ULTRAKILL - New Cybergrind + Sharpshooter (Red Revolver) Update

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sorry you know last time I did one of these I found out something very important and set Ultra kill players either don't read the patch notes or don't know how to read but I mean I can't blame them because sometimes you want to go in blind you know and also reading patch notes in general that's some real nerd [ __ ] so you know in this video I'll read the patch notes so that way you guys don't have to but this one's especially special to me because you know it's cyber grind related but not only that I gotta prove that I'm not washed up you know I still am but I gotta at least you know I gotta fake it right so starting with the thing that'll affect everyone even non-cybergrind players you know it's a sharpshooter variant don't want to talk about it too much because you know things are going to change and let me tell you what they're gonna I feel like they're gonna [ __ ] change there's a lot of clips of it circulating around you know just like one-shotting all the prime bosses but I wanna you know that's what's set up and sometimes it only kills because it's blind is it still a [ __ ] ton of damage and probably gonna get nerfed yeah I'm gonna say so but I mean it's like day one week one so you know who knows right overall it's a fun gun I personally enjoy the slab variant because you know I have trouble weaving it in naturally so just having one charge makes me feel bad for not using it I know I mentioned before how just one shotting bosses but in cybergrind it's a lot more tame it's still good but it's a bit more situational just because cybergrind doesn't really have that ceiling I find that it's you know you just really only use it for like Maurice insta kills if you want to like Style on someone you're not really gonna be you know doing this but you know here are the damage values again you know subject to change it's a fun gun it's gonna mess up muscle memory but if anything it's fun to look at you know just spin it around too bad it's a rip-off uh oh you know hey hey sorry to ruin the magic but that's right they ripped off of [ __ ] League of Legends gun spinning in a Ricochet you know I saw the ship back in League of Legends you know it's not like it's from the development videos from before Early Access and stuff which uh if you don't know that's also a rip-off that one's ripping off of ultra fight to count to two uh meter for losing if you die you get meter wow yeah so he's guaranteed guns unloading an entire clip is the investigator yeah I can't believe they got away with that [ __ ] man you know and then they they ripped off CS go too and then they added him into the [ __ ] game can you believe that [ __ ] next largest part about this update has got to be the patterns right there's 20 new community made patterns so let me just say all right they're really fun I mean I know it's like day one week one whenever the [ __ ] this video comes out but they really do add that much needed variety you know there's a lot of different types of patterns that they added you know one of them has three hideous masses you know that's cool it's even cooler when you get like a bunch of mind flares too they changed how some enemies work you know you're gonna see a lot more in Commons there's you know it feels like there's double insurrectionist every three waves it really does feel like a lot but speaking of enemies the most important thing about them is that radiant enemies now show up from starting from wave 25 and onwards very important thing to note about the radiance though it's it's only the speed and health so you're not gonna get chunked for 70 damage by a single filth but you know there's still like radiant drones those are still a pain in the ass it's not as bad as it sounds you know it's nicer Highway because before there used to be a lot of problems with performance on highways you know memory leaks just too many enemies now I mean apparently it still lags on high high wave but honestly personally speaking wave 50 feels like wave 30. not difficulty wise performance wise so that's really nice that's really good for the health of the game and you know what hey speaking of Health they did that music collaboration so you know they got to track an ultra kill now there's also the Jukebox you can listen to whatever the [ __ ] you want no custom music yet but you know you could just mute the game and listen to something on your own not too big of a deal there are also a lot of changes both in and out of cybergrind you know very small ones soaring machines can't get stuck on stairs anymore I'm pretty sure they do you can't choose the P2 Idols anymore with the knuckle Blaster so you know you guys are gonna have to learn how to do that one sorry guys to eat [ __ ] for life and they fix a lot of Rocket clipping stuff I don't speed run I don't I'm not gonna and I know but in my opinion the largest changes were those of the serious Cannon you got some Buffs and quality of life changes the damage is increased for punching it after hitting an enemy got changed from five to seven now so that means a lot of things first of all that means you can go kill serbs now and also you can kill centuries and also speaking of centuries it can dislodge centuries thank [ __ ] god also a lot of other changes to the series Canon but overall I'd say a net positive you see aren't you guys glad I didn't make that serious Cannon God yet you know the one that I said that I promised it's gonna be out soon I I'm not gonna install that any longer I'm sorry overall you know pretty good update honestly speaking the Sharpshooter if I had a guess is probably gonna get a Nerf to some degree I imagine they're gonna tone down the damage probably not neuter it but I mean let's be honest currently it's pretty ridiculous right but you know that's about it for this whole thing you know a little Ultra kill you know cybergrind update patch note explanation video [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: gLud3
Views: 41,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultrakill, cybergrind, ultrakill game, ultrakill gameplay, ultrakill new update, ultrakill red revolver, ultrakill sharpshooter
Id: IKqflhPc_Ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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