Un Boxing a cheap 105cc Chainsaw

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I bought a new chainsaw that would be a bark it's kind of in this is the Harriet you know this is an unboxing this is a hundred and fifty dollars saw off of ebay and I'm not endorsing or advertising for eBay but that's where I got it it is a Chinese sauce it's a hundred and five cc's with a 42 inch mower and we're gonna find out what to do because there just sound like fun and because I love the big saw that I can actually maybe do some chainsaw building with a big bull netlog that I need to cut up and it's too big for my middle and such a nice lawyer I really didn't want to cut it down into small enough size to fit the melon none of that cow thing's heavy just the bar oh yeah that's a weakness there you go I did not even begin to pretend to know how to pronounce this but I love the bat symbol that's pretty cool so there's the bar let's see what's in this box why did they put the package right look at that bring me a piece of styrofoam okay yeah don't even know how to pronounce that but it sounds like huh well the change is still out of this box that's a mess my fitting them into the desk right now pulling that down there hey comes a toolkit what world is that I guess we'll find out okay mellitus name okay yeah that's up to that's a pretty good-sized saw I don't tell me it's manual oil well okay so I have no idea what some of these things are obviously there's choke you actually turn that to children that's there it is that's the job there's an on/off switch they will gas can tank on it well let's see if we can get this thing put together [Music] that is someone Hank that is not as a hard-nosed bar I don't like are those bars probably be replacing that along I guess they've got their pluses but I really liked it sprocket in bars violence that that kind of thing but you know it okay I'm going to be picky I want the words to be right side up on the change let's put together so I have to put that on the other way [Music] just be careful that's little nose-heavy right that screw salons not very deep and this screwdriver is way too narrow for it so we're going to make an adjustment for that real quick all right I believe we'll be doing something about that besides to remember last was like such a lot of eternity this coming maybe right here this is look at this and it does not have an anti kickback break that's dangerous dam saw and the blade tensioner is not convenient there we go yeah yeah this is a manual oil soft so this little button right here is to oil the blade so it's not like your modern still Husqvarna and it's like the old ones I had when I was a kid at least this is a convenient position whistles that's the key between jet carburetor cover air filter there we go belt filter this air intake like that now makes sense not a bad design just a design that I hadn't seen before it's actually got a nice big intake right under here goes up to the filter and has to pass through the filter before goes back down car and then this and therefore that is I guess I'm going to read the instruction manual before I start messing with this monster because it is a monster and then we'll put some gas and oil in it and fire it out let's see what it does this is scary saw a very scary saw just curiosity though there's that [Music] yeah 40 is a half of the cut and overall it's 61 inches to the tip of the handle dress like I said I'm actually getting this too for chain saw milling not yet not cut down trees this is a bit more and I probably cut down trees with but I do have some big chunks of stuff out there that I need to chop up for firewood so they're actually 38 so riches in danger so I can actually use this to go through the one pass and that's what we'll test it out but first like I said let me purge the book I'm sure that will be fun translated books like these are often very difficult to read yeah I'll let you know and then we'll get some gasps my wallet take it out for test drive so I read through the book and it's actually done in surprisingly good English so I was pleased about that looks like they had good translators there is a whole lot of break-in stuff for this song the this is an addition to it doing automatic oiling so it actually does run oil to the blade at all times and then you can boost it which is kind of a cool feature this is a decompression valve so when you're starting it you actually hold this and when it starts to start you let off of it it gives it for compression again that little plastic thing is if you need to take the watch off you take out the spark plug and this goes in the spark plug hole and holds the piston and while you take that off so that was kind of interesting it's the first time I saw that had that two like that with it so actually all not a bad deal I still don't like the screw that is on the tensioner the the groove it's real shallow and I was going to like put a whale in it and put gas in it and take it out and fire it up and cut something and then try to have this video up tonight unfortunately there's a storm brewing and it's about the poor on this so in there saying it's going to pour all the way in tomorrow so this is Angus say hello Angus anyway so I'm gonna have to hold off on that and it'll be a few more days before I actually hit this video up because of that but I will get some pictures up to the Instagram make sure you check it out and we'll try not to cut the cab near newsy all right guys so it'll be like just a split second for you gonna be overnight or a day for me until I actually get to play with it so go man we'll see you then oh here we go guys test it out on that really quite as big as I was thinking it was because I've already split a bunch of them in half though I'm gonna cut down through it we'll see how it goes might be fun I'm gonna reposition the camera you're seeing viewing me on now I got another camera so I'll try to get a couple different angles we'll go from there [Applause] [Music] he thinks the centripetal clutch needs some adjustment that it needs tuned up really bad supposedly the factory settings where it used to be for its break-in period which is three tanks of gas but it doesn't even have enough powerful changer this thing it is helped but it should be able to pull change right let me tweak it we'll see what we get be back in a minute okay I took her part and the centrifugal clutch head oil in it so it wasn't grabbing so I decreased it cleaned it up real good I'm back on there let's find out what it does [Music] [Applause] [Music] well it does seem to cut a lot better to did a minute ago I think it's gonna do better after it gets through its break-in period just the high on it because yeah the high flow of the carburetor because it's not developing networks right should it's supposed to be six and a half horsepower at 105 CCS I don't think it's getting there so I'm tweaking some more and keep using it but for this video we call that enough because I know it's gotten rather long right now I cannot make a recommendation on whether to buy it or not give me a month or two after I've used it for a while and got it to its full potential and then I might make a recommendation but right now if I had to do again I probably still go ahead and do it because all the things I've had to do to it to get it to work I've been really minor the adjuster screw on the chain tensioner I just took the screw out and put it in a vise and took my dremel tool with a cut-off wheel and deepened the slot and now the chain tensioner screw is fine it holds the screwdriver much better I had to clean out the oil in the in the centrifugal punch you know the thing that shipped overseas of course the oil to every single part you know I just didn't think about that yeah it's it's a bit saw and it's still kind of scary since there's no chain break but I don't intend to use it for anything but slamming out big logs so really the the nose is going to be in a guard so I don't have much chance of the kickback because the nose I'm not too too concerned about that but first I've got to get the thing broke in and run right like I said then I'll say whether it's worth buying or not I may have wasted 400 bucks I don't know so alright guys peace out have fun [Music]
Channel: DIY with Uncle Cy
Views: 831,147
Rating: 4.210113 out of 5
Keywords: Woodshop, Woodwork, Wood, Chainsaw, un-boxing, yz105, Yuzhoukee chainsaw, cheap chainsaw, big chainsaw, 105cc chainsaw, ebay chainsaw, 070 clone, sthil clone, hutzl
Id: F8dgJOy2bgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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