now we got tiny green ones as well oh boy but we can go for two times the speed bang two times the speed super fast Oh guys I almost forgot if you want to play this game that's the link in the description right but what you can also do is keep an eye out on this video for hidden codes that's right if you find a code enter it on Steam and then you two can play this game that's right so guys if you had find a code let me know in the comments below okay I want to see who the winners are of course now let's see we got another 230 no we're gonna do we're gonna start a wave okay never gonna wait till we get one of these guys down so I can get a new turret and I want the explosive one yeah we need 20 bucks that's what kind of two so man I am so curious cuz I got ten codes hidden in this video okay so you guys really better watch out okay you gotta pay attention because they're not obvious okay you gotta really look for them that's part of the fun of course okay here we go let's grab another explosive Tower and I gotta do that a little bit fast because otherwise oh oh am I too late look at these guys where'd you guys come from this are the red guys oh no we lost on HP already oh that's really not good I don't think we're gonna get this guy are we come on come on come on come on come on come on come on there oh that's a really close one okay here we go we're gonna go down cuz I want to upgrade a turret okay we got 300 bucks let's do this okay look at that now he's got two barrels very nice is he gonna be twice as fast I don't know maybe he is and we can upgrade it again and we can also say to these turrets okay buddy attack the first one last one the weakest or the strongest unit opened up coming in let's flip up okay come on flip up flip up there we go I'm a little birdy I really shouldn't do that too much okay so we got 20 bucks let's see okay this is going very well that guy's firing away look at that guy awesome the upgrade is working I like it a lot or there's a lot of red guys and these guys are tough okay let's upgrade this guy come in I'm great this guy go go super fast there we go that's a nice upgrade before I think it was just in time here can we do it can we do it they're getting very close right now well this guy's my hero this guy's my hero that's right and there it is beautiful man we got 500 bucks do we upgrade this guy we can go for a weight let's go down let's go down like this so we can go for a little bit less damage but more fire rate or a little bit more damage and less fire rate let's go for this one okay oh look at that wow that's like a missile launcher oh that's gonna be great I'm very curious to see what this guy can do now let's speed it up a little bit okay there we go just so they can spawn in the back here they're gonna go around but when they reach the turrets I wanna go back to normal speed okay otherwise it's too fast oh look at this guy fire oh that is great so now I think he's gonna hit every shot right look at that man that was quite the upgrade how much do we have 400 already let's go down go down I wanna play this game coming here and this time we're gonna go for the old for the damage whoa that's a big dude ho oh my gosh I'm writing the explosion look at this that is crazy there's a lot of stuff going on right now oh gosh this is great this really takes me back to the good old days okay I have so much nostalgia for these tower defense games I love it and we got 800 bucks you know we should do we should go down you should upgrade this guy wait start a new wave and then we're gonna upgrade this guy so we're gonna get damage and even more fire rate it's a minigun yeah that is great go he is so much range can we can fire all the way from over there now wow that is beautiful man look at these bombs there's our area of effect damage that's what I'm talking about very nice indeed but we are absolutely destroying this camera now woah just want to what it's blue I come from it was like super fast I mean they all come from over there of course do you have one more game come on blast him down there we go let's see we got seventeen hundred and fifty holy moly we are rich wait we have another one elemental can I split that over here okay in the corner you go buddy there you go and then okay go back up go back up Stern all right now so this guy kind of fires in like an arc they're pretty nice he doesn't seem to be beaming a whole lot of damage though you know these blue guys super fast oh look at that these guys took care of them very nice we got so much money though holy moly okay we're gonna upgrade this game come in we're gonna upgrade you there we go well what is that it's kind of like a square okay I mean that guy looks like a real battery he's gonna fight her away like a mad man cuz I'm great this guy's well let's see we can go for damage or freeze and I think we need freeze oh that's a very strange-looking guy alright see what he can do okay start the wave but can we upgrade this guy too we can upgrade this guy what is this that's very strange okay there's a lot of stuff going on oh holy moly it's a big rocket hell yeah and that is what I'm talking about that is awesome holy moly what is that though it's a purple guy purple guy it's a flamethrower here oh my gosh that is great look at the purple guy Oh in this blue guys who ain't green guys coming out of the purple guy said wow that's crazy okay let's go ahead and make another explosive day I'm gonna put this guy right over here okay I think the missile has so much range anyway