ULTRAKILL - The Size 2 Fish Guide

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hey yo it's glue here with something a little bit different you know I usually cover cyber brand related topics or you know just some other clown [ __ ] but after a lot of testing and discoveries I figured I'd talk to you guys about how to acquire a size 2 fish instead since it seems to be such a point of confusion currently people are saying that the only reason Akita and Peter have size 2 is because it's tied to their steam ID and you know why that's half true you can still get a size two fish thankfully to the help of some friends of mine and sheer trial and error we figured out a way for everyone to acquire size two fish keep in mind it is still quite a pain but it is possible first off this guide is going to assume that you know how to catch all the fish if not here's a very quick visual guy feel free to pause there are some other things to note but I'll go over them as they pop up with that out the way you know hey strap the [ __ ] in it's gonna get real wonky okay so first off if you want to do this whole thing you're going to get the bottled message and bring it over to the size two room beneath the well once you pick up the fishing rod go back down and you will be greeted with one of four letters in Morse code these letters indicate which fish to catch next and their subsequent groups and here's a list of all fish in their groups just like with everything else we found in this guide we found this through immense trial and error and also unemployment okay so do try your best to remember it's going to pop up with all the rest of these mechanics and don't worry this whole thing was made in such a way where you kind of can't get soft locked by being unlucky you'll understand a bit more what I mean by that as we move forward but the most important thing right now is you understand this chart so for this example I got death so I went ahead and got a bomb fish if I had gotten War I would have gone and got a chomper and you know you see what I'm saying it's very simple you get the idea the hardest part about this step is figuring out the groups but thankfully you guys have the chart afterwards return to the size 2 room as more Morse is going to play this time it will spell out lure followed by another letter representing a group we have never seen any of these mechanics repeat fish groups so you'll never get death twice or Conquest twice throughout this whole secret you'll always get one group once The Lure requires you obviously to use a lure to catch the fish inside of that group here's a chart with all the possible fishes to lure some things to note though I'm not sure if it's a bug or not but do not grab the lures from the barrel inside the house it doesn't count for some reason and it actually stops the whole little secret so you know if you need to use apples use the apples on the tree if you need to use Maurice use the one sitting right next by the waterfall if you get a lure Conquest don't forget you can burn your initial catch and use the charred lump as bait for the shark after this mechanic you might have guessed it's time for the next mechanic and that means time for more Morse this one is a long beep or short beep followed by the letter for the group the length of these beeps indicate which mechanic you'll be doing so you know short beep means short cast time long beep means long cast time it sounds really [ __ ] weird don't worry it's not that bad trust me for short cast time make sure you're standing as close as you can to the fishing spot as possible to minimize the time the fish is out of water you ever notice when you catch a fish it says Fish Out of Water that's what it's looking for that's what the timer is based off of so you know for long cast time you can just do a slam storage or hit the ocean after the fish is out of the water and don't worry about the time right the time is so lean I was too [ __ ] lazy to go test out how long specifically you would have to hold it for so don't worry about that okay afterwards as always go back to the size 2 room and get ready for the most convoluted and hardest step of the four fishing mechanics the Morse will beep out IU and a letter group if you do some quick Google searching IU stands for illegal unreported and unregulated fishing so basically you gotta catch what this game counts as illegal fish so what does that mean I mean so it doesn't tell you but when you catch a fish your initial position is snapshotted as well some other Momo jumbo takes into account there might be more spots more fish that you can catch illegally but honestly after we found one illegal fish per group we stopped so here's a little showcase on the spots for lure death the bomb fish is barely accessible from inside the lake the timing is a bit tricky but it's possible for lure War you have two options the eyeball which you can acquire through the wall and the chomper you can also acquire through the wall both are very very easy unlike lure Conquest which is you're going to be located inside the size two room you're going to slide off the desk behind the two monitors and can catch the dopefish through the monitors and you know but that's easy the hardest part is getting out you can get out it's just really hard and takes time lastly is lure famine you can just get the stick fish through the window simple and congrats hey look you're done with all the fish mechanics too bad you're not done with everything else right all right Focus up because we're gonna go through this very fast okay go back to the size two fish from and then you're gonna receive an eight digit number that's specific to your account it's gonna take a while but make sure you have it okay make sure you write that [ __ ] down afterwards you catch all the fish you can leave there's gonna be a new message in the size two room it's the same for everyone who spells out two fish felipo but it actually is is it leads to a Twitter account and if you look at the profile picture you're gonna notice some hidden text the hidden text leads to an image or link the image leads to this the body is your steam idea the mind's age is your code and the proof is the proof the proof of your soul if you have to get the proof that you have to go get in you know let's get it like size two in real life but all I found were [ __ ] ducks and last time I checked they're not [ __ ] fish what he's doing down there man what it's not worth it man the size two oh I'm literally just about to go get it though you think it can catch the size too you can't even catch the coin all right [Laughter] yeah in order to really be Eno's Prime you have to be minus only parrying these nuts minnows you have to punch the fish like the fish hmm the [ __ ] size two is mine wait wait wait wait oh and after you catch it you just take a picture or tweet it at the account they'll send you the coordinates and you'll get your fish so uh have fun [Music]
Channel: gLud3
Views: 267,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultrakill fishing, ultrakill size 2, ultrakill 5-s, ultrakill fish, ultrakill, ultrakill fishing guide, ultrakill fishing secret, ultrakill size 2 fish
Id: pSnQy6ZHq7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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