Why I stopped using Stihl chainsaws

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hey folks welcome to set apart homestead this is Travis and I'm here today to pick a fight about chainsaws not really chainsaws with guys at least seem to be like the truck you know they have what they like and everything else sucks and they'll fight you over it so I guess it's me picking a fight today I used to be a steel chainsaw guy really I did I owned them loved and that's what I learned to cut wood on the last one I had was the biggest pain in the butt I never owned just wouldn't stay lit I mean it cut wood when it was running it was just keeping it running you'd get you know halfway through it cutting the thing a dime yet sit there and let it cool off you know fiddle with it try to get it going it go again man it cut for a while and then yeah it's just I got tired of it ended ups saw actually got stolen out of my truck so I guess the guy got what he deserved I don't know he got a saw that didn't work I'm not saying they're junk I just you know had a lot of bad experience lately with them they seem to just not be making the quality that they used to you know when I was growing up you you know you either had a steel chain saw or you had something junky and there wasn't a whole lot in between and they've just always had this reputation of making the absolute best and I've heard that you can still get pretty good ones if you buy more of their commercial line of Sol's but just their regular everyday saws just you know aren't nearly as good as they used to be another guy down the road here he bought a brand new about a year year and a half ago and he told me he's had that thing in the shop two or three times it just they won't stay running and I don't know I just I don't think they're the quality that they used to be I'm not saying that they're necessarily junk but you typically pay a little bit more for steel than you pay for other brands because of the steel and if you're not getting that quality anymore then why pay the extra price to get a steel so anyways I used this one for a while this is an old Domar and it's good saw it's not running right now I got to take it in have it work Don but this thing's had tons and tons of useful on it because I got this from Forestry Service this was a youth saw that I picked up from the forestry auction which is an option for you guys and gals out there if you live next to National Forest or even I guess probably your state conservation departments or whatever they might do it to but they'll have auctions or whatever ever so often sell off equipment that they you know changing out to new stuff and sometimes it's just things you could use for parts but this one actually still ran I think I paid I think thirty dollars for it and I didn't really put anything into it if there's a little tune up and it's worked bright it needs some work on it right now so I'm not using it I don't think it's a it's it's a done deal I think it's you know it still got some years left on it I just need to get it into the sauce shop and have it have it worth over real good but again you can you can pick up a good chainsaw used one stick with your major brands don't get one of these cheap E Walmart saws man you know unless you're just planning on cutting a limb up every once in a while the falls out of your tree you're gonna be unhappy with it I think at least after a couple of years you know you need something if you're gonna be burning wood on a homestead heating your house and stuff you know you're gonna be cutting a little bit of wood depending on where you live anywhere from two six eight ten cords of wood a year that's a lot of wood and if that's what you're planning on doing you need to invest in something that's gonna last a while it's gonna get you know get the job done and those little cheapy saws you know they may cut for a little bit but I don't think they're just gonna last that long and that's just my opinion so anyways this year past year I bought me a new song and that's mainly what I wanted to talk about I was gonna get Husqvarna I've I've used him before I like them I've used other a Husqvarna products and everything I've used for them I've liked so that's the focus I was gonna get I was I'd picked one out that's what I was going to get Husqvarna well then I don't remember how it come across there but we got a mail-in rebate the one of the local shops in town to sell them was running them on sale so I picked this one up about $100 off of the original price and I'm telling you I love it this is an echo 370 which you know it's not they're big ones it's not their tiny ones it's just kinda in the middle and man I have used it now not quite a year but it's it's never failed me at all this one only has the 16 inch bar on it they just didn't have one and at the time in this model with the 18 inch bar I do have one but I've not used it because I have it needed I took down a 39 inch 29 inch sorry 29 inch oak tree the other day with this thing and had no problems it just it cuts every time it it starts every time anything I throw at it it'll cut through it and and I love the things I am sold I think I'm now an echo saw man they are known for from what I've read they're known for having ass up making saws that are have low vibration and are fuel-efficient and I like that I have nerve damage in my hands in my back and so running a saw after a while it really starts to hurt me and I can rent one one of these longer it's not too bad on the hands and back plus it's fuel-efficient and they have a little bit larger fuel capacity than the other brands so this thing will run for quite a while push the shipping we're gonna do stores over here to try to let me know what they think it'll run quite a while between feelings which I guess is a good thing because when I have to feel it that's usually when I sit down and take a break so you guys get out of here so you know I like that two things fuel efficient not that you know you're probably saving money with the fuel efficient but it'll run longer I've noticed that I can I can do woodcutting before it needs to refuel and like I said the thing is just it's poor for a you know small medium sized saw it's just a beast it'll cut through anything I need it to I've never had a problem and I think it's a good option for you guys to consider out there if you're starting out or if you're just looking for a chainsaw I'm not getting anything out of this company for saying this it's just my opinion and I you know I've never used an echo saw before this one but I love it this it's it's just tears it up I've cut quite a bit of wood already this year with it and it just tears it up so you know I'm not saying again that that that Steel's junk I'm just saying that they're not what they used to be and you know you're paying a little bit extra anymore just for the name but the quality just doesn't seem to be there for me you know that's your decision I know there's still a lot of Steel guys out there I know beer independence one of them I'm not trying to pick fight with you over just saying but you know these guys are good this is a good saw and if that's what you're looking for something for the homestead has you know you're not cutting wood for a living but you're doing war and cutting up a few limbs out of your yard I think this is gonna you know do the job it's it's doing it for me and it's it's not failed me yet so well that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it and you know I don't care if it does start a fight no not really you guys have a great day out there and you know when you're looking for a saw you know it's okay to spend money to get a good one but don't just go out there buying some big fancy name either all right well I'll catch you in the next video
Channel: Set Apart Homestead
Views: 242,940
Rating: 4.0571713 out of 5
Keywords: prepper, prepping, preparedness, shtf, homestead, homesteading, chainsaw. chainsaws, Stihl, Echo, Vikingpreparedness, Viking preparedness, Pastor Joe Fox, product review, firewood
Id: i1cFGP205eQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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