that's upgraded here we go how much do we have 700 this is going great look how many things we have we can still buy something right we have damage buff speed buff and swarm what in the world is swarm okay okay put it over here right okay I have no idea what this is should I put it here Oh what it's so weird I don't know what this does drones I think it's gonna spawn something okay we need more dudes bring on there dudes that's right open up the portal that getting four that's crazy holy moly this is really cool let's go up there weapon you're back I don't know always see that little purple things coming off of it whoa it's a big wound Oh big missiles look at that yes strike him down that is great these things are beautiful kind of like the 1st of July we can rockets up in the sky that's what I'm talking about AB oh great oh we got a few more purple guys here come on set up a fire that's right great flamethrower that's my style ok green flamethrower beautiful now how much do we have almost 4 K holy moly they were gonna go for a lot of drones and then even more drones spawns those tiny flying guys and it's pretty cool guys this is the final wave ok we can still upgrade something actually it's upgrade this game come here guy bang there ya go now we're gonna fly up there we go we're gonna go back so I can take a peek okay let's start the final wave okay ten out of ten let's see if we can do it oh man I think we can do it look at it look at those drones you see that playing around - guys this is crazy it's dealing a lot of damage that's right Banco de I don't actually think I can punch them though I mean that would be kind of weird right what if I was at our wait is that it did we do it I think so oh there go the drones again that's it guys bang level complete we got a score breakdown we got a new high score 53,000 holy moly wait how much health did we lose only one look at that I'll take that as a beautiful score let's check out the next level all right guys here we are let's fly back up okay fly back up level two and instead of going in circles right now which made me kind of a little bit dizzy maybe well actually it made the enemies dizzy it works no advantage right instead of that me now if like a snake who's scary snake that's right let's go ahead and start with one laser guy right over right over there I think and then an explosives guy right over right over there there we go that is my secret strategy okay now guys before we start the next wave have you already found a code let me know okay and also if you are enjoying this video leave a like on it right here right now okay and now we're gonna get into it because there's plenty more enemies coming our way so and this is very nice look at that so it's gonna be a little bit more difficult because now instead of going in circles where all of our turrets get continuously fire they're now gonna get the enemies out of range it's gotta be pretty difficult I think to go ahead and build another one okay whoo men that's pretty close actually and you almost didn't do it okay here we go we're gonna place this guy right over there very nice let's see how much do we have left only 70 that's not good but I think I want to place down one more explosives guy and then I want to try to upgrade because the upgrades are super powerful didn't really expect that okay here we go it's looking pretty good we got the green guys coming in now yeah those are pretty nice ready thank you - here we go he's missing a shot over that's a nice shot hitting two guys at once that we want to see right oh wait oh wait is he gonna do it no he's not gonna do it first let's first place it down come on Go Go Go Go Go finish him off oh man that was really close didn't want to do that cuz now I don't have any cash left to upgrade my dudes oh boy and that's not entirely according to plan but at least we got all of the dudes that's the most important thing okay we'll get ready so fast oh boy oh boy I don't know about these guys do we need three hundred come on we can form 300 right come on come on come on or this gonna be very close I think did we do it I tuned it 300 yet come on can this guy finish them off I think so right oh man so close okay we got two ninety you know what we're gonna do we're gonna start the wave and the first guy we take down we're immediately going to upgrade this guy okay come here guy let's see we need just ten guys come on take down one guy one guy there we go I'm great at fast fast fast bang there we go very nice we should kind of try to upgrade the other path maybe okay but this is really good this is really good that guy's gonna fire away like a madman that's what I like to see and now I need 400 oh no the red guys oh that's really powerful oh boy I don't know if we can do this oh this guy look at them so powerful and I was gonna come back to that guy can you do it can you do it come on buddy come on you can do it there it is beautiful we got 385 oh man and we need 400 for this upgrade okay start the way let's take a peek 400 I don't want to go for the fire rate one up great a and let's see we just need 15 come on buddy hang on the first one oh man they're getting very strong as you can see they got a lot more HP oh boy is that it that's it let's go let's go let's go yes that's what I want to see the fast firing one I think that's my favorite turret in the game Oh in the Shred guys dude that's right guys - but I think we can do it what is the perfect I know you can remember guys he's gonna spawn more dudes if he goes down oh man oh man oh man get me to it this has gotta be green guys coming out of him I think come on come on come on but it's a lot of guys but there it is Wow this rocket launch was crazy gets placed on another one of those okay I really like the rocket launcher let's put him right in the center here and I think I can just immediately upgrade him right look at that very nice okay now we should probably go for I don't think I don't think the elemental is actually that good though I don't know it's not just me we also get damage buff I want to place down a damage buff what speed buff make them even faster okay very nice let's take a peek okay I want to go ahead please down another later tower okay cuz there's still an upgrade that we have not seen yet which is upgrade this one with a PSA shot apparently look at that holy moly is huge oh that is crazy this thing just keep on flying all the way outside the map actually wow that's a big laser boy okay let's go ahead and place down another guy let's go where for the missile okay the big rocket cuz I mean that big rocket is so cool place all the way up in the sky and paying smashes down onto the battlefield that's what I like to see okay here we go it's blue guys superfast this case even levelled up yet oh that's not good come here buddy help you out there we go very nice I want to keep all of my strong suits in the central case so I can put down one of the damage buff ones I think that's gonna be very good okay there's a lot of stuff going on what I mean it is already way seven okay here we go damage buff I don't know exactly how much damage we're gonna get from it look at that that is so cool alright start another wave here we go let's speed it up a little bit okay how are these guys come over here oh wait that's a new day it's a new day what is that it's a guy with a shield look at that it's a tiny purple one but the shooter rounded it seems oh boy that's gonna be extra stuff I think but the man we have so many exploding Thanks this is great pickle lasers coming through oh and the last one is a shoot day come on come on come on and you can't see right that's every turret firing it in and it's still survived for so long powerful little guy wait can we upgrade this guy and we can upgrade it oh it's a 15% damage boost and then it goes to 25 I don't know about that okay I would much rather place down another explosive one that's right let's place it over here and then I have just enough cash to turn this into a bit more time that's what I like to see bang start another wave wave nine out of ten guys the next one is going to be the last one okay we need to go all out and destroy these guys that's what I like to see there's a lot of red guys come here I fight for everybody bang bang bang that's right we all love the high-fives of course maybe they don't love it as much as I do but it's okay look at this place though we are firing like madmen oh my gosh that is an awful lot of purple guys oh boy oh boy okay this one pretty quickly let's see how much do you have you can almost upgrade this guy as well come here I'm not great seen another rocket this is going so well though look at exploding stuff I love the area of effect cuz they spun a bunch of guys and they'll just get blown up that's what I like to see okay this guy and upgrade that guy too there we go very nice that's the first missile strike him down Bay Wow for the finishing blow alright guys this is it okay the final wave let's see if we can a blast them out of here here we go I think we can do it okay I know you guys know that I know that we can do it okay that's what I'm talking about now let's see we got purple guys now and those are not the tiny ones for the shield those are really big purple guys it's all boy I don't know about that guys should we have gone for so many rockets I don't know oh wait maybe we should have I love the Rockets that's for sure okay these guys there we go very nice even bigger laser right I don't know by that he's good like rockets on the site to now but this is going very well very well indeed let's upgrade this guy to minigun power and then we go find a waypoint I love the records purple guy stands no chance against these missiles means surely they fire very slowly but at least it deals an awful lot of damage right that's the last game I think we can do it guys I think we can do it come on come on come on I want the last guy to go down by the missiles okay firing up and it's gonna come down and ah silly right that's gonna be the last one there we go we did it let's take a peek okay we didn't lose a single HP look at this if we go over here to the end of our base 20 lives out of the 20 we started with and a whopping 50,000 high score guys thanks much watching again link in the description if you want to check it out please do a like subscribe I'll see you guys on the next video [Music]
Channel: ProjectJamesify
Views: 187,466
Rating: 4.8719082 out of 5
Keywords: projectjamesify, jamesify, vectorwave, vector wave, vectorwave gameplay, vector wave gameplay, vectorwave game, vectorwave steam, vectorwave vr, vectorwave virtual reality, virtual reality, family friendly, htc vive, htc vive gameplay, tower defense vr, tower defense virtual reality, tower defence virtual reality, base defense virtual reality, base defense vr, base defense gaming, vector wave funny gameplay, wave based video game, tower defense game, oculus rift
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2017
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